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cfd856 No.21582560 [View All]

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479 posts and 371 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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4a5c99 No.21583187

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is Bidan doing? Is he trying to get rid of his nemesis Kamala?



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adfb30 No.21583188


To think for themselves

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256767 No.21583189

File: 78a2ca2ef9edb79⋯.gif (44.87 KB,250x150,5:3,Trumpet_cat.gif)



Thank You Bakers!!!

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ba485c No.21583190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference in Los Angeles - 9/13/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a press conference in Los Angeles, California on Friday, September 13, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. ET.

RSBN will be LIVE at 10 a.m. ET.


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1d84dd No.21583191

Anon is back from vacation, what happened to ths place? When did VD become the admin?

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2d338b No.21583192

File: b8b6719d55ed5ee⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,720x1280,9:16,physicalplace.mp4)

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fa3fc7 No.21583194

File: d61ce366f857fda⋯.png (831.62 KB,1259x1280,1259:1280,IMG_2860.png)

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b83c9e No.21583195


Dooms Brazil’e admitted she gave the questions to Hillary

1) period it can happen

2)proof it did happen

3) proof the DNC is corrupt enough to do it

4)proof they got away with it

Which places the burden of proof on you to prove it DIDNT happen this time

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4a5c99 No.21583197

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God Bless Every Single One of My Beautiful Keyboard Warriors! I SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!❤️🇺🇸

We got a shoutout!



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4b8497 No.21583199

File: 71bbdeda5a79794⋯.png (597.97 KB,888x500,222:125,71bbdeda5a7979422290adf07a….png)

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32caea No.21583200

File: 85c1a57e54ecbce⋯.png (1.04 MB,1200x738,200:123,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_1….png)


biden knows these communist san francisco cunts are the ones who took him down

biden hates both of these disgusting bitchez

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786cae No.21583201

File: 45c43cdcd0c5536⋯.png (123.92 KB,575x767,575:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59cb9da4d4dc232⋯.png (259.73 KB,590x636,295:318,ClipboardImage.png)

According to the Pope, sacrificing pet cats is "just another path to God."

"If you start to fight saying 'my religion is more important than yours, mine is true and yours isn't', where will this lead us?"

If we DON'T fight to stop the religion satanic rituals sacrificing children, WHERE WOULD THAT LEAD US, POPE?



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b53e69 No.21583202

File: 8e7c66155e8b9be⋯.mp4 (989.07 KB,358x640,179:320,459086931_505619532212985_….mp4)

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2bcf67 No.21583203

File: 73ec5f39378b883⋯.mp4 (4.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,chemtrails.mp4)

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6df784 No.21583204

File: 145c71e19aa3e93⋯.png (82.25 KB,572x466,286:233,oct_29_o7_2_.png)

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cfdc0d No.21583205

File: 2594f6255c1035e⋯.png (363.67 KB,679x504,97:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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Slaughter of the swans: As carcasses pile up and migrant camps are built on river banks, Peterborough residents are too frightened to visit the park

By Andrew Malone for the Daily Mail

Updated: 18:40 EDT, 26 March 2010

As civic projects go, using Lottery cash to restore walkways and bridle paths along the River Nene seems a decent enough way to spend charity money for the greater good.

Creating 50 miles of cycle routes, parkland and dozens of delightful picnic spots, the Millennium Green Wheel project - which runs through the Cambridgeshire market town of Peterborough - was designed to encourage families to make the most of living beside the river.

At a cost of £10million, it should be a delight. With recreated woodland and hedgerows alongside the water, the project was also intended to give a boost to wildlife in the area - a traditional mating place for Mute, Bewick and Whooper swans, which congregate in vast numbers as the Nene flows through Peterborough town.

With salmon and sea trout spotted in the river for the first time in decades, the regeneration work has also seen the Nene come alive with other aquatic life, ranging from fish such as pike, carp, tench and barbel, to water voles, snails and freshwater prawns.

But this week, with spring in the air and flowers in bloom on the banks, few local people were brave enough to venture for an evening stroll along this delightful waterway, following disturbing allegations that Eastern European immigrants are 'plundering' and 'pillaging' local wildlife.

For, according to a flurry of alarming reports, Eastern Europeans are stalking the creatures of the River Nene and, to the horror of local residents, are reputedly now targeting the city's swans.

Rather than simply enjoying the spectacle of these majestic birds, it was claimed that immigrants see the swans as a rich source of food, and are trapping the birds, then roasting them on open fires along the river bank.

The Peterborough Evening Telegraph, which this week revealed details of the scandal, has been inundated with letters and emails since claiming that 'legally-protected swans' were being 'butchered' by immigrants who are 'raping' Peterborough's waterways by snaring the birds then battering them to death with iron bars.

Slaughter of the swans: As carcasses pile up and migrant camps are built on river banks, Peterborough residents are too frightened to visit the park

By Andrew Malone for the Daily Mail

Updated: 18:40 EDT, 26 March 2010


View comments e-mail



As civic projects go, using Lottery cash to restore walkways and bridle paths along the River Nene seems a decent enough way to spend charity money for the greater good.

Creating 50 miles of cycle routes, parkland and dozens of delightful picnic spots, the Millennium Green Wheel project - which runs through the Cambridgeshire market town of Peterborough - was designed to encourage families to make the most of living beside the river.

At a cost of £10million, it should be a delight. With recreated woodland and hedgerows alongside the water, the project was also intended to give a boost to wildlife in the area - a traditional mating place for Mute, Bewick and Whooper swans, which congregate in vast numbers as the Nene flows through Peterborough town.

Mute Swan

In danger: Swans are being caught and eaten by Eastern European immigrants in Peterborough, who have set up camp alongside the River Nene

With salmon and sea trout spotted in the river for the first time in decades, the regeneration work has also seen the Nene come alive with other aquatic life, ranging from fish such as pike, carp, tench and barbel, to water voles, snails and freshwater prawns.

But this week, with spring in the air and flowers in bloom on the banks, few local people were brave enough to venture for an evening stroll along this delightful waterway, following disturbing allegations that Eastern European immigrants are 'plundering' and 'pillaging' local wildlife.


Parents' outrage after daughter traveling alone bumped from flight

16.3k viewing now

Kamala Harris hit with Trump polling shock in battleground state

16.7k viewing now

Massachusetts military veteran shoots pro-Palestine agitator

5.5k viewing now

For, according to a flurry of alarming reports, Eastern Europeans are stalking the creatures of the River Nene and, to the horror of local residents, are reputedly now targeting the city's swans.

Rather than simply enjoying the spectacle of these majestic birds, it was claimed that immigrants see the swans as a rich source of food, and are trapping the birds, then roasting them on open fires along the river bank.

The Peterborough Evening Telegraph, which this week revealed details of the scandal, has been inundated with letters and emails since claiming that 'legally-protected swans' were being 'butchered' by immigrants who are 'raping' Peterborough's waterways by snaring the birds then battering them to death with iron bars.

A Lithuanian migrant in her shack home near the river Nene in Peterborough

Living off the land: A Lithuanian woman in her shack home by the River Nene

Of course, stories of immigrants killing and eating swans - once a treasonable offence punishable by hanging because all swans are Crown property and owned by the Queen - have emerged with increasing regularity since Britain's borders were thrown open to Eastern Europe in 2004.

Equally regularly, of course, such claims have been dismissed as urban myths spread by opponents of immigration, fabricated as part of some sinister racist agenda.

Indeed, no less an authority than Professor Roy Greenslade, media commentator of the left-leaning Guardian newspaper, denounced one report in The Sun - headlined 'Swan Bake' and revealing how the Queen's swans were being poached and barbecued by Eastern Europeans - as a cynical attempt 'to inflame passions' about immigration.

And, in truth, I was also deeply sceptical about these latest reports from Peterborough, believing there must be some other reason for the mysterious appearance of swan carcasses along the river - the work, perhaps, of foxes or some deadly swan blight?

But, I can report, the reality is even more disturbing than hitherto reported. Indeed, so bad is the situation that the people charged with protecting the river believe the situation is grave and acutely perilous for Peterborough's swan population if the killing is not stopped.

For the first time, there's irrefutable evidence that swans and vast quantities of fish are being killed by immigrants who have set up camp along the River Nene and are living off the land.

With more than 16,000 new Eastern European immigrants arriving in the past five years, those unable - or unwilling - to pay for accommodation in Peterborough have instead adopted the lifestyle of ancient hunter-gatherers, albeit with a penchant for vast amounts of strong Polish vodka and beer.

Living in crude shelters made of wood and plastic sheeting, scores of immigrants have taken up permanent residence all along the Nene.

Using crude snares and nets, the inhabitants are preying on swans, fish, rabbits, pigeons and even snails - all plundered from this expensively-restored habitat and cooked on open fires.

Indeed, at one camp I visited, hidden in bushes on the edge of a field 500 metres from the river and just a ten-minute-walk from the centre of Peterborough, it was abundantly clear that these people are dug in for a long stay.

This camp is also where three swan carcasses were recently found hanging from a tree branch beside a fire built around stones and other bricks which are used to balance heavy steel cooking pots.

Beside the cooking area was a living area - another wood and tarpaulin structure, with a table surrounded by boxes to sit on. Food such as sugar and bread hung in plastic bags from trees to prevent wild animals from eating them.

There was no one at home when I visited, but the camp was clearly still in use. As well as feathers and other bones around the fire, I found piles and piles of snail shells, which had been cooked and emptied of their contents.

A separate 'bathroom area' had been created ten metres away from the huts, where soap and toothpaste hung in bags from trees, along with a bucket used for washing.

The residents had even put down pieces of wood and cardboard to try to keep the mud off their feet following their morning ablutions. The camp was also littered with empty beer cans and vodka bottles.

Intriguingly, as well as all sorts of animal detritus, I also discovered one of the weapons of choice for capturing and killing swans. Propped against a tree was a thick, strong sea angling rod - built to take the strain of hauling big fish from the oceans.

According to walkers, river wardens and RSPCA officials, heavy treble-barbed hooks are attached to lines and cast out into the Nene using these sea rods and giant landing nets. The prize is not fish, but swans.

Out patrolling the river on Wednesday night, Jonathan Means, head bailiff for Peterborough and District Angling Club, points out where he caught one immigrant with a giant net trying to lure swans towards him with bread.

'The guy was hiding behind a tree,' says Mr Means. 'First, he threw bread into the pool so that the swans would come towards him. Then he tried to catch them in his net. I couldn't believe it. I started shouting and hollering at him and he ran away.'

A mild-mannered man, 44-year-old Mr Means has fished these waters since childhood, spending weekends and holidays on the bank, often only reluctantly packing up when night fell and he could not see to fish.

Giving his time for free as a volunteer, he has been a warden for the past ten years and knows the river and its wildlife well. Yet he no longer finds his patrols by the river relaxing.

Pointing out cooking fires used by immigrants to roast fish and fowl, not to mention piles of empty Polish beer cans, cigarette packets and liquor bottles, he shudders at the destruction along his beloved Nene.

'These people have a total disregard for our wildlife and our country,' he tells me quietly. 'These people know exactly what they are doing. They are catching swans and decimating fish stocks.'

And much as Mr Means loves the river and believes it helps teach people about nature, he says he would not let his son fish here alone, as he did as a boy, because of the threat from these gangs of Eastern European poachers.

'This park and river should be an absolute joy,' he says, as night falls and gangs of Eastern immigrants carrying crates of cider decamp along the water. 'But people are scared to come here.

'I know of people who have fished here all their lives, who now will only come if they have friends with them for protection. Polish leaders say these people just need education - but that's rubbish. People do not need to be educated to know they are breaking the law.'

Indeed, these poachers know enough about the law to destroy all signs warning - in several different languages - that illegal fishing and taking of wildlife will not be tolerated. Every week, Mr Means replaces these warnings posted along the river bank after they have been torn down.

Nor are these the poachers of lore, taking 'one for the pot'. Last weekend, a gang of Polish men was caught using nets to try to empty a pool full of spawning fish. By killing females and young, they threaten the entire fish stock in the river.

'People call this immigrant-bashing,' says Mr Means. 'It's not. I'd be saying exactly the same if it was English people. But it's not - it's Eastern Europeans. They play it daft when I catch them with fish - but what can you do?'

As we are talking, Kathy Hornig, an animal welfare officer, is on a secret mission further downstream at a place called Black Bridge.

Here, another immigrant camp has been built amid high bushes near the river, and the occupants have been seen repeatedly taking swans from the water.

With the camp residents scattering as she approaches with other animal welfare officers, her mission is a success: she discovers the carcass of a mature, adult swan inside a plastic bag hanging from a tree branch by the camp.

Acutely conscious of the potential for tensions between locals and immigrants over the slaughter of British wildlife, the investigators removed the carcass of the dead swan for further tests to determine how it died.

'We've been aware of this [killing swans] going on for some time,' Ms Hornig said. 'The people trying to catch swans are causing them extreme distress. But I cannot say with 100 per cent proof that the swan was killed for food, nor will I speculate about why it was here. I do not want to make any further comment.'

Marion Todd, a former Mayor of Peterborough, whose house is near the Nene, has spotted countless carcasses of birds, as well as bags full of fish, being carried by immigrants back to their camps.

'I've absolutely no doubt that these swans are being killed for food. We cleared one overgrown area where camps have been built - and found lots of swan carcasses. Put it this way: the swans did not disappear and their bones were not found on fires before the immigrants came.'

And so the carcasses are piling up and the death toll is mounting. Officially, there have been six recent confirmed cases of swans being killed by immigrants to eat. But the true number is believed to be far higher.

Of course, it's not just animals that are affected by this influx of immigrants. Few locals dare to use the park in the evening now, and even in daylight hours many will only use paths in sight of other people.

It was in 2004 that Labour threw open Britain's borders to immigration from other EU states, prompting hundreds of impoverished Eastern Europeans to head to these shores.

With more than 60,000 other immigrants predicted to arrive in Cambridgeshire by 2016, the Polish Mission in Peterborough this week said that migrants should be educated, rather than punished, if they are caught poaching.

When approached by the Mail yesterday, the Polish Mission was unable to comment.

A spokesman for the Polish Embassy in London last night confirmed diplomats were aware of the swan killing allegations but questioned the scale of the problem.

'How many Polish people are involved?' he said. 'Four or five. A minority. If somebody has broken the law by behaving in this bestial way, I'm sure they will be punished according to the British law. I've heard of four or five people being arrested. It creates the wrong picture to say that hordes of Polish people are taking British wildlife.'

At the camp where the latest dead swan was found this week, one immigrant from Lithuania had been left behind when her countrymen fled after the raid by animal welfare officers.

As rain lashed down, the woman, who stank of cheap cider and refused to give her name, peered out from beneath her tarpaulin-covered tent. She kept repeating 'No understand - no passport' when I asked her about the swan killed and prepared for the camp pot. 'Please go,' she said. 'No say nothing. No trouble.'

Jonathan Means is unimpressed. 'They know what they are doing is wrong - they just pretend they don't if they get caught,' he says.

'Killing swans and fish has got nothing to do with lack of education. It's to do with decency, manners and respect for the country you live in.'

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32caea No.21583206

File: 73bfdaf330a33ba⋯.png (716.02 KB,800x621,800:621,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_1….png)

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2d338b No.21583207


A natural 20

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c99811 No.21583208

File: 229e33aaf16bde0⋯.gif (333.03 KB,220x220,1:1,wtaf.gif)

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e56e57 No.21583210

@500 Last CallWill baker in 10

#26437 >>21582565

>>21582765 12:00N EDT LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference in Los Angeles

>>21582592, >>21583187 Biden loves his new MAGA hat, he takes it with him everywhere now

>>21582595, >>21582627 DeWine diggz/Haiti

>>21582603 Debate opines for the keks!

>>21582604 California considering plan to subsidize phone bills for illegal immigrants

>>21582614 @JohnBWellsCTM The Usual Suspects - With Dustin Nemos

>>21582624 A judge strikes down North Dakota’s abortion ban and rules that access is protected

>>21582630 @MarcoPolo501c3 The son of the man who introduced the Violence Against Women Act

>>21582634 She is the worst polling Democrat against Donald Trump in history on national polls

>>21582645 Sandra Cano resigns seat in Rhode Island Senate

>>21582648 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21582650, >>21583002, >>21583205 Springfield resident, Mark Sanders, says the geese and ducks of the city have largely disappeared./duck rescues

>>21582684, >>21582685 Major Potential Port Strike Could Bankrupt US Retail, Cripple Supply Chains

>>21582704, >>21582710, >>21582712 BBC: The Coming Storm Gabriel Gatehouse dives back into the labyrinthine rabbit warren of American conspiracy culture./AI to disrupt it

>>21582717 Much ado about scripts

>>21582719 ICYMI: TikTok back in court as government does the ‘national security’ dance

>>21582731, >>21582737 The Memo: Democrats fear Trump will out-perform polls again

>>21582737 In conversation with Elon Musk | All-In Summit 2024

>>21582769 War Room Morning Edition

>>21582772, >>21582779, >>21583015, >>21583051 Swampenins

>>21582783, >>21582799 Seems to me the CIA would have neutralized the Soros funding of open borders programs, for national defense reasons, unless they are on the same team.

>>21582787 52 Days to WINNING

>>21582818, >>21582829, >>21583118 Roseanne podcast: This video has a lot of information in it about the Pat Robertson pedo network

>>21582927, >>21582983 PF: They're coming in from all over the world.

>>21582935, >>21583056, >>21583059, >>21583102, >>21583148, >>21583181 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

>>21582943 ECW: Kirby-He is a smug SOB and he ought to resign.

>>21582951 Couldn't Get Elected as Dog Catcher': GOP Infighting Overshadows Unity on Tax Reform

>>21582952 Today, Loren Merchan’s business partner Mike Nellis had to appear before the House Judiciary Committee after the @KamalaHarris advisor REFUSED to turn over his communications with Judge Merchan.

>>21583019, >>21583047 Fani WIllis defies subpoena??

>>21583024 This is new level of AI that can "think" and "reason" before responding to you.

>>21583042 EU and Turkish Shipping Company in Standoff Over Weapons Inspections

>>21583072 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman

>>21583077 Printed Engines Propel the Next Industrial Revolution

>>21583100, >>21583131 Trump has infuriated Taylor Swift fans by launching a new range of merchandise that appears to be inspired by the Eras tour. In a viral post uploaded to X,

>>21583104 RFK ad TDS

>>21583105 Buckwheat trots out hate speech of Haitian migrants sacrificing pet animals in Ohio.

>>21583139 U.S. Coast Guard Rescues 11 Migrants From the Cliffs of Monito Island

>>21583144 @RepMcCaul Blinken was entrusted with securing the safety of Americans & Afghan allies.

>>21583150, >>21583161 Goldman Sachs CEO David M. Solomon scorches Kamala Harris for turning a report from an independent analyst into "something that's bigger than what it was intended to be."

>>21583167, >>21583177, >>21583183 President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

>>21583169 Trump Tells Kamala Harris That Biden 'Hates Her' During Presidential Debate

>>21583171 Cook Political Report shifts Montana Senate race to GOP

>>21583197 God Bless Every Single One of My Beautiful Keyboard Warriors! I SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!

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675202 No.21583212

File: 90bf7bb2a5f27f8⋯.png (1.18 MB,819x1024,819:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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NASA astronaut on Space Station during 9/11 attack describes heart-wrenching experience

Sep. 11, 2024, 6:32 p.m. ET

NASA has shared a poignant letter from the only American not on Earth when 9/11 happened.

Space Station astronaut Frank Culbertson penned his thoughts in the hours and days after the terrorist attack on New York’s Twin Towers.

He also captured the scene on camera from 250 miles up, with a chilling image showing a smoke plume rising from the Manhattan area.

The space agency said on Tuesday: “The following is the text of a letter from Expedition Three Commander Frank L. Culbertson (Captain, USN Retired), reflecting on the events of September 11.”

The heart-breaking letter documents the spaceman’s reaction upon learning about the attack and then dealing with his emotions afterwards.

He wrote: “Well, obviously the world changed today. The flight surgeon told me they were having a very bad day on the ground. I had no idea …

“He described the situation to me as best he knew it at ~0900 CDT. I was flabbergasted, then horrified.

My first thought was that this wasn’t a real conversation, that I was still listening to one of my Tom Clancy tapes.

“It just didn’t seem possible on this scale in our country. I couldn’t even imagine the particulars, even before the news of further destruction began coming in.

“I zipped around the station until I found a window that would give me a view of NYC and grabbed the nearest camera.

It happened to be a video camera, and I was looking south from the window of Michael’s (Mikhail Tyurin, Russian flight engineer) cabin.

“The smoke seemed to have an odd bloom to it at the base of the column that was streaming south of the city.

After reading one of the news articles we just received, I believe we were looking at NY around the time of, or shortly after, the collapse of the second tower. How horrible …

“It’s difficult to describe how it feels to be the only American completely off the planet at a time such as this.

The feeling that I should be there with all of you, dealing with this, helping in some way, is overwhelming.

“I know that we are on the threshold (or beyond) of a terrible shift in the history of the world. Many things will never be the same again after September 11, 2001.

Not just for the thousands and thousands of people directly affected by these horrendous acts of terrorism, but probably for all of us.

We will find ourselves feeling differently about dozens of things, including probably space exploration, unfortunately.

“It’s horrible to see smoke pouring from wounds in your own country from such a fantastic vantage point.

“Other than the emotional impact of our country being attacked and thousands of our citizens and maybe some friends being killed, the most overwhelming feeling being where I am is one of isolation.”

Frank would later learn that the plane that struck the Pentagon had been piloted at take-off by his Naval Academy classmate Charles Burlingame.

The two had been aeronautical engineering majors together, and had both gone on to become F-4 fighter pilots.


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b83c9e No.21583213


And then

Pizza gate is real.

It had to be this way

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32caea No.21583215

File: 22eb35e36845716⋯.png (18.32 KB,893x136,893:136,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_1….png)


Pop singer Taylor Swift has been trying to play down her connection to Hollywood rapist, Harvey Weinstein, who is currently on trial in New York. Swift made an appearance in the 2014 Weinstein film "The Giver." Swift also gave one of her songs to Weinstein for his company's 2013 movie "One Chance."

However, that has not stopped Swift from lying to the Guardian magazine about the extent of her involvement with Weinstein. She stated, "I'd be at the Golden Globes. I absolutely never hung out. And I would get a vibe - I would never vouch for him." However, the two were friends, that is until he got into trouble in October 2017 and became a social pariah.

The fact of the matter is the whole industry knew Weinstein was sexually assaulting and raping women. For years beginning in 2012, I'd written about his sexually vile behavior harming women (here and here and here). I did so even prior to the New York Times and New Yorker magazine publishing their exposés on the subject in the mainstream in October 2017. Swift knew of Weinstein's sins against women and looked the other way to it for career advancement, as she is a part of his circle in Hollywood. The truth will be revealed about that matter.


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520a8f No.21583218

File: 95ea79663b10860⋯.png (184.35 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f0a5d97a15248e⋯.png (102.24 KB,360x289,360:289,ClipboardImage.png)

Telegram Shill Bot | Telegram Spammer Bot For Groups

A telegram shilling bot or Telegram group Shilling bot is a very useful and the best alternative to cost-effective Telegram Marketing. it helps you to spam Your ads/messages on telegram groups.

Do Telegram Marketing as Telegram Shiller with your dedicated post continuously without putting much effort also known as the Telegram spam bot or Telegram spammer

The reason why I am telling you why it is a very cost-effective Telegram marketing way to promote your Telegram Channel or Group or any ads on Telegram Groups by using the Telegram Shilling bot is explained in this post.


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000000 No.21583219


This is NOT a MAGA or Trump hat.

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dc792a No.21583220

File: 3f6e730926b43a4⋯.png (11.39 KB,1456x92,364:23,ClipboardImage.png)

imagine the absolute need for attention that fucking bad

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67ce8f No.21583221



>>21582737 In conversation with Elon Musk | All-In Summit 2024


>>21582743 In conversation with Elon Musk | All-In Summit 2024

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786cae No.21583222

File: c5b7791efa37657⋯.png (255.15 KB,440x337,440:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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c434e3 No.21583223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Copy and Paste”

Donald J Trump

Sep 11, 2024 Unlisted 0:51


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256767 No.21583224

File: 3db5f2070491e28⋯.png (230.17 KB,766x1650,383:825,918.png)

I hope one day we learn who Q is.

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b83c9e No.21583225


Ai can not think of reason. It is merely programming that can aggregate millions of possible responses on the web before collating and sunbathing them.

It still is Garbage in, garbage ou, and only as can do what the people who wrote it, wrote it to do.

That’s why so much has been removed and rewritten and censored as they tprep and train AI programming and prepare people to accept it as their tyrannical overlord.

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32caea No.21583226

File: ce72121e0ae88c9⋯.png (873.29 KB,1200x675,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_1….png)

File: 0ebff205a4131c0⋯.png (2.14 MB,1662x897,554:299,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_1….png)

File: 1623747052c802b⋯.png (1.66 MB,1632x918,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_13_at_1….png)


keep crying bitch

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c434e3 No.21583227

File: e4b7dcac076a771⋯.png (103.44 KB,1080x828,30:23,ClipboardImage.png)

September 13, 2024

Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies

Kamala Harris said she's 'very proud' of Bidenomics. Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking votes in the Senate for trillions of dollars in spending, which created the worst inflation crisis in a generation. Now, Kamala Harris *literally* copy and pasted failed Joe Biden's economic agenda from his website for her own website.

“Kamala Harris’ economic policies are the same failed policies from the Harris-Walz agenda, they are just under a different website header. A vote for Kamala is a vote for another four years of historic inflation, sky high prices, and economic failure. There is only one candidate in this race that made America wealthy and strong, and that candidate is President Donald J. Trump.” - Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign National Press Secretary

Watch the video here. >>21583223


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df51e3 No.21583228


Who put ymca song w young man part there? Kmao

I think that thing is one of those humanoid robots tho. It moves like a robot. You know the thing.

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786cae No.21583229

File: cce1001c1ee940a⋯.png (30.58 KB,360x358,180:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53ad69dcdf26ce0⋯.png (27.73 KB,360x302,180:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4de7b8a14d4acc0⋯.png (24.12 KB,347x360,347:360,ClipboardImage.png)

The racist DEI grifters deleted their accounts right before a documentary is released that just allowed them to speak what they think.

That's how you know not even they believe their own racist BS

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b4d7f5 No.21583230

File: f67fd268b5cc354⋯.jpg (87.39 KB,634x850,317:425,reptile_cocks.jpg)

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2bcf67 No.21583231

File: 52ea7d9f8fcaf79⋯.jpeg (69.16 KB,640x640,1:1,taytayweinstein.jpeg)

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c3d3eb No.21583232

File: a3b9429073235c4⋯.png (115.94 KB,239x255,239:255,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21582526 (pb)

Hey girl

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e56e57 No.21583233




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20fda4 No.21583234

File: 7f9377dedf1dbc2⋯.jpg (90.72 KB,1320x742,660:371,Rick_and_Morty_S07E04_Revi….jpg)

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b83c9e No.21583236


Hah you added Vatican tard

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e56e57 No.21583237


#26437 >>21582565

>>21582765 12:00N EDT LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference in Los Angeles

>>21582592, >>21583187 Biden loves his new MAGA hat, he takes it with him everywhere now

>>21582595, >>21582627 DeWine diggz/Haiti

>>21582603 Debate opines for the keks!

>>21582604 California considering plan to subsidize phone bills for illegal immigrants

>>21582614 @JohnBWellsCTM The Usual Suspects - With Dustin Nemos

>>21582624 A judge strikes down North Dakota’s abortion ban and rules that access is protected

>>21582630 @MarcoPolo501c3 The son of the man who introduced the Violence Against Women Act

>>21582634 She is the worst polling Democrat against Donald Trump in history on national polls

>>21582645 Sandra Cano resigns seat in Rhode Island Senate

>>21582648 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21582650, >>21583002, >>21583205 Springfield resident, Mark Sanders, says the geese and ducks of the city have largely disappeared./duck rescues

>>21582684, >>21582685 Major Potential Port Strike Could Bankrupt US Retail, Cripple Supply Chains

>>21582704, >>21582710, >>21582712 BBC: The Coming Storm Gabriel Gatehouse dives back into the labyrinthine rabbit warren of American conspiracy culture./AI to disrupt it

>>21582717 Much ado about scripts

>>21582719 ICYMI: TikTok back in court as government does the ‘national security’ dance

>>21582731, >>21582737 The Memo: Democrats fear Trump will out-perform polls again

>>21582743 In conversation with Elon Musk | All-In Summit 2024

>>21582769 War Room Morning Edition

>>21582772, >>21582779, >>21583015, >>21583051 Swampenins

>>21582783, >>21582799 Seems to me the CIA would have neutralized the Soros funding of open borders programs, for national defense reasons, unless they are on the same team.

>>21582787 52 Days to WINNING

>>21582818, >>21582829, >>21583118 Roseanne podcast: This video has a lot of information in it about the Pat Robertson pedo network

>>21582927, >>21582983 PF: They're coming in from all over the world.

>>21582935, >>21583056, >>21583059, >>21583102, >>21583148, >>21583181, >>21583212 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

>>21582943 ECW: Kirby-He is a smug SOB and he ought to resign.

>>21582951 Couldn't Get Elected as Dog Catcher': GOP Infighting Overshadows Unity on Tax Reform

>>21582952 Today, Loren Merchan’s business partner Mike Nellis had to appear before the House Judiciary Committee after the @KamalaHarris advisor REFUSED to turn over his communications with Judge Merchan.

>>21583019, >>21583047 Fani WIllis defies subpoena??

>>21583024 This is new level of AI that can "think" and "reason" before responding to you.

>>21583042 EU and Turkish Shipping Company in Standoff Over Weapons Inspections

>>21583072 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman

>>21583077 Printed Engines Propel the Next Industrial Revolution

>>21583100, >>21583131 Trump has infuriated Taylor Swift fans by launching a new range of merchandise that appears to be inspired by the Eras tour. In a viral post uploaded to X,

>>21583104 RFK ad TDS

>>21583105 Buckwheat trots out hate speech of Haitian migrants sacrificing pet animals in Ohio.

>>21583139 U.S. Coast Guard Rescues 11 Migrants From the Cliffs of Monito Island

>>21583144 @RepMcCaul Blinken was entrusted with securing the safety of Americans & Afghan allies.

>>21583150, >>21583161 Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon scorches Kamala Harris for turning a report from an indy analyst into "something that's bigger than what it was intended to be."

>>21583167, >>21583177, >>21583183 President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

>>21583169 Trump Tells Kamala Harris That Biden 'Hates Her' During Presidential Debate

>>21583171 Cook Political Report shifts Montana Senate race to GOP

>>21583197 God Bless Every Single One of My Beautiful Keyboard Warriors! I SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!

>>21583227 Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies


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000000 No.21583238


This is a MAGA hat.


Look at the video. This is NOT a MAGA hat

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df51e3 No.21583242

File: f347e14b1504b30⋯.png (560.94 KB,470x568,235:284,IMG_2306.png)


I bet they stink like shit masked with perfume. Those people are disgusting. Ew.

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786cae No.21583243

File: ed990dc7c9192f6⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17262336084….mp4)

BREAKING: Multiple cats in Houston, TX cut up and mutilated in recent weeks.

No arrests have been made.

It's almost like there is an operation taking place where what would have been a slower gradual operation to normalize sacrificing animals in rituals in order to make the public less averse to HUMAN sacrifices, is now a 'warp speed' operation exposing it faster than the cult prefers…


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dc792a No.21583244

>but mommyyyyyyyyy they keep deleting my vatican spam

>the same spam they allowed me to have an entire bread to myself

>the same spam that wasn't good enough for my own bread but had to keep spamming in the general breads 150+ times every single bread

>they're so mean mom!

>hot pockets later?

>aw thanks!

>you're the best crack whore mommy a pleb could ask for

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7e0fc1 No.21583245

File: 1fce341b8d37231⋯.jpg (891.75 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Autumn_Pumpkin_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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6df784 No.21583246

File: d95852654705ef2⋯.png (332.25 KB,1431x1163,1431:1163,Sep_13_Eating_Cats.png)

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031f8f No.21583248


You mean Fischer

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e56e57 No.21583251





migrate, locked

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