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File: 806ecaeaaf7d3a2⋯.jpg (137.19 KB,600x335,120:67,000jjj.jpg)

ab4919 No.21602520 [View All]

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701 posts and 555 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fdb8be No.21603425

File: 0069c4a28c9c496⋯.jpg (88.87 KB,720x532,180:133,20240916_134702.jpg)

File: 76bf08469becd2a⋯.jpg (35.55 KB,720x480,3:2,u_s_president_donald_trump….jpg)

File: 5166908cc3d5448⋯.jpg (51.38 KB,720x480,3:2,u_s_president_donald_trump….jpg)

File: 1d2a7e612c2c980⋯.jpg (97.71 KB,720x480,3:2,holes_fence_around_trump_i….jpg)

File: 2a0f49f16b7b324⋯.jpg (76.13 KB,720x480,3:2,Trump_HP_SimpleMap_B_ca192….jpg)

Would-be Trump assassin exploited security hole that Secret Service has known about for years — and the pictures prove it


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e8092c No.21603426

File: 26ff1751583f19b⋯.png (251.32 KB,749x1024,749:1024,nyt_derp.png)

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c9407e No.21603427


>I used the way back machine and found the that this information WAS NOT part of the original article; meaning, this information was added recently.

smells like clown pasta

looks like clown pasta

no sauce clown pasta

good job guy who did the homework

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3ec969 No.21603428

File: b0b3ced27a1dd02⋯.gif (2.54 MB,390x373,390:373,b0b3ced27a1dd02d5fcd6ea9b4….gif)


>>Acts like a faggot

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a52f02 No.21603429

File: 48fff00c6b51a0c⋯.gif (44.91 KB,220x123,220:123,2b.gif)





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ed2d87 No.21603431

File: 08791fdd2656ea3⋯.png (850.56 KB,720x562,360:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc3ac2 No.21603432

File: c3e626e09475b14⋯.jpeg (710.51 KB,828x1457,828:1457,2A25D573_975B_4BB9_8658_5….jpeg)

Was trump injured?

Was one of his supporters killed?

This BBC report says yes


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c9407e No.21603433


>security hole that Secret Service has known about for years

quelle surprise!

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a52f02 No.21603434

File: 81c9d1e5cd4ebb4⋯.png (624.08 KB,800x698,400:349,8b.png)






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24e16a No.21603435

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d740a5 No.21603438

File: d01eeedb41ec70c⋯.jpeg (40.08 KB,800x800,1:1,IMG_9595.jpeg)



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a52f02 No.21603439

File: 632dae27b8e01ac⋯.png (784.51 KB,4432x4368,277:273,11c.png)



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e8092c No.21603440

File: 575c7b1bad49cd4⋯.png (110.23 KB,664x686,332:343,Kamala_2024.png)

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e8092c No.21603444

File: 38900c0f1a5f7d0⋯.jpeg (37.5 KB,680x350,68:35,elizabeth_warren_kitchen_….jpeg)

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544f10 No.21603445


Can't you READ? The article says that Trump was injured and a supporter killed at the first attack in Butler, Pennsylvania.

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e8092c No.21603448

File: 88ee0a0b45bfa78⋯.jpg (663.14 KB,1077x1353,359:451,doggo_beer.jpg)

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24e16a No.21603451

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a73ae8 No.21603453



Do they work on elections also, that will come in handy soon?

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c9407e No.21603455

gonna lock the bread aren't cha

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9d4eae No.21603459

Give me good news. Right now I feel lower than snake shit. Am I a fool? Give me something to make me smile, I deserve it.

Shit's going to change. It would help if you gave me a sign that you are nearby. My sanity hangs in midair. Help me ground it.

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63d1a3 No.21603461

File: 60bed3c85bbef7f⋯.jpg (24.2 KB,640x360,16:9,ap_north_korea_eric_schmid….jpg)

File: 34a495f96f0300b⋯.jpg (90.61 KB,975x650,3:2,AP_GoogleKorea_9jan13_975x….jpg)

https://www.newsweek.com › ex-green-berets-jailed-venezuela-were-trying-go-home-not-part-coup-negotiator-suggests-1593497

Ex-Green Berets Jailed in Venezuela Were Trying to Go Home … - Newsweek

Fmr. Gov. Bill Richardson is seeking to negotiate the release of two ex-Green Berets from Venezuelan

So, mercenaries deployed to no-man's-land end up "caught". Like here, but then they train trans-national gangs/armies (who just fight differently, like militarized Ghandi) then get released early who then will caravan into the conus..

valuable skills, e.g., find the pre-staged water stations, general urban survival, escape/evasion, and dz/LZ assembly, weapons cache recovery.

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da2415 No.21603463


Lb needs fill

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5d7ccc No.21603465

File: d0645fceef94e06⋯.mp4 (11.41 MB,426x240,71:40,TargetChildren.mp4)

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f3398e No.21603466

File: af7018d781b35e6⋯.png (219.21 KB,654x589,654:589,ClipboardImage.png)

Who Won the Presidential Debate

Trump - 78%

Harris - 13%

But dont get too excited, dems cheat like hell is after them… and it is.

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63d1a3 No.21603470


https://www.nbcnews.com › news › us-news › ex-green-beret-failed-venezuela-raid-released-pending-trial-weapons-ch-rcna169678

Ex-Green Beret behind failed Venezuela raid released pending trial on …

Sep 5, 2024Neon via AP. TAMPA, Fla. — A federal judge ordered the release Wednesday of a f ormer U.S.

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c6e687 No.21603471

File: 7ac8861a54a7950⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x672,40:21,IXOYS.png)


Eve having been trauma induced by the interpenetration of a fallen angelic entity did carry a seal in her forehead. When she passed that living Spirit of the fallen realm’s unity on to Adam with sex, it was not trauma induced so a right-hand seal for him residing in his left brain and not forehead. The central seal gave Eve command over Adam and telepathy to see and hear his thoughts through the fallen angelic world’s living Spirit. Adam would not have been given two-way sight with his wife for having only a right-hand mark unless she electroshocked him which I tend to doubt. It was not sex with her husband but her hunger for the answer to eternal life and to be like god. That was the sin and for having disobeyed God. Fast forward to Epstein Island and why it under the intelligence community umbrella as MK ultra gone mainstream for command and intelligence gathering compliant control. Also, quantum computer filtering, imaging and processing enhances what is seen and heard when Elon’s implant is utilized.

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da2415 No.21603481

File: 556ac2eadf54701⋯.jpeg (78.6 KB,480x449,480:449,09C83DBE_0AD3_43D6_9283_3….jpeg)

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c9407e No.21603482

File: 975915ce5350889⋯.png (1.34 MB,675x1200,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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24e16a No.21603483

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da2415 No.21603484

File: 59e143126ef7054⋯.jpeg (56.65 KB,382x417,382:417,A53AC461_E0EC_49C3_901E_3….jpeg)

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93dc9d No.21603485


Ryan Wesley Routh has been charged in the recent incident with carrying a firearm as a convicted felon and with possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

Just Fed gun charges.

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6b3432 No.21603492


Keep Christ in your heart

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85db04 No.21603493


> The question is why is it there?

Kek. Disinformation, Anon. Look here, not there. How did the person who poasted it first, even find it? Anyone who is anyone gets their Indian news from the Bollywood Globe, Anon. /s

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dca0f3 No.21603494

File: d3c7aa9494f1d34⋯.png (572.48 KB,1211x628,1211:628,ClipboardImage.png)


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5d7ccc No.21603498


Must have really sucked to be on the submarine escorting the USS Liberty, ordered to stand down.

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da2415 No.21603499

File: 859d14e097f3513⋯.png (577.69 KB,500x636,125:159,96891B41_4546_43B2_B763_4A….png)

File: de3429490424c5c⋯.jpeg (463.25 KB,1228x1228,1:1,BC76CC05_DA0E_45FF_9C5A_7….jpeg)

File: db27d5e10f46d5a⋯.png (2.37 MB,750x1334,375:667,63E799F1_5A11_4758_9EBC_C8….png)

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93012b No.21603503

File: d50c8e2ae6a1a6c⋯.png (764.47 KB,688x1263,688:1263,ClipboardImage.png)

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da2415 No.21603505

File: 043f42d4be30c7f⋯.png (131.21 KB,488x423,488:423,EE47C255_22DC_4576_95BA_FD….png)

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da2415 No.21603507

File: f9582ee5723d9cf⋯.png (451.61 KB,690x2134,345:1067,B9EE0297_FDFD_4A10_B5EB_90….png)

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dca0f3 No.21603510

File: a506db3ed8900e5⋯.png (575.61 KB,1211x628,1211:628,ClipboardImage.png)

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63d1a3 No.21603511

File: 8170fd7e8355078⋯.jpg (211.03 KB,960x539,960:539,image_1309306006.jpg)

File: 5cc02ce9a8d98a5⋯.jpg (411.97 KB,1484x965,1484:965,Mvd1564793_3982039161.jpg)

File: 31f6bb8b8cee6bb⋯.jpg (84.4 KB,920x495,184:99,920x920_3983638822.jpg)



Do you believe the armed insurgent gangs are "GANGS"

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Los_Zetas

Los Zetas - Wikipedia

Los Zetas' original 31 members were soldiers in Mexico's most elite special forces unit, the Grupos Aeromóviles

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da2415 No.21603513

File: eb01b94b22248f1⋯.png (300.62 KB,563x453,563:453,6C696C4C_9E53_48B7_BBE6_C4….png)

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c9407e No.21603517


>Los Zetas' original 31 members were soldiers in Mexico's most elite special forces unit

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da2415 No.21603519

File: 0d9143935566002⋯.png (602.24 KB,690x942,115:157,10B2E7D3_789E_4EB4_857D_CB….png)

File: 69696b23e384164⋯.jpeg (280.72 KB,1200x900,4:3,A680B255_49A2_45B0_8AAD_B….jpeg)

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63d1a3 No.21603521


Rich white san diegans are gracious hosts

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da2415 No.21603524

File: 59b9c44d8b4b40f⋯.jpeg (276.87 KB,1200x1114,600:557,C9E0DE9A_2CDE_41F6_8FE8_7….jpeg)

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da2415 No.21603528

File: 29899dcb1bd4d4b⋯.jpeg (21.59 KB,255x166,255:166,7E773B6D_C7AE_4367_BC1B_D….jpeg)

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dca0f3 No.21603529

File: 97f84189167cfb4⋯.png (581.17 KB,1211x628,1211:628,ClipboardImage.png)

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da2415 No.21603531


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0c4a46 No.21603966

Bongino famous quotes he used today:

"layered incompetence is intent"

(If things keep going wrong, its intended)

An uneventful failure is not a success

He says, there is nothing to feel happy about this am, and the media pushing Trump was not killed, be happy, or others blaming him for the event, to distract for a serious implications. People are trying brush off or downplay the two attempted assassinations, there is serious cause for alarm. This is serious, this is the SS, neither one should have happened. Note the two statements above.

The SS is trained and expected to have NO events like this. They are held to the highest standard.

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