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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 7630cc5e8bcf2b1⋯.mp4 (891.55 KB, 480x460, 24:23, PcaFer9UaQ9h0nCH.mp4)

File: 1c540151b7b226c⋯.gif (2 MB, 425x425, 1:1, monke.gif)

File: 2894b21d165e88b⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, monkeys_with_machetes.mp4)

5017c8  No.1422553[Last 50 Posts]

73 workers catch coronavirus at farm forcing 200 others to isolate


Gove says face masks shouldn’t be mandatory but they’re ‘basic good manners’


Coronavirus vaccine could be rolled out ‘in first half of next year’


London shooting: Man killed near park in Penge - police launch murder investigation


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9c13e3  No.1422555


good lad

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34a977  No.1422556

File: 81c82544d9bfadb⋯.jpg (281.14 KB, 750x904, 375:452, 81c82544d9bfadbfdde7561ca8….jpg)


Good lad

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96448a  No.1422557


good lad gonna get back on the veggie stew diet

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892c51  No.1422558

File: 91b26cb26e531cd⋯.jpg (360.26 KB, 1900x1068, 475:267, gibbon_tan_18778051_ngsver….jpg)

it's gibbon time

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5017c8  No.1422560

File: d29bb7bbfee3cf1⋯.gif (567.71 KB, 200x136, 25:17, p.gif)


>troomers seething at women

>women seething at troomers

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34a977  No.1422561

File: 20b83b255aa28bc⋯.png (361.13 KB, 1276x630, 638:315, 7943abc20584b68260e434c3df….png)

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5017c8  No.1422562

File: 32a5fad4709b7f3⋯.mp4 (7.01 MB, 720x720, 1:1, R78EqB8r_w_WJ5Sw.mp4)

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5017c8  No.1422563

File: 5a86e8277043df6⋯.mp4 (11.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mPB_hDTuBi1ebzyp.mp4)


>Antifa protester shot in the head with a tear gas canister in Portland

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a5aa48  No.1422564

Nap time lads

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0c68e4  No.1422565

File: 1a61549f4566639⋯.png (69.57 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, 1a61549f4566639b2d29e4463a….png)

hot buttered waffles for second lunch

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b81bd2  No.1422566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happy Twelfth lads

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9c13e3  No.1422567

File: 30fc201f4b2c577⋯.png (2.52 KB, 1033x619, 1033:619, England.png)

File: 30b02136b44bc7d⋯.jpg (536.49 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, Longshanks.jpg)

File: 578e83ffa3f3340⋯.jpg (316.33 KB, 1280x1002, 640:501, Preparations_for_the_2nd_B….jpg)

File: dc5e6ebccec624a⋯.jpg (261.91 KB, 1478x2000, 739:1000, Lee_Rigby.jpg)

On This Day - July 12

927: Aethelstan united the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms, forming the Kingdom of England.

1290: Jews were expelled from England by order of King Edward I.

1543: England's Henry VIII married Catherine Parr, his sixth and last wife, at Hampton Court Palace.

1691: The Battle of Aughrim. The decisive victory of William III's forces in Ireland.

1776: Captain James Cook began his third and final voyage.

1794: Horatio Nelson lost his right eye at the siege of Calvi, in Corsica.

1801: British ships inflicted heavy damage on Spanish and French ships in the Second Battle of Algeciras.

1910: Charles Rolls, aged 32, pioneering pilot and co-founder of Rolls-Royce, was killed when he crashed his biplane in a flying competition in the Southbourne distric of Bournemouth.

1963: Pauline Reade, 16, disappeared in Gorton, England, the first victim in the Moors murders.

2013: A military funeral was held for Fusilier Lee Rigby at Bury Parish Church in Greater Manchester.

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34a977  No.1422568

File: 1d19662f7213ee4⋯.jpg (400.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_20200512_115055.jpg)


Only one thing the 12th should be remebered fo tbhr

No surrender the pope's a bender

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0c68e4  No.1422569


reminder that le rigby couldn't even get a street named after him after it was requested and no memorial could be built for him either but we have a national day for st steven lawrence

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9c13e3  No.1422570

File: 578e3d2772c8c83⋯.jpg (127.78 KB, 645x800, 129:160, William_III.jpg)

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b81bd2  No.1422571

File: a01e68da9ab17f0⋯.jpg (318.13 KB, 800x1132, 200:283, 800px_Athelstan_from_All_S….jpg)

>tfw Æthelstan is almost completely forgotten

The man doesn't even have a statue

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0c68e4  No.1422572

File: 78ad1ee4275e345⋯.jpg (28.06 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 5c50977d2e057daa36cb978683….jpg)


>tfw traditional british names aren't used anymore

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9c13e3  No.1422573

File: 6e4ed80c8621789⋯.jpg (131.39 KB, 590x1085, 118:217, Middleton_Memorial.jpg)


there's one in his hometown. i think they added his name to some plaques as well but idk.

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96448a  No.1422574


anglo-saxon =/= british

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b81bd2  No.1422575

File: 983a39fe7586cab⋯.jpg (138.25 KB, 440x602, 220:301, C_dwalla_in_Barnard_Chiche….jpg)


Old English had some great names tbh, stuff like "Seaxburh" and "Cædwalla", Anglo-Saxon cultural revival when.

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1b24bb  No.1422576

File: 6e0d3749db72dea⋯.png (132.66 KB, 1676x796, 419:199, uda_pepe.png)

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b81bd2  No.1422577

At least we still have our Anglo surnames

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518eff  No.1422578



got one of the oldest names in England

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518eff  No.1422579

File: 9f246aff6025df1⋯.png (34.03 KB, 846x270, 47:15, ClipboardImage.png)

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518eff  No.1422581

File: c1b40c8688b578b⋯.png (40.85 KB, 1148x200, 287:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83b6fc7da27f6e2⋯.png (170.14 KB, 259x317, 259:317, 1446309360031485.png)

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3e934d  No.1422582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>tfw Pict surname.

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3e934d  No.1422583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wtf happened? Completely different face

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b81bd2  No.1422584


Sorry lad, you will have perish in the coming Anglo-Brythonic ethnogenesis

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5916f2  No.1422585



That's Welsh

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5916f2  No.1422586

Just saw the half cast smackhead lad who got a girl pregnant in sixth form and forced her to abort it

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3e934d  No.1422587


ahhhh, invites Martin over to muddy the waters.

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b81bd2  No.1422588


Anglicised version of Cadwallon isn't it?

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5916f2  No.1422589

>surname is Coward

>Get bullied by ancestors 500 years ago



Aye, there are some indications that the Royal House of Wessex married into or originally were Brythonic Royalty

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5916f2  No.1422590

I just saw some GENITALS and they were COLOSSAL oh and they were MINE thanks

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1b24bb  No.1422591

File: 11c678795dba90b⋯.jpg (79.23 KB, 553x599, 553:599, jock_feels.jpg)


>tfw name's Jock Poo

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3e934d  No.1422592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c214e9  No.1422593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5017c8  No.1422594

File: 15a473fc2ef1441⋯.jpg (195.81 KB, 1080x1181, 1080:1181, Ecuc7GsWoAEMM_R.jpg)

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5916f2  No.1422595

I am ready to kill.

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0c68e4  No.1422596

File: c4bdb6fda3e215f⋯.jpg (6.99 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 1530033646019.jpg)

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3e934d  No.1422597


Loads more Filipino cunny.

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0c68e4  No.1422598

That video is very cyberpunk aswell tbh what with the fully kitted military style police in the brutalist building with the graffiti everywhere and the laser pointers n shit

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518eff  No.1422599

File: 9e4032058c3cac7⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 1572225437789.jpg)

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5916f2  No.1422600


My wife has died of the virus and Hitchens posts THIS!?

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0c68e4  No.1422601

File: 0c66c8fc85bb1b4⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1992x1992, 1:1, 0c66c8fc85bb1b425b2fa7da03….png)


>tfw you remember reading those posts from the guy with the milf filipino maid who looked after the family that could barely speak english that he just started groping before progressing to using her like a cumdump whenever he wanted and she just let him

literally slave and master dynamics tbh

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1b24bb  No.1422602

File: 97c8fc949d28561⋯.jpg (82.11 KB, 644x322, 2:1, jimmy_saville_statue.jpg)

not sure if david davis but made me kek

Jimmy Savile mannequin replaces toppled statue of slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol

Meanwhile, a sign has reportedly been put underneath that reads: ‘None of them stopped me, and your licence paid for it. The BBC turning a blind eye since 1922.’


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0c68e4  No.1422603


Peter can relax if he wants but tbh I'd rather not get corona

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0c68e4  No.1422604


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5017c8  No.1422605


keeeek based

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5916f2  No.1422606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1b24bb  No.1422607


t. Coward

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892c51  No.1422608


cause a ruckus

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3e934d  No.1422609

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9c13e3  No.1422610

File: dbccb3393ffb9aa⋯.png (104.62 KB, 752x596, 188:149, downtrodden_uk.png)


global britain

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9c13e3  No.1422611


david davis put it up lad

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1b24bb  No.1422612

File: bac81f957968dc8⋯.jpg (146.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, alzheimers_bloke.jpg)


who's david davis?

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892c51  No.1422613


he plays snooker for sheffield wednesday

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c214e9  No.1422614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lmao niggers are still seething

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0c68e4  No.1422615

File: 2db73f35415be11⋯.png (26.15 KB, 485x443, 485:443, 1526594852521.png)


>calls his right hand his left

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4bae6c  No.1422616


I suppose they can just have another fight. Although they'll probably just accuse him of cheating again.

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c214e9  No.1422618


ayyy but wilders autistic costume and shiet

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0c68e4  No.1422619

File: 1e917575ed3986c⋯.jpg (188.85 KB, 755x687, 755:687, 1562179387910.jpg)



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518eff  No.1422620


why dont you cash out?

oh wait because its a pyramid scheme

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5017c8  No.1422621

File: e3d471b4a406c4a⋯.png (26.28 KB, 600x830, 60:83, 123.png)

File: 4d043008044931e⋯.png (451.48 KB, 600x4980, 10:83, 125.png)

File: 4ff627fe0224796⋯.png (44.22 KB, 600x430, 60:43, 124.png)

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0c68e4  No.1422622

File: c9a18542f1f6de9⋯.jpg (97.16 KB, 415x454, 415:454, 1499552344115.jpg)


>this entire post

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4bae6c  No.1422623

It's still funny they can't take a tiny prick to their collective ego though.

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518eff  No.1422624


just pump all your money into digital currency lad

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c214e9  No.1422625


>literal who mudnigger on twitter hates christian europe and anglos


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5017c8  No.1422626

File: 2c46995d5765104⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 360x360, 1:1, britain_10_.jpg)


He must be a turk since he's seething about the crusades and people not helping the ottomans

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593cb0  No.1422627

File: d3c8d5634657578⋯.png (616.13 KB, 735x529, 735:529, ClipboardImage.png)


speak for yourself son-of-some-gay-dane



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593cb0  No.1422628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5916f2  No.1422629

Just bought a pullup bar tbh

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5017c8  No.1422630

File: 0e033aa8b1886cd⋯.jpg (216.42 KB, 1536x1190, 768:595, Ecu5uozXsAId3Ly.jpg)

File: b2bc76ebebb29ae⋯.jpg (28.56 KB, 750x421, 750:421, Ecu5yj6XkAo4pN2.jpg)

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0c68e4  No.1422631

File: e5c104866eacf0f⋯.png (277.4 KB, 500x428, 125:107, wes_2.png)


not bad, maybe one day you'll be able to do 45 in one set like me, until then keep putting in work

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372e90  No.1422632


I've seen this combo a lot in pubs. Attractive ostensibly middle-class younger women with mentally-ill fifty-something troomer basketcases. Are they really their friends, is it their father, is it their colleague that they feel obliged to give attention to? I've never managed to get any definitive answers.

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2cd50a  No.1422633

File: bec02265236e45a⋯.png (71.75 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, fatjack_5.png)

One tuna sweetcorn sandwich and one cheese and onion sandwich, served with orange & mango squash

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1b24bb  No.1422634

has anyone claimed virginia hale's warm tight hole for themselves yet or is she still fair game?

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2cd50a  No.1422635


think she has a turkish bf now

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c214e9  No.1422636


the foid is virtue signalling and also sucking up for position women are just like the williamoid brownnosers of the early 20th century trying to jockey into bureaucratic positions by being the piece of groomer ass in some bs intern position.

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5916f2  No.1422637


She wanked a lad off on photo?

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1b24bb  No.1422638




pics or it didnt happen

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5916f2  No.1422639


Don't have freak photos just my death threat to her

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5017c8  No.1422640

File: 5f613dc9fe0efea⋯.png (780.35 KB, 890x1048, 445:524, EcvERP2WsAEJ33k.png)

File: 4f25b49f9a62a1d⋯.png (91.97 KB, 894x444, 149:74, EcvERP3WkAEYczf.png)

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9c13e3  No.1422641

File: 2060ce1ab772437⋯.jpg (316.88 KB, 598x824, 299:412, Police.jpg)

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c214e9  No.1422642


reddit brainlets smh, how do these drooling female retards get jobs?

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4ce1d5  No.1422643

>this just in from a police force for a county that was abolished in the 1980s/1990s

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1b24bb  No.1422644

File: 816fa04b83f216a⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 620x461, 620:461, trump_meets_ian_paisley.jpg)

The Trump administration has denied a request by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) for $16 million in federal aid to help rebuild widespread damage in Minneapolis caused by rioters protesting the death of George Floyd.

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4ce1d5  No.1422645

File: 2d2fda6bba6e6de⋯.jpg (237.1 KB, 800x1108, 200:277, 800px_MACE_OF_HOUSE_OF_REP….jpg)


someone should point this out to them. The mace of the House of Representatives ("one of the oldest symbols of government in the US"). It has an eagle perched on a fasces

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c214e9  No.1422646


please don't I don't want to see more fat mutts and niggers smashing shit and sharting on it while soyface films it

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5916f2  No.1422647


>The Replies

Th-they're joking, r-right?

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892c51  No.1422648


it's the next step in the gay best friend meme

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5017c8  No.1422649

File: 2457046d2392d76⋯.mp4 (13.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bHvsYj6j7IWpkN44.mp4)

>Anti-Paedophilia protestors clash with Antifa during March for Innocence


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5916f2  No.1422650

I was practicing my twerking and pood myself then flipped the poo into my hair

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b81bd2  No.1422651


They know lad

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c214e9  No.1422652


tbh women literally objectify everything they are the perfect expression of ahrimanic materialists, urbanoid foids with their little dogs and the desk jobs living for nothing

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2cd50a  No.1422653

File: 7b3a057e1b68cf7⋯.png (355.64 KB, 500x371, 500:371, David_Davis_Waving.png)


lad this was posted yesterday

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5017c8  No.1422654

File: 6a630c1f368962a⋯.png (920.87 KB, 600x1170, 20:39, 4.png)

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5916f2  No.1422655




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1b24bb  No.1422656


KEK is this a joke


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9c13e3  No.1422657


retards tbh

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5017c8  No.1422658



Who do they think these groups call once someone calls them? Do they think Trans Crisis and Portland Street Medicine have their own private security teams to take care of trouble?

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5017c8  No.1422659


>"ma'am this is poison control we can't do anything to help you"

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c214e9  No.1422660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9c13e3  No.1422661

File: ef379c70dc4731f⋯.jpg (37.28 KB, 678x544, 339:272, gc_phone.jpg)


>buying a load of burner phones and clogging up the lgbtq suicide hotlines

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5916f2  No.1422662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

vee are the robots

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5916f2  No.1422663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The only time I have ever have enjoyed nationalist electronic music was "SS-Sturmbrigade Wallonien" by Coeur Noir tbh

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5916f2  No.1422664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Found it.

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2cd50a  No.1422665

File: 9abacf282e5c600⋯.png (894.22 KB, 654x924, 109:154, ClipboardImage.png)


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892c51  No.1422666

File: 6c5dd326248c485⋯.jpg (133.41 KB, 572x845, 44:65, Eggman.jpg)

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5017c8  No.1422667

File: 15a473fc2ef1441⋯.jpg (195.81 KB, 1080x1181, 1080:1181, Ecuc7GsWoAEMM_R.jpg)

>team involved in the skyrim hinduism asscreed are sex offenders

imagine my shock

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1e3cb8  No.1422668

File: 486ca484cb56f78⋯.jpg (41.44 KB, 376x506, 188:253, existential_homer.jpg)

Had to toil today even though it's a bank holiday here tbh

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e6829e  No.1422669

File: 63a65f065150def⋯.jpg (150.6 KB, 1016x1024, 127:128, 1578442163520.jpg)



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5017c8  No.1422670

File: 331dbf213781021⋯.jpg (336.52 KB, 1024x1400, 128:175, Ecvd4OSXYAUNPH_.jpg)

wrong pic smh

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e6829e  No.1422671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5916f2  No.1422672


I want to fuck her joocci pucci hole

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892c51  No.1422673

File: 8fd424dc7569cc6⋯.jpg (48.43 KB, 376x506, 188:253, seen_too_much.jpg)

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e6829e  No.1422674

File: d290c8d0d07b3a7⋯.png (227.38 KB, 550x442, 275:221, keith_woods.png)


hope keiths ok he's such a delicate lad

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2cd50a  No.1422675


westie phenotype minus the big nose

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892c51  No.1422676

File: 82cc7f3b4d9d7d4⋯.jpg (211.41 KB, 800x509, 800:509, judge_jk.jpg)


looks like he's on tranny pills tbh

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e6829e  No.1422677

File: 1e7d459f28eb4e7⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 512x512, 1:1, siege_emote.jpg)

>small brown lasses

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340b01  No.1422678


Reading them I felt that familiar mundane despair creeping in again too.

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e6829e  No.1422679


never concern yourself with the opinions of boomers

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5916f2  No.1422680

I'm writing a choon called "we are the new machine"


I would scratch their eyes out tbh

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340b01  No.1422681


>implying there aren't 20 somethings itt aas well


Good lad.

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e6829e  No.1422682


there's a brand of normoids who literally do not think about politics a second beyond the immediate connection between designated bad thing and people in authority telling them to to deal with it, they consume media and hear racism and terrorism are bad so they accept whatever people in positions of authority do to deal with it. These aren't actors these people will never amount or mean anything all they are is the nigger cattle we're fighting to rule over.

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2cd50a  No.1422683

File: 5c7dc15ebc842b6⋯.png (915.91 KB, 1229x830, 1229:830, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b34a6a014cad5f5⋯.png (22.07 KB, 104x93, 104:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ed4f2  No.1422684

File: 21ef5fbd3386140⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 530x598, 265:299, 6353454354345.JPG)

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892c51  No.1422685


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e6829e  No.1422686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wigger core

why were early limp bizkit so based?

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5916f2  No.1422687


Wait,it#s fucking real!?

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8ed4f2  No.1422688


I remember when the first Assassin's Creed came out and all the hype.

One of the opening screens:

>this game was made by people of varying religions and ethnic backgrounds.

> game is basically christians bad, moslems good.

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8ed4f2  No.1422689


Didn't see it

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892c51  No.1422690


that sort of poor situational awareness might get your entire family killed in the rahowa

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c214e9  No.1422691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c214e9  No.1422692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5017c8  No.1422693

File: be21841b3f44757⋯.png (483.24 KB, 600x721, 600:721, 3_.png)

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7f4525  No.1422694

File: 8a3975d6aacb24f⋯.jpg (44.69 KB, 492x449, 492:449, c0584e8bb87bfa99ad71359612….jpg)

Wyn are they reintroducing beavers to Scotland anyway ?

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5916f2  No.1422695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oil up. It is exercising time.

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892c51  No.1422696


there's a semi-managed population in Argyll and has been since 2009

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7f4525  No.1422697

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5916f2  No.1422698


Don't forget your mum's beaver WAHEYYYYYYYYYY!

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892c51  No.1422699


don't think they're doing very well tbh they keep having to fly in replacement beavers

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5916f2  No.1422700


That's probably because they blend in with the local Scots WAAHEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

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7f4525  No.1422701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


smh I didn't sign up to this multi-national beaver economy

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e6829e  No.1422702

File: a1b51349a4abeb0⋯.webm (3.93 MB, 853x480, 853:480, chill_nazis.webm)

need sauce on this song lads

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5017c8  No.1422703


try shazam

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5916f2  No.1422704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f9b4a1  No.1422705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Solid watch, this.

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c214e9  No.1422706


smh almost thought that was woes voice

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c214e9  No.1422707



keeek this shit won't totally end up like the grey squirrel tho

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5916f2  No.1422708


The only thing wrong with grey squirrels is that they are non-native tbh, beaver and lynx were until we fucked their shit up

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5017c8  No.1422709

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c214e9  No.1422710


grey squirrels were in the roman legions lad

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5916f2  No.1422711

File: 9c00a309fcb848b⋯.png (2.63 MB, 875x1390, 175:278, ClipboardImage.png)


Those were people in wolf clothes lad . . .

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1b24bb  No.1422712




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e6829e  No.1422713

I often wonder what if the English had totally adopted Roman identity like the Romanians did. Imagine how kino our Imperial aesthetic would be.

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5017c8  No.1422714


rome larp is cringe tbqh

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1b24bb  No.1422715


the english only arrived in england after the romans left the country

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e6829e  No.1422716

it is mental though that entire nations exist to LARP as others. Romania, FYROM and Benin aren't even descendants of the nations they're named after.

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1b24bb  No.1422717



I think you mean Northern Macedonia

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e6829e  No.1422718


the vast majority of English people are descended from the Celtic inhabitants who were colonised by the Romans.

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1b24bb  No.1422719


they werent english though not until the 5th century

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448f3f  No.1422720


Fuck off and let the dears develop their society points instead of survival, imagine how big their horns would get when their only challenger is other men just pant half grown trees to stop them eating it, I'll except them introducing Panthers though

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448f3f  No.1422721

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e6829e  No.1422722

I visited FYROM a few years ago and the most noticeable thing I found is that the FYROMians built their houses in the exact same manner as Brazilians in the favela's do. With these large brick cinderblocks haphazardly stacked ontop of each other with obviously no planning permission. The only difference was these favela monstrosities were placed all over the "old district" of Skopje making me realize the entire nation of Macedonia was a fucking LARP. I doubt there's a single building there from before 1960.

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e6829e  No.1422723


the English were Celts and those Celts were English you pedantic boomer.

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1b24bb  No.1422724


>english are celts

what a stupid ignorant thing to say

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1b24bb  No.1422725

look at me, im celtic even though my language is german and I come from the danish-german border

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e6829e  No.1422726



Its a bit retarded to go "ummm ackshually your ancestors weren't english even though 99% of your DNA is from them"

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1b24bb  No.1422727

File: af83322f3ef42a5⋯.png (411.23 KB, 550x720, 55:72, downie.png)

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e6829e  No.1422728

File: 557feeeb7723128⋯.jpg (26.42 KB, 720x724, 180:181, 557feeeb7723128d3a35492b07….jpg)


>clicks zero of your gay arse boomer links

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1b24bb  No.1422729


you're just a nigger then aren't you

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5916f2  No.1422730


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e6829e  No.1422731

File: b67454cffdd4086⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 600x844, 150:211, me.jpg)

im celtic I wear a kilt just like my celtic english ancestors.

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9c13e3  No.1422732

File: cbb0241b1532006⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Harry.jpg)

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3e934d  No.1422733

When you're a badboy Celt, i.e. a Pict.

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7f4525  No.1422734


>The beavers are Bavarian

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0c68e4  No.1422735

Its a meme that the invasions of anglos and danes and romans and normans had any significant impact on the population of the british isles, this place has the same people on it and has done for thousands of years simple as

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1b24bb  No.1422736


nah thats deconstructivism, basically saying that the english dont exist and that english national identity is a lie because we're all actually welsh

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f9b4a1  No.1422737



The majority of the country should also be protected areas imo.

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f9b4a1  No.1422738

I think Patton could've easily pulled a military coup in America.

It's a terrible shame that he didn't realise this, in the flesh. Even before he identified the bin-lid threat, he could've done it for a jolly tbh.

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0c68e4  No.1422739


you are consistently one of the lowest IQ posters on this board, for a fucking start its "decontructionism" you mong and its literally the opposite, Saying that english people are actually anglos is retarded and incorrect

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0c68e4  No.1422740

File: b6658d6463e2098⋯.png (747.71 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


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6c2254  No.1422741

File: 87e8918b5a4f97f⋯.png (175.63 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b24bb  No.1422742


dat ass


earlier in the thread you said "le rigby" when you should have said "lee rigby"

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c214e9  No.1422743

File: be389a3fc8d1418⋯.jpg (104.27 KB, 612x612, 1:1, sleeping_pig_picture_id127….jpg)


>no early 2000s pre smartphone gf

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e6829e  No.1422744

File: f821527c6e6f554⋯.jpg (2.61 MB, 1938x2657, 1938:2657, wignasty.jpg)

Im just a teenage wignat babee

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e6829e  No.1422745


tbh as a zoomer seeing videos from the early 2000s makes me suicidal.

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c214e9  No.1422746


>vepr 12

good lad

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c214e9  No.1422747


I was a teenager then and while my teenage years were complete shit with my dad having a mental breakdown from toil and literally going psychotic episode and bullying it was still better than what you zoomers get. lasses were more human, no smart phones, just some texting shit. pre xbox live was the best time of video games. going to lan centers and playing battlefield vietnam with other incels and CS source and riding your bike to your friends to have a lan party playing COD finest hour when it first came out. smh also no yoga pants until like 2009.

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b81bd2  No.1422748


>In summary, this analysis suggests that on average 25–40% of the ancestry of modern Britons was contributed by Anglo-Saxon immigrants, with the higher number in East England closer to the immigrant source.


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c214e9  No.1422749

>goth girls who actually cared about incels and skater kids who fought niggers before skating became niggerfied

>still have ww2 veterans around so I can ask my grandpa about saipan and he would just rip on how fake windtalkers was the whole time and how the indian code talkers were just stupid faggot do nothings who got made fun of for looking like the polynesians who the marines called niggers

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e6829e  No.1422750


I'm 100% taig so I don't care English identity is spiritual.

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c214e9  No.1422751


tocfaid ar la

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4ce1d5  No.1422752


Mali is my favourite. Was French Sudan before independence.

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b81bd2  No.1422753

The rest of the people who came here have shit all impact though.


>I'm 100% taig

I'm sorry to hear that lad

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1b24bb  No.1422754

File: 1d352ce8dae46dc⋯.png (308.21 KB, 512x615, 512:615, paisley_cringe.png)



>I'm 100% taig

>tocfaid ar la

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3e934d  No.1422755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4bae6c  No.1422756


I'm sure those Africans setting in Eire feel the same way.

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c214e9  No.1422757

File: f992920a1c1d149⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 3117x3200, 3117:3200, 1594481146191.jpg)

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1b24bb  No.1422758


what a shit image. did you add the writing yourself on MS Paint?

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448f3f  No.1422759

File: a85ab85bf82801c⋯.jpg (256.95 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, image.jpg)

Absolutely majestic animal that deserves to inherit this country and it doesn't surprise me tge Scots want to bring continental animals in

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e6829e  No.1422760


Irish and English are almost identitical genetically also I'm scouse so what did you expect.

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1b24bb  No.1422761

File: 1ef5cb10d0973e1⋯.jpg (61.87 KB, 599x399, 599:399, irish_brute.jpg)

File: c4201ebb8b11a4e⋯.jpg (136.46 KB, 696x378, 116:63, irish_english_niggers.jpg)


>Irish and English are almost identitical genetically

maybe in scousefuckland where you still breed with monkeys

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e6829e  No.1422762


the niggers smashed up all their so called artefacts the moment the french left too lmfao.

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4bae6c  No.1422763


Not much, you are Irish.

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e6829e  No.1422764

File: 5a4b0a7350604ba⋯.jpg (140.85 KB, 1125x1396, 1125:1396, tal_monke.jpg)


tfw monke

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6c2254  No.1422765

File: c93d1c7e7553d31⋯.jpg (27.99 KB, 489x484, 489:484, c93d1c7e7553d31d850c17a1a3….jpg)

>tfw Anglo-Irish masterrace

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57e5c5  No.1422766

Someone post the average male height map for all of britain again

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e6829e  No.1422767

File: eb6f91794799d23⋯.png (665.17 KB, 575x575, 1:1, monke_bro.png)

when taigs and anglos unite nothing can stop us

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1b24bb  No.1422768

File: 0ae152982342f6f⋯.jpg (142.97 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, european_genes.jpg)

File: 512865e44da7d58⋯.jpg (154.6 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, britains_genetic_profile.jpg)

File: a340bad1761b25b⋯.png (321 KB, 1500x1200, 5:4, genetic_cluster.png)

File: 0dd390b8a771892⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 500x300, 5:3, europe_gene_clusters.jpg)

File: 7655379dd7b2918⋯.jpg (284.64 KB, 1106x1508, 553:754, europe_genetic_map.jpg)

Hmmm I wonder why there is such an overlap between "British" and German genes… its almost as if the English come from Saxony/Angeln/Jutland

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b81bd2  No.1422769

File: a454fecdf2b70aa⋯.jpg (45.35 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 67982848d8087481cee9a8ab02….jpg)

>Surprisingly, the study showed no genetic basis for a single “Celtic” group, with people living in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Cornwall being among the most different form each other genetically.

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5017c8  No.1422770

File: b8c6af8c7cf8e80⋯.mp4 (5.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, deer_in_a_cathedral.mp4)

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0c68e4  No.1422771


>Anglo-Saxon immigrants


I've seen studies saying the exact opposite, what a croc of shite, its easier to use the historical records to work out who people are than genetic shite thats done by female uni workers and left wing professors

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e6829e  No.1422772

File: fce0411ea0b707e⋯.jpg (56.7 KB, 718x702, 359:351, angery_prefect.jpg)



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0c68e4  No.1422773

Reminder that its always herts and essex and that one other lad anti irish posting, its just pathetic honestly

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b81bd2  No.1422774


Based retard

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448f3f  No.1422775


He didn't post a haplogroup graph though

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e6829e  No.1422776

File: 719af3f2ef6405b⋯.jpg (76.32 KB, 658x901, 658:901, taigpepe.jpg)

anti irish is codeword for anti white

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0c68e4  No.1422777


smug mong

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1b24bb  No.1422778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>irish faggots ITT

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4bae6c  No.1422779

I don't really have a problem with the Irish, all that sectarian shite seems so pointless now in the face of what's on the horizon.

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e6829e  No.1422780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

protniggers itt

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e6829e  No.1422781

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1b24bb  No.1422782


based Africans

I'd rather live next door to a Protestant Ugandan than Paddy MacPopefucker

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448f3f  No.1422783


Showing your true colours now Christian

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e6829e  No.1422784

File: 813de331f580b38⋯.jpg (32.51 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ira.jpg)


sleep next to a pipe bomb ye fuck

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448f3f  No.1422785



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5916f2  No.1422786

Me? Hate me niggers. Simple as.

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34a977  No.1422787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Choon to Btfo taigs ITT

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448f3f  No.1422788

File: b4eb2a2c0c9af22⋯.jpg (247.06 KB, 1073x1121, 1073:1121, Screenshot_20200709_143100….jpg)


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1b24bb  No.1422789

Lets think about it for a moment


>they look odd

So do the irish

>they cause crime

So do the irish

>they smell bad

So do the irish

>they have annoying customs

So do the irish

>they dont belong in England

Neither do the irish

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1b24bb  No.1422790

an irishman is exactly like an african except with pale skin

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0c68e4  No.1422791

File: 35a00dc634ded6f⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 500x365, 100:73, 1591208721019.jpg)

>*lights fuze on thread buster then runs away*

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e6829e  No.1422792

File: b3a30e42f86d237⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 372x371, 372:371, ab_shamrock.jpg)

reminder the aryan brotherhood symbol is the shamrock

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892c51  No.1422793

all this aggro is going to attract the schizoid

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448f3f  No.1422794

Chrìstcuck done you SA

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0c68e4  No.1422795


anybody saying this even ironically should be hanged like a pig

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5916f2  No.1422796


Why has he bean so quiet recently?

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34a977  No.1422797


>on a british nationalist board

Can you get any more spasticated? /pol/larpers who think all whites just get along

Get fucked, no surrender

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7f4525  No.1422798

one word Bongo Bongo Land

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e6829e  No.1422799


im not a taig im scouse

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c214e9  No.1422800


just stay silent and us crypto-taigs will rule from the shadow lass

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1b24bb  No.1422801

you cannot level a charge against the Africans that could not immediately also be used against the Irish

there is a bloody good reason for hundreds of years the Anglo-Scottish nobility treated irish dogs like slaves and cattle, because that is what a nigger is and the irish are like niggers. the only problem with the plantation of ireland is that it left too many of them alive. Cromwell, do it again.

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34a977  No.1422802

File: d66a009b8e12df7⋯.png (898.08 KB, 796x633, 796:633, b5c16c7e377b7b117a5b0fa2db….png)


Purple aki?

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c214e9  No.1422803

File: bfa99ab3682e0dd⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 200x290, 20:29, toOYgCsVGjHu8Ag_QL5uvNvF7R….jpg)

>unironically being protestant

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c214e9  No.1422804

>I am a literal heretic: the religion

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5916f2  No.1422805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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34a977  No.1422806

File: 0b8980312cb3490⋯.png (43.29 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, b49.png)


>expecting britlads to be cathcucks

Based twitter cathoshite mong,

don't give a fuck about religion, catholism just isn't british, simple as.

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1b24bb  No.1422807

File: 629f36d9ce48ca0⋯.png (109.21 KB, 902x750, 451:375, ulster_resistance.png)

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0c68e4  No.1422808

*ngloids are basically jews

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0c68e4  No.1422809


The only thing non british is you you fat wop cunt

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c214e9  No.1422810

File: e3a652b5dc334b6⋯.png (478.3 KB, 679x361, 679:361, e3a652b5dc334b66ff4ad9e23b….png)

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5916f2  No.1422811


Catholicism has been in these islands 1300 years longer than protestantism you fucking mong

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c214e9  No.1422812

File: d43cc390398d8b7⋯.jpg (69.18 KB, 605x605, 1:1, trotter_french_bulldog_4.jpg)

>emancipated jewry

>allowed usury



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0c68e4  No.1422813


Lad hes pilpuling don't give him attention

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34a977  No.1422814

File: 2654c4e9d152ede⋯.jpg (419 KB, 1200x1445, 240:289, 1200px_William_III_Landing….jpg)

King Billy's on the wall

King Billy's on the wall

He stands so high, he shines so bright

He lights up the falls

There's millions come to see him, they stand and gaze in awe

They remember 1690, King Billy's on the wall.

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c214e9  No.1422815

>literal dutchman

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e6829e  No.1422816

imagine being a nationalist protestant NEET and not becoming a travelling street preacher

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1b24bb  No.1422817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5916f2  No.1422818


You're quite right lad, filtered him so I can dance and post in peas tbh

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c214e9  No.1422819

>based dutch jews bankrolling 100 years of intercene war in britain so that prots could have fainting spells and hysterics while touching books because idolatry is evil except when its a book

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34a977  No.1422820

File: 1c6a470256ca1b6⋯.png (204.86 KB, 540x526, 270:263, 9da06057e51fcfc95319a51ebb….png)

t. steiner


Good lad

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f9b4a1  No.1422821


Not sure what the locations are supposed to prove.

Naming peoples after the area they happen to live in at an arbitrary time is a mistake imo.



What defines Christianity in the absence of the bibble? Are there pathworking rituals at your church?

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6c2254  No.1422822

File: 171f730fbdc3851⋯.png (1.66 MB, 997x1122, 997:1122, Morality_Mirror.png)


I miss him lads

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4bae6c  No.1422823


>Naming peoples after the area they happen to live in at an arbitrary time is a mistake imo.

It works in the reverse.

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5916f2  No.1422824


Anti-Scripturalism isn't anti-Scripture but anti sola scriptura

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e6829e  No.1422825

not sure if anyone's come up with this before me but I believe niggers are too stupid to understand theology and therefore can't be christian ok thank you.

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34a977  No.1422826

File: fdc22b5d0ed9012⋯.png (256.29 KB, 1676x796, 419:199, fdc22b5d0ed901249aa10ab684….png)

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c214e9  No.1422827

File: 1be865e8a992b7e⋯.jpg (74.65 KB, 865x1390, 173:278, grey_heron_looking_directl….jpg)

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b81bd2  No.1422828

Papists literally didn't have rights until 1829

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57e5c5  No.1422829


Think you can find alot of his sermons on sermonaudio

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1b24bb  No.1422830

File: 8962c9025d91f85⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1170x1080, 13:12, henry_viii_norf_fc.png)

luv me castles

luv me third wife

luv bird pies

ate da pope

ate spanish and french

ate irish

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6c2254  No.1422831

File: 04cbaf2928f4e29⋯.png (375.76 KB, 1000x1285, 200:257, IAN.png)

File: 3a6160166980f61⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB, 600x480, 5:4, IAN_PAISLEY_DUMCREE_JULY_1….mp4)


ta lad

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5916f2  No.1422832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I hope we have a party at toil tbh

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1b24bb  No.1422833

if spain never existed the world would've been a much better place

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4bae6c  No.1422834


What's the occasion?

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e6829e  No.1422835


thanks to the gordon riots led by the first Jew to enter parliament.

protestantism was another jew trick.

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2cea44  No.1422836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

finished watching 203 Kochi / Port Arthur

extremely kino, many feels

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5916f2  No.1422837


No occasion, just want to boogie tbh early the christmas party again I assume I'll be fired this time around

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1b24bb  No.1422838

Reminder that people like Steiner and that scouselad would've conspired with Bloody Mary to turn this country into a vassal state of the Spanish Empire if they were alive in the 1500s

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4bae6c  No.1422839


Why are you going to be sacked?

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e6829e  No.1422840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kino stompcore

someone mp4 this

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e6829e  No.1422841

File: 678d4c241fec345⋯.webm (1.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, STOMPED.webm)

STOMP the enemies of the white race

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b81bd2  No.1422842

File: 0fc48d437a8d04a⋯.png (724.19 KB, 1200x678, 200:113, EcwOcwBWoAI3e_0.png)

Yank ship is still burning

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e6829e  No.1422843

File: 7d7b29251d2b0b2⋯.png (142.03 KB, 708x354, 2:1, aaaaaaa.png)



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5916f2  No.1422844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


racism and that, i always go off the rails tbh. last year I was singing and dancing loudly but changing all the christmas lyrics to racist ones eg:

Are you hanging all the nigger on the wall

Is it time that every zogbot has to fall?

Will you hang a hook nosed queer

Will the darkies all get slain

Is it time the fucking white man had his day

So here it is the RAHOWA

Everybody grab your gun

Here's to the race war now

It's only just begun

I also called out race mixers and declared gays to be paedophiles while in a gay bar I went to afterward smh

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892c51  No.1422845


he's going on trial at the old bailey for his crimes

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0c68e4  No.1422846

File: e3dcaf1d7ba3a0f⋯.png (546.31 KB, 653x819, 653:819, 22st_sex_beast_scandal.png)

File: e92eebcf11ef4fa⋯.png (367.62 KB, 605x774, 605:774, horrific_betrayal_of_poste….png)

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4bae6c  No.1422847


I wish I was that creative at re-writing lyrics.

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e6829e  No.1422848


the more autistic you are the more the white race is saved

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5916f2  No.1422849


I always do it to cucky songs tbh, hence why it accidentally came out at the party keek

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0c68e4  No.1422850


>getting drunk at an office party


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5916f2  No.1422851


Might as well tbh, fuck toilberg i'm a madcamp scampy boi and i will say the n-word lmao keeeeeeeeeeek

Night lasses

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e6829e  No.1422852

File: c2de533530401ed⋯.jpg (303.74 KB, 1056x755, 1056:755, monke_.jpg)


after closer examination I can firmly say BASED

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1b24bb  No.1422853


keeeeek bongolanders when will they learn

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ed0dfe  No.1422854

File: 09c969bc1e063dd⋯.jpg (111.18 KB, 1034x672, 517:336, time_to_put_in_work_wes.jpg)



1x15 navy seals

2x10 navy seals

6x8 6kg bicep curls (each arm)

2x15 crunches

4x15 tricep dips


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448f3f  No.1422855




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ed0dfe  No.1422856


lad i weigh 49kg and havent exercised since doing PE in year 11 smdh im trying my best

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4bae6c  No.1422857


good lad, eat well, get plenty of rest.

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0c68e4  No.1422858

>46kg lad is now 49kg lad

don't like change me, he's probably just getting fat lmao

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ed0dfe  No.1422859



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0c68e4  No.1422860

>filter his fellow "putting in work" lad that started the meme

down right disrespectful

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1b24bb  No.1422861

File: 0e14a0cbe58e6e8⋯.jpg (175.4 KB, 1241x1212, 1241:1212, wes_watson_dago.jpg)


good lad

we're all gonna make it

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e6829e  No.1422862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ca3933  No.1422863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kino back on the menu

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c61792  No.1422864

File: c99f2e4dc369ea1⋯.jpeg (6.84 KB, 255x143, 255:143, wews.jpeg)

I miss him lads

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6c2254  No.1422865


doesn't he have a new video in the works? someone posted a screencap that suggested it

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0c68e4  No.1422866

File: f6becfbca0003f7⋯.png (498.05 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1562295897898.png)


>tfw this is what it must have felt like for eth bagholders in 2016-17

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1b24bb  No.1422867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bless a riddim in the thread


what coins you got lad?

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0c68e4  No.1422868

File: 98b7f3d3f9cefc9⋯.png (997.9 KB, 969x918, 19:18, 47f92485e59e88f1080a86f555….png)


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ed0dfe  No.1422869

>fell asleep in the shower again



thanks lads, the days of being a bitch is OVER


goood lad luv his videos me

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2cea44  No.1422870


>he's going to hodl until the coins suddenly lose all value while he's asleep and gets bogged


me too tbh

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6c2254  No.1422871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It is old but it is beautiful, and its colours they are fine

It was worn at Londonderry, Aughrim, Enniskillen and the Boyne.

My father wore it as a youth in bygone days of yore,

And on the Twelfth, I love to wear the sash my father wore.

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340b01  No.1422872

Picking up Lost where I left it years ago half way through season 2, lads.

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0c68e4  No.1422873


It gets shite in s4

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2cea44  No.1422874


>If Irish Roman Catholics and English Catholics win Battle of the Boyne religious freedom liberty for Protestants would have happened they would treated the Williamites fair than they threat the Jacobites.


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ca3933  No.1422875



yeah tbh, i think there was a season where a nuclear bomb was on the island for some reason and i remember that being where it went shite. lost reminds me of when i was a teen boomer though, seems like forever ago. good times.

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2cea44  No.1422876

>amateur soyence fiction writers slapping in a scene where the main character in a universe set many centuries in the future reads Game of Sharts like it's an incredible and enduring epic that will stand the test of time

keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek smh

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340b01  No.1422877


If you mean the button, that's in season 2, and probably why I quit it. Smh.

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5017c8  No.1422878

File: 9f0aa581ea4aa14⋯.png (303.7 KB, 600x530, 60:53, 7u3.png)


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6c2254  No.1422879

The liberal Left now view white British workers as their enemy


wew, someone's getting canceled for this

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2cea44  No.1422880


on the left: whitey

on the right: wogs

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c214e9  No.1422881


dude just cause psychosis lmao

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c214e9  No.1422882

also white people who smoke blunts with medical grade pot are subhuman. its supposed to be smoked with shitty reg weed that just causes a body high combined with tobacco its relaxing but weedfag supremists put 60 dollar super head rush MK ultra psychosis inducing medical weed in a blunt that tastes like robotussin and then burn half of it up lighting it to look cool for some thot who is only fucking them for the weed.

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6c2254  No.1422883


and these people are too stupid to see that they're doing and saying the exact same things as the tobacco advocates of the early 20th century

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a5aa48  No.1422884

Orate faggots. My nap turned into a restful 8 hours. Woke up at half past 10 with all the curtains open. Nice to see the thread has gone nowhere since.

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892c51  No.1422885

might roll a blunt

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1b24bb  No.1422886


do you think michigan will be legalising weed anytime soon? what about federally if biden gets in?

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2cd50a  No.1422887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

watching it again lads

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2cea44  No.1422888


100% certain there's an ignored booming industry in it in detoilet and other negro hives already tbh

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340b01  No.1422889

>reached the flashback bit where the surgeon Jack's wife, who he saved after her spine was crushed and she was supposed to be paralysed, leaves him and says she was already seeing someone else behind his back

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a5aa48  No.1422890

File: 44bb6e816b9067e⋯.mp4 (378.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, video0_33.mp4)

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5017c8  No.1422891


what did you expect, they rotted their brains with weed

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1b24bb  No.1422892

>>1422888 (checked)

yeah no doubt, I bet it gets made legal across the whole USA in the next decade.

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c214e9  No.1422893


its already legal in michigan lass

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1b24bb  No.1422894

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e6829e  No.1422895


cant understand it like even when i lived where it was legal cunts still smoked the stuff that fucked with your head rather than just enhance their buzz from drinking.

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ca3933  No.1422896

just legalise it tbh, i know this is a hitchens board but everybody does it anyway so just sell it in the shops. at least with it legal there can be a big experiment to see how much it fucks with everyone's mental health. plus everyone is already mental these days anyway.

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2cd50a  No.1422897

File: 35ebbfd6457b81c⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, attention_all_da_retard_ch….mp4)

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e6829e  No.1422898

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a50d64  No.1422899


No, saying everybody does something is what people already doing something say in an attempt to normalise it

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e6829e  No.1422900

might create some charlie manson tier nigger haters

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892c51  No.1422901


this but sprinkle every tenth bag with pcp

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6c2254  No.1422902

File: 7ab57852b93f114⋯.jpeg (13.62 KB, 180x200, 9:10, Edward_Sinclair_Verger.jpeg)


> this is a hitchens board


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c214e9  No.1422903


yeah smh I used to smoke that stuff all the time and it literally causes serious psychological damage. all that super green shite like in that pic will make you into a nutcase.

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1b24bb  No.1422904


we should have a referendum on it + bringing back the death penalty for rapists

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2cea44  No.1422905

>ywn go gym after college then completely wreck any gains and weight loss by swinging by mcolls and getting a couple of vile rollover hotdogs and fantas with muh spherical mate and have a cheeky smoke down by the river until it gets pitch black and paranoia sets in and you start to see things in the darkness ever again


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e6829e  No.1422906

File: 2d9b4ff38b504f1⋯.png (112.71 KB, 430x328, 215:164, soyception.png)



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c214e9  No.1422907

File: d8dde6e700b6705⋯.jpg (7.69 KB, 278x181, 278:181, 1589503290694.jpg)

>damn bro look at all that keef in your grinder holy shit we should smoke a keef bongload

*blurb blurb blurb*

*cough cough, bronchial infection hack*

>holy fuck dude everything is like pixelated, dude nothing is real matrix theory bro, holy shit I can't feel my hands dude how to I remember to breath man, lets go for a walk, if I stop talking the demons will get me, stop looking at me your eyes are getting giant, my skin is itchy, why did I smoke this, oh god please let this end…

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4bae6c  No.1422908


>bringing back the death penalty for rapists

Bit racist lad, it's almost like you want to ethnically cleanse brown people.

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c214e9  No.1422909


>having nostalgia for smoking pot instead of just viewing it as a waste of time unlike some drunken adventures like drunk driving


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2cea44  No.1422910

File: 027a4e0ec8a363d⋯.png (911.88 KB, 960x542, 480:271, ClipboardImage.png)



>qoomer normalnigger net search for the pic only gives bolton and not the original drumpf one

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5017c8  No.1422911

File: 6dfc97d515a92df⋯.jpg (98.93 KB, 824x818, 412:409, EcAUNaEX0AAA6mh.jpg)

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e6829e  No.1422912

bro this is kino bro you gotta try or your cringe

bro this is so kino rn we're like totally kino like those seth jew rogan films we're like total bros lets smoke another bro we're like based af

bro our yamnaya ancestors yearn for us from ukrain

bro i wish my step dad didnt touch my dick

wooooah ahahah you ever see pineaeple express bro?

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c214e9  No.1422913

File: 92adbc2a9c6fd0a⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 600x576, 25:24, 1586135231095.jpg)

>that one time your uni friend almost head-on'd with a semi at 60 mph because he was smoking a bowl while driving and being our DD even though he cheekly drank a quart of wine and then said he was good to drive and the only reason we didn't crash is you pulled the wheel back into our lane

based alcohol adventures

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6c2254  No.1422914

>people that unironically think that there is any kind of smoke that is good for you

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2cea44  No.1422915


it was a very brief period of an otherwise quiet and orderly college experience smh, binned all my normal baccy before moving house last year too. never been addicted to either substance tbh

when I was at uni I used to have to take two different buses to get there so I stopped off at the lad's house once and he was in the back garden "hotboxing" in a tent with normal tobacco asphyxiating himself keeeeek, mummy must have found the goods

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e6829e  No.1422916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wish I was a soviet commissar executing libtards and people who disagree with me online everyday and also having a gf

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c214e9  No.1422917

File: df0573fc03dbc60⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 450x327, 150:109, df0.jpg)

>all those times I just smoked instead of doing productive shit like posting pics of sadfrog online and talking about how I didn't do something instead of posting sadfrog online

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1b24bb  No.1422918

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e6829e  No.1422919


tbh the only good memories from my teen years was drink driving and being racist online

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c214e9  No.1422920

File: 912f0359f091209⋯.png (600.15 KB, 591x601, 591:601, Fox_Squirrel_Olive.png)

>zoomer cringe where when people think its cool to smoke pot but really its only cool to smoke meth

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e6829e  No.1422921


tobacco is good for you

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c214e9  No.1422922

File: ed9c55e0d553f79⋯.jpg (101.94 KB, 500x366, 250:183, ed9c55e0d553f794d6bd662db2….jpg)

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ca3933  No.1422923

one time i woke up hungover and then found my car outside parked half in a hedge with all the wondows open

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c214e9  No.1422924


good lad

>that one lad who went to prison in 2014 because he blacked out drinking and then drove to mcdonalds and Tboned some mummy

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6c2254  No.1422925

File: 722e5401396cb17⋯.png (72.83 KB, 680x339, 680:339, ClipboardImage.png)


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1b24bb  No.1422926

File: 09ece8e86ec4d18⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 499x341, 499:341, ape_looks_off_into_the_dis….gif)

>all the money that you spent on weed, alcohol, tobacco

>all those hours that you wasted playing video games

>ywn fix the mistakes of the past

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fb9f66  No.1422927


Empire was created and maintained by Norman elites SA you fucking brainlet

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2cea44  No.1422928

>that lad who used to post about his drunken adventures which included trespassing on top of some boomer's bungalow and nearly breaking and entering through a skylight and somehow getting back home to shitpost


when I went to the NA st georges day conference the lad I got a lift up there with drove to the hotel so smashed he was in the opposite lane a few times smh then the metrosexual quaire at the cheap hotel assumed we were a faggot couple

that's about the craziest experience, apart from drinking a bottle of chilli sauce mixed with port and vomiting neatly beside my tent at a civil war reenactment

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c214e9  No.1422929

File: a06467ecd5d2411⋯.jpg (228.32 KB, 378x483, 18:23, 1580926622580.jpg)

>when normalshites talk about party at college le funneh pranks but you and your uni friends used to put live feeder rats in each others houses and I shot one with my .22 inside while drunk and nobody called the cops because it sounded like a bb gun and we just told the thots next duplex over we were using power tools

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1b24bb  No.1422930

File: 9993c2c58456ac5⋯.png (235.16 KB, 371x398, 371:398, absolutely_disgusting.png)

>animal cruelty

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4bae6c  No.1422931


Jesus Christ, at least you were cognitive enough to use something that probably couldn't pen those shitty stud walls.

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c214e9  No.1422932


good lad, worst for me was when I was at a holloween party and somebody either roofied me or I blacked out and I was dressed as ace ventura and I woke up covered in puke with nothing but my pants on in some random families house on the floor

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2cea44  No.1422933


raging alcoholic stepdad had to lock us in the farmhouse and chase are pigs about for hours because they had gotten thicc and smart enough to uproot their low effort fencing a few times tbh

the chickens would bully the dogs too smh

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6c2254  No.1422934


shooting a feeder rat isn't really cruelty tbh lad

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c214e9  No.1422935


shot it into the concrete floor of the basement

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1b24bb  No.1422936


knowing steiner he probably got off from doing it so yeah its fairly cruel to buy and kill animals for your own sexual depravity


>alcoholic stepdad


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c214e9  No.1422937


its okay to feed it to a python which will vore it alive tho

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6c2254  No.1422938

File: 97f1cf758cf9e0b⋯.png (718.02 KB, 511x514, 511:514, ClipboardImage.png)

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c214e9  No.1422939

File: 94d7df6ed076753⋯.jpg (21.45 KB, 900x531, 100:59, med_yoda.jpg)

>tfw you never moved on from rats to women

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c214e9  No.1422940

File: 3756655b7135fcc⋯.jpg (184.86 KB, 714x1000, 357:500, 1582027104483.jpg)

your friends

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1b24bb  No.1422941


yeah because a python is an animal lad


>shooting naked women in the basement of your house

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2cea44  No.1422942



went on a uni trip to rome once and for unknown and stupid reasons I combined the beer dregs of all the class and drank it and ever since I get worried whenever I have a boil or bite or whatever on me face I think I got stds or something second hand smh smh


would have been in frog secondary school at the time, i used to have to haul the empties to the recycling colelction, two binbags of wine bottles every four or five days

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c214e9  No.1422943

File: f4d75484fb8a32a⋯.jpg (147.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1548024258096.jpg)

my friends

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892c51  No.1422944

>letting animals loose in your home so you can shoot them

peak yank

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4bae6c  No.1422945


Seems a bit cruel to plink something to death.

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c214e9  No.1422946


smersh used .22lr

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c214e9  No.1422947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tbh lee morrison would be a shotcaller

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1b24bb  No.1422948

File: b0980f86db61046⋯.png (195.36 KB, 356x409, 356:409, sudden_realisation.png)

>there are lads ITT with deep-seated mental trauma which manifests itself in their violent and racist tendencies

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e6829e  No.1422949

File: 0298ba8401fa9a2⋯.png (314.84 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 0298ba8401fa9a20490875ad89….png)

>recalls half the shite i've been up to when pissed

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4bae6c  No.1422950


I have no problem with Jews being plinked to death.

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ca3933  No.1422951


this is why i switched to drinking alone and basically never go on my phone unless it's to listen to music. being a teen boomer drinker when facebook exists is another unique punishment the under 35s got to enjoy.

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2cea44  No.1422952

drank an entire bottle of 20%+ mead because I didn't know that it was fortified wine equivalent or whatever at the time since it was the first time seeing it, drank it the night and morning before an ecw battle and nutted a lad in the helmet and got a blood curtain down me forehead and didn't notice until I couldn't see tbh

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c214e9  No.1422953


good lad, I don't use any chems anymore except teas and sometimes coffee

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e6829e  No.1422954


I'm not talking about cringe texts it literally gave me a criminal record and more.

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2cd50a  No.1422955

File: 901f509144a7803⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB, 242x480, 121:240, guinea_pig.mp4)

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2cd50a  No.1422956

steiner tbh

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e6829e  No.1422957



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1b24bb  No.1422958


kek smh what are yanks like

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a5aa48  No.1422959

File: eb31df881efdf23⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB, 900x720, 5:4, video0.mp4)

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2cd50a  No.1422960


keeeeek luv that video me

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a5aa48  No.1422961

File: eb31df881efdf23⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB, 900x720, 5:4, video0.mp4)

>post trying to flood itself


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6c2254  No.1422962

File: dcb70c6f008c000⋯.png (48.95 KB, 163x224, 163:224, ClipboardImage.png)

>that time I peed out of the window in my student digs' kitchen on the 10th floor

>someone had their window open below and it splashed into their kitchen

still not as bad as the time the girl from Devon shat out of the window and it landed on the scaffolding below though

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ca3933  No.1422963


did you flash some people at a waitrose lad?

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e6829e  No.1422964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2cea44  No.1422965


tfw no poomer gf


were you racist in greggs?

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6c2254  No.1422966

Me and my mates used to throw shit out too - the game was to see how far you could stand from the window and still get it out. We would threw shit like eggs, onions, even knives and forks one time. Remember we hit a police car with something, might have been a potato. Thankfully by that time we had already had a near call with someone almost getting hit by an egg and doing a lot of shouting so we had made it so we would turn the lights off when we played.

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c214e9  No.1422967



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2cea44  No.1422968

reminder that guineapigs are vile little cannibal cunts who'd eat their own children as soon as look at them tbh

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c214e9  No.1422969

File: d4b1ba3cb28533e⋯.jpg (59.73 KB, 342x374, 171:187, 1574801123397.jpg)

>when the guinea pig launches

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b81bd2  No.1422970

Guinea pigs are based, they eat their own kids

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6c2254  No.1422971


Virtually all rodents cannibalise the weaker of their infants lad, the human race would probably have been better off if we did it

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a5aa48  No.1422972


keeeek bad lad

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2cea44  No.1422973

me and my sisters first pets were a mummy mouse and her two daughters

mummy got a tumour bigger than her head and died, the eldest sister probably threw herself into the cage floor until she killed herself and the youngest managed to crush herself under a plastic stairway thing, all within the space of a couple of days

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2cea44  No.1422974

I made a coffin for them and buried them by a little stagnant pond in the back garden of our council house then the next cunts to come along tore up the ground, filled in the pond and gravelled both the front and back and filled it with expensive cars they shouldn't have been able to afford

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c214e9  No.1422975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6c2254  No.1422976

File: 1bc58b678add3a6⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1160x1379, 1160:1379, ClipboardImage.png)


>that time the mental Kurdish refugee kid whose family were all murdered by the Turkish government decided to just straight up remove his window (you know those suicide prevention ones where they only open like an inch) so we made an effigy of the site manager and lobbed it out into the courtyard

>some dumb thot actually thought it was a person jumping

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251ccb  No.1422977

File: 7444ed00edbb2db⋯.png (84.33 KB, 217x233, 217:233, pat_pray.png)

found some incredibly based and indo european tradfolk songs from ukraine but dont want to share it cause nasty cunts will call me a nonce

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1b24bb  No.1422978

File: 405188a7ba349e9⋯.gif (5.5 MB, 358x212, 179:106, salute_to_the_fallen.gif)


>I made a coffin for them and buried them by a little stagnant pond in the back garden

good lad

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ca3933  No.1422979

brian eno died

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c214e9  No.1422980

File: e3ddbd524f9c4ff⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 245x250, 49:50, 1572432645436s.jpg)


waits until nightshift

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6c2254  No.1422981

File: 6f5cbddb3d1f404⋯.png (25.21 KB, 485x443, 485:443, 1518013571822.png)


>cause nasty cunts will call me a nonce

and why might that be lad?

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b81bd2  No.1422982


Why would we call you a nonce lad

fucking nonce

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6c2254  No.1422983


source or didn't happen tbh

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2cd50a  No.1422984

David Davis has died

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2cea44  No.1422985

David Davis has gone to bed

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b81bd2  No.1422986


This is a fairly odd artist to lie about dying lad why

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251ccb  No.1422987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


only for based and indo european ears


am not FUCK OFF

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6c2254  No.1422988

David Davis has released a pioneering 3 hour long ambient album

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c214e9  No.1422989

File: e37ca51602d7ba2⋯.png (58.45 KB, 235x176, 235:176, 1583961070910.png)

>this one nonce posting slav girls

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fb9f66  No.1422990

File: bfd1f494b040c61⋯.jpeg (244.5 KB, 1536x1190, 768:595, 6F882BBF_8471_44B4_A131_4….jpeg)

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fb9f66  No.1422991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6c2254  No.1422992

File: e82951f3f9742c1⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 701x499, 701:499, 024028d72d8c2bb0912f10edf9….jpg)



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e6829e  No.1422993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

you will never be a fascist in 1920s italy who first discovers recording sound and immediately uses it to be racist on.

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1b24bb  No.1422994

File: 1a27dddcc7201a0⋯.jpg (243.36 KB, 800x474, 400:237, david_davis_milkers.jpg)

Right you cunts I bet you think you're all very fucking funny constantly making jokes out of my resignation but you know what?

NONE OF YOU would have the BALLS to say anything of the sort to my face

if you did, I'd shatter your clavicle and leave you broken in the gutter

so if you know whats best for you, you'd better STOP saying my name on this website. You have been warned.

>pic related, me with my bitches

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2cd50a  No.1422995



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518eff  No.1422996


looks like that old faggot from metal gear 5

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2cd50a  No.1422997

File: 0ad8883323b8528⋯.jpg (190.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, pepe_tux_and_hat_grotty.jpg)


>that munter on the right with big baps

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fb9f66  No.1422998


Ugly flat square faced, obviously asianed at some point, subhuman thot

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2cd50a  No.1422999

File: 749dfe129cb1fa2⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



bro try this it's a different strain

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fb9f66  No.1423000


Inspiration for Rocky

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a5aa48  No.1423001



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518eff  No.1423002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b81bd2  No.1423003


>ywn drive your Bugatti Type 23 off the side of a cliff going speeds not yet experienced by man and get nursed back to health by your imported Ethiopian maid

why live


>it's DD for me


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e6829e  No.1423004

File: a063f51b17c4e41⋯.png (103.65 KB, 333x236, 333:236, Welcome_Tae_Hell.png)

ywn import an ethiopian wife and force her to stick her toes down your throat to points not yet experienced by man and have your other ethiopian maid nurse you back to health

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fb9f66  No.1423005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fb9f66  No.1423006

File: bff632ee47597b2⋯.jpeg (756.06 KB, 2224x1215, 2224:1215, 9052C40C_BD26_4592_9A8A_A….jpeg)

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fb9f66  No.1423007

File: 9d23adcf40bc5b9⋯.jpeg (1011.8 KB, 1009x1840, 1009:1840, 569D4310_7BA8_4A2C_9A89_E….jpeg)


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b81bd2  No.1423008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I only listen to real music

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fb9f66  No.1423009

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a5aa48  No.1423010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fb9f66  No.1423011

File: 1b1b5148e7952a0⋯.jpeg (635.45 KB, 998x733, 998:733, BA8786BA_BA7F_47C2_A849_F….jpeg)

Globohomo is winning

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e6829e  No.1423012

File: 8d0cf8e5377d835⋯.jpg (114.52 KB, 784x920, 98:115, chinlet.jpg)


thats whay they get for being libtards

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c214e9  No.1423013


>ywn be an american frontiersman and invent your own religion that allows you to have 55 wives

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fb9f66  No.1423014

File: a46ccc8eddbb71b⋯.jpeg (671.88 KB, 1034x726, 47:33, 09E74C0E_AC56_4731_A0EF_0….jpeg)

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c214e9  No.1423015

File: a06467ecd5d2411⋯.jpg (228.32 KB, 378x483, 18:23, 1580926622580.jpg)


>that time you and another lad who was from minnesota and sounded like from fargo broke into some fraternity and stole all their pot and food because you had no pot and you literally used boomer teen skills like when your dad taught you how to remove window panes which you now charge mummies 300 dollars a replacement for

just redneck things

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892c51  No.1423016

File: 71f395149d2e489⋯.jpg (518.15 KB, 1440x2138, 720:1069, sea_cow.jpg)

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c214e9  No.1423017

a flat bar and a painters tool are unironically some of the most important happeningfag shit you can have, that and some of those pocket sized german brand fence cutters.

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fb9f66  No.1423018

File: 5567fb110a36e4a⋯.jpeg (618.52 KB, 1149x952, 1149:952, 56BF2397_823E_47B6_B27D_0….jpeg)

File: 6b1ce869be36944⋯.jpeg (1007.06 KB, 1203x1469, 1203:1469, E7784310_0B19_4D5B_8F3E_F….jpeg)

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2cd50a  No.1423019

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c214e9  No.1423020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

boomer mummy white pilling demographic video

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ed0dfe  No.1423021

File: 4779e8f50babadc⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1012x1039, 1012:1039, 4779e8f50babadc161434f8f3b….png)

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fb9f66  No.1423022


Never heard of her but dead wogs is always a cause for a lol

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ed0dfe  No.1423023

File: 262583164f63aad⋯.jpg (8.61 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 262583164f63aadaaf8ce4cb49….jpg)

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ed0dfe  No.1423024


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518eff  No.1423025


based shitskin

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ed0dfe  No.1423026

File: 9f6d794ee20494d⋯.jpeg (26.79 KB, 480x420, 8:7, downtrodden_toast.jpeg)

>joints clicking and cracking when i exercise

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c214e9  No.1423027


>dude you okay, its just indica bro

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892c51  No.1423028


not enough strontium in your diet

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c214e9  No.1423029



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518eff  No.1423030



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518eff  No.1423031

sativa is the meme one where everyone shills it saying it will relax you

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ed0dfe  No.1423032

File: a957c131371c3bb⋯.mp4 (928.97 KB, 540x748, 135:187, steiner_ruins_dinner.mp4)

that video of that yank child shooting a guinea pig to prank his dad is proper disturbing tbh that is if it is real



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518eff  No.1423033

File: 97635c64995803f⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1446309360031455.jpg)

had the worst experience on indica in amsterdam and thought i was going to die for 2 days, havent smoked since

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fb9f66  No.1423034


Eat more polonium

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e6829e  No.1423035

just remembered my love for the jewish race

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c214e9  No.1423036


>when your cousin tells you its pot but its spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) and then you sit down for dinner and turn into a piglet

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ed0dfe  No.1423037

File: 6366fc8458e4df1⋯.jpeg (5.83 KB, 205x246, 5:6, images.jpeg)



thought i was getting arthritis


……..bad lad

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c214e9  No.1423038

tbh luv how agile pigs are, them and dogs are such awesome beasts in how they move and fight. horses are majestic but the pig in battle is truely a wonder.

>how they have literally zero fear and fight to the bitter end

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518eff  No.1423039

File: f834ef33c2f6451⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1404x936, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

hit this spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) again bro, it'll calm you down

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fb9f66  No.1423040

File: 61473aed018df49⋯.jpeg (78.86 KB, 1080x640, 27:16, 20FE6143_E1D7_4E4E_9828_5….jpeg)

File: 2b3472914f5133c⋯.jpeg (172.04 KB, 1435x1294, 1435:1294, B9575BFF_E13F_4C69_B0A6_3….jpeg)


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c214e9  No.1423041

File: 1d063e3e4466d63⋯.jpg (142.81 KB, 644x800, 161:200, 1567188452086.jpg)

File: 868b610651068c3⋯.jpg (22.42 KB, 398x354, 199:177, 1572970593894.jpg)

>tfw you smoked pot instead of creating a religious cult and having 90 wives and 300 children to save the white race while living off welfare to crash the system

>tfw you didn't have the maturity of a 30 year old at age 17

born to shit, forced to wipe lads

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c214e9  No.1423042

File: 69f2d396a7bb91d⋯.png (179.59 KB, 639x435, 213:145, IMG_20191116_222547.png)

>steiner you okay, lmao it was K2 bro you are so lit rn

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ed0dfe  No.1423043

File: c35b995fefff4e4⋯.jpg (226.51 KB, 1600x1341, 1600:1341, EV4Hiu0XkAIOfSt.jpg)

File: cfcef05e5e7a739⋯.jpg (28.15 KB, 615x346, 615:346, EH7_ERaWwAAnb10.jpg)


virgin domesticated tranny piglet vs niggerslayer1488 HOG

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c214e9  No.1423044


built for BBQ

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ed0dfe  No.1423045

File: 3d3aaed6fbfc2a6⋯.png (201.89 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 3d3aaed6fbfc2a61c66b4a36d0….png)


its not all doom and gloom

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ed0dfe  No.1423046



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c214e9  No.1423047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ca3933  No.1423048

has anyone here ever seen a wild boar? they've been in the countryside for decades now, they might've always been

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892c51  No.1423049


no but I once saw a gnome

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518eff  No.1423050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kino videos

reminds me of the tv license autism videos

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a5aa48  No.1423051


Heard one snuffling about in the trees at the far end of a field a few years ago when I was on a trip of waking up at 4 in the morning to go outside and enjoy the empty village.

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a5aa48  No.1423052


This lad's sharper than he looks, keeek.

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ca3933  No.1423053

File: 72743de7467ade9⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 11189549854.jpg)

>virgin freaks roaming the village during the darkest hours of night

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892c51  No.1423054

really bored lads I might chug a pot of coffee for the rush of it

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518eff  No.1423055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Brappin at female police

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a5aa48  No.1423056


>he isn't doing neighbourhood paki patrols and getting in a cheeky nature wank while he's at it

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ca3933  No.1423057


keek, i think you've become a paki if you've incorporated naturecooms into your night walk. good lad though like

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a5aa48  No.1423058


the lad just making random noises and farts at the copper lass


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892c51  No.1423059

>US traffic stop

>sadistic roid freak makes you crawl about like a dog and call him daddy before shooting you 23 times

>UK traffic stop

>tell the cops to fuck off and make shart noises at them until they have a passive-aggressive hissy fit

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518eff  No.1423060


blonde lass is a qt smh, shame she is a underling for the nwo

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a5aa48  No.1423061

File: 89c6d876c631351⋯.mp4 (394.81 KB, 200x150, 4:3, video0_2.mp4)

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448f3f  No.1423062

had a wank and had 5 post ejaculation climaxes could of gone more but my arms killing

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892c51  No.1423063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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448f3f  No.1423064

File: 947ead7e7c2253e⋯.jpg (245.96 KB, 1080x969, 360:323, Screenshot_20200705_032717….jpg)

It's true tbh

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c214e9  No.1423065


>no slag cop to bully

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c214e9  No.1423066


keeeeeeeeeeek I cannot even fathom talking to police like that

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c214e9  No.1423067



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c214e9  No.1423068

why is violence against women so based?

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518eff  No.1423069


1:58 is the best because the brap timed perfectly with her almost falling over

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a5aa48  No.1423070

File: 14a99fd920666db⋯.webm (3.19 MB, 228x400, 57:100, willy_waggler_encounter.webm)

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2cd50a  No.1423071

File: 2135a3ee06f041a⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1096x1782, 548:891, ClipboardImage.png)

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c214e9  No.1423072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c214e9  No.1423073

File: e68a684a9f3314a⋯.png (171.86 KB, 2100x1200, 7:4, e68a684a9f3314a672b9ef8b5c….png)

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518eff  No.1423074

File: fde38433d9b2e39⋯.png (149.7 KB, 383x373, 383:373, 1591371632661.png)

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518eff  No.1423075

kek they are such deceptive creatures

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2cd50a  No.1423076

File: 2e96656132ce80c⋯.png (802.78 KB, 634x604, 317:302, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c66f9f20d9d8cf5⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 641x530, 641:530, worried.jpg)

This is a 52 year old

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ca3933  No.1423077


wew she must've been going hard on drugs and licker obviously i don't mean weed when i say drugs cos weed makes you younger with cbd and thc

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c214e9  No.1423078

why was the movie furry so cringe and shite lads?


rough, too much smokes

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2cd50a  No.1423079



Sunlight tbh

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2cd50a  No.1423080

File: 6f0fa628fd7a470⋯.png (103.97 KB, 387x502, 387:502, pepe_apu_cute.png)

>steiner is a furry

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c214e9  No.1423081

meant to say the movie fury

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ca3933  No.1423082

File: e2ee2ecd980fb65⋯.jpg (255.28 KB, 1300x942, 650:471, swiss_franc_banknotes_DJ0F….jpg)

always wondered whether i was a kayak because of how much i love coins and banknotes

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c214e9  No.1423083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2cd50a  No.1423085

File: 1ef7c19994edf87⋯.jpg (495.18 KB, 1305x1265, 261:253, wojak_red.jpg)

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57e5c5  No.1423088

File: 7e0e35c3a03431d⋯.mp4 (14.26 MB, 404x720, 101:180, peace_be_upon_him.mp4)

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a5aa48  No.1423091


Fury was a decent depiction of a tank crew but a wank depiction of anything resembling armoured warfare tbh, just dumb, flashing holowood niggercattle feed. Seeing Tiger 131 on screen again was cool though.

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c214e9  No.1423092


tbh why would the tiger be unsupported smh

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c214e9  No.1423093

also hate how they make the american soldiers extra vulgar and nihilistic when my great uncle who was literally a 3rd army tanker was a roman catholic and had rosary beads in his coat and all that

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a5aa48  No.1423094

File: e0e79f9b2c6eac5⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1580x1008, 395:252, 1594589510600.png)

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2cd50a  No.1423095

File: 317033dfd8a7540⋯.png (347.45 KB, 720x518, 360:259, pepe_homer_and_marge.png)

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9145b2  No.1423096

File: 458e73d32aebfc7⋯.jpg (186.92 KB, 822x822, 1:1, orangutang_under_a_blanket.jpg)

morning lads

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a5aa48  No.1423097


morning la

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2cd50a  No.1423098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c214e9  No.1423099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca3933  No.1423100

File: e0773e490d95b7d⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 1024x956, 256:239, 1593588635991.jpg)

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9145b2  No.1423101

File: 1a52ad75653f982⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 354x286, 177:143, apu_choon.jpg)

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9145b2  No.1423102

File: 62278c474375789⋯.jpg (33.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, apu_64.jpg)


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2cd50a  No.1423105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


literally SA

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9145b2  No.1423107


keeek tbh tbh smh

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ca3933  No.1423108

sam hyde is the man. he's mid 30s but has the wisdom 70 year old boomers are supposed to have. i think intelligent americans have wisened up really early just because of how much further along they are in demographic decline.

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7a39c6  No.1423110

>it's a dad keeps unironically refering to Dump as Drumpf episode

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9145b2  No.1423111

File: cd368760ebbcaed⋯.png (309.15 KB, 1276x717, 1276:717, blimf.png)

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a5aa48  No.1423113


He married his entire campiagn to Israel, so I have no sympathy for the man.

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2cd50a  No.1423115

File: 2aec9b40256645a⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, dementia_lad.jpg)

maybe schizo is on new medication, he's a bit more subdued than usual. Or either it's BBK roleplaying as the schizo

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7a39c6  No.1423120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember when he was gonna save the white race?

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15dfd5  No.1423123


hullo based stochastic Python script.

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9145b2  No.1423125




smh better days

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15dfd5  No.1423126

File: 474894abf1f1b48⋯.png (418.32 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, ClipboardImage.png)

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892c51  No.1423127

schizo is a good lad he's trying his best

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9145b2  No.1423129

File: 2d44533acca4608⋯.jpeg (74.85 KB, 600x770, 60:77, dog_26.jpeg)


lad he's a complete mong who shits up every thread



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a5aa48  No.1423130

Almost throught we'd gotten away with one schizo-free thread. How naive of me.

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7a39c6  No.1423131

Smh surrounded surrounded by billybongs and spics on my britnat board

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15dfd5  No.1423132


>lad he's a complete mong who shits up every thread

tbh, i had a daydream he was a gchq bot earlier today. It would make as much sense.

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2cd50a  No.1423133

File: 21f9996ba1e8055⋯.jpeg (106.79 KB, 466x803, 466:803, dog_relaxed.jpeg)


good lad

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243d61  No.1423141

They should have made a comic about Mosley. It could have been the British Tintin.

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9145b2  No.1423142

File: 223e3c0d8d907e1⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Nasim_Najafi_Aghdam_Lion.jpg)

same energy

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f70129  No.1423143

what is wrong with this board?

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9145b2  No.1423144

File: 368c3edd3e572a3⋯.jpg (107.08 KB, 479x453, 479:453, orangutan_celery.jpg)

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7a39c6  No.1423145

File: fc61fdd176b308d⋯.png (116.1 KB, 368x309, 368:309, Screen_Shot_2015_01_22_at_….png)



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a5aa48  No.1423146







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7a39c6  No.1423147

File: 25695d850bbf365⋯.jpg (108.66 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1594613193319.jpg)

*browses incel board for a laff*

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7a39c6  No.1423148

File: f0ca9baf19b0270⋯.jpg (170.1 KB, 591x875, 591:875, 1594614399734.jpg)

Nooooo not my heekin dragonwaifu

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c214e9  No.1423149



good thing she didn't breed fucking womanlets

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c214e9  No.1423150

File: d410ed739b00fc0⋯.jpg (20.92 KB, 612x408, 3:2, dog_with_a_pigs_nose_pictu….jpg)


>want someday

unless you already started having children its over

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c214e9  No.1423151



>white hispanic tier white genetics


>too old to breed

>clearly some uptight upper middle class status monkey

wow its literally garbage

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fb9f66  No.1423152

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9145b2  No.1423153




smh they're all going on about they're holobunga survivors who personally met mengele keeeek

like a broken record tbh

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7a39c6  No.1423157

Gonna have a coom today and there is nothing k can do to stop it

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a5aa48  No.1423158

File: fe6497b4117a7de⋯.webm (1.2 MB, 540x540, 1:1, Mengele_personally_select….webm)

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ca3933  No.1423159


good lad, nocoom gets a lad in trouble and can be expensive and embarrassing. make it an golden hour coome just as the sun's going down and then go to sleep but take a zinc supplement the next day to make up for your coom

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7a39c6  No.1423160

File: 8913ee624321f68⋯.jpg (178.05 KB, 641x690, 641:690, 1594593512914.jpg)


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7a39c6  No.1423161


Thanks lad but gonna save it. Cooms and postcoomnaps don't go Well with driving

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ca3933  No.1423162

File: ba9ce374d06ed2f⋯.png (208.24 KB, 980x742, 70:53, 22_pepe_sniper.png)


you err, you drive for a living?

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7a39c6  No.1423163

File: adeb69de5d9faf4⋯.jpg (223.26 KB, 750x501, 250:167, AdobeStock_70874391.jpg)


Golf term lad. On hoiday me

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ca3933  No.1423164

often wonder whether spaniards and portugese people look down on mexico and brazil the same way i look down on america and canada

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ca3933  No.1423165

File: caaade22bebef19⋯.png (361.43 KB, 600x579, 200:193, caaade22bebef19331ca17172e….png)

who am i to look down on anyone though really, i'm just a salty old coomer, cooming away in rentbergs cube. i've never been to mexico or brazil but i'm certain they have better life quality than me, even in the favelas

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7a39c6  No.1423166



Sometimes i wish the task of saving the white race had never come to me

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ca3933  No.1423167


yeah, doesn't seem like ecelebs are picking up the torch. been watching them for 5 years now smh.

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6dfefb  No.1423168

File: 402681dec8aed4a⋯.jpg (310.21 KB, 1134x1056, 189:176, image11_2_.jpg)


It has real meaning lad. Nihilism is a sickness upon the world.

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7a39c6  No.1423169


What has meaning?

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ca3933  No.1423170


when you pet the cat or when a young lad hears one of your informed opinions and wants to know more.

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6dfefb  No.1423171

File: 2536bdcda65126c⋯.jpg (486.77 KB, 1024x1009, 1024:1009, crusader.jpg)


Saving the white race has meaning.

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9145b2  No.1423172




meaning is more of a BYO kind of thing tbh

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2d4e08  No.1423173

File: d7bdbc923165f98⋯.jpg (348.22 KB, 964x964, 1:1, you_didn_t_think_i_d_leave….jpg)

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7a39c6  No.1423174


I don't understand

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7a39c6  No.1423175


I understand

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ed0dfe  No.1423176

File: 44e3d38f14232cd⋯.jpeg (46.39 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, downtrodden_23.jpeg)

thought it was sunday

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ed0dfe  No.1423177

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9145b2  No.1423178

File: dafc030029534c5⋯.png (205.35 KB, 419x304, 419:304, grow_old_and_toil.png)


no lad the weekend is over

it's gone and it's never coming back

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a50d64  No.1423179

File: f7261632a71de0e⋯.jpg (5.28 KB, 209x248, 209:248, 20200707_203242.jpg)

>Eight cows killed and four injured after wandering onto an army firing range

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7a39c6  No.1423180


Noooo it's like another holocowst 😔🐮

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ca3933  No.1423181


good lad, good post

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ca3933  No.1423182

File: 30e821aa1aa253c⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB, 1052x720, 263:180, proof_of_god_dog_pot.mp4)

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9145b2  No.1423183

File: 64b00c602438d59⋯.png (134.22 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, fat_groomer.png)

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7a39c6  No.1423184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7a39c6  No.1423185

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6bcb90  No.1423186

Those cows had a sense of who they were

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9145b2  No.1423187


tbh they lived as cows and they died as cows

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ca3933  No.1423188

wish bush still posted, he'd tell tales of how you could openly refer to women as cows up until 2005

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2d4e08  No.1423189

File: 3ffbd6052f8478b⋯.png (459.11 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 3ffbd6052f8478b5eb943b2288….png)

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71c75a  No.1423190

File: b3d300fc93610a5⋯.png (111.58 KB, 1328x1140, 332:285, b3d300fc93610a5f78d196334f….png)

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7a39c6  No.1423191

File: eef7ed2bf7e5d4f⋯.jpeg (48.45 KB, 671x503, 671:503, 5bfd830148eb123a3f513067.jpeg)

Ywn be a big overcow

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6dfefb  No.1423192

Lads the urge to cover myself in knot patterns, climb the nearest hill and praise the sun is getting to me.

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9145b2  No.1423193

File: 7e24b34aae15c3a⋯.jpeg (74.14 KB, 755x467, 755:467, eat_mushrooms_bang_on_dru….jpeg)


do it lad

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a50d64  No.1423194


One moment they were cows, the next moment they weren't anything

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6dfefb  No.1423195


Might do later. There's a big hill on a lay line not far from me.

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7a39c6  No.1423196


Urge to cover you in my poo

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ed0dfe  No.1423197

File: 38ec1db37142bf0⋯.png (458.18 KB, 634x493, 634:493, poo.png)

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7a39c6  No.1423198

And then they were 3

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cf0de1  No.1423199


wew keeeeeeeeeeeeek

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6dfefb  No.1423200

File: 2569a3464d76352⋯.jpg (111.07 KB, 800x800, 1:1, naked_celt.jpg)


Do it lad.

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7a39c6  No.1423201

And then they were 3>>1423197


Who is who haha

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2cea44  No.1423202

>22shite using my flag again and making abhorrent shitposts


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6dfefb  No.1423203

File: 9bef4b0278a5d7b⋯.jpg (119.08 KB, 858x536, 429:268, stonehenge_solstic_2596384….jpg)

Why are 'pagans' like this lads? Why don't they understand?

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cf0de1  No.1423204

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2cea44  No.1423205


They're not pagans, they're attention-seeking cunts desperately latching onto manufactured counter-culture in search for any kind of meaning that requires no effort on their part

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6bcb90  No.1423206

File: 94a2e3e84810e6f⋯.jpg (14.35 KB, 80x162, 40:81, 53654534543.jpg)

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2cea44  No.1423207

one day I'll go to stonehenge on the solstice with a crew of woaded up heavies and tie up the lot of them and put the place to the use it was made for by cutting open their hearts on a sacrificial altar one by one until they are all dead and the sun has risen on a world made better for it

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6bcb90  No.1423208


You can probably do that with VR and your £10,000 PC now.

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6bcb90  No.1423209

Woke up with my ear and the side of my neck aching on and off.

They're going to have to chop my head off, aren't they lads?

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2cea44  No.1423210


yeah smh

maybe reduce your pillows or something

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a5aa48  No.1423211

File: e818c1380a3602b⋯.mp4 (159.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, sticky_mouse.mp4)


Unfortunately so, lad

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ca3933  No.1423212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

listening to it again lads

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cf0de1  No.1423213

put too much cocoa in my hot chocolate smh it's all bitter

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7a39c6  No.1423214

Earwax and nosewax, not a tasty mix

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7a39c6  No.1423215

File: 9aa49ba65a685a9⋯.png (418.74 KB, 603x665, 603:665, 1594631275897.png)

>varg gfposting now


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7a39c6  No.1423216

Lads ever tasted their arsewax?

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71c75a  No.1423217


Good lad



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cf0de1  No.1423218


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2cea44  No.1423219

Seven Signs Guy Fieri Is A Reincarnated Gallic Warrior Chieftan And Here's How

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a50d64  No.1423220


Is 22 using Wessex flag to not be filtered, everything he does makes him more detestable

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2d4e08  No.1423221

Poland's conservative President Duda re-elected

Based Poland lives and marches on

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cf0de1  No.1423222




yeah smh not sure what he's trying to achieve with this


hopefully one day poland turns into a real country so all the poles can go back there

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b81bd2  No.1423223


>won by a single %

How long will BASED Poland remain BASED?

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2d4e08  No.1423224


maybe he's having trouble with his imaginary gf?

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6bcb90  No.1423225


The bull has permanently moved in now.

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cf0de1  No.1423226

snapped another shoelace smdh

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ed0dfe  No.1423227

File: 71e5c4a7aba2eb1⋯.mp4 (360.26 KB, 928x596, 232:149, 6HwWU8E6Okk54HK3.mp4)

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a9f0ab  No.1423228

File: 5ff44c0cdb02cd4⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 720x570, 24:19, 5ff44c0cdb02cd435e3a3ed5b7….jpg)

need to learn how to stay inside and watch youtube all day but not drink 20 tinnies per day in the process, any tips?

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6c2254  No.1423229


>shitty normie macro

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e607df  No.1423230

File: d717ed6280ca5de⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1565x837, 1565:837, ClipboardImage.png)

why is he looking at me like that?

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cf0de1  No.1423231

File: a73adb71016b433⋯.jpeg (44.35 KB, 393x527, 393:527, toil_blues.jpeg)

toil now bye lads


run out of money and then you won't be able to buy tinnies

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2cea44  No.1423232


ave bossman rex

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2d4e08  No.1423233

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e607df  No.1423234

File: 698ba851e6a74bb⋯.png (19.91 KB, 520x501, 520:501, 2f4ff18bb37ef8304e61d96eb9….png)


smh I just forgot/couldn't be arsed with takingit off smh

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6dfefb  No.1423235

File: a433e69aff336fc⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 500x301, 500:301, wiccantraditions.jpg)


Not 'what are they like'. I'm asking why are they like that? Why are they attention-seeking cunts desperately latching onto manufactured counter-culture in search for any kind of meaning that requires no effort on their part?

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3d8cde  No.1423236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fucking hell Limmy

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fb9f66  No.1423237

File: ee9c4993ef039b1⋯.mp4 (714.46 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 6FEg7IFs94n_nu8_.mp4)

That #JewishPrivilege hashtag on Twitter fucking hilarious lads

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2cea44  No.1423238


because they are golem normies who have no greater purpose or leader to look to, no church or DRVIDIC conclave to make them police their own behaviour

they just want to do drugs and be hedonistic and retain some sense of artificial self-worth by draping their degeneracy with a thin veneer of pseudo-shart-religion

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fb9f66  No.1423239


Cuck Limmy

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a9f0ab  No.1423240

File: d254700f81bf287⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 800x754, 400:377, el_monke.jpg)


don't know why i switched to >(1) would you be a gentleman and explain what macro is?

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a50d64  No.1423241


Looks like a photoshoot for some girl group in the 90s/00s/10s


His politics are shit

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fb9f66  No.1423242

File: 0687181894c45e4⋯.jpeg (409.34 KB, 1193x957, 1193:957, 6709628C_22E8_4842_879E_A….jpeg)

Thanks based Conservatives, conserving the British way of life of perpetual rape, violence, terror and the smell of curry and wog sweat permeating are beautiful island

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a50d64  No.1423243


>Thinking the conservative in conservative has anything to do with conservation

Lmao get a load of this brainlet

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6c2254  No.1423244

File: 36987204ed4181c⋯.png (118.99 KB, 331x465, 331:465, ClipboardImage.png)


>would you be a gentleman and explain what macro is?

jesus, lurk more

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fb9f66  No.1423245

File: c1bbdbd874ca4a6⋯.jpeg (913.51 KB, 1007x1880, 1007:1880, 88AB7050_8A63_4592_AA09_E….jpeg)

File: af1e56ee9e26f07⋯.jpeg (463.88 KB, 1003x704, 1003:704, ADB6ED9A_B856_4D98_AEFB_3….jpeg)

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ed0dfe  No.1423246

File: 02cb2cf138c5995⋯.png (33.51 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden.png)

is it appropriate to tell bossman the reason you took long to reply was because you were in the loo

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3e934d  No.1423247


Smh, this is a horrible story. Kermit Gosnel the biggest serial killer in America's history. Made me even more pro life tbh.

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fb9f66  No.1423248


Tell him to fuck off. Let us know how it goes.

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6dfefb  No.1423249

File: d2c4202ddf3988c⋯.png (171.53 KB, 300x300, 1:1, B_Witched_album_artwork.png)

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ed0dfe  No.1423250

File: fdcb318ceceaa60⋯.jpeg (81.99 KB, 376x506, 188:253, imminent_toil.jpeg)


>inadvertently told bossman the reason I took so long to reply was because I was pooing

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6bcb90  No.1423251

File: 4abc2e6c4202ecb⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 500x255, 100:51, 82317_15552437465946_500.jpg)


If he's a bossman worth his salt, he'll more than understand the production benefits of a jolly good dump.

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3d8cde  No.1423252


Jew i reckon. LUFC needs to put down the football shite and stop being a cuck

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6bcb90  No.1423253


The time for arguing with these types long passed if it ever existed.

But if for some reason you do, this is not how you do it. Constantly on the back foot and making concessions.

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a9f0ab  No.1423254

File: 6bd28979cb60938⋯.png (426.41 KB, 605x473, 55:43, N_A_cavalry.png)


shitty useless bully that provides nothing to threads

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6c2254  No.1423255

File: 79212bbb1d5d006⋯.png (779.16 KB, 640x426, 320:213, ClipboardImage.png)

*swings all bossmen's jaws within a 5 mile radius*

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a50d64  No.1423256

File: 2ffa7b879249ae7⋯.png (404.07 KB, 498x300, 83:50, ClipboardImage.png)


Indistinguishable, just need to add a dark, half transparent border to this and it's a neopagan group


Tbh, don't remember the last time I saw a lurk moar apart from on /pol/ and /qresearch/

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71c75a  No.1423257


Good lad, throw shit at him to assert dominance.

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3d8cde  No.1423258

What is a macro?

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fb9f66  No.1423259


Did you tell him you were thinking of him as big stinky slithered out?

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71c75a  No.1423260


Carbs, proteins and fats

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a9f0ab  No.1423261

File: 56a1fb2199c3325⋯.png (24.07 KB, 800x457, 800:457, 22_stone_new_man.png)

>asks a poster to define a term he used

>lurk moar faggot

hmm, yes - i'm going with fake, gay and schizophrenic for "macro".

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340b01  No.1423262



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3d8cde  No.1423263

cull all dog breads which are non-native rn

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3e934d  No.1423264

Are any of the Magnificent 7 cemetries worth visiting lads?

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a0f1eb  No.1423265

File: b2a1586f4b3df37⋯.png (64.07 KB, 912x580, 228:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d8cde  No.1423266


I thought that said "magnificent seven centimetres" and wondered how you knew mummies nickname for my willy smh

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3e934d  No.1423267


kek lad.

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8c1b71  No.1423268

can someone clip the raid shadowlegends ad in this video? about 1:25 to 4:33

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8c1b71  No.1423269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0c68e4  No.1423270

File: f6becfbca0003f7⋯.png (498.05 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1562295897898.png)

>up another 1k when I woke up

thats 3 days in a row now I've woken up to this

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a9f0ab  No.1423271


>tfw no london catacombs

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3e934d  No.1423272


Another £1k?

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3d8cde  No.1423273


It's going to crash soon lad get rid of your money

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0c68e4  No.1423274


take your fud back to the Bongo Bongo Land tranny

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3e934d  No.1423275


Only been to the Paris Catacombs on Deus Ex, I looked into going to the one in Paris but didn't sound like a great experience.

Seen nice cemetries in Prague, Russia and PH though.

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b81bd2  No.1423276

File: 974b92d98a269ca⋯.jpg (10.22 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Catacombs_of_Palermo.jpg)

Want to go to the Catacombs of Palermo one day tbh

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3d8cde  No.1423277

I wish I had hilarious hair like down syndrome people tbh

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a50d64  No.1423278


Spooky tbh

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3d8cde  No.1423279

I always wonder what its like to die tbh

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3e934d  No.1423281

Made about £15 off serpclix and prolific this week lads.

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3d8cde  No.1423282


Made 5 grand from just regular working this week lad

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3e934d  No.1423283


That's nice lad.

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1e3cb8  No.1423284

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