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File: 692e479d76fee19⋯.png (728.54 KB,1049x716,1049:716,692e479d76fee19422d745eead….png)

7311fe No.21606020 [View All]

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685 posts and 480 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9f0fcb No.21606884


80's music was written on Cocaine and is good party music

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0269d7 No.21606885

notables @ 685

#26464 >>21606039

>>21606094, >>21606483, >>21606622, >>21606119, >>21606159, >>21606655, >>21606205 Sean “The Diddler” Combs arrested by the FBI

>>21606105 A federal judge has ordered the founder of Dominion to give deposition evidence under oath to election integrity activists

>>21606143 Butthurt Don Lemon Returns to CNN and Tells Trump to Stop Winning So Hard


>>21606249 DJT: "Barron knows so much about this, he talks about his wallet - he’s got four wallets or something"

>>21606272, >>21606410, >>21606837 Hilldog panicking on MSNBC

>>21606301 Mike Benz on War Room with Natalie Winters re: Ryan Routh rabbit hole

>>21606330 Bill Gates @ WEF: "In order to achieve Net Zero, aggressive carbon taxes need to be imposed on first world countries"

>>21606351 Dem VP nominee Walz subpoenaed by Congress in COVID relief scandal

>>21606353 PF: B-1 Lancer out of Dyess AFB for a little fun

>>21606361 Cleanup Group Says It's on Track to Eliminate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

>>21606363 Rancid Vindman deletes her S15 X post

>>21606372, >>21606382, >>21606390, >>21606401, >>21606413, >>21606427 This is Kappa Alpha Psi - Did Somebody Say Mask Ritual?

>>21606374 PF: UAV17, a UK owned drone is up and circling Edwards AFB, CA

>>21606381 DJT: FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!!

>>21606447 Still No Word On If US Approved Long-Range Strikes In Russia

>>21606481 Australians told to cut back on beef to save world from climate change

>>21606536, >>21606496, >>21606515 Tomorrow is the Corn Full Moon, Oct 17 will feature the Hunter's Full Moon

>>21606525, >>21606534 Solar storm in effect

>>21606669 8,000 Haitian Migrants Signed Up For Medicaid in Springfield Over Past Three Years

>>21606729, >>21606738 A teaspoon of neutron star material would weigh 4-6 billion tons

>>21606742 Mostly peaceful terrorists

>>21606863 How data is recovered from a dead USB Flash drive

>>21606059, >>21606117, >>21606314, >>21606629, >>21606681, >>21606777, >>21606864 Memes


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f125b4 No.21606886

Full movie 1971

THX 1138


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593ef7 No.21606887

File: c515692c8268c08⋯.jpg (22.22 KB,445x472,445:472,fa6ceb6c91649422f0c9dd47cd….jpg)

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35fd4f No.21606888


They made the list. Nice.

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a49b44 No.21606889

File: e2d74a2968a61ba⋯.png (665.08 KB,512x720,32:45,ClipboardImage.png)



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0f2ece No.21606890

File: 7994a494e2deceb⋯.jpg (163.84 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchStorm.jpg)



Thank you, Bakers!

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f125b4 No.21606891




Funny and racist scene

Black guy cannot drive a stick shift….goner.

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1f296c No.21606892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is What I Think of Diddy's Accusations


C_A is already doing damage control

short…this former c_a agent says there is no chance diddy was an asset.

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ad2e4a No.21606893


lol she sounds like she's trying to subliminally threaten all the MSM journalists by talking about some late (dead) journalist.

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7ff0e9 No.21606894


projector projecting projections

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b9c69b No.21606895

File: 6cc4f4fe8c328eb⋯.webp (84.2 KB,1024x1024,1:1,PUNISHER_SKULL_BLACK_TIRE….webp)


Q will. Jim is Peter Strzok now.

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a49b44 No.21606896

File: fe78fe1ed92ee71⋯.png (275.25 KB,228x455,228:455,ClipboardImage.png)

raise your hand if you're pretty sure Epstein didn't kill himself

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e53265 No.21606897


Taylor SWIFT Fanatical,

think about it.

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0f2ece No.21606898

File: 204ed7257e09f82⋯.jpg (161.06 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchStorm.jpg)


without the black line at the top

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0269d7 No.21606899

notables @ 700

#26464 >>21606039

>>21606094, >>21606483, >>21606622, >>21606119, >>21606159, >>21606655, >>21606892, >>21606205 Sean Combs arrested by the FBI

>>21606105 A federal judge has ordered the founder of Dominion to give deposition evidence under oath to election integrity activists

>>21606143 Butthurt Don Lemon Returns to CNN and Tells Trump to Stop Winning So Hard


>>21606249 DJT: "Barron knows so much about this, he talks about his wallet - he’s got four wallets or something"

>>21606272, >>21606410, >>21606837 Hilldog panicking on MSNBC

>>21606301 Mike Benz on War Room with Natalie Winters re: Ryan Routh rabbit hole

>>21606330 Bill Gates @ WEF: "In order to achieve Net Zero, aggressive carbon taxes need to be imposed on first world countries"

>>21606351 Dem VP nominee Walz subpoenaed by Congress in COVID relief scandal

>>21606353 PF: B-1 Lancer out of Dyess AFB for a little fun

>>21606361 Cleanup Group Says It's on Track to Eliminate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

>>21606363 Rancid Vindman deletes her S15 X post

>>21606372, >>21606382, >>21606390, >>21606401, >>21606413, >>21606427 This is Kappa Alpha Psi - Did Somebody Say Mask Ritual?

>>21606374 PF: UAV17, a UK owned drone is up and circling Edwards AFB, CA

>>21606381 DJT: FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!!

>>21606447 Still No Word On If US Approved Long-Range Strikes In Russia

>>21606481 Australians told to cut back on beef to save world from climate change

>>21606536, >>21606496, >>21606515 Tomorrow is the Corn Full Moon, Oct 17 will feature the Hunter's Full Moon

>>21606525, >>21606534 Solar storm in effect

>>21606669 8,000 Haitian Migrants Signed Up For Medicaid in Springfield Over Past Three Years

>>21606729, >>21606738 A teaspoon of neutron star material would weigh 4-6 billion tons

>>21606742 Mostly peaceful terrorists

>>21606863 How data is recovered from a dead USB Flash drive

>>21606059, >>21606117, >>21606314, >>21606629, >>21606681, >>21606777, >>21606864 Memes


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a49b44 No.21606900

File: eabc36b466b459c⋯.png (522.23 KB,768x401,768:401,ClipboardImage.png)

GASLIGHTING NAKERS: Kamala Harris’ Campaign Works To Reach Black Men With Voter Engagement Events (free haircuts at barbershops, happy hour for young professionals, wrapping everything up with a gospel brunch on Sunday)

Kamala Harris Aims To Reach Black Men With Voter Engagement Events

Black men, an underappreciated demographic, have again emerged as a key group of voters as the presidential race tightens.


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4eea2e No.21606901

File: afe04291f1cadbc⋯.jpg (1.83 MB,3464x3464,1:1,PicsArt_10_05_08_50_32.jpg)


Last time on "Dictator Hillary"

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21454f No.21606902

[how far away are we from zero tax?]

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593ef7 No.21606903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a49b44 No.21606904

File: 0da7c12f12883cd⋯.png (105.36 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>[how far away are we from zero tax?]


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9f0fcb No.21606905

File: fafb932c1959ef8⋯.png (171.34 KB,538x722,269:361,Screenshot_2024_09_17_0109….png)

File: 644586357c21c0b⋯.mp4 (14.14 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwittercom_172654971264….mp4)



Ian Carroll


Diddy got arrested,

And in case you don’t know yet- he was the Epstein of the music industry.

He was running a sexual blackmail ring to control powerful producers, musicians, celebrities, politicians, and executives.

He was promoting degenerate music and messages all throughout the 2000s .

Huge portions of the music industry is based on organized crime and a poison to our society.

And now I guarantee they’re gonna bury all the tapes and Diddy is gonna have a miraculous accident in FBI custody and magically commit suicide.

Diddy didn’t kill himself.


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b79307 No.21606906


I'm here

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593ef7 No.21606907

File: 0ad12e0367dbe64⋯.png (314.52 KB,489x293,489:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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2764d5 No.21606908


Tomorrow’s going to be wild.

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21454f No.21606909



[as in complete waiting to publish or 2 weeks dont ask?]

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5245a3 No.21606910

File: f74d2664971c5d7⋯.jpg (24.32 KB,380x503,380:503,f74d2664971c5d764136835057….jpg)

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b9c69b No.21606911

File: d8372251b0c9fc9⋯.png (250.52 KB,736x430,368:215,AOW.png)


Fire does Work.

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8ed462 No.21606912

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.png (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a49b44 No.21606913

File: 4d52140da671962⋯.mp4 (10.22 MB,640x360,16:9,There_is_a_movement_of_a_m….mp4)

File: 43abfb23f5560aa⋯.png (660.22 KB,675x740,135:148,ClipboardImage.png)

Keith Woods


There is a movement of a million Black people in America that identify as Moors.

They think they are part of a Moroccan Empire that controlled the Americas, making Black people the only indigenous Americans.

This claim has translated to some of them occupying people's homes.

12:36 PM • Sep 16, 2024


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a84351 No.21606914


Carter Vanderbilt

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593ef7 No.21606915


Waters Laws and Commerce

War is About Commerce Now….10 years to True Free Trade in the Pacific Comms

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9f0fcb No.21606916

File: 9b8795592bd0a4b⋯.png (243.36 KB,539x807,539:807,Screenshot_2024_09_17_0116….png)

File: 02fb8387b57168c⋯.jpg (83.92 KB,750x500,3:2,93qek7.jpg)

File: ca66dc226fc2e47⋯.jpg (88.08 KB,750x500,3:2,93qei8.jpg)

File: 2068c04ba58420d⋯.mp4 (15.3 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17265344687….mp4)

Ian Carroll


Haitians in Ohio may or may not be eating pets, idk,

But there is some serious evidence of weird money laundering or human trafficking, or something in Springfield Ohio.

Shoutout to




on this dig


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a49b44 No.21606917

File: 222d8adb87e936b⋯.png (979.85 KB,600x565,120:113,ClipboardImage.png)



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82f72d No.21606918

File: 018194e229a778c⋯.jpg (56.96 KB,679x453,679:453,photo_2024_09_16_17_30_13.jpg)


BREAKING: New York Democrats have just handed control of elections in key congressional battleground districts to Attorney General Letitia James. She now has the power to "fundamentally alter how New Yorkers run their elections," according to legal experts

Starting next week, officials in New York City, nine counties on Long Island and north of NYC will be required to seek her approval before making any election-related decisions, such as polling locations, voting hours, etc.

"The new rule … will give AG Letitia James unprecedented power over election processes in some of the most hotly contested congressional districts in the nation, including those on Long Island and in the Hudson Valley." - New York Election Lawyer Joseph Burns

The rule is plainly unconstitutional because Article 1 Section 4 Clause 1 of the Constitution clearly states that only the state legislature has the authority to manage the times, places, and manner of holding elections. No one should be surprised because Democrats despise the Constitution. https://x.com/BehizyTweets/status/1835832616727044543


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0269d7 No.21606919


Thx for the clutch mustache manbun before end of bread.

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2764d5 No.21606920

Enjoy tonight.

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75f3dc No.21606921

File: 9afeb190631576d⋯.png (2.42 MB,2818x2464,1409:1232,meetjoebiden.png)


>Old Smeller

Stolt! o7

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a49b44 No.21606922

File: 4119948ed21079f⋯.png (733.03 KB,750x675,10:9,ClipboardImage.png)


> the clutch mustache manbun before end of bread

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0269d7 No.21606923

notables FINAL

#26464 >>21606039

>>21606094, >>21606483, >>21606905 Sean "The Diddler" Combs arrested by FBI

>>21606105 A federal judge has ordered the founder of Dominion to give deposition evidence under oath to election integrity activists

>>21606143 Butthurt Don Lemon Returns to CNN and Tells Trump to Stop Winning So Hard


>>21606249 DJT: "Barron knows so much about this, he talks about his wallet - he’s got four wallets or something"

>>21606272, >>21606410, >>21606837 Hilldog panicking on MSNBC

>>21606301 Mike Benz on War Room with Natalie Winters re: Ryan Routh rabbit hole

>>21606330 Bill Gates @ WEF: "In order to achieve Net Zero, aggressive carbon taxes need to be imposed on first world countries"

>>21606351 Dem VP nominee Walz subpoenaed by Congress in COVID relief scandal

>>21606353 PF: B-1 Lancer out of Dyess AFB for a little fun

>>21606361 Cleanup Group Says It's on Track to Eliminate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

>>21606363 Rancid Vindman deletes her S15 X post

>>21606372, >>21606382, >>21606390, >>21606401, >>21606413, >>21606427 This is Kappa Alpha Psi - Did Somebody Say Mask Ritual?

>>21606374 PF: UAV17, a UK owned drone is up and circling Edwards AFB, CA

>>21606381 DJT: FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!!

>>21606447 Still No Word On If US Approved Long-Range Strikes In Russia

>>21606481 Australians told to cut back on beef to save world from climate change

>>21606536, >>21606496, >>21606515 Tomorrow is the Corn Full Moon, Oct 17 will feature the Hunter's Full Moon

>>21606525, >>21606534 Solar storm in effect

>>21606669 8,000 Haitian Migrants Signed Up For Medicaid in Springfield Over Past Three Years

>>21606729, >>21606738 A teaspoon of neutron star material would weigh 4-6 billion tons

>>21606742 Mostly peaceful terrorists

>>21606863 How data is recovered from a dead USB Flash drive

>>21606913 There is a movement of a million Black people in America that identify as Moors

>>21606916 There is some serious evidence of weird money laundering or human trafficking, or something in Springfield Ohio

>>21606059, >>21606117, >>21606314, >>21606629, >>21606681, >>21606777, >>21606864 Memes


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21454f No.21606924


[why she hyena?]

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a49b44 No.21606926

File: 93bb20fb7008188⋯.png (1.97 MB,936x1200,39:50,ClipboardImage.png)


>Carter Vanderbilt



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6117e7 No.21606932

File: 68c96ddc30e3c6f⋯.png (51.14 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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0269d7 No.21606933

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593ef7 No.21606934

File: f8e56ab96218f10⋯.png (154.17 KB,450x450,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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72ee41 No.21607348


Hunter B got to use a little bit of Celtic CC for some pros

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72ee41 No.21607355


cut rate potatoes

10lbs in a 5lb bag

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72ee41 No.21607369

File: a2444651a4a9807⋯.png (212.3 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Old Smeller Whiskey

for those reminiscing times

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72ee41 No.21607376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Run to the Hills

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d8ede8 No.21611765

File: 9446899234cb5aa⋯.png (628.19 KB,944x788,236:197,63de90bd97445.png)


They were called "bladerunners"

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