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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 3bc2df0c8324723⋯.webm (626.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, TOOOOOOOOT.webm)

a45837  No.1409366[View All]

no links because the site's fucked

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8bec04  No.1410004

Time for my weetabix


Good lads

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16eeb9  No.1410005

keeek niggers in london are having yet another unlawful street party and figthing with police

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8bec04  No.1410006

File: d173fdc6f059df6⋯.jpg (16.08 KB, 425x239, 425:239, marijuanaman.jpg)


>niggers acting unruly and fighting with police

I blame the marijuana

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16eeb9  No.1410007

the fact they've been doing this every night gives me hope that the niggers might get sick of cops ruining their fun and start rioting.

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eaed5d  No.1410008


Why are they carrying american flags? Boston is in England

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d51778  No.1410009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>group of jews running away right at the start

oy vey

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16eeb9  No.1410010

File: c9eefb6fa39afca⋯.png (111.96 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

>tfw its going to rain for the entire week

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8bec04  No.1410011

File: 8452791222560bc⋯.jpg (20.77 KB, 370x388, 185:194, 5875a576130d8e188341c75e81….jpg)


>that autistic running

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16eeb9  No.1410012


i think the two guys stabbed might have been jews

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8bec04  No.1410013

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8bec04  No.1410014



suspect in that video doesn't look black or even mulatto, does he?

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7c4388  No.1410015



fuck the heat

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7c4388  No.1410016

File: 7eab00bb82c2c98⋯.jpg (61.75 KB, 750x736, 375:368, 1496868953705.jpg)

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4ff0e1  No.1410017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8bec04  No.1410018

File: 358a1fea3221e34⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 250x158, 125:79, 1466776470303.gif)


Putting in work and getting his calories.

Good lad.

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16eeb9  No.1410019


fuck you I want a chimp out

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16eeb9  No.1410020

File: 54e0082daf20565⋯.jpg (140.71 KB, 1200x758, 600:379, back_the_blue.jpg)

>hold rally to support police in Minnesota

>stand by and allow anti police protesters to enter your side of the protest and assault you

lmfao, how many more times do blue lives matter cuckolds need to be BTFO before they learn their lesson?


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16eeb9  No.1410021

I'm glad police are so roundly reviled in this country that we wont have any blue lives matter cringe and instead the reaction is entirely white lives matter and all lives matter.

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b24f08  No.1410022


tbh you lads will make it because you don't have this cuckservative element like in shartica but its weird because christianity is more serious and powerful here than in western europe

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16eeb9  No.1410023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The only salvation in America will come from white people being mobilised by independent preachers.

The most succesful pro-white movements in America were all motivated by radical protestantism. Even in the 90s you had thousands of people attend explicit white nationalist events organised by christian groups. This is literally the most successful model, everything since then has been a flop.

All you need to build a pro white christian town is a single charismatic preacher to get the people and get them organised and do what your ancestors did and set out to build your own society.

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4ff0e1  No.1410024


9/11 ruined all that

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16eeb9  No.1410025


that and christianity becoming cringe thanks to mass media taking all the obscure protestant shenanigans and bombarding the public with them until christianity was seen as low class.

I still feel like independent preaching is a way forward, it works for Steven Anderson and he's just as much of a target as any white nationalist.

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16eeb9  No.1410026

two statue defenders fighting back a horde of niggers in St Louis


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b24f08  No.1410027


prefer catholicism and father coughlin and bishop fulton sheen were based as well

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b24f08  No.1410028



wew he literally called the race war shite

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b24f08  No.1410029

god this video makes me miss my grandpa

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16eeb9  No.1410030

smh in st louis a bunch of catholics and some bikers and locals held a protest to defend it and Antifa claimed they were KKK so niggers went down there and attacked them and niggers are bragging on twitter about beating up an old guy and acting like he was actual KKK.

Once again i'm reminded of the wise words "All fucking niggers should fucking hang"

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16eeb9  No.1410031

The amount of black christians on earth is almost zero. They are simply too stupid and naturally evil to be christian.

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7433f8  No.1410032

Africa exists lad

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b24f08  No.1410033

File: ab4feefaa20304c⋯.png (9.77 KB, 218x231, 218:231, 1592072319533.png)


>those CSAL militia lasses

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7433f8  No.1410034


this nigga wearing a sonic the hedgehog t-shirt keeeek

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16eeb9  No.1410035

File: 8f85bf8bc1bcee3⋯.jpg (417.3 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, dylan_roof.jpg)

free him

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b24f08  No.1410036

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b24f08  No.1410037

minecraft activated

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16eeb9  No.1410038


wtf lmfao??

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16eeb9  No.1410039

File: 3efc70021faeeef⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 360x450, 4:5, genericwhitemale.jpg)

>You see officer when I said "Free Dylan Roof" I meant it in a prison abolitionist way

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16eeb9  No.1410040

it sounded like two people were shooting tbh, if this was a wignat massacre they wouldnt have stopped shooting after so few shots.

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b24f08  No.1410041


wouldn't happen in the midwest apparently

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16eeb9  No.1410042

My prediction is that this was some militia lads who were threatened with a weapon or perhaps the second shooter was someone shooting at them justifying their shooting OR this was just personal beef.

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b24f08  No.1410043


I think it was meth type bikers/hobo meth heads

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8bec04  No.1410044


Right at the beginning there's a nog walking towards him holding a gun.

He's shocked when the guy in red starts firing, doesn't know what to do, so he probably fires at him after the camera focused away.

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16eeb9  No.1410045

turns out it was a homeless guy who lived in the park and the protesters tried to eject him

bourgeois scum got what they deserve

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b24f08  No.1410046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

antifaggots getting dabbed on by panopticon

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16eeb9  No.1410047


pretty based, remember when the FBI used to entrap dumbass white anarchists like with the cleveland bridge bombing plot? Let's see if they start giving these guys real time again.

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4ff0e1  No.1410048

File: ebc05971bcf6147⋯.jpg (44.68 KB, 619x495, 619:495, boobs_vs_arse.jpg)

posting incase the site's broken again

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4ff0e1  No.1410049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

comfy video, we have these owls here too

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b24f08  No.1410050

should make a new thread since it tends to shit out at 600

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16eeb9  No.1410051


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36a10f  No.1410053

File: 73733349f15253f⋯.jpg (20.82 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 07db515445091174d87164edf7….jpg)

New thread up




















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d51778  No.1410054

poo poo

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