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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

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32f392  No.1439777[View All]

Leaked Bodycam Footage Shows Moment-By-Moment Arrest Of George Floyd For The First Time

DailyMail.com has exclusively obtained video from the bodycams of officers Thomas Lane and Alex Kueng, who were part of Floyd’s fatal arrest on Memorial Day in Minneapolis



Are Brands Our New Religion?

A new study reveals that consumers who don’t identify with a religion are more likely to identify with a brand instead


Boris Johnson's Brexit 'promise' will lead to £130 million boost for UK fishing industry


Manchester lockdown sparks north-west England 'identity' crisis


Nigger, 22, who walked through Metro station with a fake gun is spared jail


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6d95eb  No.1440479


Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad looks 5 years younger he must have stopped eating rustlers

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61cddd  No.1440480


hi 10 year old post

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d40ff8  No.1440481


He has that adrenochrome drip now.

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1780b9  No.1440482


poz my neghole benny z

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132bb4  No.1440483

File: 649aa5098ef15e1⋯.jpg (1.88 KB, 480x420, 8:7, downtrodden_beyond_belief.jpg)

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eff5e8  No.1440484


>bowl of brown grease

'ate fourin muck me

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f635e3  No.1440485

File: fb416d623f67471⋯.png (37.11 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden.png)

that antifa comedian's ex mates just released a video of him staring in a cuckold video including two women pummelling his bollocks until he cums and then he eats it

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085666  No.1440486




Doesn't look the best


Foreign foods rarely produce anything of note, hamburgers are an exception to it being mostly rubbish

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132bb4  No.1440487

File: 1f089edd0846ad7⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 287x191, 287:191, 1f089edd0846ad70e6bdb325de….gif)



was talking about her quietly singing "i love you so" tbh

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2dddc6  No.1440488

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46f113  No.1440489

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2dddc6  No.1440490


They're being punished by the state for the National Action stunt tbh

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46f113  No.1440491

File: 0e48c75decafad5⋯.png (390.96 KB, 465x560, 93:112, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9158aca6fb6d3bb⋯.png (994.21 KB, 676x681, 676:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70b5b46589c362f⋯.png (1018.01 KB, 1012x627, 92:57, ClipboardImage.png)

small crop today but the video makes up for it

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2dddc6  No.1440492

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f635e3  No.1440493

File: 54509e7f4d37b5c⋯.jpg (85.33 KB, 669x397, 669:397, jake_florescucked.jpg)


Jake Flores on twitter, he used to be with some comedy group until he became too much of an obnoxious antifa faggot and they released a video of him in a cuckold bollocks busting situation.

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6d95eb  No.1440494

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2dddc6  No.1440495

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THis girl allegedly brap poosted at a "Frat" aka FART party

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46f113  No.1440496

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Tried some of that norwegian cheese and its utter shite, basically just emmental

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32f392  No.1440497

File: a63c02b6e331a86⋯.png (387.48 KB, 600x580, 30:29, 6244.png)


>"it's bad when children's television mocks our ideology but not when they promote paedophilia"

comments are funny to see how up themselves they are

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ca6f5d  No.1440498



>soviet bouncy ball


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2dddc6  No.1440499

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I wish I was in charge of tons of retards so that I could make them do this dance

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2dddc6  No.1440500


Them birds a s m o k i n g lad

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32f392  No.1440501

File: ee9eddd7b521fe0⋯.png (124.33 KB, 600x1450, 12:29, 235.png)

File: 00c6079f882b382⋯.png (153.88 KB, 720x665, 144:133, aab.png)

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f635e3  No.1440502

File: ca1f7f5564ee063⋯.png (161.35 KB, 578x644, 289:322, siege_groomer.png)


they're 15 la

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61cddd  No.1440503

quick post something that'd make anyone instacoom

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2dddc6  No.1440504


15 seconds from getting me wully

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6d95eb  No.1440505

File: 23ff92eed5b0532⋯.jpg (142.79 KB, 1194x1046, 597:523, dream_team.jpg)

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61cddd  No.1440506

File: 47afc313f87665e⋯.png (83.91 KB, 228x221, 228:221, ClipboardImage.png)


>those times the threads goes full on incel lust mode

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f34fd2  No.1440507

Zoomers are so politically insightful.

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6d95eb  No.1440508


it's marginally better than incel rage mode

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32f392  No.1440509

File: 6954bd9fdee66d1⋯.mp4 (452.54 KB, 640x394, 320:197, 57Y3Wtw8BfPU39Tn.mp4)

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2dddc6  No.1440510

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f34fd2  No.1440511

File: 757a0c3dcc221ed⋯.jpg (30.34 KB, 280x390, 28:39, Nairac.jpg)

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61cddd  No.1440512

File: 8625f7819b81521⋯.png (514.46 KB, 700x394, 350:197, ClipboardImage.png)

the britnat cock is hungry

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32f392  No.1440513

File: 9cfab33031992ef⋯.png (289.26 KB, 470x595, 94:119, d2.png)

Israel Reopened Schools When Covid Subsided. It Didn’t Go Well.


>Within days, infections were reported at a Jerusalem high school.

>It became the largest outbreak in a single school in Israel, possibly the world.

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2dddc6  No.1440514

File: 4a384d222a9c9ac⋯.png (282.56 KB, 480x252, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

doubt she actually pood herself sounds like slander to me tbh and so what if she did tbh

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f635e3  No.1440517

apparently the bomb in Beirut damaged the majority of the city lmfao.

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085666  No.1440518


Was a very large industrial accident

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32f392  No.1440519

File: ed9085eca706193⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 905x735, 181:147, EerlP4EWkAA_BZZ.jpg)

File: 01f1733a6e8ac0a⋯.jpg (178.72 KB, 580x600, 29:30, d.jpg)

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2dddc6  No.1440520

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Absolutely nobody:


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2dddc6  No.1440521

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2dbc74  No.1440522


proper wrong scousers approiating west country culture

Fuck off lad

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6a3af5  No.1440523

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2dddc6  No.1440524


Shit your arse off, filtered faggot

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46f113  No.1440525

With a car, you can go anywhere you want.

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f635e3  No.1440526

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keek faggot lefty french journos tried to make a doc on the floyd riots and the first nigger they meet is an outright black supremacist

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6d95eb  No.1440528


some sort of fire probably

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132bb4  No.1440531

File: 1a61549f4566639⋯.png (69.57 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, 1a61549f4566639b2d29e4463a….png)

beef an tomato pot noodle

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32f392  No.1440532






































































































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cdb76c  No.1440551


looked like a daisy cutter tbh

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