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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: c96901c1a0cc313⋯.jpg (236.44 KB, 980x1225, 4:5, Saddam_cigar.jpg)

fdc137  No.1421822[Last 50 Posts]

No links tbh

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fdc137  No.1421823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fe2e6a  No.1421824

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fdc137  No.1421825

File: ab01b767f47a9fd⋯.gif (9.82 KB, 112x112, 1:1, pepe_rootin_tootin_shootin….gif)

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5e63f4  No.1421826

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8dcbe9  No.1421827

File: edeac3fa5331ee9⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 960x640, 3:2, saddam_salute.jpg)

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5e63f4  No.1421828


yeah its mad what are you going to do

maybe ben raymond shouldn't have been such a mong he ruined the lives of all the other mongs who followed him.

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bfc581  No.1421829

File: a34375e5cebc039⋯.webm (3.76 MB, 480x320, 3:2, saddam_hussein_borderline….webm)

Based edition

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5e63f4  No.1421830

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bfc581  No.1421831

File: 38a5e7d47a8909b⋯.jpg (178.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1526325790757.jpg)


so whats this new online harms bill shite, look at how little engagement this shit has, its literally like a teachers room meeting deciding school policy, such a fucking joke, how much more restrictive can they really get

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fe2e6a  No.1421832


You're a retard. You can literally see that they are banning random groups, even groups that do not exist, without reason. If not for NA it would be some other group.

Furthermore, Benjamin Raymond didn't ruin people's lives. The xenophiles and internationalists are the ones ruining people's lives. Faggots like you attacking other nationalists rather than our actual enemies are ruining nationalism.

You're pathetic. Filtered, cunt.

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bfc581  No.1421833

File: f0b908b9fe92245⋯.png (106.37 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, mint_choccy_feels.png)

mint choccy ice cream for second lunch

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bfc581  No.1421834

File: afaa4c3db4175c5⋯.jpg (210.04 KB, 1200x686, 600:343, 8fb031d60dfef7fd9b46c2af11….jpg)

NA were retarded but this constanty counter signalling is retarded, never attack fellow nationalists unless they are getting in your way

>inb4 NA were

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fdc137  No.1421835

File: d1f7350f2552f95⋯.jpg (28.57 KB, 621x349, 621:349, saddam_stare.jpg)

please don't shit up the high quality thread with another NA debate ok thank you

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fdc137  No.1421836


good lad. leftover stir fry tbh

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8dcbe9  No.1421837

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5e63f4  No.1421838

File: 61c89fcda753b45⋯.webm (4.25 MB, 540x960, 9:16, egirl.webm)


I refuse to educate you when you're this seething lad

watch some tiktok lasses and calm down

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9b9a87  No.1421839

File: 2afb90e3153c0fe⋯.png (1.11 MB, 564x823, 564:823, ClipboardImage.png)

what could have been q_q

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175169  No.1421840


If you go for a feminized plant strain, something decent so make sure to invest in it. Big bud also. Under expsive lighting condition you can expect 300 grams every 4-6 months. Average for a gram is a tenner. Just do the maths innit and you'll be rolling innit fella

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5e63f4  No.1421841

NA is cringe and defending them online is beyond retarded and just going to get you nicked for literally no reason.

Just shut the fuck up they sucked and they're over.

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23cba9  No.1421842

File: e6ff7a789f20359⋯.png (625.92 KB, 1504x1432, 188:179, ClipboardImage.png)


>Saddam Edition

I didn't want to feel this early in the day

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5e63f4  No.1421843


tbh I don't understand how normoids are alright with these abject mongs actively heaping on the surveillance to levels that would make a CCP official blush.

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bfc581  No.1421844


>reee let me make snarky swiping comments on people and get no pushback

no, fuck off you weak nonce

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23cba9  No.1421845

File: a4b11d1ae288bf7⋯.png (57.31 KB, 558x614, 279:307, ClipboardImage.png)


da gubbermint is a friend lad they look out for our safetees

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23cba9  No.1421846

File: 11c2b3b20dd7b25⋯.jpg (74.09 KB, 795x572, 795:572, bbk.jpg)

>NA shills still at it

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bfc581  No.1421847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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175169  No.1421848

File: 7819218440835cd⋯.webm (5.89 MB, 540x960, 9:16, 1590835789166.webm)

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5e63f4  No.1421849


Like I'm afraid of pushback from NA mongs

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bfc581  No.1421850


I'm not an NA mong I'm just sick of you pathetic postings about them

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23cba9  No.1421851

File: 32b7bf1cda035c8⋯.png (654.07 KB, 431x696, 431:696, WHY_DOES_BRIT_PERSECUTE_ME….png)

>i-it could have been anyone stop bullying muh based NA

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5e63f4  No.1421852

File: 7877c90c068c06c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 110.99 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, large_balls.jpg)

here's a snarky comment for you NA mongs

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175169  No.1421853

File: 42ca1125f9f3b54⋯.png (154.94 KB, 480x460, 24:23, 620791bb4d5cd2b34f36e299f0….png)

>dafty this, luggage that

Blah blah blah, shut the fuck up, SHUT THE FUCKING FUCK UP

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905e53  No.1421854

Back from the crazy wine aunt coercing me into sitting in the parking lot and drinking guiness with the neighbours and furriners smh

decent transylvanian bloke talked about vlad tepes and how dracula is a memi about him so I got to talk about how based vlad was for anally annihilating muslamics with stakes up their bumholes though

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5e63f4  No.1421855


you want a snarky comment yeah?

*shits in your nans mouth*

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a494d3  No.1421856

Is the NA flag from black lagoon?

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23cba9  No.1421857


very good lad

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0ca6fc  No.1421858

File: e8c454a95a485f9⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 480x264, 20:11, thinking_apocalypse.gif)

BLM marching in my big gay town again today.


Oh so the "not political" XR supports the "not political BLM" …fk it makes me mad how so many people can be hoodwinked by the 1% into supporting privatisation of the police to serve their interests and be above the law. This year people seem stupider than ever and Im starting to get pissed of at it all.

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c94fad  No.1421859


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5e63f4  No.1421860


there were protests in fucking Poznan, the fact a group of people the poles who make less than a quarter what the average nigger in America does think they have to protest on their behalf is mental. The media needs to be killed.

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bfc581  No.1421861

File: dca1fdb38a36008⋯.jpg (47.23 KB, 1280x544, 40:17, 1524881623395_1_.jpg)


> parking lot


>makes me mad

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da1aaa  No.1421862


>parking lot

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905e53  No.1421863



sorry lads I meant the motorised conveyance corral

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5e63f4  No.1421864

File: 286161a3b70b6d5⋯.jpg (307.69 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, poland_poznan_cucks.jpg)

File: fe5b0afa40c1799⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3360x2240, 3:2, based_polands.jpg)

from Poznan.

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bfc581  No.1421865

File: 12bda5ec26ff7ab⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 620x801, 620:801, 12bda5ec26ff7ab7d77a32b5d5….jpg)


>he doesn't know about the protests in the faroe islands

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bfc581  No.1421866

File: 66cf87441efa98d⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 344x400, 43:50, 66cf87441efa98d4952c39d0f8….jpg)

Btfoing everybody in a debate with all the party leaders at the 2030 general election while i the midst of a semi NI type low level civil war which I have used to force the establishment to give me a fairer shake lest they be attacked violently in my head again lads

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0ca6fc  No.1421867


I remember you used to have to be smart to go to University.

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5e63f4  No.1421868

File: 8ed60a6a1ad7bc5⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 720x508, 180:127, nazbol_heidegger_nouevelle….jpg)


I knew about that it's more the fact Afro Americans are literally one of the most spoiled rich people on earth and its from the back of third and second world labour and now mass media has assimilated the third and second worlds elites who also live off the labour of their peoples suffering working class into organizing in the name of a single dead member of the Afro American race. It can only be described as grotesque.

Afro Americans are the best example of Völkerabfälle, their entire culture is about being violent anti working class consumers, throughout their history all they have done is be wilfully used as street muscle by capital. You cannot hope to kill the bourgeois without first starting with niggers.

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fdc137  No.1421869

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8dcbe9  No.1421870


very good lad

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bfc581  No.1421871

File: 20ae881b3116743⋯.jpg (95.49 KB, 559x397, 559:397, 1511363815213.jpg)

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a494d3  No.1421872


Goo' lad

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a494d3  No.1421873


Good lad

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a494d3  No.1421874

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f687c9  No.1421875

File: 6e4ae3d6c288f9a⋯.jpg (61.56 KB, 813x344, 813:344, lion_of_the_euphrates.jpg)

good edition

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009e91  No.1421876

>more people on /brit/ using the word "Volkerabfalle"


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a9976f  No.1421877

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fdc137  No.1421878


looks like some shite about making companies more accountable for things that are posted on their sites.

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a9976f  No.1421879


>don't refute any of the arguments

>talk about "indigenous europeans"

>these arguments are automatically wrong, its just obvious

>anyone who disagrees with the status quo is just on a sliding scale to terrorism

their history of "Cultural Marxism" is interesting, I've always been dubious of that phrase, but after reading the article it makes more sense lol I wouldn't use it as it sounds like something an SJW would say, imo we shouldn't use weird and nebulous concepts that are hard to pin down like Cultural Marxism

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bfc581  No.1421880


good thing non of these companies are in the uk

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a9976f  No.1421881

>yeah my fellow wammxn we're being oppressed by the patriarchy

>yeah my fellow based maga friends, we are being oppressed by cultural marxists

if you cant my rgument…

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a9976f  No.1421882


I cant spell for shit

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bfc581  No.1421883

File: 22cb2bfd3882f99⋯.jpg (383 KB, 787x750, 787:750, 1540771967948.jpg)

Wonder what a leftist would say the smallest incidence is that can lead to muh genocide/ holocaust, At the back end jews are well aware but leftists are such brainlets that they don't seem to realise, everyone of them needs to be exterminated, they are mentally ill zombies for yids, Remembering that NYT article about how allowing white people to have a sense of community is dangerous because it leads to the holocaust

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23cba9  No.1421884

File: abff19161661837⋯.png (791.39 KB, 640x477, 640:477, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9976f  No.1421885


keek you just called for holocaust of leftoids tbh lmao

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2ca370  No.1421886

File: 83df14ca832371c⋯.jpeg (152.93 KB, 1447x342, 1447:342, 225DF61B_17B4_4C42_A9D4_3….jpeg)


Fucking poof trying to perpetuate the globohomo alliance of bum ferrets and jews

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a9976f  No.1421887


but if you read the articles from "Tony Blair institute" (lmao), any deviation from approved doctrine just leads to terrorism

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23cba9  No.1421888

File: 0c8589c55e8b349⋯.png (1.59 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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009e91  No.1421889

tbh lads we can't pretend that we also wouldn't declare any deviation as terrorism if we were in charge

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da1aaa  No.1421890

File: a2a8d7585664028⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, arma_3_camo.png)

File: 5a30adcf9b170d9⋯.jpg (104.02 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ddpm.jpg)

File: e2e7086df1e37f1⋯.jpg (122.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, dpm.jpg)

whats your favourite camo lads?

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f687c9  No.1421891

File: 2e4f662113baf40⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 360x512, 45:64, pict_woad.jpg)

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8dcbe9  No.1421892


can and will lad smh

i hate the way words are being twisted these days tbh terrorism has a very clear-cut definition

using terrorist as shorthand for "thing i don't like" just turns it into another meaningless overused word like fascist


dpm tbh it's a timeless classic

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bfc581  No.1421893


no we wouldn't quit being a fag, we'd just kill all subversives, we would be honest about what we are doing not this gay jewish pilpul mind bending shite we have to deal with now

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2ca370  No.1421894

File: e8a13b8db164998⋯.jpeg (645.22 KB, 1668x1710, 278:285, 3B6FA570_0C93_4861_B422_2….jpeg)

File: 7c1a77ab49abe4b⋯.jpeg (556.85 KB, 1668x1010, 834:505, 393EFCE6_4CBB_4971_AC95_E….jpeg)

File: 16789d0054da2b7⋯.jpeg (510.18 KB, 1668x1497, 556:499, 2B890FBA_56EF_4493_B262_0….jpeg)

File: 352893cc5755cee⋯.jpeg (596.16 KB, 1289x1138, 1289:1138, 381AF050_5074_4C8E_B1A8_6….jpeg)

File: d9c7a8ce2d83942⋯.jpeg (672.18 KB, 1275x1137, 425:379, 4317B175_3739_4B3B_B4C8_6….jpeg)


>Breivik is Blair’s yardstick. Cunt should be dangling for war crimes

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2ca370  No.1421895

File: 494f7013e6873fa⋯.jpeg (565.23 KB, 800x1012, 200:253, A876529E_E4EA_4684_8010_9….jpeg)


>not wearing woad on your willy

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009e91  No.1421896

File: ade272fec95a5b8⋯.jpg (401.8 KB, 647x1296, 647:1296, strichtarn.jpg)


SS-Leto, DPM, Flecktarn and Strichtarn


Thanks Beria.

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a9976f  No.1421897



>Blair talking to us about how to stop terrorism

>when he invaded Iraq and let terrorists roam all over the country killing hundreds of thousands

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a9976f  No.1421898

>if you believe that freedom of expression is under threat you are dangerous and your freedom of expression needs to be taken away

Blair mastermind logic at work here

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2ca370  No.1421899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bfc581  No.1421900


to me this seems like a path towards neo feudalism, where the only people permitted to have opinions of politics will be those wealthy/connected enough to avoid persecution

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a9976f  No.1421901

also all the other ""claims/beliefs"" are just demonstrable facts too

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bfc581  No.1421902


lmao imagine looking at shite like clinton giving her a pardon and believing the west isn't wholly controlled by jews

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8dcbe9  No.1421903


basically already there smh



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5e63f4  No.1421904


They all do this thing where they use quotation marks constantly on things that said group never actually says, they're just things they come up with on their own. Nobody in Generation Identity ever said "white genocide" they explicitly discouraged the use of the word "white".

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2ca370  No.1421905

File: 8b1b728be0c6ba3⋯.jpeg (680.4 KB, 996x718, 498:359, F1E15E20_FEE2_4671_AC20_C….jpeg)

File: 319cfc51af8b620⋯.jpeg (741.57 KB, 1000x735, 200:147, 5335B022_E27F_411A_86B3_F….jpeg)

>when exercise is punished more harshly than very illegal sexercise in public spaces.

>suspects released on bail; no descriptions

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2ca370  No.1421906


This has been scrubbed from YT several times already

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905e53  No.1421907

File: d99eb9cc836142c⋯.png (9.78 MB, 2704x1832, 338:229, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9976f  No.1421908

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5e63f4  No.1421909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bfc581  No.1421910


yids closing ranks as usual

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da1aaa  No.1421911


you win 1750 is the most aesthetic


exotic choices



seems it would be a bit chilly


yeah DPM is my favourite too

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8f9bff  No.1421912

File: b2c864b2412b901⋯.jpg (182.73 KB, 450x300, 3:2, nestle_may4_pigs.jpg)

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a43be9  No.1421913

File: b0816ebed2263cb⋯.png (5.97 KB, 312x47, 312:47, Screenshot_from_2020_07_11….png)


These people really are fucking gormless.

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bfc581  No.1421914

File: 0a0317a2c5b1aee⋯.jpg (418.82 KB, 1169x1079, 1169:1079, dio_steiner.jpg)

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da1aaa  No.1421915



*fires a shotgun into the midst of them*

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009e91  No.1421916


Borzoi on Twitter had a good thread about these Weather Underground types and how they all got magically released from prison and were basically given jobs at top universities but it's gone forever after he got banned, think agg has a link to an article about it though.

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bfc581  No.1421917


Its true lad, who do you think they are talking about when they say "our"

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da1aaa  No.1421918


serial killer eyes

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5e63f4  No.1421919

there will be a day where every thing you say and have said will be linked to your ID and easily accessible for all and all legislation from now on is just moving towards that day.

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f687c9  No.1421920


>natural wide stance on the striper

bet he could go a long way in kadiri pig fighting

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bfc581  No.1421921


tbh, by that point I'll just stop using electronics

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23cba9  No.1421922

File: 58d4eaec769a430⋯.png (5.94 MB, 1565x1600, 313:320, ClipboardImage.png)

>westie caught in the act of stealing a goose from market

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8f9bff  No.1421923

File: d43cc390398d8b7⋯.jpg (69.18 KB, 605x605, 1:1, trotter_french_bulldog_4.jpg)


but james fields tho

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8dcbe9  No.1421924

File: 286e00d89e69476⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 398x376, 199:188, big_jeej.jpg)




yeah tbh



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905e53  No.1421925


manlets, when will they learn

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23cba9  No.1421926

File: 6ce8ea2a44e56db⋯.png (6.22 MB, 1600x1569, 1600:1569, ClipboardImage.png)

>westie explaining to his mother why they will go hungry tonight

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5e63f4  No.1421927

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a43be9  No.1421928

Encrypted shortwave imageboard when?

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009e91  No.1421929

File: 192b5e3de7e79b6⋯.png (367.78 KB, 478x465, 478:465, 1518454458055.png)

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8f9bff  No.1421930


smh the guy at the gun store keeps calling me crazy eyes

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23cba9  No.1421931

File: 72ea129fab90fdf⋯.png (6.26 MB, 1600x1584, 100:99, ClipboardImage.png)

>no wait, mister please! I can explain the french maid's outfit, don't report me to the rwds!

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8dcbe9  No.1421932

File: 110ebff57943bad⋯.jpeg (29.24 KB, 251x242, 251:242, big_heh.jpeg)

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5e63f4  No.1421933

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bfc581  No.1421934


God I fucking despise how these cunts literally get to larp as revolutionaries with no consequences because they are the children of the elites

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2ca370  No.1421935

File: f4a72fce2c8c103⋯.jpeg (184.76 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, AA8B1539_4E68_4424_B471_B….jpeg)

>sirence is virence

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8f9bff  No.1421936

File: d8dde6e700b6705⋯.jpg (7.69 KB, 278x181, 278:181, d8dde6e700b67059fa8e7b738e….jpg)


>that libtard lasses nice bum

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a43be9  No.1421937

File: fa532aec0a34d51⋯.png (42.91 KB, 200x156, 50:39, Screenshot_from_2020_07_11….png)

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da1aaa  No.1421938


keeeeeeeek you must be a regular at his shop

you do look a tad unhinged in that pic

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f94a17  No.1421939

File: 4b2ef8cf8de505f⋯.webm (88.79 KB, 426x240, 71:40, dh34k125fbc.webm)

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2ca370  No.1421940

>German for football is Fussball


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f687c9  No.1421941


some dutch lads shitposting rn on 27125.06khz


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5e63f4  No.1421942


Weather Underground didn't kill anyone except their own members. Their most deadly attack was when they blew up their own HQ killing three of their guys. The Symbionese Liberation Army on the other hand ended when 6 of their top members burned to death in a building they set on fire by trying to throw a molotov out the window at cops below.

They were a bigger embarrassment than the alt right lads.

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8f9bff  No.1421943


tbh I think sometimes blue eyed people can look or have a tendency toward mental illness but there are those dark brown eyed people who also just look like animals

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fdc137  No.1421944

File: 4a4af3266eaaed5⋯.png (101.6 KB, 715x883, 715:883, Capture_1_.png)

File: 2f7c3b067866ab3⋯.png (54.74 KB, 643x508, 643:508, Capture_2_.png)

File: 73d496c5a546917⋯.png (105.91 KB, 840x569, 840:569, Capture_3_.png)

File: bf92be8fb9e5515⋯.png (34.9 KB, 683x533, 683:533, Capture_4_.png)

some funny bits from the 'easy read' pdf

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bfc581  No.1421945

File: 4eaeeb1e71dc85b⋯.png (638.41 KB, 608x573, 608:573, ClipboardImage.png)


struggling to conceptualise what the west even is at this point, fucking mind bending cunts

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8f9bff  No.1421946

File: 761e681cfc9feac⋯.jpg (158.7 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 1449178733370_0.jpg)

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da1aaa  No.1421947


wonder what they're saying?


light eyes come across as more aware, probably because you can notice the dilation and direction of pupils

poo eyes look soulless and empty to me

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bfc581  No.1421948


that whole 60s radical movement did kill people though

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685d59  No.1421949

Lads if you look up wayfair on companieshouse and then search the postcode theyre over the road from a fukin sixthy

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bfc581  No.1421950

File: cb7b2f3dbc60277⋯.png (60.35 KB, 325x300, 13:12, 180ee750aeff262358a37ed28c….png)


>tbh I think sometimes blue eyed people can look or have a tendency toward mental illness

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fdc137  No.1421951

File: b7401025641e670⋯.png (714.08 KB, 680x680, 1:1, b7401025641e6702d349570cf0….png)

>create regulator to make sure companies are policing harmful content on their sites

>fine and ban those who don't comply

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5e63f4  No.1421952


Yeah but the casualty rate for the lefties was far higher than the amount they killed. The Black Panthers shot a couple cops but dozens died from internal violence and the war with the BLF.

Even Red Army Faction who were probably one of the most succesful leftist student based urban terror group lost 27 men compared to the 34 they killed.

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866e83  No.1421953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's oil up lads,FOR THE WHITE RACE

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8dcbe9  No.1421954


>poo eyes look soulless and empty to me


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a494d3  No.1421955


In the best kind of way

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6ff02b  No.1421956

>Pootin in da wok!

t. Chimpchi Wes Igbo-Watson


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da1aaa  No.1421957


did National Action ever do any turkish oil wrestling training with the young recruits?

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5e63f4  No.1421958

File: c8cd8160ec12168⋯.jpg (32.41 KB, 615x773, 615:773, crusius_tux.jpg)

this nibba killed more people than the entire radical left 1960-1980

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866e83  No.1421959


No, I kept suggesting it but they kept telling me to go back to >>/brit/ smh

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f687c9  No.1421960

>didn't close the freezer properly last night

rest in jannah curly fries

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bfc581  No.1421961

File: e2578a9a0358012⋯.jpeg (88.55 KB, 640x412, 160:103, e2578a9a03580123141ef1232….jpeg)

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da1aaa  No.1421962


this guy killed more people than the NVA, KGB, CCP and IRA between 1960 and 1980?


why would you suggest such a thing?

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5e63f4  No.1421963

File: ffa3082d59b0c43⋯.jpg (251.07 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Patrick_Crusius.jpg)


in america lad you know what i meant

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009e91  No.1421964

File: 687e5bf371c86aa⋯.png (99.86 KB, 1016x451, 1016:451, FALN.PNG)

USA is crazy

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866e83  No.1421965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We must become mightier and mightier lads. Lift. Fight. Kill a nigger in the night. Do the Jews have powers to stop us? Sure. Do they want to murder us? Of course. Let's bash the cunts!

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5e63f4  No.1421966

>At one point, the Weathermen adopted the belief that all white babies were "tainted with the original sin of "skin privilege", declaring "all white babies are pigs" with one Weatherwoman telling feminist poet Robin Morgan "You have no right to that pig male baby" after she saw Morgan breastfeeding her son and told Morgan to put the baby in the garbage. Charles Manson was an obsession with the group and Bernadine Dorn claimed he truly understood the iniquity of white America, with the Manson family being praised for the murder of Sharon Tate; Dorn's cell subsequently made its salute a four-fingered gesture that represented the "fork" used to stab Tate.


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f94a17  No.1421967


I mean, they should have given independence to Puerto Rico. It'll end up a state, at some point in the next few decades. A nearly entirely non-white state.

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8f9bff  No.1421968


its not that insane when you realize jewish power cliques completed their takeover in 1963 in dallas and now its just different jew factions fighting over who gets to use the goyim slave tokens for what purpose

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8f9bff  No.1421969


tbh there are plenty of castizo/peninsulares tier spaniards in puerto rico who should not be allowed to pretend to be pure shitskins when they are descended from the literal slavers of the island

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da1aaa  No.1421970


funny how communists/marxists have killed millions upon millions of people yet this is never acknowledged in a non-flippant way

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5e63f4  No.1421971

File: 268acf47d4e8abc⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 720x720, 1:1, marxgun.jpg)


boo hoo nigga

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866e83  No.1421972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am going to set up our new terror HQ in a Turkish baths. We will call the baths "Byzantine Bliss". In the steam we will be like gorillas. Naked. Hairy. Radical. Let them attack us. We shall destroy all of our enemies from the mist. Descend into the waters with me and we will drown Jewry.

We, the Britons of the scented fog.

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bfc581  No.1421973

File: a6021468d4da5cb⋯.mp4 (8.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, based_houthi.mp4)



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da1aaa  No.1421974


just saying no reactionary or conservative philosopher has been anywhere near as responsible for destruction of about half the world between 1914 and 1990 yet marxists keep getting away with it in the people's eyes

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bfc581  No.1421975

smh never meant that to be a reply

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8dcbe9  No.1421976

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bfc581  No.1421977

File: 7317dc84f9a62d8⋯.png (781.54 KB, 1161x671, 1161:671, 7317dc84f9a62d8661b18aa973….png)


>leftypol memes

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23cba9  No.1421978

File: dc904367be150de⋯.png (1.9 MB, 150x6000, 1:40, ClipboardImage.png)


teehee they weren't real marxists you silly bigot they were bad actors deliberately trying to drag the cause down

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da1aaa  No.1421979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

imagine asia if it was still ran by european imperial powers and the qing dynasty

republicanism and anti-colonialism is a disease

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a43be9  No.1421980


I'm in tbh.

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5e63f4  No.1421981

File: 47544445e58eb83⋯.jpg (14.94 KB, 300x180, 5:3, pol_pot.jpg)

>valuing ideologies by their supposed death tolls

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866e83  No.1421982

File: 1e749e56e19c6a7⋯.jpg (414.23 KB, 1672x2500, 418:625, Cheeki_Lass_1.jpg)


Good lad, hopefully we won't have are reservoir poisoned it would completely fuck everything up smh

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da1aaa  No.1421983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>it will never be an alternate history where the russo-japanese war never happened and european powers continued guiding harmonious trade and development in asia right into the 21st century

>ywn be a british civil servant conducting the construction of a joint Anglo-French railway from Shanghai to Dai Viet to Calcutta

like that scene in Apocalypse Now with the old french plantation family

we truly live in a cursed timeline, the bad ending

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f94a17  No.1421984

was it BBK years ago that was talking about doing stuff to reservoirs?

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1129a2  No.1421985


>valuing ideology.

I'd kill you just because you're an annoying nonce.

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905e53  No.1421986


poisoning reservoirs is a timeless hobby of discerning gentlemen lad

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866e83  No.1421987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Isn't that the scene where the woman wants to shag the yanks and undermine the Frog lad who runs the place?

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da1aaa  No.1421988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>all these cultures that we couldn't save from self-destructive marxist terrorism

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866e83  No.1421989

File: 4ce7781bfc096b1⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 474x425, 474:425, Cheeki_Lass_2.jpg)

How do Chinamen leash their dogs?


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9b9a87  No.1421990

File: 6c18ef1eea271a9⋯.png (670.16 KB, 640x477, 640:477, ClipboardImage.png)

how to lose all support from your host nation

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8dcbe9  No.1421991

File: e23c842084212d4⋯.mp4 (549.27 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, sad_cry.mp4)

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866e83  No.1421992

File: 95a177026d8620c⋯.jpg (732.27 KB, 1152x1615, 1152:1615, Cheeki_Lass_3.jpg)


I fail to understand the logic behind their methodology tbh. Perhaps this was the work of the internationalist terror organisation known as the "Proud Boys Action of the 9 Angles".

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905e53  No.1421993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tfw the boxers were the good guys

>mystical LOCAL traditions



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da1aaa  No.1421994


bad ending music

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da1aaa  No.1421995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>japan never won WW2


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8dcbe9  No.1421996

lads how do you add lyrics to the melobytes videos?

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009e91  No.1421997


No one gives a shit about any of the genocides of the 20th century apart from the big one because none of the people killed have any institutional power to soapbox their genocide in the same way that our benefactors have, it's not just Marxist killings that get ignored, very few people care about the various Yugloslav genocides, Armenians or the Tutsi.

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23cba9  No.1421998

File: f346ff0c364833f⋯.mp4 (610.9 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, Cosmic_Farage_2.mp4)

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23cba9  No.1421999

File: 4901d6842001db1⋯.mp4 (770.66 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, Cosmic_Farage_3.mp4)

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da1aaa  No.1422000


not just genocides but mainly the activities of communist state security services/political repressions in communist countries, and the militant expansionism of communist ideology that I find so offensive. Destroyed so many countries it did. Just like the French Revolution destroyed France.

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23cba9  No.1422001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Please Scream Inside Your Heart,' Japanese Amusement Park Tells Thrill-Seekers


y-yeah, not like I was doing that anyway…

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866e83  No.1422002

File: 55eb922319c63b7⋯.jpg (646.03 KB, 2845x2675, 569:535, Cheeki_Lass_4.jpg)


We are the dogs of God lad. Let us devour them.

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da1aaa  No.1422003

File: 975ce7e51f323e0⋯.jpg (359.06 KB, 1500x1895, 300:379, kamikaze_pilot.jpg)


>japanese thrill seekers


might do a cheeky kamikaze bomb attack on the CEO of marxism

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f687c9  No.1422004

I miss schizo lads

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b10466  No.1422005

Just remembered I had a dream where I got executed by zogbots

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f687c9  No.1422006

File: 46737c4e2ebc5b9⋯.mp4 (863.93 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, melobytes_2.mp4)


text to song option

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8dcbe9  No.1422007

File: 7c0010a8bb4c7d3⋯.jpg (20.98 KB, 412x351, 412:351, internal_screaming_pepe.jpg)

night lads


tbh tbh every hour of every day


thanks lad

already used up my four for today and all of them were complete duds smdh not a single decent one at all

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da1aaa  No.1422008


night ladingtonsborough

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23cba9  No.1422009

File: 0facea9f88683d1⋯.png (639.71 KB, 630x641, 630:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a71e77d3d3d7a91⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1210x726, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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866e83  No.1422010

File: 4540470d6fea949⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 500x420, 25:21, Cheeki_Lass_5.jpg)


That wasn't a ddream lad. You wwere killed. I ssaw it all. The ssimulation has reset. Yyou are an iimportant assett.

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da1aaa  No.1422011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

post tunes you would blast out of the car stereo as you plowed into a police-lined crowd of BLM protesters

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f687c9  No.1422012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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23cba9  No.1422013

File: 8d9f2f003b0c007⋯.png (5.28 KB, 968x130, 484:65, 8d9f2f003b0c007a7793b43d4a….png)


I hope you're talking about GTA Online lad

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866e83  No.1422014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fdc137  No.1422015

File: bbc02e4873b8960⋯.mp4 (834.46 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, melobytes_saddam.mp4)

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905e53  No.1422016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"All my posts are serious and I am a threat to society."

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f687c9  No.1422017


legit banger

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da1aaa  No.1422018


badman tune


enough of this nonce

he raped kids lad


exquisite choice

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866e83  No.1422019

File: 4d62b67568ecd6f⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Slag in the high socks and short skirt gives me a rager tbh, want to ravish her slippy little mutt cunt for terroristic ends

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fdc137  No.1422020

File: e298439bf1bf5ad⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dobby_melobytes.mp4)

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6d47c6  No.1422021


All those boomers saying harry potter is demonic were completely right

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866e83  No.1422022

File: 843ed8d9ad85f66⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 261x400, 261:400, Cheeki_Lass_6.jpg)


>he raped kids lad

Hang the nonce, not the choons


We need to burn witches again tbh

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905e53  No.1422023


keeeeeek this one's good

imagining him done up with proper curls and an 18th century nobleman's outfit looking disapprovingly down at your dying body holding a smoking pistol

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f687c9  No.1422024


>Kaboom, good sirrah. Thou art gone

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b51683  No.1422025


Good idea

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866e83  No.1422026

In my day, it was MySpace. I tried to fight the facebook migration. Love me customisation of cursors, backgrounds, etc. Love me music playing when people visit me page. Hate me spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine).

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f687c9  No.1422027


myspace was deliberately run into the ground to herd people on to kikebook

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b10466  No.1422028


really miss myspace pages tbh

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866e83  No.1422029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



All those pages gone. . . like farts in the wind . . .

Now I must bathe my muscular young body

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da1aaa  No.1422030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



tbh still remember my page music

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b51683  No.1422031

File: 6caf91d199d9206⋯.jpeg (83.83 KB, 661x1024, 661:1024, 515A8649_4EA5_42AC_A132_8….jpeg)

File: ff5c94c702888ea⋯.jpeg (868.41 KB, 1196x921, 1196:921, 7A468FB2_3059_4152_AC6E_8….jpeg)

File: 6adb023b3b3c4fd⋯.jpeg (45.85 KB, 634x562, 317:281, 66EE5B6B_0423_4D28_BC62_7….jpeg)

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b51683  No.1422032

File: 18ce90a0275130c⋯.jpeg (86.79 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 373ECFC2_DE33_4871_AA15_9….jpeg)

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da1aaa  No.1422033

File: 3b734cdf3152a32⋯.jpg (118.94 KB, 1080x1027, 1080:1027, islamic_thanos.jpg)


all three of his daughters will grow to marry muslim men

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13a61d  No.1422034

File: bec02265236e45a⋯.png (71.75 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, fatjack_5.png)

tuna sweetcorn sandwich and a cheese & onion sandwich, served with half a pint of 7up

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b51683  No.1422035


Inch allah

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dd6a03  No.1422036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bumbum, could you link me one of your favourite USA high school music vids please.

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b51683  No.1422037

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dd6a03  No.1422038


I misread it but then realised of course it's the white guy who gets murdered.

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da1aaa  No.1422039

File: 2579aea8d009491⋯.gif (641.76 KB, 261x200, 261:200, spiderman_dance.gif)

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d3cb2b  No.1422040


That's not even what integration means. Smh. That aside, one big oxymoron. Can't have multiculti without threat to our way of life. Internet can't be "safe" ever without the extreme censorship and punishment they desire.

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905e53  No.1422041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

listening to it again lads

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da1aaa  No.1422042


if henry viii was born in 1960 he would've been a massive cocaine fiend tbh

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5e63f4  No.1422043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>disowned by the britnat movement again

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fdc137  No.1422044

File: c0e5a0671c5dfa6⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1200x2110, 120:211, Unit.jpg)


he would have been a dodgy bouncer with ties to the underworld

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da1aaa  No.1422045

File: 71655c1bf562e6b⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, moaty_and_his_lass.png)


he would've been a 31 year old bouncer with a 16 year old bird like are moaty

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b51683  No.1422046


And if he’d been born in 1980/90 he’d have been a massive cock fiend

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fdc137  No.1422047

File: 935713eacc73837⋯.gif (246.38 KB, 112x112, 1:1, 935713eacc73837ea42c3304b8….gif)

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b51683  No.1422048

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da1aaa  No.1422049


eurgh, no need to be gay lad

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5e63f4  No.1422050


keek good lads

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da1aaa  No.1422051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


listening to it again

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6d47c6  No.1422052

File: ab2e3c0581b6ede⋯.png (722.4 KB, 512x830, 256:415, henry_4_.png)


he's right tho lad

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da1aaa  No.1422053

File: 95c45b081d1e168⋯.jpg (42.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, cheeky_frodo.jpg)

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905e53  No.1422054


keeeeek smh

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b51683  No.1422055


>stops singing when his false Serb super teeth start sliding around in his gob


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da1aaa  No.1422056


shiny white teeth from never having touched turkish pitta

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6d47c6  No.1422057

File: bb6bf4b6ea7e420⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 891x1024, 891:1024, EcqYEswUMAEdF0u.jpg)


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da1aaa  No.1422058


*since 1945

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6d47c6  No.1422059

File: e3a652b5dc334b6⋯.png (478.3 KB, 679x361, 679:361, EcqV_YCXsAAJFFp.png)

File: 0cf91548d338922⋯.png (335.96 KB, 785x757, 785:757, EcqWC0GWkAAgrA_.png)

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905e53  No.1422060



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23cba9  No.1422061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fba27b  No.1422062

File: 21eda26401bd653⋯.gif (159.64 KB, 400x388, 100:97, seething_anger.gif)

im so fucking lonely but I cant go outside because I'm being gang stalked

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fba27b  No.1422063

I'll be like this for the rest of my life i need to blow my filthy incel brains out.

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da1aaa  No.1422064

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5e63f4  No.1422065

File: 557feeeb7723128⋯.jpg (26.42 KB, 720x724, 180:181, 557feeeb7723128d3a35492b07….jpg)

>ASMR trying on lipsticks & wet kiss sounds

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6d8718  No.1422066

File: 75b277b6fb6f62a⋯.png (594.63 KB, 869x669, 869:669, ClipboardImage.png)


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da1aaa  No.1422067

>>1422066 (checked)

whats wrong cook?

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866e83  No.1422068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d8718  No.1422069

File: db2b3921a9bc11d⋯.png (417.22 KB, 832x710, 416:355, ClipboardImage.png)


Everything is great

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da1aaa  No.1422070

File: 98330a6676325e4⋯.png (166.37 KB, 390x339, 130:113, nuttall_raised_eyebrow.png)

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13a61d  No.1422071


smh did a prison lass ghost you?

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889c69  No.1422072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listening to it again lads

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23cba9  No.1422073

File: 27a7e26b7333cfb⋯.jpg (91.21 KB, 600x378, 100:63, LDVSfcj.jpg)

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b51683  No.1422074


Hitler and the SS laderinos are at it again

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6d8718  No.1422075

File: 2b69d7890d09706⋯.png (272.64 KB, 1335x857, 1335:857, ClipboardImage.png)


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b51683  No.1422076


What comes after the gang stalking? gang raping?

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b51683  No.1422077

File: 57a607defa43827⋯.mp4 (8.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _wJex6DeWXUFTZjW.mp4)

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a494d3  No.1422078


spend my life on the computer yet completely out of touch and unfunny compared to teenage girl

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b51683  No.1422079

File: 6e14c6a6b8bec44⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1668x1414, 834:707, 298C6F68_E898_4645_A2FA_6….jpeg)

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866e83  No.1422080


Good lad.

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1129a2  No.1422081

I think florida jailbird has introduced him to cbt.

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da1aaa  No.1422082


coo/k/ and ball torture?

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da1aaa  No.1422083

there must be so much lesbian cheek busting in US jails

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b51683  No.1422084

File: 824258999b7746d⋯.jpeg (79.5 KB, 640x640, 1:1, F315B6F9_770B_439A_B626_3….jpeg)

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da1aaa  No.1422085


me smoking fag ends from the gutters of Brixton as I slither my way through the back alleys at 4:15am

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23cba9  No.1422086


>ever going to Brixton


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da1aaa  No.1422087

File: b8804d0cca22255⋯.png (209.83 KB, 340x311, 340:311, artful_dodger.png)


I'm a propar nauwty little cockeknees guttersnipe and I scavenge my meagre livings from dead gang-members and victorian gentleman's pockets

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866e83  No.1422088

File: 9e7473be663ba99⋯.jpg (46.81 KB, 550x736, 275:368, Cheeki_Lass_7.jpg)

People ask me: "BBK, are there any shite Gary Glitter songs?" I tell them that there are not for all that's Glitter is GOLD

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866e83  No.1422089

I am in incredible emotional pain lmao

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da1aaa  No.1422090



Former pop star Gary Glitter has been jailed for a total of 16 years for sexually abusing three young girls between 1975 and 1980.

Glitter, whose real name is Paul Gadd, was sentenced for attempted rape, four counts of indecent assault and one of having sex with a girl under 13.

Sentencing, Judge Alistair McCreath said he could find "no real evidence" that Gadd had atoned for his crimes.

The 70-year-old showed no emotion as he left the dock at Southwark Crown Court.

Judge McCreath told Gadd it was clear his victims "were all profoundly affected" by his abuse of them.

"You did all of them real and lasting damage and you did so for no other reason than to obtain sexual gratification for yourself of a wholly improper kind," he said.

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da1aaa  No.1422091

what is it with catholics and supporting known paedophiles?

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9b9a87  No.1422092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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23cba9  No.1422093

>BBK still advocating for a nonce

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9b9a87  No.1422094


what if moshroom is the evil spirit

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13a61d  No.1422095

File: c66f9f20d9d8cf5⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 641x530, 641:530, worried.jpg)

Maybe BBK was nonced by Gary Glitter, stockholm syndrome smh

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9b9a87  No.1422096

sleep deprive and drunk off a single beer

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866e83  No.1422097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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866e83  No.1422098

File: 2c71fa5e93f158c⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 450x235, 90:47, Cheeki_Lass_8.jpg)

Off to bed soon, I will anally rape each and every one of you in the morning x

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da1aaa  No.1422099

wish I had the power to call in multiple AC130 strikes on every single urban area in Wales


this is terrible news unless you are pembs

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9b9a87  No.1422100


nanight lad

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b51683  No.1422101

File: 7ba233a89c826d4⋯.jpeg (429.17 KB, 659x1168, 659:1168, 19AB040A_9B3B_4319_8CD1_9….jpeg)

>anal rape

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da1aaa  No.1422102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

jah bless a riddim pon de thread

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da1aaa  No.1422103


a ting wey dey use ina thread don get im own (You)

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b51683  No.1422104

File: 1df6f8d0a25ebc3⋯.jpeg (717.64 KB, 904x1521, 904:1521, 5A8264E7_E157_4167_BA27_D….jpeg)

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da1aaa  No.1422105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f687c9  No.1422106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good lad

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6d47c6  No.1422107

CNN asked five Black emerging artists who grew up in Mississippi to reimagine the state flag


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23cba9  No.1422108

File: c59a0c6bdb2028f⋯.png (74.13 KB, 610x203, 610:203, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d8718  No.1422109

File: a4dcb3c81aae666⋯.png (412.95 KB, 2148x1275, 716:425, ClipboardImage.png)

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c94fad  No.1422110


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6d8718  No.1422111

File: eb87197e67d8199⋯.png (660 KB, 650x466, 325:233, ClipboardImage.png)


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67aa73  No.1422112

File: 982474d03be93b6⋯.jpg (7.6 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 7cee7c267baa4df314d3bf4f41….jpg)


have you shacked up with your jailbird yet lad? did you go for a murderer or an arsonist

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da1aaa  No.1422113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ah one soundbwoi inna di thread

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dd6a03  No.1422114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wish I'd gone to High school with K pop starlets tbh.

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6d8718  No.1422115

File: 55c16378cede566⋯.png (741.69 KB, 800x480, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm not going to say.

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23cba9  No.1422116

reminder that irresponsible memeing (reggaeposting) is responsible for the BLM situation

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f687c9  No.1422117

File: cd4aaa82643d2b1⋯.png (178.67 KB, 510x907, 510:907, yellowman.png)


nuff respect to the yellowman but if I saw something that looked like him sniffing about my bins at 3am I'd give it both barrels and ask questions in the morning

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429937  No.1422118

Lads there's blacks having a barbecue down the road and they're all in the garden literally chanting.

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da1aaa  No.1422119


bring your sound system and join in

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f687c9  No.1422120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


how else is babylon going to be destroyed lad? Radical Nyabinghi consciousness is the only hope of breaking the kike Niggerisation conveyor belt and returning the black man to his home

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429937  No.1422121



I legit heard an "am gon mudra dem" but I'm not sure if it was a lyric to a song.

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dd6a03  No.1422122


lad, I saw multiple white female, mixed race (black) female groups yesterday.

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da1aaa  No.1422123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


its ninjaman!

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905e53  No.1422124

File: be178f03b42e01d⋯.png (340.69 KB, 1250x406, 625:203, ClipboardImage.png)

*looks directly at the camera and shouts ZERO POINTS calmly

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b51683  No.1422125

File: f01096dbae940a1⋯.jpeg (132.2 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, B77AF4E7_1AA3_4363_9614_8….jpeg)



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905e53  No.1422126

File: b2c8743be13167b⋯.png (201.68 KB, 680x422, 340:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b86ce5e257a9b54⋯.png (1.15 MB, 916x1024, 229:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3249dde3ca714a0⋯.png (598.98 KB, 691x474, 691:474, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4f71d1575caa58⋯.png (716.22 KB, 699x677, 699:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de2df4543511c3c⋯.png (450.38 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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905e53  No.1422127

File: debcf7a2224ee3d⋯.png (381.45 KB, 640x743, 640:743, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98266a999fba3b1⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1440x1440, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2894b2fa2dfcb86⋯.png (771.56 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71fee3c90a8c41b⋯.png (424.2 KB, 720x559, 720:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ee699ef6653bab⋯.png (849.51 KB, 674x960, 337:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd6a03  No.1422128


Mummy bought us Sainsburys Italian pizza for din dins.

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905e53  No.1422129

File: b3619ae16314c2e⋯.png (821.71 KB, 844x917, 844:917, ClipboardImage.png)

uh oh

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937b2e  No.1422130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tattie wedges and arresting Romanians who stole out of the local pound shop for supper

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da1aaa  No.1422131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


imagine millennial woes' lawyer


you arrested them?

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f687c9  No.1422132


actual romanians or wailing gypsies?

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937b2e  No.1422133

File: 0bdb451e725f0d8⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 0293ak.jpg)


Detained them, barred them from entry and then got the police to fine them and take them home tbh


Gypsies tbh I should know not to conflate the two smh

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8fa0b0  No.1422134

File: a49b4fb985ef97c⋯.jpeg (670 KB, 1184x964, 296:241, 558C840E_9885_44D0_8C09_E….jpeg)

I’m guessing the Royal Regiment of Rastafari Rifles or the SAS. Can’t think of any other reg that would allow buffalo soldier dreads tbh

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905e53  No.1422135


>Of Norfolk

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f687c9  No.1422136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


don't worry about it lad enjoy your wedges you earned them

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8fa0b0  No.1422137

File: b72dabf4fa6c8d0⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB, 480x480, 1:1, L8vcRsfUDjIudXiv.mp4)


This one’s ‘of Kildare’

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dd6a03  No.1422138

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905e53  No.1422139


interesting pick lad

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905e53  No.1422140


>first character/name introduced is Dreyfus

God I hate Jews

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dd6a03  No.1422141


Been reacquainting myself with comic releases. Looks like one of the better picks.



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937b2e  No.1422142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thinking about being an early 20th century gangster and having an excuse to call people cats lads

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f94a17  No.1422143

kek, the SNP have introduce to the Scottish "Parliament" a bill that allows the Scottish "government" to continuing adopting EU law after the 31st December

>Section 1 gives the Scottish Ministers the discretionary power to continue to keep devolved law in line with EU law following ‘IP

completion day’.

>Subsection (1)(a) gives Ministers the power, by regulations, to make provision that would correspond to provision in EU law as it has

effect in EU law after the end of the implementation period. Subparagraphs (i) to (iv) set out the different types of EU law that provision may be made in relation to, namely EU regulations, EU tertiary legislation, EU decisions and EU directives.



essentially, if passed, Sturgeon would be able to scribble out "member state" on EU Directives/Regulations, replace it with "Scotland" and pass it by statutory instrument into Scottish law

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905e53  No.1422144


the eternal scot lusting after boots to lick

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23cba9  No.1422145

File: 7ffe18c9f5cc203⋯.jpg (119.4 KB, 488x463, 488:463, SNP_voter.jpg)

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f687c9  No.1422146

pulled all the hairs out of my nose lads now I can breathe easy

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23cba9  No.1422147


>harming your immune system

smh lad

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937b2e  No.1422148


Good lad

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f687c9  No.1422149


t. maskfag

covid es mentira lad

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f94a17  No.1422150




this has got very little coverage in the (online) press. BBC News doesn't have any mention of it. There's some fleeting mentions in the pro-SNP Guardian-ette papers, but nothing in the generally Scot papers, and nothing in the London papers

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905e53  No.1422151

File: 7ee7b94db577f08⋯.png (266.92 KB, 425x657, 425:657, ClipboardImage.png)

>ending issue one with a quote from the weasel

tripe tbh, cannot be arsed

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dd6a03  No.1422152

Can still access Academic journals on my Uni account 8 years after graduation. Nice tbh.

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dee816  No.1422153

File: 975dca094c139e7⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1500x1142, 750:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cceacac455e658⋯.png (499.08 KB, 650x316, 325:158, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57d98337926e644⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 680x558, 340:279, D7mWH8FX4AAA1Br.jpg)

>Russia has had two nuclear accidents in three years

>one at Leningrad

>one at Mayak

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f687c9  No.1422154


>fresh fake man made psychoweather to keep everyone indoors

radioactivity is mostly harmless

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13a61d  No.1422155

File: 8d4e833d7f0769a⋯.jpg (13.56 KB, 374x374, 1:1, woge_worried.jpg)


>the strife of tongues

>woes tongued anuses

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13a61d  No.1422156

File: 6f0fa628fd7a470⋯.png (103.97 KB, 387x502, 387:502, pepe_apu_cute.png)

Katherine Ryan has got her tits out on that Peter Crouch show

That brown lass Maya Jama has nice big jubblies tbh, would unironically choose Maya Jama over Katherine Ryan

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f94a17  No.1422157

abolish devolution tbh. It was done without regard to good governance, and done because 1997 New Labour thought they'd have a thousand-thousand year rule in the areas were they introduced it: Scotland, Wales, North East England. It's done nothing but further unravel the sutures and fuel the attack on British identity. The 'tistic spasms over EU withdrawal and the ridiculous, unwarranted differing policies on coronavirus are symptoms of this. I'm glad devolution was rejected in the north east (thanks in part to Dominic Cummings).



thundercuck did a couple of good vids on nuclear radiation and its non-effect torture listening to his smarm though

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23cba9  No.1422158

File: 81d63e9b31fdbc4⋯.png (176.89 KB, 540x479, 540:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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23cba9  No.1422159

File: 11deb8b3d2bd1b0⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fire.mp4)

Hope Wessex' £3000 pc has adequate cooling

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f687c9  No.1422160

File: 7ce3e9bbe9be9db⋯.jpg (130.46 KB, 683x814, 683:814, marinetti.jpg)


cooling is a meme man must learn to endure ever hotter temperatures rather than impose the crude limitations of flesh upon his own technology

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23cba9  No.1422161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Has the world gone mad or is it me?

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905e53  No.1422162

File: b326618f54ed8f8⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1100x733, 1100:733, ClipboardImage.png)


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23cba9  No.1422163

File: 086d83dc47b7539⋯.webm (3.13 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 086d83dc47b7539a9dbea3602….webm)


beautiful traditional ancestral architecture that uplifts my aryan soul tbh

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905e53  No.1422164

File: 609bfe02674a288⋯.png (6.75 MB, 900x4506, 150:751, ClipboardImage.png)


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23cba9  No.1422165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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889c69  No.1422166

File: 01fcbecb75ce07e⋯.webm (3.22 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1588403894310.webm)

File: 841c37cb4591b55⋯.jpg (122.86 KB, 952x1024, 119:128, 1592945863210.jpg)

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889c69  No.1422167

my GF btw lads

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889c69  No.1422168

File: 73e6fd15e30af7d⋯.jpg (126.83 KB, 808x720, 101:90, 1539262014749.jpg)

Jk my GF's a turk

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b0229d  No.1422169



That was in Turkey iirc and was going to be a holiday resort

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c94fad  No.1422170

File: 09c969bc1e063dd⋯.jpg (111.18 KB, 1034x672, 517:336, time_to_put_in_work_wes.jpg)



1x15 navy seals

2x10 navy seals

2x15 crunches

4x10 tricep dips

2x50 bicep curls


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8f9bff  No.1422171

File: 59db9be8dc290f2⋯.jpg (164.77 KB, 432x500, 108:125, 1460828515564.jpg)

File: 52cf99aa1ed77eb⋯.jpg (93.18 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1593958876362.jpg)

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8f9bff  No.1422172


le zoomer automaton dance video

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937b2e  No.1422173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>tfw no pet meeper

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8f9bff  No.1422174



>he is also white

its an expression of classism where upper middling class and upper class patagonia travel scum trust fund kiddies want to control black stormtroopers in their pea brain conception of a bernie sanders dude weed lmao communist state (which would still have all the luxuries of our current system)

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d4bc19  No.1422175


good lad i love birds, i wish i owned property so i could put up houses and feeders for them and the bats. Love those summer nights where the bats start flying around.

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889c69  No.1422176

File: aceb0540bbaee54⋯.webm (3.51 MB, 296x960, 37:120, tummy.webm)

File: bae75cddbc54d8a⋯.gif (596.2 KB, 480x480, 1:1, tenor.gif)

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23cba9  No.1422177


unironc 2/10 definitely has daddy issues and has almost certainly had her nudes spread like butter on toast

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889c69  No.1422178


I would tbh, I find her very attractive. Stop trying to find your tradwaifu becuase it's never going to happen.

Just racemix innit, fuck it innit

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8f9bff  No.1422179

File: 62a2995096ca7df⋯.jpg (110.61 KB, 1242x1228, 621:614, d88d41539da8a286517b4d648e….jpg)

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13a61d  No.1422180

File: c3f257dd9f5c6b4⋯.gif (142.64 KB, 600x600, 1:1, coomer_comfy.gif)

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8f9bff  No.1422181

>retards who save pics of clothed women dancing thinking its cute when its just shit

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d4bc19  No.1422182


there's only one unclothed one that i know of though lad

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889c69  No.1422183

File: fa151a33b870533⋯.jpg (505.21 KB, 1200x1608, 50:67, 1488444452121.jpg)

Might go get another rattler tbh lads

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23cba9  No.1422184

File: e7a52cdeb261d53⋯.mp4 (799.98 KB, 202x360, 101:180, Tony_s_gonna_stand_on_an_e….mp4)

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cc1b07  No.1422185

File: d68e840c3c4c1d1⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 893x614, 893:614, 1592567449736.jpg)

Got corona symptoms tbh

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889c69  No.1422186



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8f9bff  No.1422187


you mean seasonal allergies?

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13a61d  No.1422188

File: 8f10dc450616918⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1635x1336, 1635:1336, ClipboardImage.png)

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f687c9  No.1422189

might gamble on creatura pit fighting

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889c69  No.1422190

File: 27662d38a3c748b⋯.webm (1.99 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, happamusing.webm)

File: 0c2ca841d82cfc3⋯.png (36.49 KB, 363x360, 121:120, 0c2ca841d82cfc3c69faa6d962….png)

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23cba9  No.1422191

File: 256a5cd463370eb⋯.png (199.09 KB, 400x500, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

can tiktok posting please become a permabannable offense? it was bad enough with hit or miss but this is just insufferable

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d4bc19  No.1422192


keeeek at that pic. you're right though it's newbrit posting that ruins discourse.

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889c69  No.1422193

File: 8d19bdc4d61be03⋯.webm (3.85 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1594499236704.webm)


I don't see the problem with it mate

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889c69  No.1422194

File: f0f8f3c6123e444⋯.webm (3.55 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1589572582781.webm)


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cc1b07  No.1422195


cant ban him because he is a bongo bumbuddy

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23cba9  No.1422196


tiktok posting has nothing to do with /newbrit/ lad

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937b2e  No.1422198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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009e91  No.1422199


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f687c9  No.1422201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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889c69  No.1422204


This but unironically


Keeeeeeek good lad

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23cba9  No.1422206

File: dfbb6b1e003ef7f⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 746x541, 746:541, dfbb6b1e003ef7f3f9365e3a89….jpg)

>schizo is back

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889c69  No.1422207

File: 70544bcdceec5fc⋯.png (250.54 KB, 653x533, 653:533, 70544bcdceec5fc06b7448a031….png)

.>using the flag of my people

you've gone too far this time shiteline

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d4bc19  No.1422211

File: 93a5cb4ead20c78⋯.png (53.33 KB, 239x246, 239:246, deathfromlaughter.png)

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889c69  No.1422212

New? I really don't know, this website is an offshoot of the british politics Bongo Bongo Land right lads?

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889c69  No.1422214

File: 62ebc52d2e915b8⋯.gif (2.83 MB, 940x391, 940:391, WhichBowedIndianjackal_siz….gif)

Me catching Shiteline walking out of the shops holding a rustlers burger

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889c69  No.1422217

File: 75dc48c64663521⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 998x630, 499:315, d34ea1f23b3f45a47da49e4caf….jpg)

File: 00942b3d84c92d3⋯.jpg (559.81 KB, 2381x2154, 2381:2154, 1539262405233.jpg)

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cc1b07  No.1422218


where did you go lad? you didnt post for a couple of days

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889c69  No.1422220

File: 5665f5d10db1632⋯.gif (3.4 MB, 480x270, 16:9, giphy.gif)

Your nan dpesn't carry a gun shiteline, no one is safe

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f687c9  No.1422221

File: dc833c0b8d47fcc⋯.jpg (277.91 KB, 620x310, 2:1, web3_empty_tomb_jesus_rock….jpg)

>T-line disappeared

>came back after 3 days

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cc1b07  No.1422223



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937b2e  No.1422225



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009e91  No.1422226


More like a 72 hour psychiatric hold

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23cba9  No.1422228

File: 85cfc2b655172d0⋯.jpg (231.8 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Hackett.jpg)

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cc1b07  No.1422230

File: 83b6fc7da27f6e2⋯.png (170.14 KB, 259x317, 259:317, 1446309360031485.png)

cunt and poo

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8fa0b0  No.1422231

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23cba9  No.1422233

File: c571d5ff39f5701⋯.png (13.65 KB, 882x304, 441:152, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fa0b0  No.1422234


Give her an injection of Napalm Harris

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8fa0b0  No.1422236

File: c7862698a9cedcc⋯.jpeg (937.45 KB, 1353x1580, 1353:1580, 147501DE_0E59_4599_95D4_8….jpeg)

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cc1b07  No.1422238


i hope so

big benjahmed

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8fa0b0  No.1422239

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23cba9  No.1422240



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057885  No.1422241

evening lids

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889c69  No.1422242

File: 2c8763a251707e4⋯.jpg (14.51 KB, 255x249, 85:83, 9aee4533eac0ce595c3d1f2277….jpg)

*impales shitelines nan over big ben*

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4af683  No.1422244

File: b7384e79cdba8d0⋯.jpg (128.9 KB, 960x1013, 960:1013, Iolo_Morgannwg.jpg)

Learn Bardline tbh


I heard it was way more than 40%

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23cba9  No.1422245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>The room was empty as I staggered from my bed

>I could not bear the image racing through my head

>You were so real that I could feel your eagerness

>And when you raised your lips for me to kiss

>Came the dawn

>And you were gone

>You were gone, gone, gone

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889c69  No.1422246

File: b2e383a1e9a4c73⋯.png (9.79 KB, 289x282, 289:282, b2e383a1e9a4c73440ce33c8a3….png)

nother rattler innit

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23cba9  No.1422249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'd give Mama Cass something to choke on tbh

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cc1b07  No.1422250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f687c9  No.1422251


she was stealing karen carpenter's essence lad

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8fa0b0  No.1422252

File: 44e16b6fea5e87d⋯.jpeg (852.77 KB, 1426x1580, 713:790, D9C3AAFD_690A_41E5_8918_E….jpeg)

File: 0fcfabf6048dfe9⋯.jpeg (726.37 KB, 1410x1577, 1410:1577, 65448F98_35DF_49F1_9AB9_8….jpeg)

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4af683  No.1422253

File: 0ce6bdde12dc97e⋯.png (64.99 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, bus_stop.png)


Rattler's a bit shit tbh, or at least it was 10 years ago when I tried it.

>it's been nearly a decade since I was getting pissed on LOCAL cider in Devon

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889c69  No.1422254

File: caefeaceeef1a40⋯.png (374.46 KB, 633x758, 633:758, Kernow.png)





Fuck off, jam first boy.

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8f9bff  No.1422255

File: 3632670d6a6ff3c⋯.jpg (42.91 KB, 486x280, 243:140, pigs6_300_1.jpg)

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4af683  No.1422258

File: e94e23e286297f5⋯.png (5.61 KB, 418x408, 209:204, e94e23e286297f5592237970a7….png)


tbph I never remember which way is correct, I just look around to see what everyone else is doing and do it the opposite way

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23cba9  No.1422259

File: fa3d6921dc01b29⋯.jpg (261.48 KB, 1490x1600, 149:160, antique_steiner.jpg)

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23cba9  No.1422261

File: 330edc63976826b⋯.png (9.67 KB, 529x529, 1:1, Sad_Corn.png)

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937b2e  No.1422263


smh it looks sad

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889c69  No.1422264


always jam first stop being a spastic


good lass

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cc1b07  No.1422265

jam second

never listening to a cokeheads opinion

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13a61d  No.1422266

File: 173ffa5ff2bcb2d⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 827x930, 827:930, simpsons_grandpa.jpg)


one of those lasses posed topless in a paper keek

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8fa0b0  No.1422267

File: bb9617d440b7ab2⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1600x886, 800:443, 32D492EE_5F6E_4DE4_B2BA_2….jpeg)

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889c69  No.1422268

File: 5fec3f249f89440⋯.png (15.65 KB, 213x255, 71:85, ee58ff9cd919f7d1cd8de90000….png)


>tfw no more page 3

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13a61d  No.1422269

File: 2b8e45365c69209⋯.png (258.56 KB, 647x783, 647:783, coomer_cracked.png)

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8fa0b0  No.1422270

File: 278fbabcd75cd4d⋯.jpeg (91.56 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, 902AF7B7_01F0_4AA7_8575_D….jpeg)

Tell me. Why does he wear the mask?

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23cba9  No.1422271


truly, better the devil we knew

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8fa0b0  No.1422272

File: 112e5f20c1c04b8⋯.jpeg (74.06 KB, 800x450, 16:9, C14A2E28_D3C7_41A5_8F80_5….jpeg)

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8dcbe9  No.1422273

File: d0f5497df1464f8⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 207x244, 207:244, manatee1.jpg)

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8f9bff  No.1422274


keeek that pig looks happy

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937b2e  No.1422275

File: d0f5497df1464f8⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 207x244, 207:244, manatee1.jpg)

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8dcbe9  No.1422276

File: 5406eb426faac69⋯.png (118.48 KB, 384x378, 64:63, pepe_apu_newspaper_stare.png)


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937b2e  No.1422277

File: 94e330caefb124d⋯.jpg (17.7 KB, 320x319, 320:319, bitch.jpg)

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8f9bff  No.1422278

File: be389a3fc8d1418⋯.jpg (104.27 KB, 612x612, 1:1, sleeping_pig_picture_id127….jpg)

File: dcd40ae6dd36e42⋯.jpg (594.04 KB, 828x1416, 69:118, 1594505669450.jpg)

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cc1b07  No.1422279

File: 8499c3862457f72⋯.png (261.09 KB, 477x268, 477:268, ClipboardImage.png)

>It's a Truman enacts marital rights on his wife episode

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8dcbe9  No.1422280

File: 286e00d89e69476⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 398x376, 199:188, big_jeej.jpg)






yep checks out

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8f9bff  No.1422281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

listening to it again

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13a61d  No.1422282

File: 19e4749af55da04⋯.png (694.71 KB, 750x529, 750:529, ClipboardImage.png)

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009e91  No.1422284

File: 9237a7973571a58⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1Z3Vsd1ViGHR5JAK.mp4)


There was a nationalist rally in Ireland today and it was counter protested by Saoradh and IRA groups lmao

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8dcbe9  No.1422285

File: 77bf10bc4650632⋯.webm (8.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hal_is_Francis_E_Dec.webm)


good lad

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8f9bff  No.1422286

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889c69  No.1422288

File: 46be63826b7f3b4⋯.webm (5.85 MB, 540x960, 9:16, 1594505741868.webm)

File: 89a3cffdd4f9360⋯.jpg (12.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3bb716b1d1bea69dd3fa78d36d….jpg)

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cc1b07  No.1422289


looks like a child

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a494d3  No.1422290

File: e76d14715d75adc⋯.mp4 (5.13 MB, 1272x720, 53:30, hey_Steiner.mp4)

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8dcbe9  No.1422291


>poo eyed lass with fake hair colour larping as huwhite

many such cases

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c94fad  No.1422292


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8f9bff  No.1422293



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057885  No.1422294


Agreed, not attracted to youth smh. Only fat, smashed, 30+ year old lasses for me. Strong sons and all that.

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889c69  No.1422296

File: 09ad61898234aeb⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 1021x958, 1021:958, EIuNowHWoAMnhMQ.jpg)


smh she's probably my age, ffs I'm not a nonce i swear

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8f9bff  No.1422297

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cc1b07  No.1422298


dunno dunt care

you keep posting girls who look about 15, cokehead nonce tbh

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cc1b07  No.1422300

File: 397b07e7608500c⋯.png (94.53 KB, 249x323, 249:323, 144099116567716.png)


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8f9bff  No.1422301

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889c69  No.1422302

File: baafd53ded4a96b⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 3816d31670c5a70d85dffec4f5….mp4)

>bullied him so hard on the minecraft server he's accusing smee on noncery

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cc1b07  No.1422303



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d4bc19  No.1422304



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cc1b07  No.1422305


im not cook keek

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cc1b07  No.1422307

File: e88e41ce494a382⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 691x691, 1:1, 1564261806775.jpg)


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937b2e  No.1422308

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889c69  No.1422310

File: 096b46cdcf09c49⋯.png (52.5 KB, 498x247, 498:247, ad93adbbbf0d4fd5a32d15f74b….png)

File: 9868aad82d67909⋯.jpg (210.7 KB, 800x616, 100:77, sarah_brightman_and_andrea….jpg)

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8dcbe9  No.1422311

File: 2d44533acca4608⋯.jpeg (74.85 KB, 600x770, 60:77, dog_26.jpeg)


>recycle bin

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889c69  No.1422314

File: c8792192bbefe45⋯.jpg (93.53 KB, 1067x1200, 1067:1200, EH9Ix_TW4AAKAiN.jpg)

I ain't no fucking nonce lads, I see how it;s problematic.


Guess he's just died

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c94fad  No.1422316

File: 664e51074de1260⋯.png (542.73 KB, 723x628, 723:628, worried.png)

>deleting his tiktok because its turning him into a nonce

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cc1b07  No.1422318

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9172a0  No.1422319

File: b7b0c85db4883d1⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1176x900, 98:75, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9976f  No.1422321


>harmful information


not as funny as the Tony Blair shit

>if you think I might be planning to take away ur civil rights you are a harmful conspiracy theorist so I will take away your civil rights

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29ddac  No.1422323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just don't want a girl with a haunted house for a pussy

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13a61d  No.1422324

File: 7e0c3172b585e3c⋯.jpg (115.9 KB, 1000x1093, 1000:1093, phil_1.jpg)



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9172a0  No.1422325

File: b494f22b55be90a⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

"Yes, a nonce… yes, in the thread right now. Keep an eye on him until your lot arrive? Wilco"

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d4bc19  No.1422326

File: f7aef2f8a8a6213⋯.png (84.97 KB, 300x300, 1:1, pepe_conspiring.png)

is the french foreign legion still a viable way of running away from your old life?

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cc1b07  No.1422328

File: c5fb1b7fd58fe14⋯.png (1.19 MB, 718x716, 359:358, ClipboardImage.png)

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937b2e  No.1422329


Good lad

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8f9bff  No.1422330

File: d410ed739b00fc0⋯.jpg (20.92 KB, 612x408, 3:2, dog_with_a_pigs_nose_pictu….jpg)


why would you want to spend the next 5 years in mali driving around doing nothing and destroying your knees to help le government zionist occupee replace french with niggers lass? when you could just do that in your own country

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b10466  No.1422331


you'll be surrounded by niggers

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8dcbe9  No.1422333

File: a98d7b25169a500⋯.jpg (279.71 KB, 393x527, 393:527, rest_of_eternity_homer.jpg)

sabbath toil now bye lads

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8f9bff  No.1422334


this tbh its not the irish pickets and outside of some poles and ukies its probably just an african unit

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8f9bff  No.1422335

File: e3a652b5dc334b6⋯.png (478.3 KB, 679x361, 679:361, e3a652b5dc334b66ff4ad9e23b….png)

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937b2e  No.1422337

File: 486ca484cb56f78⋯.jpg (41.44 KB, 376x506, 188:253, existential_homer.jpg)


smh poor lad same here

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c94fad  No.1422338

File: 8399e78254d92a1⋯.png (364.79 KB, 750x883, 750:883, 1576342139460.png)

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057885  No.1422339


If you've got some useful military skill, and can speak french and arabique and don't mind get shot to pieces for said arabs, yes.

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cc1b07  No.1422340


gonna have to start working sundays soon, assistant manager cant handle doing it

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a74138  No.1422341

File: 27437788708d8a2⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

can't stop cooming aaaah

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c94fad  No.1422342

File: 798f4c757c179cd⋯.png (173.06 KB, 800x850, 16:17, there_you_went.png)

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cc1b07  No.1422343

File: 317033dfd8a7540⋯.png (347.45 KB, 720x518, 360:259, 1565732077987.png)

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a74138  No.1422344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d4bc19  No.1422345

File: 67200caaa0e9c48⋯.jpg (47.12 KB, 904x260, 226:65, Teenager_driving_a_rental_….jpg)

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8f9bff  No.1422346


keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek good fucking lad pink floyd is peak teen boomer, king crimson is slightly less shite. although boomer beats have aged like shit for me outside of maybe led zeppelin and the who live at leeds album (although that just gives me feels for when I was a teen boomer and spend endless summers getting bombed on whiskey and breaking stuff)

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c94fad  No.1422348

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0caba5  No.1422349

File: ea8d5315dc0034b⋯.png (747.25 KB, 350x700, 1:2, ClipboardImage.png)



fucking tossers that's a good tune, fuck your gay meme mentality.


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0caba5  No.1422350


probably a psyop tbh

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0caba5  No.1422351

which means that the kiddie diddling op is real

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c94fad  No.1422352


tbh why the fuck would they use wayfair to do this shit smdh

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d4bc19  No.1422353

File: 470aae652e91423⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 320x288, 10:9, cool_dog_smoking.jpg)


keeeeeek, i know lad i genuinely like that song a lot, it just reminds me of being a teen boomer like steiner said.

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6d893a  No.1422354


Just to make people look paranoid and have it go nowhere. There was a good interview with a Tory MP from the eighties, that said the best way to put people of the scent of operations was to essentially create fake conspiracies and let the public go wild with them to make the opposition to child abuse rings look stupid.


ok, sorry I lost it there a little wew

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6d893a  No.1422355

It could be money laundering, Amazon had to put their maximum KDP prices down to stop money being laundered through their site.

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8f9bff  No.1422356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this song gives me red eyes remembering 2010-2011 shite

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a9976f  No.1422357




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8f9bff  No.1422358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cb8190  No.1422359

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c94fad  No.1422360




>tfw im a mindless schizo sheep who almost falls for these

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8f9bff  No.1422362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wait until you progress to 30 year old boomer minimalist 90s esoteric electronic music

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057885  No.1422363

For me it's exclusively preserved folk and military music from countries that no longer exist

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d4bc19  No.1422366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


tbh nice

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1129a2  No.1422368


FBI did release documents on The Finders cult so it's not that outlandish.

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dadf21  No.1422369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d47c6  No.1422370

File: 689ea9584cd66a2⋯.jpg (57.66 KB, 636x636, 1:1, EcoAYKmXoAACaAq.jpg)

>give her everything in the world

>still cheats on you

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6d47c6  No.1422371

File: 31157d5a927faae⋯.png (57.24 KB, 1340x220, 67:11, 11231.png)

File: 2dddacaf9079d42⋯.png (432.84 KB, 660x700, 33:35, 513251637.png)

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057885  No.1422372


>no concept of property beyond what an animal might consider territory

>couldn't stop us from taking what we wanted anyway

>"N-no dat shit still ours whitey!"

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d4bc19  No.1422373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

somewhat based i suppose

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6d47c6  No.1422374


EVERY group in history has been like this, it's only the sore losers that whinge.

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8f9bff  No.1422375

smh fortune teller by the who always reminds me of my oneetus from 2011 who worked in the dementia ward of hospital/nursing home that I was a janitor/orderly in during uni years

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8f9bff  No.1422376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d4bc19  No.1422377

File: 5c9dcda20648f7a⋯.gif (801.8 KB, 339x301, 339:301, tiktok_pepe_girl.gif)

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1129a2  No.1422378


Was his business looted or something?

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cc1b07  No.1422379

File: 0eeb682dabc354f⋯.png (362.03 KB, 600x632, 75:79, 1562438099532.png)


Didnt even notice

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d4bc19  No.1422380

File: 5b087546facbc30⋯.jpeg (82.91 KB, 599x450, 599:450, pepe_chair_dead_thread.jpeg)

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057885  No.1422381

>the lads who talked about leaving 8kun the other nightshift were beng serious

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d4bc19  No.1422382


keke, no they weren't. they might've reverted to intermittently checking in and lurking but nobody leaves /brit/ for good.

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057885  No.1422383

File: c4b0559819efd54⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 480x270, 16:9, foot.gif)

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c94fad  No.1422384

did 30 pushups tbh lads so much easier than navy seals tbh

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d4bc19  No.1422385

File: f44fe5a1c09aff5⋯.jpg (5.94 KB, 283x178, 283:178, sad_frog.jpg)

ok maybe they really did, but it's not that big a deal. they'll be back. board traffic goes up and down.

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170a23  No.1422386

File: 8f7eea09be0c573⋯.jpg (25.57 KB, 429x640, 429:640, tinaFUCK.jpg)

>no 2006 tina fey mummy to cuddle

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c94fad  No.1422387

did 15 more tbh

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d4bc19  No.1422388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fresh based portuguese amaerican man

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13a61d  No.1422389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lad watch the full thing

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8f9bff  No.1422393


can you do a beachmaster

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c94fad  No.1422394

File: 6d531fc146a5f30⋯.jpg (166.96 KB, 962x630, 481:315, 6d531fc146a5f304a81d37cc52….jpg)

did 15 more pushups to atone for my coom


im not sure lad

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c94fad  No.1422395

File: 3d153a957d261de⋯.png (1.13 MB, 960x720, 4:3, 3d153a957d261de1cbffcae97c….png)


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8f9bff  No.1422396

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69f8ac  No.1422399

File: c37d1774d5e2341⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, kunt.png)

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d4bc19  No.1422400


kino, are you subscribed to his gumroad?

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d4bc19  No.1422401

File: 9e6e3fae78c7aa0⋯.png (48.49 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 1GRRhkLhNS_6.png)

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8f9bff  No.1422402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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988b94  No.1422403

File: 4d69743d1ebb5e0⋯.png (999.13 KB, 1056x543, 352:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4bc19  No.1422404

can't imagine portland, seems like they just wreck the city for fun every year

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866e83  No.1422405

For me? It's DuckDuckGo

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d4bc19  No.1422406

File: 749e2ba5ce36875⋯.jpg (172.09 KB, 600x495, 40:33, 1426882964363.jpg)

what are you an early riser now?

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988b94  No.1422407

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057885  No.1422408



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5e63f4  No.1422409


you on about?

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866e83  No.1422410


Always have been lad, I go to the gym at 4AM so I don't distract the slags


Better than Jewgle tbh



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866e83  No.1422411


>Protests are a display of force

That's where the firebombs come into it tbh

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5e63f4  No.1422412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

keek the little angry taig giving a speech

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866e83  No.1422413

The aeroplanes. It's the aeroplanes. They are ferrying foreigners into the country. All access in and out of the country must be abolished. All of it. Point high powered lasers at aeroplanes. Shoot down the GPS systems. Destroy the lighthouses. Sink the boats. Isolate the islands.

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677646  No.1422414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

words are the domain of SATAN

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5e63f4  No.1422415

Really blackpilling that the system normalised the mass murder of the unborn and it wasnt even that hard.

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866e83  No.1422416


The most blackpilling of all? yOU'RE nEXT!

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5e63f4  No.1422417

File: ead2240d2d699a5⋯.jpg (72.98 KB, 889x489, 889:489, antifa_portland_BTFO.jpg)

LAAADS portland antifa dude just got his head caved the fuck in wtf


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866e83  No.1422418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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866e83  No.1422419

The PM is going to make face masks in public compulsory. Faggot CUNT. Now is the time for random attacks on a petrolium station

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9fd47e  No.1422420

File: 5b0f6d479262f2a⋯.png (421.7 KB, 748x529, 748:529, Dobby_Whitepill.png)


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5e63f4  No.1422421

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866e83  No.1422422

File: 8d0622bc6d8da83⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 640x443, 640:443, Cheeki_Lass_9.jpg)

Boris Johnson's latest video has Coach Redpill style editing keeeeeeek the cunt doesn't even have the decency to look straight into the camera and tell us how it is!

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13a61d  No.1422423


No lad but that same guy uploaded the frank hassle pride parade video

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866e83  No.1422424

File: 12eec17bd9aa430⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Cheeki_Lass_10.jpg)


Are you that lad? How did you find the video if it is unlisted?

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13a61d  No.1422425


someone posted the frank hassle video here then I noticed the guy had a playlist with the sam video in it

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a24e09  No.1422426


nice arse

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a24e09  No.1422427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

up t'bloody tree!

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777be8  No.1422428

File: 0550e0c40a593ea⋯.jpg (167.03 KB, 886x784, 443:392, baisted_h8_cryme.jpg)

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d4bc19  No.1422429

File: 6f36a0609a5b4ca⋯.png (244.09 KB, 768x740, 192:185, pepe_suspicious_teeth.png)

what's the frank hassle video?

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13a61d  No.1422430

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866e83  No.1422431

File: 15dbc0933f4a4d2⋯.jpg (273.86 KB, 2067x3072, 689:1024, Cheeki_Lass_11.jpg)


Good lad.

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9b9a87  No.1422432

File: 8a0f0e8f5a75269⋯.jpg (358.4 KB, 550x725, 22:29, IMG_20200712_092322.jpg)

morning lads my window fell and smashed in the night and theres glass in the front garden

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866e83  No.1422433

>le modelling

Lasses who fall for this maymay and think that whapping their tits out is le art

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fc0161  No.1422434


That image is cursed, thanks, my children will be all stillborn I'm sure.

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057885  No.1422435


Scale models not nude models, ok thank you

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dd6a03  No.1422436

Gave myself a fake Italian name for dating purposes.

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9b9a87  No.1422437


you're so welcome


Mario Donaccini

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9fd47e  No.1422438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good lad

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b4c9d2  No.1422439


Bona Gonaducci

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866e83  No.1422440

File: 6a889fd1b9bf2ee⋯.jpg (322.37 KB, 2880x1620, 16:9, Cheeki_Lass_12.jpg)


Menito Bussolini

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866e83  No.1422441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I hate these paki-chinks. Imagine spending all day building sand castles and not making anything real and permanent with your skills smh

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8dcbe9  No.1422442

File: 0acb4291813c784⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 2470x1581, 2470:1581, pensive_post_toil_homer.jpg)

end of toil i want to kill bossman i want to burn his house down okay thankyou

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b4c9d2  No.1422443

File: 63bf562132b2087⋯.png (1.05 MB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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905e53  No.1422444

mrng lds



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866e83  No.1422445

The reality is they shat it in 2016. We will never see a year of such colossal banter like that for a while tbh

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d4bc19  No.1422446


was it windy? why would it fall? is this a true story?

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8dcbe9  No.1422447


morning lad



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866e83  No.1422448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this lad always makes me laugh he is so cute for some reasom lmao

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905e53  No.1422449

>Burning coal linked to biggest extinction on the planet


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8dcbe9  No.1422450


yeah his videos are good tbh his enthusiasm really shows


tbh tbh keeek

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9b9a87  No.1422451

File: 5817ae75c6d2f40⋯.jpg (967.9 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 20200712_083112.jpg)


its a dumb old victorian mirror smh it fell hard cuz theres no pulleys anymore

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d4bc19  No.1422452

if you ever doubted you were living in hell consider that normans believe a gas they exhale is a bigger environmental threat than foreign aid

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057885  No.1422453

Memorising the landmarks around pembs' yard to track him down and flay him alive tbh

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8dcbe9  No.1422454

File: 62278c474375789⋯.jpg (33.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, apu_64.jpg)



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d4bc19  No.1422455


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009e91  No.1422456

Can't believe Pembs is an aussie

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9b9a87  No.1422457


oh god im retarded

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9b9a87  No.1422458

File: 424ef71225ad7ac⋯.jpg (33.62 KB, 796x448, 199:112, IMG_20200627_110906.jpg)


nooo dont flay me haha id hate that

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23cba9  No.1422459

File: f07b3966e654751⋯.png (1.02 MB, 549x813, 183:271, ClipboardImage.png)

>Helmers spotted in the wild just moments before the local grooming gang were found dead

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8dcbe9  No.1422460

File: bfab94c808da276⋯.jpg (159.13 KB, 860x897, 860:897, helmer_summoning_circle.jpg)


he will return to us someday

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905e53  No.1422461


Pimp My AT-ST

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d4bc19  No.1422462


he never left, SA showed logs of him being an active moderator this year

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905e53  No.1422463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fresh meaty braps

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866e83  No.1422464


Mark Collett is a fucking snod

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905e53  No.1422465


Has he ever actually said anything about what he did in the BNP, the coup or whatever?

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346fb9  No.1422466

File: 7da5a67e290d01d⋯.jpeg (476.67 KB, 718x1115, 718:1115, B939CD48_C613_4144_A8B4_F….jpeg)




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866e83  No.1422467


Not that I'm aware of. He steps on everyone and lies about people and groups. PA will fail for this reason. Sad!

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905e53  No.1422468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


think this was posted last night but hwartever

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dd6a03  No.1422469


Far right nationalism in the country.

Imagine if you spotted Mark Collet in your local woods tbh.

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905e53  No.1422470

File: 3ebcfa48381adf8⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Channel 4 reports independent confirmation of the elusive Bignose, sighted in the Yorkshire dales having recently captured an innocent slag for a future meal

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009e91  No.1422471

Do PA have a manifesto yet

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905e53  No.1422472


Still "Coming Soon!"

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009e91  No.1422473


They could at least pop out 25 points or something bloody hell.

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346fb9  No.1422474


Would be hard considering his height

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905e53  No.1422475


Top Ten Real Gnome Sightings

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8dcbe9  No.1422476

File: 8bd25e7c31fe139⋯.png (525.67 KB, 543x425, 543:425, manlet_incredible.png)

keeeeeeeek imagine unironically being mark collet smh

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905e53  No.1422477


tbh he seems alright to me but I don't know any specifics of his past, he's a family man now too

just a lad trying to do his best, probably

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8dcbe9  No.1422478

File: 606a30c4c71d983⋯.png (105.2 KB, 450x384, 75:64, colletpunished.png)

File: 6355c2cb428e8a2⋯.png (186.43 KB, 450x352, 225:176, colletexhr.png)

File: 76ad8d8d2a8f746⋯.png (180.94 KB, 450x316, 225:158, JC_Collett.png)

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bfc581  No.1422479

File: bcfbe2a546a07ee⋯.mp4 (839.09 KB, 568x720, 71:90, Spice_adams_good_morning.mp4)

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866e83  No.1422480

Why do niggers love DBZ?

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009e91  No.1422481


iirc he fucked over a bunch of people in the BNP and Nick Griffin accused him of trying to assassinate him at one point or something lmao

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bfc581  No.1422482


he's either a mong or a spy

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8dcbe9  No.1422483

File: 03ed552264759b8⋯.webm (201.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, morning_dave.webm)

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866e83  No.1422484


He lied about NA on the pooblic space too

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057885  No.1422485


>Yorkshire dales

Edale is in Derbyshire lad. One day the eternal yorkistani will pay every inch of clay he's stolen.

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bfc581  No.1422486

File: bcc6fee7c29a74a⋯.jpg (45.39 KB, 511x428, 511:428, 1496340034946.jpg)

Wish PA would hurry up and fail so right wing energies stop being poured into it, people like morgoth and co for all their talk seem to be so ignorant of the real world, PA will fail and these people are putting their faith in the wrong people, its so annoying being a genius and know what will happen with this stuff

>thick mark and a chubby female are running the political party

weak cowards who'll fold at the first sign of trouble, useless shite group of people

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009e91  No.1422487

Think he ratted info out to one of the papers for money as well but that might've been someone else.

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8dcbe9  No.1422488


a generation of them grew up watching it on shartican tv and it got absorbed into the redguard collective consciousness

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866e83  No.1422489


>weak cowards who'll fold at the first sign of trouble, useless shite group of people

Mark gives off that 2004 Gen Y vibe tbh, he will throw cunts under the bus and then make shit up about them while he's doing it to boot.

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009e91  No.1422490


They have none of the muscle the BNP had tbh

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bfc581  No.1422491

File: b0b673ba307559e⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 700x526, 350:263, 1511279420715.gif)

>pakis lurking outside like hyenas/goblins

>one of them pisses in the corner

They literally make an area so depressing to be in, they are vile subhumans and just seeing them ruins my day, fucking sickening, want them all dead

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905e53  No.1422492


to be honest lad, they are doing something ergo they are people to follow.

there needs to be actual alternatives if there's disagreement about them, hoping for any nationalist effort to fail is a bit mentally conquered of you, any effort is better than none.

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057885  No.1422493


Firebomb them lad.

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8dcbe9  No.1422494


you should kill them lad clean up your area


tbh tbh good lad

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866e83  No.1422495


Cricket bat out lad let's GO!

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866e83  No.1422496


Fair point tbh, it's a good way to make connections and coup the group while banishing Marq back to the Gnome Realm

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009e91  No.1422497

Going around and coup'ing all the upcoming nationalist groups and turning them into Ahnenerbe style hobby clubs instead.

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905e53  No.1422498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bfc581  No.1422499

File: ff02891a5448c36⋯.jpg (177.44 KB, 546x589, 546:589, 1522618655405.jpg)


they have nothing the BNP had, the most important being conviction and spine and the will to get things done and sacrifice things, all the bnp lot had cut their teeth fighting lefties in the streets tooth and nail and getting arrested by the police and really resisting the govt, those trials and tribulations weeded out the weak and bad actors so when the party started it was a good strong willing cadre, PA has none of that, meaty braps is another lauren southern and mark is a useless twat and the party is full of useless spacker cowards, anybody who supports it is useless, l still want wessie to join though since he has nothing to lose and could be our man in PA to give us the quick rundown on whats going on, bet he'd get kicked out if they found out he was an NA lad

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346fb9  No.1422500

File: 54464fb72f4ccb3⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 640x640, 1:1, JSIkSs0JJO8Cc6H4.mp4)

File: 639e282a7e65885⋯.jpeg (98.5 KB, 1188x246, 198:41, D5496A6D_173B_459B_BAB2_A….jpeg)

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bfc581  No.1422501

File: 9796210d2dc9261⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 593d52bfd0de486dfe8036ca8c….png)

I have this fantasy in my head of going around every right wing group in the uk and using extreme tactics to absorb them into one huge movement similar to tribes uniting to fight a foreign invader

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346fb9  No.1422502

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b0229d  No.1422503


Smh, hate fly tippers, they could have gone out and had a word at least

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009e91  No.1422504


He wouldn't be able to go on their hikes either tbh

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866e83  No.1422505

File: e5c89c9f984542e⋯.png (90.36 KB, 810x910, 81:91, Joe_Winning.png)


Mark would definitely kick out ex-NA lads although he seems a bit of a faggot irl would probably do it over email smh

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346fb9  No.1422506


This would never happen in Britain

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866e83  No.1422507


His exploding legs could suicide bomb Collett and open the leadership for better cunts keek

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8dcbe9  No.1422508

File: 9ccbbb63958245a⋯.jpeg (12.72 KB, 207x244, 207:244, manatee1.jpeg)

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bfc581  No.1422509


not a sustainable society, either we are heading for collapse or the elites will go full TITO or elysium, either way this is not sustainable

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346fb9  No.1422510

File: b5317f229543c19⋯.jpeg (495.26 KB, 1056x814, 48:37, 99D7E5F4_A299_4793_9EAC_A….jpeg)


Probably council housing so not worth getting murdered challenging woggery or pikeys. Sneak up behind it and stab the tyres then call the cops and council

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bfc581  No.1422511

File: 4a9479f47d3f595⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 4a9479f47d3f595ed0545178fb….jpg)




you are thinking too small, I'm not risking getting jail for a pair a subhumans

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346fb9  No.1422512

File: df2fef1230251b7⋯.mp4 (86.2 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, 7_E7zDinLoaUnl7i.mp4)


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8dcbe9  No.1422513

File: 5474f2b60f09620⋯.jpg (59.38 KB, 680x381, 680:381, dafty_spongebob.jpg)


very good lad

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866e83  No.1422514


Send a message lad.dp it

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009e91  No.1422515


The whole TAZ/CHAZ thing got me thinking about the concept of "racial/cultural" autonomous zones in slowly collapsing European states tbh, withdrawal of the police with the state using gangs as proxies for law enforcement making stuff like it eventually inevitable, maybe Southgate was right.

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346fb9  No.1422516

File: e5261f57b6ca089⋯.mp4 (409.02 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, 8YG5n2RIFnyt2tJv.mp4)

File: 44e15cd091c5c17⋯.mp4 (390.87 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, wFbHTbn63qO2bPwT.mp4)

File: 7bd048127f02b4a⋯.mp4 (359.98 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, _mt7OXf3kTnK_1_6.mp4)

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866e83  No.1422517

File: ab7a573d86fe5d2⋯.png (682.16 KB, 474x632, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

>Roast dinner is precisely ten minutes late as of typing


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346fb9  No.1422518

More protests in London again today lads

>promoting marxism and collecting campaign contributions for the Demosharts, Obamas, Clintons and Soros

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bfc581  No.1422519

File: 4e6cfa0a9451b15⋯.png (793.1 KB, 1268x1362, 634:681, wessie_and_collet.png)

>tfw wessie goes on a stauffenberg style suicide mission into the wolfs lair with Mark and gives a monologue then smirks as his legs slowly build up in pressure before exploding

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bfc581  No.1422520


that would be preferable now because then white nats would be able to operate, we'd have to be the most brutal though, we'd be AB tier or worse and would actually be able to start killing the enemy

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346fb9  No.1422521

File: 6ebbdf6ecec7c25⋯.jpeg (400.46 KB, 1000x696, 125:87, 72806126_8702_4B6B_9978_F….jpeg)

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057885  No.1422522

Cleaned my trumpet. Hope you lads are memorising your signals for after the electric grids go down and the 5G towers are all burned.

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346fb9  No.1422523

File: 1df6f8d0a25ebc3⋯.jpeg (717.64 KB, 904x1521, 904:1521, D79B63CF_6D32_41FF_9E02_D….jpeg)

>cleaned my trumpet


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8dcbe9  No.1422524

File: 2c6a7fb023ac8d2⋯.png (193.01 KB, 1545x869, 1545:869, coomer.png)


>Cleaned my trumpet.

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009e91  No.1422525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




It would be a permanent Years of Lead tbh

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f687c9  No.1422526


play some be bop for us on vocaroo lad

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8dcbe9  No.1422527

File: 286e00d89e69476⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 398x376, 199:188, big_jeej.jpg)



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009e91  No.1422528

Lads is it Englands birthday today

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bfc581  No.1422529

File: 4d680a43faa4f60⋯.jpg (189.46 KB, 647x644, 647:644, saville_groyper.jpg)

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8dcbe9  No.1422530


yeah lad that's today

can never remember where i'm supposed to send the birthday card though smh


banter tbh

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c94fad  No.1422531

dumbbells arrived lads I can only do 10 6kg bicep curls in one set and I can only do 8 7kg ones smdh

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866e83  No.1422532


Good start lad let's go

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8dcbe9  No.1422533

File: a7292cdd875bc0e⋯.png (284.79 KB, 500x380, 25:19, no_humanity.png)


very good lad putting in work

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bfc581  No.1422534

File: 8ef34b5155efc5f⋯.png (287.81 KB, 690x514, 345:257, htdg.png)


>I can only do 10 6kg bicep curls

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dd6a03  No.1422535


hate crime against Binsposter

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c94fad  No.1422536

File: 09c969bc1e063dd⋯.jpg (111.18 KB, 1034x672, 517:336, time_to_put_in_work_wes.jpg)

should I do reps with a weight I can do multiple sets with? (because the more sets I do with 7kg the fewer reps I can do)


did a 4 sets with varied amount of reps smh left arm starts struggling a few reps behind my right



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bfc581  No.1422537

File: 1387c4641fabb81⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1387c4641fabb81bfa59909127….jpg)

Did my excercised last night even though I felt terrible CAUSE I AINT NO BITCH and gonna do it again today, I am definitely stronger, DAY42LETS GO

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dd6a03  No.1422539

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866e83  No.1422540


Aim to do eight reps each set for four sets

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bfc581  No.1422541

File: 89a7f0dcb815e1b⋯.jpg (70.98 KB, 559x598, 43:46, 1507689966292.jpg)

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8dcbe9  No.1422542


good lad keep it up

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dd6a03  No.1422543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a43be9  No.1422544

File: 779f8085e62238e⋯.jpg (396.81 KB, 1312x1550, 656:775, 20190919_36531859993417599….jpg)

animal produce

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9fd47e  No.1422545


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1129a2  No.1422546

So what became of those shootings in CHAZ? Has anyone been charged for the shootings that occurred

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9b9a87  No.1422547

File: 1b6e181b8dee5da⋯.mp4 (34.03 KB, 600x928, 75:116, EcqlBnqUMAUUrm7.mp4)

kali acc tbh

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889c69  No.1422548



Miss him so much x

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f687c9  No.1422549

File: 4831fe95c033787⋯.mp4 (820.09 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, melobytes_3.mp4)

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9fd47e  No.1422550

File: 578e3d2772c8c83⋯.jpg (127.78 KB, 645x800, 129:160, William_III.jpg)

can of orange fanta tbh

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9fd47e  No.1422551

File: 458e73d32aebfc7⋯.jpg (186.92 KB, 822x822, 1:1, orangutang_under_a_blanket.jpg)

was gonna do an 'on this day' effortpost but cba

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889c69  No.1422552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

stew for dinner

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6d47c6  No.1422554

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