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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

4c67a2 No.21590332 [View All]

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701 posts and 531 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ad8c01 No.21591100


again you aren't discussing the issue, anon.

I want to talk about real issues of hatred and descrimination.

you want to deflect and slide off into semantics. I'm filtering you now as you are a time waster.

good bye.

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ad3c8d No.21591101

File: 8afa8793d5011d4⋯.jpg (109.11 KB,656x728,82:91,8afa8793d5011d45a1de4986ef….jpg)

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8f4a5b No.21591102

File: ba5d4deeada2854⋯.png (376.56 KB,416x525,416:525,jjw79.PNG)

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ad3c8d No.21591103

File: 7249a9aa0697a27⋯.png (674.15 KB,710x871,710:871,9cf94557f7bda218.png)

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a5b3a6 No.21591104


>That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti


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478926 No.21591105


>Totally not the Jews.

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303b8f No.21591107

File: cffdfee314d4fa6⋯.png (330.81 KB,528x431,528:431,ClipboardImage.png)

Get the picture. Only this time use your brain. Pig is subversive.

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0a29cd No.21591108


run away bitch. you lost.

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2ed316 No.21591109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ad3c8d No.21591110

File: 6ff1dd306d2b313⋯.png (425.78 KB,543x1178,543:1178,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c462b No.21591111


Thus the explosion in price when Q+ started the end of adrenochrome production and traffiking

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8fb065 No.21591113

File: 87c989433339452⋯.jpeg (36.91 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_7530.jpeg)


Good one!


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bb9d94 No.21591114


But he doesn’t post any proof of course

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204be6 No.21591115


Simple Flat Tax incoming.

16%, get rid of tax code, you make it you pay 16%. The Equalizing tax. Accountants and tax lawyers need to learn how to code.

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649a0d No.21591116

File: 4d517d26f625f2b⋯.png (834.52 KB,674x1224,337:612,mrna_vaccines_contain_prio….png)

File: 0730f46d276135b⋯.jpg (175.26 KB,1164x1280,291:320,vaxxie_CJD_prion_disease.jpg)

File: be7d825a38d0837⋯.png (54.56 KB,893x981,893:981,covid_vax_prion_disease_pa….png)

File: 56674c6e640558e⋯.png (2.78 MB,2202x1670,1101:835,covid_vax_prion_disease_pa….png)

File: c4e62f81d3aaf9c⋯.png (146.27 KB,955x1263,955:1263,covid_vax_prion_disease_pa….png)


>Does corona or the jab fit in with prions?

"spike protein" = prion yes

RNA outside a cell = prion yes

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df939e No.21591117

File: 787251e7e251993⋯.jpg (179.58 KB,432x846,24:47,1546608401178.jpg)

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ad8c01 No.21591118


no, anon.

sorry, you don't get to decide what other people think.

you want to discuss word origins and I want to talk real issues.

you won't talk real issues, but just slide.

how does that make you a winner?

I was bold in making statements and you were weak in deflection and quoting irrelevent text purported to be about origins of terms.

'you can't use that word because it's technically incorrect' is your tactic.

the word means what it means.

you pretending it's not a valid word is just as silly as those who make the argument that the non Jews of the Levant have no standing because 'palistine didn't exist before 1948'.

it's a non issue.

they have a standing because they are living, breathing, and exist in that region.

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aae807 No.21591119

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e2e194 No.21591121

File: 0ea195599b608c4⋯.jpg (204.58 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ZomboMeme_25092021183200.jpg)

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32b4ee No.21591122

File: 584a56f136756ec⋯.png (3.29 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5437.png)

File: d4343f39294bbaf⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1170x1744,585:872,IMG_5438.jpeg)

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32b4ee No.21591123

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0a29cd No.21591124


still crying faggot.

I hope you kill yourself.

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a53caa No.21591125

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32b4ee No.21591126


Bump bump

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d09e78 No.21591127

Sadiq Khan: Prisoners Should Jump Housing Queue to Cut Crime

Prisoners should be allowed to jump the housing queue as part of efforts to cut crime, Sadiq Khan has said. The Telegraph has more.

The Mayor of London said that despite there being “a big shortage of housing in London”, some prisoners ought to “jump in the queue to get housing to avoid them reoffending again”.

On Tuesday, about 1,750 prisoners were freed under the Government’s early release scheme – which sees offenders freed 40% of the way through their sentence rather than halfway.

The comments come amid huge pressure on housing in the capital and an escalating homelessness crisis. In London, one in 50 are currently homeless.

However, lack of housing is one of the main reasons that those released from prison are recalled or go on to reoffend.

Prisoners released into homelessness are significantly more likely to breach their licence conditions because of missed appointments and breaking curfews. They are also more likely to succumb to a drug or alcohol addiction.

Claiming benefits and securing work is also more difficult without a permanent address, in turn raising their likelihood of returning to crime.

Martin Jones, the Chief Inspector of Probation, said that offenders freed under the Government scheme were “almost bound” to be sent back to jail “within days or weeks” because “things will go wrong in the community” and they would breach the terms of their licence.


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32b4ee No.21591128


Bump bump

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32b4ee No.21591129


Bump Bump it up

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401e56 No.21591130


Unjewing their heritage.

That's just antisemitic.

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d00059 No.21591131


Me vale verga.

Asi de sencillo.

A. Pizza Elba.

B. Yo era vegano antes de venir.

Punto y aparte

Verga yo no comida pan antes de venir.

Aaaany way.

So I no longer believe in my grandparents.

Nor in my parents.

Definitely not in Q promises.

Hm, not yet.

Eminem and Jayz produce clothing to pull strings

In underdeveloped countries with sweatshops

Can't believe a fucking word related to their p3nning

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ad8c01 No.21591132


curses you put out come back to you.

your hoping that proves you as a loser, doesn't it.

despite you saying I 'lost' it seems that you are the one who is lost.


get help.

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4c67a2 No.21591133

Final Bun


#26446 >>21590337

>>21590357 The former Uvalde school police chief is charged with child endangerment

>>21590361, >>21590363 RoBlox Pedophile Problem

>>21590365, >>21590379, >>21590484, >>21590528, >>21590528, >>21590559, >>21590662 RFK Jr. FOOD System = common chemical$ = common ailment$ = MAHA

>>21590383 Zelensky is a power-hungry dictator (not a Russian state media headline)

>>21590397 Union for Postal Workers endorse Harris

>>21590402 il Papi - THE PEOPLE'S PRESIDENT!!!

>>21590426, >>21590447 @DanScavino 8 Year Flint Delta and 1 min of football

>>21590491 Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote By Oregon’s DMV

>>21590492 Barroon!


>>21590758 Why Is Israel Bulldozing Cemeteries in Gaza?

>>21590785 Tim Tebow Reveals Despicable Chats Between Progressive Pedophile Scum

>>21590793 Walz: Surround yourself with smart women and listen to them and you’ll do just fine

>>21590891, >>21590896, >>21590906, >>21590913, >>21590918, >>21590928, >>21590935, >>21590949, >>21590962 The Role of the Boule (gatekeepers) in the African-American Community

>>21590974, >>21591016 Trump Holds Surprise Meet And Greet At Las Vegas Police Protective Association

>>21590987 Both Davis and Harris are members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority

>>21591012, >>21591029 PlaneFaggin' The GXA call signs are the illegal alien flights.

>>21591085 Moderna admits in patent filings that its mRNA COVID-19 injections can cause CANCER

>>21591096 Hey America You know where this is all going - NO TAX PERIOD!!!

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32b4ee No.21591134

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32b4ee No.21591135


Bump bump

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e74c14 No.21591137

File: 5e4ab77a8cdf6fc⋯.png (340.55 KB,634x270,317:135,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pedophiles >>21591117 are in here >>21591103 right now


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478926 No.21591138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I want to talk about real issues of hatred and descrimination.

So, you're a racist.

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32b4ee No.21591139


Bump bump

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083b59 No.21591141

File: 379d300f6995121⋯.jpg (67.26 KB,417x636,139:212,SUBVERTING_UR_ASS.jpg)

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32b4ee No.21591142


Bump bump

It up

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32b4ee No.21591144

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0a29cd No.21591145


kill yourself. Come on faggot end your god damn life

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ad3c8d No.21591146

File: 146fc3c76f0647f⋯.png (332.14 KB,710x537,710:537,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb99bb No.21591147

File: 227dacc6615d827⋯.png (309.57 KB,975x526,975:526,ClipboardImage.png)

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32b4ee No.21591148


Bump bump

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946137 No.21591149

File: 41f20f86289c32d⋯.png (128.11 KB,270x238,135:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad8c01 No.21591150


curses and accusations you put out apply to yourself.

that would be you you are talking about

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df939e No.21591151

File: 611e30afd524eb1⋯.gif (25.39 KB,112x112,1:1,611e30afd524eb1affb2f0ebff….gif)

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649a0d No.21591152

File: f5e6232ce243140⋯.png (207.25 KB,578x823,578:823,Elon_Musk_UK_releasing_ped….png)


openly rewarding criminals - the "uk" is a very late stage dictatorship

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32b4ee No.21591153


Bump bump

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32b4ee No.21591155


Bump it up

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aedaca No.21591157



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