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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 9083d5d772be672⋯.jpg (81.09 KB, 528x729, 176:243, smug_cucumber.jpg)

06cea4  No.1437574[View All]

BREAKING: Donald Trump announces he will BAN TikTok in the U.S. by executive order as soon as SATURDAY - and he will not let an American firm buy the operation


Police officer injured in mass street brawl after force called to break up 200-strong Eid street party in Ilford


Covid-19 is not an equal opportunities disease: NAZIR AFZAL says a politically correct refusal to face facts that minority ethnic communities' genetics and lifestyle make them more vulnerable would be a shameful betrayal


==TikTok latest: Microsoft 'in talks' to buy Chinese app as Trump considers US ban=


London news: Riots ‘worse than 2011’ to hit Britain 'in days' over new COVID-19 lockdowns


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7c08ea  No.1438254

why were the french scared enough of germany that they built the maginot line if germany was only interested in fighting bolschevism in the east?

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7c08ea  No.1438255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dd24e2  No.1438256


good thing I can do the tactical under dick-and-balls-arse-wipe

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dd24e2  No.1438257

>No rear mirror you can use to check if your poohole is clean

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dd24e2  No.1438258

File: e3b3f772eed382a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1005.49 KB, 734x878, 367:439, ClipboardImage.png)

when gravity makes your poopies slide into your cunny

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7c08ea  No.1438259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>that time my friend showed me his pokemon card book with loads of rare rare cards and i stole a few of them thinking he wouldn't know

shouldn't've done it and he definitely told his mummy who probably told my mummy but i got away with it because neither mummy gave a fuck and they just wanted to listen to embedded related and imagine having an african bf that was in a disco soul band

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dac034  No.1438260


Their war strategy was of defence, Germany was the most likely nation to go to war with them, so they had a strong defensive position to hold against them

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34df1b  No.1438261

Found £5 in the woods lads.


Cohabitates with you to ensure it's clean.

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abf4d2  No.1438262

File: 074e1a3ea161563⋯.png (639.54 KB, 770x770, 1:1, despair_innocent.png)

morning lads

dawn of the final day

really ought to do some intensive cleaning and tidying but I think I will just go back to bed soon smdh

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7c08ea  No.1438263

File: 4ccc0df6487b6da⋯.jpg (52.67 KB, 728x594, 364:297, 1436759786767.jpg)


the final day?

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abf4d2  No.1438264


dad's on holiday and coming to visit tomorrow and he'll want to see my coombox and pick up some books and stuff

it's an utter shithole mess atm

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34df1b  No.1438265

As a neet, I think I'll need my parents home before they pass to avoid inheritance tax.

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5bac72  No.1438266



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7c08ea  No.1438267


good lad, i thought the worst. did you get anywhere with the cougar aunt at that party? or was that a fake puglad tier narrative crafted for (you)s?

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abf4d2  No.1438268

File: 3d497b3382d0af9⋯.png (133.33 KB, 480x420, 8:7, downtrodden_toast.png)


it's next saturday



*doesn't start until late afternoon and only puts in a few hours of work

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dd24e2  No.1438269


>when you just post your post-coom-tissue on the floor for the future you to pick up and you later find it fused to the rug

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6397ca  No.1438270

File: 11c7aba2e3a4b1a⋯.jpg (95.69 KB, 835x757, 835:757, balls.jpg)

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71af0e  No.1438271

File: 89ee62bfa552f05⋯.jpg (7.56 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Dawn_of_The_Final_Day_24_H….jpg)


smh lad yeah you shouldn't have done that but youth is the time for making mistakes


nice lad spend it on sweeties



morning lad clean your coomcube



lad they're going to sell it once they hit 80 and spend their final years on a permanent tropical cruise leaving you to inherit absolutely nothing

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71af0e  No.1438272

File: 0f8deae07fba20c⋯.jpg (151.69 KB, 1122x629, 66:37, ring.jpg)

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5bac72  No.1438273

I miss my children tbh even though hey aren't even born yet

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32056e  No.1438274

File: 052cc58267dbdf7⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1300x866, 650:433, ClipboardImage.png)

a fag's foreskinned cock upon exciting an arsehole after harvesting poo

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71af0e  No.1438275

File: 651875f6146eca6⋯.jpeg (40.19 KB, 500x461, 500:461, downtrodden_know_that_fee….jpeg)

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6397ca  No.1438276


I don't miss mine, yet, if they're going to be anything like me, they'll be little satanic fuckers.

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71af0e  No.1438277

File: 5d65e8347d87790⋯.jpg (128.35 KB, 624x468, 4:3, basset_hound_lazy.jpg)

need a new thread tbh somebody make one

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7c08ea  No.1438278

auslad how did you find /brit/ and how long have you been here?

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71af0e  No.1438279

File: 73abb1d469660fe⋯.jpg (193 KB, 690x459, 230:153, le_british_man.jpg)


saw it as one of the boards listed on the little top bar thing and clicked it out of curiosity tbh

been here since about a month before the brexit referendum

wish i'd found out about the referendum earlier tbh so i could've sorted out doing a postal vote or whatever smh but we won anyway and that's what matters

can't wait to get my new passport tbh a good one with none of that eu shite on the front

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7c08ea  No.1438280


based that's quite a long time. my postal vote got rejected and sent back to me too iktf. it was a big hassle to register and then vote.

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abf4d2  No.1438281

File: c664125aa7f2fb9⋯.png (1006.77 KB, 1023x676, 1023:676, ClipboardImage.png)

just a little nap before work

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71af0e  No.1438282

still can't believe that the referendum went through tbh even after all this time it still doesn't fully feel real

honestly never thought i would see the day


wish i'd found /brit/ earlier though tbh you lads are good lads

>my postal vote got rejected and sent back to me

keeeeek probably because you picked the bad goy option instead of voting remain like you were supposed to


good lad no man has ever died of rest

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34df1b  No.1438283

It's a veritable commonwealth of honorary Brits here.

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71af0e  No.1438284

File: 4af3f458bea86f8⋯.png (30.48 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden_wojak.png)

>man was born tired


tbh but we need some canucks and kiwis

smh now i'm remembering that time when that leaf lad came along shilling /canada/ asking us to boost the pph smh hope it got off the ground for at least a little while

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71af0e  No.1438285

File: 172112cbf1ad245⋯.png (3.68 KB, 600x309, 200:103, pointer3.png)


smh wait a fucking second smdh you best not be referring to me

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88abb2  No.1438286

File: bbebf485e1370f0⋯.mp4 (7.86 MB, 720x576, 5:4, Oswald_Mosley_Blackshirts_….mp4)

File: 9cd5c59ffea5361⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB, 720x576, 5:4, Oswald_Mosley_Blackshirts_….mp4)

Morning lads

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34df1b  No.1438287


I think my last interactions with Canadians was on 4chan a few years ago. I never get a strong sense of national identity from them.



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88abb2  No.1438288

File: 67e74ad8a2a664a⋯.mp4 (4.42 MB, 720x576, 5:4, Oswald_Mosley_Blackshirts_….mp4)

File: 177d10a07aa4318⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 720x576, 5:4, Oswald_Mosley_Blackshirts_….mp4)

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32056e  No.1438289

was lying in bed fantasising about making today one big coomfest last night and then I just had a quickcoom before bed. Saved my future self past self me did

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71af0e  No.1438290

File: 1a506fe741b4341⋯.png (250.61 KB, 400x396, 100:99, seether.png)






morning lad very good lad for finding those videos but the archive thing only archives the text from a post smh lads need to save them and preserve them themselves


bad lad for cooming but good lad for cooming less that you would've

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88abb2  No.1438291

File: 2ad8c67d1648d6a⋯.png (49.01 KB, 425x238, 25:14, surfin_Mosley.png)


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71af0e  No.1438292


keeek should make that the corner image for a few weeks every summer tbh

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7c08ea  No.1438293

File: 7b04460908b87fc⋯.png (107.26 KB, 750x750, 1:1, Oldflagfeel.png)

File: 7fc2ee27b6cd449⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 470x235, 2:1, red_ensign_proper_flag.jpg)

there was a canadian that would post here many years ago under a trip i can't quite remember but it's on the tip of my tongue, he was a good lad. canada has had it tough since post war decolonisation and the rise of el americano

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71af0e  No.1438294

>34df1b bullying me



think he was probably before my time tbh but yeah canada has always been good lads

they deserved better

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71af0e  No.1438295

lads somebody make a new thread i don't want to do it i've been toiling all day

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34df1b  No.1438296

This country is literally feudal. Property is the source of wealth and people are now hoarding gold again.

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f055db  No.1438298

Morning lads. Toil soon

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f055db  No.1438299

File: ffc8650c0fee5ba⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB, 324x720, 9:20, 2uNfXstI50oVh63e.mp4)


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7c08ea  No.1438300

File: 1551cb57a6fe1a3⋯.gif (28.04 KB, 294x445, 294:445, soldier.gif)

boone, that was his trip. good canadian lad that would show up now and again when we were 4brit/pol/

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71af0e  No.1438301


the middle class is being squeezed hard enough to send everyone back down into being peasants tbh

even though the normgroids aren't consciously aware that it's happening they can taste the atmosphere of unease and some of them are preparing accordingly

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71af0e  No.1438302


morning lad


sounds like he was a good lad





























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34df1b  No.1438311


Thot just got line managed.

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b990c0  No.1438369


good lad love it when little whore princesses cry

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