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File: 365f05a31f3144a⋯.png (50.56 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

08db48 No.21597410 [View All]

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a622d2 No.21598218

File: bcbffb789c799a8⋯.png (247.63 KB,594x650,297:325,Screenshot_2024_09_15_1958….png)

File: d588eb7b41bceb5⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,1278x720,71:40,ssstwitter_com_17264446682….mp4)

Shadow of Ezra




Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus.

He was recruiting fod individuals who would be eager to dismantle the entire United States of America.


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58cbdc No.21598219

File: 00bc70732c2295a⋯.jpeg (509.7 KB,1800x1521,200:169,03E63DD2_10D9_4439_8B38_F….jpeg)

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91895a No.21598220

File: 3fab8390796f8b8⋯.jpeg (14.32 KB,255x190,51:38,00f57a7365f5a3415db7c49db….jpeg)

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c6af36 No.21598221


Owner Camp Box Honolulu…wonder what that is…

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feccf4 No.21598222

File: 9e1456ab24f9360⋯.png (758.69 KB,679x721,97:103,p.PNG)


‘Pray for President Trump’ Trends

After Second Foiled Assassination Attempt

Breitbart Politics, by Hannah Knudsen

Posted By: Imright, 9/15/2024 7:19:14 PM

“Pray for President Trump” is trending on X after what appears to be a second foiled assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, as reactions poured in. Trump is safe after law enforcement responded to West Palm Beach, Florida, after what the FBI says was an apparent second assassination attempt on the former president, roughly two months after he suffered from a gunshot wound to his ear during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.(Snip) As Breitbart News reported in its livewire: A U.S. Secret Service agent, per the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office, engaged a man who had an AK-47-style rifle with a scope and backpacks and a Go-Pro.

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090860 No.21598223

File: f4af7792aad68bb⋯.png (1018.54 KB,1080x2470,108:247,Screenshot_20240915_165314….png)

This is ironic….

Chris Kyle killer Eddie RayRouth found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison

Wednesday 25 February 2015

''Eddie Ray Routh had pled insanity over the deaths of Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield

Eddie Ray Routh had pled insanity over the deaths of Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield ''

After deliberations in a courthouse in Stephenville, Texas, that lasted barely two hours, a jury of ten women and two men found Eddie Ray Routh, a mentally disturbed former US Marine, guilty of capital murder in the death of Chris Kyle, known as the American Sniper, and a friend just over two years ago.

In the end, the jury returned to deliver its verdict shortly after 9 pm. The jury note was passed instantly to Judge Cashon who, with little pause, said that Routh had been found guilty of capital murder and that he was imposing the only sentence that was open to the court, life imprisonment without parole.

In an odd quirk of court procedure, Judge Cashon then heard so-called victim impact statements from family members of both Mr Kyle and his friend who also died at the hands of Routh, Chad Littlefield. Since the sentence had already been delivered, the statements in the end meant little beyond offering some form of catharsis to those who spoke, including Mr Kyle’s widow, Taya Kyle.

Moar if dasted …


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f43490 No.21598224

File: 660ad4ce4c27979⋯.jpg (115.08 KB,845x533,65:41,660ad4ce4c27979516eb656df6….jpg)

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649422 No.21598225


I just checked his TS and didn't see that post with the 0-2

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58cbdc No.21598226

File: 3fb955f654df4cd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1063x696,1063:696,3fb955f654df4cda4c8e195491….png)

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271a5a No.21598227

notables FINAL

#26454 >>21597426

>>21597437, >>21597516, >>21597708 Ryan Wesley Routh's ActBlue donations - all to democrats

>>21597452 How did the shooter know when Trump would be on the course? Inside info fed to him?

>>21597459, >>21597489, >>21597879, >>21597933 Ryan Routh is owner of CampBox

>>21597769 CampBox website is now down

>>21597793, >>21597848, >>21597856, >>21597909, >>21597980 Greensboro, NC also documentation of a Ryan Routh eoofing company

>>21597470, >>21597514 Golf course logistics

>>21597476, >>21597511, >>21597525, >>21597529, >>21597536, >>21597540, >>21597541, >>21597761, >>21597762, >>21597765, >>21597979, >>21598162 Moar of Ryan's Social Media posts

>>21597690, >>21597527, >>21597820, >>21597486, >>21597687, >>21597936 Was Ryan a CIA mercenary recruiter?

>>21597986 Palm Beach shooter Ryan Routh works with the "National Volunteer Center sending soldiers to Ukraine and Taiwan"

>>21597481 Erik Prince calls on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to immediately assume control of the investigation

>>21597506, >>21597852 Ryan Routh's LinkedIn

>>21597532 Trump Assassination Attempt: Here's what the sheriff's office said during press conference

>>21597550, >>21597571, >>21597610 Adam Schiff

>>21597564, >>21597918 Wife: Lora Routh

>>21597602 Chuckles makes a statement

>>21597633 FBI names Ryan Wesley Routh as 'apparent Trump assassination attempt' suspect

>>21597663 Ryan Routh was apparently already low-key media famous

>>21597647 In a 2022 interview with Newsweek Romania, Routh was candid about his pro-Ukraine views

>>21597567 Ryan Routh, with gun, barricades self inside business

>>21598128 Ryan was profiled in the New York Times in March 2023 for his efforts to recruit fighters to help Ukraine

>>21598218 Ryan Wesley Routh was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21597636 Margo Martin: Fight Night from Trump Force One! 🇺🇸

>>21597665, >>21597675 Fight, fight, fight Qpost also aligns with red carpet news from today

>>21597685, >>21597702 How Kamala Harris Knocked Donald Trump Off Course: Did TIME Magazine send a go-code?

>>21597718, >>21598129 Facebook / X deletes assassin's account (archive everything)

>>21597967, >>21597985 Shooter's FB page archived

>>21597743 Radical Leftists are once again calling for violence following another attempted assassination of Donald Trump

>>21597758, >>21597845 Look at the phone number

>>21597772, >>21598183, >>21598211 Scavino: 🙏🇺🇸🦅 | FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!!

>>21597855 We still have work to do

>>21597890 Hakeem Jeffries: Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025 - we must stop them

>>21597927 Demands mount for Trump to get same protection as Biden after yet another assassination plot

>>21597960 DeSantis knew about the raid on Mar-A-Lago and didn't stop it?

>>21597981 Daniel Routh Obituary

>>21597993 Ryan's e-mail adresses

>>21598067 When asked about the threat level against Trump, Secret Service representative said: "We live in dangerous times"

>>21598097 Further details: Hannity has spoken with Trump 3 times since the incident

>>21598188 Suspect described as being emotionless when caught

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21597876 The border crisis wasn't bad enough, so they made a free Uber service for illegals

>>21598040 MSM right on cue

>>21597995 6.5 magnitude earthquake hits off coast of British Columbia

>>21597463, >>21597469, >>21597574, >>21597609, >>21598065, >>21598167 Memes


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23c2fa No.21598229

File: 0cfa363c48c9568⋯.jpeg (129.61 KB,713x487,713:487,fff1.jpeg)

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a622d2 No.21598230

File: f07ae80e81351e6⋯.mp4 (10.18 MB,592x1280,37:80,ssstwitter_com_17264428743….mp4)

File: fddb15520a0ad65⋯.png (137.76 KB,532x903,76:129,Screenshot_2024_09_15_1959….png)


Shadow of Ezra


Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh.

Thanks to


, who managed to archive his entire Facebook page, we have a record of it.

The page contained posts about recruiting mercenaries for Ukraine and fighting for Taiwan against China.

It also included posts about being in Maui after the wildfires and mentions of FEMA.


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58cbdc No.21598232

File: 3b3f87c09a10e30⋯.jpg (18 KB,333x279,37:31,4bcc79c200ff1865b84be0b3e8….jpg)

File: b753fa435f50193⋯.png (1011.22 KB,1800x2500,18:25,4dcfb2ef42bd288b673eb18b2b….png)

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112625 No.21598234

either ultimate pussies or ultimate commies, no matter - current people in these positions should all be gone all the way to top FIRE EM

they charge Trump with criminal behavior over tweets!!!!

"No one knew they were Hydra at the time, we thought they ere protecting America."

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feccf4 No.21598235

File: 04f706a402d67ec⋯.png (256.32 KB,437x576,437:576,d.PNG)


From the shooter's TL. I'm going w MKU shooter.

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4931ef No.21598236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Fuck the Deepfucks in the fuckin liver.

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9493b8 No.21598238


>Maybe they waited until it was archived and reposted enough times…

Agreed. Had to be done, but wasn't done in a hurry.

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91895a No.21598239

File: 1306b2c8a568420⋯.webp (14.52 KB,600x600,1:1,28xp_pepefrog_articleLarg….webp)

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58cbdc No.21598240

File: 1bccd519a7acab3⋯.png (718.62 KB,800x519,800:519,Dnobw1lUwAAxJZB_png_large.png)

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58cbdc No.21598242

File: 22c227e40888586⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,500x690,50:69,durp.jpg)

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9f2f9b No.21598243

He still needs to explain that condo collapse. Will he have Israel investigate?>>21597481

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58cbdc No.21598245

File: 4b249baea3572c9⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,488x461,488:461,DxPWXrxWwAEgqB_.jpg)

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43f0a9 No.21598246

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58cbdc No.21598247

File: e5358a83832f9b6⋯.jpeg (131.29 KB,500x784,125:196,e5358a83832f9b61a7ca6c1c3….jpeg)

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feccf4 No.21598248

File: 143eab5f505a987⋯.png (422.45 KB,591x700,591:700,times.PNG)




This is the Trump Shooter from today… his name is Ryan Wesley Routh

• He just so happened to be filmed by Newsweek in 2022 about his effort to recruit mercenaries to fight in Ukraine.

• The New York Times wrote a profile on Ryan W. Routh back in 2023.

• Times put out a a new cover on 9/11 with Trump in a golf cart with the caption “In Trouble” —— Did they Know?





12:58 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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095ac3 No.21598250

File: fcecd88fe1d3cb6⋯.jpg (164.46 KB,600x367,600:367,Xnip2024_09_15_19_59_24.jpg)

The FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office, Jeffrey Veltri. A whistleblower reportedly told Congress that he is anti-


and was ordered to scrub anti-Trump social media posts last year before he could get promoted. https://washingtontimes.com/news/2023/nov/20/whistleblower-fbi-official-ordered-to-scrub-anti-t/


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c6af36 No.21598251

File: 550c574ef1065c0⋯.jpg (274.7 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_2024_09_15_19_5….jpg)


Oh, they make sheds. Probably ties in to his emergency shelters. Money launderer no doubt.

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271a5a No.21598252

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58cbdc No.21598253

File: f1a54cc4f0117bb⋯.jpg (438.23 KB,1181x658,1181:658,efg45gw45gw4.jpg)

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58cbdc No.21598254

File: f72b21c174ae905⋯.png (645.83 KB,790x548,395:274,Elegant_Flotus.png)

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30f50e No.21598255

File: fa72e6b941e0ccb⋯.png (1.54 MB,1080x1288,135:161,ClipboardImage.png)




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0c24ff No.21598256

File: 13ecadbf8865cd9⋯.png (707.54 KB,544x680,4:5,routh.png)

File: 2d2a4b5fef02501⋯.jpg (4.86 KB,195x259,195:259,nash.jpg)

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58cbdc No.21598257

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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feccf4 No.21598258

File: bbe89c7f2c66fb2⋯.png (636.67 KB,606x777,202:259,cong.PNG)


Joseph Pino


Speaker Johnson should immediately release the names of every member of Congress who met with Ryan Routh.


11:21 AM · Sep 15, 2024




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58cbdc No.21598261

File: 7d2c00f073bba2b⋯.jpg (197.83 KB,800x708,200:177,enjoyshow.jpg)

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4931ef No.21598262




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58cbdc No.21598264

File: 031a4cb93829f4e⋯.jpg (69 KB,483x417,161:139,fa91a479a27206cc42746f697a….jpg)

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323e27 No.21598265

File: e70ee0369897a81⋯.png (424.61 KB,844x741,844:741,1676734171957779.png)



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23c2fa No.21598266

File: eaee4cca81d9328⋯.png (840.31 KB,5088x2525,5088:2525,fffpib1.png)

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58cbdc No.21598267

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB,566x800,283:400,fd88bf6d40a771a51228e10c9f….jpg)

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91895a No.21598268

File: fd7ed33f5eac531⋯.jpeg (8.94 KB,300x168,25:14,thehorsemen.jpeg)

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feccf4 No.21598270

File: 75e5bec74f0691e⋯.png (10.41 KB,606x125,606:125,fight.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



12:51 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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558fe0 No.21598271



I believe in you

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58cbdc No.21598272

File: 01970c75a31467f⋯.png (619.63 KB,650x768,325:384,fe37153c80ba1ec16f46902c98….png)

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f9bbab No.21598273

File: a2dee02a02c5098⋯.png (578 KB,606x633,202:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6eca551b2741c7⋯.png (151.46 KB,821x490,821:490,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ae5030b17f908f⋯.png (280.55 KB,788x670,394:335,ClipboardImage.png)

Mary Heard Trump and said…Not Today Satan


Devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady has its roots in Sacred Scripture and in Christian piety, which always associates the Blessed Mother with her suffering Son. Today's feast was introduced by the Servites in order to intensify devotion to Our Lady's Sorrows. In 1817 Pius VII — suffering grievously in exile but finally liberated by Mary's intercession — extended the feast to the universal Church.

According to the former liturgical calendar (1962), today is also the commemoration of St. Nicomedes, a Roman martyr of unknown date. He was buried not far from the walls of Rome on the Via Nomentana, and the pious faithful built a "cemetery basilica" above his tomb.

Also historically today St. Catherine of Genoa is honored. She wrote a treatise on Purgatory and a Dialogue between the soul and body—two outstanding documents of Christian mysticism.

Our Lady of Sorrows

This feast dates back to the 12th century. It was especially promoted by the Cistercians and the Servites, so much so that in the 14th and 15th centuries it was widely celebrated throughout the Catholic Church. In 1482 the feast was added to the Missal under the title of "Our Lady of Compassion." Pope Benedict XIII added it to the Roman Calendar in 1727 on the Friday before Palm Sunday. In 1913, Pope Pius X fixed the date on September 15. The title "Our Lady of Sorrows" focuses on Mary's intense suffering during the passion and death of Christ. "The Seven Dolors," the title by which it was celebrated in the 17th century, referred to the seven swords that pierced the Heart of Mary. The feast is like an octave for the birthday of Our Lady on September 8th.

—Excerpted from Our Lady of Sorrows by Fr. Paul Haffner (Inside the Vatican, September 2004)

This feast is dedicated to the spiritual martyrdom of Mary, Mother of God, and her compassion with the sufferings of her Divine Son, Jesus. In her suffering as co-redeemer, she reminds us of the tremendous evil of sin and shows us the way of true repentance. May the numerous tears of the Mother of God be conducive to our salvation; with which tears Thou, O God, art able to wash away the sins of the whole world.

As Mary stood at the foot of the Cross on which Jesus hung, the sword of sorrow Simeon had foretold pierced her soul. Below are the seven sorrows of Mary:

The prophecy of Simeon, (Luke 2:25-35)

The flight into Egypt, (Matthew 2:13-15)

Loss of the Child Jesus for three days, (Luke 2:41-50)

Mary meets Jesus on his way to Calvary, (Luke 23:27-31; John 19:17)

Crucifixion and Death of Jesus, (John 19:25-30)

The body of Jesus being taken from the Cross (deposition from the Cross), (Psalm 130; Luke 23:50-54; John 19:31-37)

The burial of Jesus, (Isaiah 53:8; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42; Mark 15:40-47)

Symbols and Representation: heart pierced with a sword; heart pierced by seven swords; winged heart pierced with a sword; flowers: red rose, iris (meaning: "sword-lily"), cyclamen.

Patronage: people named Dolores, Dolais, Deloris, Dolorita, Maria Dolorosa, Pia, and Pieta. See CatholicSaints.info for a listing of locations that claim Our Lady of Sorrows as Patroness.

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91deb8 No.21598274

File: 19a42d2acb46147⋯.png (2.87 MB,1500x944,375:236,ClipboardImage.png)


she really let herself go after retirement…..

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58cbdc No.21598275

File: fc0aa525a6af10a⋯.jpg (95.86 KB,578x684,289:342,iu_6_.jpg)

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080a03 No.21598278

File: dd8ee534875d997⋯.png (5.13 MB,2034x2048,1017:1024,ClipboardImage.png)



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58cbdc No.21598279

File: 6938333b1ea3e5c⋯.jpg (83.11 KB,512x384,4:3,iu_10_.jpg)

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214f6d No.21598889


great job anon,

got it.

not going anywhere now.

this is a clown

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