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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 4358fe65d425321⋯.png (315.65 KB, 600x721, 600:721, ClipboardImage.png)

b54c66  No.1412127[Last 50 Posts]

not gonna bother with links since the site is FUCKED tbh lads

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5f5a69  No.1412170

File: 7c4cf8892aea531⋯.jpg (88.26 KB, 507x556, 507:556, 14389779811.jpg)


based edition

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57463c  No.1412172

File: fc3bcaff914640c⋯.png (337.05 KB, 415x625, 83:125, molymeme.png)

Your (You)s.


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066e69  No.1412173

File: c008770b4a2cbb3⋯.jpg (39.43 KB, 527x485, 527:485, EbVSBAFU4AAwQOB.jpg)

im calling for a moratorium on revolting posts

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e2c395  No.1412174

File: 50f2cc586805b1d⋯.jpg (74.28 KB, 400x556, 100:139, keef.jpg)



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edead5  No.1412175

File: 0a5a2fe1399a733⋯.jpg (36.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, FB_IMG_1591829256405.jpg)

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d5120e  No.1412176

File: e3b3440feba6f9b⋯.jpg (640.18 KB, 1022x1015, 146:145, 1554704191758.jpg)

File: 5d0e6811e6114e1⋯.jpg (39.52 KB, 657x391, 657:391, dog_smelling_flower.jpg)

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06146b  No.1412177

File: 3e1853cae9d58ab⋯.png (148.36 KB, 493x359, 493:359, bolinu.png)


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06146b  No.1412178


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57463c  No.1412179

File: 6607543daf3c622⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

It's a beautiful evening in UPBaria.

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d5120e  No.1412180

File: 4909db1e9f0138e⋯.jpg (20.09 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2b188cc66d3c9af6092d433ecb….jpg)


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ee7300  No.1412181

File: fa0ae956f39eb3d⋯.jpg (227.12 KB, 1020x748, 15:11, nasim.jpg)


good lad

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d5120e  No.1412182

File: 5471feef8cfd8a1⋯.jpg (12.49 KB, 220x182, 110:91, 220px_Great_train_robbery_….jpg)


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ee1d2f  No.1412183


is it ok if I come on a quad bike? I don't really like horses

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4524a0  No.1412184

File: 79ee75980a46d86⋯.png (142.73 KB, 360x434, 180:217, Simone_Weil_04_cropped_.png)

tfw no clumsy slightly autistic ugly jewish-catholic convert gf

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d5120e  No.1412185

File: a744d1c593fa39c⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 642x642, 1:1, 1523799731855.jpg)


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edead5  No.1412186

File: e0441b5311cec2b⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 249x311, 249:311, whale_escapes_trawler_net.gif)


if he can ride a quad bike then im riding a fat girl

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ee1d2f  No.1412187


she'll die in the first river crossing

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d5120e  No.1412188


that hog won't last to carson city, if you like walking then be my guest

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57463c  No.1412189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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557cba  No.1412190


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5ff42d  No.1412191

File: e9f95a7e2bbe2d1⋯.png (195.96 KB, 600x446, 300:223, Screenshot_2020_06_18_02_2….png)

Keep going from thinking I'm incredibly good looking to monstrously ugly, everyday I live an unbearable tragedy.

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e3ce0f  No.1412192


The problem is you keep looking in mirrors, if you didn't do that then you would always have the first mindset

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36b707  No.1412193

File: 295316b009e90dc⋯.webm (992 KB, 580x1048, 145:262, mandy2.webm)

now then lads how are we

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066e69  No.1412194

File: dbc2f75c1c11a34⋯.jpg (187.46 KB, 2048x1570, 1024:785, EbM4yD4UwAEtOVR.jpg)


based BDD

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a79d91  No.1412195


looks dont matter for men, be confident and able.

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5f5a69  No.1412196

>Made up illnesses

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ee7300  No.1412197

>lockdown has been extended in leicester

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a79d91  No.1412198

File: 18fedba39c3df36⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 498x280, 249:140, tess.gif)

got love women for putting up with us ugly men

gays must literally be mentally ill

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5ff42d  No.1412199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fucking swarthoids fuck off

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7c2ef4  No.1412200

File: a24a886b4afe142⋯.jpg (69.23 KB, 588x768, 49:64, hayden.jpg)

>reddit shite and purged 100% now

>youtube 90% purged

>social media shite

>twitter shite and purged

>TV worse than ever

>films worse than ever

>games worse than ever (don't even play them anymore)

>4chan ruined and shite

>8k shite and dead

>all other chan shites dead and shite

>can't even buy based stuff online because its all been purged

So tell me, globalists, what exactly am I going to do after you've backed me into this corner

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a79d91  No.1412201


learn cocksucking

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5f5a69  No.1412202

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ee7300  No.1412203


bit gay tbh

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b54c66  No.1412204

File: 45484fceaaf15f4⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 368x425, 368:425, 1451187171495.jpg)


keeeeeeeek I'm glad I posted that pic of keef very good lad

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7fd33c  No.1412205

File: 59815b8663f5445⋯.png (152.16 KB, 320x294, 160:147, just_gun_smile.png)


>start the day with 250 tabs

>end the day with 350 tabs

>I aimed to read/watch through all the tabs

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ad91c1  No.1412206

File: 594f63b750a54bb⋯.png (7.81 MB, 1004x6670, 502:3335, ClipboardImage.png)

some kino content from 4brit tbh

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7fd33c  No.1412207

File: c3f257dd9f5c6b4⋯.gif (142.64 KB, 600x600, 1:1, coomer_comfy.gif)

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e2c395  No.1412208

File: f94f8680991ce60⋯.gif (6.15 MB, 400x282, 200:141, 66536363.gif)


Thank you, Kelsey. Your (You) was worth it. Even brought a slight tear to my eye.

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e2c395  No.1412209


I thought I was bad with a few dozen.

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5f5a69  No.1412210

site break time?

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ee7300  No.1412211

File: cc5c56110aa70fd⋯.jpg (14.52 KB, 242x245, 242:245, Beetlejuice.jpg)


this lad looks like the white beetlejuice

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5f5a69  No.1412212

File: 47be7b64066c7a6⋯.png (204.29 KB, 247x300, 247:300, 1446309360031466.png)


the real world is just like my hekin tolkerino novels

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b54c66  No.1412213

File: 9e794499d28941d⋯.png (233 KB, 737x845, 737:845, ClipboardImage.png)

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557cba  No.1412214

File: db5f77cc401d959⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1591497040073.jpg)


>tab hoarding

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45f1f2  No.1412215

File: 5102b0b0feee0d1⋯.png (206.81 KB, 980x742, 70:53, 22stbtfo.png)


fffffff FILTERED

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ba3b69  No.1412216

Morning lads

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ad91c1  No.1412217

File: 7d951c65923ea28⋯.jpg (187.04 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 7d951c65923ea287eed11c9aa5….jpg)


how does that even work

>tfw you keep a dozen tabs open for weeks trying to read and watch them

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57463c  No.1412218

File: 7e6be4f36152151⋯.png (4.41 MB, 2048x1788, 512:447, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee7300  No.1412220


>not bookmarking everything then forgetting about it

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7fd33c  No.1412221

File: dcfa1ff53383609⋯.jpg (140.85 KB, 1358x1080, 679:540, wojak_little_noose_nascar.jpg)


That's only one browser lad, still have other browsers with 100+ tabs saved

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5f5a69  No.1412222

File: 6f75716fd755107⋯.png (72.26 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 1592828254118.png)

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ee7300  No.1412223

File: a5be47dd2516bac⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 500x427, 500:427, deontay_wilder.jpg)


i meant pic related lad

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7fd33c  No.1412224

File: 288eccd69c90d82⋯.png (39.56 KB, 3454x47, 3454:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab58585e5320953⋯.png (428.87 KB, 615x689, 615:689, wojak_despair8.png)

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7cdd02  No.1412225

Been trying to make room on my drives. It's already be bob time.

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57463c  No.1412226

File: 07cc7ba2d42be12⋯.png (278.52 KB, 1024x920, 128:115, brainydruid.png)

>not keeping several different word documents of content links separated by type and containing thousands of entries collectively

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45f1f2  No.1412227

File: c3f01bca25fcea5⋯.jpg (29.39 KB, 634x476, 317:238, 83c74e35ccce80e087ab94b815….jpg)

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5f5a69  No.1412228

File: 06e71ae6e73e1ec⋯.png (413.07 KB, 536x565, 536:565, 144630936003157.png)

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81967e  No.1412229


smh lad, I do the same thing

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5f5a69  No.1412230

the fucking state of the people posting here

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57463c  No.1412231

File: 362e8feca8989f9⋯.png (268.63 KB, 640x480, 4:3, smhapu.png)


The first step is admitting you have a problem.

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ba3b69  No.1412232

File: 73b616709c6bc5b⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 350x376, 175:188, 73b616709c6bc5bbb4f6adce5b….jpg)

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7cdd02  No.1412233


smh, it's been a terrible evening lad.

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066e69  No.1412234

File: cf31a48ec42731e⋯.png (24.12 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 670080730910687246.png)

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2894d4  No.1412235





>The Green party

is this from 2017?

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b54c66  No.1412237

File: 19c08a313b0ccb0⋯.jpg (77.07 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 17hRiNr.jpg)


the fuck am I looking at here?

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5f5a69  No.1412238

i counted 242 tabs

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5f5a69  No.1412239

hope your electricity goes out

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7fd33c  No.1412240

File: c3fbae6824966e8⋯.png (694 B, 72x22, 36:11, ClipboardImage.png)


You counted wrong lad

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5f5a69  No.1412241


tbh im going to have to filter you for making my eyes hurt rent free

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557cba  No.1412242

File: 92adbc2a9c6fd0a⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 600x576, 25:24, 1586135231095.jpg)

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95646e  No.1412243

File: 30c07b5e9c016b3⋯.jpg (15.27 KB, 310x279, 10:9, 1502380745951.jpg)

>Jared taylor AND the NPI radix channel with the mcspencer group all banned

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ea8d7f  No.1412244

if you have too many tabs and some of them are music, just use jdownloader2 and download the music.

alternatively you can buy a proper vintage shitposting machine like thinkpad x220 that can't even handle more than 70 tabs

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e3ce0f  No.1412245

File: 408dbb251f452c2⋯.jpg (36.61 KB, 599x491, 599:491, Enoch_Powell.jpg)




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5f5a69  No.1412247

i dont get it

its like hoarding, but it has no value because it's digital

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d5120e  No.1412248

File: 46a38b869baa774⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 607x341, 607:341, 1524076956653.jpg)


minecraft time soon lads keep the slags safe will probably have to escape to basset island one day to escape and live in my tipi

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557cba  No.1412249

File: c66f9f20d9d8cf5⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 641x530, 641:530, worried.jpg)

usually I only have

1 tab for /brit/

2 tabs for youtube (one for subbox, one for video)

1 tab for twitter


By God…

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d5120e  No.1412250


a bunch of poopskin zoomers that will contribute to the earth by being good compost

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5f5a69  No.1412251


i dont want to imagine what his hard drives look like

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b54c66  No.1412252

File: d047166e5c1cc0a⋯.png (88.15 KB, 816x554, 408:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04f9d503ccae88d⋯.jpg (101.56 KB, 556x426, 278:213, 04f9d503ccae88d318c1f86b13….jpg)

skip to the last line tbh lads

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557cba  No.1412253


buy more rounds and emergency supplies lad, you've gotta be prepared for the planet of the apes

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557cba  No.1412254


digital schizophrenia

>5 drives

>C:\ drive filled with miscellaneous images and empty folders

>C:\ 99.7% full

>other drives filled with webpages he's saved and never looked at

>hasn't defragmented in 9 years

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d5120e  No.1412255


all bullets are pretty much sold out. once my trump bux come in I will get 500 more rounds of FMJ 5.56 only have 200 rn

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a873d6  No.1412257

File: aa776304b9e6d8d⋯.png (872.8 KB, 700x926, 350:463, aa776304b9e6d8de8c70ab9da4….png)


>tfw listening to the dark knight rises soundtrack and damaging my wrists by slamming on the table and going mental

I'll be joining you lad, once they've banned everything I'll have no choice by to act as I'll have nothing distracting me

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5ff42d  No.1412258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>basset island

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a873d6  No.1412259


load of reddit shite that completely misses the point as usual, so sick of these people, if you aren't a neo nazi at this point you may aswell kill yourself

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557cba  No.1412260


when things start licking off you should migrate deep into the Michigan forest and live off grid tbh

it would be like a larp except not

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e3ce0f  No.1412261

File: d61e955247d75a4⋯.png (244.82 KB, 1305x1155, 87:77, ClipboardImage.png)

Visual representation of 7fd33c

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5f5a69  No.1412262

File: 184d5e2184abd92⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1558914824051.jpg)

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a79d91  No.1412263

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ee1d2f  No.1412264



>implying his dopamine circuits still work

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ea8d7f  No.1412265

i'm seething that my shitty hairdresser cut my hair short and gave me a boomer haircut when i told her i was growing it and just needed it cleaned up. this is genuinely as angry as i've ever been, i paid 40 pounds for this shit and had to book some fancy place. oh my god i'm angry

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557cba  No.1412266



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b54c66  No.1412267

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, 1483536430158.jpg)

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5f5a69  No.1412268

tbh do any of you lads looks through and clean your cookies each night? I've noticed tor-looking links in mine ever since this site started bugging out

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ee1d2f  No.1412270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lad the barberman is a evilman you should leave your hair alone

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557cba  No.1412271

want to buy a 4TB HDD but I can't justify spending £90~ on one smh

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ee7300  No.1412272


>£40 for a haircut

are you a lass?

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b54c66  No.1412273

File: bda260348217490⋯.png (623.77 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>i paid 40 pounds for this shit

>not just going DIY skinhead

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5f5a69  No.1412274


why would you ever pay that amount for a haircut?

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e454cb  No.1412276


turn off reopen tabs in your browser, and get into the habit of closing the web browser at the end of each day/sitting. It will avoid this clutter

bookmark anything you actually need, and delete it once you no longer need it

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557cba  No.1412277

File: c66f9f20d9d8cf5⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 641x530, 641:530, worried.jpg)



>not just grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting it yourself


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2894d4  No.1412278


>40 quid for a trim

are you a retard?

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5f5a69  No.1412279

File: fde38433d9b2e39⋯.png (149.7 KB, 383x373, 383:373, 1591371632661.png)

>Theres no in-between

>Either pay £40 for a haircut or fucking shave your own head

Everyday I find it harder and harder to relate to this place

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ee7300  No.1412280

>inb4 wiggum

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7fd33c  No.1412281

File: 708df0be2c5eec7⋯.png (1.17 MB, 615x784, 615:784, rory_stewart_face.png)

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7fd33c  No.1412282

File: 97d4e84ba371049⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 480x362, 240:181, wiggum_trousers_down.gif)

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b54c66  No.1412284



smh lad lrn2read >>1412277

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ea8d7f  No.1412285






lads, i was growing my hair, and i wanted someone who knew how to do long hair so i went to a thot place, plus i get 2 haircuts a year so 40 is fine. now all my lockdown hair is gone and i look like a fucking coomer

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557cba  No.1412286

File: af3b38c01fd60b4⋯.png (74.34 KB, 228x190, 6:5, wiggums.png)


Do you look like pic lad?

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36b707  No.1412287

File: 982474d03be93b6⋯.jpg (7.6 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 7cee7c267baa4df314d3bf4f41….jpg)

>not just getting your mummy to cut your hair

smh lads

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5f5a69  No.1412288


a haircut costs £14


you said diy skinhead


moron tbh

go to a barbershop, do you think they dont know how to cut hair?

max you would have paid £20

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e454cb  No.1412290

get it done for £8 at a local barbers, tbh

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5f5a69  No.1412291



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ee1d2f  No.1412292

File: cfad7ddcbb7f26f⋯.jpg (109.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dobby_haircut.jpg)

>not paying $130AUS for gold tips and calling your hairdresser an old boot

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ce0882  No.1412293

File: c5e17cfd7122c47⋯.png (977.21 KB, 1919x895, 1919:895, runnign.png)

Might destroy all my electronics except for an encrypted hdd and go off the grid and purge my material possessions of anything incriminating or trackable and become a ghost tbh lads

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5f5a69  No.1412294



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36b707  No.1412296

File: 45c7dd258ebf42c⋯.jpeg (10.26 KB, 226x255, 226:255, 301f23b938d2204454f1601e4….jpeg)



>not spergi

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36b707  No.1412297

File: 941b5c9dfcf1b34⋯.jpeg (9.32 KB, 213x255, 71:85, ac57104884d316c3c78fa2d6b….jpeg)


>not sperging out over your chink wife on livestream

>tfw it sent before i could complete it and now the lads will bully me

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94c992  No.1412298

File: 11ed3329cd34614⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1125x897, 375:299, 11ed3329cd346146d168e4bf88….png)


>tfw you get the goldtips but she won't even give you a fackin handjob

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557cba  No.1412299



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ee1d2f  No.1412300


>A toast! A toast to Smoky Hill High School!

would double headshot that cancer zombie on a dark night and no court in the land would convict

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c04b1c  No.1412302

File: a5b18e4f1b9dfda⋯.jpg (13.32 KB, 400x211, 400:211, 86b20de9d741e2d5b5ff01d4a2….jpg)

>ian beale poster

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ee7300  No.1412303

File: 5b0f6d479262f2a⋯.png (421.7 KB, 748x529, 748:529, Dobby_Whitepill.png)


good lad

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d5120e  No.1412305


come to michigan and I will give you my shotgun lad then we can be highway bandits on the interstate 75

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d5120e  No.1412306


>those rando kids that have serious illnesses that normoids pretended to care about in public school then they are just forgotten in their 20s and end up either dead or working at walmart doing receiving

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d5120e  No.1412307


I think we should build the ethnostate here tbh

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134bf3  No.1412308

File: 4cbe9fcf91daf0a⋯.png (163.17 KB, 373x321, 373:321, 4cbe9fcf91daf0a26ece55a0ef….png)


I need to finish my dox of you first lad then I might pay you a visit

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1e88ee  No.1412309

File: f9f1b7b12e8a36e⋯.jpg (38.76 KB, 480x542, 240:271, 8e42aef73979ad547cb7e3acac….jpg)

>massive emotional lows and highs in the same day

I can't handle it.

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557cba  No.1412310


good lad

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f12650  No.1412311

File: 55a2f353ffc0c68⋯.jpg (233.57 KB, 2048x1278, 1024:639, 55a2f353ffc0c6861ce85f32ae….jpg)


>its another "spend all night looking on google earth for kino ethnostate spots" episode

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d5120e  No.1412312

File: 902a43347a324b7⋯.jpg (60.96 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 1520712769848.jpg)


bring slags we just need like 200 rednecks and we can take over beaver island via hog lsland as our pirate base

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134bf3  No.1412313

File: c08c115635f683f⋯.png (777.09 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1511492609452.png)

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0d4553  No.1412314

File: 41b5a07d2638559⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1200x1125, 16:15, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee1fe9b832aec28⋯.png (1.12 MB, 610x900, 61:90, ClipboardImage.png)

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557cba  No.1412315

File: d7257819d58ec87⋯.png (701.55 KB, 1274x850, 637:425, cheeky_pepe.png)

>tfw probably have enough steiner videos in my dossier to find his location

might fly there and meet him

>*knocks on door*

>Big chug with a basset hound t-shirt opens the door

>"Who are you, are you materialistic?*

>quietly shout "HEY STEINER" as I hand him some non-materialistic gifts

>he's in shock and awe at how someone from /brit/ doxxed him

>ask him if he wants to take his truck and go do doughnuts on the boomerfields

>he slams the door in my face and tells me to fuck off his land

>smear shit all over his house for being materialistic

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d5120e  No.1412316

File: b4c334ec7d60ea0⋯.png (114.02 KB, 429x491, 429:491, 1522856963009.png)

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7fd33c  No.1412318

File: a15873fd34937a7⋯.png (673 B, 71x19, 71:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffd7a95ab9db691⋯.jpg (65.99 KB, 645x773, 645:773, fat_wojak_6.jpg)

I'm gonna make it lads

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5f5a69  No.1412319


le wine

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ee7300  No.1412320


this is detroit lad

>walk out of the airport

>get shot

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b54c66  No.1412321

File: d56e8ee25d5a796⋯.png (213.82 KB, 903x412, 903:412, ClipboardImage.png)


smh stop venerating these spineless cowards

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06146b  No.1412322


Used to be a 250+ taboomer myself. Down to a regular 50 now.

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ad91c1  No.1412323

File: 4bb662efea372d3⋯.png (366.1 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 4bb662efea372d3d4ac44ecbfc….png)


>millenial leftist female drying up like a great prune as she wastes away her youth on anti white shite designed solely to destroy the west

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d5120e  No.1412328


>brown eyes

>man face

>dyed hair

>left wing

literally just compost

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7fd33c  No.1412329

File: 560a75eb030beb6⋯.jpg (28.18 KB, 260x367, 260:367, monkey_proboscis_peering.jpg)

Stefan Molyneux's statement on his ban, lads

This is his lbry channel


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134bf3  No.1412330

File: ed8b3e2dff395a9⋯.png (1.31 MB, 700x1003, 700:1003, ed8b3e2dff395a9f6619c00219….png)

>22st posting utter shite

>cocksucking is awake

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d5120e  No.1412332

File: fd7d89da4cd8819⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 397x302, 397:302, culloden01.jpg)

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7fd33c  No.1412333

Tbh it's time to move to lbry and bitchute

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b54c66  No.1412334

File: ec7e587159fc9d5⋯.jpg (20.56 KB, 760x613, 760:613, b33.jpg)

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d5120e  No.1412335


bitchute still has all the comfy jerrycuck videos I used to watch in 2011


>begging for money like a hobo

cringe, time to build fences like rest of the losers mr. "philosopher"

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5f5a69  No.1412336

File: eb5b9c28b1822bd⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 489x488, 489:488, 1589469457785.jpg)


>d-dont pick a side

>donate money to me

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ee1d2f  No.1412337


lad if you don't give stefan molyneux $10 then Heraclitus will die

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f02895  No.1412338


get into the rw blogosphere

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7fd33c  No.1412339

File: 4fea5958a303e32⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1080x806, 540:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8a7fed9f10b855⋯.gif (2.43 MB, 498x413, 498:413, coomer.gif)

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b54c66  No.1412340

File: 874f1c8f0457760⋯.jpg (25.08 KB, 1080x492, 90:41, ZOINKS.jpg)


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d5120e  No.1412341

File: 5fd9a071deb71a7⋯.png (290.86 KB, 655x370, 131:74, Screen_Shot_2017_07_28_at_….png)

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5f5a69  No.1412342

File: 28c6faacde5844e⋯.jpg (260.84 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, 1519098694281.jpg)

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ee1d2f  No.1412344


I'd lure those girls to my car and then I'd take them home to their parents

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557cba  No.1412345

File: efffcd05a387ff9⋯.jpg (49.83 KB, 908x703, 908:703, just_slug.jpg)


>"you want us to spit on you? ewww"


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5f5a69  No.1412346

File: 607556b4b25f982⋯.jpg (68.52 KB, 686x850, 343:425, 1586648968339.jpg)


haha girls please stop but not really haha

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f02895  No.1412347

File: 079085ce9e7a917⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 500x229, 500:229, god_i_wish_that_was_me.jpg)

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d5120e  No.1412348

I want to watch some gym thots get gored by a vicious boar

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a855a0  No.1412350

File: b7bfc1efcfcfa54⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1226341.jpg)

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7fd33c  No.1412351

File: 021aca59e5f6193⋯.png (665.58 KB, 611x455, 47:35, ClipboardImage.png)

There's the britnat, get him

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ea8d7f  No.1412352


hahaha i remember that episode

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557cba  No.1412353



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7fd33c  No.1412354

File: c572fa0c968d610⋯.png (11.25 KB, 257x196, 257:196, Wojak_Fat_Gun.png)


Unironically fancied that lass character when I first saw that episode

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557cba  No.1412355


>that episode where Bart turns into an incel

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557cba  No.1412356

File: c3f257dd9f5c6b4⋯.gif (142.64 KB, 600x600, 1:1, coomer_comfy.gif)


was she the one who spit in his hand and he didn't clean it? would have 'ad a wank with that spit if I were him tbh

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7fd33c  No.1412357

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f02895  No.1412358

File: f8fdf34c113af3b⋯.jpg (185.43 KB, 1280x738, 640:369, cynthia.jpg)

I fancied cynthia out of MITM so hard it made me depressed

the episode where she gets tits

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7fd33c  No.1412359

File: 4a0a6a987c4090b⋯.png (293.6 KB, 912x385, 912:385, ClipboardImage.png)


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ea8d7f  No.1412361

ah yes, el senorita de tetas

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7fd33c  No.1412363

File: 7c8df23fd18f891⋯.png (156.21 KB, 532x766, 266:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46d0ece7e7aaa63⋯.png (239.75 KB, 665x677, 665:677, pepe_vb.png)

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d5120e  No.1412364


I fancied julie christie in dr zhivago so hard it made me depressed

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a855a0  No.1412365

File: 5cbf208e41bc582⋯.jpg (27.09 KB, 640x480, 4:3, triggers.jpg)

File: a22f1619671452e⋯.jpg (22.67 KB, 640x480, 4:3, brit.jpg)

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557cba  No.1412367

File: 5de7f10a6070d24⋯.jpg (14.3 KB, 354x286, 177:143, choon.jpg)

It's gonna take some time to realign

But if you look inside, I'm sure you'll find

Over your shoulder you know that I told you

I'll always be pickin' you up when you're down

So just turn around

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b54c66  No.1412371

File: 69b619d479ef51c⋯.png (548.45 KB, 513x576, 57:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a809b89b6e9200c⋯.png (2.34 KB, 89x29, 89:29, ClipboardImage.png)

>paying a website to not show a stranger ads because that stranger got engaged

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36b707  No.1412372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>still hasn't said anything about the skooma hike that will crash anvil's economy

fucking fraud tbh

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557cba  No.1412373

File: c66f9f20d9d8cf5⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 641x530, 641:530, worried.jpg)


>paying reddit to give people (yous)

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d5120e  No.1412374

File: b2f8d0dc9b4b4a1⋯.jpg (10.31 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1515643990726.jpg)


>le racial mixing meme

niggers are literal subhuman retards

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d5120e  No.1412376

File: e18ac3ddc9ad54e⋯.jpg (18.36 KB, 344x344, 1:1, 1513353283998.jpg)

he is back lads

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d5120e  No.1412378

File: cefbf50f7ab352d⋯.jpg (70.15 KB, 717x818, 717:818, cefbf50f7ab352dbf26bfc6960….jpg)

prettysure teeshite nonce is a bot because he never posts pics

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a855a0  No.1412379

File: 836336307dca2c6⋯.png (227.07 KB, 481x597, 481:597, mencken.png)



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d5120e  No.1412381

File: ca5cda046bec153⋯.png (34.61 KB, 283x203, 283:203, ca5cda046bec15371a97385ff9….png)

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7fd33c  No.1412383

File: 6b0c93df190c7f9⋯.png (942.63 KB, 686x695, 686:695, pig_gun.png)

Into the filter

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5f5a69  No.1412384


it's linksposter or bbk

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5f5a69  No.1412386

he only came about when we bullied links for being a william

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d5120e  No.1412387


god i wish that was me

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557cba  No.1412388


they're unironically a subspecies of homo sapien

H. s. Negrum tbh

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b54c66  No.1412391



>teeeline nonce

it checks out

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06146b  No.1412392


Seems a bit strange to design a gun without a trigger guard intended the be used at point blank on a live animal tbh.

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36b707  No.1412393

File: 1310ac277b1c0d9⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ginnie1.jpg)

I miss Dorset and monarch lads

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d5120e  No.1412394

File: f96659ee96d404c⋯.webm (558.34 KB, 640x640, 1:1, karatekick.webm)

*fights bbk*

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557cba  No.1412395

File: 81d7dc6e643d610⋯.png (28.52 KB, 597x371, 597:371, unknown.png)

sad Keanu chungus musk moment

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d5120e  No.1412398


HH brother

tbh I am more that blacks should just be destroyed as an invasive species. they should be mass sterilized and removed from the gene pool of humanity because they are nothing but dead weight in human evolution

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ee7300  No.1412399


he's breaking a white latina out of prison

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5f5a69  No.1412400

File: 18d16429266c920⋯.png (154.46 KB, 894x894, 1:1, 1592446298253.png)


what about bigchuckas?

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ea8d7f  No.1412401


i miss augustus and whoever the tripfag was that made the one eye on the streets, one eye on the pakis OC

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36b707  No.1412402

File: 2db23368790d9d6⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 205x185, 41:37, fb89e5a88eee1831b11cff0945….jpg)


but if they were exterminated you wouldn't have had those black weebs to hang out with at school lad

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b54c66  No.1412403

File: 93b6004f25c5782⋯.png (68.29 KB, 642x388, 321:194, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef0c61ac170601c⋯.png (255.7 KB, 448x380, 112:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09e829ca3d357a5⋯.png (1.06 MB, 609x610, 609:610, ClipboardImage.png)

A toast! A toast to mental illness being indulged!

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f02895  No.1412404

File: da3cfd3ff7faa16⋯.jpg (38.89 KB, 354x586, 177:293, turner_diaries_st_louis.jpg)

I dont really get mad at the world anymore, 90% of my anger and frustration is directed to other right wingers for being so useless.

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f02895  No.1412405

File: 3caf4e15add1469⋯.jpg (19.79 KB, 399x400, 399:400, _.jpg)


>stonewall uprising

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b54c66  No.1412406

File: c0406410d43de6a⋯.png (255.56 KB, 272x500, 68:125, ClipboardImage.png)


>get mad



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557cba  No.1412407


just as I think I cannot hate niggers more they manage to make me hate them more with each passing day

unironically it is evil to let them live and breed tbh

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f02895  No.1412408


thats just dumb at some point you should be able to determine what their behaviour is and then stop self harming by getting mad over something you already know.

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5ff42d  No.1412410



>incredibly gay post format by a faggot

It checks out

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a79d91  No.1412412


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b54c66  No.1412414

File: aa4a77ce024a010⋯.png (455.93 KB, 712x668, 178:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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557cba  No.1412415


don't really get angry unless it's something extremely bad (like animal or child abuse) tbh

most of the niggerseethe bait just makes me feel apathetic tbh

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5ff42d  No.1412418



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557cba  No.1412420

File: 62822926f3f7c4b⋯.webm (884.68 KB, 640x480, 4:3, mfw.webm)


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a79d91  No.1412421

File: 27e6a696ef1e76f⋯.png (743.16 KB, 649x680, 649:680, EbsfFR3WoAMuBTQ.png)

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f02895  No.1412422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Neat old Vice documentary on when the PKK youth tried to gain autonomy over various towns in South Anatolia by establishing roadblocks and digging trenches.

Maybe there's some lessons in this experiment for us.

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d5120e  No.1412423


would have rather had white friends

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a79d91  No.1412424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

luv shitty pop songs, me

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d5120e  No.1412425


looks like the jew lawyer from vice city

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06146b  No.1412426


It's IRL petah griffin lad

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d5120e  No.1412427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d5120e  No.1412428

luv wwe me

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f02895  No.1412429

File: 300a84fe5adb205⋯.png (73.35 KB, 591x709, 591:709, chaz_kills_nigger_kids.png)

holy shit lmfao turns out both the people shot in CHAZ were black children

antifa is killing black children now lmfao.

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b54c66  No.1412430

File: e3cbd1966834535⋯.png (22.71 KB, 245x200, 49:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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d5120e  No.1412431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RIP to the original BIG

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b54c66  No.1412432

File: 740f921da1482c1⋯.png (1.2 MB, 956x541, 956:541, ClipboardImage.png)

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b54c66  No.1412433


l-left wing death squads?

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d5120e  No.1412434


keek he was BIG

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f02895  No.1412435


yeah tbh, they literally executed a child point blank after lighting up their car. You can hear on audio a soy boy voice cracking as he yells "Get on the fucking ground" right after the shooting stops until one goes up to the car and says "Oh you're not dead huh? Wanna get pistol whipped" followed by a final gunshot:


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c60d1e  No.1412436


good shot placement

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ee7300  No.1412437

File: b1114270af063a9⋯.mp4 (9.76 MB, 720x580, 36:29, simp_btfo_d.mp4)


good lad

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b54c66  No.1412438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d5120e  No.1412439


big show is a good lad

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b54c66  No.1412440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>when they turned Kane incel

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7fd33c  No.1412441

File: 0d22163d5d15fc4⋯.png (14.52 KB, 749x103, 749:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Give it another couple weeks and CHAZ will beat the national death toll of unarmed blacks

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0900b7  No.1412442


Fucking hell, they're basically re-enacting judge dredd out there just with no guiding morals or ethics at all.

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ee7300  No.1412443

File: c66f9f20d9d8cf5⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 641x530, 641:530, worried.jpg)

>heidenreich raping michael cole storyline

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d5120e  No.1412444


keeek good lad

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b54c66  No.1412445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


keeeeeeeeeeeeeek fucking hell I remember that

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ea8d7f  No.1412446

might start anti wrestling gang

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f02895  No.1412447

File: a2d08b72a6e1d46⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2001x1321, 2001:1321, daft_lads_boston.jpg)

lmfao turns out the wignats behind this are run by an ex patriot front guy who got kicked out after he ratted them out to antifa.

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f02895  No.1412448

File: a491d634d354054⋯.jpg (199.22 KB, 702x736, 351:368, chris_hood_patriot_front_t….jpg)

the state of some of these mongs

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b54c66  No.1412449

File: b2bf0670d5bed97⋯.jpg (29.36 KB, 361x544, 361:544, Corny_beaver.jpg)


>no tldr

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f02895  No.1412450


He got kicked out of patriot front and so he immediately went to antifa to give them the doxxes of his former comrades.

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d5120e  No.1412451


tbh mummy leta looks like a one of those AB meth mummies that could deglove a hotdog with suction power

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d5120e  No.1412452


glad I never joined PF spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) tbh

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7fd33c  No.1412453

File: 7e5ed42561bd6c7⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1706x1169, 1706:1169, ClipboardImage.png)


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ee7300  No.1412454


where is this from lad?

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b54c66  No.1412455

File: a12ac05805e99c6⋯.png (637.13 KB, 637x459, 637:459, ClipboardImage.png)


>ywn spitroast Trish with Lita

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f02895  No.1412456


antifa site

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d5120e  No.1412457


smh 20 year old cringcels should not be in politics except as cannonfodder. fucking retard is like 21 saying he wasted his youth lmao

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d5120e  No.1412458



>no meth mummy milkers to stomp your bollocks with tweaker leg while she laughes uncontrollably at your small b*nis

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557cba  No.1412459

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ee7300  No.1412460

>antifash gordon

he got doxxed as well a while ago

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5f5a69  No.1412461



wait till he hits mid twenties

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b54c66  No.1412462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

> A dog-lover,[5] Calaway and his ex-wife Sara established The Zeus Compton Calaway Save the Animals fund at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences to help pay for lifesaving treatments for large-breed dogs.

>Calaway has made several donations to politically conservative causes and Republican candidates[218] and has worn clothing stating opposition to the US national anthem protests.[219]

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d5120e  No.1412463


all this shit does is validate AB blood in blood out shite

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f02895  No.1412464


tbh this is what happens when you try to organise from the internet. You're going to get internet creatures.

And these organisations are all recruitment mills anyway their only strategy is get more people "recruited" until the entire countries population is in your organisation. The more people you have is if anything a liability for dissidents.

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5f5a69  No.1412465

File: 8cb2bb49f1bef76⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1272x854, 636:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Damn, time just flies by, felt like only yesterday I was on holiday with ma and pa

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d5120e  No.1412466


he thinks his 20 year old gf is going to stay with him its just this boomer teen cringe shite even matt heimbach at 30 is cringe saying he is an old soldier when WLP spent like 30-40 years openly in the WN movement. they are just idiots attracted to the image but don't want to actually program

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b54c66  No.1412467

File: c8fc14f4d702a4f⋯.png (240.97 KB, 281x428, 281:428, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b765e2c5f118f5b⋯.png (103.84 KB, 500x372, 125:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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f02895  No.1412468

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d5120e  No.1412469

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557cba  No.1412470

File: c534336e0659565⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 460x818, 230:409, soy.mp4)

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b54c66  No.1412471

File: 1e7e9a248b48b6b⋯.png (303.62 KB, 646x595, 38:35, XvJD2NiVAz3Q0CsJkatni8Nvq8….png)


>when she wore the low waist green cargo pants and had a neon pink thong sticking out over her hips

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7fd33c  No.1412472

File: 37bfbd3ea89c603⋯.jpg (38.17 KB, 542x543, 542:543, cat_close_up_look.jpg)

doing some grotty braps lads

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d5120e  No.1412473

File: dc3664e5165d96a⋯.jpg (19.09 KB, 294x320, 147:160, 91EDlqOb5uL_AC_UL320_SR294….jpg)


>early 2000s lasses pre yoga pants

>low cut jeans with thongs and fish net shirts

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f02895  No.1412474

File: 9e36b4d87a4a70f⋯.png (319.09 KB, 541x666, 541:666, chaz_fag_shooting.png)



so many antifa fags on twitter fedposting celebrating the shooting when they thought they killed white nationalists.

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b54c66  No.1412475

File: 84087df87c6a362⋯.jpg (40.79 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1503651705643.jpg)

>Undertaker was billed at 320lbs



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557cba  No.1412476

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d5120e  No.1412477



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5f5a69  No.1412478

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a855a0  No.1412479

File: 3d511eb5c28b037⋯.jpg (26.75 KB, 800x533, 800:533, steiner_special.jpg)

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557cba  No.1412480

File: 3171c0516ccd62c⋯.jpg (22.43 KB, 398x354, 199:177, 1572970593894.jpg)

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b54c66  No.1412481

File: cc30b81d59e26d8⋯.jpg (494.91 KB, 636x1000, 159:250, 2432543.jpg)


keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the way that they suddenly get all "well there's no confirmation they were unarmed"

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5f5a69  No.1412482

File: 824cf14e0d0c316⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 242x520, 121:260, 143897799381.jpg)

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0900b7  No.1412483


Or that they were apparently beating and robbing people.Funny how that's no excuse for the police though.

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f02895  No.1412484

they're LITERALLY trying to justify murdering a 16 year old black kid lmfao

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ea8d7f  No.1412485


have they acknowledged they were black anywhere yet?

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0900b7  No.1412486


Is suggesting they were violent and robbing people a tacit admission?

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f02895  No.1412487


no its amazing and honestly impressive how good they are at damage control

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b54c66  No.1412488


they're not good at it they literally have no need to do it because the people on their side will always put the advancement of their look/feel-good political agenda first above anything else because the slightest introspection will bring the whole house of cards down and make them feel bad

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557cba  No.1412489

File: 4435e4487ffb1ce⋯.jpg (27.98 KB, 1439x318, 1439:318, reddit.jpg)

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f02895  No.1412490


the left is much better when it comes to solidarity, they'll very rarely throw anyone under the bus this is because of a number reasons one being they're under far less scrutiny from the media and law but also because the right really can't do anything if they dont. If a right wing party has a guy who does something insanely embarrassing like CHAZ the right has to throw that guy under the bus because he's a weak point for a leftist attack.

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093c62  No.1412491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

KEEEEEEEEEEEEK they fucking executed those nignogs in the chaz

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557cba  No.1412492

File: d327f2efe4a768d⋯.jpg (68.4 KB, 283x390, 283:390, dispair.jpg)

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0900b7  No.1412493


all is not well in the anarchic republic

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7fd33c  No.1412494

File: d799ba130fd9e73⋯.jpg (26.71 KB, 256x358, 128:179, IMG_20190129_125249_555.JPG)

Smh just done a half liquid shit lads

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b54c66  No.1412495


save it in a bottle and put it on egg-fried rice

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06146b  No.1412496

Mummy bought ham and cheese pastry things instead of beans and cheese. YACK.

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557cba  No.1412497


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0900b7  No.1412498

File: 7f1c67f227e8bae⋯.jpg (82.58 KB, 1241x779, 1241:779, .jpg)

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f02895  No.1412499

its deeply unsettling to think how much of european history and art is in America.

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d5120e  No.1412500


tbh in the museums

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f02895  No.1412501

File: 12f68357c621206⋯.jpg (311.99 KB, 1838x1288, 919:644, boomerwaffen.jpg)


and privately owned, a lot of priceless artefacts are for sale especially after WW2. I was just reading how the boomerwaffen guy owned various priceless pieces of furniture

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093c62  No.1412502

File: 2f46980184d30fe⋯.png (250.61 KB, 438x435, 146:145, tyjukjgh.png)




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f02895  No.1412503


yes lad furniture from the 14th century created for the kings and nobles of europe are priceless.

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ea8d7f  No.1412504

tbh why could boomerman afford such trivial luxuries? what was his toil? i'd wager he was a usurer or rentberg. in the bible it says to share your riches with the poor tbh.

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06146b  No.1412505

Found the serial cushion farter lad

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81967e  No.1412506


There are heaps of master drawings and paintings in american museums. Was thinking how many would be lost forever if museums like the MET in jew york got torched and ransacked.

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06146b  No.1412507


Him and his wife are shitty injury lawyers, apparently not shitty enough though

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f02895  No.1412508




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ee7300  No.1412509

File: 0c9008e10914788⋯.jpg (51.17 KB, 568x601, 568:601, Dobby_3.jpg)


forgot to read this

>dad gets him a job at uni

>publishing articles in msm outlets

>twitter lets him dox people with impunity

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093c62  No.1412510

File: 5b11365aee6a760⋯.png (933.67 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 31413dca11586f5798d24925f4….png)

>pretending to filter me

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ea8d7f  No.1412511

cold take: formation of subversive groups that hate capitalism and america was made easier by a uniquely american capitalist system that enriched shitty people and made them easy targets

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093c62  No.1412512


love how his hair makes him look like an 18th century lord looking at his servant

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093c62  No.1412513


just a bit of a pointless statement tbh

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7fd33c  No.1412514

File: fa8be44e3f7bf31⋯.jpg (21.23 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Homer_sick.jpg)


used to have a wooden chair that I'm sure became rotten with my farts, literally smelled like shit

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557cba  No.1412515

File: 5db0890462dee81⋯.jpg (91.69 KB, 570x570, 1:1, Saint_NEET_of_the_comfy_be….jpg)

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7fd33c  No.1412516

microwaved take: civic nationalism is based

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7fd33c  No.1412517

File: 66ef249ddd1bfcb⋯.png (60.39 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe_tux_small.png)

And I'm sure there were poo particles multiplying in the wood, it had black dots where my (clothed) arse crack would have been

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39e9f7  No.1412518

File: b4c334ec7d60ea0⋯.png (114.02 KB, 429x491, 429:491, heck.png)

morning lads

had a prophetic dream where i ran out of toil tokens and then rentberg implemented a social credit system that i had to follow or else i'd get evicted keeek

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557cba  No.1412519

night lads


morning lad

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39e9f7  No.1412520


night lad

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d6acc0  No.1412521

File: 0d9d9c324ed0a6d⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 828x796, 207:199, 0d9d9c324ed0a6de4dcf95d536….jpg)


go full ted at that point lad tbh

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39e9f7  No.1412522

File: 7e24b34aae15c3a⋯.jpeg (74.14 KB, 755x467, 755:467, eat_mushrooms_bang_on_dru….jpeg)


yeah tbh

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d51884  No.1412523

Ywn be a stuffed toy or pillow that a lass rides and leaks on

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06146b  No.1412524


You can be taxidermied lad

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ea8d7f  No.1412525


no you can't

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d51884  No.1412526


You had a good run lad

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d51884  No.1412527


Ye but i wanna be soft and get soaked

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06146b  No.1412528

File: 5de3a45b895d567⋯.jpg (110.44 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, elephant.jpg)


Maybe not as a human but if we did a convincing enough job of rearranging him to look like an animal, the taxidermist can't really say no, can he?


Quiet lad, we're deciding your fate in ther afterlife

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7fd33c  No.1412529


Thought that was a skinned elephant for a second smdh

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06146b  No.1412530


Convincing, see?

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39e9f7  No.1412531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d51884  No.1412532


My ancestor

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39e9f7  No.1412533


bit grotesque lad



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d5120e  No.1412534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7fd33c  No.1412535


>the racist bully monke


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ee7300  No.1412536

File: 5f27e727b4e8782⋯.jpg (32.4 KB, 388x469, 388:469, garage_just.jpg)


>the uploader has not made this video available in your country

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ea8d7f  No.1412537


>knows about the storming of the bastille

impressive for an american i think


>not using a proxy

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ee7300  No.1412538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


keek. she kind of looks like my nan tbh

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65398b  No.1412544


lad they banned 2000 subs, even based ones that had always been 100% private and just about basic shit they were banned, there are no right wing subs left on reddit, its done.

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f02895  No.1412545


cringe take

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74aa21  No.1412546


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f02895  No.1412547

File: 322e5d219f092a7⋯.jpg (210.1 KB, 878x1200, 439:600, braveposter.jpg)

I'm starting to convince myself that a correction will come, saner men will take hold of the reigns of power or there will be an oppertunity for a clandestine but organised movement to take the initiative.

Anything can happen in the future, try reading through all the events of history as someone in our positions, our futures will be defined by things seemingly totally out of the blue, but they will still happen.

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39e9f7  No.1412548


tbh tbh lad the world has a way of getting itself back on course sooner or later

just do the things that it's possible to do and make sure not to lose hope

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d51884  No.1412549

File: 63579a7331a633d⋯.png (250.18 KB, 317x832, 317:832, Rumi_Usagiyama.png)

God i wish i was her so bad

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f02895  No.1412550

On top of that we know that people like Gove and probably other high ups are aware of what's going on, they may have accepted that they can't do anything about it now but who knows what kind of destabilising event can come out of nowhere and give men like that free reign to make the necessary decisions.

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d51884  No.1412551

File: 62a3257c7c6cb29⋯.png (73.85 KB, 350x358, 175:179, Rabbit.png)

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39e9f7  No.1412552


bit gay lad smh


wouldn't trust any of that lot lad they're all complicit

very much doubt any kind of pushback will come from inside the establishment

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b7069a  No.1412553

File: e69209501cbfde9⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1920x816, 40:17, 1555916610442.png)



>mass deportations and blood laws and miscegenation laws are just going to come into force out of nowhere or from some secret based tory boy group

no, there is no cavalry, there is no saviour on the horizon, what we've got is what we've got, things are as they appear.

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f02895  No.1412554


there are outsiders even amongst the elite, donald trump was one single petty elite and look what he caused. I'm sure there's more elites out there who for whatever reason want to be our champion or atleast be destabilising figures.

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f02895  No.1412555


I'm not saying that I'm saying that although right now we have no path to power we shouldn't despair or use it as an excuse to do nothing or harm ourselves. That path will one day be opened by any number of events that will come totally out of the blue. Nobody could've predicted 2016 and nobody can predict 2025. We will have oppertunities, all we have to do is make sure we're in a position to take advantage of them when they come.

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99ad2b  No.1412556

File: 82d399f7b6c2a5a⋯.png (110.17 KB, 306x306, 1:1, 82d399f7b6c2a5a31c0172d398….png)

>this cunt who comes in and makes vague statements and strawmans positions that nobody on here has and spews basic shite that everybody already know then starts arguments for no reason

fuck off m8, is this agg or bbk, I recognise his posting style

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f02895  No.1412557


how am I being vague?

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06146b  No.1412558

shnight lads

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39e9f7  No.1412559


shni la

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ea8d7f  No.1412560


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7fd33c  No.1412561

File: 6876788e404630f⋯.jpg (31.16 KB, 602x513, 602:513, dog_wide_eyes.jpg)


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d51884  No.1412562

File: 86c9fadc2a54c77⋯.png (78.78 KB, 400x204, 100:51, tumblr_pcgu2yIVCf1wxc8seo1….png)

Not sure if i want to be testicles or her foot

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39e9f7  No.1412563

File: c59d73ea8959f69⋯.jpg (42.6 KB, 591x957, 197:319, anime_varg.jpg)

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d51884  No.1412564


Luv this pic me

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7fd33c  No.1412565

File: dcfa1ff53383609⋯.jpg (140.85 KB, 1358x1080, 679:540, wojak_little_noose_nascar.jpg)

night lads

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70b6f8  No.1412566

File: 740c84b28df1e3c⋯.png (114.35 KB, 223x255, 223:255, downtrodden_steinerdog.png)


morning lad

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54f87c  No.1412567

File: 73873f2f6a3764e⋯.png (789.25 KB, 1897x913, 1897:913, grehj.png)

>watching video

>see successful/fulfilled/popular chadlet looking younger lad who is clearly better than you in every conceivable way and will become a chad when he gets older

>feel like spiteful mutant who should be shot for eugenics purposes

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f02895  No.1412568


never felt this

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39e9f7  No.1412569

File: b665700a44713aa⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bee.jpg)


night lad


morning lad


just be yourself lad

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7c2ef4  No.1412570

File: a88e1a4626ed870⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 716x475, 716:475, a88e1a4626ed870fa05dec2242….jpg)

>graveyard shift

>one lad saying good night

>one saying good morning

>attempt at fixing schedule failed yesterday even though I didn't crash because I ended up staying up even later meanign I was awake for 35 hours and slept all day

>now going to have to pump a redbull and have some coffee later on to stay awake the day after a fucked sleep schedule because I have toil stuff to do that I keep procrastinating

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d51884  No.1412571


Take the Selfish gene pill. Don't listen to the theoretical evolution lad. he shills the bbc meme

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584cbc  No.1412572

File: 2892c1e4abd2dc9⋯.jpg (18.04 KB, 579x329, 579:329, 1524705814263.jpg)


it was an aussie lad aswell smh bondi rescue videos on yt, fucking chadstralia must be suicide inducing more than here for cringecels, atleast I don't feel too out of place being a mutant in this country because I'm surrounded by people like that

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584cbc  No.1412573

File: f2f554f6676a111⋯.jpg (938.04 KB, 1773x1626, 591:542, 1505170870713.jpg)

>all far right e celebs and chanfags saying anybody who wears a mask is a slave sheep nigger

>tfw for years before this virus I've wanted us to have a chink like culture of wearing masks in public so I could cover my face up and as much as possible and be anonymous and not recognisable with the bonus thay it covers my putrid face

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ea8d7f  No.1412574


i wasn't supposed to become the loser i am today. i know all losers cope like that, but i have chad genes just didn't have a proper family and never learnt to stand up for myself and assert myself. there's something to be said for the idea that upbringing and environment is more important than genes. all i can hope for now is that i die at the right time of month so rentberg can kick my door in and find me in a minimally decomposed state, but it's not likely and there probably won't be a proper corpse for a funeral.

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d51884  No.1412575


Tfw no mask to hide lack of chin

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a79d91  No.1412576

File: a1bc556928071dd⋯.jpeg (160.28 KB, 912x1080, 38:45, tessaczarina.jpeg)

czarina tessa

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39e9f7  No.1412577


keeeeeek ffs lad just go to bed at a reasonable hour and this wouldn't keep happening


lots of blonde-haired blue-eyed six-foot-six gigachads over here tbh but they're getting rarer because of dysgenics and immigration smdh


tbh smh

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f02895  No.1412578


how old are you lad?

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520105  No.1412579

File: 960610c49ea2754⋯.png (510.67 KB, 720x723, 240:241, 960610c49ea27546a8afebd0e9….png)


where did I say I have a lack of chin

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ea8d7f  No.1412580


quite a bit over 30. i don't consider myself old yet, but i've been able to see what's ahead for a while now and i don't like it.

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f02895  No.1412581


fucksake lad there's unending possibilities out there if your life is so worthless to you then just pursue them without restraint.

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ad91c1  No.1412582

File: 77cdb860c545ae1⋯.png (259.75 KB, 744x763, 744:763, 77cdb860c545ae1751ac727705….png)


smh forgot you are poo eyed, don't like that comment you made there about them being blond haired blue eyed, I have that(although hair is more light brown/dirty blond these days) tbh and I'm a cringecel uggo

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d51884  No.1412583


Kwewwewwwk defensive retardlad

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ee7300  No.1412584

File: 1617fdf28da2e80⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 1000x770, 100:77, 1617fdf28da2e80b604ea38c07….jpg)


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54f87c  No.1412585

File: 4a30a8f3fcbbd3d⋯.jpg (68.07 KB, 676x807, 676:807, 4a30a8f3fcbbd3d9fc0da8fc16….jpg)

>quite a bit over 30.

>i don't consider myself old yet,

>and he's lamenting on an imageboard graveyard shift

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d51884  No.1412586


Why would old men fap to you on chaturbate then?

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a79d91  No.1412587


pancake mix

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520105  No.1412588

File: cb428fbda67d1f2⋯.png (13.63 KB, 604x608, 151:152, pointer.png)


>this cunt

recognise his posting style, nasty smug cunt tbh contributes nothing

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39e9f7  No.1412589


>smh forgot you are poo eyed

incorrect lad smh don't go casting aspersions on my anglo purity smdh


night lad

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70b6f8  No.1412590

File: a9f49dc44abbf84⋯.png (891.65 KB, 872x768, 109:96, ClipboardImage.png)

powerful stance tbh

strong and stable

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54f87c  No.1412591

File: 6316190bb87b9c7⋯.jpg (14.08 KB, 366x492, 61:82, 6316190bb87b9c7221da801f91….jpg)

>bongoland meta memes

smh you cunts are consistently the worst posters

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d51884  No.1412592

Gonna post here until i die

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39e9f7  No.1412593


thumbnail looks like a JUST memi



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45f1f2  No.1412594

File: 84b4953a7832937⋯.jpg (73.28 KB, 981x787, 981:787, 1526342549206.jpg)

>*waits for inevitable "going back to bed" post from wessex*

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584cbc  No.1412595

File: 0a2decb864dd2e3⋯.jpg (114.28 KB, 1209x756, 403:252, 0a2decb864dd2e39d9c2e4004c….jpg)

d51884 is 22st btw lads just letting you all know so you can filter early on

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39e9f7  No.1412596




yeah his dysphoria posts make him easy to spot

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70b6f8  No.1412597

File: 66c00d854b76c23⋯.png (517.62 KB, 600x576, 25:24, eee.png)


Can't today because my gooming computer is supposed to arrive

it probably won't but I will have to stay in to receive it just in case, can't risk it being sent to the post office or given to the turkoportuguese scum neighbours and never seeing it again

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a79d91  No.1412598

File: 47a711b26ad1575⋯.jpg (84.06 KB, 750x669, 250:223, 47a711b26ad157537efaf4151f….jpg)

midwits gtfo

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ad91c1  No.1412599

File: dca4514ac5aa52e⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1600x1157, 1600:1157, ClipboardImage.png)


>"Arriving between 7am on 30th june to 11:59pm on friday 3rd of july mate simple as"

>*knocks door once while you are mid coom*

>*sprints away and speeds off after you don't answer the doorwith 0.1 nonseconds*

>"Sorry mate you weren't in left it an the local posties I know the him he's a good lad WAHEY"

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70b6f8  No.1412600

File: 42cb9654278a84f⋯.png (16.23 KB, 645x773, 645:773, smh.png)

>Backorder awaiting stock/build

>Been eight days and they specifically emailed me about swapping for another part which they had in stock rather than waiting

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d51884  No.1412601

File: 57778633de5f2dd⋯.jpg (62.35 KB, 498x1024, 249:512, 1592877004766m.jpg)


Pretty sure 22stlad is at work lad

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d6acc0  No.1412602


it should say "125+" on the middle pepe, whoever made this is an actual midwit, probably from r9k cause thats where I first saw that posted

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a79d91  No.1412603


he's fading in and out of consciousness whilst crashed in a ditch and looking at /brit/

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70b6f8  No.1412604

File: c17bde67f63f456⋯.png (445.67 KB, 504x504, 1:1, angry3.png)

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3dc864  No.1412605

File: 1277a7f8c48b4b8⋯.jpg (84.65 KB, 453x439, 453:439, 1506447497442.jpg)

>taking your flag off

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39e9f7  No.1412606


smh lad if you're going to spend 3k on a gooming machine i'm sure you could have sprung the little bit extra for some kind of guaranteed shipping




>it should say "125+" on the middle pepe

t. seething 129iq midwit

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7ddaf3  No.1412607


lad you just replied to him, he is on early shift making vile posts as usual, he is utterly abhorrent and devient, he's the type of cunt to be a total fiend if given any power over people

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70b6f8  No.1412608

File: 01a241bb99d7a4a⋯.png (388.82 KB, 750x750, 1:1, sad_4.png)


yeah I messed up there by being a retard

thought I was doing the nice thing by asking for standard next working day delivery or whatever because it would give them time to actually get the parts together and send off

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39e9f7  No.1412609

File: 623c5d191953efa⋯.png (129.41 KB, 407x387, 407:387, _aggressive_honking_.png)



bad lad

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ad91c1  No.1412610

File: 73b616709c6bc5b⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 350x376, 175:188, 9ci06ym20nw21.jpg)

still honestly disgusted that wessie spent 3k on a computer and he literally is too lazy to do any research about them ,can't imagine spending 3k on anything after my dreadful bout of materialism 3 years ago when I acted like a retard on impulse, going to want to kill myself if I ever actually by a house and fork out the money

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d51884  No.1412611

Speaking of 22st, i also drive a van for work

>gotta take it to a garage when i am done today because of worn brake pads. Pity the lad who has to suffer my odours tbh

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a79d91  No.1412612


no, 22st is alright

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a79d91  No.1412613


>iq:125 retard

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70b6f8  No.1412614

File: 8bb01a41929d411⋯.png (600.12 KB, 892x753, 892:753, pink.png)


Nobody here will ever be able to afford to buy an actual property unless they do the toil and save for 50 years meme

What else am I going to spend my savings on? It's not like I can prepare for le collapse because I won't survive anything like that anyway

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d51884  No.1412615


Goodlad defending lads who aren't here to defend themselves

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a79d91  No.1412616

File: 6021ca361177ce9⋯.jpeg (73.12 KB, 768x433, 768:433, tessashine.jpeg)

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7c2ef4  No.1412617

File: b7a68bdbf757ee7⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 450x220, 45:22, 1507777895520.jpg)


its based on statements of the manhatten project members about people needing an IQ of 125 min to do anything of note you mongs, do people here really think I just say things from nothing, so many fucking midwits on here its shocking honestly

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a79d91  No.1412618


its characteristically midwit to overanalyse things and interject the things they know or heard to appear smart

this is why you have to go

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d51884  No.1412619

The word midwits sounds funny and makes me laff tbh

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70b6f8  No.1412620

File: 050f53f2b3d7b9f⋯.png (232.45 KB, 800x596, 200:149, smug_apu.png)

>manhatten project

He made a typo… Heh… Maybe a grade of 'midwit' was too high…

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ad91c1  No.1412621

File: cb7b2f3dbc60277⋯.png (60.35 KB, 325x300, 13:12, 180ee750aeff262358a37ed28c….png)


horrible post lad and just wrong on many levels but I cba dealing with your depression posting today tbh, suffice to say I've never worked an actual job in my life and now have more money than you as a result of you being stupid, you aren't even trying, how can you not try yet complain it makes no sense to me, if I try my best and in 3 years am still a mess then I'll give up and start robbing post offices but until then just stop

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d51884  No.1412622

BIGwits tbh

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a79d91  No.1412623

File: 2d6191c6f40dbe3⋯.jpg (38.34 KB, 750x749, 750:749, 1575833495105.jpg)

smolwits gang, tbh

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584cbc  No.1412624

File: de67c0578824a7e⋯.jpg (31.98 KB, 735x541, 735:541, ZryJ2oZ.jpg)

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d51884  No.1412625

Mmmmm big tits gfis selfconscious of her smoltits tbh smh

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70b6f8  No.1412626

File: 3ff77e90bce74a8⋯.png (320.34 KB, 1144x888, 143:111, brainycrush.png)


I disagree

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70b6f8  No.1412627

File: 02cb2cf138c5995⋯.png (33.51 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden.png)

>Hey 8kun, it's 7:20am, time for the site to break!

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ea8d7f  No.1412628


fuck off lad, you'll be here at my age. what do you think you're just going to become too busy and successful to browse /brit/ the day you turn 27?

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a79d91  No.1412629


'nother middie found out, if not the same

scram before i make a smudge of you

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74aa21  No.1412630

File: 5897a64456e3230⋯.jpg (116.21 KB, 379x568, 379:568, 5897a64456e32305098eb06b14….jpg)

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39e9f7  No.1412631

File: 39ce53123b92e7d⋯.jpeg (21.08 KB, 380x460, 19:23, dog_1.jpeg)

>tfw you wake up and sit around for hours and then the day is almost over

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70b6f8  No.1412632

File: 135ecc31c0502d4⋯.png (35.88 KB, 492x601, 492:601, fatrumble.png)

lemon curd on crumpets for brekkie

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70b6f8  No.1412633

File: 254e8a1178cc68a⋯.png (537 KB, 814x1024, 407:512, batzorig_apucheg.png)


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d51884  No.1412634

Tfw you can feel your evil side already plotting to binge on sweeties when i come home

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39e9f7  No.1412635

File: 1c9bacdd7d711cb⋯.jpg (241.35 KB, 998x1374, 499:687, JUST_fix_my_life_up.jpg)


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d51884  No.1412636

Smell like buttery spaghetti for some reason

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70b6f8  No.1412637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fresh endlesss gook consumer fantasies for anglo neetsocs

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a79d91  No.1412638


you probably shouldnt smell like that

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70b6f8  No.1412639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


*injects hopium

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70b6f8  No.1412640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh disgusting 56% Hassle

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a79d91  No.1412641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hear youtube purged thousands of channels from youtube, hope my channel is ok. have so much stuff on it.

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39e9f7  No.1412642

File: 87747aa1f73283a⋯.jpg (28.9 KB, 512x384, 4:3, smug_fancy_hoomer.jpg)


>he didn't watch it live

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70b6f8  No.1412643

File: 1a240a8bf7c249a⋯.png (680.27 KB, 938x821, 938:821, animepu.png)


I'm not that much of a weeaboo tbh

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70b6f8  No.1412644

File: d0f6f49737c669d⋯.png (69.75 KB, 240x232, 30:29, unsettled.png)

coofing a lot this morning

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39e9f7  No.1412645

File: 1b56f221dc6fe0d⋯.jpeg (48.16 KB, 579x960, 193:320, 0c822b4b459efedc622136a12….jpeg)

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70b6f8  No.1412646

File: 0c681f48c092a9f⋯.gif (722.05 KB, 487x560, 487:560, animefeelsbash.gif)

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39e9f7  No.1412647


post your channel lad

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70b6f8  No.1412648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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557cba  No.1412649

File: 0e14a0cbe58e6e8⋯.jpg (175.4 KB, 1241x1212, 1241:1212, wes.jpg)

my doms is almost all gone

to think just a couple days ago I could barely move, getting motivated to put in even more work

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065285  No.1412650

File: b6c9fd12df4ba21⋯.jpg (86.39 KB, 1080x856, 135:107, wes_11.jpg)


so you listened to our advice, well done, have you been pushing through it and putting in work

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ee1d2f  No.1412651

is the wolf from the three little pigs the same wolf that's in red riding hood?

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70b6f8  No.1412652

File: 2dc9577d9a06ce4⋯.png (296.61 KB, 1080x431, 1080:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7c6103b501c693⋯.png (95.94 KB, 640x591, 640:591, soy4.png)

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557cba  No.1412653

File: 09c969bc1e063dd⋯.jpg (111.18 KB, 1034x672, 517:336, time_to_put_in_work_wes.jpg)


yeah ive been doing my program, no bitch shit

i just stretch before putting in work and that made the doms easier to deal with

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70b6f8  No.1412654

File: 5318fc7a38bff6c⋯.png (318.95 KB, 641x530, 641:530, glassespepe.png)


Lad… Even I know stretching before exercise is a basic thing.

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d51884  No.1412655


The people who say that also says multiculturalism is great tbh

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45f1f2  No.1412656


I don't stretch before tbh, I stretch periodically throughout the day by touching my toes and leaning backwards but I don't stretch my arms before curls tbh

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39e9f7  No.1412657

File: bd08f1dacd3ae9b⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 640x480, 4:3, relaxed_homer.jpg)

toil soon

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557cba  No.1412658

File: 2cbbc28003a3c0b⋯.png (10.08 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden_pc9f4fhsb.png)




>toil soon



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70b6f8  No.1412659

File: e7a5da9ff9bc74c⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1429x1076, 1429:1076, anomalous_toiler.png)


Welcome to the W.G.E. mark VIII token earning system,

for use in toiling conditions.

High impact reactive bossman activated

Atmospheric contaminant braps activated

Wagie activity monitoring activated

Automatic pay docking systems engaged

Defensive breaktime selection system activated

Munition level monitoring activated

Communications interface online

Have a very productive day!

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847579  No.1412660

File: c109739f34fc821⋯.jpg (28.52 KB, 512x422, 256:211, c109739f34fc82165742392f5f….jpg)

>No in-class social distancing requirement for primary pupils, with secondary pupils advised to stay 1m apart but not at all times

>Teachers advised to keep 2m away from pupils, at the front of the class, and away from colleagues as much as possible as if in a supermarket

>Schools advised against routine temperature tests of pupils as it is “not a reliable method” for identifying coronavirus

>No face coverings for pupils or teachers, on Public Health England advice, as they “interfere” with teaching and learning

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70b6f8  No.1412661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(the munition level monitoring refers to braps also)

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ee1d2f  No.1412662


budget for the coof psyop ran out lad

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39e9f7  No.1412663


toil isn't that bad sometimes


keeeeeeeek verygoodlad

>Atmospheric contaminant braps activated



yeah it's pretty inconsistent smh


jeeej good lad

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ad91c1  No.1412664

File: b251337072f2184⋯.jpg (85.44 KB, 1141x774, 1141:774, 1510656943823.jpg)

smh still haven't finished half life since I played it in 2013 for 4 hours including a cheeky few online matches which was fun to do considering it was already 15 years old by that point

>Tfw you realise its now 22 years old

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e3ce0f  No.1412665


Considering that whenever children return to school they spread more germs about, this won't go particularly well

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70b6f8  No.1412666


could play through it with the lads, sven co-op has all the campaigns

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02693f  No.1412667


>with the lads

? you mean watch a playthrough, nah ruined tomb raider 2013 by doing that, watched a whole series on it and then when I rented it I got bored after 2 hours because of that

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70b6f8  No.1412668

File: b59b3c48b4a44e0⋯.png (160.43 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, grodon.png)


no I mean get on a sven co-op server and play through the campaigns in multiplayer

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557cba  No.1412670

File: 6b0c93df190c7f9⋯.png (942.63 KB, 686x695, 686:695, ClipboardImage_rb6e7tt52b.png)


>toil isn't that bad sometimes

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066e69  No.1412671

File: c06c0df7388136e⋯.jpg (26.67 KB, 462x451, 42:41, IMG_20200509_084155.jpg)

Good morning pals

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557cba  No.1412673

File: 17c31b92b464f64⋯.jpg (70.11 KB, 675x864, 25:32, varge.jpg)


not posting on 9chan /brit/

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ad91c1  No.1412674

File: 10ec8ff44a0acbf⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2100x1575, 4:3, jhokihj.jpg)


thats not the true experience, I ought to buy a crt and deck out my room to make it seem like its 1998 tbh

>tfw never got to experience the original steam UI

new one is shite tbh

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70b6f8  No.1412676


Why 9chan? Why not 8chan.moe?

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70b6f8  No.1412677

File: 1fa3d04fba964b9⋯.png (336.51 KB, 492x512, 123:128, gabenjew.png)


it pissed me off when I got a physical copy of counterstrike and it made me install steam and then download the game anyway tbh

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39e9f7  No.1412678


morning lad


i'll poost wherever the lads are and the lads are here

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847579  No.1412680

File: 78881ec80078597⋯.gif (44.58 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 78881ec80078597093d99c8824….gif)


>Fines of up to £120 for parents whose children fail to attend school. In contrast with the “softly softly” approach taken during full lockdown the message will be “education is not optional”

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d51884  No.1412682

Wonder how much i've damaged the van while driving recklessly to get to a toilet

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584cbc  No.1412683

File: 0053d59b15608f2⋯.png (137.18 KB, 1007x983, 1007:983, groomers_2.png)

>"/cuteboys/ is back up"


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70b6f8  No.1412684


they want the white children to get it and die tbh

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e3ce0f  No.1412685


The problem with that is, blacks get it at a higher rate so it will kill more nonwhites

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ad91c1  No.1412686

File: 3942f7e454be5b3⋯.png (105.66 KB, 468x511, 468:511, 3942f7e454be5b361269a08667….png)

Gonna go down a redbull then coom tbh lads

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847579  No.1412687

File: 796d823d65db56a⋯.jpg (78.29 KB, 470x595, 94:119, devilish.jpg)

>Some subjects for some or all pupils may have to be suspended for two terms to allow catch-up on core subjects such as English and maths, with a full spread of subjects returning in the summer term of of 2021

>Some pupils may have to drop some GSCEs altogether in Year 11 to allow them to catch up and achieve better grades in English and maths. GCSEs and A-levels to take place as planned next summer but with some “adaptations”

This is a shitshow waiting to happen

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39e9f7  No.1412688


yeah steam's shite


poo out the window while you drive lad



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70b6f8  No.1412689


they care less about their pets than they do about causing harm to us tbh

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70b6f8  No.1412692

File: 77eba922d170cc9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 935.01 KB, 547x798, 547:798, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b8e45365c69209⋯.png (258.56 KB, 647x783, 647:783, coomer33.png)


badlad but also


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066e69  No.1412693


Waiting for it to be official tbh


Lad i just woke up its too early for this smh


Hey auslad

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d51884  No.1412695


Not white unless their bussies are pink tbh

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847579  No.1412696


Unrhyw o hosenau hir neis y bore 'ma, lass?

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ad91c1  No.1412697


what a bureaucratic mess, just fucking give them all A's it would be easier

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f51bf6  No.1412698

Google Whitest area of UK

North Devon, also has lowest crime.

Do the same for most diverse area, Leicester. Currently the only place in UK to remain in lock down. Silly bint on Sky has no idea why Leicester is in the state it is.

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d51884  No.1412700

Wessex being influenced by the Based JF

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39e9f7  No.1412701


what a fucking joke smdh all judges must hang


>tfw no fat retard gf

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847579  No.1412702


>Silly bint on Sky has no idea why Leicester is in the state it is

Don't be silly, she's well aware of how terrible white privilege and racism are.

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f51bf6  No.1412704


Maybe whilst they dont want to be politically incorrect, they also want them to get sick and die.

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d51884  No.1412705

Poo smells of grilled beef burger

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847579  No.1412708


>a toxin in food

Interesting take. I certainly would put it past them to sneak some shit into processed food. They've rolled mass psychological experiments, corporate social engineering and an economic enslavement project into a single crisis over the course of just a few months, I'm honestly impressed. Usually I consider the government incompetent.


Rightful Celtic clay tbh

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70b6f8  No.1412709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0bedce  No.1412713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Juche Juche Juche

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ee1d2f  No.1412714

lots of agitated posters today this is going to end badly

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7c2ef4  No.1412715

File: 56b288805823d56⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 960x540, 16:9, based_Norks.mp4)

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e3ce0f  No.1412716


Well they backed everything on a big plane that was uneconomical for most airlines, amusingly terminal was designed around accomodating their planes

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f51bf6  No.1412717

Just heard about this

Rebecca Long-Bailey has been sacked as shadow education secretary of U.K. Labour after sharing an "anti-semitic conspiracy theory" on Twitter.

Long-Bailey had tweeted an article that included a claim that U.S. police learned the tactics that killed George Floyd from Israel.


Criticise American Police clap clap

Criticise Israeli military - SACKED!

Making me think bit too much.

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0bedce  No.1412718


Based, absolutely based.

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70b6f8  No.1412719

File: 0382ff9e3301924⋯.png (109.91 KB, 600x591, 200:197, heabutt.png)


*chins you

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e3ce0f  No.1412720

File: 4f75fbb16e5a7c1⋯.png (244.17 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Now that's what I call David Davis

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65398b  No.1412721

File: 78267ec6dcefe89⋯.jpg (548.58 KB, 1024x818, 512:409, 1524914802984.jpg)


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70b6f8  No.1412722



I still don't understand anything about this lad tbjh

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0bedce  No.1412723

File: 7cc2454d2f60071⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 634x845, 634:845, David_Davis_Granddaughter.jpg)

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39e9f7  No.1412724


he resigned

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520105  No.1412725

lads aren't ready for the david davis redpill

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f51bf6  No.1412726

…I knew I'd get DD'd ; /

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e3ce0f  No.1412727



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0bedce  No.1412728

File: 87667d9a5648768⋯.jpg (5.66 KB, 308x164, 77:41, Davis_OK_Hand.jpg)



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4524a0  No.1412729

>Wessex showing his newfaggotry

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0bedce  No.1412730

File: e1b3176147067ac⋯.png (1.41 MB, 750x1000, 3:4, David_Davis.png)


>Unusually for a leading Conservative politician, Davis was born to a single mother and grew up in south London, first in a slum apartment and then in social housing provided by the local council.

>Upon leaving school he joined the Special Air Service regiment of the Territorial Army.

>In June 2008 he resigned as an MP to fight for a by-election in protest against a new law allowing the police to hold people suspected of terrorism offences for 42 days without charge

>By the time that the 2016 referendum was held, Davis was a prominent member of the campaign for “Brexit”—the British withdrawal from the EU. This placed him in opposition not only to Cameron but to May, who also advocated continued British membership.

Basically just a solid lad.

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70b6f8  No.1412731


perhaps one of the last actually LOCAL politicians I guess


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e3ce0f  No.1412735


You don't need to announce it, you have such an autistic-schizophrenic posting style and high velocity its possible to recognise you always

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0bedce  No.1412736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As of 2016, with six million paramilitary personnel, the Korean People's Army is the largest paramilitary organisation in the world. This number is a quarter of the North Korean population.

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39e9f7  No.1412738

File: 83c6e53fbe9ab02⋯.jpg (175.12 KB, 376x506, 188:253, toiler87.jpg)

toil now bye lads

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0bedce  No.1412739


Bye lad.

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70b6f8  No.1412740

File: 41f9e10525e8387⋯.png (359.26 KB, 1528x976, 191:122, tudorpepe.png)


>ywn reinstate mandatory Sunday military practice and the Trained Bands

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70b6f8  No.1412744


later lad

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f51bf6  No.1412745

South London rapper Virgil Hawkins says he recognises BAME can be good for administrative reasons "like when you're trying to discern certain trends. But I think it's a cold and really official term."

He says black people face unique difficulties other minorities might not, such as stereotypes about black men being "threatening".

Online, some people are rejecting the BAME label by referring to themselves as not just black but "blackity black".


>stereotypes about black men being "threatening".

Having been actually thretened by BAMEs over the past year or so, I think the stereotype might be fair. Maybe I shouldnt have caled them BAME.

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8f5342  No.1412747

That vaush faggot is the most annoying coper tbh, he's going to become very prominent, he's gained about 30k subs in the last month

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54f87c  No.1412749

File: 8593fef5d95cc40⋯.png (795.25 KB, 1920x800, 12:5, 497889c91b5e7dc0aad0f3765c….png)



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0bedce  No.1412750

File: 159bc299cb0cf59⋯.jpg (276.66 KB, 1280x740, 64:37, Moreton_Hall_1.jpg)

File: 2fa46d243deb9bb⋯.jpg (91.33 KB, 640x426, 320:213, Moreton_Hall_2.jpg)


Tudor architecture is so comfy and iconic, rooo.

I'd call it our version of the comfy German walled town architecture.

>tfw can't really reply to the substance of your post due to ignorance of Tudor society


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9030e4  No.1412751

so fucking sick of this cocksucking faggot

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0bedce  No.1412752

File: 8ff47dc2d02039f⋯.jpg (14.38 KB, 340x365, 68:73, CIA.jpg)



And yeah I've had a blade pointed at my heart by a BAME unprovoked, it was extremely threatening for me.

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0bedce  No.1412754


Apparently they were using the Soviet model until the Korean War, when they switched to Maoist People's War tactics.

It's said that you generally have to serve as a private before you can even attend military academy, though. So the generals should have some boots-on-the-ground training at least.

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70b6f8  No.1412755

File: 4ad9d57fdb67546⋯.png (900.66 KB, 623x628, 623:628, henry_world.png)


>no Anglo-Saxon Burhs with Tudor architecture

Sunday military practice was the longbow law, it faded out by the 1590s as arquebuses were incorporated in greater numbers in the army.

The Trained Bands were LOCAL militia organisations who had to be ready to defend the nation within hours of being informed, they were called out a few times during eg the Spanish Armada attempted invasions.

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0bedce  No.1412756

File: 41993b0c94369ba⋯.png (862.24 KB, 534x712, 3:4, Tudorgroup_Drill_Photo.png)


Looks aesthetic in a very local way.

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70b6f8  No.1412760


didn't know there were reenactors for it tbh, very kino

the trained bands existed up to the civil wars, the king called them out under the traditional Commission of Array and parliament issues a Militia Ordnance, and they made up a lot of the early war period armies alongside private regiments.

I think Parliament disbanded the militias after the war and the establishment of the new ZOGle army because armed peasants are a threat to them smh

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066e69  No.1412761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not sure id make make many friends showing them off here tbh


I love this video of their mock lightning war with the south, kino. Sadly youtube removed the full original

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7c2ef4  No.1412762

why is literally everything filled with leftie faggots nowadays, could go to a hitler youth reanactment and half of them would be anti white faggots

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0bedce  No.1412763


They have their fingers in just about all anti-American conflict worldwide, communist and Islamist alike. So they can get up-to-date military and strategic information from all those wars.

>Historically, North Korea has trained and assisted a vast number of revolutionary, insurgent and terrorist groups in more than 62 countries.

>Up to 200 KPAF pilots took part in the Vietnam War, scoring several kills against US aircraft. They also allegedly sent ground troops to the Angolan Civil and Libyan-Egyptian wars.

>During the Syrian Civil War, Arabic-speaking KPA officers may have assisted the Syrian Arab Army in military operations planning and have supervised artillery bombardments in the Aleppo area.


This is really interesting, thanks lad. Reminds me of a victorious Mao saying there was no longer any need for dissenting writers because "there's nothing left to dissent against", keek.

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2894d4  No.1412764


>new zogal army

ate cromwell.

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0bedce  No.1412765

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70b6f8  No.1412766

File: 8962c9025d91f85⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1170x1080, 13:12, henry_FC.png)

Private regiments existed until the late 18th century, but they were still closely integrated with the army- the whole thing about rich toffs having to buy their way into commissions and so on. A way to ensure government didn't spend so much but also kept the army loyal I guess.

It also makes me think about the Barons' Revolts and various troubles in that regard leading up to and through the 16th century, while it was the kings attempting to centralise their power rather than parliament's, it still led to a fully organised and government-controlled military smh

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0bedce  No.1412767


Yeah and if absolute monarchy won in Britain we'd possibly be like Saudi Arabia anyway, a big centralised government, just focusing on royalist loyalists instead of muh democracy propaganda.

Saudi even has a giant royal guard force made of Saud fanatics, presumably a similar thing could've ended up happening with cavaliers here.

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70b6f8  No.1412768


tbh that would have been kino so long as royalty maintained their obligations to the people

Charles I also took Jew gold during the war smh although not to the extent Parliament did, and I don't know if he made any promises to let them back in and give them bank control and stuff

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70b6f8  No.1412770

File: 97a6e4682230210⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1728x2592, 2:3, poopoopepe16.png)


when it all kicks off we can each steal a loaded sewage truck and meet up outside parliament and hose the cunts down tbh

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70b6f8  No.1412777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0bedce  No.1412778

File: 0e4b1f039d9ba39⋯.png (105.63 KB, 449x467, 449:467, Doom_Paul_Red.png)

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f51bf6  No.1412779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is from 1993.

Fringe ideology is now mainstream.

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0bedce  No.1412782

File: 389338476c4ee78⋯.jpg (20.97 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Calvin_Candie_Toast.jpg)


All our predictions have come true, and the world looks like a caricature we'd've come up with five years ago.

A toast to the truth.

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f51bf6  No.1412783


2012 actually happened

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d6acc0  No.1412784

File: d0fabb0f415475f⋯.png (2.66 MB, 2048x2040, 256:255, 1vup8e5hx7h31.png)


KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK thought it was shite at first but was extremely accurate, this is literally standard fair for leftists now, all the wignat theories abotu cultural marxism and jews is 100% correct

>tfw pol is literally always right

can't wait for the neo prima nocte as a form of reparations for niggers

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7bad5d  No.1412785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0bedce  No.1412786


>One, single, (You)

Do you support the use of reply denial against ME, lad?

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267824  No.1412787


Okay sweetie whatever you say

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0bedce  No.1412789

File: a84bdbabbb83162⋯.jpg (3.43 MB, 3000x2110, 300:211, Venus_of_Urbino.jpg)

*Degenerates thee*

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0bedce  No.1412791

File: ab14df3c4d8ed2c⋯.png (79.78 KB, 636x391, 636:391, Poosts.png)


Sorry that these Renaissance Christians couldn't be paragons of morality like yourself, lad.

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b54c66  No.1412792

File: e0d732bca1add73⋯.png (837.49 KB, 640x778, 320:389, ClipboardImage.png)

>muh trigger discipline

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0bedce  No.1412794

File: 1359e0b25202bc9⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1050x1932, 25:46, Assumption_of_the_Virgin_b….jpg)

The Venus of Urbino is by Titian, the same degenerate scumbag who made this filth.

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0bedce  No.1412796

File: 543631492de483c⋯.jpg (194.78 KB, 954x1119, 318:373, Lamentation_of_Christ_by_v….jpg)

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4524a0  No.1412797

I like nude women tbh I would like them to stay around in paintings, pictures and art films that pretend to not be softcore porn

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0bedce  No.1412799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Love this ending. Latin chanting and Christian aesthetics.


Yeah, the Bible describes and praises nudity n the Song of Songs. If you were illustrating the Bible you would need to depict a gorgeous naked man and woman for those chapters.

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70b6f8  No.1412800

File: 41cf806a10317c3⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 640x640, 1:1, p6lttNhp_q5um6_9.mp4)

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0bedce  No.1412801


Keeeeek, love that copypasta tbh.

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4524a0  No.1412802





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557cba  No.1412803

File: 058afac8a655654⋯.jpg (149.38 KB, 1440x1769, 1440:1769, wes_stare.jpg)



1x10 navy seals

2x5 navy seals

1x1min plank

3x30sec plank

1x15 crunches

struggled on the planks today tbh

would have done more crunches but bossman started messaging me


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0bedce  No.1412804


*Checks TV for the Avatar poster image*

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ad91c1  No.1412806


your numbers are all over the place tbh

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0bedce  No.1412807

File: 7d3f11ff7303cf3⋯.jpg (53.97 KB, 249x243, 83:81, Pepe_Avatar_Lowres.jpg)

>5 days of worklad putting in work

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ad91c1  No.1412808

>tfw can't post my day 30 update because I haven't put in work yet

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54f87c  No.1412810


he's been copying me lad I'm on day 30

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557cba  No.1412811



kek good lad


thanks lad


I've been doing 20 navy seals everyday tbf

been struggling with planks carpet burn smdh

my crunches have been pretty consistent tbhbh

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066e69  No.1412812


good lad hulloyes

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8c2300  No.1412813

File: 1c45ba23b4a18a6⋯.jpeg (28.48 KB, 474x266, 237:133, apocalypto.jpeg)

>tfw put in work for 3 days then stop for a week and repeat the process because i have zero willpower

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70b6f8  No.1412814


get a tarp or other piece of plastic you can use as a mat tbh, I have a memi milsurp survival bag blanket thing that I use.


tbh smh

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066e69  No.1412815

File: 2ce6b202d3b8e78⋯.jpg (97.77 KB, 962x1154, 481:577, EWnA1GzUEAAKi1Z.jpg)

been putting in work the past week or so and lost 3 or 4 pounds, but today i didnt sleep properly and its hard to control myself when that happens

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0bedce  No.1412816

File: a13f1fef4fbc970⋯.jpg (259.73 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Nork_Policewoman.jpg)


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066e69  No.1412817


their uniforms are so good

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e3ce0f  No.1412818


>Lost weight

Bad lad, stop being gay and taking hrt

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066e69  No.1412819

definitely nazi inspired with that arm band keek

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4524a0  No.1412820

File: 8037479efb91278⋯.jpg (49.69 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 4167E5D000000578_4602298_i….jpg)

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0bedce  No.1412821


Yeah they're aesthetic lads. They have a stable ~2 births per women too. Seems like a viable culture they have going there.

>South Korea had the world's lowest birthrate in 2018

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4524a0  No.1412822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7a2bdc  No.1412823

>seeettthing radfems over on saidit after they got b&

cant help but lol tbh

>reee why we get b& before the MRAs

inb4 b& SJWs take over reddit alternatives

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066e69  No.1412824

kim would make a killing selling these outfits to military obsessed westerners who like to larp their ideology


laaad praise me please :(


that's sad, north korea is truly the free korea as their country is ran by their own people for the people instead of by the great satan for the promotion of materialism, look how the south koreans are obsessed with plastic surgery, the northerns are naturally beautiful because they live more wholesome and natural lifestyles


waw I have to watch this kino for movie night

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0bedce  No.1412825

File: 56fd27557855351⋯.png (130.27 KB, 360x270, 4:3, Picture_Cap.png)


>That suggestion

Keek based JewTube

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1e88ee  No.1412826

File: 0a24a14b0cad397⋯.png (631.89 KB, 814x1024, 407:512, 0a24a14b0cad397a08e9b566a6….png)


>Nork Dramagander

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824870  No.1412827


>look how the south koreans are obsessed with plastic surgery

It's disturbing how they treat it as normal as having a haircut tbh

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b54c66  No.1412829


>there are NPCs ITT

smh how do we get rid of them before it's too late lad?

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0bedce  No.1412830

File: b76978c311fba7e⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 356x566, 178:283, Skork_Jawbones.jpg)

File: 15648087e9c88be⋯.jpg (210.07 KB, 1368x1824, 3:4, Yuhkawasaki_Surgery.jpg)


>Like some twisted scene out of Saw or even your run of the mill bone graveyard, the remnants of approximately 1,000 people stand piled high at a clinic in the swanky Gangnam district of Seoul.

>However, they received several complaints and were charged a fee of 3 million KRW (~$2,613 USD) for violating health codes and removed the tower.

I'd rather just see the lass on the left with long hair and a smile.

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066e69  No.1412831

File: 22ba339248f9064⋯.png (715.45 KB, 1556x1204, 389:301, ClipboardImage.png)

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824870  No.1412832

File: 1efe95eb6c5668a⋯.png (221.25 KB, 598x739, 598:739, EbtXriVWoAA0PUZ.png)

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0bedce  No.1412834


Based mechanical view of the human which views all problems as machine maintenance.

Seriously, humans are body, soul, and spirit, and you're just treating the symptom if you don't address the spiritual problem.

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b54c66  No.1412835

File: a9a4e0d61c01892⋯.png (202.03 KB, 564x530, 282:265, 0aa1a43ec267d7ff445ecd26fc….png)

'Don't call me BAME': Why some people are rejecting the term

"'Don't worry, you'll do well because you're BAME,' 'BAME is the new trend,' 'Everyone is looking for a BAME actor to add to their books.'"


>"It misleads people into thinking that everyone who isn't white English should come under the term 'BAME'. And on top of that, I'm mixed, which, for me, is even more confusing."

>Online, some people are rejecting the BAME label by referring to themselves as not just black but "blackity black".

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0bedce  No.1412836


>It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan

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0bedce  No.1412837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Some people are rejecting the label by referring to themselves as "blackity black"

This clownworld is too much, keeeeeeeeeeek

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3dc864  No.1412838

File: c6064e6af8202a2⋯.jpg (55.01 KB, 460x692, 115:173, millenial_couples.jpg)


look at the defensive body language she has at the start of the video, she is utterly disgusted by him, reminder to never betabux, unless the girl is very into and likes being around you and being affectionate then just dump her

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b54c66  No.1412840

>"I completely support it, because the message they're trying to convey is, 'Listen, I'm black, I have black issues and there's not really any intersectionality, because in the past, historically, there hasn't been any.'

50 years of left-wing femoid politics btfo

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0bedce  No.1412842


I love love love how they brutalise each other like this, their camp is like hell on earth, beautiful

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0bedce  No.1412843

Hell is other people T B H

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7ddaf3  No.1412844


just need an economic collapse and breadlines for this veneer to go away and liberalism is exposed for the sham that it is and only the most insular and dedicated followers will continue on and will just because like the french aristocracy before the revolution

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0bedce  No.1412845

If I remember right, Mussolini freed over 400,000 Ethiopian slaves, Mussolini statues when?

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d5120e  No.1412847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0bedce  No.1412849

File: 0fac5fbde80fb7d⋯.gif (17.92 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Pepe_Happy_Frontal_Lowres.gif)


>Steiner kommt

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b7069a  No.1412850


>steiner cringe cel in highschool

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0bedce  No.1412853


>This is the same lad who was calling the Venus of Urbino filter-worthy degeneracy earlier

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7c2ef4  No.1412854


duality of man

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d5120e  No.1412857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and now for something completely different

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1e88ee  No.1412859

File: 61af54200ebf30f⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 406x414, 203:207, 61af54200ebf30f77cd7027d4a….jpg)

>this thread

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b7069a  No.1412860

The fuck is wrong with 22st, is he genuinely mentally ill, is this who is going to trap some poor lass in a marraige, imagine the abuse he'd do to any children they have

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2894d4  No.1412861

>tbbk having an epic williamoid moment

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0bedce  No.1412862




Based, Arab militia aesthetics are good tbh. The banners look nice.

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70b6f8  No.1412863

File: 5b510782d9f8e1b⋯.png (11.5 KB, 420x420, 1:1, smh9.png)

smh bumbum lad, why

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b54c66  No.1412864

why bumbum, why?

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45f1f2  No.1412865


stop posting this shite you boring cunt

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557cba  No.1412866

File: c9eefb6fa39afca⋯.png (111.96 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

>only 4 days leave left for the rest of the year

aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh i thought I had like 2 weeks left

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70b6f8  No.1412867

File: 3690eef256a451e⋯.png (378.78 KB, 800x700, 8:7, everlasting_toil_of_the_ne….png)


Ask not for whom the bell toils

It's toil for thee

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e3ce0f  No.1412868



Probably cocksucking poster being banned, so he responds as violent outburst rather than welcome the autist being shunted off

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0bedce  No.1412869

File: ffcd7a41d1c950c⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Jeb_Please_Clap.png)

Coo/k/'s extremely low energy posts make me laugh tbh, he is the thread equivalent for Jeb

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7cdd02  No.1412870

Are marketing jobs nonsense lads?

I always imagined that they produce no sales.

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0bedce  No.1412871

File: b3e24739a40a9be⋯.jpg (73.46 KB, 587x800, 587:800, Mosley.jpg)

We need a new thread machine lads

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b7069a  No.1412872

File: b14521f3588ed79⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cook.png)

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0bedce  No.1412873

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5ff42d  No.1412874

Cook is a good poster, the real problem is you not giving him enough material for him to flex his brain

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0bedce  No.1412875


Hullo Cook!

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4728f6  No.1412876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>she's going to morocco

pity her head didn't get lopped

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584cbc  No.1412877

File: 0a0ae97547f41cd⋯.png (13.38 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 1511725493376.png)

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7cdd02  No.1412878

Watches Klondike*

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1e88ee  No.1412879



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ee1d2f  No.1412880

File: 7e923e83bf7124b⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 300x400, 3:4, cook_at_the_bar.jpg)

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70b6f8  No.1412881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh cavelad

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70b6f8  No.1412882

File: 78bf8aef7c3ebd4⋯.png (1.52 MB, 877x657, 877:657, ClipboardImage.png)

>ywn be a kino caveboomer

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70b6f8  No.1412883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh hobbitlads

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b54c66  No.1412884

File: 05a262ea50ad504⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 05a262ea50ad504a0fa2edbed0….png)

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1e88ee  No.1412885

File: 2f2aee32738ede7⋯.mp4 (155.66 KB, 384x288, 4:3, Is_that_air_your_breathing….mp4)

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4728f6  No.1412886


God he's such a fucking cuck

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ad91c1  No.1412887

File: 5b11365aee6a760⋯.png (933.67 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 31413dca11586f5798d24925f4….png)

looking about rn it seems like there are so many mini scale riots going on in america that the country is disintigrating lmao

>over educated

>over socialised


>radicalised and brainwashed


>less white

>less intelligent

>bored and mentally ill with fuck all to do all day

perfect storm tbh its been brewing for 50 years now

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b54c66  No.1412888

File: 16cd330985e369e⋯.png (212.42 KB, 640x345, 128:69, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04f9d503ccae88d⋯.jpg (101.56 KB, 556x426, 278:213, 04f9d503ccae88d318c1f86b13….jpg)

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4728f6  No.1412889

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0bedce  No.1412890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've been liking the calm vibes of this album.

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4728f6  No.1412891

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7cdd02  No.1412892


Wish we had a goldrush (and not a silly online one like bitcoin) or a World War we could attend tbh.

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4728f6  No.1412893


thanks I might link it to my gf

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b54c66  No.1412894


those little badges at the top cost money, look how many there are, then read the last line

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0bedce  No.1412895


Good lad, I notice you have a girlfriend, or in other words you've succeeded in acquiring a female companion, showing yourself competent as a man, well done.

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4728f6  No.1412896

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7fd33c  No.1412897


Redditors are such retards, they give a site money just so a little badge appears on a post they like

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e454cb  No.1412898


does the poster get any of that money, or does le Reddit keep it?

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557cba  No.1412899

File: c66f9f20d9d8cf5⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 641x530, 641:530, worried.jpg)


>paying to give others (yous)

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4728f6  No.1412900


thanks lad, I did it for the white race

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0bedce  No.1412901


I haven't used Reddit for a while, but I know the gold one lets you use a special forum. None of the money went to the poster back then, I don't see how things could've changed.

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b54c66  No.1412902


Reddit takes the money and the poster who gets an award doesn't have to see ads

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65398b  No.1412903

File: 23c3e0b758a6a61⋯.jpg (47.37 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 23c3e0b758a6a6114119bed21f….jpg)

>go on a reddit for street fights


its always some nasty shite aswell like a fat spic screaming at and old woman with a zimmer because she said "excuse me" while trying to walk past him in a shart mart or something

>Racist KAREN chokeslammed by epic based cool black guy for being rude in parking lot LOL nazi bitch got what she deserved, here spine being severed is as american as apple pie REMEMBER PUNCH ALL NAZIS

these people are mentally ill and need to be exterminated

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7fd33c  No.1412904


uno farto

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557cba  No.1412905


>that 14 year old jewed the other redditors out of like £200


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0bedce  No.1412906

With no new thread, /brit/ nationalism was undone, and became another forgotten casualty of the Mojave Wasteland.

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0bedce  No.1412907


Mm, it feels like we're heading for a crisis point of white genocide which will discredit Globohomo the same way communism was discredited by the decline and fall of the USSR.

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557cba  No.1412908

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7cdd02  No.1412909


smh, never knew how mental these xenos were until now tbh

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70b6f8  No.1412910

File: 877dd004e7cb494⋯.png (12.88 KB, 604x608, 151:152, pointer2.png)

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ad9d2d  No.1412911

I hope you FUCKING FREAKS enjoyed that arse meat I posted earlier you FREAKS hahahahahahaha

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b54c66  No.1412912

File: 0e4500a98e94de6⋯.png (50.63 KB, 585x462, 195:154, 0e4500a98e94de6baeebdc2674….png)


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ad9d2d  No.1412913

The internet is being sanitised by the Xenophiles. They're cumming for us.

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0bedce  No.1412914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So this is how /brit/ dies… with thunderous replies.

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557cba  No.1412915

File: 02cb2cf138c5995⋯.png (33.51 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden.png)

this site barely works half the time lads…

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e3ce0f  No.1412916

File: 7317dc84f9a62d8⋯.png (781.54 KB, 1161x671, 1161:671, 7317dc84f9a62d8661b18aa973….png)


>he isn't the freak

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70b6f8  No.1412917

Any lads want to make a thread or should I take a crack at it?

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b54c66  No.1412918


do it wessie

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ad9d2d  No.1412919



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70b6f8  No.1412920


going to put some effort in tbh

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e3ce0f  No.1412921

File: ae6b38ffc605e28⋯.png (411.75 KB, 720x593, 720:593, ae6b38ffc605e289a3ce87be19….png)

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39e9f7  No.1412922

File: 623c5d191953efa⋯.png (129.41 KB, 407x387, 407:387, _aggressive_honking_.png)

*blocks your path*

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ad9d2d  No.1412923



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ad9d2d  No.1412924


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557cba  No.1412925


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0900b7  No.1412930

heard 9chan is a honeypot.

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7cdd02  No.1412938

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e454cb  No.1412940

new thread










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