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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: bd4933a125983b6⋯.png (319.09 KB, 480x299, 480:299, ClipboardImage.png)

2340c1  No.1407197[View All]

Cambridge condemns abuse against academics, after petition to fire Dr Gopal launched


Global report: WHO warns of global shortage of oxygen equipment


Burnley fan behind White Lives Matter banner is sacked from his job


Impossible Foods CEO says the meat industry will be obsolete in 15 years — ‘That’s our mission’


Jury Indicts All 3 Suspects In Ahmaud Arbery Fatal Shooting


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59a263  No.1407877

>lads itt didn't play for a local team that ended in disaster because the parents cliqued-up and started feuding with each other


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63511a  No.1407878

File: 16d18a86887cc2c⋯.png (97.56 KB, 651x486, 217:162, arrynogger.png)


there's a couple of fillums about the fantastic beasts guy and wizard war two but they're pozzed even further than the later main films and star bendydick cumcatcherprat

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f88f38  No.1407879


>Posting the /cow/ thread some seether posted where the majority of posters enjoyed the character of TBBK

Oh no, looks like I'm btfo lmao


I'll pack your poo in bum boi

Notice how my enemies focus on my character instead of the arguments? Sad isn't it. So easily defeated even in this respect. I feel sorry for them.

It is one and a half hours past my dear boe boes time.





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d87fe6  No.1407880

File: fed2f1d93606af6⋯.png (110.19 KB, 310x294, 155:147, Pepe_Punch.png)

>/brit/ orbiting Pembs again

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b7b1d0  No.1407881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63511a  No.1407882

wait no not him the other homosexual jew "brit" with a mouth as wide as his face

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63511a  No.1407883

I'm 100% certain tbbk did the /cow/ thread himself and that his twitter account was connected to it, all in aid as part of some sort of esoteric troll

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d87fe6  No.1407884

File: 5bca671d49dcba3⋯.png (1.26 MB, 2624x920, 328:115, New_York_Fantastic_Beasts.png)


It's interesting how she has America's wizarding building be one of the most beautiful, traditional structures in NY.

It's the same way with Hogwarts, people wish they were there, wish they could have that beauty. But at the same time they push a culture that leaves them so far from it.

It's like that with monarchy too, they love it in fairy tales, they love to squeal about British royals. But they can't help but destroy what they half-love because they can't stop chasing their lustful self-destruction.

It reminds me of what Gandalf said about Gollum. "He hates, and loves, the Ring, like he hates and loves himself".

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7e4852  No.1407885

File: d875f40529972ee⋯.jpg (213.39 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, EU108B0XkAEOFw5.jpg)

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78666c  No.1407886


The beasts films are shit tier, couldn't even finish them tbh, people make fun of the reddit millenial nature of the harry potter films but they were kino in my opinion, and the poz is easy to over look

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59a263  No.1407887


>people make fun of the reddit millenial nature of the harry potter films

it's the fanbase more than the films tbh

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78666c  No.1407888

File: 780b87e3a105030⋯.png (35.27 KB, 650x500, 13:10, 780b87e3a10503035be3948b34….png)

>tfw magic isn't real

>tfw special powers aren't real

>tfw no great and special trials and tribulations to go through with a good group of lifelong friends in your youth

>tfw your youth is basically over

>just utter shite and misery with people around you being awful

the worst kind of romantic feels, just let me risk my life for something worthwhile tbh

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d87fe6  No.1407889


They had some spiritual beauty. They showed so many people the beauty of an old, or maybe an ideal, England. Things like this help to alienate people from modernity, which is a precious step toward truth.

"Sorrow is better than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better."

I say everything those magic enthusiasts want is actually fulfilled in God. Yes, and Hogwarts itself was filmed in a cathedral.

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f9891d  No.1407890


magic is real lad how do think contract law works?

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d87fe6  No.1407891

Freemasons and other occultists use "magic", but they're far away from what Potter-loving kids want. And you can see that from how they create a world which is the polar opposite of the heroism and beauty that drew people to Harry Potter.

Potter's all adventure, mystery, and hope, Masonic society's all crushing slavery and nihilistic despair.

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8c9364  No.1407892

File: 7f3ab2b666386ce⋯.png (122.56 KB, 755x609, 755:609, ClipboardImage.png)

wish I was a literal arse

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dd3ba9  No.1407893


Ultimate brapoomer

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d87fe6  No.1407894

File: 1bbdececde3e898⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 1068x601, 1068:601, GigaChad_Face.jpg)


Who, you ask?


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8c9364  No.1407895



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1d2f45  No.1407896

File: 6f2beae194b5cac⋯.jpg (161.59 KB, 1617x1505, 231:215, average_brit_poster.jpg)

>TBBK's face reveal

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1d2f45  No.1407897

File: 4c320d040f3513e⋯.gif (314.46 KB, 309x360, 103:120, mckenna_mind.gif)

>>1407888 (checked)

>tfw magic isn't real

>tfw special powers aren't real

with drugs, anything is possible

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74d605  No.1407898

File: 73fdf7273684661⋯.jpg (77.42 KB, 804x358, 402:179, 54372d1e_ba2c_4a1c_97ac_18….jpg)



smh not true



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76dcee  No.1407899


is that animu lass your spirit animal?

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dd3ba9  No.1407900

File: 4b940d182fa25f6⋯.png (290.15 KB, 1041x828, 347:276, ClipboardImage.png)


These ones seem to be

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8c9364  No.1407901


>that pre-cum post-cum transition


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76dcee  No.1407902

File: baff749fc8b7a71⋯.jpg (167.7 KB, 541x521, 541:521, 476yrtyrtyrty.jpg)

File: b3ed8ad52a37695⋯.mp3 (40.31 KB, 2020_06_25T21_10_57.mp3)


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8c9364  No.1407903


literally built for britnat cocks

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1d2f45  No.1407904

File: e55fa0eb1f22336⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1778x1128, 889:564, scouse_joe.png)


yesss thats right

LIVERPOOL are the champions of british nationalism

ok thank you

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8c9364  No.1407905


still waiting for that fucking citadel Joe cunt

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4bd9ea  No.1407906

File: 486ca484cb56f78⋯.jpg (41.44 KB, 376x506, 188:253, existential_homer.jpg)

Only one more 10+ hour shift with unpaid overtime to go before my single day off

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8c9364  No.1407907


same but I get 2 days off

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1d2f45  No.1407908

File: 4c82aac8bdeab3d⋯.jpg (395.01 KB, 1037x674, 1037:674, qt_25062020.jpg)

>le epic black poet

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b7b1d0  No.1407909


you're only fucking yourself over

no sympathy tbh lad sorry not sorry haha yolo

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e490b5  No.1407910


>theo paffiterole

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8c9364  No.1407911

at least bossmen appreciate us right not like they're always thinking about ways of fucking us over haha

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75a119  No.1407912

File: b9b71362ddd0f7f⋯.png (41.54 KB, 1200x1320, 10:11, 1200px_Crowley_unicursal_h….png)


>magic isn't real


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d87fe6  No.1407913

File: 279bec342bd15f6⋯.png (99.73 KB, 894x894, 1:1, Doomer.png)

You're all fodder in the neoliberal system, your life has no intrinsic worth in this horrible machine. They'd turn you all into paste if they thought it'd earn an extra penny with no strings attached.

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f9891d  No.1407914

File: a64d9b7662d98a1⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1165x942, 1165:942, nixon_upset.jpg)


>taking a day off

why don't you inject some heroin into your kids and blow up an army recruitment station while you're at it

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e490b5  No.1407915

File: b7a68bdbf757ee7⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 450x220, 45:22, 1507777895520.jpg)

>"people" who eat fruit with sweeties

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8c9364  No.1407916

>bossmen allows you to choose between christmas bonus and toil party

>all the normiefags in the company pick party

>you get nothign because you wanted bonus and don't care for a free beer

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76dcee  No.1407917


>there's lads on here still watching this

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8c9364  No.1407918

>poople who eat fruit with seeds in them and have shit grow in their tummies

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74d605  No.1407919

File: 684a951bd2a0f1e⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 518x595, 74:85, Screenshot_20200622_023425.jpg)


omg this is the greatest crossover in history


how is unpaid over time legal

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e490b5  No.1407920


tbh, don't think I've watched it since 2017

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b7b1d0  No.1407921

File: 16499ff0a5953a2⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1076x767, 1076:767, 1446309360031471.png)

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63511a  No.1407922


cheaper than paying a prozzie to cut your balls off with a pair of rusty shears I guess

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4bd9ea  No.1407924














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d87fe6  No.1407925

File: 0bc2bb52d5fcfc1⋯.png (308.52 KB, 611x720, 611:720, Doomer_Rain.png)

And I know it's true because they do it already with abortion.

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f45e6e  No.1407926


Haven't watched it since 2016, I just always figured out what was going on via the reactions in the thread.

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1d2f45  No.1407938


keeeeeeek dont you want to get drunk with Carol from sales and grind on her bottom?

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