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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: c96901c1a0cc313⋯.jpg (236.44 KB, 980x1225, 4:5, Saddam_cigar.jpg)

fdc137  No.1421822[View All]

No links tbh

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b0229d  No.1422503


Smh, hate fly tippers, they could have gone out and had a word at least

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009e91  No.1422504


He wouldn't be able to go on their hikes either tbh

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866e83  No.1422505

File: e5c89c9f984542e⋯.png (90.36 KB, 810x910, 81:91, Joe_Winning.png)


Mark would definitely kick out ex-NA lads although he seems a bit of a faggot irl would probably do it over email smh

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346fb9  No.1422506


This would never happen in Britain

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866e83  No.1422507


His exploding legs could suicide bomb Collett and open the leadership for better cunts keek

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8dcbe9  No.1422508

File: 9ccbbb63958245a⋯.jpeg (12.72 KB, 207x244, 207:244, manatee1.jpeg)

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bfc581  No.1422509


not a sustainable society, either we are heading for collapse or the elites will go full TITO or elysium, either way this is not sustainable

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346fb9  No.1422510

File: b5317f229543c19⋯.jpeg (495.26 KB, 1056x814, 48:37, 99D7E5F4_A299_4793_9EAC_A….jpeg)


Probably council housing so not worth getting murdered challenging woggery or pikeys. Sneak up behind it and stab the tyres then call the cops and council

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bfc581  No.1422511

File: 4a9479f47d3f595⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 4a9479f47d3f595ed0545178fb….jpg)




you are thinking too small, I'm not risking getting jail for a pair a subhumans

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346fb9  No.1422512

File: df2fef1230251b7⋯.mp4 (86.2 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, 7_E7zDinLoaUnl7i.mp4)


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8dcbe9  No.1422513

File: 5474f2b60f09620⋯.jpg (59.38 KB, 680x381, 680:381, dafty_spongebob.jpg)


very good lad

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866e83  No.1422514


Send a message lad.dp it

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009e91  No.1422515


The whole TAZ/CHAZ thing got me thinking about the concept of "racial/cultural" autonomous zones in slowly collapsing European states tbh, withdrawal of the police with the state using gangs as proxies for law enforcement making stuff like it eventually inevitable, maybe Southgate was right.

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346fb9  No.1422516

File: e5261f57b6ca089⋯.mp4 (409.02 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, 8YG5n2RIFnyt2tJv.mp4)

File: 44e15cd091c5c17⋯.mp4 (390.87 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, wFbHTbn63qO2bPwT.mp4)

File: 7bd048127f02b4a⋯.mp4 (359.98 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, _mt7OXf3kTnK_1_6.mp4)

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866e83  No.1422517

File: ab7a573d86fe5d2⋯.png (682.16 KB, 474x632, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

>Roast dinner is precisely ten minutes late as of typing


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346fb9  No.1422518

More protests in London again today lads

>promoting marxism and collecting campaign contributions for the Demosharts, Obamas, Clintons and Soros

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bfc581  No.1422519

File: 4e6cfa0a9451b15⋯.png (793.1 KB, 1268x1362, 634:681, wessie_and_collet.png)

>tfw wessie goes on a stauffenberg style suicide mission into the wolfs lair with Mark and gives a monologue then smirks as his legs slowly build up in pressure before exploding

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bfc581  No.1422520


that would be preferable now because then white nats would be able to operate, we'd have to be the most brutal though, we'd be AB tier or worse and would actually be able to start killing the enemy

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346fb9  No.1422521

File: 6ebbdf6ecec7c25⋯.jpeg (400.46 KB, 1000x696, 125:87, 72806126_8702_4B6B_9978_F….jpeg)

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057885  No.1422522

Cleaned my trumpet. Hope you lads are memorising your signals for after the electric grids go down and the 5G towers are all burned.

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346fb9  No.1422523

File: 1df6f8d0a25ebc3⋯.jpeg (717.64 KB, 904x1521, 904:1521, D79B63CF_6D32_41FF_9E02_D….jpeg)

>cleaned my trumpet


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8dcbe9  No.1422524

File: 2c6a7fb023ac8d2⋯.png (193.01 KB, 1545x869, 1545:869, coomer.png)


>Cleaned my trumpet.

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009e91  No.1422525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




It would be a permanent Years of Lead tbh

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f687c9  No.1422526


play some be bop for us on vocaroo lad

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8dcbe9  No.1422527

File: 286e00d89e69476⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 398x376, 199:188, big_jeej.jpg)



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009e91  No.1422528

Lads is it Englands birthday today

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bfc581  No.1422529

File: 4d680a43faa4f60⋯.jpg (189.46 KB, 647x644, 647:644, saville_groyper.jpg)

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8dcbe9  No.1422530


yeah lad that's today

can never remember where i'm supposed to send the birthday card though smh


banter tbh

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c94fad  No.1422531

dumbbells arrived lads I can only do 10 6kg bicep curls in one set and I can only do 8 7kg ones smdh

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866e83  No.1422532


Good start lad let's go

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8dcbe9  No.1422533

File: a7292cdd875bc0e⋯.png (284.79 KB, 500x380, 25:19, no_humanity.png)


very good lad putting in work

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bfc581  No.1422534

File: 8ef34b5155efc5f⋯.png (287.81 KB, 690x514, 345:257, htdg.png)


>I can only do 10 6kg bicep curls

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dd6a03  No.1422535


hate crime against Binsposter

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c94fad  No.1422536

File: 09c969bc1e063dd⋯.jpg (111.18 KB, 1034x672, 517:336, time_to_put_in_work_wes.jpg)

should I do reps with a weight I can do multiple sets with? (because the more sets I do with 7kg the fewer reps I can do)


did a 4 sets with varied amount of reps smh left arm starts struggling a few reps behind my right



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bfc581  No.1422537

File: 1387c4641fabb81⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1387c4641fabb81bfa59909127….jpg)

Did my excercised last night even though I felt terrible CAUSE I AINT NO BITCH and gonna do it again today, I am definitely stronger, DAY42LETS GO

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dd6a03  No.1422539

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866e83  No.1422540


Aim to do eight reps each set for four sets

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bfc581  No.1422541

File: 89a7f0dcb815e1b⋯.jpg (70.98 KB, 559x598, 43:46, 1507689966292.jpg)

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8dcbe9  No.1422542


good lad keep it up

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dd6a03  No.1422543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a43be9  No.1422544

File: 779f8085e62238e⋯.jpg (396.81 KB, 1312x1550, 656:775, 20190919_36531859993417599….jpg)

animal produce

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9fd47e  No.1422545


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1129a2  No.1422546

So what became of those shootings in CHAZ? Has anyone been charged for the shootings that occurred

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9b9a87  No.1422547

File: 1b6e181b8dee5da⋯.mp4 (34.03 KB, 600x928, 75:116, EcqlBnqUMAUUrm7.mp4)

kali acc tbh

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889c69  No.1422548



Miss him so much x

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f687c9  No.1422549

File: 4831fe95c033787⋯.mp4 (820.09 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, melobytes_3.mp4)

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9fd47e  No.1422550

File: 578e3d2772c8c83⋯.jpg (127.78 KB, 645x800, 129:160, William_III.jpg)

can of orange fanta tbh

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9fd47e  No.1422551

File: 458e73d32aebfc7⋯.jpg (186.92 KB, 822x822, 1:1, orangutang_under_a_blanket.jpg)

was gonna do an 'on this day' effortpost but cba

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889c69  No.1422552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

stew for dinner

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6d47c6  No.1422554

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