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/brit/ - /Brit/pol

Britain can be a lot better than this
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beware the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)

File: 11ea2a7586cb64e⋯.png (383.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b4dfdb72ecb0c0⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB, 396x858, 6:13, vroom_vroom.mp4)

e6d482  No.1375522[View All]



Police Scanner


US has DEADLIEST police culture in modern world, they only know incarceration & brutality – George Floyd family co-counsel


National Guard to be ‘FULLY MOBILIZED’ in Minnesota as governor brands George Floyd protests ‘attack’ on civil society


Woman gets KNOCKED OUT by cop after punching officer twice (VIDEO)


WATCH: Looters snatch trays of gold & jewels as LA jewelry store is plundered amid George Floyd protests


630 posts and 186 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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a50f5f  No.1376193


lad I think he's having you on

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623d12  No.1376194

Is herts arguing against terminal velocity?

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897507  No.1376195

File: 3b3792a645766d3⋯.png (6.05 MB, 1944x2592, 3:4, brendan.png)


>He was only pretending to be retarded

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7c5a55  No.1376196


look at these white cucks. I want to be in a fema camp with these faggots fucking stomp them out so bad. race traitor faggots laying in the gutter for niggers

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4f6ad8  No.1376199

File: 1a52ad75653f982⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 354x286, 177:143, choon.jpg)


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326b7a  No.1376200

Herts is a fucking cringe faggot

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d48857  No.1376201

File: d20cc7bdfda7b56⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 936x1668, 78:139, C1BDD7FB_2AB7_4403_9D43_0….jpeg)

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c31439  No.1376202



lad i've fucking seen it i have experienced it firsthand i was there i have observed it with my own eyes

without air resistance objects fall at the same rate

post something compelling or you're full of shit



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326b7a  No.1376204

File: 527e6ad1dc6a091⋯.png (163.81 KB, 1441x400, 1441:400, Bongo_Ferts_Cutter.png)

Herts is what your mind looks like on Protestantism. This fat cunt thinks he knows more than YOU specifically reading this.

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326b7a  No.1376205

File: b41935d6a6209cf⋯.png (19.45 KB, 1785x161, 255:23, Bongo_Ferts_Coke_Head.png)

File: 5dc99fc9083246d⋯.jpg (565.29 KB, 2673x2793, 891:931, Bongo_Ferts.jpg)

Hang him

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c31439  No.1376207



lad he's literally a wannabe jew

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326b7a  No.1376208


Just like I said . . .PROTESTANTISM

*laughing emojis*

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326b7a  No.1376209

File: 5dc99fc9083246d⋯.jpg (565.29 KB, 2673x2793, 891:931, Bongo_Ferts.jpg)

newton just called you a retard lad

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5d12d7  No.1376210

File: 2a6ab865b3b95bb⋯.mp4 (12.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SLAM_comp.mp4)

on the brighter side lads

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e6d482  No.1376212


imagine being that fat and ugly

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8ebf01  No.1376213


He's not ugly.

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623d12  No.1376214

I feel like appealing to authority while not understanding how physics has evolved and/or justified is a flimsy argument.

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897507  No.1376215


how come those police drivers aren't locked up for 400 years after some fat fuck of a shartican female had a heart attack nearby?

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326b7a  No.1376216


t. skinny ferts


but lad, Newton called you a retard

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e6d482  No.1376217



>big nose

>no chin yet has a double chin

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c31439  No.1376218


if vacuums don't exist then explain how objects can fall at the same rate in air lad

i've fucking seen it with my own eyes

there is no "gotcha" moment for you lad i know they fall at the same rate

all that's left for you is post-hoc rationalisations to try and salvage your point of view


no lass protestantism is based but herts is not a protestant

he rejects Christ


yes he is lad he's like a solid 4/10

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8ebf01  No.1376219

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e6d482  No.1376220


he's an ugly retard who instigates stupid arguments and derails threads

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c31439  No.1376221

waiting for evidence that will somehow be more compelling than firsthand personal experience

doubt herts can deliver tbh but he will certainly try bless him

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326b7a  No.1376223


>he rejects Christ

Then may Christendom unite against him tbf




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623d12  No.1376225


It'd be a good time to buy stocks in companies that produce pepper spray.

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7c5a55  No.1376227


because its only okay when the state or minorities use violence lad. when the white majorities in jewish banker occupied states appear to organize politically its a crime against reality

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a50f5f  No.1376228


I'd rebut him because I used to be an "epic science wow cool tips fedora and extremely high speeds" faggot smh don't judge me so I could probably dust of the old flat earth btfo arguments but it just feels like he's just shit mixing.

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326b7a  No.1376229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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623d12  No.1376230


It'd be a good time to buy stocks in companies that produce pepper spray.

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326b7a  No.1376232

Went outside today. It was weird seeing people and things again. Saw big bouncy fat bitch titties in a bra. Vile but slightly arousing. Everyone seem to have been getting haircuts somehow.

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5d12d7  No.1376233

File: 49c64b3b6d5e775⋯.png (319.98 KB, 665x691, 665:691, ceo.png)

EPSTEIN corpse examiner to perform independent autopsy on George Floyd

>Former New York City chief medical examiner Michael Baden will conduct an independent autopsy on George Floyd following his death after being pinned by a Minneapolis police officer.

>Dr. Michael Baden, who previously conducted an independent autopsy of Jeffrey Epstein, will do the examination after the family takes Floyd’s body back from the state, their lawyer said Friday.


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897507  No.1376234

File: 7ce208eddcdae7f⋯.png (50.48 KB, 272x250, 136:125, DON_T_tell_me_how_to_drink….png)

surprised herts hasn't come across vacuums before tbh you can make one by sucking the air out of a bottle and getting your tongue stuck in it


might be a laugh to skip all of the sideshow shite and larp as the head of a flagellant death cult and lead all the cattle to their demise tbh lad

would probably get really popular if you said it was a slavery reparations thing

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897507  No.1376235

File: bc2bbba7b5530ca⋯.png (49.55 KB, 255x255, 1:1, hmmst2.png)

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326b7a  No.1376236

File: f0512c05d79369b⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 539x365, 539:365, jamal.jpg)


If Herts wants proof that vacuums exist he could just get a brain scan!

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7c5a55  No.1376237


I don't want my face associated with late stage shartican civilization lad

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c31439  No.1376238


don't care about theory lass don't give even a single lonesome shit

i know what i've seen and if you're telling me that i didn't see what i saw then i'm throwing your whole argument out unless you can give a good reason why i shouldn't simple as


sims-tier pathfinding at 3:30


floyd probably killed himself tbh

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897507  No.1376239


being immortalised in history by that context would be pretty cringe tbh

guerrilla gardening it is

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24e22e  No.1376241

File: 4e0c0968bf4d877⋯.png (39.75 KB, 128x128, 1:1, smirkingus.png)


so youre saying my ass is tight

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623d12  No.1376242


bit gay tbh

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c31439  No.1376243


>so you have ceded the point then lad??

no i'm not lad i'm entertaining your point of view to see how you justify it but from what i've seen you don't at all you immediately skip to pretending that you've won

>your moving the goalposts and burden of proof

no i'm not lad i've literally seen it with my own eyes

assuming that what you say is true then that means that a steel ball and a feather can fall at the same speed in air

i've seen them do it in a vacuum but if vacuums don't exist then that obviously means i've seen them do it in air

you're the one who says vacuums don't exist so explain how that could be possible

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c31439  No.1376244


stop lad

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c31439  No.1376246


nice ad hom lass that sounds like not an argument

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24e22e  No.1376247



wondering how to interpret this tbh

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c31439  No.1376248

File: b07aebf98b0ac98⋯.jpg (122.69 KB, 647x490, 647:490, no_more_arguments.jpg)

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7c5a55  No.1376250

File: 62a2995096ca7df⋯.jpg (110.61 KB, 1242x1228, 621:614, d88d41539da8a286517b4d648e….jpg)

why is there so much gay shit on these boards all the time? like how can you be interested in being gay? how is it even a thing? did you read about the memoirs of the 40 year old men (not really even that old) who are having their intestines fall out when they lift weights and have to wear diapers and they leak infection fluid from their butt and have painful shites every day of their life and they lose weight and get ill all the time?

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c31439  No.1376251

File: a775aa71e5d8273⋯.png (628.65 KB, 619x531, 619:531, varg_cat.png)



interpreting bum tightness as a compliment

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e6d482  No.1376253
























































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623d12  No.1376254

Is arm chair physics hour over yet?

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326b7a  No.1376255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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