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File: b281e3bf791c2a4⋯.png (50.62 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

011de0 No.21599065 [View All]

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658 posts and 434 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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54508f No.21599886


I bet you eat dicks!

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0d2709 No.21599887


proof is in my head. source is that I'm attesting to having read it.

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ec0ae1 No.21599888



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8a9fc9 No.21599890


this shit has been posted so much it's just auto spam

which is a shame because it does carry a good point.

>alex mossad jones hoping that they kill trump

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6c91bf No.21599891

File: 29b6c3ecab81880⋯.png (142.38 KB,766x1646,383:823,1107_1_.png)

File: a2fac5da234b52a⋯.png (110.78 KB,766x1250,383:625,366.png)

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d66878 No.21599892

File: ce9ce786d9440f9⋯.png (970.35 KB,663x672,221:224,ClipboardImage.png)

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731cf9 No.21599894


No sweat…there’s SO much fuckery afoot. Anon misdated two articles about the “suspect” - but still we dig on!

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75f559 No.21599895






faggot of QR

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0ae924 No.21599897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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d66878 No.21599899

File: 9df65847c8e3bc2⋯.png (373.31 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Houthis Hit Israel With "New Hypersonic Ballistic Missile" - 20 Air Defense Missiles Missed and the US Navy Couldn't Hit it Either


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1acdf5 No.21599900

File: 019b101419c0df7⋯.mp4 (426.17 KB,368x368,1:1,gt.mp4)

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54508f No.21599901


So scared little fucker….need a hug?

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565082 No.21599902

File: 2ef2c4ed6e9bca5⋯.png (397.09 KB,608x753,608:753,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43d6c79bcf0cf64⋯.png (3.09 MB,1594x1156,797:578,ClipboardImage.png)


After seeing a second photo of the gas block I'm leaningSKSat this point with a stock similar to this.

There's several ways to mount an optic to SKSs (usually top cover but there are others) so not sure what the optic/mount set up is from this grainy photo…

#trump #SKS #MonteCarlo

Sep 15, 2024, 6:58 PM


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3692a3 No.21599903

Anons, they will stop at nothing to kill our Great President. Remember, no matter how many psyops they pull, no matter how many bullets they fire. NOTHING Can Stop What Is Coming.

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d78ab6 No.21599904

The Veil is on Fire

Their Staff Lays Broken

They no longer have Power over the People

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c43f0f No.21599906


are these guys the same ones who raided mar-a-lago?



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21fbab No.21599907

File: 00eb5ffe095bff6⋯.png (96.82 KB,250x187,250:187,ClipboardImage.png)


ty dei ossifer.

carry on

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8db3df No.21599908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7a6a7f No.21599909


>“Not related”


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ca7deb No.21599911

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f3f9e9 No.21599912

All of Routh's x.com posts in two videos



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0ae924 No.21599913


Yes, God is in charge

Satan is a counterfeit larper

level the fuck up

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49b33d No.21599915


Instead of correcting an irrelevant point like a nerd, pretend you got the point I was making

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b367cc No.21599916

File: 6f015dedefa4234⋯.jpg (6.77 KB,300x168,25:14,ru90.jpg)


















so many real anons here tonight! so excited!


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



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4f6415 No.21599917

File: 18752b7089d82df⋯.jpg (607.54 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,media_GWP48EjWwAsh5R6.jpg)

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765eb4 No.21599918

File: 551a85c6bbeb3c8⋯.jpg (316.64 KB,893x736,893:736,0L1576.jpg)

File: 2e70343d451ad15⋯.png (1.35 MB,1022x775,1022:775,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 934d551e1d1dc75⋯.mp4 (4.58 MB,644x360,161:90,Trumpceval.mp4)

I love my Chief Donald J. Trump. He is like a second father to us, a second father to America. When they threaten or attempt to kill him it definitely rings a bell in us. Remember padawans Hold the Line. tomorrow is another day and you don't know what can happen, anything can happen so play the game but don't fuck it up for the rest of us by doing something stupid. What ever one person does, they will come after all of us for it. I wouldnt want to be a burden on any other person or American because I know your burdens and share in them.and know you can help me as much as I can help you and we make it another day outside their technocracy society/insane asylum run like a theme park. I took the pots and am wondering. Made a new meme.

These people have no opposition, no fear. I don't think they will respect election. This is still only the beginning.

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1eaae0 No.21599919


This guy is legend.

Huge bong rips before speaking. Might’ve been WEF or Davos. Fuckin legend.

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b1353c No.21599921

File: e1c6f2b7762318b⋯.png (568.5 KB,500x533,500:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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06861e No.21599922

File: c63654c2681fa85⋯.jpg (6.7 KB,133x177,133:177,OIP_48_.jpg)




Irregular warfare

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c43f0f No.21599923

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)


glad to finally hear from him

my potus

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b1353c No.21599925

File: ec0cf2ce6039c42⋯.png (335.89 KB,500x405,100:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1353c No.21599926

File: 1001c6af14cf2bb⋯.png (56.51 KB,680x503,680:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca7deb No.21599927

We forgot how to play the game.

We create the world/reality we live in every minute/second of the day.

We can decide if Government exist

We can decide if rules are fair

We can decide who we want as a leader (No Rulers). Or have none if we decide.

We have the power

We can bring the Chaos for KEK

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d78ab6 No.21599929

Fire will Rain Down from the sky

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b1353c No.21599930

File: 8cf725fca771259⋯.webm (3.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,haitians.webm)

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b1353c No.21599931

File: 488dd0a8c570eee⋯.png (54.87 KB,506x528,23:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e28ad No.21599932


How about a timestamp, can't see him.

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b1353c No.21599934

notables FINAL

#26456 >>21599082

>>21599854 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21599133, >>21599228, >>21599383 Who leaked Trump's schedule? The two that were supposed to golf with him today "but couldn't make it"?

>>21599147, >>21599183, >>21599276 Trump FL shooter appeared in a AZOV Battalion propaganda video in May 2022

>>21599152 Regional Medical Director at Adfinitas Health in Wilkes-Barre, PA on today's events: "Deal with it"

>>21599146, >>21599166 Possible Arnold Schwarzenegger comms: Freeze and Ivy, reunited - watch out, Batman

>>21599168 "Trump is safe after mostly peaceful popping sounds 250 yards from his vicinity" -MSM

>>21599191 In 2002, Trump assassin was arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction, yet his punishment was probation

>>21599198 Trump Camp: NY Times Incites Violence Against Vance

>>21599203 Last month, Dan Bongino correctly predicted there would be another attempt on President Trump's life

>>21599222 New Background On Trump Shooter Confirms He Was Coordinating With Foreign Soldiers In Support Of Ukraine

>>21599271 Hours Before Trump Assassination Attempt Democrat Calls MAGA A Domestic Threat

>>21599272 Trump shooter Ryan Routh was in YouTuber JiDion’s video recruiting for Ukraine

>>21599278, >>21599286, >>21599327 If not for a private citizen who took a pic of the vehicle and tag, he would have been lost

>>21599322 MTG: They want video of Pres Trump being assassinated so bad that the would be assassin had a Go Pro to film it

>>21599331 Court records show more than 100 criminal counts have been filed against Ryan Routh in North Carolina

>>21599385, >>21599457 Call to dig: Florida DA Dave Aronberg

>>21599386, >>21599466 Both Trump shooters are involved with Media Mockingbird MegaCorp

>>21599436 Anon opines on Trump's assassination attempt

>>21599475 Summary of today's events so far

>>21599527, >>21599713 Gaslighting continues

>>21599531 Scavino to Kamala: You’re so full of shit, you’re not glad he is safe—It is your rhetoric that has caused this, AGAIN!!!!!

>>21599601 DNC targeted Trump golf clubs three days before an assassination attempt took place at his West Palm Beach golf club

>>21599606 Statement from Potato

>>21599631 His Greensboro address is tricky because, judging by the address of the Circle K at 1550, Lee St is called Gate City Blvd

>>21599702 Shooter moments after he was arrested

>>21599846 From Carolina Roofer To Ukraine Activist: Would-Be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh Gave Many Interviews With MSM

>>21599912 All of Routh's x.com posts in two videos

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21599289 ABC moderator Linsey Davis admits: 'fact-checking' was only planned for Trump

>>21599291 Judge Rules Illinois Public Transit Firearms Carry Ban Unconstitutional

>>21599317 Trending on Twitter/X

>>21599338 The Progressive Suicide Cult Is Rolling Out The Welcome Mat For The Third World

>>21599676 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1945, a hurricane and subsequent fires wreaked havoc on the hangars at Richmond Naval Air Station in Florida

>>21599703 Monday: DC Court of Appeals will hear arguments in lawsuits challenging the federal TikTok ban

>>21599721, >>21599738, >>21599789 NYC educrats took own kids to Magic Kingdom on trips meant for homeless students

>>21599899 Houthis Hit Israel With "New Hypersonic Ballistic Missile" - 20 Air Defense Missiles Missed and the US Navy Couldn't Hit it Either

>>21599242, >>21599325, >>21599479, >>21599510 Memes


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d66878 No.21599936

File: ed1633a581a6815⋯.png (629.05 KB,500x616,125:154,ClipboardImage.png)


>Fire will Rain Down from the sky

So the shooter had ties to Ukraine?

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d66878 No.21599942

File: a1dabe31f286698⋯.png (608.55 KB,500x568,125:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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565082 No.21599943

File: eec56997ad31e8c⋯.png (2.75 MB,1600x800,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

We haven't even gotten to the part where Ryan Routh was

practicing his shooting with the FIB at the gun range.

Will that be 2marrow?

pic: rando BING image

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2f055c No.21599945

File: 88db2e70f47fe3e⋯.jpeg (641.12 KB,1315x1156,1315:1156,IMG_9531.jpeg)

File: 621dec3e5880dd6⋯.mp4 (281.88 KB,640x360,16:9,YQQveX1J_VzfAeQw.mp4)


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f3f9e9 No.21599946


Yearick did too, but the shills don't want you to talk about him.

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ca7deb No.21599948

Did Zelenski hire a hit man?

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99e10c No.21599951

Vincent Fukya, our guy or Fukno?

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2e0a1a No.21599953

File: e3d221940301228⋯.png (509.96 KB,622x902,311:451,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0a48626642a087⋯.png (4.32 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a187842a80f3b45⋯.png (3.84 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb256d326057394⋯.png (3.36 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Days of Deltas

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b1353c No.21599954

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565082 No.21599955


Rated: 1087


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cb4736 No.21599956

Has anyone looked into any connections between [R]yan [R]outh & former police chief Scott Israel?

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f8a64e No.21599958


migrate, locked

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