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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 31deaf2c9f9e7f1⋯.jpg (26.22 KB, 600x400, 3:2, deano.jpg)

f66134  No.1441309[View All]

Police officer ‘failed to tell Met’ he was part of banned neo-Nazi group

A probationary Metropolitan Police officer has appeared in court charged with being a member of the banned neo-Nazi group National Action



Man accused of spitting at railway worker who died with coronavirus won't face charges

Victoria station worker Belly MuJinga, 47, died with coronavirus in April just a fortnight after allegedly being spat at by a man who is said to have claimed to have had the disease



Estate agents see a 125% increase in people looking to relocate to villages amid the coronavirus work from home boom

Rightmove propety experts say they are seeing uplift in city dwellers considering moving to countryside



First wild beaver colony to live on an English river for 400 years will NOT be evicted

The animals mysteriously appeared on the River Otter in Devon more than a decade ago and faced calls for their removal



643 posts and 255 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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e03bba  No.1441991


this but unironically

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5af988  No.1441992


lad you're balding and eat poo and piss

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af8374  No.1441993

File: e04c686e3ecab01⋯.mp4 (7.59 MB, 320x566, 160:283, IzYoaoSrjWjbXE7K.mp4)

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317c14  No.1441994

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317c14  No.1441995

>SA goes to slap his wife

>His knees and back give out

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e03bba  No.1441996


>this community is sick and tired of the way we are being treated

u wot, a nigger hasnt been killed by the coppers in fucking years, what the fuck are they on

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af8374  No.1441997

File: 37386f5bbdde3d7⋯.jpeg (611.8 KB, 1142x865, 1142:865, 56C374DF_5880_4948_AA76_9….jpeg)

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af8374  No.1441998


getting nicked for dealing and and robbing is bigotry

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3da109  No.1441999

File: e61b866ce609bda⋯.jpg (68.68 KB, 653x369, 653:369, Capture_Copy.JPG)

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e03bba  No.1442000

File: 9f7a2690aa8ff7f⋯.jpg (771.37 KB, 1250x1250, 1:1, Ee0wYaqXgAUOiwS.jpg)

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5af988  No.1442001



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e03bba  No.1442002

File: a984f188782e5c4⋯.jpg (114.69 KB, 634x1438, 317:719, 31674064_8603747_Danielle_….jpg)


>so I look like a jew?

keeeeeeeeek yeah you do luv

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5488d9  No.1442003


wew she's an absolute munter

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5488d9  No.1442004

File: d6c7b5e4b1b76b7⋯.jpg (31.4 KB, 614x586, 307:293, green_nigga_keek.jpg)


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e03bba  No.1442005

File: 5b0d4da8462761d⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 552x543, 184:181, EaQIpYmXgAADZpt.jpg)


she couldnt be more of a stereotype

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741dd6  No.1442006


I doubt it the amount of non whites born to white mothers is in the single digits. British men racemix more than British women.

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3da109  No.1442007


notwithstanding the star of Remphan on her cheek and the flag of Israel draped around her, it's always the soulless eyes that give it away tbh

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e74a48  No.1442008


>america discovers the breakfast fryup. 2020 colourised

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741dd6  No.1442009


These are from yesterday yeah?

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e03bba  No.1442010


tbh tbh, coalburners are such a ridiculously small minority and the vast majority of those are slavs, english blokes falling for the imperium meme are much more of a problem than these slags

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5af988  No.1442011

File: d2cac071b89be02⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1889x1889, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>wearing armbands that tells others you're jewish

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19e228  No.1442012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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741dd6  No.1442013


Some people love falling for media memes to revel in demoralisation.

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af8374  No.1442014

File: 4745747b30b5bc4⋯.jpeg (131.1 KB, 960x720, 4:3, D60D4EB5_F2B2_409C_AA9E_B….jpeg)


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e03bba  No.1442015

File: 74bc52e6df16078⋯.jpg (72.53 KB, 600x724, 150:181, EdXaul4XYAECT_p.jpg)

>uni kike goes to spoons and harasses patrons

>complains when they get pissed off with her

and then they have the audacity to complain about the rise of antisemitism

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af8374  No.1442016

File: e785ef74b46d8e4⋯.jpeg (295.25 KB, 803x568, 803:568, B147355C_DA7F_4FD9_8BFF_A….jpeg)

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e88936  No.1442017

File: c9554d369410233⋯.png (20.19 KB, 652x285, 652:285, licky_licky.png)

File: a492b62bb4a7ddb⋯.png (37.67 KB, 279x63, 31:7, footfag_top.png)

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af8374  No.1442018

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e03bba  No.1442019

I can't watch the video tbh, I hate that "accent" and I hate that attitude tbh, good on the lad for not just glassing the cunt

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e03bba  No.1442020

>She admitted she has a 'big mouth which can be a problem' adding: 'I don't like it when people are trying to intimidate us.

>'So I started talking about periods because I know it's the easiest way to make a man feel uncomfortable.'

God I hate jews

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5af988  No.1442021


sounds like a whore

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af8374  No.1442022

File: bba8254cb3f73f9⋯.jpeg (28.17 KB, 306x539, 306:539, E005D583_4FB5_4F5E_8106_2….jpeg)

File: df591ef95c56b82⋯.jpeg (303.58 KB, 1309x601, 1309:601, 9D6F54E8_45A8_4849_AD17_E….jpeg)

>I will ruin your whole fucking life


>bit vindictive, sounds like a hate threat to me tbh

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af8374  No.1442023

File: 23ff015aab74a66⋯.jpeg (27.49 KB, 306x514, 153:257, 680F1919_23E7_44A3_B9AA_0….jpeg)

>don’t mention ze gas

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e88936  No.1442024


>he was quite a big guy

For Jews

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d4d824  No.1442025

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a3e887  No.1442026


I wish what you were saying is true but it's not, women mix alot more than men in England. Women here are race traitors of the highest order. Can you think of a single english women who isn't mixing in the public eye.

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19e228  No.1442027


Sounds Niponese (Intentional?)

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d4d824  No.1442028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e88936  No.1442029

File: 9d57770c22397b3⋯.jpg (158.06 KB, 800x574, 400:287, 1596814550493.jpg)

File: 58fb104b2e2dcbf⋯.jpg (167.75 KB, 1125x741, 375:247, 1596814612660.jpg)

File: b25a2c64bb932d9⋯.jpg (207.68 KB, 1125x691, 1125:691, 1596814691071.jpg)




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2cad5d  No.1442030

File: df7dff52af0da5c⋯.mp4 (228.65 KB, 256x256, 1:1, treat.mp4)

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5488d9  No.1442031




keeeeeeeek sinister

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d4d824  No.1442032

File: 8a30ad0676b2c2c⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1380x1085, 276:217, 8a30ad0676b2c2ca6551bea1df….png)

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741dd6  No.1442033


It’s statistically not true if you mean who actually breeds mixed race kids. More British men produce non white children than British women. Fuck the entirely fake and degenerate celebrity class.

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af8374  No.1442034

File: 6b5be84a2dfd734⋯.jpeg (147.75 KB, 960x702, 160:117, 648F1D06_284D_451D_851F_C….jpeg)


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19e228  No.1442035


how come the only mixed kids I see in south london involving whites seem to be black dads/white mums?

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e88936  No.1442036

>pits sweat

>spray on cold deoderant

>pits go numb

>feeling returns

>can't tell if pits are sweaty again or just wet from the deoderant


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e03bba  No.1442038










































































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398efa  No.1442045

File: 6766d148a32a7fd⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, Morrowind_07_08_2020_19_15….png)

File: 9e6b4d1f7cdf5e1⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, Morrowind_07_08_2020_19_15….png)

>accidentally ended up looking like he belongs in Dragonball Z


Based roight wing daily moil appealing for information to ruin a drunkards life for being rude to a chosen.

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b5d955  No.1442059

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e10b1a  No.1442092


please nuke this country

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