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File: 2214fd8f67d2449⋯.png (68.7 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

609b2c No.21586900 [View All]

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702 posts and 436 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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4eaacc No.21587739

File: 517912c55519847⋯.png (349.87 KB,872x1064,109:133,000000butwhenanondo.png)


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b8c62a No.21587740

looking glass probably indicated the Democrats would eventually lose African-American support. They now need a new class of perpetual political victims realized as "the newcomers" and "migrants".

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3b58e8 No.21587741


>All this Hollywood shit needs to stop tho.

Think how NK was held hostage by the clowns. I suspect it's somewhat similar.

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4eaacc No.21587742

File: e61f94b22028b05⋯.png (34.56 KB,897x227,897:227,0_Q_3914pot.png)

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)


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19d5ea No.21587743

File: 679ccddfe2180a2⋯.png (423.76 KB,591x730,591:730,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6139a59e4cd0833⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,Russia_did_fight_the_Nazis….mp4)

Russia did fight the Nazis! Why do they keep calling us the Nazis? I can't stand them just as much as blm and all the other radical ideologies!

Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil


Absolutely Hits the Nail on the Head! 🎯

Absolute Must Watch.

Over and Over Again.

American military analyst Scott Ritter drops nuclear bombs 🔥:

They died in that war with Nazi Germany from 20 to 30 million. In every city, in every village there are monuments to people who died. Every family lost a relative, two, three, four, ten, twenty in that war! Here, what is Russia today!

0:02 / 1:31

1:18 PM · Sep 13, 2024


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5051c7 No.21587744

President Trump: The Green New Scam; the greatest scam. You know what they were going to spend? Ninety-seven trillion dollars. Where are they gonna get that money? That's more money than every country in the world has. It's a scam. They were going to spend ninety-seven trillion dollars. And you know, the time is coming up; remember they said we only have twelve years to live because the environment is going to kill us, right? The time is very close. Somehow I'm not worried.

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4eaacc No.21587745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a042f5 No.21587746

Transcript: Trump Rally in Las Vegas


President Trump: We dismantled her terrible record [Harris, in debate], we exposed her radical, liberal agenda, and we laid out our plans to, quote simply, Make America Great Again!


President Trump: Today she [Harris] had a terrible interview. Did you see the interview she had today? She can't talk. She can't talk. She can't talk without, maybe getting the answers? Did she get the questions? I hear she got questions, and I also heard she had a little something in the ear. A little something in the ear.


President Trump: They're taking over our country from within…I'm angry about young American girls being raped and murdered by savage criminal aliens that come into our country, very easily, but very illegally.


President Trump: The most preposterous part of Kamala; and how do you like the name, Comrade Kamala Harris. You know why? It indicates she is a communist. Comrade. Because she is. Do you know that she is further left than Crazy Bernie Sanders. He's crazy, that guy. He's almost as crazy as Nancy Pelosi. Shes nuts. The most preposterous part of Kamala's debate performance was when she tried to gaslight the public into believing she never supported the radical-left policies that she has championed for her entire career.


President Trump: She's clearly not well. Take a look at these videos. [plays videos of Harris laughing, cackling, and thanking crowd like a total idiot]


President Trump: Meanwhile, every time they interfered to fact check me, it turned out they we wrong, and Trump was right. For example, a big one; I said that crime was up massively…and David Muir; he's another one that doesn't have a clue…barged in to claim that, "Sir, overall, violent crime is down…the FBI says violent crime is coming down in this country". You see what the hell is happening with crime? Who would say it was down? He reprimanded me for saying that crime was up. And you know, somebody in our government, at a very high level, likes me, and they released the real numbers…the Bureau of Justice Statistics released brand new data showing that since Kamala Harris took office, violent crime nationwide is up forty percent, rape is up forty-two percent, car theft is up forty-two percent, robberies are up sixty-seven percent, aggravated assaults are up much more than fifty-five percent, and violent crime with a weapon is up fifty-six percent, violent attacks on strangers is up sixty-one plus percent. So David Muir owes me an apology.


President Trump: Under Kamala Harris and the communist left, our country is under invasion. We are under invasion just like it was an army, except in many ways, it's more difficult because they don't wear a uniform. You don't know who the hell to go after.


President Trump: Kamala would be the president of invasion, and I will be the President of making this country stronger, better, more beautiful, bigger, more powerful, wealthier, safer, than ever before. I will protect our country, she will surrender our country. She has already let in twenty-one million people, and if she gets four more years in America, our country will be obliterated. The twenty-one million people will be hundreds of milions of people, will come in from all over the world, which is where they're coming from now. You'll have a hundred and fifty million more people, you won't have a country anymore.


President Trump: The failing New York Times today reports this vicious Venezuelan gang is, "Snek. It sneaked into the United States among the millions of migrants who have crossed the border, and is peddling drugs, guns, and women, across the fifty states from urban centers like New York and Chicago, to Florida beaches, and once tranquil middle-America in Colorado."


President Trump: When I become your president; when we all; we're gonna work together, we're gonna make it happen, we will get the illegal alien murderers, rapists, ad child predators the hell out of our country, and we will not ever, ever, ever, let them back in.


djt: they lost 325, 000 kids and they think we are the bad guys, think of that.


President Trump: Comrade Kamala Harris is the most radical liberal nominee ever to seek the Oval Office, and you know it was just pointed out; and the real number is three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children are lost. They're being raped or they're being killed; a lot of them are no longer with us. They lost them during the last three years. Three hundred and twenty-five thousand children. Young children. Think of it. Never to see their parents again. ,They're either gone, or in they're in the service as slaves. Slaves. Sex slaves or slaves. You know, they talk about us like we're evil people. They lost three hundred and twenty-five thousand young kids. Think of what that means,. Think of what that means.


President Trump: Last month alone, American-born workers lost 1.3 million jobs, as migrants gained six hundred and thirty-five thousand jobs in a single month. You know, the jobs, almost every single job was taken by a migrant worker.


President Trump: If I pull this off, with the help of your governor [Nevada], a lot of Hollywood will be moving from California, because right now, you don't have the land. Because you don't have the land. It's owned by the federal government. We're gonna open up that land to you. You'll be able to build studio lots and everything else.

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b818e4 No.21587747


pathetic. Self portroits of the posters soul?

these satanic images are meaningless and merely show the ones who see it who they are dealing with who posts these.

shill fail.

get help.

you should talk to a priest about getting an exorcism.

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7af18c No.21587748

File: ac3fb1bdc7a5778⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB,460x258,230:129,Springfield_.mp4)

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a042f5 No.21587749

Transcript: Trump Rally in Las Vegas


President Trump: We dismantled her terrible record [Harris, in debate], we exposed her radical, liberal agenda, and we laid out our plans to, quote simply, Make America Great Again!


President Trump: Today she [Harris] had a terrible interview. Did you see the interview she had today? She can't talk. She can't talk. She can't talk without, maybe getting the answers? Did she get the questions? I hear she got questions, and I also heard she had a little something in the ear. A little something in the ear.


President Trump: They're taking over our country from within…I'm angry about young American girls being raped and murdered by savage criminal aliens that come into our country, very easily, but very illegally.


President Trump: The most preposterous part of Kamala; and how do you like the name, Comrade Kamala Harris. You know why? It indicates she is a communist. Comrade. Because she is. Do you know that she is further left than Crazy Bernie Sanders. He's crazy, that guy. He's almost as crazy as Nancy Pelosi. Shes nuts. The most preposterous part of Kamala's debate performance was when she tried to gaslight the public into believing she never supported the radical-left policies that she has championed for her entire career.


President Trump: She's clearly not well. Take a look at these videos. [plays videos of Harris laughing, cackling, and thanking crowd like a total idiot]


President Trump: Meanwhile, every time they interfered to fact check me, it turned out they we wrong, and Trump was right. For example, a big one; I said that crime was up massively…and David Muir; he's another one that doesn't have a clue…barged in to claim that, "Sir, overall, violent crime is down…the FBI says violent crime is coming down in this country". You see what the hell is happening with crime? Who would say it was down? He reprimanded me for saying that crime was up. And you know, somebody in our government, at a very high level, likes me, and they released the real numbers…the Bureau of Justice Statistics released brand new data showing that since Kamala Harris took office, violent crime nationwide is up forty percent, rape is up forty-two percent, car theft is up forty-two percent, robberies are up sixty-seven percent, aggravated assaults are up much more than fifty-five percent, and violent crime with a weapon is up fifty-six percent, violent attacks on strangers is up sixty-one plus percent. So David Muir owes me an apology.


President Trump: Under Kamala Harris and the communist left, our country is under invasion. We are under invasion just like it was an army, except in many ways, it's more difficult because they don't wear a uniform. You don't know who the hell to go after.


President Trump: Kamala would be the president of invasion, and I will be the President of making this country stronger, better, more beautiful, bigger, more powerful, wealthier, safer, than ever before. I will protect our country, she will surrender our country. She has already let in twenty-one million people, and if she gets four more years in America, our country will be obliterated. The twenty-one million people will be hundreds of milions of people, will come in from all over the world, which is where they're coming from now. You'll have a hundred and fifty million more people, you won't have a country anymore.


President Trump: The failing New York Times today reports this vicious Venezuelan gang is, "Snek. It sneaked into the United States among the millions of migrants who have crossed the border, and is peddling drugs, guns, and women, across the fifty states from urban centers like New York and Chicago, to Florida beaches, and once tranquil middle-America in Colorado."


President Trump: When I become your president; when we all; we're gonna work together, we're gonna make it happen, we will get the illegal alien murderers, rapists, ad child predators the hell out of our country, and we will not ever, ever, ever, let them back in.


djt: they lost 325, 000 kids and they think we are the bad guys, think of that.


President Trump: Comrade Kamala Harris is the most radical liberal nominee ever to seek the Oval Office, and you know it was just pointed out; and the real number is three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children are lost. They're being raped or they're being killed; a lot of them are no longer with us. They lost them during the last three years. Three hundred and twenty-five thousand children. Young children. Think of it. Never to see their parents again. ,They're either gone, or in they're in the service as slaves. Slaves. Sex slaves or slaves. You know, they talk about us like we're evil people. They lost three hundred and twenty-five thousand young kids. Think of what that means,. Think of what that means.


President Trump: Last month alone, American-born workers lost 1.3 million jobs, as migrants gained six hundred and thirty-five thousand jobs in a single month. You know, the jobs, almost every single job was taken by a migrant worker.


President Trump: If I pull this off, with the help of your governor [Nevada], a lot of Hollywood will be moving from California, because right now, you don't have the land. Because you don't have the land. It's owned by the federal government. We're gonna open up that land to you. You'll be able to build studio lots and everything else.


President Trump: The Green New Scam; the greatest scam. You know what they were going to spend? Ninety-seven trillion dollars. Where are they gonna get that money? That's more money than every country in the world has. It's a scam. They were going to spend ninety-seven trillion dollars. And you know, the time is coming up; remember they said we only have twelve years to live because the environment is going to kill us, right? The time is very close. Somehow I'm not worried.

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4eaacc No.21587750

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,4fb.gif)

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19d5ea No.21587751

File: aeae9f93c6060bf⋯.png (1.52 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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a042f5 No.21587752

notables FINAL

#26442 >>21586912

>>21587137, >>21586947 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

>>21587749 Transcript: Trump Rally in Las Vegas

>>21587260 38 times she said thank you

>>21587451 Trump reads 'The Snake'

>>21587566 "Can you believe I have to say this? We are going to LIBERATE parts of our COUNTRY." - President Donald J. Trump

>>21587720 97 Trillion Dollars

>>21587574 Kamala NOW vs. THEN

>>21587285, >>21587309 Kash

>>21586959 BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21586944 Mike Benz on War Room w/ Natalie Winters

>>21586971 District Attorney Announces Iraq War Veteran Who Shot Pro-Hamas Agitator in Self-Defense will be Charged with Two ‘Crimes

>>21586986 Trump responds to question about bringing water back to California and preventing droughts and fires


>>21587040 (Sep 9) Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

>>21587042 DoJ Is Dropping Nearly Half of the J6 Obstruction Charges

>>21587061 A council meeting in Alabama was abruptly adjourned after residents asked about the influx of illegals

>>21587074 A Factory is laying off American Workers and hiring the illegal Haitian immigrants

>>21587087 Biden admin hosted U.K. gov's Counter Disinformation Unit in 2021 to learn about their most effective censorship techniques

>>21587105 Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars

>>21587112 The U.S. government will spend a record $1.2 trillion on interest payments in 2024, the highest amount ever recorded

>>21587124 23andMe Must Pay $30M As Genetics Data Breach Settlement Is Reached

>>21587126 Trending on X

>>21587130 DJT: Comrade Kamala Harris NEVER WORKED AT McDONALDS - A TOTAL LIE

>>21587149 The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix)

>>21587179 Ohio Gov. DeWine's deep connections to Haiti inform response to Springfield controversy

>>21587189 Florida State Surgeon General Advises Against the Use of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines

>>21587199 US Locks In China Tariff Hikes on EVs, Chips, Steel

>>21587213 Stranded Boeing Starliner astronauts will vote in the presidential election — all the way from space

>>21587224 Kamala (after 3.5 years in office): "The American Dream is elusive — it's just actually not attainable!"

>>21587258 Elections Wagering Site Shut Down Hours After Court Ruling Said It Could Go Online

>>21587270 30,000 Boeing Workers Begin Massive Strike, Production of 737 Max Halted

>>21587339 ICYMI: Tim Walz Said Kamala Started Her Career as a “Young Prostitutor”

>>21587358 Illegal voter registration forms in Haitian Creole distributed by library in Springfield, Ohio

>>21587359 Kamala right after her presidential debate statement: "I feel very strongly that we need an assault weapons ban"

>>21587365 Trump Pledges ‘Mass Deportations’ in Springfield and Aurora if He’s Elected

>>21587446 Kamala Harris First Solo Interview with Local Pennsylvania Reporter Turns into Disaster

>>21587529 JD Vance: If you were to ask what caused me to change my tune about President Trump from 2016 to 2020 …

>>21587503, >>21587530, >>21587534 Mexican cartels exploit US government’s CBP One app

>>21587572 Watch Kamala lie in 5D

>>21587614 The Army’s New Precision Strike Missile Is So Accurate It Can Destroy Moving Ships at Sea

>>21587623 Operation Voodoo Cat Rescue

>>21587626 During the pandemic, California lost somewhere between $39 and $50 billion dollars to fraud

>>21587645 Alf star Benji Gregory's cause of death revealed three months after being found in car alongside service dog in bank parking lot

>>21587652 Execution after birth by state

>>21587681 Soros-funded group's leader visited the White House, claimed credit for Trump’s NY prosecution

>>21587717 Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled that undated or mis-dated Mail-in Ballots will not be counted in this election

>>21587067, >>21587513, >>21587658 Memes


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4eaacc No.21587753

File: b21b5fcb0c78611⋯.png (2.79 MB,1837x977,1837:977,1ba.png)



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ce66ec No.21587754

File: 6af4ac61e9a6053⋯.jpg (6.5 KB,220x116,55:29,k8mn4b5763654.jpg)

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c89df2 No.21587756

File: 7323bad999f5190⋯.png (4.68 MB,2854x1370,1427:685,FLOTUS_in_Pepe_dress_wavin….png)

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3955bf No.21587757

File: 55136d2fe181515⋯.png (425.86 KB,640x500,32:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e722c No.21587758

Did Boss say he's going to destroy BRICS?

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4eaacc No.21587760

File: 2e248082f4f5712⋯.png (1.94 MB,1909x966,83:42,1b.png)

Где ты?




11 марта 2019 г., 00:31:23 по восточному времени Выпадение № 3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b № 5618056

11 марта 2019 г., 00:27:15 по восточному поясному времени

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b № 5617930

11 марта 2019 г., 12:19:05 по восточному поясному времени

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b № 5617724



Парады или ограничения?




Соедините точки?

@Snowden опубликовал кодовые слова (NSA_key(s)).

@Сноуден едет вРОССИЮ.

Shadow Brokers публикуют актуальный код (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG вРОССИИ.

Можете ли вы понять, почему @Сноуден отправился вРОССИЮ?

Можете ли вы установить связь с тем, кто предоставил исходный кодSHADOW BROKERS?



Прячутся ли «Призраки» в «Тенях»?




Кем было агентство DIR в 2012-2016 годах?



Как мы узнали (до)?


20 марта 2019 г., 14:24:35 по восточному времени 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 № 5792112

Оба родителя ХУСЕЙНА выучили'РУССКИЙ'?

Является ли'РУССКИЙ'общим языком для изучения?

Подумайте тогда.

Подумайте сейчас.

[Подумайте о Нелли Ор]


Холодная война.



16 августа 2018 г., 12:38:24 по восточному времени1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 № 2628352

Задавайте себе простые вопросы.

Если бы ES пытался поехать в UIO из Гонконга.

Зачем ему маршрут через Россию?

Сколько прямых рейсов (в день) из Гонконга в UIO?

Что, если первоначальной целью была Россия?

Спросите себя, НЕ хотели бы вы оказаться в предпочитаемом вами пункте назначения ДО того, как станете публично?

Логическое мышление.


27 апреля 2018 г., 23:57:57 по восточному времени 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 № 1218390

27 апреля 2018 г., 23:53:46 по восточному времени

Анонимный ID: 6a7ca4 № 1218316

27 апреля 2018 г., 23:52:40 по восточному времени

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 № 1218299

Мир на Корейском полуострове — не большая новость?

Стоит ли нам добавить сюда #MOAB?

Расписания сдвигаются.

[На следующей неделе].



Вопрос: Нормы смотрят только CNN. Они даже не знают, что НИЧЕГО из этого происходит.

Мы слишком самодовольны.


Надеюсь, нет.

Может и посидеть в ЦРУ.

«Россия приостанавливает полеты наших военных самолетов в СИРИИ».

В США разбился военный самолет.


Аутистам нужен Red Bull?


27 января 2018 г., 13:09:33 ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 № 70


Часы тикают.

Как Россия?

[Мистер. Подрядчик]

Свобода печати.

Джон Перри Барлоу.


SecureDrop [Информаторы]?

SecureDrop>КЛОУНЫ В Америке.



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3b58e8 No.21587762


>you should talk to a priest about getting an exorcism.

He's a committed Satanist, anon. All behavior indicates he's beyond redemption.

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8c7f0f No.21587763

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) detected and tracked two Russian TU-142 military aircraft operating in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on Sept. 13, 2024.

The Russian aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace.

9:10 PM · Sep 13, 2024




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ae23d9 No.21587765

File: 2e248082f4f5712⋯.png (1.94 MB,1909x966,83:42,1b.png)

Где ты?




11 марта 2019 г., 00:31:23 по восточному времени Выпадение № 3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b № 5618056

11 марта 2019 г., 00:27:15 по восточному поясному времени

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b № 5617930

11 марта 2019 г., 12:19:05 по восточному поясному времени

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b № 5617724



Парады или ограничения?




Соедините точки?

@Snowden опубликовал кодовые слова (NSA_key(s)).

@Сноуден едет вРОССИЮ.

Shadow Brokers публикуют актуальный код (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG вРОССИИ.

Можете ли вы понять, почему @Сноуден отправился вРОССИЮ?

Можете ли вы установить связь с тем, кто предоставил исходный кодSHADOW BROKERS?



Прячутся ли «Призраки» в «Тенях»?




Кем было агентство DIR в 2012-2016 годах?



Как мы узнали (до)?


20 марта 2019 г., 14:24:35 по восточному времени 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 № 5792112

Оба родителя ХУСЕЙНА выучили'РУССКИЙ'?

Является ли'РУССКИЙ'общим языком для изучения?

Подумайте тогда.

Подумайте сейчас.

[Подумайте о Нелли Ор]


Холодная война.



16 августа 2018 г., 12:38:24 по восточному времени1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 № 2628352

Задавайте себе простые вопросы.

Если бы ES пытался поехать в UIO из Гонконга.

Зачем ему маршрут через Россию?

Сколько прямых рейсов (в день) из Гонконга в UIO?

Что, если первоначальной целью была Россия?

Спросите себя, НЕ хотели бы вы оказаться в предпочитаемом вами пункте назначения ДО того, как станете публично?

Логическое мышление.


27 апреля 2018 г., 23:57:57 по восточному времени 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 № 1218390

27 апреля 2018 г., 23:53:46 по восточному времени

Анонимный ID: 6a7ca4 № 1218316

27 апреля 2018 г., 23:52:40 по восточному времени

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 № 1218299

Мир на Корейском полуострове — не большая новость?

Стоит ли нам добавить сюда #MOAB?

Расписания сдвигаются.

[На следующей неделе].



Вопрос: Нормы смотрят только CNN. Они даже не знают, что НИЧЕГО из этого происходит.

Мы слишком самодовольны.


Надеюсь, нет.

Может и посидеть в ЦРУ.

«Россия приостанавливает полеты наших военных самолетов в СИРИИ».

В США разбился военный самолет.


Аутистам нужен Red Bull?


27 января 2018 г., 13:09:33 ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 № 70


Часы тикают.

Как Россия?

[Мистер. Подрядчик]

Свобода печати.

Джон Перри Барлоу.


SecureDrop [Информаторы]?

SecureDrop>КЛОУНЫ В Америке.



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da0c22 No.21587768

File: bcf7d51c7b3c389⋯.mp4 (5.57 MB,872x480,109:60,NaziIsrael.mp4)

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e96a14 No.21587769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Best Answer Ever Given On Why We Should Vote For Trump.

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ae23d9 No.21587770

File: f82547aa5f53144⋯.webp (1.19 MB,320x181,320:181,3z13a.webp)



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cf5119 No.21587771


God Bless the United States of America!

God Bless all of humanity.

The Kingdom isn't confined to a geological location. It is the people.

God Bless anons!

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624317 No.21587774

File: 3ac28199c2006b9⋯.png (2.17 MB,1600x1067,1600:1067,IMG_0987.png)

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a042f5 No.21587775

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7dc2ea No.21587776

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c00c93 No.21587777

angle quads!!!

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4cc26c No.21587779

Israel will cease to exist, will get blown off the face of the earth, if Harris gets into office

this from the man who almost got his head blown off, they tried to throw him in jail multiple times and had peace in the ME

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7af18c No.21587783

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cd8fb8 No.21587784

File: ccfbbfb4d564815⋯.png (174.78 KB,314x374,157:187,ccfbbfb4d5648150a7966485be….png)


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7b301a No.21587785

File: 795582fb1fa71aa⋯.jpeg (49.59 KB,474x394,237:197,IMG_2682.jpeg)



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ec7996 No.21587794

File: f91f3581090be35⋯.jpg (47.78 KB,888x499,888:499,XShift.jpg)

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ae23d9 No.21587799

File: f4fc1166611e960⋯.png (241.8 KB,398x398,1:1,D1.png)


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c4913f No.21587801

File: 3b79e7d4b1ff9c1⋯.png (5.54 KB,645x71,645:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd8fb8 No.21587803


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7af18c No.21587805


Angle <

Or Angel 👼?

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bfc2af No.21587810

File: ca73f32536b17dc⋯.jpg (353.06 KB,1536x2040,64:85,1000001069.jpg)

Deepfucks 19,000,00,0 pounds of worthless and rotting meat.

Burn or bury?

That what's left, DeepFucks and cabal are going to DIE

That's it, DeepFuck and pedo cabal DIE

Hunted like diseased livestock,

Unceremoniously culled, up

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8807e3 No.21587811



what did you think he would do?

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8e474f No.21587813


The date he handed it over to Military.

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d182ff No.21587816

He's getting good at making all those MAKE AMERICAS sound like a cadence!

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d182ff No.21587819


That's what I think. Only thing that makes sense. Where there any EOs made at that time by POTUS concerning this?

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ca1781 No.21587821


Would some reporter please ask Kamala what kind of gun she owns?

I bet she would not know

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573c87 No.21587827


There will be a time when Doctors and Nurses will be hunted down for what they did during the plandemic.

Their only allegiance will be staying alive.

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fcccce No.21587830


Listening to you you F'n Commie we need more assault weapons because of the numbers you try to transpose to the law abiding patriots!

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ca1781 No.21587832

Anyone have link to the real time reviews of debate . One showing lines as candidates spoke?

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51c6b4 No.21587917


Robert Paulson!

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