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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 6170d13cf352eb9⋯.png (985.58 KB, 967x677, 967:677, 144630936003170.png)

52486d  No.1444310[View All]

Shit on a link nigga

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14ba65  No.1445018



"Objects in possession seldom retain the glamour they had in pursuit."

- Pliny the Younger

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af88b5  No.1445019


Finns are a weird looking bunch…

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8a6c54  No.1445020


SAS are a gay meme

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83740b  No.1445021


Heartbreaking and hilarious post.

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14ba65  No.1445022

File: c41a98d89c9b20d⋯.jpg (28.58 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Pain.jpg)

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8a6c54  No.1445023

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imagine living here

also just found out that Bham is only 5% Hindu and Sikh and 20% Muslim. Always thought it was the other way around smh.

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b6c74c  No.1445024


beaky booky blbablavbl

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04651b  No.1445025

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LADDD why must you attack me in this way


grandparents used to live there in solihul in a big mcmansion and now that area has stabbings through the roof every day

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0bedbe  No.1445026


Q milfs are implicit

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8a6c54  No.1445027

How long do you have to be converted to be issued a muslima wife?

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0bedbe  No.1445028

miss my grandpas

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14ba65  No.1445029


Both of them were traditionalists. Glad they don't have to live through the decline anymore.

"And the righteous man perisheth, and none considereth,

That the righteous is taken away from the evil that is to come."

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14ba65  No.1445030


As in both of my grandparents, I don't have psychic knowledge of Steiner's personal affairs unfortunately.

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04651b  No.1445031

mine's not even old labour but an unironic libdem replacist smh

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04651b  No.1445032

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don't know what this new memi is but it's funny

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f09f0e  No.1445033

mine was an IRA supporter who used to go on about the brighton hotel bombing and how smart the ira lads were smh but he was a good traditional lad rest in peace *feels schizo because raised in uk and love britain*

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8a6c54  No.1445034

hate britain luv england

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d55cfc  No.1445035

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b613a4  No.1445036


>Are you going to come out and serve me?

>I take it you sell coffee

wow this guy is autistic

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135006  No.1445037


Q shit seems to have the best ratio of women to men in right wing politics, weird tbh, women seem to only be attracted to soft non empirical wishy washy shite

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f09f0e  No.1445038


england is my city

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14ba65  No.1445039


>See a British flag

>Oh, that's the union we're part of

>See an English flag

>Literally me :)

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04651b  No.1445040

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watching it again tbh

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b6c74c  No.1445041

ywn test your nukes on the chinks

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135006  No.1445042

File: 59a35137cf681ec⋯.png (5.21 KB, 571x527, 571:527, f2fd7e4ef164bdebad98fbed18….png)

Neither grandpa spoke much tbh but grannies were both kino esp on mummies side, she spoiled me rotten and was based and I got along with her much better than I did with my mummy, she died last year smh still miss her

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af88b5  No.1445043


mine voted BNP and nearly got blown up by an IRA bomb in the 80s

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b6c74c  No.1445044


tbh hoping we'll return to tradition with multipel generations in the household tbh

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83740b  No.1445045

File: 0b2d99001ac3c44⋯.png (71.91 KB, 712x512, 89:64, mos.png)

>when the only acceptable form of English patriotism you remember as a kid was muh footy so you unironically associate the English flag with stupid football fans and deanoism despite being an English nationalist

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135006  No.1445046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

watching it again tbh

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14ba65  No.1445047

File: f0c06d7fbfab997⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 2113x2992, 2113:2992, 311_Cover.jpg)


Indians did their nuclear test better.

>One of the components was called the "flower" like the celestial lotus of Nirvana

>Conduct the test on Buddha's birthday, the 18th of May

>Call it the "Smiling Buddha"

Aesthetic and kino.

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f09f0e  No.1445048


'ate the IRA smdh

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8a6c54  No.1445049

If you dont fly an English flag out your window you're not a part of the movement.

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04651b  No.1445050

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keeeke this video

kino poo larp

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135006  No.1445051

pro football should be banned outright tbh, no need for that shite

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f09f0e  No.1445052



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8a6c54  No.1445053

football is great its a huge part of our culture. we need to return football to being a competition of localities within England. Ban everyone outside of a certain area playing for that areas team.

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af88b5  No.1445054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


tbh and on the other side of my family my nan's parents had to escape catholic mobs in waterford in the 1920s. they were literal refugees from the civil war. I love Ireland and I know many Irish feel the right way about Britain/the Emipre (e.g. the Irish Guards) but also far too many destructive celtic types with a chip on their shoulder. all for naught because they merely gave their country to the EU and afroasiatic horde in recent years. would've been much better for them if they stayed loyal.

thistle, shamrock, leek and rose forever

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14ba65  No.1445055

File: 0ba0f3adc58dab4⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 710x442, 355:221, Chagai_Mountains_Shake.jpg)


That was in 1974, and Pakistan didn't catch up until their Chagai-I tests in 1998. So India had them by the balls for 20 years.

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af88b5  No.1445056


tbh football should belong to the people not to multinationals and foreign oligarchs

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135006  No.1445057

File: 0cf6e2471d8c6be⋯.jpg (30.18 KB, 720x697, 720:697, 1594193479206.jpg)


>football is great its a huge part of our culture.

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135006  No.1445058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watching this and seething that zogmerica exists, just imagining these filthy mutt scum cheering in their TAC that their stolen tech missiles hit their targets make me sick

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14ba65  No.1445059


Brainless Evangelicals continued to support America; even after it legalised abortion, even against more conservative countries.

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479afd  No.1445060

Afternoon lads, sleep/rise schedule is sort of back on track.


How david davis is this one?

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14ba65  No.1445061

Six posts left in this thread.

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135006  No.1445062

File: f949106c07d6185⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 586x669, 586:669, f949106c07d6185101d45a238d….jpg)

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af88b5  No.1445063

mmmm big humungous poos and shits all over the floor of the toilet

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5a4f17  No.1445064


Always do a massive medley of poos after i come home from my run.

Sometimes take a big poo before bed at night too.

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af88b5  No.1445065


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af88b5  No.1445066

fuck shit piss

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af88b5  No.1445067


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