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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 71745d6f6336360⋯.png (5.76 MB, 1667x1295, 1667:1295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9091a343f34e2c4⋯.png (110.81 KB, 188x267, 188:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f7fdb58b5af998⋯.png (1.5 MB, 900x750, 6:5, Edward_the_Elder_Check_em.png)

c1c095  No.1426220[View All]

On This Day:

>924: The death of Edward the Elder, King of the Anglo-Saxons. He was largely ignored by modern historians until the 1990s, when historian Nick Higham described him as 'perhaps the most neglected of English kings'. Edward's reputation rose in the late twentieth century, and he is now seen as destroying the power of the Vikings in southern England, and laying the foundations for a south-centred united English kingdom.


>1453: In the last battle of the Hundred Years' War (the Battle of Castillon) the French, under Jean Bureau, defeated the English, under the Earl of Shrewsbury, who was killed in the battle.


>1674: The birth of Isaac Watts, English hymn writer. He was a prolific and popular hymn writer and is credited with some 650 hymns. Many of his hymns remain in use today including Joy to the World, O God, Our Help in Ages Past and When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.


>1717: King George I sailed down the River Thames for a concert, in a barge with 50 musicians. It was the premiere of Frideric Handel's Water Music which George I was said to have enjoyed so much that he made the exhausted musicians play the three suites three times over the course of the outing.


>1761: The official opening of the Bridgewater canal, built to transport the Duke of Bridgewater's coal from his mine at Worsley, near Manchester.


>1841: The first issue of the humorous magazine Punch was published in London. It ceased publication in 1992 but was re-launched in 1996.


>1964: British speed pioneer Sir Donald Campbell set a new land speed world record of 403.10 mph in his car, Bluebird. In July 2014, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the achievement, unseen family video footage of Donald Campbell breaking both the land and water speed records in 1964 was restored


>1981: The Humber Estuary Bridge was officially opened by the Queen. For 16 years after its construction it was the world's longest single-span structure.

>1917: World War 1: The British Royal Family, in a proclamation issued by George V, adopted the name of the House of Windsor in place of their German family name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha due to the anti-German sentiment at the time.

>1918: The RMS Carpathia, the ship that rescued the 705 survivors from the RMS Titanic, was sunk off Ireland by the German SM U-55, with the loss of 5 lives.

>1974: An explosion in the Tower of London left one person dead and 41 injured. The incident happened without the coded warning typical of the IRA.

>2014: Retired Det. Sgt. Jack Tasker, a former detective with Lancashire Police said that three investigations into Cyril Smith sex abuse allegations were stopped, claiming that senior officers ordered him to hand over notes and warned he would be "in serious trouble" if he continued the investigation. Smith was MP for Rochdale from October 1972 – April 1992. After his death in 2010 numerous allegations of child sexual abuse emerged (including many made during his lifetime), leading the police to believe that Smith was a serial sex offender.

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d4b6e1  No.1426893


I lived something similar before tbh

room was fucking disgusting at one point, piles of plates filled with half eaten food, shit all over the room and crawling with mold smdh proper grim

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2a93d1  No.1426894

keeek that list would make normoids an hero so fast. I hate how many of them will literally lemmingfag off a cliff if its what all the others are doing.

>buy house with 20k down

>get married

>buy 2 new cars

>be like 29 tops

yeah lad your 30s are just going to be a steady climb up lad, you definately don't need to consolidate your life and worry about divorce rape at all lad.

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2a93d1  No.1426895


the best is the one where they move out at 22 and then start paying rent at 25 as if mummy and dad can afford to pay rent for you for years on end

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7fea5e  No.1426896

File: 74b21510cf31c0f⋯.gif (631.15 KB, 512x481, 512:481, spurding.gif)

keeeeek the further down I go the more random and retarded this list becomes

>first holiday with friends, 21

>buy a brand new car, 35

>buying a car comes after buying a fucking house

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e91a96  No.1426897

File: 82cfb239d543dc8⋯.jpg (11.86 KB, 224x206, 112:103, get_out_jew.jpg)


>amigo loans

>loan company trying to get people to take out loans to achieve the unachievable

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7b3919  No.1426898

File: cea5dd155937e73⋯.jpg (230.25 KB, 800x1125, 32:45, jfif.jpg)

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c72a4b  No.1426899

File: 6b74bd27fef075e⋯.png (266.32 KB, 517x639, 517:639, nige_u_wot.png)


>waiting until you're 21 to go on a lads holiday

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1fd210  No.1426900

File: 156b242c32f9bf7⋯.jpg (97.88 KB, 1079x1079, 1:1, 1590765036881.jpg)

>Done some of the stuff listed in the later in life category

>Havent done most of the stuff in the early years category

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e91a96  No.1426901

File: 6f482251afe3981⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 288x360, 4:5, cat_Molchat_Domia.mp4)

tune tbh

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c72a4b  No.1426902

>become a manager at work

next year

>think about starting a business

what is this boomer tier shit

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d4b6e1  No.1426903

File: 9f6d794ee20494d⋯.jpeg (26.79 KB, 480x420, 8:7, downtrodden_toast.jpeg)

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2a93d1  No.1426904


>tfw never even had a first kiss and 30 soon

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1fd210  No.1426905



done both but havent done the other shite

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d4b6e1  No.1426906

File: 92307468a9563a2⋯.jpg (64.72 KB, 435x775, 87:155, cheeky_piggu.jpg)


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e91a96  No.1426907

File: 85d53e43922bc81⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 522x756, 29:42, wojak_fed_up.jpg)


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2a93d1  No.1426909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>all those normoids who are self destructing rn because they can't take pictures of their butts with their other friends while talking loudly about consumer products in between sending emails about emails until they die

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c72a4b  No.1426910


at least you got to fully enjoy the cultural highs of the 2010's

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2a93d1  No.1426911


probably asexual but also had bad experiences with women as a boy and have probable mental issues. also turned down several lasses because they were just using me to cope because they couldn't score chad and I refuse to be some consolidation prize to a zombie consumer drone.

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c72a4b  No.1426912


>had bad experiences with women

does your cousin count?

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2a93d1  No.1426913


yeah this, good lad. nothing like watching 2000 years of christian civilization implode because of jew nigger american shithole and watching normoids devolve into cybernetic eloi

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2a93d1  No.1426914


no tbh

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1fd210  No.1426915

File: 55cdb59ab63408e⋯.jpg (218.48 KB, 662x800, 331:400, 1591134972712.jpg)

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1fd210  No.1426916

same boat but i had a girl cling onto me for a week and started talking about me getting her name tattooed on her so i broke it off

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b8cd71  No.1426917


Fuck sake done none of these

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1fd210  No.1426918

name tattooed on me*

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1fd210  No.1426920

would rather fuck off into the woods with a few huskies and die alone

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c72a4b  No.1426921


smartphones have perverted reality and cheapened human life into a series of staged moments captured, recorded, indexed but at least we had dubstep for a while

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1fd210  No.1426922


it doesnt tbh, women are mental and clingy and think you are going to be their daddy and consider you weird if you dont give them that kind of attention

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c72a4b  No.1426923


good lad


>shagging your dogs


dodged a bullet

tattoo enthusiasts are 100% mentallers

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1fd210  No.1426924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d5e64  No.1426925

File: 2ecdada0dceff59⋯.png (149.58 KB, 422x395, 422:395, 2ecdada0dceff5990e3f4c2018….png)

The issue is the modern world requires you actually foster some fake social relationship with your partner instead of just having a mutually beneficial relationship, in which you agree to look out for each other and protect your offspring.

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b3c4fd  No.1426926


vile existance

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d4b6e1  No.1426927

File: 60cdff63aa8bc32⋯.jpeg (64.15 KB, 750x507, 250:169, 60cdff63aa8bc3289d93725bb….jpeg)

>cursed with incelism from past experiences and his only sexual experience was very adverse

feel bad for him lads

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36641a  No.1426928


keek ur right lad, best example of a strange folk that lives their lives via photographing themselves at special archiveable checkpoints are east asians. all they want is an instagram with wedding pictures

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1fd210  No.1426929


just want to become an neanderthal with dogs to hunt with

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2a93d1  No.1426930


yeah I am insecure because you cannot control western women lad and I refuse to be some beta getting pity fucks if I cannot be chad tbh. only cringe people like shartin think its epic to be a betabux

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c72a4b  No.1426931


I hope he gets a good ending like 22st where he finds a mousey gf and becomes a father to the next generation of zoomer muttlets

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2a93d1  No.1426932


tbh this, don't want to pretend I care about some dumb piece of meats tattoos or think she is interesting

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b3c4fd  No.1426933

File: 032114eb5a9debb⋯.jpg (13.21 KB, 192x192, 1:1, 379e7ad8b69658b35bf09acba0….jpg)

>tfw don't have any actual ride or die friends

>just consoomer faggots who'd dump you at the slightest inconvenience

>no trust whatsoever

>no brotherhood at all

one of the worst parts tbh, don't feel like I ca neven fully trust most of my family tbh, muslims can't murder somebody and their family will cover for them but we do anything approaching that and loyalty goes out the window, I have no doubt my loyalty will be taken advantage of in the future as it already has, so sick of people with a lack of loyalty

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3710e3  No.1426935

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b3c4fd  No.1426936

File: d46925dbfd0a103⋯.png (775.8 KB, 957x614, 957:614, sergeant.png)


>probably asexual

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36641a  No.1426938


this is what barney should be eating smh

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c72a4b  No.1426940


kek based bad lads army

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d4b6e1  No.1426941

File: 860ec57809e42aa⋯.png (781.06 KB, 602x521, 602:521, 860ec57809e42aa8b81d15f891….png)

>terrible dysfunctional relationship with family

>not enough interest in others to foster a relationship

>so jaded the loneliness barely effects me

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48c11d  No.1426950


>and its all pakis

who could have imagined this

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2a93d1  No.1426953

for me it was that my first friend was a lass who went on to be really mean to me out of nowhere as a 11 year old and bully me constantly (imitating her mummy probably) and then move on to completely forgetting I even existed when she used to come over everyday and slept in my bed with me during a sleep over as kids and played house all the time whereas now she doesn't even acknowledge I exist when passing me on the street. also in school it went from women totally ignoring me as one of the SSBM/magic the gathering cringecels to when I was 17 and began to get more masculine then it 180'd to really forward behavior which I hated. also another female cousin was with a lad who was beating up my brother and I had to go fight the lad who was much bigger than me and I got rekt and when I started winning my cousin took the other kids side and brings it up how this one lad beat me up occasionally at christmas. just demonic levels of evil from my childhood with women. also mummy tried to strangle me one time when she was mad from at work and I had to punch her as a boy and run away until dad came home. also lots of teachers emasculating me and accusing me of autism at school for not paying attention when most of the rest of the class were brainlet conformist pod people but they got higher grades because yank school is about making zombie people and school shooters

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2a93d1  No.1426957


tbh i know my dad would throw it all away to help me but I don't think many other people IRL would, my own brother who I have gotten into fights to protect is such a craven normalfag about things

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48c11d  No.1426964


vile mutant thots

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48c11d  No.1426966


disgusting tranny phenotype

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48c11d  No.1426972


>gives web address

>define irony

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