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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 7630cc5e8bcf2b1⋯.mp4 (891.55 KB, 480x460, 24:23, PcaFer9UaQ9h0nCH.mp4)

File: 1c540151b7b226c⋯.gif (2 MB, 425x425, 1:1, monke.gif)

File: 2894b21d165e88b⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, monkeys_with_machetes.mp4)

5017c8  No.1422553[View All]

73 workers catch coronavirus at farm forcing 200 others to isolate


Gove says face masks shouldn’t be mandatory but they’re ‘basic good manners’


Coronavirus vaccine could be rolled out ‘in first half of next year’


London shooting: Man killed near park in Penge - police launch murder investigation


647 posts and 241 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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e607df  No.1423234

File: 698ba851e6a74bb⋯.png (19.91 KB, 520x501, 520:501, 2f4ff18bb37ef8304e61d96eb9….png)


smh I just forgot/couldn't be arsed with takingit off smh

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6dfefb  No.1423235

File: a433e69aff336fc⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 500x301, 500:301, wiccantraditions.jpg)


Not 'what are they like'. I'm asking why are they like that? Why are they attention-seeking cunts desperately latching onto manufactured counter-culture in search for any kind of meaning that requires no effort on their part?

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3d8cde  No.1423236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fucking hell Limmy

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fb9f66  No.1423237

File: ee9c4993ef039b1⋯.mp4 (714.46 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 6FEg7IFs94n_nu8_.mp4)

That #JewishPrivilege hashtag on Twitter fucking hilarious lads

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2cea44  No.1423238


because they are golem normies who have no greater purpose or leader to look to, no church or DRVIDIC conclave to make them police their own behaviour

they just want to do drugs and be hedonistic and retain some sense of artificial self-worth by draping their degeneracy with a thin veneer of pseudo-shart-religion

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fb9f66  No.1423239


Cuck Limmy

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a9f0ab  No.1423240

File: d254700f81bf287⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 800x754, 400:377, el_monke.jpg)


don't know why i switched to >(1) would you be a gentleman and explain what macro is?

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a50d64  No.1423241


Looks like a photoshoot for some girl group in the 90s/00s/10s


His politics are shit

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fb9f66  No.1423242

File: 0687181894c45e4⋯.jpeg (409.34 KB, 1193x957, 1193:957, 6709628C_22E8_4842_879E_A….jpeg)

Thanks based Conservatives, conserving the British way of life of perpetual rape, violence, terror and the smell of curry and wog sweat permeating are beautiful island

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a50d64  No.1423243


>Thinking the conservative in conservative has anything to do with conservation

Lmao get a load of this brainlet

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6c2254  No.1423244

File: 36987204ed4181c⋯.png (118.99 KB, 331x465, 331:465, ClipboardImage.png)


>would you be a gentleman and explain what macro is?

jesus, lurk more

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fb9f66  No.1423245

File: c1bbdbd874ca4a6⋯.jpeg (913.51 KB, 1007x1880, 1007:1880, 88AB7050_8A63_4592_AA09_E….jpeg)

File: af1e56ee9e26f07⋯.jpeg (463.88 KB, 1003x704, 1003:704, ADB6ED9A_B856_4D98_AEFB_3….jpeg)

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ed0dfe  No.1423246

File: 02cb2cf138c5995⋯.png (33.51 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden.png)

is it appropriate to tell bossman the reason you took long to reply was because you were in the loo

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3e934d  No.1423247


Smh, this is a horrible story. Kermit Gosnel the biggest serial killer in America's history. Made me even more pro life tbh.

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fb9f66  No.1423248


Tell him to fuck off. Let us know how it goes.

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6dfefb  No.1423249

File: d2c4202ddf3988c⋯.png (171.53 KB, 300x300, 1:1, B_Witched_album_artwork.png)

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ed0dfe  No.1423250

File: fdcb318ceceaa60⋯.jpeg (81.99 KB, 376x506, 188:253, imminent_toil.jpeg)


>inadvertently told bossman the reason I took so long to reply was because I was pooing

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6bcb90  No.1423251

File: 4abc2e6c4202ecb⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 500x255, 100:51, 82317_15552437465946_500.jpg)


If he's a bossman worth his salt, he'll more than understand the production benefits of a jolly good dump.

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3d8cde  No.1423252


Jew i reckon. LUFC needs to put down the football shite and stop being a cuck

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6bcb90  No.1423253


The time for arguing with these types long passed if it ever existed.

But if for some reason you do, this is not how you do it. Constantly on the back foot and making concessions.

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a9f0ab  No.1423254

File: 6bd28979cb60938⋯.png (426.41 KB, 605x473, 55:43, N_A_cavalry.png)


shitty useless bully that provides nothing to threads

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6c2254  No.1423255

File: 79212bbb1d5d006⋯.png (779.16 KB, 640x426, 320:213, ClipboardImage.png)

*swings all bossmen's jaws within a 5 mile radius*

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a50d64  No.1423256

File: 2ffa7b879249ae7⋯.png (404.07 KB, 498x300, 83:50, ClipboardImage.png)


Indistinguishable, just need to add a dark, half transparent border to this and it's a neopagan group


Tbh, don't remember the last time I saw a lurk moar apart from on /pol/ and /qresearch/

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71c75a  No.1423257


Good lad, throw shit at him to assert dominance.

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3d8cde  No.1423258

What is a macro?

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fb9f66  No.1423259


Did you tell him you were thinking of him as big stinky slithered out?

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71c75a  No.1423260


Carbs, proteins and fats

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a9f0ab  No.1423261

File: 56a1fb2199c3325⋯.png (24.07 KB, 800x457, 800:457, 22_stone_new_man.png)

>asks a poster to define a term he used

>lurk moar faggot

hmm, yes - i'm going with fake, gay and schizophrenic for "macro".

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340b01  No.1423262



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3d8cde  No.1423263

cull all dog breads which are non-native rn

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3e934d  No.1423264

Are any of the Magnificent 7 cemetries worth visiting lads?

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a0f1eb  No.1423265

File: b2a1586f4b3df37⋯.png (64.07 KB, 912x580, 228:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d8cde  No.1423266


I thought that said "magnificent seven centimetres" and wondered how you knew mummies nickname for my willy smh

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3e934d  No.1423267


kek lad.

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8c1b71  No.1423268

can someone clip the raid shadowlegends ad in this video? about 1:25 to 4:33

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8c1b71  No.1423269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0c68e4  No.1423270

File: f6becfbca0003f7⋯.png (498.05 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1562295897898.png)

>up another 1k when I woke up

thats 3 days in a row now I've woken up to this

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a9f0ab  No.1423271


>tfw no london catacombs

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3e934d  No.1423272


Another £1k?

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3d8cde  No.1423273


It's going to crash soon lad get rid of your money

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0c68e4  No.1423274


take your fud back to the Bongo Bongo Land tranny

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3e934d  No.1423275


Only been to the Paris Catacombs on Deus Ex, I looked into going to the one in Paris but didn't sound like a great experience.

Seen nice cemetries in Prague, Russia and PH though.

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b81bd2  No.1423276

File: 974b92d98a269ca⋯.jpg (10.22 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Catacombs_of_Palermo.jpg)

Want to go to the Catacombs of Palermo one day tbh

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3d8cde  No.1423277

I wish I had hilarious hair like down syndrome people tbh

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a50d64  No.1423278


Spooky tbh

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3d8cde  No.1423279

I always wonder what its like to die tbh

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3e934d  No.1423281

Made about £15 off serpclix and prolific this week lads.

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3d8cde  No.1423282


Made 5 grand from just regular working this week lad

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3e934d  No.1423283


That's nice lad.

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1e3cb8  No.1423284

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