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File: c02c048b2e54563⋯.png (65.13 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

9a97c1 No.21593057 [View All]

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701 posts and 552 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fac20f No.21594050

File: 7c175c7e000b7ed⋯.png (480.27 KB,766x980,383:490,3118_1_.png)

File: 7547579afbbfa00⋯.jpg (35.38 KB,220x306,110:153,7edee8c8cc9d5ffd7518736f6e….jpg)

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a7275b No.21594051


hell yeah, damn asteroids in anything other than does not count

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520dfa No.21594052

File: 9a3d37702fa2a63⋯.jpeg (173.04 KB,700x1000,7:10,Valley_Forge_2_more.jpeg)

File: 5e641cdaada6766⋯.jpg (50.66 KB,500x556,125:139,Fake_News_two_moar_weeks.jpg)


Is September a time of renewal?

The Ukraine war seems all but over.

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d2cb0b No.21594053


tell us about the long string hashes @Jack had set up to access live snuff porn

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6643a1 No.21594054

I don't know what they told the Harris campaign. I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that.

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163d75 No.21594055

America First Legal Launches Investigation Into Biden Admin’s Potential Role In Brazil’s Censorship Of X

Eireann Van NattaSeptember 10, 2024 10:45 AM ET

The conservative group America First Legal (AFL) launched an investigation into the Biden-Harris administration’s possible knowledge of Brazil’s censorship of Elon Musk’s social media platform X, requesting documents from three U.S. agencies.

Under the directive of Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes, Brazil banned the social media site, causing an uproar among free speech advocates.AFL pointed to the Biden-Harris Administration’s novel National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, which promised to tackle “disinformation” and work with governments and technology companies to “[address] terrorist online content,” according to the 2021 document.

The legal group noted in its press release that 10 days prior to Brazil’s 2022 election, Moraes –recently deemed a “dictator” by Elon Musk –gained power to direct tech companies to censor “disinformation,” the New York Times reported.

CIA Director William Burns relayed a message to Jair Bolsonaro – the then-Brazilian President – in July 2021, Reuters reported. The director told senior Brazilian officials that Bolsonaro “should stop casting doubt” on Brazil’s election system, according to Reuters.

Additionally, AFL cited how the Biden administration’sU.S. Ambassador to Brazil, Elizabeth F. Bagley, is a “Democrat mega-donorand a Department of State veteran from the Carter, Clinton, and Obama administrations,” according to the press release.

AFL submitted FOIA requests to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (ITA).

The Caller reached out to the the U.S Department of Commerce but have not heard back.

The USAID deferred the Caller to the White House and State Department. The White House has not responded. The State Department told the Caller it did not have “anything to offer.”

The FOIAs requested communications and records related to Alexandre de Moraes, the term “X” and the CIA Director’s visit to Brazil in July 2021. They also requested information pertaining to the conversations between Director Burns and Bolsonaro, in addition to other Brazilian officials.

AFL also requested communications concerning the names “Diego de Lima Gualda” or “Diego Lima Gualda.”

Gualda is a lawyer and political scientist who left his post as the administrator of X’s Brazilian branch in April, according to the outlet Folha De S. Paulo.

Another name mentioned in the FOIAs is Rachel de Oliveira Vila Nova Conceição, who served as the Brazilian representative for X, according to the outlet Globo. Musk’s social platform claimed Moraes “threatened” her with arrest, according to a post online.

AFL also demanded information pertaining to a “Boolean search” regarding the terms “election,” “electoral system,” “voting machine,” “sanctions,” and “Bolsonaro.” Other terms AFL inquired about included Elon Musk’s name, Twitter, Starlink and the words “ban,” “block” or “censor.”

Lastly, the group requested records or communications pertaining to an O Globo articleby Scott Hamilton, the former U.S. consul in Rio de Janeiro.

“The American people know first-hand the dangers associated with the censorship of free speech online – particularly given our collective experience living through such things happening here during the COVID experience,” AFL’s Executive Director Gene Hamilton stated in a press release.

He stated the American people deserve to know if their government was involved in a foreign government censoring a U.S. company.

AFL launched an investigation into the Biden-Harris administration’s potential role in France’s arrest of Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, in August.

This story has been updated to include a responses from USAID and the State Department


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c17295 No.21594056


I wouldn't doubt that, what was there, no one needed to go to pornhub, it was saturated, no amount of reporting to different areas worked.

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d1d1b0 No.21594057

File: 621b9a52dcf32a7⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,404x718,202:359,ANTIFA_BLM_CUCK_FAGGOTS_CA….mp4)

File: 3a83932874266ac⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB,404x718,202:359,WE_HAVE_IT_ALL_SIDNEY_POWE….mp4)

File: ec41b107d30566a⋯.png (1.16 MB,777x778,777:778,FBI_All_Faggots.png)

File: 624d2b858867fd9⋯.png (663.56 KB,776x542,388:271,Hairy_Tit_Meh_He_Kun_Kek.png)

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34befb No.21594058

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b4ca39 No.21594059

File: 8f6d77ae6089462⋯.png (1.38 MB,1118x843,1118:843,how.PNG)

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d1d1b0 No.21594060

File: 4dd00ba2c038b5a⋯.gif (2.35 MB,220x248,55:62,Army_Gloves_Xi_Trump.gif)

File: ee12d44a762f683⋯.gif (2.7 MB,636x304,159:76,B2_Stealth_Refuel.gif)

File: 3d88c55e6f3c3db⋯.png (1.12 MB,1767x802,1767:802,B_21_Bomber.png)

File: 166b83280c9b383⋯.png (36.27 KB,700x805,20:23,Big_P_Lil_Kim.png)

File: c9440d3dd641393⋯.png (234.58 KB,220x165,4:3,BOB_Salute.png)

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6643a1 No.21594061


Nicole Junkermann is an international entrepreneur and investor, focused on identifying opportunities to disrupt traditional business models through industry-defining technologies.

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34befb No.21594063

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6e4f09 No.21594064


#26449 >>21593067

>>21593074, >>21593945 Trending on Twitter/X


>>21593104 Roger Stone: If they thought they were going to dump old Joe and that he would just go quietly into the night, they were very wrong

>>21593108 Please Support 8Kun

>>21593122 I love how this combination of people is so random but it also makes complete sense

>>21593126 Elon Musk: If you push environmentalism too far, you start to view humanity as a bad thing - which is crazy

>>21593142 Children left bloodied and scarred by swooping seagulls as hundreds report being attacked in towns and cities across Scotland

>>21593148 Can't help but notice who's funding Florida's unlimited abortion amendment

>>21593158 Portland State-South Dakota game canceled in mysterious circumstances as 'many players' are struck down by whooping cough outbreak

>>21593166 Kamala Harris unveils a new accent and laugh at the Black Caucus Dinner

>>21593173 A baby blinking inside her amniotic sac

>>21593177 Iran says it successfully launched a satellite into space aboard ballistic missile

>>21593190 Charlamagne Has a MELTDOWN Over Biden Wearing a Trump 2024 Hat!

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>>21593268 Massive Fire in Los Angeles Believed to Have Started in Nearby Homeless Encampment (VIDEO)

>>21593289 BREAKING - Venezuela says it has seized 400 US rifles and arrested foreigners, Americans among them, over an alleged plot to destabilize the country — CNN

>>21593294 Putin sings Blueberry Hill KEK

>>21593301, >>21593966 Memes

>>21593311 Jeff Bezos hid his identity to get a discount on a mansion

>>21593336 Potato To Use Rest Of Term Putting Ukraine In 'Best Position,' Adviser Says

>>21593317 Trump slams Schiff, urges Garvey to reach out to 'MAGA' regarding endorsement in California Senate race

>>21593341 Americans Can't Hide From Nuclear War, Moscow Warns Escalation

>>21593355 Venezuela government seizes more than 400 weapons entered illegally to the country from the United States

>>21593356 Kevin Hart’s California vegan restaurant chain abruptly closes all locations just two years after opening

>>21593358 PANIC: Robert De Niro Rants to CNN: Trump Will Never Give Up Power

>>21593329, >>21593345, >>21593443, >>21593454, >>21593678, >>21593994 How come so many Haitians end up in Springfield? Mayor Rob Rue owns a lot of property there.…

>>21593365 A man who worked as a U.S. State Department diplomatic security officer has pleaded guilty to joining "a mob’s attack" on the U.S. Capitol in 2021

>>21593113, >>21593420 Taken to the UK to be a Slave | The Hunt for Britain's Slave Gangs | True Crime Stories

>>21593431 A military court in Congo handed down death sentences Friday to 37 people, including three Americans, after convicting them on charges of participating in a coup attempt.

>>21593452 PF

>>21593509 Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun publicly announced today that "China will militarily support Russia if NATO attacks Russia."

>>21593892 ‘Too Little, Too Late’? After Zuckerberg Comes Clean on Censorship, Media Outlets ‘Update’ Old News Articles

>>21593898 Scavino vid: Why hasn't she done it?

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>>21594016 It’s not about the cats or the dogs. It’s about 60,000 Americans

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>>21594034 Flynn: I’ll tell you what’s disturbing and un-American

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d1d1b0 No.21594065

File: 0d9ef56fc118e62⋯.jpg (212.09 KB,1176x880,147:110,Donald_Trump_Ham_Radio_Ope….jpg)

File: 400cc06e1a17d51⋯.jpg (139.13 KB,1199x826,1199:826,God_Fearing_Men_Ranger_Cha….jpg)

File: 12acfeb6bb2b9ba⋯.png (1.46 MB,800x1013,800:1013,Golden_Smile_Trump.png)

File: 78c9f0a3d7e4aa9⋯.png (271.48 KB,632x395,8:5,He_s_Right_You_Know_Regan.png)

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b4ca39 No.21594067

File: ee66d44e8f2c71e⋯.png (24.48 KB,594x344,297:172,if.PNG)




If you’re disgusted seeing videos of Satanists eating and sucking the blood out of live cats, brace yourselves.

They’re also doing this to children including babies and toddlers.

The cats is soft disclosure for the darker and more difficult truths that many of us have been screaming about for years.

Rate proposed Community Notes

10:12 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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fac20f No.21594069


asking the universe for an 8:03 timestamp bye multiple branches of the Military. cause anything is fucking possible around here.

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10200c No.21594070


Ahhh, thank you…

I guess I'll take some bread too please…

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a7275b No.21594071


comin up soon

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6643a1 No.21594072

File: fb444cd38a28ea3⋯.png (349.25 KB,634x476,317:238,ClipboardImage.png)


Thomas showed a 'conspicuously high level of criminal energy' in their assessment.

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d1d1b0 No.21594074

File: 704facd6c60913c⋯.png (207.08 KB,400x310,40:31,17th_SF_Grp.png)

File: 5a83dba65bc1cb9⋯.jpg (18.01 KB,600x375,8:5,100_Pure_Kek.jpg)

File: 187a45ff6a24505⋯.png (864.52 KB,1076x780,269:195,187a45ff6a245058ab35503ba7….png)

File: ddb685162094644⋯.png (860.32 KB,965x1209,965:1209,Kid_Rape_Kamala_6.png)

File: 81dfc22ed1e580a⋯.png (1.16 MB,1287x671,117:61,Mr_Mainway_HFQSO_2.png)


Yes It Is….

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fac20f No.21594076

File: 9fa2b8120b22634⋯.png (518.28 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240915_080417.png)

File: 0be9d112562e994⋯.png (121.17 KB,766x1332,383:666,803_9_.png)

File: 7ea6b3965485d20⋯.jpeg (65.78 KB,680x453,680:453,2fcjXqTX.jpeg)

1 ping

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6643a1 No.21594077


>Kevin Costner, Sharon Stone, Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, Gérard Depardieu, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel

good guys?

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cb2b24 No.21594079

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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82a1eb No.21594080



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f10b47 No.21594082


how did so many dim-eyed retards figure out how to infiltrate the highest offices of government?

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6e4f09 No.21594083

File: 1cf07b5930bed73⋯.png (986.69 KB,1024x766,512:383,26450.png)

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48bf7d No.21594084

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)




>If you’re disgusted seeing videos of Satanists eating and sucking the blood out of live cats, brace yourselves.

>They’re also doing this to children including babies and toddlers.

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a7275b No.21594085

File: 0ffb1223b4c35a2⋯.png (4.34 MB,2048x1220,512:305,0ffb1223b4c35a2a2d2f1719c8….png)

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a7275b No.21594086

File: 0b8e2d8eccee490⋯.png (931.11 KB,624x832,3:4,0b8e2d8eccee49055fbab91c4f….png)

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a7275b No.21594087

File: 1c7e4cc3118d298⋯.jpg (156.52 KB,600x450,4:3,1c7e4cc3118d2988774f7cd94c….jpg)

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d1d1b0 No.21594088

File: 55848f6f4cb620d⋯.png (753.41 KB,1136x727,1136:727,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 445f1453d2a27e8⋯.png (650.21 KB,1000x3164,250:791,Reserve_Component_Special_….png)

Quick Question…

So if JFK is the one who started U.S. Army Special Forces and he was President from 1961 to 1963…

Then how were U.S. Army Special Forces reorganizing in 1955, 1956, & 1959?


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c17295 No.21594089

File: 5ae73720a1313b0⋯.png (359.15 KB,609x342,203:114,ClipboardImage.png)

Thankfully God, your children are becoming safer, through very capable hands.

Bless all helping in this mission.

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a7275b No.21594090

File: 03c6e9d62177f8e⋯.png (1.19 MB,943x810,943:810,03c6e9d62177f8ef1b4cd242e3….png)

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639534 No.21594091

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163d75 No.21594092

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ben Bergquam: "Their Objective Is To Overrun This Country With Millions Of Illegals"Trump about the 325,000 missing children. Ben shows there's no patrol on the most dangerous area on the border. Bidan didn't build the wall on that area. They work directly with Cartels. Ben thinks there are much higher numbers of missing children. There are millions more illegals that at not reported.



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a7275b No.21594096

File: 14a1eeb53ce4d28⋯.png (580.83 KB,900x506,450:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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65aedf No.21594100

File: 78cfbed0b75cf87⋯.png (328.43 KB,710x929,710:929,IMG_3156.png)

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a7275b No.21594102

File: 77cfee417ef5bc8⋯.png (477.62 KB,790x669,790:669,77cfee417ef5bc811c5248d837….png)

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fac20f No.21594104

File: 33f1b7df6b2ee87⋯.png (775.73 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240915_081323.png)

File: c4570eb0d67fc2f⋯.png (176.84 KB,766x1314,383:657,339_3_.png)

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a7275b No.21594105

File: 102ad12ff062d0f⋯.png (1.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,102ad12ff062d0f25ace741a50….png)

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a7275b No.21594108

File: 169c9312feb0bbe⋯.png (254.1 KB,607x452,607:452,ClipboardImage.png)

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163d75 No.21594110

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden's DOJ Working OVERTIME To Keep Bannon In Prison



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a7275b No.21594113

File: 485fc543fb334fc⋯.png (400.69 KB,1800x1395,40:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7275b No.21594116

File: b75d02630659353⋯.png (79.17 KB,606x412,303:206,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7275b No.21594118

File: 111338c5d6c7541⋯.jpg (25.41 KB,300x300,1:1,111338c5d6c7541b283391170d….jpg)

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a7275b No.21594120

File: d41be2275a916e7⋯.png (78.17 KB,595x596,595:596,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7275b No.21594122

File: f067f18ead1ccc9⋯.png (1.21 MB,640x902,320:451,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7275b No.21594124

File: d84f03a370ca160⋯.png (4.26 MB,1612x1340,403:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7275b No.21594127

File: d6de09809e38a7b⋯.png (338.43 KB,397x586,397:586,ClipboardImage.png)

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / ausneets / dir / girltalk / jewess / mu / pdfs / tf / tingles ]