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File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,65d62ff6f6d3cfdf144d923047….jpg)

1db72d No.21594062 [View All]

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701 posts and 531 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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dd3cc0 No.21595028

File: 247ffda185d3626⋯.png (114.66 KB,663x959,663:959,ClipboardImage.png)



Clown as been saying that shit forever…


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23eeb6 No.21595029














hey worthless shit daddy didn't play Monopoly with u?

Only hotels and homes retard

No restaurants no bars.

Trump sells poison. Trump owns restaurants at his hotels…

If what your people say.

But then, u got a NIGGER that has a home in one of his buildings, who sells soda, sugar, salt, and who profits off of sweatshops, so can't expect much wisdom in music now.

A rat sharing wisdom for ninetynine cents.

So chump owns restaurants and has the books from Merck and squibb. He HAD MY VOTE.

I "used to" love the US.

If natiruts is right and the power lines fuck my veins.

Well, fuck this place up then.

Don't sing about it.

Such a pity to find out one of my favorite rappers wasn't a hard ass nigga as he acted (in inexistent life).

But your music did a great job in fueling violence and addiction.

So, yeah, fuck your plan, and your art.

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f87bc5 No.21595030

File: df8f4fc3ad9086d⋯.jpeg (175.76 KB,1942x1080,971:540,IMG_6068.jpeg)


Did Trump think he had a shot at her endorsement?


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11158c No.21595032

>>21595016 Q1144 Podesta/Brock/MikeRothschild/Alefantis/AlexSoros/Huma/Hussein.. (more) Who do patriots think are administrating this board right now?

Think 'Bridge'.





'Central' algorithm.

The stage had to be set.

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ad5f99 No.21595033

File: 0a2c01ed376d33f⋯.png (3.38 MB,1440x1920,3:4,829ED090_62D7_4B09_AFF0_E9….png)

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73fe59 No.21595034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and Tailor Who? >>21594950 🤡

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a32c03 No.21595035

File: d442909442b82f6⋯.jpeg (9.45 KB,229x220,229:220,7fd17859d4c705f532d89bc3b….jpeg)

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631ec0 No.21595036


We are called upon to Hate Evil.

Is she Evil?

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7e79f5 No.21595038

File: 889a07fe7a77339⋯.png (2.17 MB,1408x792,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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09b59e No.21595039


So now 6 weeks is forever?

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2c79ec No.21595042

File: 37e0b4d649dc198⋯.png (58.28 KB,592x888,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)



Hammer on the clock

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ed5f47 No.21595043

File: fe6d441cde7db93⋯.png (63.72 KB,551x500,551:500,stdjtststs.png)

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11158c No.21595044

File: 594549197241195⋯.png (292.36 KB,1198x760,599:380,729_Q_09_15_24.png)

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631ec0 No.21595045


How many children were sacrificed to promote her career?

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ad5f99 No.21595046

File: aab83daf34989a1⋯.jpeg (101.87 KB,800x534,400:267,A4E836F9_98FE_4862_B227_A….jpeg)

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1db72d No.21595047


#26449 >>21594073

>>21594094 John B Wells: a deep dive into America's planned gang takeover

>>21594101 Reserve Component Special Forces Groups

>>21594109 How capitalism will keep AI from destroying the things we love

>>21594112 New state law gives Letitia James power over NY’s closest election contests

>>21594115 PEDO EMPIRE

>>21594125 Department of State calling for full censorship just before the war hits

>>21594176 Gay Porn books sold to school districts by AG Garland's son in law?

>>21594189, >>21594119, >>21594219, >>21594265, >>21594298, >>21594304 Memes

>>21594560, >>21594669, >>21594765, >>21594755, >>21594874, >>21594935 Moar Memes

>>21594213 The SON is getting active again. A BIG X flare yesterday

>>21594220 Pentagon officer pleads guilty to running dog-fighting kennel

>>21594230 There is no line these people won’t cross. They are demonic

>>21594248 MTG: ABC whistleblower Kamala given debate questions died in a car crash

>>21594303 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act

>>21594353 GWP: If Obama had a Son, he'd be in Ohio

>>21594413 D operatives and Clowns publishing nazi imagery as opposition to illegal migrants

>>21594442, >>21594454 JD Vance was on CNN with Dana Bash called her D party propagandist

>>21594444 Quad Damage: WTC

>>21594574, >>21594645, >>21594657, >>21594804 Illegals Flown out San Diego Airport

>>21594595 AmThk: An Unserious Debate in Which Trump got the Strongest Play

>>21594653 Donny Cash sings "The Line of Fire"

>>21594688 Jim W: This is my son, and I'm very proud of him. God Bless You, Ron

>>21594693, >>21594904, >>21595009 DJT Truth: I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT! / kek / 17

>>21594702, >>21594866, >>21594866, >>21594929 Planefag Reports / Moar Illegals Dago stuffs

>>21594997, >>21595000 Moar Planefag Reports / Dago stuffs

>>21594771 DJT Truth: Left Gets Pwn Stared


>>21594906 AI stuffs This PhD spent over a year coding

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d95bf6 No.21595049




NYC gov falling apart

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5657c5 No.21595050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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11158c No.21595051

File: 003cf727762a684⋯.png (104.76 KB,1202x662,601:331,746Q_09_15_24.png)

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ad5f99 No.21595052

File: 926322a696ffd6c⋯.jpeg (120.28 KB,800x534,400:267,3DB1F586_4D8A_40A2_98B1_2….jpeg)

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23eeb6 No.21595055


And daddy created all

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11158c No.21595057

File: 4cf7e8667881c62⋯.png (97.96 KB,1202x662,601:331,748Q_09_15_24.png)

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ad5f99 No.21595058

File: 810389cac118672⋯.jpeg (94.97 KB,800x450,16:9,8C383047_C0B1_4073_B56D_5….jpeg)

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771fa9 No.21595060

File: b098f4a921c9a8c⋯.png (90.47 KB,500x925,20:37,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c815cf3861ffb84⋯.png (744.87 KB,719x595,719:595,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you.

well anon is shocked.

really shocked.

wtf he is actually giving fuel to the fire for the deranged morans.

24 wait protocol is advised,

well for this anon at least,

There must a a method to his madness.

btw Qdrop to the timestamp of 10.44am not the 3.44pm which is gmt time.




Apr 06, 2018 3:22:28 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No. 922237

Apr 06, 2018 3:17:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No. 922142


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.


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11158c No.21595061

File: f39c29d9e150853⋯.png (680.91 KB,1299x1261,1299:1261,802_Q_09_15_24.png)

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ad5f99 No.21595062

File: 2657f3792f816bc⋯.jpeg (76.52 KB,800x450,16:9,1FF5E80D_F9F2_4D89_A94A_0….jpeg)

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f87bc5 No.21595063


Be nice if they could clean up the web

Getting rid of Microsoft and google big step towards “free internet”

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a32c03 No.21595064

wont hate anything

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11158c No.21595065

File: 35e7613722d07c6⋯.png (845.64 KB,1269x1265,1269:1265,803_Q_09_15_24.png)

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063760 No.21595067


Saying you hate sm1 is evil…reject it.

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56c0ef No.21595069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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466a8f No.21595070


"and we caught them". Tik Tok………….

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0c55ef No.21595071


think stupid idea for a meme

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11158c No.21595072


The first step to cleaning the web is cleaning this board. Happening now.

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2c79ec No.21595073

File: 68eaacad9a05a77⋯.jpg (99.42 KB,640x360,16:9,wendy3.jpg)

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972c5d No.21595074



interesting move

wonder why

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ad5f99 No.21595075

File: f905149ffc2ce1e⋯.jpeg (197.59 KB,1366x683,2:1,CFFB7B4C_8E6C_4129_92BF_1….jpeg)

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1db72d No.21595076

File: ce02bf516e1776d⋯.png (92.8 KB,373x371,373:371,deplatform.PNG)

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7e79f5 No.21595078

File: 52d16a7a16a1a56⋯.png (583.52 KB,800x557,800:557,ClipboardImage.png)

are we having a war or what

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a07a83 No.21595079

File: d4d3f709bfbe32a⋯.jpg (61.87 KB,1032x581,1032:581,Ermahgerd_433486694.jpg)

File: 8433d24f31fdb04⋯.jpg (24.5 KB,474x266,237:133,th_516029404.jpg)

File: f384be448b0902f⋯.jpg (20.21 KB,474x249,158:83,th_3425132812.jpg)

File: f262fad17b4e765⋯.jpg (68.03 KB,634x482,317:241,f262fad17b4e7653454502ee27….jpg)

File: 7e3bd8a22546601⋯.jpg (640.71 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240910_193609….jpg)

Kamala begging for debate #2.

Trump won that, already. Her rematch is debate #3 for Trump. Where the fuck you been, Kamilla? Like you weren't even there.

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798c65 No.21595080

File: b383ca74d42cb2e⋯.png (176.89 KB,297x535,297:535,b383ca74d42cb2e3829f48d8b2….png)

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56c0ef No.21595081

File: 5f3faa5e8c5c34c⋯.gif (11.55 MB,480x480,1:1,01h.gif)

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11158c No.21595082


>So you will consider the Q1144

Think 'Bridge'.





'Central' algorithm.

The stage had to be set.

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56c0ef No.21595084

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,01k.gif)


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fef6ba No.21595085

File: 168820e8b17d7e5⋯.png (767.84 KB,1169x1319,1169:1319,ClipboardImage.png)

Here comes to Feds pretending to be "racist citizens"


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f4c9de No.21595086



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a8efa8 No.21595088

File: c9f7c31ea986f31⋯.png (265.11 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240915_113723.png)

File: 09fd674874ef696⋯.png (57.19 KB,766x804,383:402,952_7_.png)


today not years ago

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5657c5 No.21595089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c9560a No.21595095

File: 48b7ea1650278fa⋯.png (719.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,RICKHARRISON1.png)

The businessmen of America know the truth!

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11158c No.21595096

File: f817379bd3bc870⋯.png (642.83 KB,900x900,1:1,Stage_Set.png)

Anons who have been fighting already remember numerous explanations that the stage would be set so that by the time the comp'd board admins are relieved of duty, no one would wonder why.

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