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File: 10363ad44406533⋯.png (65 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

3aaad4 No.21606925 [View All]

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701 posts and 606 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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53a5ce No.21607790


Political shorts can only push on the string so far….just like $TSLA

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163c9a No.21607791


>>21607777 these are valuable here


how do anons know that the suspect ryan wesley routh the real suspect and not someone they have wanted the public to believe is the person waiting for over 12 hours waiting for trump to that part of the course to take a shot at him?

Where is the eye witness who spotted the car and reported to the police.

who did that caller ring?

where was the car parked.

why was he allowed to drrive for nearly 40 minutes before he was arrested.

where are the eye witness accounts of drivers reporting the chase to stop this guy driving.

too much is being relied on by the reports by the officials without proof.

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f3e21e No.21607792


Jewish communities required full-time rabbis, and the rabbis themselves preferred to spend their days studying and teaching Torah rather than working at a secular trade.


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c572f5 No.21607793

File: 4691cade69e01a7⋯.mp4 (939.29 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17265783830….mp4)

File: 4983e358bef4ad5⋯.png (210.79 KB,550x596,275:298,Screenshot_2024_09_17_0906….png)

She doesn't sound as shrill as she used to.

Shadow of Ezra


Before appearing on MSNBC to propose arresting Americans for posting misinformation while accusing Trump of being a dictator, Hillary Clinton had previously advocated for re-education camps or the deprogramming of all Trump supporters.

She would gladly place all America First patriots in a FEMA camp.


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ddb668 No.21607794

File: 1cde3861e9ac3e2⋯.png (973.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Dominique Pelicot charged in French rape trial says 'I am a rapist,' seeks forgiveness


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51c18d No.21607795

final bun for #26465

closin time - hold yer laties tight

czech em

#26465 >>21606931

Ghost grab

>>21607008 Trump personally invited every officer from the Martin County Sheriffs Office who stopped the attempted assassin to Mar-A-Lago so he could personally thank them and treat them.

>>21607012 Jimmy Kimmel, Bono, Diddy, Bryan Cranston and others singing "We're Going to Hell"

>>21607021, >>21607055 The Moops! There is a movement of a million Black people in America that identify as Moors.

>>21607024 Trump After 2nd Assassination Attempt: 'There's Something Going on, Perhaps It's God'

>>21607034 Q Proof — 6 Year Delta — FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

>>21607050 Bunch of Cabal books in the store window - should we take this as comms?

>>21607054 Trump to Host a Town Hall in Flint, Michigan. Tue, September 17, 2024, 07:00 pm

>>21607098 They gave her 3 in one go. This is what happened

>>21607171, >>21607172, >>21607174, >>21607176, >>21607177, >>21607178, >>21607179, >>21607181, >>21607182 jd vance truth social storm bun

>>21607220 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: They are literally telling us our future if Kamala Harris wins the election - Donald Trumps biggest mistake was not putting Hillary Clinton in jail while President

>>21607353 DIDDY Arrested by Feds in NYC After Grand Jury Indictment

>>21607449 lefts 'weird label' was sleeper activation? Routh’s neighbor says HE WAS WEIRD

>>21607455 Donald Trump suspected gunman 'lurked in golf club bushes from 2am' before ex-President's game

>>21607491 Tim Pool: NYT Says NO WINNER Will De Declared Election Night, Mail in Vote SHADOW CAMPAIGN, Fears ITS RIGGED

>>21607576 kek: Meta bans RT over ‘foreign interference activity

>>21607639, >>21607681 Nick Sortor Confronts MSNBC Reporter for Pushing Divisive Rhetoric Blaming Trump for His Own Assassination Attempt - Reporter Runs for Help and Calls Police

>>21607662 Habbenings for 9/17/2024

>>21607688 Here it comes: Over-priced Fed rate cuts make T-bills unattractive, Federated Hermes says

>>21607707 Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation" "There needs to be deterrence"

>>21607742 Meet Oregon State Rep Jules Walters (D). She repeatedly tells her fellow legislators to "shut up" and "f*** off" during a meeting…

>>21607750 On this day in 1944, the first of 41,000 Allied airborne troops land in the Netherlands as part of Operation Market Garden…

>>21607784 Judge rules for ARC Global in breach of contract claim against Trump Media - rejected ARC's breach of fiduciary claim

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4c3a75 No.21607797


Should I buy right now? What if it surges latter (as it has in the past)? Bang for a buck?

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a2c18b No.21607798


Most of us are still in a holding pattern over all these… checks notes… 9/11, Covid-19, Extortion 17, Epstein, JFK related questions…

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c572f5 No.21607799


Did you just punch n Himey or Hop another IP?

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fa121c No.21607800

File: 826467df27e6e9f⋯.jpg (168.98 KB,723x884,723:884,1725099335040.jpg)

File: 39e4b64fd278b1c⋯.jpg (277.7 KB,800x800,1:1,1724995080335.jpg)

File: 2042665469667c5⋯.jpg (61.1 KB,470x469,470:469,1724827990818.jpg)

File: 517822fd3d3ec4b⋯.png (989.38 KB,1570x1038,785:519,SmartSelect_20240828_02370….png)

File: 274aff015df8227⋯.jpg (139.38 KB,704x392,88:49,1724657717806.jpg)


>>drilled down to the residue of the 4-6%, not to mention the topic at hand of

<<spiritual faggotry

>>impious offspring

>^=> corrupted #blood_lines #chimeras

left out #clones {soulless, mk_ultra_victim}

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51c18d No.21607801

okay…final final bun for #26465

snuck in the last killary death camp reminder

#26465 >>21606931

Ghost grab

>>21607008 Trump personally invited every officer from the Martin County Sheriffs Office who stopped the attempted assassin to Mar-A-Lago so he could personally thank them and treat them.

>>21607012 Jimmy Kimmel, Bono, Diddy, Bryan Cranston and others singing "We're Going to Hell"

>>21607021, >>21607055 The Moops! There is a movement of a million Black people in America that identify as Moors.

>>21607024 Trump After 2nd Assassination Attempt: 'There's Something Going on, Perhaps It's God'

>>21607034 Q Proof — 6 Year Delta — FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

>>21607050 Bunch of Cabal books in the store window - should we take this as comms?

>>21607054 Trump to Host a Town Hall in Flint, Michigan. Tue, September 17, 2024, 07:00 pm

>>21607098 They gave her 3 in one go. This is what happened

>>21607171, >>21607172, >>21607174, >>21607176, >>21607177, >>21607178, >>21607179, >>21607181, >>21607182 jd vance truth social storm bun

>>21607220 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: They are literally telling us our future if Kamala Harris wins the election - Donald Trumps biggest mistake was not putting Hillary Clinton in jail while President

>>21607353 DIDDY Arrested by Feds in NYC After Grand Jury Indictment

>>21607449 lefts 'weird label' was sleeper activation? Routh’s neighbor says HE WAS WEIRD

>>21607455 Donald Trump suspected gunman 'lurked in golf club bushes from 2am' before ex-President's game

>>21607491 Tim Pool: NYT Says NO WINNER Will De Declared Election Night, Mail in Vote SHADOW CAMPAIGN, Fears ITS RIGGED

>>21607576 kek: Meta bans RT over ‘foreign interference activity

>>21607639, >>21607681 Nick Sortor Confronts MSNBC Reporter for Pushing Divisive Rhetoric Blaming Trump for His Own Assassination Attempt - Reporter Runs for Help and Calls Police

>>21607662 Habbenings for 9/17/2024

>>21607688 Here it comes: Over-priced Fed rate cuts make T-bills unattractive, Federated Hermes says

>>21607707, >>21607793 Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation" "There needs to be deterrence"

>>21607742 Meet Oregon State Rep Jules Walters (D). She repeatedly tells her fellow legislators to "shut up" and "f*** off" during a meeting…

>>21607750 On this day in 1944, the first of 41,000 Allied airborne troops land in the Netherlands as part of Operation Market Garden…

>>21607784 Judge rules for ARC Global in breach of contract claim against Trump Media - rejected ARC's breach of fiduciary claim

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f3e21e No.21607802


>She would gladly place all America First patriots in a FEMA camp.

Same as always.

The anti-nazi propaganda is the actual nazi propaganda

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497e2c No.21607803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cletus ….baby

Give the division shit a break

Tell me something good

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a2c18b No.21607805


I agree everything is likely bullshit, we're actually here because we hope Q is real and we're not living through a vaccine genocide. Will we be seeing this engagement on Buzzfeed?

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53a5ce No.21607806



Should include:: >>21607755

Because I meant to link them both, horrible hubris into planning for that on the part of the Allies. Utter disaster.

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4c3a75 No.21607807


These people are always selfish snobs and rude, they behave as if they are better and know better than everyone else. That's why they want control over YOU because they think they know what is best for you, as if you cannot manage your own life or shouldn't have the right to try.

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53a5ce No.21607808

And TYB!


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51c18d No.21607809


k hang on…

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403b2c No.21607810

File: e92312003c78bfc⋯.jpg (20.88 KB,280x280,1:1,Tannerite4pk_5lbs_89948562….jpg)





It was reported that he had a binary explosive device.

My guess is that they found some Tannerite.

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51c18d No.21607811

okay…final final final bun for #26465

#26465 >>21606931

Ghost grab

>>21607008 Trump personally invited every officer from the Martin County Sheriffs Office who stopped the attempted assassin to Mar-A-Lago so he could personally thank them and treat them.

>>21607012 Jimmy Kimmel, Bono, Diddy, Bryan Cranston and others singing "We're Going to Hell"

>>21607021, >>21607055 The Moops! There is a movement of a million Black people in America that identify as Moors.

>>21607024 Trump After 2nd Assassination Attempt: 'There's Something Going on, Perhaps It's God'

>>21607034 Q Proof — 6 Year Delta — FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

>>21607050 Bunch of Cabal books in the store window - should we take this as comms?

>>21607054 Trump to Host a Town Hall in Flint, Michigan. Tue, September 17, 2024, 07:00 pm

>>21607098 They gave her 3 in one go. This is what happened

>>21607171, >>21607172, >>21607174, >>21607176, >>21607177, >>21607178, >>21607179, >>21607181, >>21607182 jd vance truth social storm bun

>>21607220 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: They are literally telling us our future if Kamala Harris wins the election - Donald Trumps biggest mistake was not putting Hillary Clinton in jail while President

>>21607353 DIDDY Arrested by Feds in NYC After Grand Jury Indictment

>>21607449 lefts 'weird label' was sleeper activation? Routh’s neighbor says HE WAS WEIRD

>>21607455 Donald Trump suspected gunman 'lurked in golf club bushes from 2am' before ex-President's game

>>21607491 Tim Pool: NYT Says NO WINNER Will De Declared Election Night, Mail in Vote SHADOW CAMPAIGN, Fears ITS RIGGED

>>21607576 kek: Meta bans RT over ‘foreign interference activity

>>21607639, >>21607681 Nick Sortor Confronts MSNBC Reporter for Pushing Divisive Rhetoric Blaming Trump for His Own Assassination Attempt - Reporter Runs for Help and Calls Police

>>21607662 Habbenings for 9/17/2024

>>21607688 Here it comes: Over-priced Fed rate cuts make T-bills unattractive, Federated Hermes says

>>21607707, >>21607793 Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation" "There needs to be deterrence"

>>21607742 Meet Oregon State Rep Jules Walters (D). She repeatedly tells her fellow legislators to "shut up" and "f*** off" during a meeting…

>>21607750, >>21607755 On this day in 1944, the first of 41,000 Allied airborne troops land in the Netherlands as part of Operation Market Garden…

>>21607784 Judge rules for ARC Global in breach of contract claim against Trump Media - rejected ARC's breach of fiduciary claim

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cb8bd1 No.21607812


and of course the news is saying it dipped because of the assassination attempt

when a few days before someone had 11.1 million shares in puts

this was right after it surged because trump saying he wouldn't sell


it was trending around the 38-40 mark for months before this latest dip

consider the lowest it's been to what its high reached and go with your gut

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d735da No.21607813


The corrupt stock market and a brave new world do not reconcile. If you buy you are betting on no happening. If you believe there will be a happening why waste your time buying?

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53a5ce No.21607815

Ohh, dat's a guid one! Sneaky!

Dozens of Hezbollah members wounded in Lebanon when pagers exploded, sources and witnesses say

Sep 17th, 08:08:46

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Dozens of members of the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah were seriously wounded on Tuesday in Lebanon's south and the southern suburbs of Beirut when the pagers they use to communicate exploded, security sources told Reuters.

A Reuters journalist saw 10 Hezbollah members bleeding from wounds in the southern suburb of Beirut known as Dahiyeh.


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81f250 No.21607816


we don't it might be a patsy situation and this glow nigger just took the bait. But he is a glow nigger and the story does seem really convenient almost like the government wants to see like that it is competent and has justification for their criminal enterprise.

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4c3a75 No.21607817


I have posted a lot of juicy reports here now and then. Sometimes the baker includes them, sometimes not at all. I don't know what to say about it myself. It could depend on whoever is baking. Possibly one is controlled opposition? Or maybe just can't keep up?

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cb8bd1 No.21607822


the stonk market is in for a rude awakening too

house cleaning will be underway with trump's 2nd admin

just look at what nunes says regarding citadel

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c02c6e No.21607823

File: 9235fe1ee036482⋯.jpg (70.85 KB,750x749,750:749,29541588_1935763166447761_….jpg)

File: 2cbbddc125406be⋯.jpg (105.13 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_4238374419.jpg)

File: d5c6da991df6cde⋯.jpg (21.36 KB,176x144,11:9,floes2inImage.jpg)

File: 02812e893656c2f⋯.gif (34.62 KB,286x195,22:15,51d021670b8d3437e1858b69fc….gif)

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4c3a75 No.21607824


I normally do not sir. I just see an opportunity is all. Who knows? Might end up being a good return, then again maybe not. It's a gamble. Always is!

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f3e21e No.21607825

File: 83aa4630f6cb41a⋯.png (80.05 KB,284x164,71:41,ClipboardImage.png)

Gavin Newsom


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a7ea57 No.21607828

File: 3252818d1e2d837⋯.jpg (134.24 KB,1079x1340,1079:1340,20240917_161421.jpg)

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cb8bd1 No.21607829

just think, when potus wins the world will go to truth social to keep up with what he's doing

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a7ea57 No.21607831


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029136 No.21607832

File: bb335175060f714⋯.png (140.95 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7563f No.21607833

File: 02a7e572a89f287⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB,1170x1926,65:107,IMG_5569.jpeg)


yeah those people stalk me

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c8bcdf No.21607835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 23

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a7ea57 No.21607836

File: a7396affb73f010⋯.jpg (38.42 KB,360x360,1:1,20240906_150750.jpg)

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51c18d No.21607837

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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4c3a75 No.21607840


Damn, that was cunning whoever set that shit up.

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529e0b No.21607841

File: a323b1f30c6f837⋯.png (40.29 KB,141x171,47:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 435da438ab3776a⋯.png (94.42 KB,225x275,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)



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d1c047 No.21607847

File: fed7b5eda660926⋯.jpg (93.62 KB,699x437,699:437,truth.jpg)

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c02c6e No.21607850

File: 8fd5535f992724f⋯.jpg (460.68 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_061832….jpg)

File: 9264e8481161d5d⋯.jpg (704.36 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_062044….jpg)

File: bba710ca3896c5b⋯.jpg (514.98 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240910_193338….jpg)

File: 2952a0e993c7a72⋯.jpg (628.4 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240910_191320….jpg)


De baits…

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c572f5 No.21607855


This is part of a news article about him where it said the WMD was a machine gun.

According to a report at the time from the Greensboro News & Record, a man sharing Routh's name was arrested in 2002 "after barricading himself in a business during a three-hour standoff."

The incident was reported in the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction records. The records do not provide details about the case.

The News & Record story says he was pulled over during a traffic stop, put his hand on a gun and barricaded himself inside a roofing business.

Routh was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possessing a weapon of mass destruction, “referring to a fully automatic machine gun."


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8c06ef No.21607860



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c02c6e No.21607866


I.D. theft. Original card holder

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d1c047 No.21607875

File: 267a6983c4397a5⋯.jpg (78.69 KB,677x483,677:483,checklist.jpg)

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d1c047 No.21607905

File: 77f7a382078b5ff⋯.jpg (69.06 KB,741x493,741:493,assassin.jpg)

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d1c047 No.21607907

File: 54c1ac915371406⋯.jpg (229.63 KB,1272x1000,159:125,we_love_kamala.jpg)

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4c82c1 No.21607910

File: d2cecbdac1c47f4⋯.jpg (44.59 KB,500x546,250:273,JFK_DJT.jpg)

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d1c047 No.21607911

File: 64a82d50c3b7395⋯.jpg (127.44 KB,512x768,2:3,anti_1_.jpg)

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4c82c1 No.21607913


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