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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: a5be59b63d02ecc⋯.jpg (168.9 KB, 812x457, 812:457, Beef_Wellington_3_.jpg)

File: 3e368ddfa6dcefa⋯.jpg (333.64 KB, 1060x1200, 53:60, english_breakfast_3_.jpg)

File: 6a1ee9bc47bac47⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 673x504, 673:504, English_Roast.jpg)

File: d1538e8d65c1f7e⋯.jpg (128.27 KB, 768x960, 4:5, hobbit_feast.jpg)

dc1d24  No.1410726[View All]

Farmer spends a MONTH on a British-only diet to promote UK food

For farmer Rupert Ponsonby, it's been a case of 'the proof of the pudding has been in the eating' as part of his campaign to promote British-produced food



UK confirms 36 more coronavirus deaths taking the total number of fatalities to 43,550

NHS England today confirmed another 18 fatalities in its hospitals, while two more people have died in Wales and one in Northern Ireland



Priti Patel calls Labour MPs 'racist' over Black Lives Matter row

She hit out again at a group of black, Asian and minority ethnic Labour MPs who accused her of using her Indian heritage to cast doubt on black communities' experience of racism in the UK



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b912a1  No.1411389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Townsend is a massive fucking faggot but this story is very interesting


>Much has been written about Britons who fought in Syria, but little truly explains who these characters were, what made them tick. Or what actually happened when they disappeared into the byzantine politics of its brutal war. No Return tracks five teenage friends from Brighton who stepped into its chaos. All were killed except one. The survivor, Amer Deghayes, is the longest-serving Briton in Syria since the fighting began and offers a unique account of a ceaseless, shifting conflict.

>Equally crucial are those he left behind. I learned that more than 30 Brightonians – the largest identified group of potential jihadists in western Europe – had discussed plans to join him. All were between 13 and 18 years of age, some were girls, most were white, working-class Islamic converts from the forgotten estates of east Brighton.

>Investigating what had happened to these youngsters I discovered the Hillstreet Gang (HSG), whose members had converted to Islam in a makeshift gym. For several years the police considered them the most notorious street gang in Brighton. A hidden, violent side of the city revealed itself.

one of the HSG is in this old Vice documentary and this guy is still alive in Idlib but all his comrades from Brighton died.

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229ccd  No.1411390


wouldn't happen in the norf

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12cc08  No.1411391

File: 745cd46ebed3091⋯.webm (7.69 MB, 960x540, 16:9, The_Alberto_Redemption2.webm)

When are we moving to 9Chan? 8Chan is fucked

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229ccd  No.1411393

File: d43cc390398d8b7⋯.jpg (69.18 KB, 605x605, 1:1, trotter_french_bulldog_4.jpg)


pretty sure this is the last stop before deep web shite lass

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12cc08  No.1411396

File: 2e087dfeec076fe⋯.png (254.42 KB, 605x826, 605:826, ClipboardImage.png)


The eternal w*man


>because they fail to operate internationally with whites

Only Anglos are white. I'm not operating with Poles

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b912a1  No.1411397


tbh I've seen and met a few white muslims, all but one was in the Norf. The vast majority of white muslims in the UK are immigrants/immigrant background themselves (Chechens, Albanians, Kosovans and cheeky arabs and Turks who write down white on the census). I think there's 200,000 overall and 150,000 are "Other White" while 50,000 are British white.

It's a very interesting phenomenon and I have observed white criminals/white underclass who've not become muslim but adopting muslim words and behaviours from hanging out with fellow criminal muslims. Wouldn't be surprised if this becomes a more relevant phenomen since so many whites and blacks convert to islam in prison and then retain their religion outside.

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229ccd  No.1411398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>mfw just snuck two extra pieces of peach cobbler after mummy went to sleep

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12cc08  No.1411399


>Chechens, Albanians, Kosovans



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b912a1  No.1411400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You'll be surprised how before 2016 the border between far right nationalists in Germany and Islamists/Salafis was very porous, if you watch videos of pre 2015 Salafi demonstrations in Germany and the Netherlands theres a lot of white kids in the crowd.

You'll come across a fair few of these guys on wignat german twitter.

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b912a1  No.1411401


They consider themselves white and write it down on the census, the same with Cypriot Turks who almost all write down white while mainland Turks dont.

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229ccd  No.1411402


its the same as AB using la eme termenology and nigger terms lass. its similar to the lobster pot helm being a turk design. its just syncretism but even if nords became muslim it would be different than shitskin islam tbh

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12cc08  No.1411407


>betrays his own nation

Poland isn't my nation, England is.

Consider yourself filtered.

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229ccd  No.1411408

File: 5471feef8cfd8a1⋯.jpg (12.49 KB, 220x182, 110:91, 220px_Great_train_robbery_….jpg)

>this saracen trying to normalize muslamic shite

its ride or die lad

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229ccd  No.1411409

program with christ or get greenlit by the knights of christ

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12cc08  No.1411412

>it's replying when filtered

Free (You)s

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3f01f8  No.1411415

File: 134618174a0390d⋯.png (246.32 KB, 641x530, 641:530, pepe_worried.png)

>searched Fournier's gangrene

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12cc08  No.1411416

Thanks for the (You)s kind stranger

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f72f4c  No.1411422

File: dce320e102a3448⋯.png (11.72 KB, 242x255, 242:255, dog_uncomfortable_smile.png)

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dd8d0d  No.1411423


Thought it was saturday today smh

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b912a1  No.1411424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dont know how reliable ross kemp is but it says in this that they import handguns from America mostly.

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3f01f8  No.1411425

File: 04bfb594859197a⋯.png (8.38 KB, 666x666, 1:1, pepe_deformed.png)

seems like poundshop schizo hasn't been taking his medication

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c36189  No.1411426

Brake pads worn. Might just go Flintstones mode

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c36189  No.1411430


Thanks lad. Just 6 more hours of driving

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b912a1  No.1411435

File: 119b45a349cb116⋯.png (785.53 KB, 651x602, 93:86, wouwie.png)

>spending hours LARPing as a schizo because you think they're cool after watching donnie darko

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f64e65  No.1411436

why don't you guys filter?

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b912a1  No.1411438


i do but i still get the new post notification

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f72f4c  No.1411440

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f64e65  No.1411450

lads i am so fucked if i can't go back to toil. i have no qualifications or a levels and can't make anything

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f18c0d  No.1411452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The first theme here, Auferstanden Auf Ruinen, the DDR's anthem, is beautiful.

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f72f4c  No.1411453

File: 5f9628be15ffcef⋯.png (121.91 KB, 910x800, 91:80, ultra_sip.png)


just walk in and give the manager a firm handshake lad smh pull yourself up by your bootstraps

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f18c0d  No.1411454

File: 99d38eeea51f37d⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1920x951, 640:317, End_of_Evangelion_End.png)

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12cc08  No.1411456


The last two episodes of the anime were better


Join the navy

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76a564  No.1411458


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91da37  No.1411459


The Establishment is tightening its grip preemptively for the coming economic crash, they know there will be plenty of indigenous people who won't take it lying down.

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f18c0d  No.1411460

File: a2fed7946a35ecb⋯.jpg (561.46 KB, 1500x1057, 1500:1057, Coasting_to_Calamity.jpg)

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76a564  No.1411461

new thread plz

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f64e65  No.1411462


no, i'm an old boomer and i'm deathly afraid of drowning

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f18c0d  No.1411463

File: 0e6c2cb8168cea5⋯.png (576.62 KB, 780x838, 390:419, Mongol_Script.png)


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f72f4c  No.1411464

File: 77b78e8c7cef4ac⋯.png (59.25 KB, 1228x1502, 614:751, fat6.png)

>garlic butter


hope they succeed tbh that's based and LOCALpilled

bringing futhorc back would be kino tbh although thinking about it i reckon a good first step towards going back to are roots would be the reintroduction of £sd

smdh decimal currency is utterly soulless

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f18c0d  No.1411465


>reintroduction of £sd

Based, local measurements are Biblical too.

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f6b222  No.1411466

File: 5461fa5b03721c5⋯.jpg (6.63 KB, 269x188, 269:188, images_28_.jpg)


That is some contrarian cringe youve just posted

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76a564  No.1411467


anime is cringe

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91da37  No.1411468


based, wish English wasn't the lingua franca of the world

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f18c0d  No.1411469

ᚾᛖᚹ ᚦᚱᛖᚪᛞ ᛈᛚᛖᚪᛋᛖ

New thread, please.

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f6b222  No.1411470


Im doing an online course soon that lets you into uni without a-levels, or u cud always learn a trade


Ah so you agree the movie was better

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f6b222  No.1411473



Why arent you banned

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76a564  No.1411475

File: 2d6191c6f40dbe3⋯.jpg (38.34 KB, 750x749, 750:749, 1575833495105.jpg)

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f72f4c  No.1411476

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2cbe25  No.1411478

File: 44e3d38f14232cd⋯.jpeg (46.39 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, downtrodden_23.jpeg)

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12cc08  No.1411557


Hold your breath



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