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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 3b01110645ca80a⋯.mp4 (6.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 8B2JHtL_2Zu_eG_n.mp4)

File: 401f1ad80e3a7a4⋯.png (506.3 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1598570468251.png)

b4dcf4  No.1459418[View All]

A knife-wielding rollerskater was tasered by police officers after stabbing three people and being hit by a van, a court has heard



Banksy funds refugee rescue boat operating in Mediterranean

Exclusive: UK artist finances bright pink motor yacht that set sail in secrecy to avoid being intercepted by authorities


Coronavirus really has brought out the nation's Blitz spirit

Scientists say the sacrifices made by Britons in 'stay at home, save lives' lockdown echo those in the blackout during WWII bombings


France’s coronavirus rates quadruple in month as authorities urged to ‘act quickly’

France’s coronavirus cases are surging, with the government declaring that the country’s rate of infection has quadrupled in a month


Outrage sweeps the military community over video of two uniformed female soldiers dancing to ‘WAP’ on TikTok

Members of the military community are outraged after a video on TikTok showed two uniformed female soldiers performing the choreographed 'WAP' dance that has gone viral


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7d5476  No.1460082

File: ab344cc78511dd1⋯.jpg (45.67 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, saddam_close.jpg)

>literal gangster computer god robot machine operating cabinets

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97ddbb  No.1460083

cathy don't go to the hospital today

cathy don't get the neuralink array

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7d5476  No.1460084

Dec was right abut everything

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4afed9  No.1460085


get ready lad, its literally a frankenstein earphone radio control computer god frankenstein automatic super modern frequency wave dynamic operating system uplink control matrix of communist nigger cattle zombie stupification computer god world domination program

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97ddbb  No.1460086

File: e2e41e1199d75dd⋯.png (757.5 KB, 673x505, 673:505, ClipboardImage.png)


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4afed9  No.1460087


tbh the frank lily shite about the SSE is also really disturbing especially when combining dec and the SSE idea with R steiners ahriman

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70683a  No.1460088

>the only pig with a neuralink its an autist

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0398e5  No.1460089


Makes you think

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4afed9  No.1460090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

]keeeeeeeeeeeeeek it looks like he has on clown shoes

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97ddbb  No.1460091

notice how only the goyim slaves are wearing masks and they've completely dropped the distancing shite too

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885811  No.1460092


Read anything good lately lad?

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4afed9  No.1460093

reminder that the only fans butt matrix social credit isolation toil system is only just beginning

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97ddbb  No.1460094

>real time audio mixing of pig brain bleepbloop electro music

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4afed9  No.1460095

File: 812a0cd81bdd0fb⋯.jpg (451.66 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1598245661432.jpg)

>oh you took off your mask in line at shartmart?

>time for your 3pm daily full consciousness upload of blacked snuff porn

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4afed9  No.1460096


nah need to be reading more haven't read much of anything other than the US mil manual on small unit tactics

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837255  No.1460097

File: 2c229ef284d4cac⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, pug_pooping.jpg)

Doing a heckin shiterino

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97ddbb  No.1460098

>neuralink sends data to the gangster computer god which predicts your movements in real time to ensure that the cyborg law enforcement can always accurately and efficiently dispatch racists with a single bullet

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885811  No.1460099


corporeal shit is boring tbh lad.

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39f2ea  No.1460100


> 666

Putin and SA confirmed in cahoots with Beelzebub

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0398e5  No.1460101

>Future is transhumanism

I don't like it, they'll manage to convince people to look down on those not getting it as backward luddites

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6881fc  No.1460102


It also actively lies to law enforcement about chomos and rapists as long as they are avowed corp affiliated footsoldiers.

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1b6390  No.1460103


lad i wank every time you post this pic

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a0453e  No.1460104

File: 2a7d34fd93f38e5⋯.jpg (132.48 KB, 678x591, 226:197, Gnostic_Art.jpg)


Good on you. Here's to affairs spiritual.

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8ed2dc  No.1460105


he was very restrained tbh

mutt cops would have shot up half te street, and even british police would have shot about 5 of the attackers

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b4dcf4  No.1460106

File: ba0e79654466b6e⋯.mp4 (7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 32538721.mp4)

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4afed9  No.1460107


based amish and mormons saving the white race

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6881fc  No.1460108

File: 0a2decb864dd2e3⋯.jpg (114.28 KB, 1209x756, 403:252, 0a2decb864dd2e39d9c2e4004c….jpg)

>All those british drum and fife videos with their comments disabled.

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4afed9  No.1460109


keeeeeeeek some manlet kike saying get a fracking job. god I hate jews

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b4dcf4  No.1460110


>just leave your family and toil, goy

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1b6390  No.1460111

>stream got boring

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6881fc  No.1460112


the term service shareholders really just sounds like be a whore to me.

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4afed9  No.1460113

I wonder how many jews work in the oil fields physically

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885811  No.1460114


Trying to justify anything non-material to a Yid is a futile exercise, i'm glad this video exists to prove that.

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b4dcf4  No.1460115


what's less than zero

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b4dcf4  No.1460116


My favourite bit is right at the end just before it cuts off, where Shapiro oy veys and cuts in when Carlson brings up that God created us.

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70683a  No.1460117


>no madman who gets up and shoots everyone in the room

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6881fc  No.1460118


Isn't Shapiro a practicing jew?

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b4dcf4  No.1460119

File: 3a373c9a8d94c80⋯.png (343.09 KB, 3840x1424, 240:89, revelations_3_9.png)

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97ddbb  No.1460120


he's wearing a yarmulke in the clip keeeeeek

I think he just gave up on pretending to be a fellow atheist white conservative and started presenting as full I AM YOUR MASTER GOYIM SERVE ISRAEL long ago to appeal to the older zog sharter "Christian" demographic even though his reaciton in the end of the clip completely dismantles that old lie

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97ddbb  No.1460121

smh the filter again


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b4dcf4  No.1460122

File: eb0374e5258bf6f⋯.jpg (192.17 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, _147.jpg)


keeek forgot about that one

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4afed9  No.1460123


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6881fc  No.1460124


Why are atheistic jews a thing? Surely you should be excommunicated from the tribe if you become a materialist? I've never understood this wierd mix of those that actually believe in the metaphysical sharing space with literal materialists because of a tribal identity based on a shared faith that kept them relatively homogeneous

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97ddbb  No.1460125


they aren't they just pretend to be to blend in with the masses of deracinated unfaithful golem whites they created

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b4dcf4  No.1460126


>why are demons a thing

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0398e5  No.1460127


Jewishism is different from Judaism, one is a religion the other an ethnicity, atheism has its roots in Jew's Judaism

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b4dcf4  No.1460129


















































































































































































































































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885811  No.1460130


>he makes a distinction between the two

Lad… Yids believe in nothing but their own "chosen" status and the subordination of the goyim. Everything else is secondary. It just so happens that materialism is an effective tool to that end.

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6881fc  No.1460133

So the consensus is when they say Jewish but not religious they just mean Jewish and lying about having some for of metaphysical angle.

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39f2ea  No.1460360

File: 702474410de6417⋯.jpeg (155.74 KB, 1080x1202, 540:601, D4E27544_B2AF_41BC_B2A5_3….jpeg)

File: 8b9a8a31b29a3cc⋯.jpeg (42.27 KB, 400x400, 1:1, B85AF694_3877_46F7_A85B_4….jpeg)

File: 61a509b240c3c94⋯.jpeg (403.01 KB, 1164x526, 582:263, 570E35DE_0A1D_4D2C_92DF_A….jpeg)

File: fae58fab20ffb84⋯.jpeg (1.51 MB, 2120x1502, 1060:751, 492CB5D3_05A5_4ED0_9FB3_A….jpeg)

File: d4100d7cc348245⋯.jpeg (46.86 KB, 680x340, 2:1, E811575C_7AF0_4F0B_BCE7_B….jpeg)




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