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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

fef5a4 No.21591136 [View All]

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701 posts and 563 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f4acfa No.21591982

File: 8cfa37d4448d766⋯.jpg (44.86 KB,463x622,463:622,Captureohio.JPG)

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92d518 No.21591983


Found a random Chinese restaurant on West Coast that had Raccoon burgers. Had to ask the guy if it was literally Raccoon meat and he said yes.

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cc1e84 No.21591984

I’m sick of sight without a sense of feelin

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23d9ec No.21591985


>Anime pussies from Japan built this place.

No, that's not what built QResearch. You seem to never differentiate between 8kun and the board on it called QResearch.

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5cf942 No.21591986

File: d5c67e7f17bbb5c⋯.jpg (106.11 KB,716x447,716:447,EXPEND_DS_RESOURCES.jpg)



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b80343 No.21591987

File: 2e17d1c6782d54f⋯.mp4 (8.27 MB,640x360,16:9,0vnecCx91J2Mb1ae.mp4)

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cc1e84 No.21591988

And this is how you remind me

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974be5 No.21591989

File: 6feffbd9458103f⋯.png (1.5 MB,1260x711,140:79,6feffbd9458103f3ce99b9a53e….png)

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ceb704 No.21591990

File: 7857af13df2f6e9⋯.png (161.05 KB,558x415,558:415,ClipboardImage.png)



yes yes

poast moar!

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f4acfa No.21591991

File: 760d416f6e5358e⋯.jpg (77.47 KB,476x836,119:209,Capturerobot.JPG)

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cc1e84 No.21591992

This is how you remind me

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e6af50 No.21591993

notables FINAL

#26447 >>21591154

>>21591164, >>21591726, >>21591179, >>21591194 New Zealand vaccine injuries featured in their parliament

>>21591192 DJT: Atlas Poll - US Presidential Election

>>21591337 NICKY JAM VOTA POR TRUMP!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

>>21591363 WAIT FOR IT…🤣🤣🤣


>>21591405 Haitian Migrants “Don’t Understand the Laws,” Ohio State Rep. Says

>>21591468, >>21591538, >>21591670, >>21591746, >>21591759, >>21591783 Call to Dig: Robert Rue, Mayor of Springfield, Ohio

>>21591474 Dems setting up the narrative already for delayed election results aka cheating

>>21591482, >>21591493 Kamala Harris @ debate: “We’re not taking anyone’s guns away!”, 30 seconds later: “We need an assault weapons ban”

>>21591521, >>21591553 Moar GlobalX

>>21591526 Springfield city leaders have been sounding the alarm about their housing crisis for months

>>21591589, >>21591690 During the debate with Trump, Kamala claimed that no U.S forces were in active combat zones

>>21591647 Team Trump: 52 Days

>>21591675, >>21591711 Springfield, Ohio: Haitians demanded this lady to sell them a chicken, tried to steal her ducks, push her around

>>21591763 Biden-Harris admin gives billions in benefits to 'refugees' who enter the country under 'parole' program

>>21591831 Rock, Paper, Scissors

>>21591850, >>21591901 Kamala's Wikipedia page changed her race 23 times

>>21591860, >>21591940, >>21591904 Refresher: Obama admitted to eating dog meat as a child in Indonesia described in his autobiography

>>21591866 The Simpsons prophesies intensify

>>21591891 President @realDonaldTrump is honored to have the endorsement of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association

>>21591908 President @realDonaldTrump en route to Utah

>>21591198, >>21591262, >>21591293, >>21591311, >>21591396, >>21591397, >>21591433, >>21591444, >>21591531, >>21591617, >>21591620, >>21591648, >>21591752, >>21591858, >>21591897 Memes


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cc1e84 No.21591994

Of what I really am

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cc1e84 No.21591995

This is how you remind me

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144be6 No.21591996

File: e0c09c9bdc4994a⋯.png (49.82 KB,324x324,1:1,Gay_Meme_Police_2_Tier.png)


Shocking - Grooming Gangs in the UK sentenced - no MSM present to report it.

This guy will have a nasty accident very soon.

notable, gbnews.com seems to be the sauce from vid.

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cc1e84 No.21591998

Of what I really am

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d17741 No.21592000

We the people need to start hammering about the Election Desk which predicts the winners and losers with only 1% of the vote in on election night. I just found out the election desk is actually the AP which is a news organization. Votes should determine the winner not the AP.

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cc1e84 No.21592003

It’s not like you to say “sorry”

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f4acfa No.21592004

File: 0b0f67590cb853d⋯.png (298.2 KB,519x426,173:142,cb45d06a502549ba.png)

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974be5 No.21592007


It's not like you to say sorry

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cc1e84 No.21592009

I was waiting On different story

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144be6 No.21592010

File: 69971099d12bf77⋯.jpg (298.58 KB,783x818,783:818,Stormy_Daniels_Hush_Money_….jpg)



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3b79a8 No.21592011

Mr. Biden: There are old ghosts in new garments, trying to seize your power. And extremists coming for your freedoms, making it harder for you to vote, and have your vote counted. Closing doors of oppertunity. Attacking affirmative action, and the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Banning books; erasing history.

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cc1e84 No.21592013

This time I’m mistaken

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3be644 No.21592014

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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23d9ec No.21592015

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB,1326x878,663:439,never_give_up.png)

>Anime pussies from Japan built this place. We also got an anime pussy from Japan named Michael and he's an anime baker.

Ah, it makes sense now. And he's trying to refer to Tranimae as the Archangel Michael now, and the clown used to post angel pepes when imitating SP. It's all converging isn't it, Simple Legion. Or, moar accurately, unraveling, isn't it?

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cc1e84 No.21592016

For handing you a heart worth breaking

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e6af50 No.21592017

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f4acfa No.21592018

File: 4efcfbd39ae918e⋯.jpeg (31.48 KB,710x527,710:527,d2e46fb51e46b39b.jpeg)

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fef5a4 No.21592019



conscious mind


subconscious mind

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cc1e84 No.21592020

I’ve been wrong I’ve been down

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bbadb5 No.21592026

File: ec2bdb162f92ab1⋯.png (586.77 KB,653x905,653:905,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 014a7663c234592⋯.png (146.34 KB,664x1024,83:128,ClipboardImage.png)


Rotherham grooming gang who plied girls as young as 11 with drugs and alcohol before raping them are jailed for a total of 106 years


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144be6 No.21592028


11 herbs n spices can make anything taste good anon

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fef5a4 No.21592030

File: cbd0d5dbf88465f⋯.png (583.22 KB,593x922,593:922,cbd0d5dbf88465f66b0a5c4b94….png)

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5cf942 No.21592031

File: 17a5d8db0df8442⋯.jpg (102.57 KB,569x573,569:573,THEY_R_F_KED.jpg)

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5cf942 No.21592033

File: cbec5a677d48545⋯.jpg (159.21 KB,729x519,243:173,U_DID_A_GOOD_JOB_4_AMERICA.jpg)

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f9f991 No.21592035


raises eyebrows


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8b4ce3 No.21592036


Fuck off Dave

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094053 No.21592037


Expand your thinking. If the US Gov imports all Haitians then Haiti will be safer for America Colonization.

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144be6 No.21592039

Pig is off the rails

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3b79a8 No.21592040

Mr. Biden: My predecessor called insurrectionists who stormed the Capital on January 6th, patriots. But when peaceful protesters marched for justice for George Floyd, Trump wanted to send in the military, but they wouldn't go. He says immigrants, black and brown immigrants, poison the blood of our country. RIght now, his running mate is attacking Haitian immigrants in Ohio. It's wrong. It's gotta stop. Any president should reject hate in America and not incite it.

[he says as he incites hate]

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5cf942 No.21592043

File: 3f28793452970f3⋯.jpg (255.98 KB,475x667,475:667,LOCOWINNING.jpg)

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144be6 No.21592044


the pedos won't have to travel as far.

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517c9c No.21592046

File: dbff6a2c7db9750⋯.png (359.01 KB,742x445,742:445,Screenshot_2024_09_14_1853….png)

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5398e7 No.21592048

File: 272166637ee9cf3⋯.png (1.98 MB,1119x1242,373:414,272166637ee9cf3201ef62e982….png)

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144be6 No.21592050


jizz on zee face must keep her fresh and youthful…

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1e59dc No.21592051



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8ef038 No.21592054


how cruel of them

what is the purpose of that?

is that why I don't ever see Racoons anymore?

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03dbe9 No.21592056


HIVE MIND ALERT: Theres someone ATM being 1st responded too.

PLS PRAY and send positive vibes, ty. <3

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144be6 No.21592057


Coon burger?

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