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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: f344004e5f85be8⋯.gif (628.65 KB, 300x300, 1:1, eng.gif)

866f02  No.1406434[Last 50 Posts]

UK weather LIVE: Brits swelter in 31C heat on hottest day of the year


Coronavirus: UK must prepare for second virus wave - health leaders


Chimp, 16, ‘glassed by far right activists’ searched by police after asking for help


Man, 36, walks around with a knife sticking out of his HEAD after he was stabbed for defending a woman during bloodshed and violence across NYC


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0fc781  No.1406451


first for the shire and hobbit wives

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90856e  No.1406452

File: 2bec229aad76bde⋯.jpg (279.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mpv_shot0003.jpg)


good lad

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90856e  No.1406453

File: 4e9dfdff8599eb1⋯.jpg (276.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mpv_shot0004.jpg)

updated beach image

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866f02  No.1406454

File: cdb3db4e16b3072⋯.jpg (227.86 KB, 920x614, 460:307, hobbit_home_1_.jpg)

File: 51a8d89fc722f3a⋯.jpg (142.29 KB, 800x534, 400:267, hobbit_home_2_.jpg)

File: bff50a508449271⋯.jpg (123.33 KB, 800x534, 400:267, hobbit_home_3_.jpg)

File: ad82b344e1356b1⋯.jpg (104.99 KB, 920x614, 460:307, hobbit_home_4_.jpg)


VERY good lad

>tfw ywn own the only habitable hobbit hole

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fafcbb  No.1406455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thread theme

Man it's a hot one


Good lad, pointing my crosshairs at you right now

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866f02  No.1406456



>press screaming that this is causing corona to spread

Reminder that every journalist gets the fucking rope

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4b9ce2  No.1406457



tbh, other reenactor lads have introduced me to some WWII lads in the past. Apparently you need to be properly licensed up for the guns and shite and they wouldn't have let me join up for the german side because I had a big tache smh

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fafcbb  No.1406458


Smh, they should start rioting so the Gangster Computer God gives them corona immunity tbh

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0fc781  No.1406459



keeeek good lad


>only habitable hobbit hole

im-fucking-plying lad i'm going to build one come hell or high water

even if i have to squat in a farmer's field and bludgeon policemen into a coma with my bare knuckles smh you have to believe in something and i believe in second breakfast

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161c56  No.1406460

File: 2bbf279adfb554e⋯.jpg (78.07 KB, 599x900, 599:900, EbCOub1XYAEOlLj.jpg)

File: 57335ed0b140ddc⋯.jpg (78.47 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, EbCOt9dXgAI6Qln.jpg)


They were out at the weekend kitted up in new gear tbh


That sucks, tbh every time I've been to an event near me it's been a lot of weird fat people and it's always put me off doing the English Civil War stuff.

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ce71b2  No.1406461

Doing race war re-enactments tbh lads

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90856e  No.1406462

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5dc1c4  No.1406463


they look stupid tbh but i'd like to see how they fair in a St Denis style raid.

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4b9ce2  No.1406464


Yeah, ECW is full of massive, obese fat bastards and freaks, particularly on the Roundhead side tbh. I only joined because my mate's dad basically founded our regiment and his son's been doing it forever and wanted some friends there his own age.

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161c56  No.1406465

/brit/ airsoft match when

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0fc781  No.1406466


based they get unnecessary face masks to further dehumanise them


airsoft seems like fun tbh never tried it

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866f02  No.1406467

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328d13  No.1406468

File: 721c8ce1a072589⋯.png (529.45 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>search 'cavaliers'

>get niggerball niggers


pretty cool, would join that tbh

it's worth networking even if you can't get about alone tbh, I started off hitching lifts with various lads who were from or passed through somewhere in somerset until being shunned because of breggsit

KA though? Korean war or what?


often regiments will have spares for new lads to borrow, never bought a single piece of kit for the time I was in the sealed knot tbh


tbh some lads would purposely bulk up and get fat because more mass is better for the push of pike and it's effectively a sport


I really want to run a COIN/riots/terrorism wargame for fun and training purposes but don't actually know enough about modern poo too smh

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fafcbb  No.1406469

File: 342c1b6d88f032c⋯.gif (547.81 KB, 220x154, 10:7, Ark_of_the_Covenant.gif)

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161c56  No.1406470

File: ba1f0c3f5198cc3⋯.jpg (157.95 KB, 975x1024, 975:1024, 1592703870412.jpg)


>unnecessary face masks to further dehumanise them

They must go further


Fair game.


Wonder how this country would deal with a Beslan.

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ce71b2  No.1406471

That white lives matter lad got fired and so did his bird smh

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4b9ce2  No.1406472


We call Royalists KA (King's Army) and Parliamentarians RA (Roundhead Army) in ECWS tbh.

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fafcbb  No.1406473

File: 109eae4f5b08491⋯.png (271.02 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Weather_Map.png)

West Dagos getting incinerated

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63c4be  No.1406474

nth to waiting for a new post in the old thread

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866f02  No.1406475


It might be worth changing the thread cap if it's what's causing the updating issues

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5dc1c4  No.1406476



if that happened to the IRA they would make examples of those employers.

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63c4be  No.1406477

File: c9eefb6fa39afca⋯.png (111.96 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

>take a side profile picture of my face

>notice I have an incredibly virgin forehead

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fafcbb  No.1406478

File: 5e1fc87b0bd2a07⋯.png (4.79 KB, 587x66, 587:66, Spainon.png)

Spaniards = not human

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f33029  No.1406479

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ce71b2  No.1406480


And of Burnley FC or whatever team it was

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866f02  No.1406481

File: c9d93dea567ae50⋯.jpg (30.63 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, main_header_img_1000x1000.jpg)

File: 8a848d82f264974⋯.jpg (306.71 KB, 1300x882, 650:441, the_roman_baths_bath_diego….jpg)

reject modernity

embrace tradition

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ce71b2  No.1406482

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e09d7a  No.1406483


Better not be a hose pipe ban

>Water companies lose 1/4 of the water every year

>Let all the flood water go straight out to sea rather than be absorbed, this all strips top layers making it harder for river life to exist

>Give themselves bonuses and pass the consequences onto the consumers


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0fc781  No.1406484


>The idea of hiding away in a comfortable home, safe from the world, is a romantic ideal for many of us.

>Lockdown will no doubt have cured many of that notion

der ewige normalhomosexuell


>tbh some lads would purposely bulk up and get fat because more mass is better for the push of pike and it's effectively a sport

keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek unequivocally based

>I really want to run a COIN/riots/terrorism wargame for fun and training purposes but don't actually know enough about modern poo too smh

that's why you run the wargames lad you learn new things every time



rookie numbers tbh


hit it with a hammer to knock it back into place lad

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866f02  No.1406485


tbf there's a difference between lockdown and wanting to live in the Shire

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ce71b2  No.1406486

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0fc781  No.1406487


tuh buh huh

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e404b0  No.1406488


looks cool wish i had operator gear

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328d13  No.1406489


>you're not allowed to have a bath in the baths at bath because lack of maintenance and understanding means that the water is unsafe

smh just wanted to get a healing blessing from sulis-minerva

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fafcbb  No.1406490

File: 67e11b671085274⋯.png (62.01 KB, 617x361, 617:361, Ben_Mee_Ashamed.png)

File: 16ebf7f3fd1e61a⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1000x600, 5:3, Ben_Mee.png)

The sheer DEPTHS of cuckery

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0fc781  No.1406491

File: a32ae95fadaa7bc⋯.png (101.72 KB, 385x249, 385:249, apu_hammer.png)

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5dc1c4  No.1406492


hope he and his entire family for three generations gets raped to death by paksi

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866f02  No.1406493

File: fdeb0384f6946b0⋯.jpg (153.48 KB, 920x612, 230:153, Warblington_Castle_Jackson….jpg)


Going through Country Life and seething at anything I don't like.

This one for example, the pool and palm trees are so out of place. I get there's not much you could do to make a pool suit the property but the palms are a pisstake, they could have at least tried to make it suit

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518673  No.1406494


>Ben Mee

>Ban Me

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f33029  No.1406495


>Sacked for alleged racist posts

>EDL support

Oh tommie tommie

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ce71b2  No.1406496

Alright lads, time to lift.

If Wes could do it in California I can do it in naughty land

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866f02  No.1406497

File: f75e9b7ca774d3d⋯.jpg (220.09 KB, 920x732, 230:183, The_Old_Farmhouse_West_Hig….jpg)

File: 94ad42d6d52738c⋯.png (102.86 KB, 217x320, 217:320, JUST.png)

>ywn own this

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5dc1c4  No.1406498

File: be68696f65a33a3⋯.jpg (163.88 KB, 1080x1266, 180:211, mao_chad.jpg)


nobody will

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518673  No.1406499

File: ec665066e81b460⋯.png (57.11 KB, 248x203, 248:203, ClipboardImage.png)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: New episodes 'in the trash' after George Floyd death


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866f02  No.1406500

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328d13  No.1406501


tbh I could see that being lifted straight from Salisbury, Rhodesia

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ce71b2  No.1406502

>normies blasting shit music

Merlin's beard


IRA post before was spot on the IRA would execute an employer who does this luckily we have no backbone

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0fc781  No.1406503


yeah tbh the palm trees are fucking ridiculous smdh

the pool at least could have been made to look natural by giving it some curves and making it look like a pond or something smdh


good lad


never say never lad once we kill all the traitors there'll be plenty to go around


bad lad owning property is the natural state of human being

"this is mine and that is yours" simple as

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e09d7a  No.1406504


>Pozzed show about the pozlice becoming even more pozzed

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866f02  No.1406505


Adding some curved corners and changing the tiling to white/beige from blue would make the pool look far better


>ywn own a 17th century castle in British Rhodesia


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5dc1c4  No.1406506

File: 658786468269d2a⋯.jpg (586.47 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, mike_enoch_prep.jpg)

>they took down big mikes twitter when he was on the cusp of victory

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63c4be  No.1406507

File: c9eefb6fa39afca⋯.png (111.96 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

fucking hell lads i have a slightly recessed chin

>lived my whole life not knowing

smh I've got the incel phenotype

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ce71b2  No.1406508


Grow a beard

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5dc1c4  No.1406509


take a month long holiday to romania and get it fixed.

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f33029  No.1406510


time for some jaw tensing exercises.

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0fc781  No.1406511

could definitely stand to see more commons though smh i mean where else are the lads supposed to graze their livestock?


sorry lad we're going to have to euthanise you for the good of the ethnostate

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866f02  No.1406512

File: 9efaf8bd6a13b9f⋯.jpg (174.52 KB, 920x613, 920:613, 8368117_exterior06_800_920….jpg)

Glass has been a disaster for the human race

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e404b0  No.1406513


slight underbite isnt that bad

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0fc781  No.1406514

File: 6b4839851d34470⋯.png (30.43 KB, 240x240, 1:1, downtrodden_6.png)


compared to the average steel-and-glass monstrosity that thing is a trad masterpiece smh

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866f02  No.1406515


They could have at least fucking tried.

Can you imagine that tower with stained-glass or something similar instead of just that.

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e404b0  No.1406516


have fun living there with bare holes in the walls

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328d13  No.1406517



the sweet spot was when glass panes couldn't be made to be totally clear and flat and very large

bring back those comfy windows made of lots of diamond shaped glass pieces in a trellis, and country pub windows made of lots of circle bits of glass that make it look like you're drunk and peering through the bottom of a bottle even before having a pint tbh

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0fc781  No.1406518

File: 2cbbc28003a3c0b⋯.png (10.08 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden_.png)


yeah tbh it could be so much better

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0fc781  No.1406519


>windows made of lots of circle bits of glass that make it look like you're drunk and peering through the bottom of a bottle even before having a pint tbh


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161c56  No.1406520

File: a3851ff3efe7192⋯.jpg (918.3 KB, 3000x1993, 3000:1993, proadsc_1301.jpg)

>tfw all British architectural styles outside of Regency scale badly so it's hard to make large buildings out of them

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f33029  No.1406521

castles or cottages nothing inbetween.

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ce71b2  No.1406522

File: fae26f6cc6a5c0b⋯.png (333.62 KB, 320x480, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

*marries you*

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838c62  No.1406523

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866f02  No.1406524

File: 0a29e16afd71797⋯.jpg (8.63 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, 337_338_High_Holborn_Stapl….jpg)

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ce71b2  No.1406525


Love me regency tbh

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328d13  No.1406526


big buildings should be reserved for nationally significant enterprises like museums and universities etc tbh

detached cottages and tudor streets for the rest

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4b9ce2  No.1406527

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63c4be  No.1406528







I don't have an underbite lad, the top row of my teeth go in front of the bottom row when I bite

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866f02  No.1406529



Nothing should be taller than the nearest cathedral/church, depending on if it's a city/town/village.

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e09d7a  No.1406530

File: f2fc79c1c3c2981⋯.png (2.27 MB, 832x1390, 416:695, ClipboardImage.png)


This sort of thing?

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63c4be  No.1406531

tbh my face might be completely normal but the chad "Yes." meme might have altered my expectations of what a normal man looks like keeek

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161c56  No.1406532




Doesn't really work with the small amount of land we have tbh

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e404b0  No.1406533


kek i meant overbite im retarded

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63c4be  No.1406534

>tfw being materialistic about looks

need to stop being a BITCH and put in some work after toil

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866f02  No.1406535


love that stuff

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328d13  No.1406536

File: 8a1340037403ef6⋯.gif (18.7 KB, 100x100, 1:1, chair.gif)


yeah, but with more imperfections and never totally clear


that's why we need to get rid of all the furriners and start ethical colonial endeavours by hiring out competent anglos to other nations in return for self governing colony areas tbh

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63c4be  No.1406537

File: 7022a5c27f2e04c⋯.png (33.58 KB, 184x184, 1:1, sad_pepe_2.png)


yeah I have an overbite (very slight, both rows of teeth touch) smh I thought everyone had this?

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866f02  No.1406538


>his expectations are altered based on a photoshopped image

fucking hell lad are you a woman? only they fall for this shit keeeek

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41b572  No.1406539

> More than 2,000 have reached the UK in boats this year, while the current total for June is on the cusp of eclipsing a record number in a single month.

Priti and BoJo do nothing

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63c4be  No.1406540


it was a joke smdh lad I'm just insecure not a spastic

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e404b0  No.1406541

File: 6ebe3c19ff2f549⋯.jpg (39.44 KB, 500x375, 4:3, tumblr_aee1b9e18d4b1dcf9b1….jpg)


yah lad thats why its not a big deal

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63c4be  No.1406542

File: 0ee4d2dde4536e2⋯.jpg (198.62 KB, 730x730, 1:1, 0ee4d2dde4536e29a3d205eec8….jpg)

>fetid sweaty armpits

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fafcbb  No.1406543


Because they're Masonic Satanists who want us destroyed for an antichrist one world government lad.

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328d13  No.1406544

File: 9aee318e38b6ae6⋯.png (294.13 KB, 500x517, 500:517, empiricalfeels.png)

>ywn be in charge of new haselbury, zambia, a thriving agricultural town of several thousand families that supplies half of africa with its advanced white man farming techniques

>ywn parade the militia, consisting of every male of fighting age, and inspect their firearms, which they have free use of in the event of uppity negro activity, with the full consent and support of the Zambian government

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e404b0  No.1406545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866f02  No.1406546

File: 85d406c527f5b65⋯.jpg (111.43 KB, 750x689, 750:689, teddy_roosevelt_folding_sh….jpg)

File: 8a9d9d1e8f3eb7c⋯.jpg (582.71 KB, 1551x1100, 141:100, teddy_roosevelt_folding_sh….jpg)

File: 5d9e556d6abc334⋯.jpg (26.76 KB, 700x358, 350:179, teddy_roosevelt_folding_sh….jpg)

File: f72de20c8fdb58d⋯.jpg (47.91 KB, 1600x346, 800:173, teddy_roosevelt_folding_sh….jpg)

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4b9ce2  No.1406547

File: 0c66c8fc85bb1b4⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1992x1992, 1:1, Grotty_Pepe.png)

>can't remember if I washed my willy the last time I had a wank or not

>won't be washing it today either

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fafcbb  No.1406548


Imagine standing outside the room while that happened keek

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161c56  No.1406549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Had a dream once where some NRx types used their money to buy like a million acres of African land after one of the countries went bankrupt and was enlisting lads to go over there and start a new city with the goal of mining rare resources.

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e404b0  No.1406550


>advertising how gross you are for (you)s


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4b9ce2  No.1406551


Hand it over, lad

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63c4be  No.1406552

File: 0e51ed7a7e14233⋯.png (518.53 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 1588591891713.png)


thanks lad


VERY good lad

a toast! to unwashed stinky neet smegma!

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518673  No.1406553

mustard and onion sandwich tbh lads

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0fc781  No.1406554

(You)s everybody














>Doesn't really work with the small amount of land we have tbh

we have plenty of land lad we just need less people

it's all relative







>tfw got an overbite because i used to suck my thumb as a bairn and my top teeth push forwards a bit because of it


naturally lad they want it to happen


this is a feel that i didn't want to feel but which is entirely right to feel smdh








*gives you (You)s*




would sign on to that enterprise tbh even though i hate high temperatures smh an ethnostate is worth a little discomfort


good lad

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e09d7a  No.1406555


Smh, trying to crash the (You)onomy

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41b572  No.1406556


ta lad

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866f02  No.1406557


>crashing the (you) and tbh economy in one post

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49febe  No.1406558

File: 84fde8506b32b1a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1592x832, 199:104, ClipboardImage.png)

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0fc781  No.1406559

File: 9083d5d772be672⋯.jpg (81.09 KB, 528x729, 176:243, smug_cucumber.jpg)

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0fc781  No.1406560

File: 358dc180ff8dd84⋯.png (41.68 KB, 500x461, 500:461, i_know_that_feel_lad.png)

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63c4be  No.1406561

File: 7b4d9841d701b08⋯.png (204.43 KB, 707x540, 707:540, greg_doomer_voidwalker.png)


>The (You) Thread Average has SKYROCKETED and the value for an individual (You) has CRATERED

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866f02  No.1406562

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866f02  No.1406563

File: 8adab74b576b209⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, EbO_j5GU0AAfW9D.jpg)

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41b572  No.1406564

File: f0eff417b761739⋯.png (1.19 MB, 902x1792, 451:896, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6b39cf506a6359⋯.png (270.45 KB, 342x679, 342:679, ClipboardImage.png)


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4b9ce2  No.1406565

Considering sawing the arms off my desk chair so I can play accordion at my neet station again tbh, it's one of those shit chairs where the arms are bolted to the back rest to stop it from falling of though, might fuck the whole thing up smh.

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0fc781  No.1406566

File: 04acb191a44a724⋯.jpg (143.17 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 04acb191a44a7243dd0cb04aea….jpg)

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866f02  No.1406567



>ton of makeup

>dyed hair

>hiding hairline

>into the trash

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161c56  No.1406568


She looks like she would ruin your life, go for it lad.

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518673  No.1406569

nascar is probably the lowest of low IQ distractions tbh ME DRIVE ROUND CIRCLE nobody who participates in it should ever be taken seriously



might as well unironically kys tbh lad if this is how low you've sunk

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63c4be  No.1406570

File: 4723d329f188d67⋯.jpg (217.11 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, grim_pepe_dab.jpg)

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ce71b2  No.1406571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ce71b2  No.1406572

I'm going to bomb my neighbours

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fafcbb  No.1406573



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4b9ce2  No.1406574


Where did she get that 22st top? Is he on Etsy?

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41b572  No.1406575


>Mongolian metal






>she's 19

doing it lads

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41b572  No.1406576


Etsy or something equally esoteric

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866f02  No.1406577

File: 27ef908e0aca840⋯.png (227.65 KB, 600x890, 60:89, 356.png)

File: 6de31d5e4e66b7c⋯.png (466.17 KB, 600x830, 60:83, 36_.png)

File: bdf9dc8b54b3eca⋯.png (212.92 KB, 960x960, 1:1, _s.png)

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49febe  No.1406578

File: 529baf3cd1d4740⋯.jpg (75.26 KB, 651x549, 217:183, EVJNxENUYAE6TU6.jpg)


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8fedfd  No.1406579

hot take lads, i'm glad the tommeh banner guy got fired from his job. The more people who are economically displaced by the current zeitgeist only weakens its grip on its detractors and enemies, meaning they will be more receptive to action against it and the status quo.

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328d13  No.1406580

File: cdacb6b9b8bc129⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1385x1500, 277:300, v.png)


>cake kike being a jew

nothing new

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f33029  No.1406581


Delete your account then.

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63c4be  No.1406582

File: 2bd47b4f9348c47⋯.png (126.04 KB, 647x644, 647:644, sad_groomer.png)

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0fc781  No.1406583


literally all signs point to no tbh but still would

such is the curse of the y chromosome


hits a little too close to home smdh but also good lad


do it lad if it fucks up your chair you can always fix it again later


they predicted the new vegas owb dlc far in advance tbh

very prophetic


bad lad do it up close and personal with a claw hammer like a real man




lad cook has no need for tinder any more

he's seducing burgerican prison inmates now

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63c4be  No.1406584

File: 861b4642938a557⋯.mp4 (157.36 KB, 640x722, 320:361, video0.mp4)

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518673  No.1406585


>muh toxic

this and "gaslighting" are the shittest memewords of the modern age tbh

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f33029  No.1406586

File: 87747aa1f73283a⋯.jpg (28.9 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 87747aa1f73283a4584afa1235….jpg)



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ce71b2  No.1406587


With hand grenades tbh


Good lad gonna piss in the wounds left by the hammer

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4b9ce2  No.1406588



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ce71b2  No.1406589


keeeek Simpsons memes are getting ever more complex as the principle of meme synthesis goes on it's natural course

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0fc781  No.1406590


was listening to daft punk's one more time right as i clicked on this and it synced up so well


she's burgerican

he's sending a letter with royal mail stamps

by shartica standards that's basically disney material lad


good lad

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8aa8a9  No.1406591

File: 4d680a43faa4f60⋯.jpg (189.46 KB, 647x644, 647:644, 57634534524324.jpg)

>underage lasses will be going for a cheeky drink once the pubs open

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9192fb  No.1406592

File: 4d680a43faa4f60⋯.jpg (189.46 KB, 647x644, 647:644, 4d680a43faa4f60d16c780e4b5….jpg)

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f33029  No.1406593

File: 06e71ae6e73e1ec⋯.png (413.07 KB, 536x565, 536:565, 06e71ae6e73e1ecbd3f43951dc….png)

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0fc781  No.1406594

don't like the groomer memis tbh

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328d13  No.1406595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

extremely kino

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e09d7a  No.1406596

File: 66941c1cbea093c⋯.png (589.8 KB, 800x534, 400:267, ClipboardImage.png)

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8aa8a9  No.1406597

File: d2b6df4e210f06d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 47.61 KB, 637x644, 91:92, fded7b9d18b0115600d8ed6e5b….jpg)


sorry to read that, lad.

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0fc781  No.1406598

File: 7103436aebfe10e⋯.png (247 KB, 512x469, 512:469, monke_nooooooo.png)


lad no i'm not a groomer no smh



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ce71b2  No.1406599

I'm uniroincally the main character in this simulation and, uhhh, guess what? Oh, yeahI'M OVERPOWERED

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866f02  No.1406600

Lawyer may lose £1.2m Chelsea apartment in row over flat being used as brothel for 'transsexual prostitutes'

'Solicitor Fiorella Marchitelli has been accused of disastrously breaching the terms of the 987-lease on her exclusive Chelsea flat after a tribunal ruled there was 'considerable circumstantial evidence' that the property had been 'used as a brothel'



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4b9ce2  No.1406601


>those wiggly lines every othe frame

I see the lad who made this is a fellow sony vegas piratechad as well

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328d13  No.1406602


>part 3 was goolaged for "nudity"

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ce71b2  No.1406603

I hate Arthur C Clarke not arsed he's shite

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dda365  No.1406604

Going for a walk in my tank top, show off my noodle arms and there is nothing gym fags can do to shame me

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0fc781  No.1406605


would love to be a mercenary tbh

at this point fighting for money alone is infinitely more morally justifiable that fighting for globohomo tbh


uh wtf no lad i am



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866f02  No.1406606

File: 1572cebc0e9de18⋯.jpg (181.84 KB, 764x2048, 191:512, EbMmhKWUwAEtqDy.jpg)

File: 707eeef3098ebd7⋯.jpg (207.79 KB, 1464x2048, 183:256, EbMmhKWU4AI7HDX.jpg)

File: b337d20dfb6d440⋯.jpg (168.67 KB, 1242x1323, 46:49, EbMmhKbUwAE_1Aa.jpg)

File: e8c11bd18821666⋯.jpg (187.96 KB, 1170x2048, 585:1024, EbMmhNTUYAEzQ2r.jpg)

>somali twitter

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ce71b2  No.1406607

Done me bodyweight shite will do my shadow boxing later since my heel has healed tbh


Doing gardening in mine after tea roast beef, mash, cabbage tbh

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f33029  No.1406608


>Only bantu ape men are black

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63c4be  No.1406609


what book of his you reading lad? I quite enjoyed 2001 and 2010 got a bit bored halfway into 2061 and stopped reading it tbh

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ce71b2  No.1406610


Read 'em all he's shite

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63c4be  No.1406611


why read them if you didn't enjoy them lad?

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80b982  No.1406612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kino vid tbh

was proper confused till I saw this

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5dc1c4  No.1406613

they said it would be 23 today and its 27 smh

they undershot it every time.

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866f02  No.1406614


It's 32 here

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d4e7e4  No.1406615


>At the lower tribunal, Ms Marchitelli's lawyers argued that there was insufficient evidence that the flat was used as a brothel, suggesting that Mr Hugelshofer might not have been able to tell the difference between prostitutes and students on a night out.

can't fault her logic here, tbh

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0fc781  No.1406616



good thing i identify as trønder tbh (or more broadly as anglo-saxon)

baste somalis though actually having a sense of ethnic identity and pride

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328d13  No.1406617

File: 324170450d7825a⋯.png (140.76 KB, 500x404, 125:101, cringe.png)

>zoomer showing off his maths homework

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0fc781  No.1406618



very comfy

might go for a second walk

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4b9ce2  No.1406619

big tube of bare cream crackers all of my own tbh

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866f02  No.1406620

File: 5b7db93b62fe119⋯.png (2.1 KB, 200x83, 200:83, 24.png)

File: 56fd81d37160399⋯.jpg (25.56 KB, 340x400, 17:20, hitler.jpg)

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5dc1c4  No.1406621

BASED philly lads btfo nigger


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1264ca  No.1406622


built for Britnat cock

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1264ca  No.1406623

why is there no big britnat cock porn?

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efd5e2  No.1406624

it's too hot lads

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0fc781  No.1406625


porn is degenerate martin

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328d13  No.1406626

File: f7f316d035f3eb7⋯.png (18.23 KB, 300x250, 6:5, glowing_1000_degree_knife_….png)


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0fc781  No.1406627


drape a damp towel over your fan lad it'll cool you down

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d4e7e4  No.1406628


mustard, ketchup and marmalade?

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4b9ce2  No.1406629


>"Get out of here"

>*Walks closer*

>"Get out of here"

>*Walks closer again*

>"Get out of here"

>*Gets in lad's face*

>*Lad raises a hand and cracks you for squaring up to him*


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328d13  No.1406630


tbh that does resemble the one knife that I have been using for the past week or two because I can't be bothered to do the washing up


deserves death for that kind of shite tbh

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866f02  No.1406631

File: 24c8498568356d5⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 750x709, 750:709, assad_25_.jpg)

Syrian soldier proposes online to Assad’s daughter, 16, get’s arrested

Despite warnings from the public, Yazen al-Sultani continues posting videos on social media, declaring his love for Zein Assad


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5dc1c4  No.1406632

File: 252fac40f4b828f⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, cville_battle.jpg)

the italian spin off of cville

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0fc781  No.1406633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"Get out of here"

>*Walks closer*

>"Get out of here"

>*Walks closer again*

>"Get out of here"

>*Gets in lad's face*

>"Don't just stand there, come on in"

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4b9ce2  No.1406634


keeek, luv stalker me

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0fc781  No.1406635


extremely based

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328d13  No.1406636


>times of israel

disregarding tbh

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fafcbb  No.1406637

Apparently AI Dungeon II doesn't need E-Mail registration anymore.

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866f02  No.1406638

File: eb0374e5258bf6f⋯.jpg (192.17 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, _147.jpg)

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5dc1c4  No.1406639

File: 76c24acf6d90c47⋯.jpg (40.71 KB, 433x505, 433:505, mike_enoch_ranch.jpg)

>day dreams about marrying assads daughter

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328d13  No.1406640


shame it's still schizo downie tier and has no sense of permanence or appropriate story or game mechanics

AI is poo

butllerian jihad now

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0fc781  No.1406641


good lad

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866f02  No.1406642

File: 600b2aed68fb3e7⋯.png (618.72 KB, 600x720, 5:6, 34.png)

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302a65  No.1406643

there is a demon that doesn't let me post on overnet 8kun

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328d13  No.1406644



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8aa8a9  No.1406645

File: a861484283a5e92⋯.jpg (138.95 KB, 617x409, 617:409, 636435242344.jpg)

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5dc1c4  No.1406646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


all pigs must die

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1264ca  No.1406647

File: fdfd07f11088e8d⋯.png (34.81 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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302a65  No.1406648


great tune tbh

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161c56  No.1406649

Banning 22st (again) when

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518673  No.1406650

File: 8899f1b5b354e00⋯.jpg (22.6 KB, 640x559, 640:559, 0d.jpg)

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fafcbb  No.1406651


Tried to write some romance with it and it kept randomly introducing Yoshikaga Kira from JoJo smmmmhhhh

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63c4be  No.1406652

Tried going on a walk and came back after a few minutes

30°C is just too hot

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5dc1c4  No.1406653

if i was jeffrey epstein i wouldnt rape children on my private jet I would instead fly it into a Kent police station.

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302a65  No.1406654

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161c56  No.1406655

File: f1e4c08d29b1d39⋯.jpg (23.52 KB, 600x399, 200:133, AwmJ5Z6CEAASffM.jpg)

Get strong Bongo Bongo Land groomer vibes from Douglas P tbh

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0fc781  No.1406656

going on another walk tbh bye again lads


a fucking wagon wheel


bad lad


good lad

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302a65  No.1406657

File: 46c48fa5ce3c096⋯.png (132.95 KB, 243x366, 81:122, ClipboardImage.png)


he's a fag, it is not exactly a secret, some of his tunes unpalatable because of it, but most of them aren't.

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161c56  No.1406658

File: 0718c1c391166fa⋯.jpg (39.48 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, douglasp.jpg)

hullo Kitten, do you want to join my private VC and hear me play some songs uwu

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5dc1c4  No.1406659

very difficult to find good pictures of zein assad tbh

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80b982  No.1406660

File: 8263dcb90222475⋯.png (240.47 KB, 710x823, 710:823, ClipboardImage.png)


how I feel doing basic maths indian ten year olds probably do


28c smh!

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5dc1c4  No.1406661

File: db4042d88570489⋯.jpg (255.93 KB, 1200x996, 100:83, Assad_family.jpg)

cute family tbh

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328d13  No.1406662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh present moment

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3812df  No.1406663


just as nature intended

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866f02  No.1406664

File: f9d301184b9e441⋯.png (1.7 KB, 200x83, 200:83, 22.png)

File: dac0f0db25cf617⋯.jpg (8.96 KB, 168x299, 168:299, download.jpg)

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5dc1c4  No.1406665

i would fuck a 15 year old if it was legal not because I want to fuck a 15 year old just because I enjoy doing legal things.

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8aa8a9  No.1406666

File: abfe1da7c88a765⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 615x399, 205:133, 3634534534534.jpg)


>go on Binny, my son. Bombing it down the wing.

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161c56  No.1406667

File: c9e6c025927384a⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 517x556, 517:556, EajYleMXkAMIvTn.jpg)


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63c4be  No.1406668

File: 76f63ce68a5a0d4⋯.png (89.91 KB, 601x508, 601:508, _2.png)

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4b9ce2  No.1406669


>belly tatto almost says NORF


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866f02  No.1406670


>nuf c

>nuff said

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ce71b2  No.1406671

Itchy tbh lads, couldn't finish me tea there was too much mummy overloaded me with peas smh

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8aa8a9  No.1406672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce71b2  No.1406673

File: 2b24aef9fe2710a⋯.png (416.63 KB, 385x960, 77:192, fidgeting_in_my_social_CHA….png)

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3812df  No.1406674


keeeeeek look at the size of that willy

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ce71b2  No.1406675

File: fd01b44c50e9cee⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1650x715, 30:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 368aeefd007514b⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1424x1080, 178:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b53e2105410b3d⋯.png (216.46 KB, 680x476, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 966f25e6d1b4764⋯.png (905.31 KB, 720x890, 72:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 619c137378a4ded⋯.png (610.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce71b2  No.1406676

File: f861a9c3538db7f⋯.png (623.36 KB, 516x960, 43:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b46de09ab421235⋯.png (768.01 KB, 750x838, 375:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c264dc4b6c8e8a⋯.png (642.39 KB, 667x960, 667:960, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19e1a4dbfd6be4c⋯.png (1.73 MB, 916x960, 229:240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edbd8922694d0ba⋯.png (413.88 KB, 661x611, 661:611, ClipboardImage.png)

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866f02  No.1406677

File: b5ccd1a3ed7c51a⋯.jpg (99.63 KB, 720x960, 3:4, EbNolr4XQAEso0P.jpg)

File: ef2594472f2559c⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 720x960, 3:4, EbNols0XkAYkZuO.jpg)

File: 401d37dadd9dcdb⋯.jpg (51.05 KB, 640x640, 1:1, EbNolrTXYAARiA2.jpg)

File: b745f1a4e1e1799⋯.jpg (71.97 KB, 960x626, 480:313, EbNolszX0AA0NV8.jpg)

If only you knew how bad things really are

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518673  No.1406678


tbh that could be pretty cosy if you do it right. nothing wrong with small housing, only consoomer cattle want more space than they need.

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e09d7a  No.1406679


Prefab houses have existed for decades, used to be poverty boxes though

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675332  No.1406680

File: 4ef783c53faab48⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 404x500, 101:125, 4ef783c53faab484f2a2674f76….jpg)

Day24put in work again

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ce71b2  No.1406681

File: a936b9891d74789⋯.png (436.4 KB, 489x479, 489:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e28258ce00977a⋯.png (364.25 KB, 640x730, 64:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60f306fa8691108⋯.png (444.56 KB, 600x372, 50:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2acd20b8e7c250a⋯.png (776.47 KB, 1440x711, 160:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc1bc0de5dc8b2d⋯.png (783.54 KB, 597x768, 199:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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f33029  No.1406682


cuck sheds are getting pretty advanced

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8aa8a9  No.1406683


but how much do you have to pay prince charles for some land?

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675332  No.1406684

File: ddfe3b1240b35cf⋯.jpg (16.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ddfe3b1240b35cf113180c4371….jpg)

not even hot here tbh

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ce71b2  No.1406685

File: 873768e4bc6731a⋯.png (762.51 KB, 582x1024, 291:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4364aff08aa1411⋯.png (667.66 KB, 780x676, 15:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2127e23ae2977fd⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1080x1305, 24:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cb21742cbceced⋯.png (353.46 KB, 798x886, 399:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39b1d269107d64d⋯.png (2.68 MB, 864x2344, 108:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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3812df  No.1406686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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0fc781  No.1406687

had another walk but it was mostly a jog

might need to buy some trainers at some point


gud lud

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ce71b2  No.1406688

File: ac6627d94ca864b⋯.png (696.56 KB, 1000x1300, 10:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70042ec8e324c9b⋯.png (1.02 MB, 640x765, 128:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52dcca08b190d98⋯.png (350.12 KB, 993x492, 331:164, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46075ae521349bb⋯.png (464.06 KB, 540x410, 54:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76dc78bdb9844ed⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1024x948, 256:237, ClipboardImage.png)

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3812df  No.1406689


in awe of your dedication lad

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866f02  No.1406690

File: fc02699b8eb8e17⋯.jpg (40.28 KB, 640x529, 640:529, EbStSywX0AI7I7z.jpg)

>pornhub turned comments off after months of replies about how pornhub runs sex trafficking and child porn

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0fc781  No.1406691


the jew fears the samurai

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518673  No.1406693

File: 38107e373354f48⋯.png (269.85 KB, 600x590, 60:59, ClipboardImage.png)

>too hot to wear even my lightest tunic

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0fc781  No.1406694


>defending burkinis because "what's wrong with modesty"

closed tab tbh

don't hate burkinis because they're modest i hate them because they're part of a furrin cultural takeover

gave him a chance because you used fancy formatting but he's just another civic boomer pleb

no thanks lad

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ce71b2  No.1406695

File: 61c83b3d45d3a0f⋯.png (724.3 KB, 612x740, 153:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 323a07ea9db2924⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1112x1456, 139:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d39fd6a9e85a491⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1125x829, 1125:829, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90272f6ac8396b4⋯.png (4.79 MB, 1864x1940, 466:485, ClipboardImage.png)


upload videos on mass saying the same thing and bring them down tbh

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a815cd  No.1406696

in brand new baggy pjs and haven't opened the windows all day, lovely and cool tbh.

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838c62  No.1406697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wonder where Oli and Thomas are now tbh.

The good looking lad (Alex) died in an epileptic seizure in 2016.

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3812df  No.1406698

File: fc4d8aa3862417e⋯.jpg (61.03 KB, 960x959, 960:959, submit_to_allah_grommit.jpg)


white jihadism mashallah

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0fc781  No.1406699

File: d6550812acd4895⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, H_.png)

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8fedfd  No.1406700

news is shilling muh vaccine quite aggressively now, how long until employers require a full medical file and compliance on vaccines to "protect the workplace"?

I'd just quit tbh and live on the dole.

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bd08d7  No.1406701

File: 4a53d9f97f94a3f⋯.jpg (164.76 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 4a53d9f97f94a3f4f1e74df764….jpg)

>These lads complaining about the heat

its actually quite cool here tbh

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bd08d7  No.1406702


guarantee we'll need the mark of the beast in the form of a bracelet or something to go out in public

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4b9ce2  No.1406703

>dinner time already

another day wasted haha

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ce71b2  No.1406704

Remember that programme written by Grag (((Davis))) starring that little jewish pornographers son where he gets wanked off by the Christian man's devout virginal daughter leading him to drop his mothers ashes all over the floor? Remember that hilarious scene lads?

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a815cd  No.1406705


the health app on your phone to check if you've had the vaccine perhaps?

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328d13  No.1406706

>images all broken so I can't see the blackpills


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328d13  No.1406707

don't think the binmen came to pick up my recycling today tbh, going out to put it away at this point

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518673  No.1406708

File: cce56d841b858c2⋯.png (457.86 KB, 831x675, 277:225, cce56d841b858c22a13469b512….png)



smh lad

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4b9ce2  No.1406709


tbh just get on the dole and join steiner's white van man firm for extra spendo, if you're not taking that gyro, a nigger surely will.

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4b9ce2  No.1406710


Sickened that that description is actually ringing bells in my memory tbh lad

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328d13  No.1406711

recycling status: not picked up

society has failed

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ce71b2  No.1406712



I'm afraid it's real. From a show called "Cuckoo", no less.

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838c62  No.1406713


News should be reined in tbh, hate their frenzies.

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0fc781  No.1406714


keeeeeeeeeeeeeĕeeeeeeeeeeeking @ #2


VERY good lad


yes but also no


>I'd just quit tbh and live on the dole.

good lad same here

honestly already only hanging in society by a thread tbh as soon as they try to push their invasive injections and apps and other bullshit i'm out

if my principles make me unemployable then even better tbh i can enjoy the neet life


iktf lad


is that inbetweeners lad? never watched that shite because the main character looks furrin but it sounds like the kind of thing they'd do

entire show was just non-stop cringe


go rob a post office lad

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4b9ce2  No.1406715


Doesn't look like what I'm remembering tbh, definitely wasn't watching telly back in 2014, so it must have been something else I'm thinking of.

This BBC3 twitter account though, fucking state.

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bca17a  No.1406716

Just ate two magnums and broke keto lads smh

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3812df  No.1406717

File: c23b5ef3adea71b⋯.jpg (38.81 KB, 487x630, 487:630, jlaw.jpg)


>yes but also no

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4b9ce2  No.1406718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ate two magnums

That's a bit much lad one will do the job, suicide is not the answer smh

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0fc781  No.1406719

File: 0242b04c6895e74⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 49.2 KB, 800x450, 16:9, incredible.jpg)


no but also yes

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ce71b2  No.1406720


>is that inbetweeners lad? never watched that shite because the main character looks furrin but it sounds like the kind of thing they'd do

Nah "cuckoo". Essentially the same degenerate shite which should result in hangings.


All "comedy" directed at youth has been like this for a few decades tbf

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bca17a  No.1406721

File: cec8e78038dd5f1⋯.jpg (81.59 KB, 1242x745, 1242:745, 1242.jpg)


>A children’s services worker who was shot dead along with another man at a gathering in Manchester was acting as a “peacemaker” when he was murdered, his family have said.

Based dindu

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3812df  No.1406722


blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of god

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683b0c  No.1406723

File: 3e38d14b61cdd11⋯.jpg (145.34 KB, 1078x817, 1078:817, Screenshot_20200608_095223.jpg)

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328d13  No.1406724

File: c5f570e74d6f0d9⋯.png (196.98 KB, 680x518, 340:259, assoomer.png)


going to assume he was a nonce intervening in a drug/child deal and killed as a consequence tbh

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0fc781  No.1406725



haven't seen you in a very very long time lad welcome back


unironically this but inverted and twisted and made to serve the antichrist smdh


good lad that's the safe bet

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0fc781  No.1406726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f33029  No.1406727

File: f3b3b38f9a41040⋯.jpg (61.87 KB, 473x330, 43:30, 7b2ed18604d2c0d5bfe932af68….jpg)

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49febe  No.1406728

File: b0abcb5664cebbf⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1485x1117, 1485:1117, naptime.PNG)

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4b9ce2  No.1406729

File: 3d106810102eccd⋯.jpg (105.93 KB, 694x461, 694:461, EbSxrhRXsAM0UDu_jpg_large.jpg)



they could have done a better job of hiding him KEEEEEEEEK

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3812df  No.1406731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fire up de chalice mon

bun a few likkle herbs

give thanks and praise unto jah

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328d13  No.1406732

discount garlic bread for dindins

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1264ca  No.1406733


keeeeeeek gay pride lion keeeeeeeek pride and lion

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4b9ce2  No.1406734


good lad

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49febe  No.1406735

File: 80345dc99d46e64⋯.png (240.37 KB, 360x230, 36:23, ClipboardImage.png)



very good la'

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bca17a  No.1406736

File: a056364c81ef7e2⋯.jpg (159.01 KB, 770x980, 11:14, 2382238_EYHCXUUN_7.jpg)

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c1ca71  No.1406737

File: 3b657ab9af2aae1⋯.jpg (66.97 KB, 615x409, 615:409, 0_Far_Right_Protesters_Rea….jpg)


>Chimp, 16, ‘glassed by far right activists’ searched by police after asking for help

Are they really trying to claim that this 65+ year old man is that same 'boy' at the demonstrations? That MAN has a fucking bald spot and old man neck wrinkles. Glassed by far right protesters…I hope he checked their voting card to know who they were…these people (media included) are fucking worthless.

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bca17a  No.1406738

File: ba2675421e90657⋯.webm (2 MB, 860x482, 430:241, sonar_monke.webm)

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4b9ce2  No.1406739


Watched this about 4 times before the laughter began, now and it won't stop lad keeeeeek

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4b9ce2  No.1406741

now it*

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bca17a  No.1406742

File: ac328a5cb021236⋯.webm (985.94 KB, 248x400, 31:50, SA_Bongo_Enter_the_thread.webm)


good lad

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0fc781  No.1406743


lad no you're tempting me to start vaping again

bad habit tbh don't want to pick that up again


can't believe that richard stallman is fucking dead smdh


big jej


choon tbh


might have got the wrong idea about these wogchoons tbh if their lyrics are all about giving thanks for all the natural creations on the earth


very good lad


gud lud


people won't question lad if the media reports it it must be true


gid lid


dinner is probably the only meal i eat these days tbh

can't go to sleep on an empty stomach smdh



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838c62  No.1406744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0fc781  No.1406745

File: f4859ab5454ea2e⋯.png (1.33 MB, 969x609, 323:203, Sesame_Dog.png)

*takes too long to post and accidentally replies to everybody*

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bca17a  No.1406746

stop (you)ing everyone you gimp

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0fc781  No.1406747


going to be honest with you lad i didn't understand a single word he said except lincolnshire



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f33029  No.1406748



that orangutan does not look happy.

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4b9ce2  No.1406749

Saw a patio table and chair set for 2 and half grand in garden centre the other day. Who the fuck is buying these?

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658dac  No.1406750

File: 91b6e5c03a0d3bd⋯.png (2.26 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>The allegation was that Epstein coerced an 17 year old girl to offer sex to Marvin Minsky and the girl presented herself to Minsky and he had sex with her.

>Stallman then claimed it was inaccurate to call that a “sexual assault” or “rape” and then #MeToo cancelled him for pointing this out.

Infuriating tbh.

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c1ca71  No.1406751

File: c8f5980bbe8e255⋯.jpg (390.69 KB, 670x904, 335:452, saudi_man_claims_slip_and_….jpg)


It is almost like they don't have agency at all…

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838c62  No.1406752


Smh lad, have you lost your ear for the Anglo tongue?

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9192fb  No.1406753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4b9ce2  No.1406754


luv ingoldmells me

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0fc781  No.1406755


naturally lad inhaling fumes is not a natural state f being for them smh


could literally build something better than that for a fifth of the price including labour smdh everything these days is a rip off designed to target boomers and zoomers neither of which know any better


haha yeah almost


lad i've spent more of my life outside of england than in it at this point

tbh i'm amazed that i can still speak english at all instead of communicating in grunts and squeals and various amazon slogans

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9192fb  No.1406756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4b9ce2  No.1406757


Used to be proper into YTP when I were a lad, 2007-2009 were better days smh

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658dac  No.1406758


Lad, that's not the same thing. Raping a lass while she's asleep is obviously without consent. When a lass offers to have sex with a famous person for favours, that's giving consent.

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ce71b2  No.1406759


Go on Wessex lad!

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0fc781  No.1406760



VERYgood lads

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f33029  No.1406761


I don't think it's a general state of being generally.

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0fc781  No.1406762


tbh but chems can do funny things to a man (or orangutan)

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9192fb  No.1406763

File: c62ef7d32600839⋯.webm (10.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, therapy.webm)

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4b9ce2  No.1406764

>neighbour keeps cutting away at his side of my tree, higher and higher

>tree blocks line of sight from my upstairs windows to the shithole druggie houses on the next street

>if he cuts any higher the 10 polish grow-op farmers and their families living in that bedroom will be able to see me veging out upstairs in my pants and socks


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e09d7a  No.1406765


You're allowed to cut the branches that grow into your garden, had neighbours with a massive conifer tree though they cut it back last month so now my garden gets more light in the morning.

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4b9ce2  No.1406766


the cunt throws the branches over onto my yard when he does it. tbh if he cuts too much and it becomes unbalanced and falls over the roots coming up with it will demolish his newly paved yard, so I'm half hoping he keeps at it.

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ce71b2  No.1406767


Are neighbour forced my other neighbour to cut their tree down fuming tbh

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ce71b2  No.1406768


>paved yard

Hang him

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e09d7a  No.1406769



It's called a garden, throwing them into yours is a cunt move

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4b9ce2  No.1406770

KILLthey neighbour tbh lads

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4b9ce2  No.1406771


it was a garden once, it's not anymore it's literally the same root word lad, don't start with that yank shit tbh

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c1ca71  No.1406772



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3812df  No.1406773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0fc781  No.1406774




throw them back lad simple as

don't take any shit from them lad the slightest display of weakness will haunt you for the rest of your natural life smdh

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9192fb  No.1406775

File: 346b33faabc3c54⋯.webm (10.41 MB, 490x360, 49:36, magicaldeath.webm)

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ce71b2  No.1406776

I always thought a garden was green and a yard was paved tbh that's how I've always used the words smh

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3812df  No.1406777

File: 6ce8f6c07f059c0⋯.png (178.12 KB, 440x404, 110:101, vlogger_when_u_nut.png)


when you bust a nut but the bitch keep sucking

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ce71b2  No.1406778


When you hear a mulatto girl who looks like sideshow bob make le current year argument

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3812df  No.1406779


i wonder hwats for dinner

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0fc781  No.1406780

going to work on the wrath of the awakened saxon for a bit then go to bed night lads


tee bee aich that's kino

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4b9ce2  No.1406781


Should throw them back over like javelins and leave them stuck upright in his little bit of grass as like Wotan tbh


Mine's half paved and half grass unfortunately.

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328d13  No.1406782



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4b9ce2  No.1406783


as a sign of war* smh

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866f02  No.1406784

File: 67adfb4ed7e1111⋯.mp4 (981.19 KB, 640x632, 80:79, nKxcNQ0sPNPCJlpT.mp4)

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3812df  No.1406785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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866f02  No.1406786

File: 8688a9d9ff5b93c⋯.png (19.91 KB, 583x130, 583:130, EbQeRFxWAAI8_pO.png)

>tweeted three weeks ago

>no tweets since

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658dac  No.1406787


Social media manager probably got furloughed.

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328d13  No.1406788

File: 214338734a38658⋯.png (889.77 KB, 1024x892, 256:223, wendys.png)

File: 1c0d59f009c898e⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, wendys2.png)



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866f02  No.1406789

Man paralysed in Taser fall says race made him target

Jordan Walker-Brown tells the BBC he posed no threat to officers during the incident in May


>Jordan Walker-Brown fell from a wall while being pursued by two officers.

>A Metropolitan Police officer is under criminal investigation by the police watchdog over the incident in London.

>It will examine what role ethnicity played in decisions that day amid concerns about the disproportionate use of Tasers on black men.

>commit crime

>get chased



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e09d7a  No.1406790


Any retweets, likes, pr team probably can't agree on what to do

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866f02  No.1406791

File: 568cc5e0af873b0⋯.png (68.86 KB, 1016x984, 127:123, ss_2_.png)


Or it might have something to do with the Wendys restaurant that BLM burned down


>"in the coming days we'll be using our twitter to amplify black voices"


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bca17a  No.1406792

File: 155796dfe6c90c1⋯.webm (661.52 KB, 360x468, 10:13, 1592595084596.webm)

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4b9ce2  No.1406793



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49febe  No.1406794

File: 45ad1cf1f51ca26⋯.webm (1.05 MB, 202x360, 101:180, slav28.webm)

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658dac  No.1406795

File: 57fbd97d79a5a60⋯.png (670.46 KB, 631x882, 631:882, ClipboardImage.png)


>In possession of cannabis

>Ran from police

>Served time in prison

Yet race is what made him a target.

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4b9ce2  No.1406796


>Mask not over big chimp nose

every time

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328d13  No.1406797

File: 51215b4c30c7162⋯.mp4 (6.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, PUTINS_GOLD_EXPERIENCE_RUS….mp4)

File: b5ab7ea2ab9647e⋯.mp4 (330.12 KB, 640x640, 1:1, VID_63600106_144059_443.mp4)

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866f02  No.1406798



No wonder they are more likely to catch it when they don't cover up their massive noses

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4b9ce2  No.1406799

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49febe  No.1406800

File: 84fde8506b32b1a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1592x832, 199:104, 84fde8506b32b1a1f75cb5c2f0….png)

>windows wide open

>fan on max

>tfw I can feel my balls turning into slime

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518673  No.1406801

File: c4fc3b272301fff⋯.png (327.41 KB, 670x501, 670:501, How_I_Post.png)

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9192fb  No.1406802

File: 61ed600ed4b5a1d⋯.jpg (157.13 KB, 700x835, 140:167, 61ed600ed4b5a1d81a08d53b24….jpg)

>looking at Twitter (I know)

>see all these news posts where dindu is arrested or died

>everybody is sick of them playing the race card

It's heartening to see so many normgroids waking up.

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658dac  No.1406803


>Current Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu went to great lengths to hype the Barak-Epstein link when the case against the convicted sex offender re-emerged last year, and Barak’s electoral challenge to the longest-serving PM in Israeli history faded away before election day.

>Epstein was a Mossad asset who was used by Israeli intelligence to blackmail American politicians


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4b9ce2  No.1406804

Can just about hear two or three smackheads arguing outside, somewhere down the street. Sounds like an actual conversation being slowed down and sped up on whim by a DJ

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ce71b2  No.1406805


There's a new dead nigger?

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328d13  No.1406806

File: 093074221add8c3⋯.mp4 (148.06 KB, 400x394, 200:197, 102991734_554852041872001_….mp4)

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9192fb  No.1406807

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c990ad  No.1406808


Starting to think Epstein might've been Jewish.

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328d13  No.1406809

File: 610db1e738f1a83⋯.png (37.33 KB, 1180x101, 1180:101, ClipboardImage.png)

seal farts after looking directly at me

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328d13  No.1406810

File: 41cf806a10317c3⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 640x640, 1:1, p6lttNhp_q5um6_9.mp4)

woah… Is that… A FEMALE GIRL!?

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ed0bd6  No.1406811

File: 97a04d00a1432ee⋯.jpg (170.9 KB, 919x1200, 919:1200, 1578676926237.jpg)


what ever makes you think that

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fafcbb  No.1406812

File: d2c3f400281d71c⋯.jpg (434.38 KB, 1280x1556, 320:389, Skeleton_Chair.jpg)

Poured some milk into a shot glass and downed it, just waiting for it to kick in now lads

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658dac  No.1406813

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fafcbb  No.1406814



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1264ca  No.1406815

imagine 5 big britnats and Neo in a room

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5dc1c4  No.1406816


glad to see our guys getting some licks in

no sympathy for the enemy

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328d13  No.1406817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Skyking of Burnley

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9192fb  No.1406818


Is this an Epstein doujin?

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bca17a  No.1406819


Does he still post? smh what is it with /brit/ and trannies

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658dac  No.1406820


Thought he started on /newbrit/.

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5dc1c4  No.1406821

i feel it lads, there will be another London riots soon.

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fafcbb  No.1406822



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bca17a  No.1406823


nah he posted his moobs on here iirc

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ed0bd6  No.1406824

File: 0c85c6d75d8fe25⋯.jpg (79.37 KB, 784x471, 784:471, templeep.jpg)

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f33029  No.1406825


That's fucked

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328d13  No.1406826


it's a bit cringe and yank tbh

far too long winded

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518673  No.1406827

File: 4b94ae33aa34523⋯.gif (3.68 MB, 640x640, 1:1, giphy.gif)

>Daphne returns

>she's lost the weight

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f33029  No.1406828


we are a cultural satrap.

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fafcbb  No.1406829

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>tfw no Epstein anime opening


"When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master"

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4b9ce2  No.1406830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5dc1c4  No.1406831

File: 8306540a87f784b⋯.gif (413.95 KB, 512x512, 1:1, toasts.gif)



A toast I say! A toast for crippled and suffering niggers!

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658dac  No.1406832


He looks like a dark elf in Oblivion.

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328d13  No.1406833


better to be humanely euthanised tbh

retarded spic-nig cycle ensuring they live as long as possible in order to do maximum harm

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ce71b2  No.1406834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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efd5e2  No.1406835

feeling all woozy and sick from the heat lads

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fafcbb  No.1406836


Drink lots of water, lad.

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9192fb  No.1406837


Maybe it's from excess fluid. Should we send Pembs round to drain it ;^)

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4b9ce2  No.1406838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


tbh, used to invite a mate around to get pissed then stay up until 3am for nigerian tv channels to start airing hospital sitcoms

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fafcbb  No.1406839


We're bringing in /brit/ this morning

one of the gay rights activists, ID 9192fb

hullo mister, should I call you mister?

Why are you gay?

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9192fb  No.1406840

File: 87f5844431b2e88⋯.jpg (164.99 KB, 496x700, 124:175, ba2bd58553d5216936b6fe2cd0….jpg)


I watch only the finest African Kino

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efd5e2  No.1406841

pembs' obsessive stalkers are worse than pembs at this point

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328d13  No.1406842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

*walks menacingly to the toilet bowl

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9192fb  No.1406843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1d3903  No.1406844


hope there's a spanish plume tonight

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ce71b2  No.1406845


Sound quality is shocking

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4b9ce2  No.1406846


that 6 second loop going on for 3 minutes was pure kino lad

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518673  No.1406847

File: bae4cc5309b0ff1⋯.png (224.06 KB, 634x355, 634:355, ClipboardImage.png)

Fury as school publishes newsletter urging parents to teach their children about Black Lives Matter and racism with a picture of SHREK


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4b9ce2  No.1406848



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fafcbb  No.1406849

File: 26026f52b6517a6⋯.png (158.6 KB, 613x572, 613:572, Scuffed_Groomer.png)


We just appreciate a nice young lad, lad

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1264ca  No.1406850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tfw no wee lad to groom

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efd5e2  No.1406851


el covid es mentira

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fafcbb  No.1406852


>Story of David and Samuel

They should include the bit where David wages brutal race war against Ancient Israel's enemies keek

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5dc1c4  No.1406853

its so hot lads

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fafcbb  No.1406854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The lads are so BIG, they're so hot, they don't wanna move

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efd5e2  No.1406855

the sun is a paki

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5dc1c4  No.1406856

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5dc1c4  No.1406857

File: fb416d623f67471⋯.png (37.11 KB, 240x210, 8:7, downtrodden.png)

its going to be hotter tomorrow

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518673  No.1406858

File: 3c60d37c461501c⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB, 862x1080, 431:540, tall_monke.mp4)

might have to pop to Pajeet's for some beers can't be fucked to walk all the way to supermarket

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328d13  No.1406859


don't do it lad, it's not worth it

just go without for a bit

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518673  No.1406860

File: cd00e5fd6ae0658⋯.png (443.14 KB, 400x492, 100:123, Pie.png)


just be glad the forecast for Friday has changed lad, from 33ºc clear sunshine all day to 26ºc thunderstorms

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838c62  No.1406861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Presents them as two Autistic lads tbh.

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518673  No.1406862

File: 90e8cdca53913b8⋯.png (221.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Monty was 1000%

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fafcbb  No.1406863


Tbf any girl who was interested in that would be a kino tomboy tbh

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4b9ce2  No.1406864


was just about to post this tbh

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fafcbb  No.1406865

Based Monty filtering out the thots

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328d13  No.1406866

File: 40ee00963859455⋯.png (377.68 KB, 492x419, 492:419, autismpepe2.png)

autists have always been the vangard of europe tbh

the fathers of invention and innovation

the producers of culture and worthiness

*sharts and goes back to watching anime

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efd5e2  No.1406867

File: 166eef38c4a4ae6⋯.jpg (154.42 KB, 923x1154, 923:1154, auchinleck.jpg)


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5dc1c4  No.1406868

File: 3264b87de05eb6b⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 633x758, 633:758, _despair.jpg)

too tired to stay up but its too hot to sleep

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f33029  No.1406869


Bill 'nonce' Slim >>>>> auchinleck.

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1d3903  No.1406870


tbh, went dry today

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838c62  No.1406871



Another famous Autist for us to congregate around lad.

what's your superpower?

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161c56  No.1406872

File: 7306e404a165ab5⋯.jpg (187.12 KB, 600x700, 6:7, British_Generals_1939_1945….jpg)

*is generally competent and well liked by the troops*

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e404b0  No.1406873

File: 7aec91678f2b108⋯.jpg (45.25 KB, 500x379, 500:379, tumblr_59a966dc8c6192fd0f8….jpg)

been a cool 20c down west lads

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1264ca  No.1406874


do you identify as that underage girl lad?

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328d13  No.1406875

File: 81b5774e9e8e9c9⋯.png (725.97 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, autistic_taxi_pepe.png)

>flies getting in through the open windows and becoming bold enough to land near or on me

day of the sticky tape soon

just need to find places to hang it smh


don't think I got anything tbh

I liked accounting as a class back in college but I'm not particularly good with numbers

just standard autisperg uncaring of social mores and presentation so I can openly talk to recent acquaintances about why blacks have low IQ and are dangerous to have in are nation

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328d13  No.1406876

File: e44d8f91dd76ce3⋯.png (47.97 KB, 480x480, 1:1, chad_apu.png)

mummy says I am good with languages but I refused to speak french for 4 years until she got tired and sent me back to england

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efd5e2  No.1406878


good lad imagine how hot it is in france right now

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838c62  No.1406879


I think I'm just resilient lad. It's kind of a shit superpower tbh.

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e404b0  No.1406880

File: 13383acf3dd04d9⋯.png (1.14 MB, 860x1080, 43:54, cheems.png)


no u weirdo?

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328d13  No.1406882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


sometimes I pretend to be an unfeeling robot autist but I'm not smh

I think that memi is from normgroids who can't understand the subtleties of stoic chad sperg behaviour

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518673  No.1406883

*pops the lid on a tallboy of Asahi extra dry*

ah, that's better

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fafcbb  No.1406885

The decay of our culture, these mounds of contamination of our whole cultural life

The decomposition of our literature, the poisoning of our theatres, all the art is now falling for it,

Millions of our people do not participate any more; it does not appeal to them anymore, this art that was not born from our people, but is alien to us and will remain alien,

That has nothing to do with our character and did not come from our soul.

It was imposed on our people by a subversive press which made it palatable,

and parallel to this already the assault begins against the education

of our children's minds, the tearing out of all memories of our people's past

The insult to all the great men of our people

The removal of its memory from the heart and brain,

out of the nation's youth.

And with a large defilement of our history,

Nothing of what was once great,

nothing of what helped create this state and this nation to make it strong,

was spared from these corroding and corrosive attacks

Everything is demolished, starting from the symbols

of the past, from the cockades and flags to the great men of our history.

- Hitler, speech on the cultural decay of Weimar

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328d13  No.1406887

File: d3fc5dc37d76321⋯.png (618.62 KB, 680x680, 1:1, feeler2.png)

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658dac  No.1406888

File: 986ed532a8dd336⋯.webm (10.25 MB, 1148x646, 574:323, OutTheBelly.webm)

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d6e3bf  No.1406890

File: 0efdebfffd01480⋯.png (301.79 KB, 600x591, 200:197, 0efdebfffd01480d5ddde64ebc….png)

*tries to brood like a badass but just looks like pic related*

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fafcbb  No.1406891


Sorry lad, I'm only involved in advanced memetics T B H

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5dc1c4  No.1406892

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518673  No.1406893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e404b0  No.1406894

File: 36eee87e3985fa7⋯.png (15.56 KB, 96x96, 1:1, blushungus.png)

>wessex posting car themed reaction pic after I did

it's almost like a real (you), my dream has come true after all

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fafcbb  No.1406895

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518673  No.1406896

File: 83e676a549baf50⋯.png (386.86 KB, 612x377, 612:377, ClipboardImage.png)

Nigeru Farashito

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fafcbb  No.1406897

File: ac493384dabd10b⋯.jpg (107.9 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, Uganda_Hug.jpg)


    for (You)    

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e09d7a  No.1406898


Might have to try that, puns seem to be hit or miss

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34caf1  No.1406899

File: 300b663f53fc9da⋯.jpg (80.97 KB, 800x900, 8:9, 1531676971938.jpg)

Been feeling very depressed and neurotic for the last few days more than usual tbh

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fafcbb  No.1406900

File: e613fd226fc7c3d⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 330x331, 330:331, Wojak_Philosopher_Cropped.jpg)

>tfw no gf to tactically encircle you

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ed0bd6  No.1406901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sky rat eats ground rat

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328d13  No.1406902


based tbh

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4681f1  No.1406903

Attaway General is SHITE

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e404b0  No.1406904

File: e93e9f3fcee1e98⋯.png (196.87 KB, 410x230, 41:23, ClipboardImage.png)


t-thanks pal


eagles of the sea

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e404b0  No.1406905



meant to reply to (you) but it kinda still works kek

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518673  No.1406906

File: 7ce5cd9b4500fcf⋯.png (235.04 KB, 420x420, 1:1, tfw_no_Shakespeare.png)


>tfw no gf with size 12 feet to enact a swift pincer maneuvre on your bollocks

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eab167  No.1406907

File: 40595e582e23559⋯.jpg (47.44 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DT_IgezXcAApJYv.jpg)

>No dirty sweaty grimy Rachel Weisz soviet gf who's been fighting in stalingrad all day and has now found a comfy spoit in an abandoned building to spend the night with you

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4681f1  No.1406908


we all enjoy a good spunky young chap

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49febe  No.1406909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Soviet/Russian 75th Victory Day Parade

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49febe  No.1406911


>you will never spoon coom in her

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4681f1  No.1406913

File: deb733717a25532⋯.jpg (178.3 KB, 866x600, 433:300, hitler_its_all_so_tiresome.jpg)

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49febe  No.1406914


Wind Rush was a Soviet ship?

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ed0bd6  No.1406915

File: e056f2e1c9f7681⋯.gif (7.03 MB, 400x330, 40:33, c4Cnzny.gif)


>eagles of the sea

fucking chavs of the sky

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e09d7a  No.1406916


If only he hadn't started so many wars

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518673  No.1406917


>arguing with cocksucking schizo

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4681f1  No.1406918

File: 4f973b259c00c9a⋯.png (917.85 KB, 2911x844, 2911:844, seagull_gets_its_fookin_ed….png)




fukin ate cguls

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5dc1c4  No.1406919


simply stop caring la

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e09d7a  No.1406920


Same tbh

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fafcbb  No.1406921

File: fe1f355e4bd0511⋯.jpg (20.09 KB, 640x512, 5:4, Whatever_Happens_Happens.jpg)

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ed0bd6  No.1406922


throw your chips in front of coaches

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328d13  No.1406923

File: abbb27f76d9dc92⋯.png (352.54 KB, 894x894, 1:1, goodnightwp.png)

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fafcbb  No.1406924


Night la.

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d6e3bf  No.1406925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d3903  No.1406926


very odd post this, very odd indeed.

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161c56  No.1406927


It's the schizo, ignore him

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1d3903  No.1406928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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28b546  No.1406929

File: 5b11365aee6a760⋯.png (933.67 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 31413dca11586f5798d24925f4….png)

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e09d7a  No.1406930


>500,000 people


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91a46b  No.1406931

File: b0d55e755ab2d6f⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 640x799, 640:799, 563166647.jpg)

now then lads how are we

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4b9ce2  No.1406932


>steiner seagul vore

got the video of the cat stalking a mouse then a chicken runs in and snatches it? Had it as an mp4 somewhere but I can't find it smh

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bca17a  No.1406933

Would consider windrush wogs more british, considering they were british citizens for hundreds of years , than some of you lads with taig grandparents tbh

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9192fb  No.1406934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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550fc2  No.1406935

File: d4f625b56ca4e6e⋯.mp4 (804.39 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 0c62106a7d7fc8baf503a1f743….mp4)


would love to smear her painted on eyebrows with my cock tbh.

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1d3903  No.1406936


life must be so worry free in south america

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e09d7a  No.1406937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No but I do have this for you

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ed0bd6  No.1406938


an unwanted sculpture for an unwanted people

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1a3b55  No.1406939

File: d0ad94d4e78cbb6⋯.mp4 (1018.71 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Monkey_skate.mp4)

i'm back lads

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91a46b  No.1406940

File: dd9cdc8165dfacf⋯.jpg (9.82 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ginnie3.jpg)


that's my bird pal meet me outside harlow b & m's,bring a crew.

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4b9ce2  No.1406942


Crafty little fucker, love pidgies me.

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4681f1  No.1406945


oi oi darlin how's yer fanny

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49febe  No.1406946

File: c9eefb6fa39afca⋯.png (111.96 KB, 270x270, 1:1, c9eefb6fa39afcab32073b15a2….png)


>Ginnie looking like a JAV Gyaru

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550fc2  No.1406947


looks like a tranny here. not are ginnies best look.

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77214c  No.1406948

File: 4c2d6231bb9a690⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Skyrim_24_06_2020_22_44_40.png)

File: 132ca3ab809bca1⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Skyrim_24_06_2020_22_44_59.png)

Was going to kill her before I noticed her babies. Feel more empathy towards computer generated sabre kittens than I do windrush wogs tbh lads.


>hundreds of years

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4681f1  No.1406949


t. slavic

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e09d7a  No.1406950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seagulls will fight any bird it seems


They're city pigeons so it doesn't matter as much

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77214c  No.1406951


Least I'm all European, Rani.

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bca17a  No.1406952

File: 732e967a2e1272f⋯.png (18.79 KB, 666x168, 111:28, 18949c9fcca5932c0cc8f630a3….png)

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1d3903  No.1406953

File: 9480d0d98c0d186⋯.jpg (54.45 KB, 484x593, 484:593, 0853e3fb84d1b59933d9ad4df2….jpg)

>tfw no william mates to take me pigeon shooting

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5995dc  No.1406954

File: 5750fa4e4aa1bc1⋯.png (770.47 KB, 638x638, 1:1, dog_worried.png)


>tbh that does resemble the one knife that I have been using for the past week or two because I can't be bothered to do the washing up

lad that's fucking grim

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77214c  No.1406955


They weren't British citizens any more than Aussie Abbos were until they came here at the earliest the 1940s, most 1960s and onwards.

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4681f1  No.1406956


shut up bludclat yeah im gonna SHANK U FAM

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bca17a  No.1406957


raaaaaaaaaaaaaah driller, wys blud? We not british? even though my nan had the same level of citizenship for hundreds of years as the irish

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518673  No.1406958


you reckon the guy who hangs outside McD's and smokes ciggies off the floor got wuflu lad?

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550fc2  No.1406959


>Caribbean fruit and vegetables

The 'what would we do without foreign food and cuisine' meme has morphed into an actual statue being made in honor of it. Fuck me.

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10473b  No.1406960

File: 3fbd708d414c141⋯.png (99.08 KB, 1337x1427, 1337:1427, 1592786200524.png)

another poo day at toil complete

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91a46b  No.1406961

File: 9a928e39a932e1d⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 645x773, 645:773, 9a928e39a932e1d3143225f571….jpg)


>no deano mate to take me out clubbing so i can meet shazzas and gemmas pissed off their face on pink gin and prosecco

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4681f1  No.1406962

File: d3978c33caddf5f⋯.jpg (346.47 KB, 1272x686, 636:343, deano_the_lads_and_the_bir….jpg)


haha yesss mate

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77214c  No.1406963


>actually being a wog

Reported to the home office.

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4681f1  No.1406964

just strolled up to one of the fit teenage lasses in the park and slapped her arse in my head

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518673  No.1406965

File: 2358d7a3670fd22⋯.gif (471.67 KB, 500x533, 500:533, 103.gif)

>returning to work at the pub soon

>baseline 8/10 for the femoid coworkers

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4b9ce2  No.1406966


Fucking hell, those lasses are all ghoulish

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91a46b  No.1406967


wouldn't go near her mate she's the town byke bazza,kyle and darren have all had a go on her just glad i settled down with Gemma she bosses me about a bit but at least i get to play me fifa when i get home haha

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675332  No.1406969


>the prot shows his true colours

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675332  No.1406970

File: 1fc60cd04763183⋯.png (78.38 KB, 633x758, 633:758, 1fc60cd04763183c77e098bac8….png)


>teehee yeah can't wait to see my bf after work

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4b9ce2  No.1406971

Just did a string of imminent shit, chocolate farts, got the fan on, somehow it's recycling the smell instead of blowing it away aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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10473b  No.1406972


dirty fat bastid

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518673  No.1406973

File: 81bfa2247b66cac⋯.png (20.87 KB, 208x242, 104:121, ClipboardImage.png)


>the literal 10/10 21 y/o who has legit waifu personality but for some reason chose a 30 y/o heroin looking motherfucker for a bf

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d4e7e4  No.1406974

File: 8c103ae07e03ccb⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 500x624, 125:156, p.jpg)


>fella second from the left

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4b9ce2  No.1406975

>tfw no shithole /brit/ pub where the lads all fart and talk about horrible shit to put eachother off their drinks and do drugs in the bogs and drunken knife fights constantly break out over daft business

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f33029  No.1406976



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5995dc  No.1406977

File: dc8cb31f3fec81b⋯.png (626.06 KB, 774x813, 258:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1986979ecc963fd⋯.png (273.51 KB, 732x784, 183:196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7574a655137813⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 3648x2736, 4:3, ORBITAL_KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE….jpg)


Kojima Productions facebook page shitting on The Last Of Us 2


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1dc5e2  No.1406978

File: 7a0fd31e0eef1b1⋯.jpg (237.13 KB, 727x868, 727:868, 9arf89txy4i41.jpg)


>tfw you see a literal 10/10 squat down at the water fountain while wearing skinny jeans

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4681f1  No.1406979


sounds like an average night out in Coventry aha

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49febe  No.1406980

File: 970281e621d578a⋯.png (3.68 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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1d3903  No.1406981

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCqGqiBfXU0 good watch for anyone having gf feels

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1dc5e2  No.1406982

That white lives matter banner lad got sacked as did his gf who worked at his mums company, imagine beings stabbed in the back by your own mum lmao

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10473b  No.1406983

File: 9db42b84d69d846⋯.png (408.58 KB, 402x567, 134:189, 1446309360031470.png)

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518673  No.1406984

File: 742b06f593aee88⋯.png (768.26 KB, 580x912, 145:228, ClipboardImage.png)

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63c4be  No.1406985

File: 0c66c8fc85bb1b4⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1992x1992, 1:1, grim_pepe_cigar.png)

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f33029  No.1406987


how is posting to the criminal yank going

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4681f1  No.1406988

File: fe67334ad90e1fa⋯.gif (888.73 KB, 320x240, 4:3, interested_walrus.gif)


>The world’s No.1 daily review site for lingerie, hosiery and so much more.

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1dc5e2  No.1406989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hullo based dept?

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5995dc  No.1406992


Lad I can't find those tweets?

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3f26e5  No.1406993

File: 656d6ccd42aa5fa⋯.jpg (73.23 KB, 750x719, 750:719, JUST2.jpg)

Morning lads

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518673  No.1406995

File: 9ce2d0c10897ea8⋯.png (964.69 KB, 550x733, 550:733, ClipboardImage.png)


>he's never been Dublin Castle

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5995dc  No.1406996


>pembs and SA in the toilets

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4681f1  No.1406997


I hope you get throat cancer

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49febe  No.1406998


Posted, turnaround assuming she replies at least 14 days+

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10473b  No.1406999

File: 6f75716fd755107⋯.png (72.26 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 1592828254118.png)


why do you sound so concerned?

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e09d7a  No.1407000


Is this to simulate the inane conversations one would have with one

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10473b  No.1407001

File: 664ddecebc81a50⋯.jpg (170.71 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1590980041971.jpg)


>No qt blonde gf who is obsessed with lingerie

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10473b  No.1407002

File: fde38433d9b2e39⋯.png (149.7 KB, 383x373, 383:373, 1591371632661.png)

kek they got their tits out

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f33029  No.1407003


I mean in an analogue context. good luck all the same.

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10473b  No.1407004

kek wtf this entire channel is just lasses getting their tits out

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de3dd5  No.1407005

File: 5c428d9d297d212⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 5c428d9d297d2124a30e18954d….jpg)



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518673  No.1407006

File: a175f7b4bdd39c6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 121.48 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 41389977_1675073629287342_….jpg)

File: 9b59b3db46b8a1b⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 14091434_1744082072511991_….mp4)

File: 77c67b12bc2e410⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 91.76 KB, 641x773, 641:773, DeepBreathWojak.png)

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4681f1  No.1407007

its too hot to be getting a boner lads

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518673  No.1407008

>swapping the spoilers around so the video isn't and the one image I wanted not spoilered is

well done 8kun

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10473b  No.1407009

File: bbb787be4369274⋯.jpg (115.63 KB, 634x754, 317:377, 1446309360031448.jpg)

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91a46b  No.1407010

File: ddfe3b1240b35cf⋯.jpg (16.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9e24a12e5d3715550616539b48….jpg)

don't believe any morning lads poster gets up at 11pm tbh even when my sleep pattern was fucked i wasn't that bad,it's just a foil for (you)s and absolutely shameful

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34caf1  No.1407011


I've been like that loads of times lad, it moves in cycles

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1d3903  No.1407012


perhaps this board has coomers that live in thailand?

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4681f1  No.1407013

question to any naval lads out there

can you access /brit/ while on voyage?

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49febe  No.1407014

File: c5dd342a99190db⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 400x303, 400:303, DB2.gif)


Only found out what she in the federal clink for after I sent the letter.

aggravated Firearms offences

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77214c  No.1407015


Suckled on boobies before but never any so big, soft and gorgeous as them. I wonder if any incel lads have ever had a sexual emergancy and just forcefully sucked some tits in an assault.

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34caf1  No.1407018

File: a90b6d9623f10ab⋯.jpg (28.9 KB, 428x335, 428:335, 1510362389292.jpg)


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518673  No.1407019

File: ae55f315d3ab6b8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 80.82 KB, 274x365, 274:365, 35376083_212873342684962_5….jpg)




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4681f1  No.1407020

met xi jingping at a charity do in Chinatown. suprisingly down to earth and VERY funny

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4b9ce2  No.1407022


dunno tbh, know a lad in the belgian navy (yes, that exists) who can access most stuff while at sea. He went AWOL once while they were docked at Portsmouth and snuck on a train up north without paying to come and see us and get pissed, absolutely top lad.

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49febe  No.1407025

File: c9eefb6fa39afca⋯.png (111.96 KB, 270x270, 1:1, c9eefb6fa39afcab32073b15a2….png)


If that's what the lady wants and she is white.

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4681f1  No.1407026

File: 7857c0289622365⋯.jpg (488.97 KB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, incredulous_nigel.jpg)


>the belgian navy (yes, that exists)

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5995dc  No.1407028

File: 3e249c4c23e34d6⋯.jpg (101.98 KB, 720x432, 5:3, jeb_punch.jpg)


*spots SA*

It's not that crazy in there lad

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4681f1  No.1407030


dubs and your mum gay

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518673  No.1407031


you're not very good at anything


In December I saw 3 guys piss in a pint glass then rock/paper/scissors to see who drank it

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f33029  No.1407032


look forward to you threatening pakis with your firearms hidden in the welsh hills.

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5995dc  No.1407033

File: ee40c06ef54bdd7⋯.jpg (541.62 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, monkey_proboscis_portrait.jpg)

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3f26e5  No.1407036

File: d0f5497df1464f8⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 207x244, 207:244, manatee1.jpg)

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4b9ce2  No.1407037

Can't believe the nightshift is only just starting, feels like it began ages ago tbh

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518673  No.1407038

File: 697577e37acb224⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.08 MB, 1080x1088, 135:136, 43165419_2252098101738099_….jpg)

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75045e  No.1407039

File: 00c00d1407daf69⋯.webm (804.55 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 00c00d1407daf6967de61fb85….webm)

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10473b  No.1407040


arse snake?


close lad

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10473b  No.1407041

File: 5ed3828da1b9efc⋯.jpg (127.25 KB, 634x716, 317:358, 14463093600370.jpg)


i would bite it

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63c4be  No.1407042

File: 8793d87d8acef5f⋯.jpg (20.85 KB, 227x222, 227:222, 1566416138084.jpg)

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1a3b55  No.1407043

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1d3903  No.1407044

>there's been 5 PMs since i started posting here

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f33029  No.1407045

File: de37d270b57cf11⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 385x283, 385:283, 0d04397b6eddbcf66d893ca354….jpg)


>we're a hyper commercialised hellscape.

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63c4be  No.1407046

File: 664e51074de1260⋯.png (542.73 KB, 723x628, 723:628, worried.png)


>just realising this

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49febe  No.1407047

File: 16c9ec326064c15⋯.png (686.47 KB, 992x557, 992:557, ClipboardImage.png)


>i would bite it

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1a3b55  No.1407048

File: 2d644fdba0c67d0⋯.jpg (29.55 KB, 661x623, 661:623, Terry_Punch.jpg)

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518673  No.1407049

File: 31667a94f9be769⋯.png (2.07 MB, 740x1562, 370:781, ClipboardImage.png)


>Nuts Mag died 6 years ago

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bd08d7  No.1407050


no there hasn't you retard

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d4e7e4  No.1407051

File: d7dee0f6eb64dbd⋯.png (248 KB, 647x592, 647:592, Screenshot_20200625_000953.png)


like the replies

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1d3903  No.1407052


yes lad, boris, theresa, cameron, gordon brown and whoever the bloke before him was

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518673  No.1407053


brit/pol/ didn't exist pre-Cameron lad

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91a46b  No.1407054

File: 982474d03be93b6⋯.jpg (7.6 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 7cee7c267baa4df314d3bf4f41….jpg)

who was pm when you were born lads? for me it was Major

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10473b  No.1407055


same lad

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d4e7e4  No.1407056


same lad, although just barely

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10473b  No.1407057

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658dac  No.1407058

>whoever the bloke before him was

How do you manage to forget Tony Blair?

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4b9ce2  No.1407059


Just missed Major by a few days. Grew up know nothing but Blair hell.

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49febe  No.1407060

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63c4be  No.1407061

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91a46b  No.1407062


i think we all wish we could to be fair mate

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63c4be  No.1407063

File: 975d7b0e95e1104⋯.png (185.58 KB, 750x287, 750:287, ClipboardImage.png)

fucking hell this is grim

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f33029  No.1407064


feeling pretty year zero right now. fucking ml.

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efe4ea  No.1407065

File: fcb8f19d2837730⋯.jpg (313.02 KB, 1560x1548, 130:129, 1525530860150.jpg)

File: 25d80682075fd65⋯.jpg (3.49 MB, 4277x3089, 4277:3089, 1525537228833.jpg)


It was the heyday of blairism, spent my entire primary and nursery years in blairism, it has a certain, feel to it

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658dac  No.1407066


Alexa, tell me my gender

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10473b  No.1407067

File: 7fc3b34ddbff29f⋯.jpg (46.94 KB, 750x380, 75:38, 1592779528985.jpg)

based depressed millennial shitposting brethren

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10473b  No.1407068

File: 9ae5410de108340⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 376x214, 188:107, 1508180500187.jpg)


remember that story of the woman dying and she was calling out for alexa to help her?

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518673  No.1407071

File: 20078fb7076f839⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Steiner_strut.mp4)


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dda365  No.1407072


>I was cold I was naked were you there, were you there

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3f26e5  No.1407073



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10473b  No.1407075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

song to listen to while shiteing

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518673  No.1407076

File: 886918a564beace⋯.png (22.75 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 886918a564beace0d17e60a98b….png)

>t-line schizo thinks he can redpill a machine programmed by the most pozzed tech corporation on the planet

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91a46b  No.1407077

File: 6a24e127b0dfeb2⋯.jpeg (18.2 KB, 255x224, 255:224, 43232301cd1afa98db7f923e5….jpeg)



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518673  No.1407078


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518673  No.1407080

File: c4220ca8cd663cd⋯.jpg (27.48 KB, 311x362, 311:362, 4b48207e06a27c3fb57c447e88….jpg)

>helmer is actually never coming back

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91a46b  No.1407081


blimey lad. think Bush or Helmer might be the only ones born before her

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5995dc  No.1407083

File: 9ad2a15eb46a381⋯.jpg (6.6 KB, 192x185, 192:185, pepe_teeth_suspicious.jpg)


any lad know what these are called?

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1a3b55  No.1407084


good lad

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4b9ce2  No.1407085


bums lad

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518673  No.1407086

File: 01d64640b48a217⋯.jpg (47.5 KB, 320x286, 160:143, 01d64640b48a217d16fd34e3dc….jpg)

>Everybody knows that the Plague is coming

>Everybody knows that it's moving fast

>Everybody knows that the naked man and woman

>Are just a shining artifact of the past

>Everybody knows the scene is dead

>But there's gonna be a meter on your bed

>That will disclose

>What everybody knows

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5995dc  No.1407087

File: 6f36a0609a5b4ca⋯.png (244.09 KB, 768x740, 192:185, pepe_teeth_suspicious_waif….png)

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63c4be  No.1407088

File: dc62839f1f21548⋯.png (90.97 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

>"babe, you must be facts… because you dont care about my feelings"

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518673  No.1407089

File: 17b89c8e4ff0e7e⋯.png (50.02 KB, 551x675, 551:675, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 460e0a5c1fa7d4f⋯.png (9.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>having an opinion

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46df64  No.1407090

File: c179e2c9c9e5735⋯.png (126.31 KB, 528x486, 88:81, 1479581454623.png)


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10473b  No.1407091

File: b5c27a49ec003bc⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 1387383373702.gif)

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1a3b55  No.1407092

File: 0814d0c5e716c24⋯.png (711.29 KB, 655x685, 131:137, Dobby_laugh.png)


>she studies psychology

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518673  No.1407093

File: eee7a274e291bc7⋯.png (16.44 KB, 550x177, 550:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98ef2f98eb450e6⋯.png (363.88 KB, 812x503, 812:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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91a46b  No.1407094


love a bit of a bush me,unironically agree with his gf

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4b9ce2  No.1407095

File: 94ab73990450d51⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 5044x3216, 1261:804, crying_cat.jpg)

>finally became the unrestrained (50) I hate so much today

smh lads

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dda365  No.1407096


None of it matters either way sexuality is fucked when you try to articulate it

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10473b  No.1407097

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1d3903  No.1407098

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10473b  No.1407099



glad i got back to toil because i was hitting (40) to (50) posts each thread

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4b9ce2  No.1407100

Never got a look at my (1) gf's minge tbh, definitely had enough hair on it though.

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91a46b  No.1407101

File: 406974b0049a34d⋯.jpeg (6.08 KB, 235x176, 235:176, e37ca51602d7ba2dc51819bb8….jpeg)


i never go past 14-15 because i never have anything interesting to say



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4b9ce2  No.1407102


tbh tbh, just been vegged out on the pc all day today because of the heat, haven't managed to do anything besides shitpost my way up into the 50s smh

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63c4be  No.1407103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


she cute

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10473b  No.1407104


>Fanicies the one with a chunk of meat on her face rather than the yummy blonde in the tight dress

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4b9ce2  No.1407105


>Gas Bath

The natural progression beyond the /brit/ acid bath

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63c4be  No.1407106

File: 63117b08f1ecad5⋯.png (691.82 KB, 1019x1097, 1019:1097, Screenshot_2020_06_25_00_5….png)


yeah lad she's cute, the blonde in the dress isn't

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5995dc  No.1407107

File: 9685b798330e989⋯.png (7.74 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 575fe0a8737f39f⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 2130x2063, 2130:2063, monkey_Portrait_of_a_Probo….jpg)

>ywn take Greta from behind and grab her ponytail

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10473b  No.1407108

File: 32fddf0d4d22596⋯.jpg (321.38 KB, 744x732, 62:61, 1589665425810.jpg)

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63c4be  No.1407109

meant to (You) >>1407104

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518673  No.1407110


she has the hairline of a 40 year old bank clerk

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5995dc  No.1407111

File: 4779e8f50babadc⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1012x1039, 1012:1039, ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty sizeable baps tbf

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dda365  No.1407112


>not wanting to smell like shit is oppression of the working class

Subtle strawman but enough to make me post about it

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5995dc  No.1407113

File: 66df0cbe71a31ce⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1141x1008, 163:144, ClipboardImage.png)

Get to 2 (two) minutes in lads, an even better lass

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10473b  No.1407114

File: e47b1f8442d29cd⋯.png (745.42 KB, 938x683, 938:683, 144099116567714.png)

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63c4be  No.1407115

File: 367a713cb344124⋯.jpg (125.51 KB, 799x1200, 799:1200, DxCMR2MX0AAQRdp.jpg)


love lasses with the kim joy phenotype

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91a46b  No.1407116

File: 76ba30748c04824⋯.webm (1.66 MB, 640x352, 20:11, russianbullying.webm)

did any of you lads ever experience anything like this?

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5995dc  No.1407117

File: 33fb2e2311a438b⋯.png (860.03 KB, 659x717, 659:717, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17dd20857dbe3ac⋯.png (807.43 KB, 616x805, 88:115, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d851600d07bb150⋯.png (1005.35 KB, 953x984, 953:984, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3f257dd9f5c6b4⋯.gif (142.64 KB, 600x600, 1:1, coomer_comfy.gif)

I luv her lads



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10473b  No.1407118


that lad is going to grow up to have a cbt fettish

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518673  No.1407119


Dorset was held down by some girls in school and one peed on his face

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10473b  No.1407120


is she pooing in the first photo?

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4b9ce2  No.1407121


had these two sort of ugly girls a year or two below me that would "bully" me when I was in my final year of school, always wanted to touch my hair and follow me after school and asked me all sorts of weird shit. Was a proper autist so it didn't dawn on me until about a year after I'd left that they probably wanted the shag tbh. Still would tbh.

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4b9ce2  No.1407122


>passing rope


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63c4be  No.1407123

File: 00dd1e6dc288464⋯.png (445.86 KB, 562x375, 562:375, ClipboardImage.png)

pwoah she still looks yummy now that she's older

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10473b  No.1407124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63c4be  No.1407125

File: ff02cea11324bc8⋯.jpg (100.04 KB, 1016x1024, 127:128, 1571518683840.jpg)

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518673  No.1407126

File: 1bdda840e1a4b02⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1667x1168, 1667:1168, ClipboardImage.png)


>ywn part cheeks and use that wart as target practice

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518673  No.1407128

File: 49c33236a1fd44e⋯.png (35.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1445169145549.png)

w-where is steiner lads? hope he hasn't been shomrim'd by that Jewish guy he sent a quote to

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b2eb8a  No.1407129


the red pills go to faggots who are paid to review failed answers. somewhere, far away, a faggot gets triggered.

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de3dd5  No.1407130

File: a6ae100b8599384⋯.jpg (134.81 KB, 639x1077, 213:359, STEINER111.jpg)


I'll make the call

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b2eb8a  No.1407131

File: d07af30c59086ba⋯.jpeg (69.14 KB, 755x542, 755:542, CD85BF69_AD57_4BE7_ABE3_5….jpeg)

lads should stop doing this.

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b2eb8a  No.1407132

File: 7039dcb6cbd115e⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1536x1449, 512:483, B9256CAB_4079_4097_9BB6_E….jpeg)

File: c2a0e7c5b15ac60⋯.jpeg (30.54 KB, 220x293, 220:293, 3D4FF700_7A25_4CC5_8089_8….jpeg)

where is sa? trump is now Constantine

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b2eb8a  No.1407133


i know a lad who was engaged to a lass getting a psychology degree. he got fucked up in an accident and she dumped him. i’d call it sad, but i knew it would happen. she had a big mouth. bigger the mouth, smaller the deeds.

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518673  No.1407134


>Trump vows to

how's that wall working out again?

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b2eb8a  No.1407135

File: cf165a506d041f0⋯.jpeg (64.58 KB, 512x512, 1:1, C6280A34_0880_43F1_B47D_E….jpeg)

see hermione granger’s disgustin… (CLICK HERE)

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b2eb8a  No.1407136


we got out first ever #maga move, this week. it’s a temporary stay on certain categories of visas. it’s the first pro-white thing to happen by a politician, in my lifetime, but it expires in December, and so idk how i feel. wanted James Fields released, he literally just defended himself from the antifa lynch mob. i figure trump le dumpf or whatever you call him will go straight back to sucking on the anus of Modi.

What’s your game theory recommendation?

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b2eb8a  No.1407137

reminder hermione granger was supposed to have bad teeth in the first movie. lost faith in jew wood when that happened, they fixed her teeth…

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518673  No.1407138

oh the schizo IP-hopped

disgusting, making me filter you twice in one thread

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10473b  No.1407139

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b2eb8a  No.1407140

trying to feel angry, but i keep feeling basically zen, maybe because i’ve accepted the complete collapse of western civ

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4b9ce2  No.1407141

*bulwarks the little lads from your schizo posting with my (50)+ girth*

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b2eb8a  No.1407142


what’s so bad about schizophrenia? i never got that. like, if you had it you’d never be lonely. not joking, that would be nice. like how fags all get laid. the ultimate would be to be a schizophrenic male prostitute.

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b2eb8a  No.1407143

File: 59169b55b410c73⋯.jpeg (879.4 KB, 966x1285, 966:1285, 1248ABE5_E628_4316_B4B5_F….jpeg)

israel palestinian schools are segregated from jews.

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b2eb8a  No.1407144

as expected, though the case is retraxit, the bongo-bongo Ugandan judge and the jew fake prosecutors are maintaining the case against Flynn

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b2eb8a  No.1407145

i’m naming steiner bubba right now.

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b2eb8a  No.1407146

bubba blow hard

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b2eb8a  No.1407147

locals pol is the place for the smartest people in the world

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4b9ce2  No.1407148

Aaaand I've had enough of that

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b2eb8a  No.1407149

rupert murdoch’s wife is hot. epidemic of gold digging whores tbh tbh tbh

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b2eb8a  No.1407150


be a nigger somewhere else, nigger

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b2eb8a  No.1407151

Boris Johnson rapes children.

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4b9ce2  No.1407152

Bought some little plastic ferns from an aquarium supply shop I was at with a mate the other day, chucked them up on a shelf to put them out of the way until I need them. Not gonna lie lads, I really like the look of them peering over the edge of the shelf tbh, might become a weirdo and buy a load of plastic house plants to hang about the place, seeing them seems to make my monke brain relax

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b2eb8a  No.1407154


annnd he lies

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63c4be  No.1407155

File: c9eefb6fa39afca⋯.png (111.96 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

aaaaaahhhh my tummy

night lads

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b2eb8a  No.1407156

post self improvement goals, and includeteelline

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b2eb8a  No.1407157

<ron the christian has a hentai board ffs

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dda365  No.1407158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Regretfully think I may of influenced schizo with my normal posts these are awfull unlike mine though

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dda365  No.1407159

Can't help being such a character I birth retard imitators

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4b9ce2  No.1407160


very comfy, can feel the nice cool rain tbh

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9c9296  No.1407161

File: ef63a8fe6cd9958⋯.jpg (254.63 KB, 1600x1168, 100:73, depositphotos_180290576_st….jpg)

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4b9ce2  No.1407162


welcome back lad, snack on this late night (You)

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518673  No.1407163

File: 20078fb7076f839⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Steiner_strut.mp4)


evening lad save us from the schizo nonce

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9c9296  No.1407164


smh was toiling all day

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4b9ce2  No.1407165

inb4 router resets in 10 minutes and loses me my post hoard just before the new thread

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9c9296  No.1407166

File: 08bc115842903be⋯.png (71.85 KB, 512x424, 64:53, 1592921100056.png)


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4b9ce2  No.1407167


night laddo

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518673  No.1407168

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10473b  No.1407169

File: 044fdaa2391b4ce⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ready_for_bed.mp4)

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dda365  No.1407170

File: 757f45535984e2b⋯.jpeg (14.99 KB, 474x316, 3:2, OIP_1_.jpeg)

Looking at a tv and it might as well be magic, I've no concept of how anything works think I'll start learning tomorrow, shapes and things.

>those nob ends at school that said why should we learn maths, how is that going to help us get a job

Imagine wanting to be cattle, also they clearly heard someone else say it and just wanted to sound smart

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dda365  No.1407171


Good night

>1% battery

Shot can I send this in time

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1d3903  No.1407172

apparently covid is back on the menu. little disappointing that we're getting second wave at the warmest part of the year though. i wanted a winter of discontent

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52730c  No.1407173


no Great return to the Pub then?

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52730c  No.1407174

Yep, router reset. Posts are fleeting tbh lads.

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52730c  No.1407178


You weren't honestly expecting a good game out of it were you?

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518673  No.1407180

File: 92aa89926280c9f⋯.png (766.64 KB, 634x737, 634:737, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1906690611fa7e6⋯.png (17.67 KB, 196x257, 196:257, ClipboardImage.png)



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52730c  No.1407181


ROOOOOOOOOI hate them lad, countrylads need to pitchfork them back in.

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1d3903  No.1407182

File: b9ac08b6ea89aba⋯.png (118.86 KB, 396x385, 36:35, b9ac08b6ea89aba824bc58a2d7….png)

>suns already up

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1d3903  No.1407184


tbh this will be me when i move to portugal next year

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5995dc  No.1407185

File: 4031233ad69d273⋯.png (494.69 KB, 650x800, 13:16, orangutan_looking.png)

…………………………………………………..night lads…………………………………………………………

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52730c  No.1407186

File: 1a9c359c5c116cd⋯.jpg (208.67 KB, 1242x1293, 414:431, toasts_u.jpg)

Yeah fuck it, I'm off too lads. Here's to waking up at 5 in the afternoon!

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1d3903  No.1407187


set your alarm for midday you idiot

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52730c  No.1407188


>Depriving yourself of the extra dreamtime by setting an alarm

Waking life is nothing but toil lad, why would I ever do that to myself?

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9049fc  No.1407190

hate The smell of a nearly full thread in the morning me

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2f7a33  No.1407191

File: fd6e7e8073212ea⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 421x750, 421:750, fd6e7e8073212eaeeec9f56a27….jpg)

sick of these damn puppies constantly whining over nothing

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518673  No.1407192

File: be34ef10dca946a⋯.webm (734.25 KB, 794x874, 397:437, Oh_Shit_Its_Him.webm)

>can't sleep until at least 8 because I have to go to the post depot to send that return and the road is closed so I have to walk

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518673  No.1407193

File: a87ea444aaa4ea0⋯.png (525.51 KB, 433x680, 433:680, ClipboardImage.png)

Olympus quits camera business after 84 years


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b2eb8a  No.1407194


dunno what cameras are for, anyway

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ee3c40  No.1407195

if i see another nog im going to attack my monitor

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b2eb8a  No.1407196


t. it’s a private company they can do what they want zoomer

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ee3c40  No.1407200



















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da7295  No.1408086

Made by a jew or cia


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