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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: f344004e5f85be8⋯.gif (628.65 KB, 300x300, 1:1, eng.gif)

866f02  No.1406434[View All]

UK weather LIVE: Brits swelter in 31C heat on hottest day of the year


Coronavirus: UK must prepare for second virus wave - health leaders


Chimp, 16, ‘glassed by far right activists’ searched by police after asking for help


Man, 36, walks around with a knife sticking out of his HEAD after he was stabbed for defending a woman during bloodshed and violence across NYC


658 posts and 307 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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b2eb8a  No.1407142


what’s so bad about schizophrenia? i never got that. like, if you had it you’d never be lonely. not joking, that would be nice. like how fags all get laid. the ultimate would be to be a schizophrenic male prostitute.

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b2eb8a  No.1407143

File: 59169b55b410c73⋯.jpeg (879.4 KB, 966x1285, 966:1285, 1248ABE5_E628_4316_B4B5_F….jpeg)

israel palestinian schools are segregated from jews.

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b2eb8a  No.1407144

as expected, though the case is retraxit, the bongo-bongo Ugandan judge and the jew fake prosecutors are maintaining the case against Flynn

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b2eb8a  No.1407145

i’m naming steiner bubba right now.

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b2eb8a  No.1407146

bubba blow hard

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b2eb8a  No.1407147

locals pol is the place for the smartest people in the world

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4b9ce2  No.1407148

Aaaand I've had enough of that

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b2eb8a  No.1407149

rupert murdoch’s wife is hot. epidemic of gold digging whores tbh tbh tbh

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b2eb8a  No.1407150


be a nigger somewhere else, nigger

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b2eb8a  No.1407151

Boris Johnson rapes children.

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4b9ce2  No.1407152

Bought some little plastic ferns from an aquarium supply shop I was at with a mate the other day, chucked them up on a shelf to put them out of the way until I need them. Not gonna lie lads, I really like the look of them peering over the edge of the shelf tbh, might become a weirdo and buy a load of plastic house plants to hang about the place, seeing them seems to make my monke brain relax

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b2eb8a  No.1407154


annnd he lies

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63c4be  No.1407155

File: c9eefb6fa39afca⋯.png (111.96 KB, 270x270, 1:1, sad_cry.png)

aaaaaahhhh my tummy

night lads

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b2eb8a  No.1407156

post self improvement goals, and includeteelline

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b2eb8a  No.1407157

<ron the christian has a hentai board ffs

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dda365  No.1407158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Regretfully think I may of influenced schizo with my normal posts these are awfull unlike mine though

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dda365  No.1407159

Can't help being such a character I birth retard imitators

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4b9ce2  No.1407160


very comfy, can feel the nice cool rain tbh

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9c9296  No.1407161

File: ef63a8fe6cd9958⋯.jpg (254.63 KB, 1600x1168, 100:73, depositphotos_180290576_st….jpg)

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4b9ce2  No.1407162


welcome back lad, snack on this late night (You)

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518673  No.1407163

File: 20078fb7076f839⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Steiner_strut.mp4)


evening lad save us from the schizo nonce

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9c9296  No.1407164


smh was toiling all day

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4b9ce2  No.1407165

inb4 router resets in 10 minutes and loses me my post hoard just before the new thread

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9c9296  No.1407166

File: 08bc115842903be⋯.png (71.85 KB, 512x424, 64:53, 1592921100056.png)


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4b9ce2  No.1407167


night laddo

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518673  No.1407168

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10473b  No.1407169

File: 044fdaa2391b4ce⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ready_for_bed.mp4)

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dda365  No.1407170

File: 757f45535984e2b⋯.jpeg (14.99 KB, 474x316, 3:2, OIP_1_.jpeg)

Looking at a tv and it might as well be magic, I've no concept of how anything works think I'll start learning tomorrow, shapes and things.

>those nob ends at school that said why should we learn maths, how is that going to help us get a job

Imagine wanting to be cattle, also they clearly heard someone else say it and just wanted to sound smart

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dda365  No.1407171


Good night

>1% battery

Shot can I send this in time

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1d3903  No.1407172

apparently covid is back on the menu. little disappointing that we're getting second wave at the warmest part of the year though. i wanted a winter of discontent

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52730c  No.1407173


no Great return to the Pub then?

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52730c  No.1407174

Yep, router reset. Posts are fleeting tbh lads.

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52730c  No.1407178


You weren't honestly expecting a good game out of it were you?

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518673  No.1407180

File: 92aa89926280c9f⋯.png (766.64 KB, 634x737, 634:737, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1906690611fa7e6⋯.png (17.67 KB, 196x257, 196:257, ClipboardImage.png)



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52730c  No.1407181


ROOOOOOOOOI hate them lad, countrylads need to pitchfork them back in.

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1d3903  No.1407182

File: b9ac08b6ea89aba⋯.png (118.86 KB, 396x385, 36:35, b9ac08b6ea89aba824bc58a2d7….png)

>suns already up

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1d3903  No.1407184


tbh this will be me when i move to portugal next year

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5995dc  No.1407185

File: 4031233ad69d273⋯.png (494.69 KB, 650x800, 13:16, orangutan_looking.png)

…………………………………………………..night lads…………………………………………………………

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52730c  No.1407186

File: 1a9c359c5c116cd⋯.jpg (208.67 KB, 1242x1293, 414:431, toasts_u.jpg)

Yeah fuck it, I'm off too lads. Here's to waking up at 5 in the afternoon!

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1d3903  No.1407187


set your alarm for midday you idiot

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52730c  No.1407188


>Depriving yourself of the extra dreamtime by setting an alarm

Waking life is nothing but toil lad, why would I ever do that to myself?

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9049fc  No.1407190

hate The smell of a nearly full thread in the morning me

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2f7a33  No.1407191

File: fd6e7e8073212ea⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 421x750, 421:750, fd6e7e8073212eaeeec9f56a27….jpg)

sick of these damn puppies constantly whining over nothing

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518673  No.1407192

File: be34ef10dca946a⋯.webm (734.25 KB, 794x874, 397:437, Oh_Shit_Its_Him.webm)

>can't sleep until at least 8 because I have to go to the post depot to send that return and the road is closed so I have to walk

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518673  No.1407193

File: a87ea444aaa4ea0⋯.png (525.51 KB, 433x680, 433:680, ClipboardImage.png)

Olympus quits camera business after 84 years


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b2eb8a  No.1407194


dunno what cameras are for, anyway

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ee3c40  No.1407195

if i see another nog im going to attack my monitor

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b2eb8a  No.1407196


t. it’s a private company they can do what they want zoomer

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ee3c40  No.1407200



















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da7295  No.1408086

Made by a jew or cia


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