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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: a5be59b63d02ecc⋯.jpg (168.9 KB, 812x457, 812:457, Beef_Wellington_3_.jpg)

File: 3e368ddfa6dcefa⋯.jpg (333.64 KB, 1060x1200, 53:60, english_breakfast_3_.jpg)

File: 6a1ee9bc47bac47⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 673x504, 673:504, English_Roast.jpg)

File: d1538e8d65c1f7e⋯.jpg (128.27 KB, 768x960, 4:5, hobbit_feast.jpg)

dc1d24  No.1410726[Last 50 Posts]

Farmer spends a MONTH on a British-only diet to promote UK food

For farmer Rupert Ponsonby, it's been a case of 'the proof of the pudding has been in the eating' as part of his campaign to promote British-produced food



UK confirms 36 more coronavirus deaths taking the total number of fatalities to 43,550

NHS England today confirmed another 18 fatalities in its hospitals, while two more people have died in Wales and one in Northern Ireland



Priti Patel calls Labour MPs 'racist' over Black Lives Matter row

She hit out again at a group of black, Asian and minority ethnic Labour MPs who accused her of using her Indian heritage to cast doubt on black communities' experience of racism in the UK



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612e71  No.1410754

File: 9ab1180201089b6⋯.png (553.98 KB, 578x664, 289:332, destruction_successful.png)

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30a9aa  No.1410757

File: dc1901c6a8d6082⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB, 848x480, 53:30, A_hero_has_risen.mp4)


Good, but not as good as this good lad, lad

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e90b3c  No.1410758

File: 3c256a388b7aba9⋯.mp4 (985.27 KB, 480x480, 1:1, uPnlWukXoIk0tuHs.mp4)

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b20a6c  No.1410760


why did you not instantly block der thot

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dc1d24  No.1410761

File: 7076c093dc12476⋯.png (384.19 KB, 590x590, 1:1, 443.png)

File: c4c0c0d33995e31⋯.mp4 (8.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, kJOe9vc_a0Z_3F_D.mp4)

File: e236aaf5846cbe4⋯.png (986.83 KB, 600x1280, 15:32, 235.png)

File: 950d6f141349d71⋯.png (712.28 KB, 600x880, 15:22, 42345.png)


And these good lads and lasses

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920029  No.1410762

File: 4d680a43faa4f60⋯.jpg (189.46 KB, 647x644, 647:644, 4d680a43faa4f60d16c780e4b5….jpg)

Now then

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2cbe25  No.1410763


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dc1d24  No.1410764

File: 9613df94eb67e2b⋯.png (217.63 KB, 680x544, 5:4, bumsnet.png)

Drag queen doxxed and threatened with crucifixion by Mumsnet users all because she wanted to read books to children

A Drag Queen Story Hour UK event was cancelled Monday (June 22) after a coordinated campaign by Mumsnet users and various north England anti-trans networks that even received the apparent backing from a local councillor



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30a9aa  No.1410767

File: 8f3a68e530ac11b⋯.png (226.31 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


it's not that easy when you think it's love, lad

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cddb94  No.1410768

>have to constantly entertain gf or risk losing her

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30a9aa  No.1410769

File: 70976f7decbf504⋯.png (2.06 MB, 773x960, 773:960, ClipboardImage.png)


keeeek the comments though

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38640f  No.1410770

slept funny and fucked my neck and back up smh

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229ccd  No.1410771

File: d43cc390398d8b7⋯.jpg (69.18 KB, 605x605, 1:1, trotter_french_bulldog_4.jpg)


smh love is for retards hate that I was also programmed into this meme and as a zoomer had a serious oneetus that even almost 9 years later have dreams about since she was the only lass I actually enjoyed being around and could make me laugh but she was a huge slut. smh hate women

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dc1d24  No.1410772

Gunman in a blonde wig and trench coat shoots and kills a man and woman outside Brooklyn home in broad daylight


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229ccd  No.1410773


do more back workouts lass. look up bronson's solitary fitness and do the solitary back workouts they will help. I have been digging post holes all week and I don't have back pain but last summer when i did boomer toil my back gave out

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30a9aa  No.1410774

File: 01bb4f2865507f3⋯.png (1.26 MB, 634x788, 317:394, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 796774221709863⋯.png (557.03 KB, 584x475, 584:475, ClipboardImage.png)

>American "architecture"

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203c54  No.1410775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hullo Professor Higgins

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dc1d24  No.1410776

File: a6d766ddbf02d3b⋯.png (678.25 KB, 680x453, 680:453, 344.png)

Glasgow attack: First picture of knifeman shot dead after stabbing six people as family ‘shocked’



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c0014c  No.1410777


looks like an easter egg

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b20a6c  No.1410778


absolute kweens

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30a9aa  No.1410779



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229ccd  No.1410780


lad that is clearly some shitty addition by retards that is not even code

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dc1d24  No.1410781


We should unite with the mummies, we'd become unstoppable

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f6b222  No.1410782

File: 4700f4979ed34d7⋯.png (24.47 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 534243009865449472.png)

getting a switch lads, what games should I get?

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203c54  No.1410783


hullo Kitty: Island Adventure

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8bfcb2  No.1410784


>getting a switch lads, what games should I get?

>Animal Crossdressing

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cddb94  No.1410785


party games you can play with your bf



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b20a6c  No.1410786

File: 1c8c01c7a6e6c19⋯.png (144.13 KB, 300x410, 30:41, milkers.png)


tfw no big milkers mummy gf

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dc1d24  No.1410787

File: 6cc69ff6797701f⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 332x215, 332:215, _k_1_.gif)


>>Animal Crossdressing

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34fb8a  No.1410788

File: 67bc6e561cfe8b6⋯.jpg (97.27 KB, 719x712, 719:712, 67b.jpg)

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cddb94  No.1410789


Lad that lass represents Daftie

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34fb8a  No.1410791


there was that edition of /brit/ we did on Mumsnet

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cddb94  No.1410792

File: 3a90b0bd7de3dcf⋯.png (573.29 KB, 1278x993, 426:331, 3a90b0bd7de3dcfe6bbc1071ec….png)

still can't believe she ended up with Bertie. Literally any other /brit/nat cock would be better, but maybe it worked out

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c0014c  No.1410793


pokemon snap is being remastered if you want n64 nostalgia feels

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b20a6c  No.1410795


also tfw no daftie gf (assuming the alberto rumour is untrue)


don't think he got that far tbh

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cddb94  No.1410796


Nah Turkherts was only allowed to observe her from a distance. He placed a sixpack of beer in front of her door or something. It's the Bertiebull that probably has been in her

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c0014c  No.1410797


keeeeek is that true? based bertie cucking herts

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c0014c  No.1410798



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229ccd  No.1410799


tbh sometimes I think it would be better to try to bag a mid to late 30s single mummy and put 2 more kids in her than trying to bag a zoomie for the meme

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c0014c  No.1410800

>tfw herts sits in a corner watching the big bertie bull breed the love of his life

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cddb94  No.1410801


In a way he got cucked but the Bertie arc came after it was obvious that it was over between Daftie and Herts. Not sure if it ever started from Daftie's side

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dc1d24  No.1410802

File: af44baf8db2d1f1⋯.png (42.44 KB, 663x547, 663:547, bumsnet_1_.png)

File: 786596e100175f1⋯.png (66.04 KB, 975x547, 975:547, bumsnet_2_.png)

File: 25ecc4101829ee9⋯.png (213.46 KB, 664x2810, 332:1405, bumsnet.png)


Yeah but I mean a proper attempt at influencing it, not just shitposting. Imagine if we managed to turn all these mummies into holocaust-deniers.

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229ccd  No.1410803


Q mummies are the proper prototype of creating daft mummies we should study how qoomer mummies get created using facebook minions boomer memes and recepie forums and zoom chats tbh

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cddb94  No.1410804

File: 08381eb965120fc⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>having two small walking materialistic idols

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c0014c  No.1410805


wish i kept up with /newbrit/ lore tbh

i miss bertie aswell, i tried cursing him with satanist music on /politics/ once

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cddb94  No.1410806

can someone redpill me on mumsnet, what exactly do they do/talk about?

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dc1d24  No.1410807


It shouldn't be too tricky tbh, the entire reason they are on that site is because they are mummies, so just bring up how all these things are negatively affecting their darling children and how it's paving the way for the destruction of their futures.

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cddb94  No.1410808


he's really defined by that 2% Jewish blood tbh

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dc1d24  No.1410809

File: 193499c0eb650a6⋯.jpg (65.26 KB, 749x687, 749:687, bumsnet.jpg)


It's basically a mummy version of /brit/

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813777  No.1410810



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cddb94  No.1410811



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b20a6c  No.1410812

File: 1742bc426478663⋯.png (286.88 KB, 645x773, 645:773, sniff.png)

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229ccd  No.1410813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


mummy shite like how to make hot dish

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dc1d24  No.1410814

and don't forget bumsex thursdays

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f6b222  No.1410816


already getting AC and the zelda game with gerudo link




based serious answer, n64 was before my time tho


SIMPLY pungeant my dear!

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cddb94  No.1410817


I thought mummies already knew this stuff smh

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c0014c  No.1410818

File: 20a21f0010c72fb⋯.png (470.98 KB, 682x744, 11:12, 1446309360031476.png)

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dc1d24  No.1410819


Most mummies can barely handle the instructions on the back of frozen food

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8bfcb2  No.1410820

File: 8930b81ba28d391⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 900x506, 450:253, 1534714672070.webm)

File: 0d29f00c12ee4ca⋯.jpg (9.99 KB, 77x253, 7:23, To_Tae_Lee_Cucked.JPG)

So this is the power of the South Korean male.

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dc1d24  No.1410821

mumsnet 🤝 /brit/

talking about farts

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920029  No.1410822

mumsent concubines for big /brit/ bulls tbh

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f6b222  No.1410823


kek wtf

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dc1d24  No.1410824

File: 39b5041ae09dd5a⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB, 204x360, 17:30, thegoodthebadtheugly.mp4)

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e906aa  No.1410825

File: e4fb11bdec2c1d8⋯.png (910.18 KB, 1226x518, 613:259, looks_away_in_shame.png)

>the glasgow attack has been morphed by the media into "the terrible conditions asylum seekers have to deal with and we MUST do something about this immediately"

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38640f  No.1410826

File: 97635c64995803f⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bbbbrrrrrrppppfffffftttttt….jpg)



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47985d  No.1410827

LBC discussing white actors no longer voicing black characters in cartoons. Black people saying it doesnt matter and that misses the point.

Me thinking that everyone misses the point and the black murder/violent crime rate is higher and police need to stop it somehow

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2cbe25  No.1410828


wife material

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f6b222  No.1410829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dc1d24  No.1410830

File: 8cb49f16ce13e65⋯.jpg (211.7 KB, 933x1160, 933:1160, EbmSM36X0AoL8kI.jpg)

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47985d  No.1410831

kek now the idiot is talking like white people only watch the Simpsons.

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8bfcb2  No.1410833

File: d4b04d644b0a706⋯.jpg (80.82 KB, 926x1024, 463:512, predictionman.jpg)


I predicted this.

I said they'd blame the conditions, and the mental stress the asylum process puts on people.

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203c54  No.1410834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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8bfcb2  No.1410835


they'll make a man of him yet.

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c0014c  No.1410836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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203c54  No.1410837

File: 312fdd8383cae75⋯.jpg (37.98 KB, 678x381, 226:127, Spec_Ops_IRL.jpg)

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8beb63  No.1410838


happens all the time here but if it's your property there's no code to how you go about defacing something.

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b20a6c  No.1410839

File: 148d0eda470633f⋯.png (5.95 MB, 2224x1497, 2224:1497, monke15.png)

*contemplates making an abhorrent post

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30a9aa  No.1410840

File: 7a937d33e8e3f37⋯.jpg (71.2 KB, 640x708, 160:177, 7a937d33e8e3f37bd9e2378c5c….jpg)

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e906aa  No.1410841

File: d7b2dc2d6e3d59e⋯.jpg (4.38 KB, 165x115, 33:23, 2yfbbvqpvpe11.jpg)

>still got that persistent weird slightly painful feeling in my knee

hope its nothing serious, if it last the week I'm gonna go to doctor smh

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2cbe25  No.1410842

File: dc62839f1f21548⋯.png (90.97 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

really want to put in work but im so incredibly sore i can barely move my arms

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e906aa  No.1410843

File: 4b1d865682faa7d⋯.jpg (51.47 KB, 704x720, 44:45, 4b1d865682faa7d5b9499a5543….jpg)


what happened lad

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8bfcb2  No.1410844


lower body then lad.

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dc1d24  No.1410845

File: cb58b8dbc65d38d⋯.jpg (14.93 KB, 250x245, 50:49, k.jpg)

Rolling Stones threaten to sue Trump over use of their songs at campaign rallies

The British rock band is planning on taking legal action against President Trump for using their songs at his rallies despite multiple cease-and-desist requests


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30a9aa  No.1410846

File: e9009346e007fc3⋯.png (958.58 KB, 615x855, 41:57, ClipboardImage.png)

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2cbe25  No.1410847


i put in work 2 days in a row for the first time in years


what leg exercises can i do indoors lad

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8bfcb2  No.1410848


do you have any dumbbells?

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e906aa  No.1410849

File: 3699564428d2497⋯.jpg (18.13 KB, 320x320, 1:1, wes_5.jpg)


you have doms lad, pushing through is the only way, thats what I did

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38640f  No.1410851


squats, calf raises, lunges

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dc1d24  No.1410852



tbh, the doms go as you improve

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30a9aa  No.1410853

File: e3fcc6e6895a8ba⋯.png (554.42 KB, 662x720, 331:360, e3fcc6e6895a8badfe50f23e60….png)



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dc1d24  No.1410854

File: 50a121d8dfe4045⋯.jpg (32.52 KB, 720x479, 720:479, EacY14_X0AAchqw.jpg)


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8bfcb2  No.1410855

File: 53cfa356ed0e957⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 400x556, 100:139, keef.jpg)


oh no no no Keith

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e906aa  No.1410856

File: 5c488be99fb484d⋯.jpg (85.37 KB, 804x802, 402:401, 1456256740956.jpg)

any lads ever dealt with random knee pain before

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dc1d24  No.1410857

File: 4a1505b7898028e⋯.png (352.97 KB, 2120x2184, 265:273, 5555.png)

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cddb94  No.1410858

File: 7464360c39a9418⋯.png (848.79 KB, 843x572, 843:572, ClipboardImage.png)


do some reverse knee exercises lad

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c0014c  No.1410859

File: 2c3fdd01152afaa⋯.png (305.64 KB, 462x491, 462:491, 14389779967.png)


lmao what the fuck

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b20a6c  No.1410860

File: 197441759da73a4⋯.png (298.71 KB, 471x388, 471:388, keekfade.png)


keek but also smh

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30a9aa  No.1410861

File: 8e00f71c230bac2⋯.png (500 KB, 725x725, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


walk it off, pal

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c0014c  No.1410862


fucked my knee up when i was 16 and it just got worse over time

knee, neck and back are the worst things to injure

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b20a6c  No.1410863


cor, look at her bustle

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cddb94  No.1410864


she has really fine tits tbh

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c0014c  No.1410865

still do squats thought fuck it

if my knee blows up i will just get a titanium one

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dc1d24  No.1410866


tbh, and the NHS does fuckall to help

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c0014c  No.1410867


go private you nonce, you never listen and only complain about the nhs

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dc1d24  No.1410868


Good lad, just be careful with it. Building the muscle around it will support whatever's wrong with it tbh


Can't even leave the house right now lad smh

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30a9aa  No.1410869


Bushy would have a heart attack if he saw this

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dc1d24  No.1410871


Good lad, have they done any decent updates yet

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cddb94  No.1410872

File: f4e087d8c0069fb⋯.png (1.64 MB, 3200x2400, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

want to be my squat ball buddy?

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b20a6c  No.1410873


you reminded me I thought I had an exercise ball I could use instead of a chair so I went looking to get it out and it's actually one of those things smh

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2cbe25  No.1410874






thanks lads

ill try to do my regular program but if i fail ill do some leg exercises

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30a9aa  No.1410875

File: f640be797174e8b⋯.png (174.91 KB, 236x386, 118:193, ClipboardImage.png)

>this woman was paid $200/week (roughly $7k in today's money)

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c0014c  No.1410876


almost tore my acl, got diagnosed with arthritis too, didnt take the meds and sorted my diet out and it seems to be alright for now

>Can't even leave the house right now lad smh

stop drinking lad, it will only make the pain worse

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b20a6c  No.1410877


was she just extremely double joined or whatever, or actually a doggoman though

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dc1d24  No.1410878

File: d4d3c82685d1469⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 235.22 KB, 500x281, 500:281, _dg.png)


>didnt take the meds and sorted my diet out and it seems to be alright for now

It's amazing how much a good diet can fix tbh

>stop drinking lad, it will only make the pain worse

It's the only thing taking the pain away

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3f01f8  No.1410879

File: d3460cf2685bf9b⋯.jpg (72.49 KB, 1024x723, 1024:723, soyboy_switch_domestic_vio….jpg)


*hits pembs over the head with the switch*

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30a9aa  No.1410880

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b20a6c  No.1410881



nature is a cruel mistress

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c0014c  No.1410882


lad i was drinking vodka everyday and wondering why i was in pain, so i stopped and was in even more pain for about a week then it went away after eating clean and only drinking water

Dont drink yourself to death over back pain

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30a9aa  No.1410883


this image is bullshit Moviebob doesn't have a wife

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dc1d24  No.1410884


I did the same thing over a year ago lad, to see if it was the booze affecting me. Cutting it did one-fifth of bugger-all for me tbh

also I'm not an alchie, I enjoy a beer but I'm not drinking a dozen pints a day

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3f01f8  No.1410885

File: 77b78e8c7cef4ac⋯.png (59.25 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, fat_wojak_tasty.png)

Ate two big cheese and onion sandwiches

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ca62ff  No.1410886


Had a microburger chicken hotdog thing, myself

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c0014c  No.1410887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e90b3c  No.1410888


>I'm not an alchie

First step is admitting it lad, come on now.

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30a9aa  No.1410889

File: b543e3605ef1f3e⋯.png (571.12 KB, 472x645, 472:645, ClipboardImage.png)

>Meadow Soprano before she turned into a burner

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e8991d  No.1410890

File: 8e550fe20e56cba⋯.jpg (283.79 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, EVOGg2TU8AEu4M_.jpg)

>the third series to Auf Wiedersehen, Pet when the BBC pozzed Oz's character into oblivion

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3f01f8  No.1410891

File: 8b0b71d91a4479d⋯.png (116.47 KB, 647x644, 647:644, groomer_wink.png)


Good lad

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e906aa  No.1410892

File: 99302199d9ec0cb⋯.png (189.25 KB, 462x450, 77:75, 1577159558020.png)


is that in the show that she's a burner or irl

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e906aa  No.1410893

File: 8593fef5d95cc40⋯.png (795.25 KB, 1920x800, 12:5, 497889c91b5e7dc0aad0f3765c….png)

Whats it called when you have nausea all the time and anxiety and depression and a sore head and tummy all the time despite having no substance addictions and only eating sweeties as a vice but still eating lots of healthy food everyday and drinking lots of water, whats wrong with me lads

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b20a6c  No.1410894

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38640f  No.1410895


could be a food intolerance

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3f01f8  No.1410896


sorry lad, you've got gender dysphoria

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e906aa  No.1410897

File: 9a733a45d52ab06⋯.png (34.54 KB, 527x487, 527:487, 6EfAZaJ.png)


so I have to do elimination to find out if it is

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c0014c  No.1410898


probably diabetic

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e906aa  No.1410899

File: 5eabe6ad4fb04a1⋯.jpg (7.49 KB, 229x220, 229:220, 1587390046050.jpg)


chav scum attacking an overconfident 40 year old williamoid who relaxed and showed fear

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e906aa  No.1410900


think I would know if I was lad

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dc1d24  No.1410901


would have pushed her in tbh

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30a9aa  No.1410902


in the show yes but I cannot say for outside of the show

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c0014c  No.1410903


you're probably only getting sugar from all the sweets you eat

eat fruit instead of sweets for a couple of days and see how you feel

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c0014c  No.1410904

dont put sugar in your tea or coffee if you drink it

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dc1d24  No.1410905


tbh, use brandy instead

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e906aa  No.1410906

File: 80a91c83fb6747f⋯.png (13.44 KB, 249x255, 83:85, 80a91c83fb6747f41527aec65a….png)


>in the show yes

Glad I stopped watching after episode 1 then

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813777  No.1410907

>Quite windy and dark clouds overhead




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c0014c  No.1410908

File: 751c2ed1b5f51af⋯.png (371.25 KB, 564x537, 188:179, 1446309360031472.png)


Good lad, keep drinking everyday

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203c54  No.1410909

File: 74811b0f32cf375⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1920x1024, 15:8, Beautiful.png)

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dc1d24  No.1410910

File: b04bc11f400faa8⋯.mp4 (8.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, EpVURZcz0eUcXsXL.mp4)

I fucking hate niggers

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38640f  No.1410911


start with the sweets tbh

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f6b222  No.1410912

File: 83f52bef4bd7992⋯.png (41.2 KB, 128x128, 1:1, punished_bugnus.png)

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e906aa  No.1410913


I've gone without them for extended periods and drastically reduced consumption and it doesn't seem to change much

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c0014c  No.1410914


do you eat any bread type products?

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dc1d24  No.1410915


tbh, most bread contains stupid amounts of sugar

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f6b222  No.1410916


heavy metals

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30a9aa  No.1410917

File: dbe884918283b9f⋯.png (64.74 KB, 128x307, 128:307, ClipboardImage.png)


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38640f  No.1410918

File: e7ce5489e9cef29⋯.png (104.19 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e7ce5489e9cef29dad42e3cf23….png)


try gluten, then dairy. once you've exhausted most foods move on to emf shite and the powerlines

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dc1d24  No.1410919

>jews seething at BLM so hard that "jews" is now trending


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203c54  No.1410920

File: 8dcd9a2a8eb72c7⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1813x810, 1813:810, Minneapolis_Joker.png)

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30a9aa  No.1410921

File: 6f80e2bd8af90b8⋯.png (17.77 KB, 578x173, 578:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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e906aa  No.1410922

File: bdc29ce38cb9ba8⋯.png (35.25 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, fat_jack.png)

>do you eat any bread type products?

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e906aa  No.1410923


amazing how they have made it impossible to discuss israel at all

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30a9aa  No.1410924

File: 7a267c233119336⋯.png (47.2 KB, 570x469, 570:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc30b81d59e26d8⋯.jpg (494.91 KB, 636x1000, 159:250, 2432543.jpg)



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c0014c  No.1410925


you are probably going through keto flu over and over again

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c0014c  No.1410926

>eats healthy

>body starts going into ketosis

>eats sweets


>eats healthy

>body starts going into ketosis

bet you have a runny nose aswell

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e906aa  No.1410927

File: 858a6369142aee2⋯.png (460.83 KB, 1110x770, 111:77, ftyghfiu.png)

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3f01f8  No.1410928

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203c54  No.1410929


Why can't they be chaste monks who always wait until marriage, like lads on /brit/ smh

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e906aa  No.1410930

File: ffd7a95ab9db691⋯.jpg (65.99 KB, 645x773, 645:773, fat_jack_6.jpg)


>eats healthy

>body starts going into ketosis

>eats sweets


>eats healthy

>body starts going into ketosis

are you not supposed to do this

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c0014c  No.1410931

File: 684d6b61562b039⋯.jpg (21.15 KB, 640x347, 640:347, 1593197318263.jpg)



women just see sex as a form of social interaction tbh

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2cbe25  No.1410932

File: d3e84664b2aa037⋯.png (962.6 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

DAY 3of putting in work CUS I AINT NO BITCH


4x5 sets of navy seals

2x30s planks

2x1m planks got carpet burn doing them smdh

2x10 crunches

after doing my stretches the doms wasn't as bad and i managed. wish i had some dumbbells so i could do other exercises though

already noticed that my biceps are much harder when i tense then than just a few days ago (they would feel very soft before)

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30a9aa  No.1410933


episode 1 of Sopranos

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dc1d24  No.1410934


you're not supposed to eat sweets

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91da37  No.1410935


reminder "Zionism" has been misappropriated and given a sanitised meaning of "poor jews want somewhere to call home!" when in reality it is nothing less than Jewish exceptionalism.

fire up those twitter a/cs lads and make it known.

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203c54  No.1410936

File: eb47fa7fc2d5365⋯.png (805.51 KB, 1927x2717, 1927:2717, Sneedpost.png)


>I've been sucking and f—ing since I was 14


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203c54  No.1410937

Sorry for that (You) denial, not intentional tbh, already gave you a (You) earlier tho tbf

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c0014c  No.1410938



only eat a certain amount of carbs and sweets depending on your weight so you dont throw yourself off keto

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cddb94  No.1410939


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229ccd  No.1410940


I hate women smh

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2cbe25  No.1410941

File: 5102b0b0feee0d1⋯.png (206.81 KB, 980x742, 70:53, 22stbtfo.png)



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cddb94  No.1410942

File: 1fe87dff97c2cff⋯.png (177.92 KB, 1024x697, 1024:697, 1fe87dff97c2cff0d783942172….png)

>doubt gf still loves me after a few weeks apart

>it was unfounded

smh don't hecking deserve her thank you God

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2cbe25  No.1410943



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cddb94  No.1410944


south korea western as heck

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e906aa  No.1410945

File: 1c5d4bc0395e363⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 644x942, 322:471, 1c5d4bc0395e363938bfd0ee33….jpg)


if some 6ft4 chad so much as looks her way and feels like a cheeky shad you are done lad

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203c54  No.1410946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get married lad

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229ccd  No.1410947


really? you can get into serious trouble in michigan for defacing a facade of an old building like that especially since its not even well done

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dc1d24  No.1410948

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203c54  No.1410949

File: 15ae266f585b92e⋯.jpg (508.05 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, cmwnet_Seoul.jpg)


South Korea has SEOUL

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cddb94  No.1410950


gonna lad, just gotta meet her parents and spend the summer together first tbh


the cuck mindset

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e906aa  No.1410951

File: 77cdb860c545ae1⋯.png (259.75 KB, 744x763, 744:763, 77cdb860c545ae1751ac727705….png)

Still can't believe what a fucking joke the west is now, seeing that tranny historian who's always on documentaries and used to be a man, was shocked when I first saw him and people seem to just pretend like nothing has happened

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dc1d24  No.1410952


Depends if the building is listed or not tbh

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e906aa  No.1410953


>the cuck mindset

thats literally all you post, but its just the realistic mindset, seen it in many such cases to men much better than you

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203c54  No.1410954


Because we're cursed by God. Insanity is one of the curses of God.

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cddb94  No.1410955

File: 1f491a6f4667971⋯.png (10.96 KB, 666x666, 1:1, 1f491a6f466797191c140fa8f2….png)



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8beb63  No.1410956


nope old corner shops have been turned into multiple occupancy houses with no problem by Indians. The amount of former corner shops you can pass in London that have been turned into residences is depressing. As for listings that's rather rare given the majority of building were built in the Edwardian period or later.

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91da37  No.1410957


grade listings aren't as rare as you make out lad.

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dc1d24  No.1410958


God hasn't cursed us, our society abandoned Him, this is the result.

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3f01f8  No.1410959

File: 9ea2cf4a7debf61⋯.mp4 (13.73 MB, 720x720, 1:1, pride_germany_2020.mp4)

File: 1661905dbd5651d⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 453x604, 3:4, vomiting_orangutang.jpg)

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dc1d24  No.1410960

File: 69c0e44c4b1d5cd⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 825x863, 825:863, EbnfEg6WoAAXaxg.jpg)

File: 43ea81240155bbb⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 402x402, 1:1, EbnfEuwXYAAzoO_.jpg)

Only through Christ can anything be saved

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203c54  No.1410961


I believe those two things are the same. The same way as Pharaoh hardening his heart and God hardening his heart was the same.

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3f01f8  No.1410962

File: 8a7ebfd34f3fe4c⋯.gif (194.84 KB, 512x220, 128:55, pepe_licking_lips.gif)


the brapper on that lass

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229ccd  No.1410963


wew edwardian era housing is super protected in my state same with greek revival (1820-60s) people try to change it but generally even the contractors bully other contractors who fuck up old places like that. lately though they have tried to change the laws in michigan. we have a mainstreet law where you cannot alter the mainstreet of towns and removed all the 1960s era shite on the old 1860s era buildings

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229ccd  No.1410964


keeek the jews unveil themselves when they attack the great men of the middle ages. fuck the jews

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30a9aa  No.1410965

File: 5db900ab327ccf4⋯.png (250.94 KB, 360x512, 45:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Jesus Christ

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8beb63  No.1410966


the majority really isn't that well regulated to the point where I've seen grade 2 listings ignored for the money.

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e906aa  No.1410967

File: f78c642469e500f⋯.jpg (28.05 KB, 458x309, 458:309, f78c642469e500f79b19e29a77….jpg)

>wooden houses

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b20a6c  No.1410968

someone post the cleese cap please

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30a9aa  No.1410969

File: be6ab415b969a9e⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1453x1089, 1453:1089, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fec957fe671929⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1481x1103, 1481:1103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82ec25398dadc7b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1018x1452, 509:726, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01750d326360ff9⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1467x1102, 1467:1102, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 070ede0e4537b5a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1475x1109, 1475:1109, ClipboardImage.png)

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a44683  No.1410970

Hullo yes

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dc1d24  No.1410971


You seen the BLM drama? >>1410919, >>1410761, >>1410496, >>1410467

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30a9aa  No.1410972

File: bd220e8062b52ba⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1493x1111, 1493:1111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec4cb1a6e5de8fe⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1442x1106, 103:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d9908e9e809c5c⋯.png (23.25 KB, 649x781, 59:71, 1429506618207.png)

the housing equivalents to the hybrids in Alien Resurrection

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dc1d24  No.1410973

File: 785f23f18aceea0⋯.jpg (381.64 KB, 1200x949, 1200:949, john_cleese_comedy.jpg)

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b20a6c  No.1410974


its for mummy

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dc1d24  No.1410975

File: 0f5c14cafcf4096⋯.png (13.9 KB, 644x800, 161:200, s_22_.png)

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8beb63  No.1410976


nothing that advanced here the hardest part is changing something from a goods provider to a residence legally. On back streets there was a firesale in the 80's and 90's that saw a housing boom that was basically chopping small corner shops and big houses into flats.

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2cbe25  No.1410977

File: 664e51074de1260⋯.png (542.73 KB, 723x628, 723:628, worried.png)


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b20a6c  No.1410978



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3f01f8  No.1410979

File: 66c77ff9326f0e6⋯.png (11.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pepe_devilish_nappy.png)

refunded almost a tenner on each of my recent food deliveries, seems my account is also on an automatic refund whitelist too (because I had to complain even more to get a previous refund). The refunds are processed in less than 5 minutes

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e906aa  No.1410980


cities like this are much more comfy than the shit we have

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dc1d24  No.1410981


No they aren't, it's just that they are more honest about being a hellscape

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e906aa  No.1410982

File: a7136442afbebed⋯.png (725.13 KB, 643x524, 643:524, 1497132477787_1_.png)


>No they aren't

umm, yes they are

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30a9aa  No.1410983


yeah I'm sure living in a subterranian apartment the size of a walk in fridge with no natural light is really comfy

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229ccd  No.1410984


yeah sears and roebuck homes are protomcmansion but they looked awesome

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2cbe25  No.1410985

File: 7ea68a14bb4f055⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1268x1655, 1268:1655, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5632295fd3d599⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1178x1663, 1178:1663, ClipboardImage.png)

some of them are quite tasteful though

>a $1,250 home in 1935 USD is $23,393.61 in 2020 USD


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220268  No.1410986


Another good name for Teeeline is Meat Hump.

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30a9aa  No.1410987


would be better if they were made of brick though

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2cbe25  No.1410988

File: dc62839f1f21548⋯.png (90.97 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

the doms is even worse now

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dc1d24  No.1410989


lad cyberpunk isn't supposed to be appealing unless you're a bug

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229ccd  No.1410990


tbh fuck this mentality, mcmansions look shite but the idea behind sears catalog homes was to provide affordable and adequate housing to raise families. affordable housing does not mean its shite

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229ccd  No.1410991


the point is that they were making use of the michigan forestry industry to produce family housing for affordable rates

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2cbe25  No.1410992

File: dc62839f1f21548⋯.png (90.97 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

>per capital personal income in the United States from 1935


>they could buy a home in a few years and fully own it in less than 10 years

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30a9aa  No.1410993

File: b2bf1fc30cb5942⋯.png (861.04 KB, 960x410, 96:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65961792410fce1⋯.png (357.96 KB, 640x292, 160:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d63d6a4329b40c7⋯.png (260.66 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8d1de383531799⋯.png (256.64 KB, 399x388, 399:388, ClipboardImage.png)

tbh we're no better in Ulster

>stone veneer


true but still brick > wood

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2cbe25  No.1410994


affordable protomcmansions are charming because they weren't designed for 250lb office workers who want to appear rich by buying a tacky home tbh


i think the wood look alright tbh tbh

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229ccd  No.1410995


wew those looks shit. mcmansions definately speak to some kind of cultural instability or decadence in their design

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a6bcb3  No.1410996


>talk to woman, don't know what to say, start to feel oppressed.

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2cbe25  No.1410997


fucking hell those are some of the worst ones ive seen

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b912a1  No.1410998


'ate 'em

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229ccd  No.1410999


yeah sears and roebuck homes are a midwestern thing because they are mostly made structurally of michigan old growth white pine which was 10k years of old growth so the pine wood is some of the strongest fibers on planet earth

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dc1d24  No.1411000

File: 8e92a41377416a3⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Staple_Inn_1280x720.png)


>brick > wood

debatable tbh

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229ccd  No.1411001


tbh I love that style of construction

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2cbe25  No.1411002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kino, how did the michigan forest hold up?

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229ccd  No.1411003

all that was built without a single power tool or even probably water powered saw mill. just hand tools. its amazing

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30a9aa  No.1411004

File: ed094a934058ea0⋯.png (4.42 MB, 1408x1122, 64:51, ClipboardImage.png)

*lights pipe*

ah, much better


most of them are just farmers throwing up homes for their kids to move in to or sell



>tear down old stone buildings

>throw up shitty newbuilds and stick fake stone veneer over them


tudor doesn't really count tbh lad since the wood is just a framework

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2cbe25  No.1411005

File: e9fcfc5e7790dc9⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1180x1194, 590:597, Screenshot_2020_06_28_19_4….png)

File: dc62839f1f21548⋯.png (90.97 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

>have to walk by this every time i go into town

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229ccd  No.1411006


it was completely toasted so michigan is kind of like enadweith during the third age. in the 30s-60s the forest areas were called stump country and we had stump deserts because the pines were so big their roots choked out regrowth


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dc1d24  No.1411007

File: 6dd9ad3e99dee75⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 301.jpg)

File: b679a5172c484d5⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 302.jpg)

File: fc37f7cb6b49d30⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 303.jpg)

/brit/! It's 8pm! Time for eyesoreposting!

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229ccd  No.1411008

same with the great black swamp of northern ohio alot of the early settlement landfeatures got rekt and are now coming back

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203c54  No.1411009


This is what Evrope used to be about.


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2cbe25  No.1411010

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cddb94  No.1411011

based regulations that costs more than the house itself

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3f01f8  No.1411012

File: 22dd092d76c953e⋯.jpg (117.95 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, groomer_fat_consoomer.jpg)



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30a9aa  No.1411013

File: de1633ab25abe84⋯.png (977.66 KB, 940x625, 188:125, ClipboardImage.png)


step aside, amateur

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dc1d24  No.1411014


That's a one-off tbh

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30a9aa  No.1411015


doesn't mean it's not an extreme eyesore

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2cbe25  No.1411016


it's been desecrated by some scamming money exchange store and some hipster cuck coffee chain


how did you know lad

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dc1d24  No.1411017


of course not, but better it be a single eyesore like that than an entire estate built like shite

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2cbe25  No.1411018


vile tbh

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30a9aa  No.1411019



enjoy kneeling for your new BLM masters lad

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229ccd  No.1411020


wew those kinds of housing are like orc pits where I live. not used to seeing so clean. generally there are at least 20 niggers wandering around drinking and one juggalo changing brake pads on his chevy mini van which is missing a door

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dc1d24  No.1411021

File: 985464bff9e8302⋯.png (1002.02 KB, 600x980, 30:49, aa_.png)

File: 6ea2d7e3b2e8443⋯.jpg (83.25 KB, 575x687, 575:687, aaw_.jpg)

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dc1d24  No.1411022

File: 6f41ccd8376000d⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 304.jpg)


weeew, those pics are ones I took from near me, it's the "new posho estate"

On the street right fucking next to it they have houses like this

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30a9aa  No.1411023


>Soy Steiner middle-bottom

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dc1d24  No.1411024



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cddb94  No.1411025

File: a46e0f10b6dffc1⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1390x1882, 695:941, ClipboardImage.png)


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cddb94  No.1411026

I think madlad is a proud cumtaster as well

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30a9aa  No.1411027

File: ce0246c9217d2ac⋯.png (270.33 KB, 1090x613, 1090:613, ce0246c9217d2ac29c86f43b53….png)

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2cbe25  No.1411028

File: d9202a4129adba0⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1619x1080, 1619:1080, ClipboardImage.png)


Oxford has soul lad, just need to purge the uni students

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dc1d24  No.1411029

File: f8ecf856c8d4410⋯.png (1 KB, 144x64, 9:4, 554.png)

File: 5b7db93b62fe119⋯.png (2.1 KB, 200x83, 200:83, 24.png)

File: 56fd81d37160399⋯.jpg (25.56 KB, 340x400, 17:20, hitler.jpg)

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30a9aa  No.1411030

File: 365a0b2aa67e015⋯.png (1.46 MB, 962x723, 962:723, ClipboardImage.png)


yeah it's just the students…

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dc1d24  No.1411031

File: 9643976acc08232⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 1242x453, 414:151, EbmmIgLX0AAW7_U.jpg)


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2cbe25  No.1411032

File: 1a506fe741b4341⋯.png (250.61 KB, 400x396, 100:99, seether.png)



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a6bcb3  No.1411033

Why don't they use high IQ neets as the permanent jury pool tbh. Why take wagies from their cages? when there's enough neets to run the British justice system.

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203c54  No.1411034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cddb94  No.1411035

File: be27663f72ba5cc⋯.png (320.39 KB, 1210x680, 121:68, be27663f72ba5cc5e20c21276c….png)

File: 8661013503817c4⋯.png (28.96 KB, 546x272, 273:136, ClipboardImage.png)

I remembered correctly

>that captcha

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c0014c  No.1411036

File: 9e4032058c3cac7⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 1572225437789.jpg)

>Off toil today

>Manager has to do my shift

>He's having a breakdown and has sent about 10 messages in the management groupchat

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cddb94  No.1411037

why does he sexualise himself so much? corrupts board moral tbh

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c0014c  No.1411038

Bossman is such a weak faggot

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dc1d24  No.1411039

File: 9cfdc72133c6b25⋯.png (350.16 KB, 600x620, 30:31, 555.png)

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dc1d24  No.1411040


I'd say he's a spy sent to demoralise or something but he's actually just fucking insane.

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2cbe25  No.1411041

i need to take some time off toil smh its been too long might take 5 days off in a week or so

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2cbe25  No.1411042

meant to (You) >>1411036

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cddb94  No.1411043


he's quite unique tbh, like a tsundere animelass

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220268  No.1411044


>first image

>$20 / sq ft

You can do a DIY barndominium (barndo) for <3x that, not too bad. Basically, a metal barn that you finish out yourself, as a house.

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3f01f8  No.1411045

File: cef025c46f74893⋯.mp4 (10 MB, 640x588, 160:147, dancing_lizard.mp4)


searched oxford pret

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2cbe25  No.1411046

File: 92307468a9563a2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 64.72 KB, 435x775, 87:155, cheeky_piggu.jpg)


absolutely devilishpuglad

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b20a6c  No.1411047

mummy sent these links




big think moment tbh

this picture physically shows how the upper middle class is so out of touch, they are literally still living in the 80s. The environment, the style of clothing, the cars, the homogenous neighbourhood etc

maybe they can't conceive of anywhere else being different

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dc1d24  No.1411048

File: f5a89ba31e375ba⋯.mp4 (7.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Les_Terres_Saintes.mp4)

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3f01f8  No.1411049

File: 46d0ece7e7aaa63⋯.png (239.75 KB, 665x677, 665:677, pepe_vb.png)

I see glowing lights across my vision every now and then lads, what is it?

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b20a6c  No.1411050



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34fb8a  No.1411051


the middle classsentimentalist must be stoned to death

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220268  No.1411052


Your flag is homo, just wanted to say that.

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dc1d24  No.1411053


You don't even need to stone them, there's no violence necessary. These people are complete pacifists, they'll shit their knickers from just a few harsh words.

If society were to change they'd go with the current, they'll side with whoever keeps their lives comfy.

They need to be bullied mercilessly.

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30a9aa  No.1411054

File: 7d7ae758b462f5f⋯.png (674.7 KB, 640x853, 640:853, ClipboardImage.png)

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34fb8a  No.1411055


no u Cuthbert's cross with the county's blue and yellow colours is kino imo


I thought of it as more of a punishment than a way of convincing the others

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b912a1  No.1411056

people who take sneak photos like that should be publicly executed, cameras need to be banned except for a few licesned photographers who have all their photos scrutinised so that they arent infringing on others privacy.

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220268  No.1411058


Is that a family of real ninjas behind him?

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dc1d24  No.1411059

File: 34073edddb9e949⋯.jpg (88.78 KB, 700x393, 700:393, Ebh2lBRXgAcy5W1.jpg)

what a bunch of nerds

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30a9aa  No.1411060

File: 3156e4da05101fb⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Nonce_Hunter_1_.mp4)

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220268  No.1411061

>over 5 lads in here are learning Teelline

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c0014c  No.1411063




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b912a1  No.1411064

File: 3264b87de05eb6b⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 633x758, 633:758, _despair.jpg)

>PIS is losing the Polish presidential election

lads…. if boland isnt based i dont know how i can go on

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c0014c  No.1411065

He got away with that

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2cbe25  No.1411066


the nonce got what he deserved

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e8991d  No.1411067

File: b0e85550a1ca620⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 640x358, 320:179, b0e85550a1ca6208a07ad2cbb6….mp4)


>Snake shot to the temple

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220268  No.1411068


Though the nonce wasn't as bad as the doctor who circumcised his boy, and he got away with it.

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b912a1  No.1411069

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dc1d24  No.1411070

File: b60b1f255487d6d⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 750x620, 75:62, Ebnm3QZXYAIgeOj.jpg)

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3f01f8  No.1411071

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c0014c  No.1411072

File: 6f75716fd755107⋯.png (72.26 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 1592828254118.png)


cant use the word groomer?

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dc1d24  No.1411073

File: 9ae498694651b60⋯.jpg (67.56 KB, 750x560, 75:56, Ebnm3QaXYAEKg1J.jpg)


Can't say "groomer", but you can be an actual fucking nonce.

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220268  No.1411074


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They permit nudity?!!!!!

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c0014c  No.1411075


dont believe thats real tbh

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220268  No.1411076


same, fam.

In my experience, Twitter will not tell you the rules. you'll just never really know.

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dc1d24  No.1411077

File: d31eeff58893a7e⋯.jpg (131.2 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 32525.jpg)

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3f01f8  No.1411078

File: 10505f6f48b8727⋯.png (52.85 KB, 819x315, 13:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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c0014c  No.1411079

File: 4882549cd074767⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 640x266, 320:133, 1510765311819.gif)



stop using twitter

you are actively promoting this if you use it

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220268  No.1411080

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dc1d24  No.1411081

File: 9f8db11593f34cc⋯.png (555.77 KB, 600x860, 30:43, 346.png)

File: 483edfd549dac58⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB, 720x720, 1:1, F7BY6_Kee_0B5RSd.mp4)

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38640f  No.1411082


good lad

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c0014c  No.1411083

File: 85b9e513a4d32f5⋯.png (386.36 KB, 415x521, 415:521, 144630936003182.png)

>Manager has sent yet another 2 messages in the groupchat

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220268  No.1411084

So, 8chan didn't permit nudity in the child models board, but Twitter does?!!!

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b912a1  No.1411085


twitter doesnt you fucking retard lmfao

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cddb94  No.1411086

yikes is this /nonce/?

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dc1d24  No.1411087

8chan shouldn't permit child model boards, simple as

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8bfcb2  No.1411088

File: e76bb4e1c5b948c⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 500x375, 4:3, nbatx7u58ci31.jpg)


>bossman: I showed you my physique

>please respond

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cddb94  No.1411089


insane to think we'll all be here until are hairs are grey. Hopefully the white race will be saved by then

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dc1d24  No.1411090

File: 3dbbcef6d7798fe⋯.jpg (483.91 KB, 1024x818, 512:409, 48563143.jpg)

>dam in China might be about to fail

>death toll would be in the millions

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220268  No.1411091




says nude minors are "permitted"

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38640f  No.1411092

File: 72194a7ca810e26⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 299x299, 1:1, stone_cold_middle_finger.jpg)


post this in the chat lad

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220268  No.1411093


No, it's Twitter, Twitter permits nude minors.

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b20a6c  No.1411094

File: b3d300fc93610a5⋯.png (111.58 KB, 1328x1140, 332:285, chink.png)

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220268  No.1411095




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c0014c  No.1411096

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b20a6c  No.1411097

File: 72dbfc246c4eb73⋯.png (209.96 KB, 396x385, 36:35, angry_wafty.png)

Hey 8kun, it's 9pm! Time for the site to break!

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c0014c  No.1411098

site broke again?

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220268  No.1411099


Start teaching him Teelinne. bet you don't have the balls

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220268  No.1411100


Yes. Now learn Teeeline before the moon turns to blood.

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c0014c  No.1411101


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b20a6c  No.1411102

File: 02cb2cf138c5995⋯.png (33.51 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden.png)

>Jim milking the Q-tards for all it's worth before the site dies

>blames it on the black hat swamp dweller enemies of Q or whatever the fuck

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220268  No.1411103


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30a9aa  No.1411104


lad they've been saying this about that dam for over a decade now

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b20a6c  No.1411105

File: 37a14b11bac2168⋯.png (466.31 KB, 873x547, 873:547, Ichigeki_Poo.png)

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30a9aa  No.1411106

poo on jim

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38640f  No.1411107


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38640f  No.1411108


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b20a6c  No.1411109

at least the site broke at a time when we had the [last 50 pages button] I guess

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b912a1  No.1411110

File: 51d6e5eb26f2f6e⋯.jpg (119.18 KB, 998x1083, 998:1083, jari_jones_cover_model_for….jpg)

remember back in /pol/s very early days when they regularly had greentext the future threads?

Its a shame none of those lasted, they were pretty cringe but goddamn atleast they knew it would get this bad.

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30a9aa  No.1411111

File: 5369a14f511361d⋯.mp4 (6.01 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Nonce_hunter_foiled.mp4)

what a good lad

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8bfcb2  No.1411112

Again with this site?

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30a9aa  No.1411113


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ca62ff  No.1411114


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148624  No.1411115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yes and all who say otherwise are spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)

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dc1d24  No.1411116

File: 23cfe9907f565d8⋯.jpg (287.15 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, EbnvAcnWsAIRqva.jpg)

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3f01f8  No.1411117

File: d799ba130fd9e73⋯.jpg (26.71 KB, 256x358, 128:179, IMG_20190129_125249_555.JPG)

Holding in a poo for dessert

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c0014c  No.1411118


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30a9aa  No.1411119

poo again

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b20a6c  No.1411120


smh lad you'll hurt yourself that way

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38640f  No.1411121

File: 7ce5cd9b4500fcf⋯.png (235.04 KB, 420x420, 1:1, tfw_no_Shakespeare.png)

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229ccd  No.1411122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




don't even bullshit us brother

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229ccd  No.1411123


good blonde lass

>no hair dye actual natural blonde

good lass

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c0014c  No.1411124


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30a9aa  No.1411125

File: a1f3d293035e91c⋯.gif (640 KB, 220x220, 1:1, steiner_hogan.gif)

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3f01f8  No.1411126

File: 02907abd9c987fe⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 745x475, 149:95, IMG_20200501_171724.jpg)

Pooing rn

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c0014c  No.1411127

shit fuck poo

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148624  No.1411128


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b20a6c  No.1411129


deep image

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dc1d24  No.1411130

File: 8d9e0052af5f03e⋯.png (82.43 KB, 600x770, 60:77, 4235.png)

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30a9aa  No.1411131

File: 08e5d2a40a3c611⋯.gif (4.4 MB, 404x304, 101:76, steiner_shoah.gif)

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3f01f8  No.1411132


>be atheist

>accuse the Bible of being disgusting and bigoted

>churches become soft and promote shite

>use false claims about the Bible to justify your political ideology which also has no place for the bible

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c0014c  No.1411133

arsecheeks clappin an brappin

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3f01f8  No.1411134


Post pics

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dc1d24  No.1411135

File: f541a7b5b1b558a⋯.png (365 KB, 880x920, 22:23, 1_2_.png)


>capitalist Roman Empire

>state that predates feudalism is capitalist

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b20a6c  No.1411136


a-flappin' in the wind

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3f01f8  No.1411137

What's brap-a-lappin lads?

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229ccd  No.1411138

sites fucked again

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30a9aa  No.1411139



>anything more than an edjumacated sounding synonym for "bad" to these people

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38640f  No.1411140


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91da37  No.1411141


Christ was a revolutionary, there is no doubt of that, but to try and project some 1st year University political economic philosophy lectures onto him is retard tier tbh.

I'd have more respect if she mentioned usury and the Pharisees that practiced it under the wider economic doctrine of the day.

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0c9302  No.1411142


you use this pepe a lot. are you drug addled?

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b20a6c  No.1411143


It's happoomer sniff lad smh

dumb (1)

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c0014c  No.1411144


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2cbe25  No.1411145

File: aef2d8f3fa1db35⋯.png (690.84 KB, 850x635, 170:127, kimjoy.png)

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dc1d24  No.1411146


>Christ was a revolutionary


He was, but not in the way they think.

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3f01f8  No.1411147

File: 60e92db08b9ca85⋯.jpg (32.47 KB, 750x417, 250:139, smh_apu.jpg)

Still on the toilet lads, legs are numb smh

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dc1d24  No.1411148

File: 4bbc6e56c19743a⋯.jpg (547.15 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, EbnT2mqWsAAEEy_.jpg)

File: a607c43f4fc5d59⋯.jpg (682.18 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, EbnT3L1XsAUyVZq.jpg)

>Cosmopolitan covers 2000 vs 2020

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8bfcb2  No.1411149

winnie the poo

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3f01f8  No.1411150

File: 62278c474375789⋯.jpg (33.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1581305086359.jpg)


>worshipping ugliness

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3f01f8  No.1411151

File: 552469802410b2a⋯.png (656.63 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, image0_13.png)

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b20a6c  No.1411152


close your eyes and think of england lad


baste end of empire

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dc1d24  No.1411153

Dermatologists call for 'freckle removal pens' to be BANNED because they may make cancerous melanomas harder to spot


>women removing their freckles

smh why

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30a9aa  No.1411154

File: 65e0df3f62fa799⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1200x676, 300:169, 65e0df3f62fa799a775a79f058….png)


Scruton's death was unironically the spark that lit the bin fire that has been this year so far tbh

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2cbe25  No.1411155

File: 4779e8f50babadc⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1012x1039, 1012:1039, 4779e8f50babadc161434f8f3b….png)

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c0014c  No.1411156


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30a9aa  No.1411157


tbh with the right makeup and hair she'd make a quality arthog gf tbh

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dc1d24  No.1411158

File: 4b4f787d0b3e34b⋯.jpg (65.89 KB, 828x1011, 276:337, EboRZVNUMAABTYH.jpg)

File: b3d227b2c2b307d⋯.jpg (69.37 KB, 828x1043, 828:1043, EboRZVNVAAESHCe.jpg)

File: 824b48bceb06549⋯.jpg (72.34 KB, 828x1107, 92:123, EboRZVNU0AUHjNR.jpg)

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203c54  No.1411159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Decline and fall.

Orthodoxy remains resolute in its love for beauty though.

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0c9302  No.1411160

File: e876d2bef829db8⋯.jpg (526.26 KB, 2126x1417, 2126:1417, countryside1.jpg)

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8bfcb2  No.1411161

File: 4ccb7493f3adb42⋯.gif (3.83 MB, 600x321, 200:107, 545412321312.gif)

ThanQ Patriots

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229ccd  No.1411162

File: e5fdd17c13d6a6e⋯.jpg (179.16 KB, 593x984, 593:984, 8480760093_f44da4d196_b.jpg)


>spics promoting liberation theology heresy (again)

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30a9aa  No.1411163


what am I looking at here?

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c0014c  No.1411164

File: 625cdac4e29370a⋯.png (511.81 KB, 450x444, 75:74, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc1d24  No.1411165


niggers using a stamp to put tubman on notes

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203c54  No.1411166

The decay of the site reminds me of these words from the book of Job.

For want and famine they were solitary;

Fleeing into the wilderness in former time desolate and waste.

Who cut up mallows by the bushes,

And juniper roots for their meat.

They are wet with the showers of the mountains,

And embrace the rock for want of a shelter.

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dc1d24  No.1411167

File: 26a3dc567a345f5⋯.png (236.73 KB, 600x601, 600:601, 1323.png)

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30a9aa  No.1411168

File: 66e0dfa0346d866⋯.jpg (91.13 KB, 425x300, 17:12, 1357230939623.jpg)


keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's like that fucking "adjusting the sights to make the gun shoot harder" shit

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8bfcb2  No.1411169


glad somebody saved this. I don't think I even got a (You) when I originally posted it.

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2cbe25  No.1411170

File: 75fd50b97c227b9⋯.png (529.57 KB, 903x1094, 903:1094, Screenshot_2020_06_25_23_5….png)

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2cbe25  No.1411171


>trying to ruin her charm


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8bfcb2  No.1411172

File: 0687d97fc294c3f⋯.jpg (185.34 KB, 1581x900, 527:300, 0687d97fc294c3f9581a3f5fa0….jpg)

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203c54  No.1411173


It's a nice image. Scruton's ideas are powerful. I want a gorgeous statue of him outside our main cathedral in the rebuilt Britain.

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30a9aa  No.1411174

File: 14eb2a0dcbe28ae⋯.jpg (11.86 KB, 500x461, 500:461, 1369082374412.jpg)

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dc1d24  No.1411175

File: f603521b9219e98⋯.mp4 (11.69 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, ftdDI3c1epSYn5jq.mp4)

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8bfcb2  No.1411176


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2cbe25  No.1411177

File: 703802bb5f2635f⋯.mp4 (146.98 KB, 640x640, 1:1, poo.mp4)

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30a9aa  No.1411178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c0014c  No.1411179


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203c54  No.1411180


God willing, he's found a place of perfect beauty now.

>I go now to a perfect realm, where no disturbance can be, no disturbance in the world.

- Charles II

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dc1d24  No.1411181

File: 23b294ef0d3967d⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB, 640x360, 16:9, zTyrM0Cx1dB8QiED.mp4)

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203c54  No.1411182


Charles I rather, my mistake

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8bfcb2  No.1411183

File: 03f6293646ed081⋯.webm (9.28 MB, 638x360, 319:180, 03f6293646ed081ce0155a515….webm)


thank you lad, for the masculine hug.

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30a9aa  No.1411184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Johnny Rotten is are last hope

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203c54  No.1411185


Wasn't it Johnny Rotten who tried to sound the whistle about Saville back in the day too?

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dc1d24  No.1411186

File: 65b48a5bc7d8768⋯.mp4 (798.07 KB, 640x352, 20:11, scruton1.mp4)


I hope heaven is as beautiful as he wanted Britain to be

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6d078a  No.1411187


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30a9aa  No.1411188


yeah he tried to publicly out the nonce

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30a9aa  No.1411189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is an excellent Scrute lecture tbh you lads should watch

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0c9302  No.1411190

fuck 8kun

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c0014c  No.1411191

bean gruel

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dc1d24  No.1411192

File: 1cc00abdda07cfa⋯.png (685.29 KB, 600x1330, 60:133, 346.png)

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813777  No.1411193


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b912a1  No.1411194


god i wish

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dc1d24  No.1411195

File: deac8bb62979d66⋯.png (275.51 KB, 600x380, 30:19, 123.png)

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813777  No.1411196

Smh fucking shit site, supposedly a DDOS started a week ago and from the looks of it is still going on

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dc1d24  No.1411197


It's probably not even a DDOS, have you seen how fucking fast the Q board goes? It's 100+ posts per minute.

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203c54  No.1411198


Do people still seriously believe in Q? Now of all times?

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c0014c  No.1411199


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dc1d24  No.1411200



It's insane lad.

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dc1d24  No.1411201

Here's the British Q thread



>they've had almost 10M posts since the site came back half a year ago

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203c54  No.1411202

File: e0d67cb1a1b70ad⋯.jpg (58.32 KB, 482x427, 482:427, Very_Downtrodden.jpg)



I'll just take your word for it.

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3f01f8  No.1411203

File: f1f79673c112cf3⋯.png (55.06 KB, 201x251, 201:251, toast_model.png)

Sorry you're a 3/10, you can't toast with me

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203c54  No.1411204

File: cbb74a169de5ed3⋯.jpg (71.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Potion_Seller_Trailer.jpg)

You can't toast with me, my toasts would kill you traveller.

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38640f  No.1411205

File: b0e8c023c2da2ff⋯.jpg (118.62 KB, 963x801, 107:89, jeeeeeezus.jpg)

still broken?

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b912a1  No.1411206

File: 3dd300a227afd11⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1457866060130.jpg)

>cooms to asmr video

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c0014c  No.1411207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dc1d24  No.1411208


Good lad, it's fucking insane the shite they post

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91da37  No.1411209

Big news about Mark Sedwill going lads.

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3f01f8  No.1411210

File: 9efb343ba08c4fd⋯.jpg (39.89 KB, 640x480, 4:3, wiggum_mouth.jpg)

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38640f  No.1411211



something something bioleninism

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dc1d24  No.1411212

File: 5ff0ebe020a9220⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1820x4518, 910:2259, 2364.png)

I'm losing my fucking mind

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3f01f8  No.1411213

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8bfcb2  No.1411214

File: 4e4150ed1a60985⋯.png (579.52 KB, 980x858, 490:429, 4e4150ed1a6098532e71a09650….png)

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30a9aa  No.1411215

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, 1483536430158.jpg)

>the qoomers are crying conspiracy over an obsolete routemaster bus (now a private-hire tourbus) being parked in a TFL bus stop for a photo op

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dc1d24  No.1411216


Lad the video they are going on about goes back to fucking 2013 >>1411212 I have no idea what the fuck they are on about, this is insanity.

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b912a1  No.1411217


i cant even begin to understand what theyre on about

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dc1d24  No.1411218

File: 8397247271966d8⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 445x528, 445:528, Ea8PZlgU4AA6P44.jpg)

>they think a Mamma Mia poster is a secret code

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3f01f8  No.1411219

File: a62a2341db14c9a⋯.gif (447.85 KB, 512x443, 512:443, comfy_dead_pig_spinning.gif)

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30a9aa  No.1411220

File: 417503aa0e9e7ed⋯.gif (15.45 KB, 343x338, 343:338, 1552322875376.gif)


I honestly don't think they're real people tbh this must be some kind of multiple-AI socialising test

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c0014c  No.1411221

File: 92cab309a61bf3c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 614x768, 307:384, ClipboardImage.png)

>happy anniversary steiner

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203c54  No.1411222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apparently the "Maya hee, maya haa, maya ha ha" song is from Moldova. Maybe that makes it Moldova's biggest cultural product.

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dc1d24  No.1411223

File: 0f1c073c90abd87⋯.jpg (7.83 KB, 288x293, 288:293, WHAT_DE_FUG.jpg)



They are going on about some bus which is apparently fake cos the video is edited or something and they are going frame by frame to figure it out, but the video is some irrelevant nothing video from 2013, I have no idea what they are talking about, the more I try to understand it the more confused I become.

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b912a1  No.1411224


men are at work

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38640f  No.1411225


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3f01f8  No.1411226

File: 59815b8663f5445⋯.png (152.16 KB, 320x294, 160:147, just_gun_smile.png)

can't stand it when the thread shits out smh

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b912a1  No.1411227

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30a9aa  No.1411228

File: 5da8fb6c5e2788f⋯.png (176.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, kzn1of2sg8a41.png)



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203c54  No.1411229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Men are At Work tbh

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c0014c  No.1411230


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b912a1  No.1411231

i still have no idea what q is about tbh

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b912a1  No.1411232

why are there so many french and german posters on the q board?

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dc1d24  No.1411233

File: 212f59a98fdf969⋯.jpg (111.65 KB, 1242x790, 621:395, EblDX6oUYAEJcBO.jpg)

File: 6f09002b10f418c⋯.jpg (145.62 KB, 1242x1603, 1242:1603, EblDYRwU4AAE8DK.jpg)

File: 9e17305500fac29⋯.jpg (26.56 KB, 220x288, 55:72, EblDYpQUwAEoHxd.jpg)

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203c54  No.1411234


It's neither interesting nor worth learning.

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203c54  No.1411235


Excellent post

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dc1d24  No.1411236

File: 07266efe4c5902e⋯.jpg (304.87 KB, 1510x2048, 755:1024, EbjWnFlXkAEgrGb.jpg)

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dc1d24  No.1411237


It's nothing but boomer schizo shit

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30a9aa  No.1411238

File: 95ef29c8a0f7f6b⋯.png (712.34 KB, 674x460, 337:230, ClipboardImage.png)



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b912a1  No.1411239


but what is q meant to represent, what's the actual conspiracy?

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203c54  No.1411240


Trump waging a secret war against the Deep State with loyal allies, basically like a kid's fantasy

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38640f  No.1411241

File: 7f24bad59fd59e5⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 659x536, 659:536, Democracy.jpg)


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30a9aa  No.1411242

we should see if we can find a way to fuck with the qoomers tbh would be a laugh

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460b0d  No.1411243

File: a85058c71511cb7⋯.jpg (68.34 KB, 638x452, 319:226, 20_sec.jpg)

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3f01f8  No.1411244

File: 708df0be2c5eec7⋯.png (1.17 MB, 615x784, 615:784, rory_stewart_face.png)

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dc1d24  No.1411245

File: a81a58ab71e74b1⋯.png (870.2 KB, 4167x3308, 4167:3308, qanon_trump_1_.png)

File: b12d4070386d9b9⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1958x1421, 1958:1421, qanon_trump_2_.png)

File: 7cffd20bdccdaf6⋯.jpg (180.5 KB, 1548x1121, 1548:1121, qanon.jpg)


Some super secret insider bullshit about how there's a super secret plan Trump is following and him and his team post super secret messages to show that they are in on the super secret plan

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38640f  No.1411246


good lad

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3f01f8  No.1411247



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dc1d24  No.1411248

File: a81a58ab71e74b1⋯.png (870.2 KB, 4167x3308, 4167:3308, qanon_trump_1_.png)

File: b12d4070386d9b9⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1958x1421, 1958:1421, qanon_trump_2_.png)

File: 7cffd20bdccdaf6⋯.jpg (180.5 KB, 1548x1121, 1548:1121, qanon.jpg)


Some super secret insider bullshit about how there's a super secret plan Trump and his team are following and they post super secret messages to show they know about the super secret plan

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3f01f8  No.1411249

File: 28eebcf3d059e26⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 300x400, 3:4, smugtoastman.jpg)

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dc1d24  No.1411250

File: 2ba4d62cda91089⋯.png (151.59 KB, 806x1048, 403:524, qanon.png)

File: 6b5339fcdb68d29⋯.png (457.01 KB, 727x506, 727:506, qanon_1_.png)

File: bf6efa6b6732b4f⋯.png (349.71 KB, 752x549, 752:549, qanon_2_.png)

File: 24464a41a2fbdf1⋯.png (835.64 KB, 643x831, 643:831, qanon_3_.png)

File: 8584cd2b701c8cb⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB, 540x720, 3:4, qanon.mp4)


There is no fucking point, they are fucking insane.

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c0014c  No.1411251


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b912a1  No.1411252

lmfao, where is q posting this shit?

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dc1d24  No.1411253



The board gets hundreds of posts every minute, it's unlisted so we have no idea of their exact PPH, but I'm betting it's them flooding the board rather than a DDOS or something.

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38640f  No.1411254

>Q thread updates when you press update

>/brit/ doesn't


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3f01f8  No.1411255

File: a24a886b4afe142⋯.jpg (69.23 KB, 588x768, 49:64, just_hayden.jpg)


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dc1d24  No.1411256


It's taking all the traffic, we should probably migrate tbh

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30a9aa  No.1411257

File: 58474b71e67b5ae⋯.png (214.87 KB, 540x381, 180:127, ClipboardImage.png)

do you think that if someone posted on their board enough times and always signed off each post with HH they would eventually come to believe that Hulk Hogan is a fellow qoomer?

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38640f  No.1411258

we should migrate to the q board tbh

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b912a1  No.1411259

let's move to the uk qresearch board

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38640f  No.1411260

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3f01f8  No.1411261

File: 6a314b27c56ad4e⋯.png (109.1 KB, 901x868, 901:868, pepe_frown_gun.png)

Jim, your time is up

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dc1d24  No.1411262


worth a shot keeeeek

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ca62ff  No.1411263


Rob a post office in the name of Q

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c0014c  No.1411264


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b912a1  No.1411265

File: c20e37b0706763a⋯.png (182.33 KB, 337x452, 337:452, fluoride_stare.png)

>posting on qresearch is fucked too

alert Q the deep states at it again

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dc1d24  No.1411266


>posting on q gets fucked

>qanons start spazzing out

>site comes back, they spaz out and say that it's spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) trying to stop them

>their spazzing causes the site to get fucked again

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30a9aa  No.1411267

do qoomers know of the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) and the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)?

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b912a1  No.1411268

post random sequences of numbers on qresearch until they start finding patterns.

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30a9aa  No.1411269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek we should Twin Peaks them

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203c54  No.1411270


They're just aspies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) lad

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c0014c  No.1411271

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b912a1  No.1411272

that board is so fucking disjointed they have 10 stickied threads

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b912a1  No.1411273

qresearch general is the fasted thread on the board, all the other ones are dead.

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1ca2d5  No.1411274


Watch out for those aspies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) (Chris Packham, Springwatch, Greta Thunberg, skolstrejk for klimatet) tbh

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97e83c  No.1411275


In it now. A toast?

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b912a1  No.1411276

File: 81c82544d9bfadb⋯.jpg (281.14 KB, 750x904, 375:452, orangutan_toast.jpg)

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c66ca3  No.1411277


There is onw tripfag in the british threa who posts in it by himself. Jon James Pratt, 49 year old illuminated polymath from warickshire humbly blessed as the worlds top intellectual. its unironically his full name aswell, found his faceberg

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b912a1  No.1411278



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c0014c  No.1411279

File: f7f10cadfe0b515⋯.png (334.41 KB, 749x626, 749:626, 143897799498.png)


the fucking state

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1bdb55  No.1411280

File: f02bfeb357aecac⋯.jpg (181.87 KB, 1080x1069, 1080:1069, _20200629_002201.JPG)

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1ca2d5  No.1411281

File: 43e46cb8a3da203⋯.png (366.75 KB, 700x394, 350:197, ClipboardImage.png)




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b912a1  No.1411282

honestly thunderstruck observing the Q thread, calling these people mental doesnt cut it.

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3f01f8  No.1411283

File: 3a90b0bd7de3dcf⋯.png (573.29 KB, 1278x993, 426:331, pepe_looking_in.png)







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b912a1  No.1411284

imagine hanging out in the Q general all day

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97e83c  No.1411285

File: 2af4bfcc2079864⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Kiryu.jpg)

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c0014c  No.1411286


i was going mad being at home and posting here everyday, could only imagine what it would do to your mental state if you post there all day everyday

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1ca2d5  No.1411287

File: c52c80816f4412e⋯.jpg (101.2 KB, 640x350, 64:35, d04ed31630d7edf83f86690c50….jpg)


The Ubermensch transcends that which he inherits from his imaginary ancestors

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97e83c  No.1411288

File: eb02a175267ab7b⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB, 640x358, 320:179, Red_Red_Wine_A_Toast.mp4)

Lads, a toast in honour of the past week.

May the next one bring us ever closer to getting jacked, and our inevitable smashing of the wogs.

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b912a1  No.1411289

theres only two religions left in america BLM and Qanon.

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30a9aa  No.1411290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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97e83c  No.1411291


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1bdb55  No.1411292

File: 2605be22b907aa4⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 640x482, 320:241, IMG_20200629_005539.jpg)

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30a9aa  No.1411293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>David Lynch repairing holes in his trousers with glue and paper towels then painting over it


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c0014c  No.1411294

File: af2ada5ba22ca1c⋯.png (93.11 KB, 220x267, 220:267, 143897799451.png)

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30a9aa  No.1411295

File: a563422d8e60286⋯.png (142.33 KB, 1031x580, 1031:580, What_Is_David_Working_on_T….png)

File: b381e987bff39bc⋯.png (234.93 KB, 1036x1154, 518:577, ClipboardImage.png)

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30a9aa  No.1411296

File: 3186bfaca4bfda3⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1031x543, 1031:543, ClipboardImage.png)

smh the screenshot extension doesn't grab subtitles

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c0014c  No.1411297

File: dbda2d94a0d2db5⋯.png (462.53 KB, 539x382, 539:382, ClipboardImage.png)


this is like some trailer park boys shit

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c0014c  No.1411298

its hard to tell if he is dementia ridden or if he is actually just like that because he has always been kooky

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b912a1  No.1411299

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3f01f8  No.1411300

File: 5750fa4e4aa1bc1⋯.png (770.47 KB, 638x638, 1:1, dog_worried.png)

>mfw watching david lynch glue his trousers and paint them

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22d8b0  No.1411301

just smacked my volume control thing on my headphones against my desk and the plastic cover flew apart and disappeared somewhere rooooo

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30a9aa  No.1411302

File: b051ed29a51e555⋯.jpg (95.81 KB, 919x688, 919:688, 58c6f3270cbcc1a737ada04070….jpg)


>it's a ruse and Lynch has just tricked 1000s of art hipsters into gluing their expensive ripped jeans to paper towels and covering it in paint

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1bdb55  No.1411303




Power move tbh, he's rich enough to replace them yet does this anyway

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1bdb55  No.1411304



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229ccd  No.1411305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0014c  No.1411306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c0014c  No.1411307

File: c04cfc12b18aef5⋯.png (770.25 KB, 1010x660, 101:66, ClipboardImage.png)

homemade urinal

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22d8b0  No.1411308


lovely colour

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b912a1  No.1411309

File: 3264b87de05eb6b⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 633x758, 633:758, _despair.jpg)

>liver starts hurting after the first drink

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3f01f8  No.1411310


laaaad smh

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e906aa  No.1411311

File: 98b7f3d3f9cefc9⋯.png (997.9 KB, 969x918, 19:18, 47f92485e59e88f1080a86f555….png)


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38640f  No.1411312


night lad

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22d8b0  No.1411313

>20 past 1 already

Fucking hell lads

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b912a1  No.1411314


times going too fast to enjoy tbh

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b606c6  No.1411315

File: 982474d03be93b6⋯.jpg (7.6 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 7cee7c267baa4df314d3bf4f41….jpg)

>when the italian qt is sending you another letter on slowly

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c0014c  No.1411316


what's slowly?

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0c9302  No.1411317


really lad? i've been pouring liquor down the gullet for a decade now and don't have this yet

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30a9aa  No.1411318

File: 5a15aa87c383f09⋯.png (1.86 MB, 900x1297, 900:1297, Gavrilo_Princip.png)

File: 3f345e0a3813978⋯.png (786.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3f345e0a3813978c963a73b7f8….png)

Is it just me?

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229ccd  No.1411319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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229ccd  No.1411320

this song goes out to all the groomers out there

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001166  No.1411321

File: 0d3a66f30535d84⋯.jpg (144.05 KB, 1011x1034, 1011:1034, IMG_20200629_015415.jpg)

>BLMs demands of Israel includes ending all free trade with Israel and being tried for war crimes

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30a9aa  No.1411322

File: 0e60d148776f282⋯.png (228.13 KB, 440x440, 1:1, Capture.PNG)


>hilighting black text in white on an offwhite background

now this is design gore

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229ccd  No.1411323

File: 7876dce8b550ac6⋯.jpg (86.28 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 702235_v2.jpg)


>and just like that BLM was gone

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38640f  No.1411324


who are they making demands too?

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b912a1  No.1411325

File: dc18b687dff49d1⋯.png (196.71 KB, 578x538, 289:269, dc18b687dff49d1e6929d230be….png)

/tv/ is the last board I browse and its filled with so many unironic nonces I think its over for my time at 4chan

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3a6bc2  No.1411326

Sneaked a bag of cookie dough Munchies lads

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229ccd  No.1411327

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c0014c  No.1411328


lad were you having a wank while filming?

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c0014c  No.1411329


wholesome vid though tbh good lad

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229ccd  No.1411330

File: 55d95dc8870e8e4⋯.png (775.19 KB, 815x548, 815:548, groomerpig.png)

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220268  No.1411331


The divine revelation of space dirt in an age of trinkets.

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38640f  No.1411332


wholesome chungus moment

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b912a1  No.1411333

File: 84d314d6d47ee75⋯.jpg (192.35 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, mummy_patel.jpg)

File: a3c98f7e78c9fd8⋯.jpg (955.36 KB, 2272x1380, 568:345, CTSFO_.jpg)

Mummy Patel is massively expanding the reach of the anti terror apparatus including specifically targeting rural areas.


>The Home Secretary is planning ‘root and branch’ reform of the Government’s controversial deradicalisation programme amid fears that large areas of the country are dangerously unprotected from extremists.

>In the biggest shake-up of the Prevent strategy since its launch in 2003, Priti Patel has proposed dividing England and Wales into nine regional hubs. Dedicated teams would operate from extremist ‘hot spots’ within each.

>Officials believe it will give Prevent officers better access to extremists in rural areas and allow for the rapid deployment of teams in the event of an attack.

>The review was ordered after intelligence highlighted the changing nature of extremism in Britain, with an increasing number of Islamic terrorist offenders living in neighbourhoods outside traditional Muslim areas, and most far-Right extremists based in areas with little or no previous extremist activity. There has also been a significant rise in the number of far-Left, animal rights and environmental extremists and those with ‘no fixed ideologies’

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8beb63  No.1411334

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b912a1  No.1411335

File: 5406eb426faac69⋯.png (118.48 KB, 384x378, 64:63, apu_newspaper.png)

now why would a program created to deradicalise people pre emptively "target" areas with no extremist history hmm

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220268  No.1411336


In all seriousness, why aren't you learning teeeine already?

>soon the daily mail won't be around

>don't be allowed to discuss hate facts

>will get kicked off for merely pointing out the existence of Icke

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b912a1  No.1411337

File: ddb3eb8ad28af83⋯.jpg (187.75 KB, 600x912, 25:38, dios_mio_goblino.jpg)

>tfw get stuck in the terror wing with teeeline fag

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220268  No.1411338


Right, I understand that you have accepted the personal slander against me, but don't you make youself the idiot, as it comes now to pass that all I warned about is occurring when I said it would, that you persist in you slander despite failing to acknowledge this?

Well, you persist in lies and selective memory, you must be a boomer.

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229ccd  No.1411339


they are creating the infastructure for putting us all in camps lad

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220268  No.1411340

Right, they aren't going to be arresting their muslim pet savages.

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627357  No.1411341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Steiner teaching neo platonism at an all girl school post race war

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b912a1  No.1411342


not sure what their end goal is here tbh, they probably see it as necessary to preventing communal violence that they predict will occur in the future

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220268  No.1411343

Annnd no answer.

The reason is simple. I was born to be a sibyl, and you were born to be the saddo.

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220268  No.1411344

Perhaps you have too little self-confidence.

A lot of people are low in self-confidence, and this is why they cannot self-improve, by doing things which Logic dictates, such as learning cocksucking.

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220268  No.1411345

yes yes, the filter. *Teefuck off kiggerline

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220268  No.1411346

It's very interesting to me. Who made you stupid? Did it happen by watching TV? How did you come to be incapable of listening to Reason, acting upon it?

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229ccd  No.1411347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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229ccd  No.1411348

File: 7694c2150639448⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 615x409, 615:409, nazi1.jpg)

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b912a1  No.1411349

every fucking day we have to deal with the site not working and then this schizo

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c0014c  No.1411350


very dark time when you put it that way

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229ccd  No.1411351


boomer about to tony montana some niggers

good taste if I get an AR I will get an A2 style one. most kino type

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220268  No.1411352


But of course, you have no contrary argument to teelinne, against AI, have you found comfort in the company of idiots?

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220268  No.1411353

lol @ actually falling for the AR memmmie

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220268  No.1411354

>my e-celebs tell me israel is great and never mention Teeeline

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229ccd  No.1411355


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b912a1  No.1411356


>awakened boomer with his m16 outside his gaudy mansion

damn thats a kino image

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229ccd  No.1411357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this theme goes well with the miami vice boomer video

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b912a1  No.1411358

its going to be like 2014 where you had constant gay mostly peaceful directed by leftists marching in every city antagonizing locals and causing events like this and hopefully worst until they find the next shooting to chimp out about.

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97e83c  No.1411359

File: 3960c4784dbc771⋯.jpg (47.3 KB, 585x419, 585:419, 5425243324.JPG)

File: 4c72ae31fba28da⋯.jpg (28.27 KB, 591x196, 591:196, 5754635435.JPG)

Even today I'm still surprised by the state of these spiteful mutants.

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229ccd  No.1411362


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dd8d0d  No.1411367

>had to filter more than just the usual schizo tonight

Err lads, they're multiplying

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b912a1  No.1411368


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dd8d0d  No.1411369

>ID keeps changing because my internet is absolutely shite and the router keeps suiciding


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3f01f8  No.1411370

File: b8f8c365bf7fbad⋯.png (75.76 KB, 300x227, 300:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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b912a1  No.1411371

File: 8bde6dbc26e24af⋯.jpg (175.06 KB, 962x653, 962:653, elephant_seal.jpg)

i have so many fucking books and big brained nrx articles to read lads

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229ccd  No.1411372

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b912a1  No.1411373

File: 3d487749b886864⋯.png (3.81 MB, 2048x1389, 2048:1389, boomerwaffen.png)


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b912a1  No.1411376


oh no two niggers fighting

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b912a1  No.1411379

i've noticed the schizo is a lot more hostile than usual

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229ccd  No.1411385


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3f01f8  No.1411386

File: ca174099de7b2fc⋯.png (1.25 MB, 622x941, 622:941, ClipboardImage.png)

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12cc08  No.1411387


>even though turkherts has been in the slut

Kek, he wishes


He's French, so basically black, yeah

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229ccd  No.1411388


good pic chad energy

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b912a1  No.1411389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Townsend is a massive fucking faggot but this story is very interesting


>Much has been written about Britons who fought in Syria, but little truly explains who these characters were, what made them tick. Or what actually happened when they disappeared into the byzantine politics of its brutal war. No Return tracks five teenage friends from Brighton who stepped into its chaos. All were killed except one. The survivor, Amer Deghayes, is the longest-serving Briton in Syria since the fighting began and offers a unique account of a ceaseless, shifting conflict.

>Equally crucial are those he left behind. I learned that more than 30 Brightonians – the largest identified group of potential jihadists in western Europe – had discussed plans to join him. All were between 13 and 18 years of age, some were girls, most were white, working-class Islamic converts from the forgotten estates of east Brighton.

>Investigating what had happened to these youngsters I discovered the Hillstreet Gang (HSG), whose members had converted to Islam in a makeshift gym. For several years the police considered them the most notorious street gang in Brighton. A hidden, violent side of the city revealed itself.

one of the HSG is in this old Vice documentary and this guy is still alive in Idlib but all his comrades from Brighton died.

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229ccd  No.1411390


wouldn't happen in the norf

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12cc08  No.1411391

File: 745cd46ebed3091⋯.webm (7.69 MB, 960x540, 16:9, The_Alberto_Redemption2.webm)

When are we moving to 9Chan? 8Chan is fucked

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229ccd  No.1411393

File: d43cc390398d8b7⋯.jpg (69.18 KB, 605x605, 1:1, trotter_french_bulldog_4.jpg)


pretty sure this is the last stop before deep web shite lass

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12cc08  No.1411396

File: 2e087dfeec076fe⋯.png (254.42 KB, 605x826, 605:826, ClipboardImage.png)


The eternal w*man


>because they fail to operate internationally with whites

Only Anglos are white. I'm not operating with Poles

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b912a1  No.1411397


tbh I've seen and met a few white muslims, all but one was in the Norf. The vast majority of white muslims in the UK are immigrants/immigrant background themselves (Chechens, Albanians, Kosovans and cheeky arabs and Turks who write down white on the census). I think there's 200,000 overall and 150,000 are "Other White" while 50,000 are British white.

It's a very interesting phenomenon and I have observed white criminals/white underclass who've not become muslim but adopting muslim words and behaviours from hanging out with fellow criminal muslims. Wouldn't be surprised if this becomes a more relevant phenomen since so many whites and blacks convert to islam in prison and then retain their religion outside.

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229ccd  No.1411398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>mfw just snuck two extra pieces of peach cobbler after mummy went to sleep

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12cc08  No.1411399


>Chechens, Albanians, Kosovans



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b912a1  No.1411400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You'll be surprised how before 2016 the border between far right nationalists in Germany and Islamists/Salafis was very porous, if you watch videos of pre 2015 Salafi demonstrations in Germany and the Netherlands theres a lot of white kids in the crowd.

You'll come across a fair few of these guys on wignat german twitter.

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b912a1  No.1411401


They consider themselves white and write it down on the census, the same with Cypriot Turks who almost all write down white while mainland Turks dont.

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229ccd  No.1411402


its the same as AB using la eme termenology and nigger terms lass. its similar to the lobster pot helm being a turk design. its just syncretism but even if nords became muslim it would be different than shitskin islam tbh

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12cc08  No.1411407


>betrays his own nation

Poland isn't my nation, England is.

Consider yourself filtered.

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229ccd  No.1411408

File: 5471feef8cfd8a1⋯.jpg (12.49 KB, 220x182, 110:91, 220px_Great_train_robbery_….jpg)

>this saracen trying to normalize muslamic shite

its ride or die lad

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229ccd  No.1411409

program with christ or get greenlit by the knights of christ

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12cc08  No.1411412

>it's replying when filtered

Free (You)s

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3f01f8  No.1411415

File: 134618174a0390d⋯.png (246.32 KB, 641x530, 641:530, pepe_worried.png)

>searched Fournier's gangrene

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12cc08  No.1411416

Thanks for the (You)s kind stranger

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f72f4c  No.1411422

File: dce320e102a3448⋯.png (11.72 KB, 242x255, 242:255, dog_uncomfortable_smile.png)

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dd8d0d  No.1411423


Thought it was saturday today smh

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b912a1  No.1411424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dont know how reliable ross kemp is but it says in this that they import handguns from America mostly.

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3f01f8  No.1411425

File: 04bfb594859197a⋯.png (8.38 KB, 666x666, 1:1, pepe_deformed.png)

seems like poundshop schizo hasn't been taking his medication

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c36189  No.1411426

Brake pads worn. Might just go Flintstones mode

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c36189  No.1411430


Thanks lad. Just 6 more hours of driving

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b912a1  No.1411435

File: 119b45a349cb116⋯.png (785.53 KB, 651x602, 93:86, wouwie.png)

>spending hours LARPing as a schizo because you think they're cool after watching donnie darko

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f64e65  No.1411436

why don't you guys filter?

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b912a1  No.1411438


i do but i still get the new post notification

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f72f4c  No.1411440

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f64e65  No.1411450

lads i am so fucked if i can't go back to toil. i have no qualifications or a levels and can't make anything

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f18c0d  No.1411452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The first theme here, Auferstanden Auf Ruinen, the DDR's anthem, is beautiful.

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f72f4c  No.1411453

File: 5f9628be15ffcef⋯.png (121.91 KB, 910x800, 91:80, ultra_sip.png)


just walk in and give the manager a firm handshake lad smh pull yourself up by your bootstraps

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f18c0d  No.1411454

File: 99d38eeea51f37d⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1920x951, 640:317, End_of_Evangelion_End.png)

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12cc08  No.1411456


The last two episodes of the anime were better


Join the navy

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76a564  No.1411458


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91da37  No.1411459


The Establishment is tightening its grip preemptively for the coming economic crash, they know there will be plenty of indigenous people who won't take it lying down.

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f18c0d  No.1411460

File: a2fed7946a35ecb⋯.jpg (561.46 KB, 1500x1057, 1500:1057, Coasting_to_Calamity.jpg)

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76a564  No.1411461

new thread plz

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f64e65  No.1411462


no, i'm an old boomer and i'm deathly afraid of drowning

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f18c0d  No.1411463

File: 0e6c2cb8168cea5⋯.png (576.62 KB, 780x838, 390:419, Mongol_Script.png)


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f72f4c  No.1411464

File: 77b78e8c7cef4ac⋯.png (59.25 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, fat6.png)

>garlic butter


hope they succeed tbh that's based and LOCALpilled

bringing futhorc back would be kino tbh although thinking about it i reckon a good first step towards going back to are roots would be the reintroduction of £sd

smdh decimal currency is utterly soulless

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f18c0d  No.1411465


>reintroduction of £sd

Based, local measurements are Biblical too.

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f6b222  No.1411466

File: 5461fa5b03721c5⋯.jpg (6.63 KB, 269x188, 269:188, images_28_.jpg)


That is some contrarian cringe youve just posted

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76a564  No.1411467


anime is cringe

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91da37  No.1411468


based, wish English wasn't the lingua franca of the world

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f18c0d  No.1411469

ᚾᛖᚹ ᚦᚱᛖᚪᛞ ᛈᛚᛖᚪᛋᛖ

New thread, please.

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f6b222  No.1411470


Im doing an online course soon that lets you into uni without a-levels, or u cud always learn a trade


Ah so you agree the movie was better

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f6b222  No.1411473



Why arent you banned

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76a564  No.1411475

File: 2d6191c6f40dbe3⋯.jpg (38.34 KB, 750x749, 750:749, 1575833495105.jpg)

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f72f4c  No.1411476

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2cbe25  No.1411478

File: 44e3d38f14232cd⋯.jpeg (46.39 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, downtrodden_23.jpeg)

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12cc08  No.1411557


Hold your breath



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