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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 71745d6f6336360⋯.png (5.76 MB, 1667x1295, 1667:1295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9091a343f34e2c4⋯.png (110.81 KB, 188x267, 188:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f7fdb58b5af998⋯.png (1.5 MB, 900x750, 6:5, Edward_the_Elder_Check_em.png)

c1c095  No.1426220[Last 50 Posts]

On This Day:

>924: The death of Edward the Elder, King of the Anglo-Saxons. He was largely ignored by modern historians until the 1990s, when historian Nick Higham described him as 'perhaps the most neglected of English kings'. Edward's reputation rose in the late twentieth century, and he is now seen as destroying the power of the Vikings in southern England, and laying the foundations for a south-centred united English kingdom.


>1453: In the last battle of the Hundred Years' War (the Battle of Castillon) the French, under Jean Bureau, defeated the English, under the Earl of Shrewsbury, who was killed in the battle.


>1674: The birth of Isaac Watts, English hymn writer. He was a prolific and popular hymn writer and is credited with some 650 hymns. Many of his hymns remain in use today including Joy to the World, O God, Our Help in Ages Past and When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.


>1717: King George I sailed down the River Thames for a concert, in a barge with 50 musicians. It was the premiere of Frideric Handel's Water Music which George I was said to have enjoyed so much that he made the exhausted musicians play the three suites three times over the course of the outing.


>1761: The official opening of the Bridgewater canal, built to transport the Duke of Bridgewater's coal from his mine at Worsley, near Manchester.


>1841: The first issue of the humorous magazine Punch was published in London. It ceased publication in 1992 but was re-launched in 1996.


>1964: British speed pioneer Sir Donald Campbell set a new land speed world record of 403.10 mph in his car, Bluebird. In July 2014, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the achievement, unseen family video footage of Donald Campbell breaking both the land and water speed records in 1964 was restored


>1981: The Humber Estuary Bridge was officially opened by the Queen. For 16 years after its construction it was the world's longest single-span structure.

>1917: World War 1: The British Royal Family, in a proclamation issued by George V, adopted the name of the House of Windsor in place of their German family name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha due to the anti-German sentiment at the time.

>1918: The RMS Carpathia, the ship that rescued the 705 survivors from the RMS Titanic, was sunk off Ireland by the German SM U-55, with the loss of 5 lives.

>1974: An explosion in the Tower of London left one person dead and 41 injured. The incident happened without the coded warning typical of the IRA.

>2014: Retired Det. Sgt. Jack Tasker, a former detective with Lancashire Police said that three investigations into Cyril Smith sex abuse allegations were stopped, claiming that senior officers ordered him to hand over notes and warned he would be "in serious trouble" if he continued the investigation. Smith was MP for Rochdale from October 1972 – April 1992. After his death in 2010 numerous allegations of child sexual abuse emerged (including many made during his lifetime), leading the police to believe that Smith was a serial sex offender.

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abcb88  No.1426222


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2835fb  No.1426223

File: 4dd14e1e042eab5⋯.jpg (6.93 KB, 209x241, 209:241, Olllie.jpg)

>Comfy Kings Edition

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4aca31  No.1426224

File: c5b635f61fa3783⋯.jpg (298.6 KB, 671x800, 671:800, alfred_the_not_so_great_bu….jpg)

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8187ce  No.1426225


*gets financed by Dutch Jews*

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2835fb  No.1426226


Yeah it's almost like the monarch had looted the entire country's wealth to fund his retarded failures just before the war, requiring Cromwell to get outside sources of income to fund his righteous overthrow of the antichrist.

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79a4e9  No.1426227

Thinking of making a fake twitter called Autistic Lives matter. Am going to harrass BLM supporters with it, insisting they add ALM to their profiles.

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d4b6e1  No.1426228


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bdc7dd  No.1426229

File: 90f505471a59f44⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 320x236, 80:59, 25252434324.gif)

first for crabcore

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79a4e9  No.1426230

As part of ALM, I'll post statistics of unemployability and celibacy along with suicide stats and I'll post them in all BLM threads.

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abcb88  No.1426231

File: 9976c4fbb419334⋯.jpg (54.78 KB, 741x741, 1:1, IMG_20200716_184439.jpg)

>Republicans itt

A republic is the most soulless form of government possible, looking up to vague ideas instead of a divine example of man


ok this is epic

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c1c095  No.1426232

File: 3b1a45ef88e3d82⋯.png (535.78 KB, 357x585, 119:195, ClipboardImage.png)

>One member of the English army stayed behind. The following day, Talbot’s herald received permission from the French to search the field for Talbot’s body. Although the body was badly disfigured, the herald was able to identify it by a missing tooth. That same day, the town of Castillon surrendered to the French and was spared the sword. Talbot’s body was returned to his family in Shropshire for burial. On the spot where he died, French noblemen erected a small stone chapel in his memory. It survived until the French Revolution 300 years later, when nationalist zealots tore it down. A new monument erected at the crossroads north of the battlefield gives a brief but pungent account of the battle: “On 17 July 1453,” it reads, “Gascony was delivered from the yoke of England.” In his own dramatic account of the battle, Henry VI, Part One, William Shakespeare adjudged it “a dismal fight/Betwixt the stout Lord Talbot and the French.”

Poor lad smh, he didn't even actually fight at the battle because he had been released on parole by the frogs on condition that he carry no arms and wear no armour against them

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c1c095  No.1426233

File: 55b3c2b40851932⋯.png (349.49 KB, 1033x513, 1033:513, ClipboardImage.png)

>The first satirical paper published is a front for Jew manipulation and mockery

smdh tentacles everywhere reeeee

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abcb88  No.1426234

File: 90fb1e4539834ac⋯.jpg (353.3 KB, 1079x1031, 1079:1031, Screenshot_20200624_140943….jpg)

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c1c095  No.1426235

File: 5ca53f75efe6363⋯.png (32.63 KB, 464x97, 464:97, ClipboardImage.png)


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abcb88  No.1426237

File: fdc018a03a89934⋯.png (17.21 KB, 186x295, 186:295, 7cb4c64a_22af_474e_8977_0d….png)

its my birthday some day next week, what are you getting me lads

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c1c095  No.1426238

File: 96d2b413a168e58⋯.png (127.37 KB, 313x434, 313:434, ClipboardImage.png)

>blapipo virtue signalling by liberals

a universal constant smdh

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c1c095  No.1426239

File: ba3e6fc132b00cc⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1190x1516, 595:758, ClipboardImage.png)

>Muh natives moralising

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79a4e9  No.1426240

You have made too many requests to this site, please retry after at least 60 seconds.

Ox Bib fixed their refresh exploit.

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c55db6  No.1426241



Other stuff is fine but mentioning celibacy won't get you taken seriously


>adherence to the truth has forced them to leave their native land



The whigs were the progressive liberals

>rooo you're not progressive liberal enough

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2835fb  No.1426242

>Lambeth council is looking into drawing up plans for reparations

>39% White British on the last census

What is the CivNat response to shit like this? Do they not see that this will happen everywhere once White Brits are a technical minority?

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79a4e9  No.1426243



Will be amusing to see what flawed method they come up with for their reperations. I believe lots of West Indians are descended from both slave owners and slaves.

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2835fb  No.1426244


It's basically impossible to do in a proper way for the reason you said, would someone like Ainsley Harriott get reparations? He's "black" but a descendant of White slave owners, there's plenty of "Whites" in the US who have Black slave heritage etc.

I doubt they'll even think about any of it tbh, it'll just be a straight up White to Black wealth transfer, with the bill placed on the White proles

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e95a91  No.1426245


hebrews at it again tbh

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e95a91  No.1426246

File: 694cd59009b1696⋯.mp4 (902.34 KB, 480x270, 16:9, semitry.mp4)

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79a4e9  No.1426247

Anyone tried matched betting?

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e95a91  No.1426248


betting is degenerate and should be banned get out

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472277  No.1426250

File: c35050184e5d7c3⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 2224x1572, 556:393, AF757B1A_6CF9_4D7E_91BE_5….jpeg)

File: 8aa8fb99f57c446⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB, 2224x1572, 556:393, 97117243_7AA5_443F_BF67_0….jpeg)

File: 24845cc8890e5fa⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 2224x1567, 2224:1567, 431B0D5A_29DC_4AAD_BFC8_8….jpeg)

File: ee50a2270e4f4a0⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 2224x1552, 139:97, E4B8BE3E_3E60_4C8D_938A_8….jpeg)

File: d83f960723278d8⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 2224x1534, 1112:767, 10A3E59E_9C5E_447D_93EC_5….jpeg)

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472277  No.1426251

File: 0b9985b83a3f227⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 2224x1542, 1112:771, D6D73E63_ADF4_4DC1_A96D_F….jpeg)

File: 253a7434098556d⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 2224x1543, 2224:1543, 5F9659B5_DDFD_4823_96A7_4….jpeg)

File: ddf28f119c20f56⋯.jpeg (2.01 MB, 2224x1571, 2224:1571, F0807795_2FFB_4E4E_A70A_A….jpeg)

File: ff89d0d9874a223⋯.jpeg (129.92 KB, 2224x612, 556:153, 65802C20_60DE_4ECA_81C4_A….jpeg)

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79a4e9  No.1426252



They're pretty awful looking. I imagine the majority of /brit/ looks better.

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472277  No.1426253

>Hitler was an imperialist who didn’t believe in nationalism


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472277  No.1426254

File: 6d9cc176aa83e45⋯.jpeg (525.03 KB, 1195x1059, 1195:1059, E3FE52F7_DEC6_47DF_8D1D_1….jpeg)

top keeeeeeeeeeeeek

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abcb88  No.1426255

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472277  No.1426256

File: d6796cf944fa680⋯.jpeg (661.08 KB, 1200x1316, 300:329, 3FF60D16_FE76_4EA0_8D57_C….jpeg)

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abcb88  No.1426257

someone keeps hacking my blizzard account wtf

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472277  No.1426258

File: b3ead433342adec⋯.jpeg (154.53 KB, 940x601, 940:601, 5E0291AF_A02D_4F83_A3AE_1….jpeg)

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7fea5e  No.1426259

File: bfddba3f54b0571⋯.png (24.69 KB, 833x231, 119:33, ClipboardImage.png)

dare I say… /arelads/?

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db9e7d  No.1426260

File: 39dd8c325916cf4⋯.png (161.4 KB, 300x205, 60:41, ClipboardImage.png)



Like any political cartoonist he's a bit shit

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abcb88  No.1426261


smh Id make a better one, least I'm British

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472277  No.1426262

File: 8275fec3dd04d7a⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 352x640, 11:20, q_A0bWqnWasr6SWc.mp4)

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db9e7d  No.1426263


Is that in France or Africa?

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472277  No.1426264


No such thing as British lad. We’re all the same colour culturally

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f5e7ee  No.1426265


whats the difference

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79a4e9  No.1426266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Absolute pussy.

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472277  No.1426267


Africa but I understand your confusion. Here they are drinking the hand sanitiser we paid for in taxes and sent to aid them get off their heads

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79a4e9  No.1426268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4foot pussy

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79a4e9  No.1426269

Gets posted to Reddit and abandons his ethnic wimmin bullying channel.

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472277  No.1426270



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472277  No.1426271

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472277  No.1426272

Intergralashan haz woreked! Sucksess! He Knock Powl bfto!


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472277  No.1426273

File: da275d6a82a1652⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, rZAAD2Zyb32pb66f.mp4)

File: 6a5b6b43dc7abb9⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, k3dkzsE7fvgKwuDX.mp4)

File: 53cf164de5b9060⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, zPMvzhD46c_MZ6mp.mp4)

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472277  No.1426274

File: 2616a4b008a6dcc⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1008x1800, 14:25, 92206D81_4FA4_4163_A3B4_3….jpeg)

File: ab79d1370cde9cd⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1011x1954, 1011:1954, A7FB2F6D_D3B3_4A5F_B9BD_3….jpeg)

File: b6626b4065d517c⋯.jpeg (221.92 KB, 1015x478, 1015:478, FEE83602_2FA4_4FA2_BDEC_B….jpeg)

File: 26aa14bd86d9992⋯.jpeg (34.12 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 4E378C3A_C824_4D3D_A8F1_A….jpeg)

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79a4e9  No.1426275


Smh, let's do a prisoner swap for Filipinos, least they can speak English.

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c1c095  No.1426276


nothing wrong with midget lasses smh

bit vile to degrade himself with a seamonkey though

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d4b6e1  No.1426277

File: 47f95c0c16fdd10⋯.jpeg (73.62 KB, 512x683, 512:683, gook_fantasy.jpeg)

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d4b6e1  No.1426278

File: 702a4ce309ccb2e⋯.png (170.05 KB, 500x500, 1:1, wojakeyes.png)


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78de0b  No.1426279

File: f6c5df964934525⋯.jpg (72.27 KB, 634x677, 634:677, 30861102_8532239_image_m_1….jpg)


tranny vibes off the far left tbh

none of them have a shade on Miss Swimsuit uk, plus she hates wogs


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aa1299  No.1426280


change your email and password then

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aa1299  No.1426281


>lives in texas


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aa1299  No.1426282

File: 88a9838f33d7ac2⋯.jpg (147.83 KB, 1023x820, 1023:820, japqts_smoking.jpg)

>he doesn't smoke


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79a4e9  No.1426283

When you're out at 5am, living the neet exercise life and you see all the cats in their windows, awake and raring to go.

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79a4e9  No.1426284


That's all it takes to get fired?

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aa1299  No.1426285


yes lad where have you been?

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79a4e9  No.1426286

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8bd5d1  No.1426287

File: bf37fd0946f4f5a⋯.jpeg (30.74 KB, 550x309, 550:309, F8590809_655C_40D3_A955_6….jpeg)



Please clap!

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7fea5e  No.1426288


>filter tips


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abcb88  No.1426289

File: 71f18af95d67608⋯.png (23.08 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 670084620922126336.png)


>ruining your skin for a 5 minute high

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79a4e9  No.1426290

No need for uni tbh, just use gen lib and bibliography.

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648816  No.1426291

File: 6830f8ec639dd5e⋯.jpg (32.43 KB, 640x853, 640:853, habs_dude.jpg)

File: 04ddd49f348f83f⋯.jpg (133.97 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, bwjftcz5ingfji28la3h.jpg)

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d4b6e1  No.1426292


this but also z-library

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540c1a  No.1426293


Lmao good luck accesing 90% of research papers locked behind payWalls.

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540c1a  No.1426294

File: 1452e52e471507b⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 1539280516147.jpg)

>non-uni brainlets ITT with no access to information

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d4b6e1  No.1426295

File: c66f9f20d9d8cf5⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 641x530, 641:530, worried.jpg)

>he doesn't know about sci hub

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7fea5e  No.1426296

File: 5e81748cd5de4f5⋯.jpg (27.23 KB, 618x372, 103:62, 50a3a69955bd77a8a61d12f868….jpg)

File: 73118592d03a6f8⋯.jpg (39.26 KB, 500x233, 500:233, 2_days_of_bricklaying.jpg)



lmao you can literally just email the people who authored the papers and they'll send you a pdf for free. Enjoy the tens-of-thousands of pounds worth of debt.

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540c1a  No.1426297

File: ecebeb85222cba2⋯.jpg (7.01 KB, 202x249, 202:249, download.jpg)

You've just got to face the fact that information is restricted for the top ecehleion of us lads going to a russel group uni tbh.


Literally reddit, researchers don't do this, they still make money off publishing. Go ahead and let smee know when a researcher gives you their paper for free.

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79a4e9  No.1426298

>tfw went to uni when it was still relatively cheap, was still a mistake but I was young.

Uni now costs American levels. Sad tbh.

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d4b6e1  No.1426299

File: 175fe6a1bbea0c1⋯.png (174.77 KB, 483x470, 483:470, glassespepe2.png)


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7fea5e  No.1426300

File: 743d31f3ec47539⋯.png (885.88 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

>goes straight to le reddit

keeek the ultimate surrender

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540c1a  No.1426301

File: 94fd8dd05df9a0b⋯.png (283.56 KB, 742x831, 742:831, b5d108fc7af6b730a487ff5c60….png)

File: b869d99a1eb585f⋯.png (7.45 KB, 352x425, 352:425, boomer_uncle_reddit_snoo.png)

Woah! Did you guys and gals know,, that you can, erm, Just get papers for free by emailing the researcher? Pretty cool ahaha

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79a4e9  No.1426302


I'm going email Jeremy Black and ask him for his new booky wook.

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d51e5b  No.1426303

File: ca595dc7df7c5e2⋯.mp4 (8.98 MB, 1920x1040, 24:13, Rule_303_HD_Edition.mp4)

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aa1299  No.1426304

File: 47544445e58eb83⋯.jpg (14.94 KB, 300x180, 5:3, pol_pot.jpg)

>academcucks itt

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79a4e9  No.1426305


Watching Love after Lockdown and thinking of you lad.

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7fea5e  No.1426306

File: ea2ed08a99d946f⋯.png (49.64 KB, 229x250, 229:250, ClipboardImage.png)

>heh guess what heh heh did you know Redditors BREATH AIR and DRINK WATER haha checkmate

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3710e3  No.1426307

File: 7035083c63d7225⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, zATGVA_ggmNO7ev4.mp4)

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c1c095  No.1426308

File: 942ef6044e1d924⋯.png (384.4 KB, 511x640, 511:640, ClipboardImage.png)


>ywn tie her to a cannon and BLAST her across a parade ground

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7fea5e  No.1426309

File: 4f30e1048da7b1f⋯.png (102.15 KB, 220x166, 110:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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3710e3  No.1426310

File: b555310682aab65⋯.jpg (223.35 KB, 1080x1343, 1080:1343, 20200717_131526.jpg)

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db9e7d  No.1426311


He didn't have the tracer mod installed, tbf only gays have that installed

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aa1299  No.1426312

armenians and azeri fighting in london


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d4b6e1  No.1426313

File: 0c1f99a927d86b7⋯.png (43.08 KB, 242x310, 121:155, homer_judges_you_.png)

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3710e3  No.1426314

File: 8d3a1244af28bc8⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 600x420, 10:7, 3264.jpg)

File: 5277b9f296ac740⋯.jpg (25.06 KB, 400x400, 1:1, qoCS7YQF_400x400.jpg)

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aa1299  No.1426315


tory mong phenotype

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d51e5b  No.1426316

File: 07fe5687d52b837⋯.png (1.24 MB, 710x1065, 2:3, 07fe5687d52b8379a7f19e42f4….png)


Antoine Faveau was 23, not 19.

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db1a90  No.1426317


>what is Scihub

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e95a91  No.1426318


have to stop myself from going on twitter and calling people kikes

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db1a90  No.1426319


>2014: completely justified

>2015: completely justified

>2016: complete bullshit attempt at discrediting a right-wing vote increase

>2017: see above

>2018: their traitor, their business

>2019: probably bullshit

>2020: probably bullshit

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540c1a  No.1426320

File: b93cd89c28db6d7⋯.webm (1.73 MB, 720x480, 3:2, APC.webm)

>>2014: completely justified

slava ukraini tbh lads

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3710e3  No.1426321


The novichok incident was complete bullshit, look at how petty the people investigating it became.

Which is more likely, that Russia sent two agents to hunt down and assassinate an old Soviet spy who didn't have anything useful to give to Britain, or that there was a leak from the nearby biolab and the govt wanted to hide that whilst also smearing Russia at the same time.

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2835fb  No.1426322


A country that actually does things, based

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aa1299  No.1426323

File: 8c330e1a799984b⋯.png (47.07 KB, 325x275, 13:11, 8c330e1a799984bfff5be5b346….png)

how are people not fantasizing about exterminating niggers every day god damn

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c55db6  No.1426324


>we are allowed to send them

I was under the impression the copyright to them belong to whichever journal the scientist freely gave them away to. If things are as she says then all scientists could just upload their own papers to the internet for everyone.

They can, and in some fields do, upload slightly different versions of the same papers to the internet. The official version goes to the "proper" journal and that's what everyone cites but in practice you can read all the same papers on arxiv or whatever. It's just a matter of the authors not being bellends.

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abcb88  No.1426325

File: 15ffe370e29f101⋯.png (349.79 KB, 335x594, 335:594, ClipboardImage.png)

auth-doomer gang

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7fea5e  No.1426326

>it's a "could just push mummy down the stairs and be done with the constant fucking bother she causes" episode

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7f634d  No.1426327


she's probably thinking the exact same of you lad

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7fea5e  No.1426328


>implying she still has the capacity for thought

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c55db6  No.1426329

File: 734fbf10ab7f578⋯.jpg (56.48 KB, 972x776, 243:194, 734fbf10ab7f5788a9da6110ca….jpg)


Muh Crimea

I'm sure one of these days the yanks will return Hawaii back to its native government.

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8187ce  No.1426330


>MUH RUSHA still exists

imagine still thinking this has any traction.

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c1c095  No.1426331

there are some faggots nearby who are selling off a bunch of stuff and people have been coming and parking in my spot all day and knocking on my door asking if I'm selling things because our addresses are similar AAAAAAAAAGH

I can't even find the place they say is selling this stuff and I think one asked for me by name smh might be getting gangstalked

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c55db6  No.1426332


Let one of them in and lock them in the dungeon. Then when another one comes sell the first caller to the second.

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e95a91  No.1426333


go back to your Bongo Bongo Land groomer cell

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3710e3  No.1426334

File: a6d5aef2f3dc0cd⋯.jpg (105.21 KB, 720x891, 80:99, EdIEP9zXsAARSG_.jpg)

File: b3984456ba1955c⋯.jpg (81.58 KB, 720x512, 45:32, EdIEQJIXYAMn0kk.jpg)

File: 0f0be2500cfd728⋯.jpg (81.15 KB, 720x445, 144:89, EdIEQT5XsAMtF4G.jpg)

File: 703263e5c9239a8⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 720x570, 24:19, EdIEQdJWoAAOb8x.jpg)

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c72a4b  No.1426335

File: 374c87b13c7a2d1⋯.webm (1.86 MB, 480x360, 4:3, das_rite_heil_hitler.webm)

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c72a4b  No.1426336



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abcb88  No.1426337


want to die my hair black now

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3710e3  No.1426338

File: 87ca393e4e7617c⋯.png (339.66 KB, 680x383, 680:383, EdHhI17XoAA3BzG.png)

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648816  No.1426339


lowiq, outing themselves as antisemites on twitter for the whole world to see

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d4b6e1  No.1426340

File: 6345b51d33c486d⋯.jpg (44.84 KB, 482x427, 482:427, grim_tired_rage_wojak.jpg)

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b8cd71  No.1426341

File: 083a32be8609fd3⋯.jpg (95.48 KB, 460x661, 460:661, an4KOA0_460s.jpg)


Get me on there I'd win the debate by calling them all pakis

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b8cd71  No.1426342


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d4b6e1  No.1426343

File: 7647c60c6902acf⋯.jpg (173.72 KB, 634x546, 317:273, IMG_20200717_151926.jpg)

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4aca31  No.1426344


literally just an alien wearing a human skinsuit tbh very strange eyes

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2a93d1  No.1426345


good pic

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3710e3  No.1426346

File: 93be87f81a3f3f9⋯.jpg (190.3 KB, 1079x1622, 1079:1622, EdEkbucXgAQ_OBB.jpg)

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4aca31  No.1426347

File: 11319dc5b50d3a5⋯.jpg (57.84 KB, 800x450, 16:9, shocking.jpg)

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2a93d1  No.1426348

File: 5bbb44e0a622829⋯.jpg (63.15 KB, 600x564, 50:47, 1594937913856.jpg)

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275180  No.1426349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Does Morgoth lurk here? He's put out a new vid that seems aimed at the Toryboi lesser evil posters.

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8187ce  No.1426350


nothing makes me laugh more than the fact as soon as they mentioned the Yids, they were dropped as fast as possible tbh.

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3710e3  No.1426351

File: 7c2f6e81de0d449⋯.png (26.71 KB, 600x290, 60:29, 3425.png)

"Hey America! We hate you and hate your guns, how about you come and die for us?"

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c1c095  No.1426352

File: bceb15d8aad9de7⋯.mp4 (641.29 KB, 720x720, 1:1, l4IeJ1Faj3C_pfDi.mp4)


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2a93d1  No.1426353

File: 764813d037f1d2e⋯.jpg (251.24 KB, 669x1008, 223:336, 1594991937145.jpg)


>no midwestern mummy to protect me from the feds

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4aca31  No.1426354


smh they truly are pathetic




if you look closely you can see that the bum's been torn off her jeans keeek

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d4b6e1  No.1426355

File: b6c9fd12df4ba21⋯.jpg (86.39 KB, 1080x856, 135:107, wes_11.jpg)



1x15 navy seals

2x10 navy seals

3x8 7kg bicep curls

6x8 7kg overhead tricep extensions

4x10 tricep dips

2x15 sit-ups


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c72a4b  No.1426356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good lad

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4aca31  No.1426357


good lad

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2a93d1  No.1426358


good lad

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b3c4fd  No.1426359

File: 7317dc84f9a62d8⋯.png (781.54 KB, 1161x671, 1161:671, 7317dc84f9a62d8661b18aa973….png)


didn't he vote tory in 2019

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7f634d  No.1426360

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dab1ba  No.1426361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the man with the answers

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abcb88  No.1426362


good lad hope ur not overworking and getting even skinnier wew

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b3c4fd  No.1426363

File: 3194fd302b11ba3⋯.jpg (330.24 KB, 1000x1395, 200:279, Slobodan_Praljak_2013_.jpg)

*Ahem*DAY 47 OF PUTTING IN WORKwoke up and did my curls got a good pump on, gonna double up and do more tonight before bed, arms are noticeably bigger

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c72a4b  No.1426364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the hundred years war was absolute kino

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2a93d1  No.1426365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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930509  No.1426366

Hullo yes

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abcb88  No.1426367

File: 559fbe38862056f⋯.jpg (108.29 KB, 1080x948, 90:79, 559fbe38862056f7e0bdc1b46d….jpg)

>sign up to a council garage list through email

>they send me a letter after a year i have to send back saying i still want a garage with no return envolope or stamp when i could literally email the few words to say "yes keep me on the list" for free

Boomer beaurocrats need to be gassed lads

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b3c4fd  No.1426368

File: 5aed0d72c1edabc⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 399x322, 57:46, 360ebc4199240b8c9874cc7303….jpg)

>Kris Hendrix, campaigns manager at the RAF Museum, said the dog - which the BBC is not naming

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3710e3  No.1426369

File: c6b3ed6e306419a⋯.jpg (125.2 KB, 828x1205, 828:1205, EdIhsxCWsAIO0ga.jpg)

File: f82882290dd6448⋯.jpg (148.18 KB, 828x1322, 414:661, EdIhsxEXkAAfz7z.jpg)

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4aca31  No.1426370


smdh bastards


good lad


>doesn't like being on an endless waiting list for basic amenities managed in the most cack-handed manner possible by useless bureaucrats

careful lad you're sounding a bit counter-revolutionary there smh

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abcb88  No.1426371


paper letters are obsolete smh the future state would know this

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1e4fdf  No.1426372


I always email copies of my papers for free. Fuck Elsevier.

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2835fb  No.1426373

Fuck copyright and patents tbh

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c72a4b  No.1426374


tbh your ideas should belong to everyone

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7fea5e  No.1426375

File: 6c2c7bd74e7e2c1⋯.png (441.47 KB, 375x500, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


if only Steiner were here on holiday

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e95a91  No.1426376


hullo yes you nigger

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e3697e  No.1426377


>having to agree to usage terms, being tracked and targeted around the web, and requiring the ownership of expensive personal computers with tracking devices hardwired in just to partake in bureaucracy

Can't wait until the solar flair tbh

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4aca31  No.1426378




not just should lad more like it's utterly ludicrous to think that something that can be shared and reproduced infinitely without diminishing could ever be made scarce

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4aca31  No.1426379

File: 79e2da6b2ea5b30⋯.jpg (52.37 KB, 604x340, 151:85, friday_in_eurasia.jpg)


thanks for the reminder lad almost forgot to post this

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c72a4b  No.1426380


tbh the reason they have copyright is so people can milk ideas for money, pure greed.

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c72a4b  No.1426381

seeing as people come up with good ideas whether they're rich or poor

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4aca31  No.1426382

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abcb88  No.1426383

File: 2fc7ebaad1d365f⋯.jpg (84 KB, 1139x1138, 1139:1138, tbozq3a6l2151.jpg)


just want to send plain text digitally to somewhere far away instead of paper, not a big ask

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4aca31  No.1426384

File: c6b90fc73670a4c⋯.png (289.11 KB, 600x536, 75:67, laughing_pepes.png)

>he wants things to make sense and work properly

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c1c095  No.1426385

File: 888acbbf3785295⋯.png (349.25 KB, 654x491, 654:491, ClipboardImage.png)


>Everything under heaven is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent

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c1c095  No.1426386

really want to have a nap tbh

think I got gout again smh going to start chugging cider vinegar soon

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2835fb  No.1426387

want things to be constantly like futurist plays during the 20's where the actors would beat up audience members, every performance would end in a riot and nothing really made all that much sense

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db1a90  No.1426388

I think the core idea of copyright and patents are valid, but their terms should be shorter (i.e. copyright). Like 20 years or something after publication. The fact that there's work released close to 100 years ago that is still in copyright is ridiculous.

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d4b6e1  No.1426389

File: 0e14a0cbe58e6e8⋯.jpg (175.4 KB, 1241x1212, 1241:1212, wes.jpg)

>post toil meeting finally over




thanks lads


im a little worried about that too but I am gaining weight and I am gaining notice muscle. I still need to eat more though because im only getting around 1400kcal a day so I'm going to start eating a sandwich every weekday and eat 4 tablespoons of peanut butter everyday for the extra nutrition and calories

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c72a4b  No.1426390

File: 8962c9025d91f85⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1170x1080, 13:12, henry_viii_norf_fc.png)


>having gout

good lad

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540c1a  No.1426391

File: cb5020a4deee810⋯.png (986.57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2020_07_17_17_04_41.png)

File: 49b52b7b630edbb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 62.08 KB, 500x567, 500:567, 50c919ac6700b09d85caa07a16….jpg)


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4d434d  No.1426392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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79a4e9  No.1426393

By doing all these surveys online, I feel like I'm donating my neet brain to science.

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c1c095  No.1426394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


keeeek smh

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4aca31  No.1426395


do it lad naps are kino


can see where you're coming from but still disagree tbh

maybe if it was something really short like five years idk

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b3c4fd  No.1426396

File: 7f71376ff1bef7b⋯.png (8.01 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 7f71376ff1bef7b63e37cf921d….png)

>An attack of gout can be treated with ibuprofen. Sticking to a healthy weight, reducing alcohol and regular exercise can help prevent further attacks.

Absolute STATE of wessie

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2835fb  No.1426397

Things like books should have free epubs (it's not like this doesn't happen anyway) after a few years of being published to avoid impossible to find books, video games should have their source code released if they are no longer supported and movies should only cost money to see in the cinema.

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2835fb  No.1426398

File: 1443b1252bd0b57⋯.png (698.6 KB, 1003x675, 1003:675, Lenin_s_Boys.png)


I.E. rich mans disease, he's bourgeoisie get him lads

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4aca31  No.1426399


yeah but then the publisher jews can't become billionaires lad they'd have to go find real jobs smh very anti-semitic

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c1c095  No.1426400

all the comments on Henry's album smh

load of smallbrain retards calling him a tyrant dictator and more evil than mary etc smh

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540c1a  No.1426401

File: 3d6ced15a5645e6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2020_07_17_17_03_20.png)

10 (you)s and I burn pemb's house down in minercaft

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79a4e9  No.1426402


All media should be free tbh.

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d2e93e  No.1426403

File: e0052dda5e215ba⋯.png (8.11 KB, 217x200, 217:200, ClipboardImage.png)




Ask your GP for Allopurinol

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c72a4b  No.1426404


lenin was a bender


go to his house in real life and burn him for being a batty boy

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b3c4fd  No.1426405

File: 088f646d2720034⋯.jpg (86.37 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 1510622077373.jpg)

>all the tory boys are going full MUH RUSSIA because it apparently says corbyn was helped by them

there is no life form more pathetic than the tory boy

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c1c095  No.1426406


I'm already on it

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b3c4fd  No.1426407


fuck off with your gay bongo shite you fucking faggot, filtered

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79a4e9  No.1426408


All this Russia/China shit is mind numbing and irritating tbh.

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d2e93e  No.1426409


how many mg?

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2835fb  No.1426410

Have you tried cutting your toe off, no toe no gout.


Most media requires a large labour input nowadays so that's not really possible since people need to eat and stuff, unless the state just pays them I guess.

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1fd210  No.1426411

File: 17db1e58e2cd668⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 177x174, 59:58, 1512483198785.jpg)

How do you get gout in the 21st century?

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1fd210  No.1426412

nigga must just eat cheese and drink port all day and only move to shit

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4aca31  No.1426413

File: 5b6f9d3556615c7⋯.jpg (93.41 KB, 640x696, 80:87, cosmic_chad.jpg)


>nigga must just eat cheese and drink port all day and only move to shit

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79a4e9  No.1426414

Wessie needs to take part in the daily exercise

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b3c4fd  No.1426415


by letting yourself rot away like a failed french aristocrat like wessie, all he does is game and eat and traipse about the house

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c1c095  No.1426416

constructed an absolutely vile concoction of cider vinegar, molasses and tap water tbh


200 a day


other medical issues

I do like me some cheese but I don't drink except when the neighbours force me out to wit hthem smh



I occasionally lift at the desk but that's really the only purposeful exercise I get smh

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c1c095  No.1426417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wish I was a failed french aristocrat tbh

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abcb88  No.1426418

File: 01c0ff4a07ed177⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 600x577, 600:577, image01.jpg)



laad have mercy

>he snuck in and I didnt even notice

this is like a horror movie


go for walks lad im sure it'll help

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d2e93e  No.1426419


increase to 300mg. tell your GP

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c72a4b  No.1426420

File: 9c3d682f3bded62⋯.png (657.63 KB, 1089x700, 1089:700, alchemist.png)


>cider vinegar, molasses and tap water

based lad you're the Chief Alchemist when we march on London and form the provisional government

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c1c095  No.1426421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ywn put the MPs through that alchemical torture machine in the princess bride


going to suffer it for a while and see if I can't just fix myself first tbh

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7fea5e  No.1426422

File: d3ee797d3fd3a52⋯.png (319.68 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

keeeeeek fucking incels

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c1c095  No.1426423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


apparently stonetoss got into some major cringe on his epic peepeepoopoo Bongo Bongo Land server where he drew and posted thicc softcore porn in his retarded style then went on to have a pembs moment where people found out he was/is in a bunch of degenerate furry roleplay servers and stuff too keeeeeeeeeek

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d2e93e  No.1426424


ok lad

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7fea5e  No.1426425


keeek yeah saw that

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79a4e9  No.1426426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>North American sexpats take detour due to covid-19 closure of PH.

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c72a4b  No.1426427



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7fea5e  No.1426428

File: 59293300a9e2085⋯.png (720.96 KB, 812x575, 812:575, ClipboardImage.png)

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4aca31  No.1426429


dead eyes

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7fea5e  No.1426430

File: b13ebeb5d698c7d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 640x851, 640:851, ClipboardImage.png)

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c72a4b  No.1426431


devilish poo

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4aca31  No.1426432

File: 110ebff57943bad⋯.jpeg (29.24 KB, 251x242, 251:242, big_heh.jpeg)

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91de06  No.1426433

File: 66a2b33ac6a90ae⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 500x529, 500:529, fe69d49ab75a2622da5e572e51….jpg)


Had too much casual sex in my teens and early 20's like a degenerate. Only feel anything if I'm in a relationship now, I would have to be on something to hire a prostitute.

The thought is a grim one, lads.

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c72a4b  No.1426434

File: 9f753a219f77c8f⋯.png (1.39 MB, 923x1059, 923:1059, competitive_racism.png)


>casual sex? not for me, I do competitive

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1fd210  No.1426435

might play max payne 3

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4aca31  No.1426436

night lads




good lad

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79a4e9  No.1426437


I've had sex a few times now and at 29, I feel less of an urge but I probably wouldn't say no though.

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1fd210  No.1426438


tbh it is such a chore chasing it

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1fd210  No.1426439

just give it to me i cba

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79a4e9  No.1426440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

She's allowed but no Jihadi Jack.

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91de06  No.1426441


Completed it the other month. Glad I finally got around to finishing the series off.

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79a4e9  No.1426442


I don't understand the really old sex addicts tbh. Must be chemical.

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c72a4b  No.1426443

File: 7600727aac9d00c⋯.png (186.91 KB, 1238x1312, 619:656, apu_balloons.png)

>tfw refused two thots' offers for sex and still a proud volcel

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7f634d  No.1426444


most sex cases got nonced as kids

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1fd210  No.1426445


comfy game tbh, those huemonkeys posted in this thread reminded me of it

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79a4e9  No.1426446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sometimes I larp that I live in NYC by playing their news channels 24/7.


Nice lad, bet you're handsome.

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c72a4b  No.1426447


nowhere near as handsome as SA but I'm in shape

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79a4e9  No.1426448

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aa1299  No.1426449


bongo land is hell it literally turns people into demons

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abcb88  No.1426450


I would never be a furry pls do not slander me like this

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b3c4fd  No.1426451

File: 2f46980184d30fe⋯.png (250.61 KB, 438x435, 146:145, tyjukjgh.png)

>old aquintance is so scared of the virus that she's not opened her windows or went outside or had anyone over except one of her offspring for literally 4 months despite there being barely any cases here anymore

this meme has gone on too long

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abcb88  No.1426452


that's mental poor lass. my gran has been basically kept prisoner in her care home and not talked or seen to anyone either it's so sad

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79a4e9  No.1426453


I feel for the extroverts tbh. This is borderline abuse of them.

wish they would re-open borders too, i don't want to sit around here for a year

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c72a4b  No.1426454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump knew about epstein's island and prince andrew in 2015

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1fd210  No.1426455

File: 960610c49ea2754⋯.png (510.67 KB, 720x723, 240:241, 1446223040072.png)

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abcb88  No.1426456

File: 2ce6b202d3b8e78⋯.jpg (97.77 KB, 962x1154, 481:577, EWnA1GzUEAAKi1Z.jpg)

becoming a bit agorophobic as well after so long in lockdown I'm scared of going to bigger towns and stuff

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b3c4fd  No.1426457

File: 0e556b7d9c24f91⋯.png (394.22 KB, 414x350, 207:175, 0e556b7d9c24f91217529cd5e9….png)


love how all the elites know exactly whats going on but its like a code of silence, with hundreds of thousands of people in on it and nobody talks

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3710e3  No.1426458

File: 49a451892683e82⋯.jpg (164.62 KB, 1439x968, 1439:968, Ec_aLtlXYAADrYI.jpg)

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1fd210  No.1426459


exactly like saville, everyone hints at it but never outright calls it out

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aa1299  No.1426460


very womanly tbh

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dab1ba  No.1426461



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c72a4b  No.1426462


yep they've surely got dirt on each other, you dont get near the top of the pyramid without dancing to the devil's tune

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aa1299  No.1426463

File: be2e8eb62a17560⋯.jpg (61.04 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, monke_smoke.jpg)


>ywn earn six figures pretending to be monke

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abcb88  No.1426464

File: cf31a48ec42731e⋯.png (24.12 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 670080730910687246.png)


l-lad where did you find this

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db9e7d  No.1426465


Just a whore going by a different title to avoid problems with the law

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c43ad4  No.1426466

I don't think I like women anymore tbh

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7f634d  No.1426467

File: 38d99fa6d13efaa⋯.jpg (39.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, badboy_pepe.jpg)

giant boil on my neck

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c72a4b  No.1426468

File: fb7af50a106990f⋯.png (324.92 KB, 648x579, 216:193, sadiq_khan_disgrace.png)

Knife crime reached a record high just before london, with it going up by over a quarter (28 percent) in london in a year

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c72a4b  No.1426469


just before lockdown*

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aa1299  No.1426470


nice boomer meme

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3710e3  No.1426471

ITV hosts a debate on racial equality in the UK

Titled Stephen Lawrence: Has Britain Changed? and hosted by Rageh Omaar and Anushka Asthana, the debate on racial equality in the UK was part of an evening of programmes on ITV. The Murder of Stephen Lawrence, which focuses on Lawrence’s murder in 1993 and its aftermath, aired on the channel after the debate.


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2a93d1  No.1426472


wow a retard wasting their fertile years acting retarded so that when they are aged people will laugh at the retard that pretended to be a dog for money

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aa1299  No.1426473

q boomers are just claiming celebraties/libs have already been executed by drumpf now lmfao


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b8cd71  No.1426474


>nigger hand

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b8cd71  No.1426475

File: f7f3538b3f0fd79⋯.png (323.01 KB, 648x578, 324:289, 20200717_195803.png)

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c72a4b  No.1426476



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c72a4b  No.1426477


when are you going to get married in a church and have children lad?

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abcb88  No.1426478

tipsy check

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3710e3  No.1426479

File: f597859db84bf30⋯.png (371.97 KB, 600x780, 10:13, 26.png)

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aa1299  No.1426480

J Sakai and his book Settlers has ruined an entire generation of leftists

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2a93d1  No.1426481


probably never

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c72a4b  No.1426482

File: 22f9363204e876c⋯.jpg (3.65 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, The_Dying_Gaul.jpg)

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2a93d1  No.1426483


its like the inversion of original marxism. luv how right nietzsche and stoddard were about leftism

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2a93d1  No.1426484


im not a woman who can literally just decide to let coom into my p*ssy and make bby I have to do all this extra work and if you watched my toil seeth video I think that men are just the creature that builds and prepares the nest then the foid chases the male out of the nest and her territory so she can dominate the children and the resources the state gives her to raise up more toil bots

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aa1299  No.1426485


it is incredibly gay how lefties try to act like Settlers is some epic edgy revolutionary doctrine when its just gay race obsessed anti white liberalism that exists to neuter any real class based resistance to the American Empire. I always say the most sick violently anti white "leftists" are east asians. smack the fucking chinkies down.

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c72a4b  No.1426486


think about the future of the white race though lad

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c72a4b  No.1426487

also I watch and record every single video you upload steiner so that when you inevitably snap I can make a kino documentary on the 21st century timothy mcveigh

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2a93d1  No.1426488


you mean getting enslaved and destroyed forever lass?

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2a93d1  No.1426489

at least you lads have a gooder gene pool. I would literally kill to have access to european women 1) who are not fat 2) who are not potentially mixed race.

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648816  No.1426490


ur a locationcel

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c72a4b  No.1426491


it wont get that bad lad, nick griffin and jim dowson will make sure of it

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2a93d1  No.1426492

this one german lass from my gym was a solid 6/10 physically but genetically she was like a 10/10, about 6 foot strong shoulder nordic type with really pale skin and rosey cheeks. she was a good lass but too programmed into the globo homo zeitgeist like all expat eurotrash continentals (only anglos seem non shite IMO)

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c72a4b  No.1426493


yeah but you're already mixed race so you have loads more options

being pure british is a burden because you can't risk tainting your bloodline with one drop of foreign dna

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c72a4b  No.1426494

steiner should take the bleachpill and find a submissive arabic muslim wife (or three)

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2a93d1  No.1426495


tbh the only women who are not total thots seem to be the japanese and chinese uni students and the occasional rural mummy. I miss being up in northern michigan, lasses were so much more fit up there but they all move away after uni and never come back. no jobs. smh. marriage seems shite though

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2a93d1  No.1426496


actually the syrian christian and leb women in dearborn are really really good looking lasses generally. better looking than latinas by a longshot

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2a93d1  No.1426497

very materialistic though like how italians females seem to be as well. wonder if greek women are materialistic. smh meds make northern lasses seem top tier how materialist and shallow their tastes are

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c72a4b  No.1426498

greek girls are nice tbh

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2a93d1  No.1426499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

just want to be a yogurt boy

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aa1299  No.1426500


tbh med lasses are extremely high maintenance and will fight in public over the slightest thing

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c72a4b  No.1426501

File: dbee99d95d22649⋯.jpeg (2.66 MB, 3858x4033, 3858:4033, horoscope_girls.jpeg)

>tfw no Cancer gf

would drag my gonads across a football pitch of shredded glass & heroine needles for just a whiff of a ginger girl's toes

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3710e3  No.1426502

File: e768e6df77c52cd⋯.png (601.11 KB, 600x920, 15:23, 132.png)

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71082c  No.1426503


pretty sure those belong to his grotesque sheboon gf.

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aa1299  No.1426504

File: a519b4519ab516f⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 1062x1080, 59:60, yes.jpg)


for me, its libra

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8187ce  No.1426505



reading these makes me realise what a hodge podge disaster of a country yours is tbh.

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aa1299  No.1426506

File: 45f1e00402c464a⋯.jpg (35.9 KB, 600x600, 1:1, proudboy_skinhead.jpg)

been laying wrong while gaming and my neck hurts lads fucksake

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2a93d1  No.1426507


yeah its pretty fucked outside of rural areas rural michigan and rural midwest is still basically its own country. it has no high culture though its just a disorganized peasantry deluded of it own political power

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c72a4b  No.1426509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>tfw no chinese artistic gf

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71082c  No.1426510

File: 1ff59a4f316f3b1⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 1460259702301.jpg)


Aries/Scorpio. Okay, thank you.

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79a4e9  No.1426511

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8187ce  No.1426512


twas ever thus, lad. your espousal yesterday was good tbh, even if it is well known to us. culture clash is an inevitability, sought only for its division against the Hebrew caste.

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c72a4b  No.1426513


scorpio is a patrician choice

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aa1299  No.1426514

File: 86a82f363ea093f⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 429x524, 429:524, doolittle.jpg)

and doolittle weeped for there were no rallies to piss himself at

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71082c  No.1426515


Good lad. For me it's dark haired girls with bright eyes.

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2a93d1  No.1426516


tbh liberal comfort bougies are why no major movement in aesthetics has occured beyond muh scandinavian minimalist (which is just a cope for the decline in artisans) and no major works of art have been created outside of dissident works on the left and right. its just the comfortable AC foid matrix of fractal suburbs where they telescope philanthropy shitskins. they don't care how their community looks beyond status signalling and comfort. literally all the post modern residential aesthetic is about female comfort even beauty is secondary


virgo tbh

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2a93d1  No.1426517


smh they are super rare in shartica now. basically the only other blue eyed people I meet are fellow blondes or red hairs and occasional brown hair people so much mutted destruction of the original settler race

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3710e3  No.1426518

File: e609937fc4c2e14⋯.png (128.23 KB, 600x1040, 15:26, 34.png)

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8187ce  No.1426519


This is why the Pierce's doctrine of system disruption is so key. It is beyond doubt that people will only act when their comfort or means of comfort and security can no longer be relied upon.

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2a93d1  No.1426520

File: 5bbb44e0a622829⋯.jpg (63.15 KB, 600x564, 50:47, 1594937913856.jpg)


the typical fat flabby mutted foid sitting in her air conditioned shitbox simply existing as such

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79a4e9  No.1426521

File: f424aad1869c162⋯.pdf (235.09 KB, Alt_Right_Gangs_and_White_….pdf)

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aa1299  No.1426522


comfort doesnt come into it, people will only resist when resisting has proven to not just lead to death/life of torture in jail.

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aa1299  No.1426523


what's this la?

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2a93d1  No.1426524


yeah thats comfort lad

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aa1299  No.1426525


no it isnt lad you can live extremely uncomfortable lives and still not resist

example: the great leap forward and following cultural revolution. There was no widespread resistance to it even though tens of millions died and millions more were on the brink of starvation.

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79a4e9  No.1426526


Oxford Bibliography about our subculture, lad.

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aa1299  No.1426527


wtf there isnt a single alt right gang lmfao

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7b3919  No.1426528


lad that's just Chinese history generally.

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2a93d1  No.1426529


you mean the chinese civil war?

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aa1299  No.1426530


the great leap forward and cultural revolution were after that la

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cde7eb  No.1426531

evening lads

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2a93d1  No.1426532

File: df9e0e161d6dcbc⋯.jpg (37.82 KB, 512x437, 512:437, 0YqbbeGwaKwouDKMvET9DSD_NU….jpg)


yeah but only by about 10 years are you going to say that ww1 didn't influnence ww2?

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aa1299  No.1426533


dont see how the effects my original point. The indicator for whether people will resist is the possibility to resist and survive and not their quality of life.

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2a93d1  No.1426534


I would argue that they were already a defeated people lad. imagine thinking that your williamoid contrarianism shite matters whoa epic, le example of otherwise so therefore im special

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aa1299  No.1426535


I just don't want to encourage inaction in anticipation for some epic worldwide recession to free us when I know that that'll probably benefit the mong novara left more than us and the systems of control will be even worse for us.

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7f634d  No.1426536

File: ef98c63de652815⋯.jpeg (14.43 KB, 300x400, 3:4, donald_pig.jpeg)

>SA-tier meltdown from someone disagreeing

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648816  No.1426537

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aa1299  No.1426538

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2a93d1  No.1426539


we have no power what is with all these internet autists pretending like there is a movement beyond posting pictures of dogs online and saying fuck niggers lmao?

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8bd5d1  No.1426540

File: 6fb775d935fa64f⋯.mp4 (5.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nigger_named_after_nigger_….mp4)

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aa1299  No.1426541

File: 2fb6d097bbd937c⋯.webm (1.82 MB, 368x640, 23:40, steiners_destruction.webm)


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36641a  No.1426542

File: 763052f33195d12⋯.jpg (7.22 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 1416523436620.jpg)

evening lads, i propose a toast, as it were, here's to the thread to come


evening lad

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71082c  No.1426543

File: eb02a175267ab7b⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB, 640x358, 320:179, Red_Red_Wine_A_Toast.mp4)

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aa1299  No.1426544

File: 887b6a6b67f6849⋯.jpg (117.75 KB, 874x585, 874:585, moot_toast.jpg)

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b3c4fd  No.1426545

File: 4eeefcef20738cf⋯.png (1.25 MB, 984x1000, 123:125, 4eeefcef20738cfebe6cc29c0c….png)

>play hl for a bit

>come back to steiner seething that not everyone agrees with his awful combination of nihilism and anti natalism and midwit takes

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8187ce  No.1426546


Guess what lad, your emancipation, economic or otherwise, in the here and now counts for nothing, so the fear-laden argument of the it can "get worse" meme is misplaced at best and subversive at worst tbh.

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7f634d  No.1426548


pepper or spear?

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8bd5d1  No.1426549

File: d94149a0ee34100⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB, 480x480, 1:1, wfF93MHkK1eiGjzH_2.mp4)

>crash you paki bastards, crash

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cde7eb  No.1426551

Bought some clay a while back. What should I sculp lads?

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2835fb  No.1426552

File: 82eb5e467bcc0a7⋯.jpg (578.02 KB, 555x831, 185:277, Stalin_Full_Image.jpg)

I vote to allow the new left to win and then simply become Stalin 2, and by that I mean rob banks, spend years in prison, knock up a 16 year old, and write bad poetry while ignoring the boring stuff like running the country and gaining power.

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8bd5d1  No.1426553

File: 1700fdf2e2324e9⋯.mp4 (481.8 KB, 640x640, 1:1, qjO4CjLJytuUdI7p.mp4)

>probably just cap guns as guns are illegal

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b3c4fd  No.1426554

File: 5248d1ff0b609f3⋯.png (94.88 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, woes_eats_and_drinks_chocc….png)

Eating it again lads

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7f634d  No.1426555

File: dc155239dab4689⋯.jpg (143.9 KB, 900x599, 900:599, pig_fight_lisa_jaworski.jpg)


pags fighting

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cde7eb  No.1426556


Stalin sounds like a pretty cool lad tbh

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2835fb  No.1426557

oh he actually knocked up a 13 year old never mind lads lets not do that

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b3c4fd  No.1426558

File: 935c090d9b86cd8⋯.jpg (11.83 KB, 293x308, 293:308, 935c090d9b86cd8559740d2329….jpg)

>forgot what post I was going to make while I made that food post

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8bd5d1  No.1426559

File: 69833df81e0fc01⋯.jpeg (134.26 KB, 946x872, 473:436, 5464CF0B_9A08_412F_A80C_9….jpeg)

>Yo based, shut up..m i 16 on da case

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7f634d  No.1426560


bit mental but mostly a good lad

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db9e7d  No.1426561


He got too comfortable with Madlad orbiting him during the nightshift

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8bd5d1  No.1426563

File: abc2a8c32f915b4⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB, 640x1138, 320:569, 4KDSu8915ItHckMf.mp4)

>need steiner’s fight club commentary on dis pussy’ole

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aa9a07  No.1426564


why don't they shoot the tyres out tbh or ram the thing off the road

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aa9a07  No.1426565

death to all coomers

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71082c  No.1426566


madlad is the ultimate Steiner stan

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8bd5d1  No.1426567

File: 192b1d54087e451⋯.jpeg (478.09 KB, 1022x830, 511:415, D7F909A8_A8FC_4FD0_A904_5….jpeg)

File: 25c7de6a3f65847⋯.jpeg (787.64 KB, 1191x1311, 397:437, 7190B25A_188F_46A8_B1E3_7….jpeg)

>10 murders in 13 days in London

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cde7eb  No.1426568


tbh british police chases need to start employing some of those big shart manuevers and wiping wogs out

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8bd5d1  No.1426569


>And then execute every single last paki

I agree

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aa1299  No.1426570



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a026a7  No.1426571

File: 9ad896ce6906fb3⋯.png (97.17 KB, 300x600, 1:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Evening lids




Nick is blackpilled. Don't depend on saviours, it takes a whole army to win a war.


Aquarius tomboy gf pls and ginger cancer wheatfields wife ok thankyou.

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aa9a07  No.1426572


they ram moped thieves in London tbh, very nice

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aa9a07  No.1426573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8bd5d1  No.1426574

File: 1c7f7984b94038d⋯.jpeg (85.07 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 9CC6CA0F_471A_4DD0_9AD6_C….jpeg)

Hope she knights Shamina Begum for her service to ISIS on behalf of M I 16

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7b3919  No.1426575


Looks like the booth's Confucius monks used to be put in and driven mad by.

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b3c4fd  No.1426576

File: 5b11365aee6a760⋯.png (933.67 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 31413dca11586f5798d24925f4….png)

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2a93d1  No.1426577

>this one lad who thinks that contrarianism is epic

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b3c4fd  No.1426578


is that the en aith ess walker getting knighted

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aa9a07  No.1426579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this lad makes me keeek, they just keep wheeling him out. the story just kept going, he got a spitfire broadcast for his birthday and all. anything for are enn aich ess

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b3c4fd  No.1426580


>talking about yourself

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7b3919  No.1426581


zoomer owned board now, comfyness is at an all time low.

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2a93d1  No.1426582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>this song starts playing in b3c4fdlad's house everytime I post

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b3c4fd  No.1426583


lmao keep it up and they'll run out of police tbh, wtf will they do they are stuck between a rock and a hard place, the only thing I can think of is to perpetually allow this level of crime because if they crack down its racism but if they let out get out of control then its bad aswell, contradictions in the system smh

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aa9a07  No.1426584


bastard thing putting the link twice this site smh

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aa9a07  No.1426585




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b3c4fd  No.1426586

File: 1277a7f8c48b4b8⋯.jpg (84.65 KB, 453x439, 453:439, 1506447497442.jpg)

steiner is honestly pathetic

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b3c4fd  No.1426587


what you on about you mong

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2a93d1  No.1426588

File: d410ed739b00fc0⋯.jpg (20.92 KB, 612x408, 3:2, dog_with_a_pigs_nose_pictu….jpg)

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8187ce  No.1426589


>A PR exercise taken to its desperate conclusion

lel tbh


contrarians are worse than conformists, at least the latter have a unparalleled powerful state subversion to fall back on as an excuse.

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8bd5d1  No.1426590

File: 150cca450ac13a5⋯.jpeg (2.08 MB, 1668x2028, 139:169, EA5EDC11_763A_4F1F_ABDB_1….jpeg)


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aa9a07  No.1426591

File: 0f9d078f47ce0f9⋯.png (21.61 KB, 809x236, 809:236, smhsmh.png)


>turns flag off to reply

watcha doin' rabbi?

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aa9a07  No.1426592

File: 030160dbccd7006⋯.mp4 (41.25 KB, 640x640, 1:1, bear.mp4)


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7f634d  No.1426593

File: c14f46c1c106e83⋯.jpg (453.69 KB, 1200x808, 150:101, happy_nixon.jpg)

>all this paranoia, suspicion and ill-feeling

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2835fb  No.1426594

File: aa20693f49733c7⋯.jpg (93.63 KB, 895x683, 895:683, EajcliFWsAE5Fbk.jpg)


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a026a7  No.1426595

I was going to say you should agree that materialist comfort and likelihood of imprisonment for resistance are both factors promoting inaction, overlapping in some parts, but steiner just got way too mad and made no sense after 1426524.

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aa9a07  No.1426596

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8bd5d1  No.1426597


They’ve got benches painted up with his name on them emblazoned with the Nigger Health Service logo on it as well


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aa9a07  No.1426598

>coomers ITT trying to steal my vril

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aa1299  No.1426599

File: 1e4332496bbd9aa⋯.png (109.35 KB, 390x390, 1:1, comfypepe.png)

>demolishes the years of prestige steiner has built up over the years in one single debate I didn't even care about

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abcb88  No.1426600

Bongo Bongo Land is dead reeeeeee

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36641a  No.1426601


piss off lad, this isn't a zoomer board

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71082c  No.1426602



Pembs is Deep Throat

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7f634d  No.1426603


good maybe now you can be a real man and not some distorted trannybeast demon

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8bd5d1  No.1426604

Fucking Soros has wheeled his Swedish slag out again with a new script


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2835fb  No.1426605

4chan is down as well

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aa1299  No.1426606

lets hope it never comes back

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c1c095  No.1426607


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7f634d  No.1426608

File: 5f7e018c0bc10c2⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 759x422, 759:422, xi_jinping_759.jpg)

based uncle xi hit the kill-switch

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d4b6e1  No.1426609


pisces tbh

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c43ad4  No.1426610



good riddance

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648816  No.1426611

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2835fb  No.1426612

File: 2eb309485d3e241⋯.jpg (8.36 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpg)




I'm a Scorpio and I'm going for Scorpio tbh

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d4b6e1  No.1426613

File: 0de91b3d2af48cf⋯.png (538.17 KB, 525x525, 1:1, 0de91b3d2af48cf325bbae3356….png)

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930509  No.1426614

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d4b6e1  No.1426615

File: 1619d705205d29e⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 607x341, 607:341, 1619d705205d29e7c94ca10bfe….jpg)

>im a pisces who went for a pisces

what did Q mean by this

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7b3919  No.1426616

Chinks are going after the net.

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aa1299  No.1426617


pisces is a term in the gay community for something

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abcb88  No.1426618

File: d52f41f3d191c4b⋯.png (724.66 KB, 703x703, 1:1, 1538629265422_1.png)


im cancer tbh snibbety snap


too hard lad

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aa1299  No.1426619

reddit down too


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cde7eb  No.1426620

Just been for a nice long poo. Felt a year younger afterwards tbh. Don't know how people can cut their poos short and take several a day, for me it's all or nothing.

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8bd5d1  No.1426621

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abcb88  No.1426622


wrong reply lokl

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aa1299  No.1426623

SNP is the most nonced up party

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abcb88  No.1426624

File: c950f2c11fcdb1a⋯.png (294.98 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1574343980814.png)

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d4b6e1  No.1426625


im not a faggot so i wouldnt know tbh

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c1c095  No.1426626


just tried a bunch of different unrelated sites, not even anything poltical and they're all down

maybe this is the big one and the normienet is being shoahed

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8bd5d1  No.1426627

File: 80fa70c156c1324⋯.jpeg (674.93 KB, 1019x736, 1019:736, 983B21FF_4346_4E19_9C51_0….jpeg)

File: 885052a1720ba21⋯.jpeg (525.78 KB, 1008x687, 336:229, 517596E2_2B7F_46D4_AE4F_3….jpeg)


It’s been a disastrous day for the nonces tbh

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b3c4fd  No.1426628


its the site you mong

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36641a  No.1426629

reminder to have that 9chan link saved and make sure you're using a proxy to post there

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aa1299  No.1426630


neither would I but I was just going through your post history

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8bd5d1  No.1426631

File: bef7d321a317d67⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Q5FaVvmbmPBdjG3d.mp4)

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b3c4fd  No.1426632


do you just say thing like this out of stupidity or spite, low IQ reactionary nonsense making our side look bad

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aa1299  No.1426633

youtube is down wtf

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b3c4fd  No.1426634


fuck off cunt we decided ages ago the backup was endchan

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b3c4fd  No.1426635

Reddit and youtube are both up you mongs

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abcb88  No.1426636


bruh its the end

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8bd5d1  No.1426637

File: 6432d1c768c8a4a⋯.jpeg (683.3 KB, 1000x725, 40:29, 17E2BF87_426D_46BA_BEEF_A….jpeg)

This has nothing to do with non whites

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dab1ba  No.1426638



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aa1299  No.1426639

dlive too

mental how this piece of shit site is somehow still up

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d4b6e1  No.1426640

File: 0a2decb864dd2e3⋯.jpg (114.28 KB, 1209x756, 403:252, 0a2decb864dd2e39d9c2e4004c….jpg)


faggot detected

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3710e3  No.1426641

File: 6c351a22c46346e⋯.jpg (102.55 KB, 1080x699, 360:233, Ec4XbOOWoAAkWLN.jpg)

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8bd5d1  No.1426642

File: 4136fda40f0a345⋯.jpeg (11.24 KB, 197x255, 197:255, A3836F40_BD0A_4069_93F6_1….jpeg)


The internet is down

Just checked

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b3c4fd  No.1426643

This cunt is either memeing or its his internet thats fucked

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648816  No.1426644

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2835fb  No.1426646

Probably a cloudflare thing

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aa1299  No.1426647



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d4b6e1  No.1426648

probably cloudflare down tbh

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36641a  No.1426649


that's a good one too tbh, there's active bunker threads on both. we can go to both and regroup from there if necessary

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c1c095  No.1426651

says my DNS server is down but I can still access this and youtube, just not any other site apparently

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abcb88  No.1426652

File: 53a359c248016d3⋯.png (50.72 KB, 256x256, 1:1, flushed.png)

the internet is dying so fast no one will see that im gay

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cde7eb  No.1426653

Bongo Bongo Land is bollocksed too, bongoists incoming

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2a93d1  No.1426654


how old is that lass now?

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1fd210  No.1426655

Just checked and Pembs is down for gay sex

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8bd5d1  No.1426656

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648816  No.1426657

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7f634d  No.1426658

everything works fine for me must be a sassenach problem

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b3c4fd  No.1426659

File: d19402f249443fd⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 04cQj1xP.jpg)


Turns 18 in jan 2021

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d4b6e1  No.1426660


>3 January 2003 (age 17 years)

she looks about 11 smh@veganism

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71082c  No.1426661


>how old is that lass now?

old enough

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abcb88  No.1426662

she literally looks 12 years old you weirdos

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d4b6e1  No.1426663

based clouldflare is down and it kills almost all of the internet

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b3c4fd  No.1426664

File: d5e4fdf8787ba80⋯.jpg (85.22 KB, 540x568, 135:142, 1466639326554.jpg)


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8bd5d1  No.1426665

File: a46ccc8eddbb71b⋯.jpeg (671.88 KB, 1034x726, 47:33, 02BCDA5B_3E31_4C39_8DF4_7….jpeg)

>steiner bacon bonce

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2a93d1  No.1426666


good lad she is not sexually attractive until that date.

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aa1299  No.1426667

File: 5a7840359dd9f50⋯.jpg (28.8 KB, 567x414, 63:46, 14915556011882.jpg)

everythings down and i'm hot and my neck hurts and the white race is dying aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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c43ad4  No.1426668

the internet needs to be put out of its misery already

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aa1299  No.1426669

File: 5e1c0d5ed4a45d3⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 350x350, 1:1, uncle_ted.jpg)


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8bd5d1  No.1426670

File: ec4250a289d6e82⋯.jpeg (559.31 KB, 1074x873, 358:291, E128597F_7D75_4F77_9DB0_F….jpeg)

Buses are down as well now

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d4b6e1  No.1426671

File: 664e51074de1260⋯.png (542.73 KB, 723x628, 723:628, worried.png)

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2835fb  No.1426672

4chan is back up

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b3c4fd  No.1426673

File: 3aa4d1a4e0a2261⋯.jpg (14.82 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3aa4d1a4e0a226172535ce1734….jpg)

File: b6d9d28dd09ee72⋯.jpg (367.52 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, greta_21.jpg)

File: f8fcc3f38e26d45⋯.jpg (24.7 KB, 433x235, 433:235, greta_11.jpg)

File: 7954b2f7db80cc6⋯.jpg (90.22 KB, 800x522, 400:261, greta_8.jpg)

File: 74e5f1dfb13c02f⋯.jpg (531.71 KB, 865x833, 865:833, greta_3.jpg)


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8187ce  No.1426674


anyone got that handwritten letter of his? was breti baste tbh

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c1c095  No.1426675


>In Wales

>Niggers on their taxpayer funded super-city-buses can do what they like and go on fucking destroying any infrastructure near them on a weekly bases

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1fd210  No.1426676


she looks like a kid tbh

you are such a nonce

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b3c4fd  No.1426677

File: 5f43a67019d7497⋯.jpg (197.39 KB, 1080x845, 216:169, 1583228038807.jpg)

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c1c095  No.1426678


the one that was a bit sad because he genuinely thinks that there are armies of luddites ready to rise up against the system when the time is right?

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2a93d1  No.1426679

File: fe58cfaf0ba1f9d⋯.jpg (89.99 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, aussie_pet_mobile_2018_gro….jpg)

>ywn introduce greta to stoddard, linkola, ATWA, pareto and belloc over the course of a weekend and then when she confronts you while upset and tears streaming down her face you move in

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71082c  No.1426680

File: f94f8680991ce60⋯.gif (6.15 MB, 400x282, 200:141, 66536363.gif)


>4chan is back up


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b3c4fd  No.1426681

File: 9a487d80889dde8⋯.png (435.09 KB, 960x640, 3:2, greta.png)

want to grab those braids and splooge in her tbh

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abcb88  No.1426682


based I needed to ask a question there

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2a93d1  No.1426683

smh bit rough on a little lass you should teach her some judo chokes first lad

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aa1299  No.1426684

File: 3caf4e15add1469⋯.jpg (19.79 KB, 399x400, 399:400, _.jpg)

there's literally nothing to work with greta she's just a monged out potato

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d4b6e1  No.1426685

File: 42d5f4de371774d⋯.jpg (155.8 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, 52789830_372871039960206_1….jpg)


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aa1299  No.1426686

keeeeeeek nigger twitter is coming for catboykami


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a026a7  No.1426687


>folder full of greta

confirmed nonce



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2835fb  No.1426688

File: 1d32e406deb756c⋯.jpg (294.15 KB, 1080x1211, 1080:1211, YrAWtW0.jpg)

>not picking the superior 17 year old

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7f634d  No.1426689

what happened to the right wing counter-cunny they deployed against greta?

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1fd210  No.1426690

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8bd5d1  No.1426691

File: e63a59c19225358⋯.jpeg (13 KB, 201x251, 201:251, 0CCF1A9B_3BAE_400C_A6F7_F….jpeg)


There’s something wrong with you lad

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b3c4fd  No.1426692


>trying to cancel kami


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b3c4fd  No.1426693


astroturfed shite

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78de0b  No.1426694

File: cfad7ddcbb7f26f⋯.jpg (109.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cfad7ddcbb7f26f7c571de6b67….jpg)


>ruin his career

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d4b6e1  No.1426695

File: 05b972cb89b021e⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, poo.jpg)


goooood lad

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2a93d1  No.1426696

seems like DDOS UNZ is down too

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b3c4fd  No.1426697


upper class slags larping as ladies, fuck them

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8bd5d1  No.1426698

File: 67fbc475ed6d9d5⋯.jpeg (55.5 KB, 736x490, 368:245, 8BD0286C_2595_418A_BE77_3….jpeg)


Wretched Kim Joy Mong

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36641a  No.1426699

File: 8491b098aac4e61⋯.png (10.24 KB, 418x408, 209:204, 8491b098aac4e610c5715ed6da….png)

britfa.gs is down

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1fd210  No.1426700

amazon is down now

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8187ce  No.1426701

Alice is yummy tbh, anyone saying otherwise is a poofter tbh.

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b3c4fd  No.1426702

File: db4c31c67269bc3⋯.png (754.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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c1c095  No.1426703

File: a8d07d3236e98eb⋯.png (472.06 KB, 594x552, 99:92, ClipboardImage.png)



what the fuck is that then

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2835fb  No.1426704

File: 189c884177e2539⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, aef496ce8f224a59cde1883735….jpg)


>fuck them

I wish I could

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aa1299  No.1426705

File: 63a65f065150def⋯.jpg (150.6 KB, 1016x1024, 127:128, PVT_Mutt.jpg)


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aa1299  No.1426706


pure cope lmfao

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d4b6e1  No.1426707

File: a5a9adb1b7cd72d⋯.jpg (182.47 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 74892112_3686131941483653_….jpg)

File: e2216784973b333⋯.jpg (126.58 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 89122986_1438076509697386_….jpg)

File: 1365bd3c85e10ed⋯.jpg (216.22 KB, 1280x1600, 4:5, IMG_20190814_200546.jpg)

File: e7433635bef073b⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20191005_025927….jpg)

File: 552c053eed98a57⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20191007_010135….jpg)


t. tasteless

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8bd5d1  No.1426708

File: 6fcf67c791e75cc⋯.jpeg (38.9 KB, 357x346, 357:346, 0CC4D43F_D00C_432F_9A39_D….jpeg)

File: 2580afd8b4dea01⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, wlP1gBBUGMaYNBCd.mp4)


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d4b6e1  No.1426709

File: 9345c32909da759⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, 66690480_166764014371657_8….mp4)

File: 3ee49e99353b86e⋯.jpg (343.79 KB, 1080x1296, 5:6, 67614341_1915177668582728_….jpg)

File: 069fa472b82c886⋯.jpg (280.92 KB, 1080x1296, 5:6, 67346671_881624758877073_3….jpg)

File: 85cd783888fc3e4⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, 90303437_3071188429580184_….mp4)

File: 7016e544d6024ca⋯.jpg (368.49 KB, 1080x1292, 270:323, 66197209_1078433095658942_….jpg)


babe, its 11pm! time for the grant sister's posting!

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b3c4fd  No.1426710


The avg black conspiracy is just completely nonsensical with no basis in reality, q fags make more sense than they do, its just pure cope

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b3c4fd  No.1426711


only cunts who like these whores are williamoids

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1fd210  No.1426712

File: 5b97861e85fd75c⋯.png (843.24 KB, 819x652, 819:652, 1480278771151.png)


you can just tell her entire body is tan and her fanny and bumhole blend in with her skin tone

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2a93d1  No.1426713


its almost sad how even nigger supremacists just do no u tier copes for how subhuman they are. I mean you can just literally show them a pic of literal african niggers licking cow p*ssy and remind them that the language they are speaking is english and they just ragequit

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2a93d1  No.1426714



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8187ce  No.1426715

Remember when retards unironically though Bea was a tranny? out of touch plebeians tbh Alice is still the better one tbh

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8bd5d1  No.1426716

Cloudflare outage takes down Bongo Bongo Land and other sites


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d4b6e1  No.1426717

Kim Joy > Maiju Laine > Beatrice Grant > Sophia Lillis > Alice Grant

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8187ce  No.1426718


>yanks prefers fatoids

wew lad

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8bd5d1  No.1426719

File: 1f3e3777238487f⋯.jpeg (215.78 KB, 951x951, 1:1, 7A475222_479E_4197_B5AB_A….jpeg)

File: c56e82fbf0a039b⋯.jpeg (92.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, AA95C3C5_CD9A_4512_9185_0….jpeg)

File: b6ead51c1a0d6df⋯.jpeg (90.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, F70F3B38_F205_4800_AF69_8….jpeg)

File: 59d30f31fd9722f⋯.jpeg (258.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5645FA33_B189_4202_8AE8_1….jpeg)

File: 2f31f838003fd93⋯.jpeg (25.25 KB, 225x225, 1:1, BD035935_860E_4714_A780_5….jpeg)

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2835fb  No.1426720

File: a0d2248c4f3ec36⋯.jpg (230.17 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, ppgNNOk.jpg)

File: 24c7e3ab3bd8175⋯.jpg (207.68 KB, 1080x1347, 360:449, XhQX9f6.jpg)

File: f4c46e75076f105⋯.jpg (147.68 KB, 1080x1280, 27:32, 6El1lDs.jpg)

File: 673fec12841416c⋯.jpg (282.31 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, VST09yJ.jpg)

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aa1299  No.1426721

File: 3e34fdbddcad6f7⋯.webm (5.84 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, tiktok14.webm)

tik tok lasses?

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d4b6e1  No.1426722

File: 987338e377cd872⋯.png (239.63 KB, 569x349, 569:349, ClipboardImage.png)

>the clip where Alice's titty slips out for a split second

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1fd210  No.1426723

File: 15ea1d55f28a7c2⋯.jpg (73.64 KB, 700x865, 140:173, 1593549877761.jpg)

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8bd5d1  No.1426724

File: 975f050d38002b8⋯.jpeg (511.04 KB, 1020x805, 204:161, 84E2F473_2472_4207_A5DB_C….jpeg)

File: 234236e54a13b88⋯.jpeg (396.88 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, E4CB0FA9_428B_46EF_9429_6….jpeg)


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1fd210  No.1426725

File: d6dc0c92f0040ff⋯.jpg (46.43 KB, 333x723, 111:241, 1594704945377.jpg)


>that bit where she does fanny braps in my mouth

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d4b6e1  No.1426726

File: 6e37f277d04c64c⋯.jpg (298.55 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1_FdQjyMq.jpg)

File: baec69ebdf0df91⋯.jpg (284.12 KB, 1080x1181, 1080:1181, 13_BY5bEHl.jpg)

File: 5e426fb763768a1⋯.jpg (97.66 KB, 1080x871, 1080:871, 24_hC4rNzQ.jpg)

File: 1a857dc5efd19c8⋯.jpg (252.56 KB, 1080x1266, 180:211, 26_YNHb4i6.jpg)

File: a1e51c62b620292⋯.jpg (196.2 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 3_Ki9EdJd.jpg)

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8bd5d1  No.1426727


>/brit/ version of bug chasing is brap chasing

Utterly sinful

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2835fb  No.1426728

File: 63effa6dbd586df⋯.mp4 (758.57 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 63effa6dbd586df58fe86f525c….mp4)

I'm going to stop now.

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aa1299  No.1426729

File: ccaa8b167616bfd⋯.png (24.87 KB, 424x276, 106:69, Denton_AKA_Rape_leader_of_….png)

File: 6b4b6979254fada⋯.jpg (33.5 KB, 400x558, 200:279, john_rape_denton.jpg)



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8187ce  No.1426730


can't remember the specifics, but I remember him being gracious and prescient of the situation we have at hand.

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aa1299  No.1426731

File: 386888f4c00c08d⋯.jpg (248.09 KB, 1200x1169, 1200:1169, kaczynski_letters.jpg)

found it

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aa1299  No.1426732

File: 0d5b9bb003025a7⋯.jpg (113.27 KB, 900x738, 50:41, kaczynski_letters2.jpg)

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8bd5d1  No.1426733

File: 425327413e3951d⋯.jpeg (336.35 KB, 1187x621, 1187:621, BD7514A3_FE91_4D45_91BC_E….jpeg)


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c55db6  No.1426734


>talking loudly and talking on mobile phones to be banned

Makes you proud to be Welsh i fod yn onest

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1fd210  No.1426735

File: 8a47ba4288c4525⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 480x853, 480:853, 1594762826859.jpg)

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d4b6e1  No.1426736

File: ba85f4b2b68c26b⋯.mp4 (3.75 MB, 1080x978, 180:163, nige_alice.mp4)

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8bd5d1  No.1426737


Bet he decorated her face with his froth

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1fd210  No.1426738

File: ca3c007fb617f79⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 720x650, 72:65, 14389779849.jpg)



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d4b6e1  No.1426739

File: 757b8389907c7c8⋯.jpg (140.56 KB, 1080x978, 180:163, 9_eKJdy73.jpg)


Alice and Bea at the same time… the cheeky bastard

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36641a  No.1426740

alri coomers

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7f634d  No.1426741


look at the sweat lashing off the cunt

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8bd5d1  No.1426742

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8187ce  No.1426743



based, thanks lad.

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8bd5d1  No.1426744




Sweating like a nonce in a playground tbh

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c55db6  No.1426745

File: 58be346d2d7f22d⋯.png (1.07 MB, 824x1279, 824:1279, greta.png)

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c1c095  No.1426746


>Throw more money at it! That will fix the problem!

I hate

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c1c095  No.1426747

anyway g'night lads

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b3c4fd  No.1426748

File: 932e921b151603f⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 320x296, 40:37, 1509378106466.jpg)

File: 4a30a8f3fcbbd3d⋯.jpg (68.07 KB, 676x807, 676:807, 4a30a8f3fcbbd3d9fc0da8fc16….jpg)


>93% of crime is unsolved

bout 15-20% of murders in the uk are unsolved aswell, 40% in america, probably much higher for random murders where the victim has no connection to the attacker, something to think about

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aa1299  No.1426749

File: a61e8b0195cf0cb⋯.jpg (843.9 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, sophia_lills.jpg)


what % for kidnapping short haired lasses?

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d4b6e1  No.1426750

File: 3065e4927e3f490⋯.jpg (169.34 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 3065e4927e3f4905dfa036e70e….jpg)

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8bd5d1  No.1426751

File: f2f2782fec2f8bd⋯.jpeg (475.73 KB, 1183x970, 1183:970, 39B38BB5_8E8E_446D_8C20_8….jpeg)

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3710e3  No.1426752

File: e038fcfa671525c⋯.png (555.37 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 435.png)

File: f8a7a3bcc28589a⋯.mp4 (11.88 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 435.mp4)

>Russia's nonce community using talking points from the early 2000s

keeek tbh

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b3c4fd  No.1426753

File: 0cc202e8c493b38⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 549x794, 549:794, 1509827478541.jpg)


don't touch her

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aa1299  No.1426754

File: 4ad63b22071ad30⋯.jpg (66.84 KB, 474x596, 237:298, alex_jones_caught.jpg)

dont let her enter my hunting grounds

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b3c4fd  No.1426755


they've seen whats happened in the west so those arguments are a lot weaker, they are behind us by years when it comes to degeneracy

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b3c4fd  No.1426756

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3710e3  No.1426757


It's funny to see how far back they are despite the US spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) constantly trying to force the same shit there.

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ca41c8  No.1426758

had to reset the router for a naughty post, RIP my albino ID

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b3c4fd  No.1426759

Thinking about building a massive underground Black mesa facility where I can run and hide in after committing crimes and never be found and where I sow the white race with my genes using breeding farms

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aa1299  No.1426760


where's the naughty post la?

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ca41c8  No.1426761

Box of mini breadsticks tbh

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c55db6  No.1426762

File: 1f6d6097e001428⋯.jpg (174.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Jill_Dando.jpg)

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b3c4fd  No.1426763


its amazing tbh, makes me jealous, you can see vidreos online of fags being beaten on talk shows and lgbt shit is simply not accepted over there at all

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ca41c8  No.1426764


wasn't on here la, don't worry ;^)

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2835fb  No.1426765

Doubt Mosley and Powell will ever get statues tbh, more likely a few streets named after them in the new capital city we'll build.

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b3c4fd  No.1426766

File: 5c428d9d297d212⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 5c428d9d297d2124a30e18954d….jpg)

>posting on 8kun without a vpn

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8bd5d1  No.1426767


Time Putin handled business

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1fd210  No.1426768

File: 5599646b7195b93⋯.png (132.55 KB, 396x385, 36:35, 1521310375775.png)


>using a vpn

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b3c4fd  No.1426769


I'll make sure that they and more obscure cunts like bowden get statues, they aren't even that expensive to have build, been fantasising about a bowden memorial garden in some sleep village in the country with a statue to him at the center

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ca41c8  No.1426770



Found the nonce

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1fd210  No.1426771

the only difference between vpn posting and bare ip posting is that with a vpn your data is monitored by the vpn company rather than your isp

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36641a  No.1426773

never understood how a vpn protects you on sites that require an account like youtube. yeah i guess it makes it seem like you're in usa or somewhere, but you're still logged in to your account lol

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aa1299  No.1426774

File: 0ef59a24f54edd8⋯.jpg (128.09 KB, 771x960, 257:320, chad_thundercock.jpg)

>stealing neighbours internet

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1fd210  No.1426775


this tbh keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

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8187ce  No.1426776


>he thinks IP addresses are admissible evidence in a court of law


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1fd210  No.1426777

File: 5f7c97236264f21⋯.jpg (74.46 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 1590711859578.jpg)

>Why yes I talk about Alice Grant fanny brapping in my mouth on a bare ip

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b3c4fd  No.1426778

File: 6c26501e4717fd9⋯.jpg (56.62 KB, 645x773, 645:773, 1508819504415.jpg)

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d4b6e1  No.1426779

File: 664e51074de1260⋯.png (542.73 KB, 723x628, 723:628, worried.png)

>not rawdogging the internet

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1fd210  No.1426780


cowardly tbh lad

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ca41c8  No.1426781



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c55db6  No.1426783


>a bowden memorial garden

Lots of sunflowers?

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2835fb  No.1426784

The new city (called "Britannia") is being build where Market Harborough currently stands, I went there once, the people were rude and it was generally ugly, oddly enough there's a village called "Great Bowden" next to it which fits into >>1426769 request

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36641a  No.1426785


neighbours all have passwords lad


why brainlet lad? a vpn just changes your IP, you're still using all your accounts which would surely make you doxable to le hacker

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8bd5d1  No.1426786

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b3c4fd  No.1426787


t.simping coper

>accepts race science but not sexual/gender science

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b3c4fd  No.1426788



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2a93d1  No.1426790

File: c37008815eac15d⋯.png (474.82 KB, 668x668, 1:1, 1594947641444.png)


>normoids who use polaroid filters on their social media pics

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8bd5d1  No.1426791

File: d60aa327d71a5a6⋯.jpeg (825.5 KB, 1182x965, 1182:965, 29A1ECA4_372C_4DE2_A628_5….jpeg)

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3710e3  No.1426792

File: 5f42060b67871ba⋯.jpeg (200.18 KB, 970x1280, 97:128, 321.jpeg)

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36641a  No.1426793


do you remember when mummy used to put a video in the vcr and then she had to adjust the tracking to get it to play properly? and sometimes the tapes had been recorded over so it would just switch to something else halfway through

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2a93d1  No.1426794

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2a93d1  No.1426795


keeek yeah I kept the old VCR so I can watch old tapes sometimes tbh zoomers love to pretend they remember VHS era

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343eb0  No.1426796


VHS was pretty shit. Nostalgia for VHS indicates you probably never actually had to put up with one as more than a novelty.

>when you have a tape you like, and then one day the machine just fucking destroys it,

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8187ce  No.1426797

Can anyone give me a Kaczynski manifesto tl;dr? I imagine most of his work is derivative, but I think it would be interesting to have it placed within a modern context.

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2a93d1  No.1426798


never thought I would see info wars literally calling out anti white shit. whittaker would be proud, he was a good lad. our spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)

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aa1299  No.1426799


its not that long just read it

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2a93d1  No.1426800

File: 98a78b95c98e424⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 612x408, 3:2, pig_sleeping_at_farm_pictu….jpg)

>when the tape ate my johnny quest VHS

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7fea5e  No.1426801

File: c34c0f809917b3f⋯.png (743 KB, 640x572, 160:143, ClipboardImage.png)

>tfw no horsey gf

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ca41c8  No.1426802

never had a DVD player in my house tbh, missed the whole era. Just kept our tape player and massive TVs for an extra decade because mummy spent all our money on food and stupid shit

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36641a  No.1426803


good lad


yeah, and back then if you recorded something, you usually only had one chance, so once it was wrecked or recorded over it was gone. there was obviously no youtube until 2006 and that had a 10 minute time limit for the next 4 years or something. i used to browse this lostmedia forum where oldlads would request footage of things they remember seeing on tv as kids but they can't find evidence of it ever existing now and it was pretty interesting what people remembered. it's like archaology but for media from the 80s and 90s kek.

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71082c  No.1426804

File: 2d20e9242b73775⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, nightshift.mp4)

it's been a while

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ca41c8  No.1426805

>rewinding and watching the same 2 episodes of the simpsons and pokemon a few times before going to bed every night

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2a93d1  No.1426806

File: 33bf001525fc63e⋯.jpg (108.19 KB, 696x391, 696:391, 1594574959856.jpg)

File: 7376d65e16f86fa⋯.jpg (19.96 KB, 396x297, 4:3, 7683583.jpg)


>no clyde take another pic my butt wasn't right in that one

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b3c4fd  No.1426807


if this is all true then based tbh

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b3c4fd  No.1426808


they do that all the time mong

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36641a  No.1426809


said it before, i'll say it again - quality gimmick here.

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b3c4fd  No.1426810


why are you constantly nasty and antagonistic, I'm a zoomer and spent my yotuh playing ps2 on a crt tv with a video tape player and had all the prequels on video tape aswell as the xmens and shreks and many others, had family footage of me as a toddler on tape aswell which including the time I got on bbc news in nursery, but mummy lost the tape, I only got rid of video tapes completely in about 2011

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3710e3  No.1426811

File: 052712891fda68a⋯.mp4 (5.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, na8yaHca5r_EY5ET.mp4)

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2a93d1  No.1426812


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2a93d1  No.1426813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b3c4fd  No.1426814


luv world order me

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2a93d1  No.1426815

>kids who were like 3 years old when PS2s came out talking about my childhood but it their childhood was literally in 2013

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1fd210  No.1426816

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b3c4fd  No.1426817

File: 958da719fad4a9b⋯.jpg (98.92 KB, 898x701, 898:701, 1503099842032.jpg)


>steiner not know how memes work and just parroting what lads said earlier but having literally no idea what they meant because he;s a 30 year old boomer

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7fea5e  No.1426818

File: c765382acaf47f7⋯.png (909.61 KB, 784x1100, 196:275, ClipboardImage.png)


noooo you can't make fun of muh based news channel

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b3c4fd  No.1426819

File: 12bda5ec26ff7ab⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 620x801, 620:801, 12bda5ec26ff7ab7d77a32b5d5….jpg)


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aa1299  No.1426820

File: d0f9b86181457ae⋯.jpg (177.44 KB, 1992x1992, 1:1, 203ba1c4f2e37bffad0734a49e….jpg)

i've had sex and steiner hasn't lmfao

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2a93d1  No.1426821

hey guys im a 90s kid here born in 2000, yeah when I was a kid we all played with game gear and sega saturn and other masonic brainwashing game systems just like the epic kids in tik tok videos do, by the way I had a minecraft game where we created a 1998 room then we watched a switch game player play minecraft in the minecraft room that we were in!

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36641a  No.1426822

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b3c4fd  No.1426823

File: 4a36223690efbfb⋯.png (628.61 KB, 719x683, 719:683, chink_toast.png)

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d4b6e1  No.1426824

File: 0b76816130c1925⋯.png (360.39 KB, 615x689, 615:689, 0b76816130c1925a5b3b3ce4ec….png)

>couldnt fall asleep in the shower because i was being terrorised by moths and daddy long legs

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7fea5e  No.1426825

>bragging about spending your time doing something that is utterly worthless

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b3c4fd  No.1426826

File: 0565f882529f340⋯.png (83.67 KB, 336x324, 28:27, a00c82b5e5b70c34e0c6168d3a….png)


you are a pathetic bitter manchild, kill yourself

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71082c  No.1426827


thank you, lad

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8187ce  No.1426828

The Technological Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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2a93d1  No.1426829

>zoomers in their mind: yeah I remember VHS and ocarina of time epic times guys that was epic being a kid in 2003

>zoomers in reality: I just unlocked a new tiktok video of my minecraft map that is a minecraft map of a minecraft map, mom just gave me more prozac and chopped my nuts off because dad is a white male she said *looks at smartphone* cool a new tik tok video of my switch minecraft e streamer tik toker* *soiface* (has nostalgia for 2014)

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1fd210  No.1426830


keek based

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b3c4fd  No.1426831

File: 2aec9b40256645a⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1507324555912.jpg)


>falling asleep in the shower lad

smh lad you'll end up like that r9k pasta of the lad who lies awake in bed at night in pure filth thats he's surrounded by in his collapsing house where the moths and insects harass him while he browses on his old phone smh

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2a93d1  No.1426832

sick of zoomtards larping as gen y while at the same time pretending to be better than gen y

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3710e3  No.1426833

File: c14421663fab3c5⋯.png (375.74 KB, 600x720, 5:6, 34t.png)

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7f634d  No.1426834

File: bc205a327e31df2⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 2880x3840, 3:4, peace_manatee.jpg)

time for everyone to calm down

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7fea5e  No.1426835

File: d9eb63d12d50ea4⋯.png (257.66 KB, 790x430, 79:43, ClipboardImage.png)

*puts a brand new record on the crosley*

haha fucking boomers think young people don't know how to vintage am I right reddit?

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b3c4fd  No.1426836

File: 0e3cfc958f5cc96⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1732x864, 433:216, seething_disgust.png)

feel like steiner has literally no conception of how other people experience the world compared to him, a complete lack of empathy aka a highly autistic trait, would explain his nasty attitude, need I remind you cunt that this is a british politics board and you are a mutt that pretends to relate to us, also stop calling your self gen y as a cope just because millenial has negative connotations, you are a millenial

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2835fb  No.1426837

File: c7809dfb2902109⋯.gif (19.27 KB, 171x140, 171:140, 1594326200861.gif)

spent my childhood riding around the countryside on bikes and playing football with my friends tbh

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8187ce  No.1426838


based false opposition to support unprecedented support of state power to BTFO the liberals epic style.

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7b3919  No.1426839

kind of tired of madlad tbh, he's crook armed gay that only derives power form shitflinging on anonymous Tibetan basket weaving forums. .

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71082c  No.1426840


Woah, the Marvel universe really is like real life bros.

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343eb0  No.1426841

File: b5659211bca9279⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 586x587, 586:587, 1312548293757.jpg)

>nostlagia for my adolescence in the mid 00's, when I used to spend all day playing games on a SNES emulator, while listening to 80's rock

This is the real 90's childhood.

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2a93d1  No.1426842

File: 053a6b413e65a74⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)



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2a93d1  No.1426843

>b3c4fd still seething

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930509  No.1426844

File: d0f5497df1464f8⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 207x244, 207:244, manatee1.jpg)

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7fea5e  No.1426845

File: 01a419804832302⋯.png (23.21 KB, 641x530, 641:530, GlassesPepe2.png)


>Modern Family

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343eb0  No.1426846

I have a fucking poo arse, and I don't care who knows it.

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2a93d1  No.1426847


mine was hiding from bullies and playing SSBM with black weebs with fingerless gloves and playing computer game lan parties and etc. with cousins

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2a93d1  No.1426848

File: 590e00e3235d2a9⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 800x399, 800:399, aryan_brotherhood.jpg)

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ca41c8  No.1426849


keeek, same, good lad. Poo arses are at work.

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b3c4fd  No.1426850

File: 41ac5364bfe701e⋯.gif (787.05 KB, 220x220, 1:1, and_what_about_it.gif)

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8187ce  No.1426851

>he wasn't fighting with kids in the playground who attempted to bully you.

Sad bastards tbh lads.

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7fea5e  No.1426852

File: eb2d714a10e19ad⋯.png (304.59 KB, 499x498, 499:498, ClipboardImage.png)


>with cousins

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2a93d1  No.1426853

File: e8022af815c28f2⋯.jpg (509.81 KB, 1400x600, 7:3, Helen_PWNA_Webslide_WesStu….jpg)


>when she grew up to be a total thot and all her boyfriends don't know they are just seconds to the ol' fingerbang of '04

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7fea5e  No.1426854

File: 60672453eff5e14⋯.jpg (115.26 KB, 1438x1438, 1:1, Steiner_and_his_Cousin.jpg)

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1fd210  No.1426855

spent my childhood playing ps1 games and beyblade and bullying my lard arse cousin and getting my mummy in trouble because of it

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36641a  No.1426856

File: 09c53ee5b553516⋯.jpeg (21.92 KB, 474x474, 1:1, boomboom.jpeg)



UT lan parties in the "computer lab" with all the autists you rode the bus with for me

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1fd210  No.1426857

he's even fatter now

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2a93d1  No.1426858

File: ee3e269080ad414⋯.png (226.9 KB, 629x409, 629:409, 79e.png)

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930509  No.1426859


Is that the native lad who acted in Heat and Last of the Mohicans tbh?

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7fea5e  No.1426860

File: 83fcda02825c043⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 236x214, 118:107, images.jpg)

Study finds Extinction Rebellion protestors were mostly middle-class southerners


not like we didn't already know this tbh

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aa1299  No.1426861


its over for them now!

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343eb0  No.1426862


>meet middle class southerner

>all they talk about is climate change, veganism, and how they aren't racist

What's wrong with them, lads? They're obsessed. It's really weird.

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2a93d1  No.1426863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah wes study or whatever his name is

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2a93d1  No.1426864


bougie fucks are cancer

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1fd210  No.1426865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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36641a  No.1426866

File: 7175735e39ba469⋯.jpg (168.89 KB, 960x1248, 10:13, 1590964962.jpg)


kek tbh, why are we always trying to defend the truth as it ties its shoes long after lies have sprinted around the world. perhaps a new strategy is required

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3ed337  No.1426867

File: e528d4d08f517e7⋯.jpeg (82.17 KB, 644x1000, 161:250, di.jpeg)



good lass


a bit wide but good effort



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3710e3  No.1426868


Lack of personality replaced with virtue signalling

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48c11d  No.1426869


wtf that reads like self congratulatory trash from gawker.com or some other modernday soyboy rag

>nearly 200 years old

everything old is new again

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7fea5e  No.1426870

File: 5d77799c9dcc72d⋯.png (397.05 KB, 480x478, 240:239, 1504687926751.png)


good lad

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48c11d  No.1426871

>Punch was the original gawker.com

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3710e3  No.1426872


electro-shock therapy

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7fea5e  No.1426874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3ed337  No.1426875

File: 74f53c34660f056⋯.png (63.54 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, fatjak.png)

roast chicken, chips and coleslaw for tea

why can't i sleep at a normal time smh

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c72a4b  No.1426876


tbh just got up after going to bed at 9pm and sleeping until around 12pm

going to grab a beer and some sosidge rolls

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36641a  No.1426878

did you lads know electroshock therapy applies a light charge to patients in the thought that it agitates the wicked spirit possessing them, more than the possessed patient? it's often memed to normies now as a way of sadists torturing retards in films.

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c72a4b  No.1426879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kino film

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c72a4b  No.1426880


pure "U FKN WOT M8" phenotype there

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e91a96  No.1426881

File: 0ad8883323b8528⋯.jpg (190.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, pepe_tux_and_hat_grotty.jpg)

File: f52b5998de12dbd⋯.png (989.44 KB, 690x900, 23:30, capybara_computer_sophia_k….png)


>those 16 and 17 year old lasses












>the Grant sisters




>Sophia Lillis

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2a93d1  No.1426882


link to source?

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c72a4b  No.1426883

File: e0ba7b07aa71776⋯.gif (762.04 KB, 320x242, 160:121, bowden_slays_a_thot.gif)


all these (You)s for thotposting

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2a93d1  No.1426884

File: a9257d656bf2448⋯.jpg (419.39 KB, 634x2662, 317:1331, 1595018930553.jpg)

File: 109516e3bc77e3a⋯.jpg (50.77 KB, 640x360, 16:9, da09ecbc15f74321b05599bc7f….jpg)

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b8cd71  No.1426885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2a93d1  No.1426886


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3710e3  No.1426887


how the fuck is anyone supposed to meet half of that list

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1fd210  No.1426888

File: d782aee43a8b9be⋯.jpg (6.24 KB, 245x245, 1:1, 1591222679944.jpg)

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1fd210  No.1426889

File: e432ce934db92a7⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 410x452, 205:226, 1557453619068.jpg)

>tfw boomers actually got to complete most of the shit on that list

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7fea5e  No.1426890


>first full time job

>age 19

wut? was this made in an alternate timeline where the go to uni or you're a failure meme didn't happen?

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36641a  No.1426891


i tried to find the source video, i'm sure it's on this channel, but it could be buried in a video that isn't specifically about electroshock therapy.


the channel may seem a bit schizo at first, but the longer documentaries on there are pretty fascinating.

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7fea5e  No.1426892


>pass driving test


>not 17 - 18


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d4b6e1  No.1426893


I lived something similar before tbh

room was fucking disgusting at one point, piles of plates filled with half eaten food, shit all over the room and crawling with mold smdh proper grim

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2a93d1  No.1426894

keeek that list would make normoids an hero so fast. I hate how many of them will literally lemmingfag off a cliff if its what all the others are doing.

>buy house with 20k down

>get married

>buy 2 new cars

>be like 29 tops

yeah lad your 30s are just going to be a steady climb up lad, you definately don't need to consolidate your life and worry about divorce rape at all lad.

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2a93d1  No.1426895


the best is the one where they move out at 22 and then start paying rent at 25 as if mummy and dad can afford to pay rent for you for years on end

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7fea5e  No.1426896

File: 74b21510cf31c0f⋯.gif (631.15 KB, 512x481, 512:481, spurding.gif)

keeeeek the further down I go the more random and retarded this list becomes

>first holiday with friends, 21

>buy a brand new car, 35

>buying a car comes after buying a fucking house

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e91a96  No.1426897

File: 82cfb239d543dc8⋯.jpg (11.86 KB, 224x206, 112:103, get_out_jew.jpg)


>amigo loans

>loan company trying to get people to take out loans to achieve the unachievable

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7b3919  No.1426898

File: cea5dd155937e73⋯.jpg (230.25 KB, 800x1125, 32:45, jfif.jpg)

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c72a4b  No.1426899

File: 6b74bd27fef075e⋯.png (266.32 KB, 517x639, 517:639, nige_u_wot.png)


>waiting until you're 21 to go on a lads holiday

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1fd210  No.1426900

File: 156b242c32f9bf7⋯.jpg (97.88 KB, 1079x1079, 1:1, 1590765036881.jpg)

>Done some of the stuff listed in the later in life category

>Havent done most of the stuff in the early years category

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e91a96  No.1426901

File: 6f482251afe3981⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 288x360, 4:5, cat_Molchat_Domia.mp4)

tune tbh

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c72a4b  No.1426902

>become a manager at work

next year

>think about starting a business

what is this boomer tier shit

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d4b6e1  No.1426903

File: 9f6d794ee20494d⋯.jpeg (26.79 KB, 480x420, 8:7, downtrodden_toast.jpeg)

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2a93d1  No.1426904


>tfw never even had a first kiss and 30 soon

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1fd210  No.1426905



done both but havent done the other shite

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d4b6e1  No.1426906

File: 92307468a9563a2⋯.jpg (64.72 KB, 435x775, 87:155, cheeky_piggu.jpg)


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e91a96  No.1426907

File: 85d53e43922bc81⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 522x756, 29:42, wojak_fed_up.jpg)


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2a93d1  No.1426909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>all those normoids who are self destructing rn because they can't take pictures of their butts with their other friends while talking loudly about consumer products in between sending emails about emails until they die

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c72a4b  No.1426910


at least you got to fully enjoy the cultural highs of the 2010's

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2a93d1  No.1426911


probably asexual but also had bad experiences with women as a boy and have probable mental issues. also turned down several lasses because they were just using me to cope because they couldn't score chad and I refuse to be some consolidation prize to a zombie consumer drone.

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c72a4b  No.1426912


>had bad experiences with women

does your cousin count?

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2a93d1  No.1426913


yeah this, good lad. nothing like watching 2000 years of christian civilization implode because of jew nigger american shithole and watching normoids devolve into cybernetic eloi

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2a93d1  No.1426914


no tbh

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1fd210  No.1426915

File: 55cdb59ab63408e⋯.jpg (218.48 KB, 662x800, 331:400, 1591134972712.jpg)

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1fd210  No.1426916

same boat but i had a girl cling onto me for a week and started talking about me getting her name tattooed on her so i broke it off

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b8cd71  No.1426917


Fuck sake done none of these

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1fd210  No.1426918

name tattooed on me*

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1fd210  No.1426920

would rather fuck off into the woods with a few huskies and die alone

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c72a4b  No.1426921


smartphones have perverted reality and cheapened human life into a series of staged moments captured, recorded, indexed but at least we had dubstep for a while

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1fd210  No.1426922


it doesnt tbh, women are mental and clingy and think you are going to be their daddy and consider you weird if you dont give them that kind of attention

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c72a4b  No.1426923


good lad


>shagging your dogs


dodged a bullet

tattoo enthusiasts are 100% mentallers

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1fd210  No.1426924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d5e64  No.1426925

File: 2ecdada0dceff59⋯.png (149.58 KB, 422x395, 422:395, 2ecdada0dceff5990e3f4c2018….png)

The issue is the modern world requires you actually foster some fake social relationship with your partner instead of just having a mutually beneficial relationship, in which you agree to look out for each other and protect your offspring.

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b3c4fd  No.1426926


vile existance

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d4b6e1  No.1426927

File: 60cdff63aa8bc32⋯.jpeg (64.15 KB, 750x507, 250:169, 60cdff63aa8bc3289d93725bb….jpeg)

>cursed with incelism from past experiences and his only sexual experience was very adverse

feel bad for him lads

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36641a  No.1426928


keek ur right lad, best example of a strange folk that lives their lives via photographing themselves at special archiveable checkpoints are east asians. all they want is an instagram with wedding pictures

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1fd210  No.1426929


just want to become an neanderthal with dogs to hunt with

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2a93d1  No.1426930


yeah I am insecure because you cannot control western women lad and I refuse to be some beta getting pity fucks if I cannot be chad tbh. only cringe people like shartin think its epic to be a betabux

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c72a4b  No.1426931


I hope he gets a good ending like 22st where he finds a mousey gf and becomes a father to the next generation of zoomer muttlets

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2a93d1  No.1426932


tbh this, don't want to pretend I care about some dumb piece of meats tattoos or think she is interesting

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b3c4fd  No.1426933

File: 032114eb5a9debb⋯.jpg (13.21 KB, 192x192, 1:1, 379e7ad8b69658b35bf09acba0….jpg)

>tfw don't have any actual ride or die friends

>just consoomer faggots who'd dump you at the slightest inconvenience

>no trust whatsoever

>no brotherhood at all

one of the worst parts tbh, don't feel like I ca neven fully trust most of my family tbh, muslims can't murder somebody and their family will cover for them but we do anything approaching that and loyalty goes out the window, I have no doubt my loyalty will be taken advantage of in the future as it already has, so sick of people with a lack of loyalty

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3710e3  No.1426935

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b3c4fd  No.1426936

File: d46925dbfd0a103⋯.png (775.8 KB, 957x614, 957:614, sergeant.png)


>probably asexual

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36641a  No.1426938


this is what barney should be eating smh

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c72a4b  No.1426940


kek based bad lads army

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d4b6e1  No.1426941

File: 860ec57809e42aa⋯.png (781.06 KB, 602x521, 602:521, 860ec57809e42aa8b81d15f891….png)

>terrible dysfunctional relationship with family

>not enough interest in others to foster a relationship

>so jaded the loneliness barely effects me

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48c11d  No.1426950


>and its all pakis

who could have imagined this

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2a93d1  No.1426953

for me it was that my first friend was a lass who went on to be really mean to me out of nowhere as a 11 year old and bully me constantly (imitating her mummy probably) and then move on to completely forgetting I even existed when she used to come over everyday and slept in my bed with me during a sleep over as kids and played house all the time whereas now she doesn't even acknowledge I exist when passing me on the street. also in school it went from women totally ignoring me as one of the SSBM/magic the gathering cringecels to when I was 17 and began to get more masculine then it 180'd to really forward behavior which I hated. also another female cousin was with a lad who was beating up my brother and I had to go fight the lad who was much bigger than me and I got rekt and when I started winning my cousin took the other kids side and brings it up how this one lad beat me up occasionally at christmas. just demonic levels of evil from my childhood with women. also mummy tried to strangle me one time when she was mad from at work and I had to punch her as a boy and run away until dad came home. also lots of teachers emasculating me and accusing me of autism at school for not paying attention when most of the rest of the class were brainlet conformist pod people but they got higher grades because yank school is about making zombie people and school shooters

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2a93d1  No.1426957


tbh i know my dad would throw it all away to help me but I don't think many other people IRL would, my own brother who I have gotten into fights to protect is such a craven normalfag about things

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48c11d  No.1426964


vile mutant thots

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48c11d  No.1426966


disgusting tranny phenotype

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48c11d  No.1426972


>gives web address

>define irony

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